Billy Burke Interview with Tim Storey

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welcome to another great day of your life and then a nice way of putting it that life can be great why not live a great life it's your choice every day you can choose a really nice life from life's menu today on today's program we're going to talk a little bit about miracles you know God puts a demand on your life the demand is always a little bit too big for you to handle but it's just right for God to handle and so God helps you by putting super on your natural and helps your life to become super natural I love studying signs and wonders I spent a lot of money to do something called the Azusa Street documentary for the hundredth year anniversary of Azusa Street would took place in 1906 to 1909 the people came from all over the world to experience Pentecost and the charismatic movement now we have around 700 million charismatic surround the world who pray in the spirit speak in tongues and believe in signs and wonders but today there's really only a handful of people that are used in a very powerful way in signs of wonders and today we have somebody that's really kind of a world shaker a forerunner in this and his name is pastor Billy Burke good to have you on the program so good to be here how's that for an introduction what I'm gonna pay you to travel with me I'm telling you but it's really true you know back in the days because you love this kind of thing - yeah my friend Oral Roberts your friend who's now in heaven more Cerullo a allen Jacko william branham grapey those guys really blazed a trail in healing back in the 40s you don't really see too much of it today you don't you don't and what you see today though because of Technology you see ministries that are larger but not necessarily more pure yes see the there's a greater mixture today in the ministries than previous and a lot of that's because of the progressiveness of Darkness mm-hmm in the earth the leaders today have more to contend with good point and what's interesting about pastor Billy Burke's life is that you started in this and you have stayed with it it'd be so easy to kind of dissipate and lose your unction one of the power of God because I know your story very influenced by the life of Kathryn Kuhlman yeah how some of the viewers about that well I was healed of brain cancer at an early age I was nine years old and I was discharged from a hospital in Pittsburgh because the cancer was too far advanced I was given three days to live and my grandmother who was an Adventist nur of Katherine had me discharged against doctors wishes we had to sign all the legal papers and we they took me into a Friday morning meeting and I was in the balcony and just watching this Ida patch over my eye because I double vision the cancer had spread to my lungs my brain my one side was pretty paralyzed and I was fast and they did you know as most people are by you know at that time being slain was it meant more yeah and it was an amazing thing that was in the 60s mm-hmm so and then she called my name and not my name called me I said you're being healed of cancer huh and from that point I went down and we engaged and and when that hand touched my body I mean there was a power that I'd never felt before I mean you really got healed oh really boom I mean we're talking we're talking you know like a three days to live and sixty seconds later you're cleansed it was it was a supernatural supernatural defies many people think a miracle is instant and a healing is gradual not true mm-hmm a miracle is something that defies logic it's not supposed to happen whether it's five seconds or five years you know and some people their faith is still catching up so it takes a little longer there's not very much a miracle you know and but when that power hit meet him and I was on that floor what was going on there and she was standing right over saying this you know he was going through your lives with the Holy Ghost and you know and I mean and at that time she wasn't famous to me yeah you know she was just a that's helping me they probably didn't even have it on tape did they tape it at that time well she didn't allow taping and yeah sir there she did not allow cameras mm-hmm she said this is the sanctuary of the Holy Spirit so they filmed her outside of there but in that particular setting there's no known video well somehow your story touched her heart because then she later had you testified yes yes yeah that was why that was nine so I was I did stuff with her up until about 13 and then I back slid I went away from the Lord my parents divorced so for six years I was away from God but can I talk about the 9 to 13 yeah because you're walking with church history yeah did you know she had something I did she was oh yeah you could smell it yeah there was a man she didn't wear perfume anybody that knew her she would not wear perfume but I'd always say to my grandmother there's something about her the smells and she said be careful Billy don't say that it's just a different owner yes because when you're young and you're not educated you don't know how to quite describe the anointing but what an experience because you know I know the story of a Benny Han or other guys that are flowing and healing yeah they didn't get that close to Kathryn Kuhlman they may have been in her meeting or yeah maybe I watched her videos or read her books but to be walking with her as a young man there seems that something probably rubbed off on you some say that I mean I hope that's you know impartation is real you and I both know that to what extent we you know we don't know oh I believe but yes um I fought it I didn't want to do this I mean I wanted to go another way yeah so when I back slid and I was still going the other way at 19 not a younger brother it was killed instantly by a drunk driver and that's whenever I fell apart mm-hmm because he was so much a better son to my parents than I was he was a more of a you know I was more of the rebel and that's whenever she then had Maggie partner yes so is her secretary Maggie she had Maggie call and so you tell Bailey I want to say him mm-hmm I said no and I told her so no I don't want to see your I don't want to into that and so then my grandmother said you know you need to go that's when I went to Youngstown oh yeah and that's whenever it all started if you fast forward to today okay we're in 2012 yes did you ever imagine that your life would be this this nice no no I never imagined that that my story because when you're going through something horrible mm-hmm you know you know you don't realize that at the crux of evil whether it's divorce or bankruptcy or gambling or prostitution or drugs or whatever you don't realize it's that testimony that scares the devil more than anything and it's that testimony that God wants to use and I tell people you know whoever thought that when I went through all of that that my suffering would be somebody else's glory yeah none of us equate that all we want is out you you know this as well as me maybe better than me is that I think one reason we don't have so many people being used in healing is because there's a lack of compassion where you know Jesus saw people hurting any move with compassion they move with compassion in a lot of us who move in signs and wonders there's been a brokenness that takes place in someone's life and whether it be your brother's death it doesn't always have to do with setbacks or sin right but sometimes the things that we had to endure and go through that gives you that compassion where you you care about people well because you yourself go through something yes there's something about life that humbles us mm-hmm and there's some it should doesn't that's not a guarantee yeah but there's something about when you've been through something and all of a sudden your compassion for people you know is should skyrocket because until you're really touched and I tell people Jesus left here with marks yeah we're not leaving here without marks we're gonna get touched it's just how do we respond to that you know do we use it to get tender and and and live you know beyond ourselves or do we use that as the well hey I can make it anyhow yes it's all in how you respond to what you go through in life and when you give him the glory for bringing you through whatever mm-hmm then I believe it's usable material yes but if the glory goes to a doctor or you know I got this job or you know I got this money if the glory goes to anything else other than him I don't think there's an anointing on it I agree you know because sometimes you can go to someone's meeting and the words are there but that that presence is not there and as you know once you touch the fire it's hard to live in the smoke that's it so guys like us our detectors of of real juice like someone may say to me you got to see this guy he's from so-and-so yeah yeah yeah yeah and you know I like you know that he's trying but there's there's not wait okay and anointing as a wait that's right it's a weighty anointing right I think I think we're void of a lot of weight today well what personality-driven Tim the whole think the scheme today is personality driven we don't know Saul from David mm-hmm the average person doesn't know Saul from David Saul looks better he's more handsome he carries the image better but here's a kid here who seems like he's just his way behind he has the whole power in favor of God on him and and we've got a danger there you know the whole one the tails can go yawns scale one to ten and looks in clothes and everything's personality I like him and therefore when you like a personnel and there's a lot of people that don't have good personality but they have a weighty anointing I mean we saw that with william branham there you go I mean there's Branham that was not a phenomenal communicator right right good boy the weight of God was so heavy on I mean she wasn't the best orator yeah I mean she was on borderline very different it means you the lecture a whole lot or you didn't mm-hm and here we're still talking about her what how many years later because there was an anointing and sometimes you don't recognize that right away what she is good as we say because here's the deal I love sports I love sports yeah and it's it's easy to talk about Babe Ruth's how great he was yeah Stan Musial and because you know stories go on and be it's almost for klore but I think Kathryn was as good as some people say she was real okay see reality is scarce today reality is scarce there's people that are they're different here than they are there and and but for someone like her she said to me one time she said Billy I walked in his shoes of a successful man and boy was it fun hmm but she said I walked in the shoes of the man that suffered and boy that I learned a lot look at that one was fun brilliant and when I learned a lot and she always called that her favorite poem yes and you know I mean like I said it's it's it's the closer I am to being me here with you and and being on the stage you know the more reality that I live in otherwise there's a lot of people to live in the hype mm-hmm you know when you live in the hype you forget what those people are going through we're gonna talk about that right after the break I'm talking with my guest pastor Billy Burke we're talking about miracles about being a person who not just believes in miracles or expects miracles but you can become a miracle and they'll begin to release me R that's good watch this commercial after the break more with Pastor Billy Burke come on say OneTouch changes everything I have no herring in my left side uh-huh and I was coming up here my brother's been telling me coming Billy barks Wednesday bill barks good Hill year you're gonna be able to hear I'm here for you to help me and it's been like this for how long about two and a half years how'd you do that Randall's right what bull riding bulls you want to get he'll sing go ride more boys no sir I've done riding bulls is there you're gonna hear tonight hear me this year's gonna come up and you're gonna begin to hear you ready for this I mean who's gonna do this to you don't ya Jesus Jesus because he loves you do you hear me and you're gonna give him your whole life after this won't you by the Holy Ghost we give God praise I break the spirit of deaf and dumb in Jesus name be now loose bring him up bring him up bring him up bring him up come on say one touch the master changes everything I like that one touch from the master changes everything you like flowing in the gifts don't you it's a dick thing it really is I know you know that it is it is I mean if our viewers can understand and I tell people in all of our meetings you know if you're here tonight then maybe you don't need a healing to you but maybe you've never felt the glory or the presence in a tangible way and I said you know because there's a fine line today because in our churches we teach people against feeling almost mm-hmm walk by faith yet our culture today alcohols are feeling drugs is the feeling everything out there is feeling oriented mm-hmm why not tell the people we have a feeling that can overshadow all of that feeling I like that you know and so I tell people if you're in the meeting maybe you don't have cancer tonight maybe you know I paralyze tonight maybe you don't have you know osteoporosis but maybe tonight there's just something that you've never felt before in your whole life that's not of this world let me ask you a question we we have a society that has become a little bit cynical and somewhat skeptical so because of things they've seen on TV and kind of goofiness mm-hmm so you've been at this a long time flowing in the gifts how have you changed your style or adapted your style to to reach out to the younger generation I've tried to purge myself mm-hmm you know there's only so many songs I can sing only so much Bible I can memorize there's only so much experience you can get from other people and there's got to be a point where you decrease you know and that only comes by purging that's in the second Timothy 2:21 says if you want to be a vessel of honor and not just some clay pot mm-hmm then purge yourself of these very nice and it's simply where you get to a point where okay my anointing is working in this area but I'm not breaking that barrier yeah well then you know if you're not careful you get into the works part of it well if I fast oh well if I do this well if I do that and pretty soon it's not out there it's in here very nice and in Katherine the one thing I learned from Katherine you know I should say I'm learning is she taught way more Unser endure than anything mm-hmm her main emphasis wasn't healing her main emphasis was the day that I died oh and you know and so in trying to remember and piece together because you know when you're in the now moment you don't take footnotes mm-hmm you know you know you know you know you have to look back and almost what did grandma say and what did grandpa say and so I think with the youth culture today the best thing you can be is a real you yes is a real you if I have to work on all of this change to really I find the anointing crosses culture barriers status barriers just being authentic you know sending that's the cried today you're in Hollywood there's a crime Hollywood for reality yeah so let me ask you a question this is something people think about you have your healers guys that were used female-male in a very powerful way mm-hmm Ephesians 4:11 talks about the five gifts you know the apostle the teacher etc and it says that we should be teaching others yes okay mm-hmm - you know work the works of Christ so the question is can the average layperson be used powerfully in signs and wonders it says that signs and wonders it doesn't say signs and wonders will follow the believer okay see that's the mistake everybody thinks well signs and wonders ought to be following all the Christians doesn't say that it says in mark 16 since these signs shall follow them that believe mm-hmm so I think yeah I mean I think anybody from the housewife to the homemaker to the to the average college student to the person coming and usually if you come out of something you know that's the keys that deliver your personal deliverance your personal recovery usually what you come out of there's already an anointing there because you bear in your marks I was there and back yes yet to answer your question I believe we're in that paradigm right now where God wants to raise up the anybody's whosoever's yes to do a great thing and you know some of my favorite guys that were using healings a lot of charismatic don't know like I love John Wimber oh yes oh member was my buddy power evangelist we played golf together wimbur didn't like everything about me though he thought I was a little bit theatrical I was okay with that because his style was different than mine my style is different than yours but we were still buddies but Wimber was phenomenal at teaching laypeople yes how to flow in the powers that he was a cop he was a revolutionist what are you doing about that are you teaching people to flow in the power we're teaching people to flow in the power and we're trying to balance that okay with don't compromise your life because what I find is more people can give you it's easy to find people that have power it's hard to find people that have the life when she touched his him it doesn't say she got the anointing I got power since she got virtue when somebody prays for me I want to walk on I wanna get an impartation of their gifting but I also want I need help living the life I love that as much as anything you said because I think some people try to give life without having life that's at them truly and they're like dead vessels the anointing flows through but there's an emptiness and they're void of the bounce that's it see if you pray form you can more people can give you tongues then get you delivered and get you healed but there's few they'll give you life okay not that they're perfect not that they're perfect there's no perfection here there's no sinlessness here yes but there's that that daily walk of grace and can living in the flow I'm sorry washing me cleanse me like that so you're into the Jesus style you like to be in him in him okay let me ask you a question what are you doing in Canada either you got two bodyguards or their pastors who are these guys these are both pastors and their phenomenal friends and Pastor Brian mullet from selwyn outreach in Peterborough we've been friends for years doing a lot of meetings together and he's had a burden you know as I have for Toronto you know we know the great move that hit here yeah and oftentimes people it's funny people's perception of Toronto's like well they had the revival in us some think it's still going on and some things the whole city's saved and you know it's crazy but yet that move came it lasted for a long time Tim there's a lot of work to do and and if we're where we think we are on a prophetic calendar which is hey his coming is soon yes anyhow Pastor Brian said to me if we begin something in Toronto would you come and kind of be the catalyst and work with us I'd love to do that so we began last July mm-hmm you know a couple churches began to be the host church and then we move we did some airport vineyard meetings there yep and we began to see our crowds just continued to grow from 400 to 700 to a thousand this began to grow and grow and so now we're at a point where we had him we have a meeting coming up we had one last night at the Canadian College 9:00 on a cold night blistering night and I don't know how many people there but the auditorium was full comfortably full and tonight we have a banquet so you're the one that took part of my crowd because my crowd was good but it's been better no I know his name is pastor David Cooke mm-hmm and David is a longtime associate he's worked for many great ministries and he's worked now working out of Pastor Brian mahadji church and dave was doing a lot of our coordinating you know he has a history here and in the grader I almost said Tampa yeah in the Greater Toronto Area with a lot of people and so he's helping a lot of our workers our worship teams or you know how much it takes Usher's yeah also he's coordinating a lot of that and so this is one of the places that you're concentrating on now we're putting a lot of effort this year tell me about it well we plan to really commit once a month well do two healing services at least a month and then we're starting this year for our viewers and I really want to emphasize this the healing workshops mm-hmm because as you know a big thing for a lot of we're attracting a lot of people that are not Pentecostal we had Hindus last night saved healed we're attracting a lot of the Hindu populace worked at a lot of Asian as because Toronto's so multi culture and you know whenever you're sick you cross those party lines mm-hmm and you get healed or I should say here's my big here's my big pet peeve or you say is this the difference between the healing touch and healed and that's where a lot of the people have lost heart that are watched it by television yes because it's been going on for so long now then people know that more people get have a Healing Touch then really get healed yes because when all of the you know and all of the the pundits follow a lot of these people up well I've thought I was but I'm not and I she died and she's back in the wheelchair so how do people come to one of your meetings they can look on your website Terron touching toronto calm that's our website for toronto touching toronto calm but the heart here is not just to touch the people but to channel them into a workshop get them in the word now you know we're all over Canada would you consider going somewhere else besides Toronto or you just like it out this way I mean where there's hungry people yes you know you don't you can't always go into an area and plow all the time mm-hmm but for somebody watching a pastor or a group and they feel like there's someone up in the Ottawa area or someone outside the I don't know how far this goes but if you got some hunger there and you want to you know you want to maybe see something begin to start there yeah contact us what I love that I'm seeing today is you you have maintained your bounce you know I've been at this a long time now thirty years and I see so many people that I've seen in the ministry for years and their words may be there yeah yeah but their bounce and their soul is not there yeah my was the desk door yeah here's what I tell people one lady paid the price for me we know Jesus paid the price I understand but see if we don't get some people paying the price then we can't get a hold of Jesus and many people just can't get spirit to spirit yes so we need some vessels of clay here that have been somewhere and paid the price and so every time I you know cuz we all feel like hey hey this is too much mm-hmm that doesn't mean I quit we all feel overwhelmed you know we get attacked by the media by our peers you know I mean to sit here and say this has been an easy road I would be lying crazy like crazy yeah so it is hard and and icky so how do I stay fresh where you stay and you do all the normal things you stay in the word you walk with the Lord but the one thing you never do is forget where did he find me where did he find me because if if she hadn't paid the price Wow I'd be dead I'd be dead you know I wouldn't be here and and so the fact that you make a difference you know I mean last night's meeting we had people coming up throwing canes away and crutches and and you know people it's it and you walk away and pretty soon it gets blurry yeah you lose you lose touch with all of it you're in it and out of it in another meeting but the letters the emails and to think that somebody's life is being changed the way mine was pastor Billy Burke Tim wonderful being with you thank you you're looking great then your life is good we're talking about miracles miracles are still happening today make sure and go to pastor Billy Burke's website to find out where he's going to be and his books and CDs things that will inspire you to do the works of Jesus
Channel: Pastor Billy Burke
Views: 15,980
Rating: 4.9004149 out of 5
Keywords: Billy Burke, Healing, Faith, Preaching, Sermon, Highlights, Peter Youngren (Person), Tim Storey (TV Personality)
Id: y6y0eECfOc4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 30sec (1530 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 09 2014
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