Bill Maher Richard Clarke Bush Credit For Bin Laden HBO Mediaite

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so let's start with a question for you Robin asked Richard Clark how much credit does President Bush deserve for finding bin Laden this was some controversy last was zero I don't know what I said why that's controversy the man did nothing about bin Laden until 9/11 and after 9/11 you know I kind of did it for a few months kind of he sent troops into Afghanistan but didn't tell them to get bin Laden now it's amazing when you read the quotes how quickly he went from we have to get bin Laden this is our focus to six months later I don't I don't think about it sensed it is ad going after one man you know what what's the big deal about a flee about that though is when you think about all the risks that were involved in maintaining camps for detainees when you think about the systematic efforts to seize enemy combatants I mean that's obviously riskier than just killing people on the battlefield and I wonder I mean it does seem as though they were trying to get a systematic picture of the organization in order to make steady progress and eliminating its leadership so I'm kind of okay as he took assets that we're looking for bin Laden in Afghanistan yeah he took them out of the tent and moved them yes and I think that we can all agreed that was a mistake but the thing is that they were still seizing enemy combatants they were still fairly a question the mistake that wasn't a mistake a mistake is you know oops I parked the car in the Terry you're absolutely right it deserves to be condemned it was a foreign policy blunder on the historic scale there you go but it's also very it's also important you know why would they have seized these combatants why would they have systematically tried to gain a picture what the organization was like I mean that clearly but they do look at dollars and how they nominee what people that were seized had no usable information were kept year after year absolutely driving arson cooked which is a scandal but the thing is that he was actually very handled it was a sort of war crime Harry it was you see why it's actually a liability to capture people and put them in detainee camps the way that that would actually so when you look at the number of drone attacks we see now it's dramatically stepped-up but the thing is that's indeed Oklahoma right and you only have drone attacks what the argument is that actually love those are attacking foot soldiers rather than higher value targets because the sense is that you can actually gain valuable intelligence from a lot of number three's right so I think that the issue is you know why would they have done this thing that was actually incredibly costly for them diplomatically etc it honestly we took the organization okay dividing it up there others agree they have I believe what's called Alec station or Alec station that was a part of the CI that was supposed to be dedicated just to finding Osama bin Laden and they closed it down I never understood that okay I'm gonna get in trouble for asking this question it is above you because you'll know the answer how much of this always luck ultimately really you talk you don't really I'll lock it this is a lucky a part of it now is when you try to get someone for 15 years I suppose luck enters into it but the fact is CIA was ordered 15 years ago to get this guy and only got him in August that's when they actually found the lead no if you order a pizza and it comes 15 years later you got to be happy and I would think they would be the first to admit that there is some luck involved and also I would say complacency on the part of the target that's really what it was he thought he thought he was protected right no I said it to the to a Peter Bergen last week when I made the analogy with in The Godfather when salato says to Michael Corleone the old man got sloppy five years ago Mike could I gotten to him and that's what it was well you know he got sloppy you're kind of refuting something that you had said earlier on right I mean if that's true if the sloppiness was clearly a part of this it was something that took a very long period of time and there were other steps that led to this this is not to say that the current president doesn't deserve a lot of credit but it's also true that you needed to have a picture of the organization and that intelligence was being built it's really enough you want to be really in the national security bureaucracy who were actually dedicating a lot of time and energy to this and this was true under the previous president this one is well I think it's less they were dedicating a lot of time and energy right well if you want to be really fair though the key to him getting sloppy was that he was sitting under the protection of the Pakistani government theory so give them credit I think what look I think about a bit of a huge deal and I need something that we all need to think very hard about all right but another thing we need to think hard about is that Pakistan is still there even when we look away and that's something we often forget and we have to understand that their resentments come from somewhere so just to throw that out there as the designated pronoun I agree let me ask a question on a different matter what do you think this is for Andrew Ross Sorkin what do you think of the fact that the banks that were too big to fail during the bailout are now too bigger to fail a point which is brilliantly raised in the movie by the way this will be really I'm not just plugging it because it's on this network but it explains what has been murky to me for all these last couple of years because I'm not a very good at economics in a way that I felt like even I could understand well thank you for that you know my word today is as you just said these things are too big to fail I think that Rubik to fail squared the top ten banks now control 75% of all bank assets just think about that concentration what that ultimately means we haven't done anything really about this all of the legislations only around the margins and we really need to figure out structurally what we're willing to do about it but to me the biggest problem I think you saw it in the movie when you talked you saw it as a human drama about people these institutions are now not just too big to fail the typic to manage that's the problem they're so they're so large and they by the way keep getting larger and the question is how can you physically as one person as a CEO or a board or whatever actually manage these institutions and that to me I think is something that we had a look at it nobody really talks about it Andrew you know one of the you talked about this is that we just haven't developed the will to care or make this happen yet but you said the banks are fighting back and that's the other problem you have sent an indelible signal we have prosecuted no one who helped destroy the American economy bill black with the prosecutor in the Savings and Loan scandal said we the regulator's sent thousands of referrals to the FBI to the Justice Department for criminal prosecution and the major miscreants and the Savings and Loan scandal went to jail these guys get more money their bonuses are bigger their companies are bigger they have one I'm not sent that message oh we've sent that message loud and clear and on the criminal side I'm going to say something that's going to be unpopular and unsatisfying this may actually be a crime meaning a crime against everybody that isn't actually a fraud and that and that is part of the problem I'm not sure music virus loans weren't frauds well no I do I do think some of those were fraud but unlike alert they were frauds on both sides and so it makes it much much more complicated crime was when they changed the laws dodgy rhyme the deregulation that latest up getting rid of glass that was the [ __ ] the larger story that's the problem is that what they did probably wasn't technically a crime right okay thank you everybody thank you panel got to go I got a breakdown this video will see you next you
Channel: Geminess67
Views: 21,055
Rating: 4.6883116 out of 5
Keywords: Bill, Maher, Richard, Clarke, Bush, Credit, For, Bin, Laden, HBO, Mediaite
Id: PD5vOFN611M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 12sec (432 seconds)
Published: Sun May 15 2011
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