48 HOURS IN PARIS ft. Secret Bars, Bakeries & Cheese - Our alternative guide.

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Another very romantic trip for Will and Jesse We're in Paris! Hey, I'm Jesse and behind the camera is Will and together we are Top Jaw. Over the next forty eight hours, we are gonna film our alternative guide to Paris. And, oh, by the way. I need to apologize for the quite horrific French accent that I'm gonna proceed to do over the next two days Ooohh. It's cold. Brought a big coat. Good, drop bags at the hotel and it's on to breakfast time! It's amazing. It's 172 rooms in the center of Paris. This place is mammoth! Quick stop off at the Hoxton. We dropped our bags here. We had a little tour around This place is beyond impressive. Wow, I'm so hungry, Will. Let's get some proper French pastries. Apparently they do this like pistachio Danish which sounds just awesome. Pastry time! This is what we have come to see. Owned by Christoph Vassar. They are making bread like they did hundred years ago. Dough resting for like two days. Everything cooked in a wood oven. This has been recommended to us by Maxime owner of Blanchette. We featured him before on TopJaw. It's like one of the best French restaurants in London. Come on, Will. Smell it already. Get your schnaz in here. Layouts, ooh. We're gonna have to pace ourselves. The worst thing about this place is the anxiety about choosing a dish. Chaussons aux pommes fraiche? She's struggling to understand a thing. I think my French did alright in there, because nobody spoke back to me in English It's an escargot with chocolate and pistachio. This is like the apple and cream puff And this is an almond croissant. Can I go yet, Will? Yes. Eat. Bon appetit. Mmmm. Yeah? Um hmmmm. Thanks, Maxime for recommendation. Always trust a French man when he's recommending Parisian bakeries. Top floor, top tip: We got there late morning. No queue. Now, it's near lunch time... Queue-zilla. I can't imagine that's a tip. Well, you heard it here first. Basically it's busy bakery. Okay. It's very very good L' Arche de Triomphe! Will, that's not the L' Arche de Triomphe. Will seems to think that every single arch we see in Paris is probably the Arche de Triomphe. We are in Low Marais. Jacques Genin, a very premium confectioner, treating chocolates like a real high-fashion product. Should we buy these for our friends at home? Yeah. Okay. Let's see if they lasted forty eight hours. Ah, thank you very much. Loving this Oh, yeah! I've had a lot of mint flavor chocolate in my life but not like that. You could taste that there's so much fresh mint This is a bit of jelly, mango flavor made of pectin. No gelatin, all vegan This place opened in September last year, so only been here for about four months Their doughnut collection changes about every three weeks. Some themes always stay constant so that they always have a chocolate one They always have a caramel one We asked Frank what his two favorites were. He said the creme brulee and the chocolate banana one. A healthy start to the day? That chocolate banana is a Top Jaw recommended, right. You think it would be really dense because quite like little stocky unit of a doughnut. But it's basically completely filled with banana cream You heard it here first. Heard it first. What's in my teeth? You make me a bit self-conscious when you come in close with the camera. This is Marche... des Enfants Rouges. The reason why it got its name is because there used to be in the 16th century, an orphanage that sat on the site. An uplifting note is that the food here is amazing. And you could you take away or you can sit in little stools Kinda like a street food market and some, like, artisanal and organic products as well This place is a goldmine of food. The crepes that this guy is serving up is like nothing I've ever seen. We've got... ...Mr. Superhero here, looks just like he's outta of 'Thor'. I think we've become really accustomed to street food markets now There's like loads in London. There's loads in pretty much every UK city But this one is really, really worth coming to Every single stand here, I'm like "I want that, I want that, I want that"...actually I don't want that I want to sit. I want having a glass of wine and some cheese over there. Bonjour! Oh! Did someone say cheese? Lunch on a Thursday. Lunch on a Thursday. Mate, that is a lot to camembert. This is called a Mont d'or. Special of the day. They have a very small menu and I think they change quite a lot. The food here looks so much more high-end than you'd expect in a market Mate, so far so good Hitting quite a lot of spots. Well, we don't necessarily advise you cram in as much as we do but We're just here to try it all out! We're trying to find the best coffee place around. We heard that The Fringe is the one. We're really worried about overloading ya on grub And having a bit of a lull. Coffee works out, right, Will? We've got chocolate hazelnut cookie, which again wasn't the plan, but looks unavoidable. The guy in there seems to think that there's a lot of parallels between coffee and photography because of the craft and the kind of the amount of precision that goes into it Mate! I drink a lot of oat milk flat whites. That one dude, that's high up there. Look at that juicy goddess right there. Chocolate chip, hazelnut cookie, warm Very soft, very goo. Kick it out! Top notch qual like that And one of the best oat milk lattes I've ever had Respect to Fringe! We're in east Paris. Just like in London, the East is the kind of younger, more fashiony- kinda district We didn't realize that we've timed our visit around Men's Fashion Week in Paris. So there's a lot of fashionistas around. Are we fashionistas, Will? Started chockin' down rain, so we thought well after staying in the best hotel in Paris Let's come back here, have a couple of drinks and make a plan for the evening Second glass of wine of the day. We don't want Jesse to get a bit slurry, do we, Will? Un uh This is the Rivie Bar in Hoxton Open to anyone so you don't have to be staying here. You can just come in and have a drink or some food or work It's past 5:00 p.m. now. So we've moved on to the hard stuff. Here we have a truffle margarita. I like that a lot. This is the smallest room called the Shoebox in the Hoxton. It's ample and it's sexy, isn't it, Will? As in everything in the Hoxton, attention to detail is immense and they have the little survival guide here, surrounding map We've got a list of places. We're not gonna be able to make it to all of them tonight You do as many as you possibly can. Let's go get pizza, Will. Come on. We've heard about this Big Mama group There's lots of restaurants all over Paris, one of which is Pizzeria Popolare So, Pizzeria Popolare, as now I've been told to keep saying, I've been saying Pizzeria Popolare, It's basically a piece of Naples in Paris. It's very very popular because it turns tables quickly, but it's really reasonably priced Ah, thank you. Ay ya yah It's served in a wine glass, a blonde beer. So here, I'm gonna give you some of the ingredients. We have beef carpaccio, Parmesan crisps here, a balsamic glaze. And then here we have our regina burrata. Again, got mushrooms. Burrata on it. Ham. 15 Euros, 15 Euros is quite cheap in Paris. That's cheap. Sweet Souls, they're opening one in London. They can't tell me anything else apart from it'll be open in Zone 1. Everything was great. Thank you very much. We've done our pizza. Got some good value. Good value pizza. And now we're going to on to Mabel. We're in Mabel. It's a rum empire. Will, this cameras gonna be getting a lot more shaky from now on, you know. We asked Joseph Master mixologist here to pick something for us He's giving me this little bad boy, I'm not going to pronounce it. There are two different types of rum in here. One's from Jamaica There's passionfruit, sesame, rhubarb It's kind of like a sweet and sour one, and Will has got one that is essentially rocket fuel. Its gonna put him into a different dimension. There are four different types of rum in here and then the mixer is a champagne. Cheers That's nice. Awesome rum cocktails, very very strong. Will, I don't know that I have ever had a drink as... yeah. Will was is a bit...ha ha. Next place we're going to is Baranaan. Oh now it looks like an Indian restaurant from the outside But we're told you go through inside and out through the back and there's a little speakeasy cocktail bar. Sounds good. Is there a bar through there? My, no. We have something special, somewhere you can find. Okay. Guess that door is the bogs.....and this one is....ahhh. Look in here. Ooh. It's all happening back here, isn't it? They're saying it's like, you know, a train going through Bombay. It's funny cuz like, the restaurant outside is super chill, and then here is absolute bustle This is the cocktail menu, a little passport. All the cocktails are kind of Indian... There's like some sort of infusion or flavoring in there and the food menu is like a train ticket We ordered two Hey Honeys, the tandoori chicken. And we've got a butter chicken serving there. Nice little Indian tapas. What? If we were a little more hungry, we would gone more in on the dishes. Thanks, man. Take it easy Next up: Lavomatic, another speakeasy We're quite liking this theme. The Lavomatic is like a laundrette and apparently you have to go through a washing machine to get into the little bar Can you say 'hipster' more? A swing in a bar. It's fantastic for our laundrette scenario. It even has a little dispenser for your detergent. Press a couple of buttons, walk through the washing machine and then you're in here. We're back at the Hoxton Hotel. We've done a lot today. We've done like, I dunno know, ten, eleven places, something like that. We're gonna hit the hay now, have a little nightcap at Hoxton And ready for full speed ahead tomorrow cuz we've got another whole day to make use of, dude. Good night. I hope my snoring doesn't keep you up. Ohh, mate. So a little Day 2 planning sesh. Using little Hoxton map to plot out a few of our places today. I want to take Will down to Shakespeare and Company Which is this cool little bookshop down by Notre Dame in the Latin Quarter. Will loves a book, heya, Will? especially one with pictures in it. These are pains aux raisins We're gonna go to Holybelly. We're gonna have brunch Just to remind you that you are in Paris: Baguettes just left in random places. Holybelly Five. This place is quite a straight up brunch place. You know the drill: filled coffee. Up for authentic. And you feel like we should have gone more 'French'. Yeah, that's why we're here. Might as well enjoy our pancakes. OK, so here we have the savory stack, not so savory because it also features a lot of maple syrup. Their pancakes, eggs, bacon. I'm not gonna lie, it's tasty. Not too sweet. Oh. Oh. Let's call a spade a spade. Right that place is decent. There's a queue outside. It's always busy. Might be the most un-French place you can go in Paris We've got a served by one guy from Cambridge, another guy from Stratford. We are going to provide the antidote for that. I'm gonna find the most French place we could possibly find just to give you a balance. Roger La Grenouille, the most French restaurant we could possibly find, right. We were told by the guys that they didn't get many tourists in here. This place first opened in like the 1930s, right. Apparently, he was a real legend around town. Lots of creatives in here, loads of parties. And is renowned as one of the best places for frog legs in all of France. It's called the 'Arrogant Frog.' Cheers! What's up first, Jess? Snails, Will. Smells brilliant. Smells garlicky. Smells very nice. This is garlic city. Hmmm. Kinda tastes like cockles or something. Like seafood, like little shellfish. We now have a croque monsieur. So in here, we have ham, Beaufort cheese from Switzerland bread which is actually cooked in loads and loads of butter Give it a whirl. Mmmmm. That is so good. That light and sweet and you can taste the butter. It's so crispy outside and soft in the middle Okay. So this is the frog legs. It's like nuggets he said. They retain just this bone only, so it acts like a cocktail stick. So we've got a Bearnaise sauce, wine sauce and garlic aioli. The aioli. Mmm, kinda like a fishier texture than chicken. That aioli bangs in my mouth. These are frog legs served another way. There's all Freddy the Frog. It's dipped into a freddo, isn't it? We want something super French. I've never had frog legs before. I never had snails before. Roger La Grenouille is the best place for this type of thing. We can't be very close to anybody from now on in because our mouths are garlic city. So in this guide we weren't gonna focus on many of the sort of obvious tourist spots But Notre Dame is one of my favs and Will hasn't been inside so try and keep that camera subtle because they won't like it That's ridiculous. Imagine if I said to you "I want to build this building, but it's gonna take me 700 years?" Yeah, can you like just just give me some debt on it? This is the Centre Pompidou The first example of an "inside-out" building and since 1977, seen a 180 million visitors This is Shakespeare and Company. In 1922, an American called Sylvia Beach opened one up nearby. It closed down when the Germans occupied Paris This one opened in 1951 and was originally called 'Le Mistral' They changed their name to Shakespeare and Company in tribute to Sylvia's original one and on Shakespeare's 400th birthday and it helps out writers in giving them support and free lodging in return for help out in the shop. Oh! I think this ones about us, Will. Reminds me of a shop on Diagon Alley. Harry Potter. The Louvre is the home to the extremely famous Mona Lisa. It's the biggest art museum in the world at 782,000 square feet and within a single year, 10.2 million visitors view this place Quite impressive, ay? My farms bigger than the Louvre. Yeah, you got any farms? What's essentially been exhibiting art since 1699 or something. I'm not gonna get any more technical than that cuz I don't really know. Enough of this culture. Let's go to stuff our faces. Yeah, Will's quite up the cheese Mate, what a beautiful day! We are at Kong. This place is actually an Asian restaurant. We've just come up here to check out the glass ceiling, look at the view I'm ordered espresso martini. Will's ordered the margarita. It's very posh Parisian. These cocktails are 17 euros each. It is a lot, but it's only 2 euros more than it was over at Mabel last night. We're getting to the final stages now This street is called Rue du Nil and it's home to four places by the brand Frenchie. Very popular. We'll start with the first orignal one... the original Frenchie Bistro. Open evenings for very nice little sit-down din. And then, Frenchie Wine Bar open this evening So we're not gonna be able to make it. It's been open five years and it's decent. And if you like the wines in there, you can get them in here in the Frenchie Wine Store. Yummers. And then the more casual laid-back daytime version We have Frenchie To Go and that's what we're going in. Heard the Reuben is AMAZING! We've got pulled pork sandwich, a Reuben, salt beef sandwich Oh, yeah. And you get a side. You get a beer or soft drink 17 euros It's the same price that we pay for those cocktails over at Kong just now Right, that's it. We hope you've enjoyed our 48 hours in Paris I think highlight for me was the croque monsieur from earlier today Ah, the cheese at the market the climbing through a washing machine at the bar last night Let us know what you think. If we missed anywhere let us know in the comments If you go and see anywhere that we featured in this video, also let us know. We love the interaction we have with you guys. Most of this video has been based on recommendations that we've got through you from Instagram. So thanks a lot for that Love you all. Love you, Will. We've had a good time, haven't we? Yes, Mate! And the next one is gonna be 48 hours in Bangkok. Slightly different from Paris. Ha ha!
Channel: TOPJAW
Views: 2,093,979
Rating: 4.9372282 out of 5
Keywords: TOPJAW, TOPJAW FILMS, Jesse Burgess, Will Warr, Paris, PARIS, What to do in Paris, 24 hours in Paris, Guide to Paris, What to eat in Paris, Where to eat in Paris, best restaurants in Paris, Best food Paris, Where to stay in Paris, 48 in Paris, How to spend a weekend in Paris, TOPJAW Recommends
Id: _oZC_XQmz8Y
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Length: 15min 55sec (955 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 13 2019
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