Billy Crystal and Whoopi Goldberg talk on Robin Williams

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Yeah, well I didn't know I was walking into the vagina Monologue You've been there before Yeah You know I know [where] my thing [is] all the time That's true. I don't know the charge but that's the difference between men and women this is what men do: men stand there go This way they're going this way to going this we can't do that. We're like [ooh], [hoo] yeah, I'm One of the reasons I I [love] still fooling them and we're gonna talk a bit about it But I think first We got to talk [about] our friend and our brother, Robin Williams. You did an amazing tribute at the Emmys. [I] cannot imagine that was seamless Was it it was one of the hardest things I've ever- if not the hardest thing I've ever had had to do you know He was such a great dear Friend of ours and such a joyous spirit, so when it all happened. It was you know So breathtaking and that's why I tweeted then. I just wrote no words. Yeah, cause I didn't have any no I just had pain yeah and so that night uh Was the first chance I would talk and say something about our buddy and um it was hard to craft it to make it humorous and personal without being self-serving right and sort of being In a [two] minute eulogy in front of the country um [that] was that was difficult So I'm glad it was you know that people responded to it. Yeah, it helped me get through uh You know what we [what] we were all going through yeah, I mean Do me a favor and people think they know robin, but what who was Robin that we know I'm not sure Explain well because he was such an amazing person yeah He was the most brilliant performer you could ever imagine yeah um I talked about that his his physical presence on a stage was amazing, um [many] times you know we'd be together on stage the three of us and whoopi, and I were like his parents And we were taking the we're taking the crazy song and we just sometimes I'd watch him and then it just became so sort of magical uh uh uh you know to Work with him and and and it was just the greatest [yeah], we are We [raised] 70 million dollars to help the homeless in America. Yeah, and we had but for us it was a chance to get to know each other and that started in 1986 and we became the closest of friends and Robin and I just bonded then in the quiet moments in the moments when we would bring checks to the homeless shelters around the country because a month after two hbo's Credit huh, we had hundreds of thousands of dollars that [we] would go and go to a house of [ruth's] in Washington Yes, well We're in Denver downtown La the Venice Family Clinic and the three of us would come or will be one of us or two and we would go in [and] It was [raining] money and just the look on their faces like hey. Look here's a van We just bought you it why should you remember that so it was fantastic times, but Robin and I? Um as we got older yeah became this amazing bond and very fiercely protective of each other and and in great ways the phone calls I you know we talked about doing an album yeah um Like a june let's let's take these phone calls. [yeah], we were like two jazz Musicians late at night I get these calls and we'd go for hours, and we never spoke as ourselves. It was like It was like the greatest when it was announced. I was coming to broadway I had 50 phone messages in one day from somebody named Gary Who wanted to be my backstage dresser? I [work] with everybody I've worked with everybody I i'd. I work with Carol Channing Don't want to talk about that, and it was like. It was like great, and we were very protective of Whoopi When you would host the oscars, and I'd be robin lives in San Francisco [and] I'd be in La she'd do it opening phone would ring How do you think she's doing boss I thought was good really strong open. It's great. Good five minutes later You've done your first intro, what do you think I think was really good the whole show? It would be the two of us on the phone and then night good night. She was good, right I think she was great good all right bye-bye, but these are these were my these So I want to show you One of my favorite moments from comic relief because the two of them I would just sit And you just didn't want to go do it. [here's] one watch these fools, please watch. This is my favorite What is this take a look? She's so excited and she just can't hide (turn) She's about to lose control and I think I like it (Oh yeah) She's so excited (how you been?) (Good) (I feel really happy to be here) (and we cross) (and) ooooh oh! oooooh (make a wish) oh ooooooh (there she is) (can we bring her out) (alright) (Ladies and Gentlemen!) (Honey bunch it up !) (The star of our show. Here's Miss..) (Bobby!) Hold it hold it. What's the problem? It's Betty I said Bobby and something that happened last night. I'm sorry Yeah, yeah, he was uh you know first. Why I hate saying he was it's just it's not even been two months Yeah, and it's just so odd for everybody um I was in Europe when it all happened and the outpouring of love around the world For him was pretty extraordinary well he was extraordinary when I was in the airport It's every newspapers with international newspapers his picture on the front page with all the craziness that was going on in the world everyone felt bad that Someone did that they loved had gone yeah, and that I thought was pretty astounding. Yeah, you know it wasn't it. I mean he was Because you know I? Met him ten [years] before I met you (uh) you've met you Because [he] used to come to the comedy store in San Diego and we would improvise and it was Robin Williams [on] his little Mork and Mindy When he-when he said when we first re met he was like Boy, you grew up. [let's] think yeah. I turned that alright. He said [alright] and then Babysat me and taken care of me for for as long as I can remember and we've aged together and grown up together So it's one of those things But I I also want to share something else that I love about what we did with comic relief And that was some of our openings. I still believe that We did some of the best openings for show ever you guys have yeah, right You know that's one this I think is the first one yeah with all of the boxes and everything [no], this is oh my God That was it that [was] it radio city musical. Yes, that's the first time. I did stand-up cause of ya'll right there happens wait up Yeah, man I Mean I you know we got there was nothing that we couldn't do together. There was nothing. We couldn't do yeah Look Baby, you want to stick around cuz we're gonna talk about the [bug] yeah, but shall we honor our friend. Yeah, okay?
Channel: Jaguarnote
Views: 5,684,300
Rating: 4.8793831 out of 5
Keywords: Billy Crystal (TV Writer), Whoopi Goldberg (Celebrity), Robin Williams (Celebrity)
Id: X3C1-9at9sA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 1sec (541 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 27 2014
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