Most Overrated & Not Worth Visiting Spots in Paris

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either field travellers mark you with Walters woman we're here back in Paris and today we have for you are a few things that actually are overrated about visiting Paris and I know a lot of people might put Paris itself is being overrated well we do not feel that way we love Paris that's why we come here so often and we love it but we are honest travel people and we do have to be honest with you about some of the things that are a bit overrated I think the first thing I like to mention is the overrated nature of the mona lisa experience I know Caleb our oldest son the first time he went to the Mona Lisa after we fought through the crowds of people and tried to get him through so we could actually see the painting we lifted him up he's like that's all it is because that she is relatively small and when you have all those tools around there fighting to get through there and stuff like that it really kind of takes away from it so it can be kind of a letdown our overrated experience now it's a fantastic painting it's a wonderful thing to see but it is kind of a little bit of a letdown for some travel also have a heads up for that so what I recommend you do is if you're getting a little like overwhelmed by all the tourists all the people in front of there trying to get a picture of the Mona Lisa turn around take a view of the marriage at Cana the huge painting behind there that's actually better Caleb he goes there to see that not to see the Mona Lisa and when you go to the Louvre go and explore more don't just see winged victory Mona Lisa and Venus de Milo there's a lot more to see when you are there okay the second thing that's overrated about coming to Paris is going up the Eiffel Tower now I've done it a number of times and it is a beautiful view I will give it that but again it's that whole experience of going up the Eiffel Tower going through the security checks waiting in the lines and all those kind of things going up smooshed together and the elevators I mean it's a claustrophobic nightmare for some people if you're a little claustrophobic or you don't like Heights so it can be a bit much and it can be a bit overwhelming how much time it can take and all these kind of things so that's why people sometimes feels an overrated experience I know when we have friends with us here I tell them look if you want to go up the Eiffel Tower that's fine we're just going to hang out in the park behind the Eiffel Tower and just relax back there while they go up and when they come back down there use your little frazzled they like the view but it's a bit much so I want to give you a heads up for that one the third thing that's overrated about coming to Paris is shopping on the Shawn silly saying I know it's the most famous street in the world right the shelfs alizée we've got to eat there we've got a drink there we've got a go to movies there we gotta go shopping there no no no no okay there's so many better places to go shopping eating drinking everything then on the shell still easy because that is the priciest of the price is kind of real estate and it can be really really packed so those stores get a little overrun so what we recommend you do is instead of shopping on the Schultz of these they go to some of the different Indies malls and go find some boutique shops some small shops some small artists kind of places and get your clothes get your shopping done there so you've a really a nice little Paris experience without being overrun by everybody okay now the next overrated thing I have to tell you is if you're going to be coming back to Paris from your trip to France and you got to fly out the over a Turnus is done centum the TGV being on time I know the superfast trains and France are fantastic they get you anywhere in a two or three hours you're pretty much anywhere in France which is great but a lot of tourists what they do is they count on that on-time miss to get back to Paris to get their flight back to the u.s. or back to Germany or back to Asia or someplace like that and I want to tell you every time there's always something a half hour delay here I missed a signal mishap there that can add on 30 minutes there two hours here I mean you got to be careful with that that's why when we travel we fly out of Paris we're always splitting at least the night before we leave in Paris so we can kind of avoid any issues with that because yes though the TGV experience is great and it's fast it is overrated and how often it's actually on time so have a heads up for that now another thing I think is overrated is the idea that the Parisians are nasty people look I don't know wiper it why I can have an idea why Parisians get a bad rap it's more than the waiters here sometimes have issues but in general the Parisians are fantastic the people are nice they're gonna be helpful you speak a little French with them they totally open up they want to help you I mean Liam he's you'll see him running around when he was a baby we couldn't get his stroller through the thing and so the locals helped us lift the straw over the top and they cursed out the metro worker because they wouldn't help us get out and so the other locals did and the people here are awesome in Paris and that kind of reputation they're nasty and not friendly is not true okay and that kind of goes along with another kind of overrated thing and that is the overrated nature of bad service and like anti-americanism you might have in Paris look we've been coming to Paris for years if you've noticed in our dozens and dozens of videos of visiting Paris we always talk about how nice the people are but the thing is I don't really get the a time American and some other people don't get it as much either so do have a heads up that it's not as bad as you think because what happens is people start to take it as oh they're doing this because we're in America or they're doing this just we're German no they're not that just the way things are ok so don't think it's targeting you over something else ok now another overrated thing I think about Paris is when people talking about Paris a lot of things they say is Paris is really dirty well I think that reputation that Paris is dirty is way overrated I mean I'll be honest Paris isn't any more dirty or less clean than other major cities throughout Europe I mean I'll be honest I mean come in here it's like leaning going a lot of big cities in the US and South America and Asia and Africa and stuff like that I mean it's not clean like Tokyo or Kigali but it is not that bad I mean yes occasion you got to look for the dog doo-doo but it's not as bad as it used to be so don't be getting that attitude like oh it's so dirty well look at other towns you'll be like you know one it pretty much lines up with other places as well and the thing is these are just little things that I think are overrated about coming to Paris now there are things that aren't overrated I mean the food here really is that fantastic I mean the food and France in general is amazing but in Paris you can eat so well when you're here another thing that's not overrated the heart-attack inducing traffic and frustration of traffic you have when you do drive around carries that is not overrated as well if you're gonna be coming to Paris and visiting France don't rent your car to drive around Paris fly into Charles to go get your car and then drive out of Paris and go visit the country when you come back to parents drop off your car cuz you don't need it in Paris ok it was great another thing that's not overrated is how affected the public transportation is here in Paris the Metro so you're within 500 meters of a metro pretty much anywhere in the city the buses go all over the place taxis uber or anything you want you want to ride the little scooters they've got all that stuff so not overrated how easy it is to get around this really huge city and I know they talk bad about the shop and the shots of these a but the shopping in Paris especially for fashion I mean I know I'm not the fanciest clothing person in the world but you could really dress well when you are here and buy stuff at an affordable price from an up-and-coming you know Cotulla or something like that I mean Joslyn that's one of her favorite things when she comes here is to get a new outfit and you're like wow I found a new little shop and I could try those things out there it is really really fantastic and the last thing that is not overrated about coming to Paris is how many tourists come here I mean this place is packed with tourists in June July August September October November December January February March April May June July August yeah every single month it is packed okay there is no low season for tourism here in Paris there's only high season and super-high season the super-high season is that June July August and at Christmastime okay outside those times it's only high season so be ready for that okay so I hope this helps you know a few things that I feel are a little overrated about Paris but also some things that are definitely not overrated about visiting parents if you want to learn more maybe some of the mistakes tourists make when they come to Paris or the don'ts of visiting Paris or things about visiting France or Europe or Asia Africa South America the u.s. go check us on our website at Walters room calm we're also on Twitter Facebook Instagram YouTube Pinterest and we really appreciate your life subscriptions if you do hit that subscribe button we put out new travel videos every Wednesday and Saturday to help you with other honest travel advice and we'll say bye from here in Paris and thank you to all our patrons on patreon all of our members that are here on YouTube we really appreciate your support and everybody happy travels bye from Paris Beauvoir
Channel: Wolters World
Views: 74,597
Rating: 4.9504242 out of 5
Keywords: travel, europe, mark wolters, wolters world, travel advice, tourist attractions, travel vlogger, honest travel, fat travel guy
Id: pvb3zDSrVjM
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Length: 8min 14sec (494 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 16 2019
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