9 Best Areas & Places to Stay in Paris

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so you're looking for a hotel in paris but how do you know where to stay and like any big city paris has a lot of neighborhoods and they all have their own vibe so in this video we're gonna break down for you the nine key areas the way that it feels there what kind of shopping they have there places to eat there what to expect and what are the attractions that are in that area so that you can choose the right spot for you and we're going to share with you some surprising differences between each one yeah for sure there's some huge differences from from walmart to the eiffel tower neighborhood right absolutely so are you ready to go i'm ready to go let's do it all right let's go so this is the champs-elysees neighborhood and it's basically considered the high end of paris the vibe here is luxury it's classic and obviously very expensive you can find hotel in this area between two to six hundred euro but it's more of an 800 euro type of hotel rooms here and obviously you'll have a hotel rooms that will start at eighteen hundred dollar and the more high-end type of luxury hotels aside from walking down the champs-elysees and do window shopping and a high-end luxury stores things to see here are obviously the arc de triomphe plaza the lycon core and there's also a beautiful park right around the corner called park monsoo which could be a great place for a picnic if you are in the mood for a little bit of adult entertainment you have the lido on the chandelier which is a las vegas type of show girl dancing and if you want something a little bit more risque down georgia sank you have the crazy horse this is like the lido but just a little bit less clothing shopping here is luxury and high-end think of designers like air may louis vuitton the famous food spot for the champs-elysees is the drugstore which is a french diner style then you have the legendary phukets which is at the corner of chonsidise and have new georgia sang and then down the street you have le rolled long if you want a great steak and french fries that's the place to go staying near chonsidise is ideal for people who are accustomed to a certain lifestyle and are ready to pay for it and if that's not you but you're still interested well stay in another area and then take the metro and ride it in so the eiffel tower area is iconic it's classic it's historic think emily in paris that's right here in this neighborhood the vibe here is elegant and touristic it's an upscale area with lots of neighborhoods and just parks and places to walk great for families great for romance it's the spot you think about when you think of paris the hotels are going to run you somewhere between 125 to 250 a night depending on how close you are to the tower of course and the things to do here well you know of course there's the eiffel tower and the champs di mars which is a huge lawn park area that just faces the eiffel tower and it's a great place to come and bring your snacks have a picnic lunch across the bridge on the other side is the trocadero which is a great spot to take pictures and the invalids nearby is where napoleon was buried shopping is really touristic around the eiffel tower but you can find some excellent little gems of shops when you get into the little surrounding neighborhoods like rue claire or grinnell those are great places to look for and get a hotel as well some of the famous restaurants in this area are shea people for italian le comtoir de trabul if i'm saying that right and of course le petite claire in the rue claire area and the eiffel tower area is great for people who are looking for romance among other things but it's a romantic spot now we're here at the opera or the grand boulevards area and this is home to some of the most iconic spots in paris the vibe is elegant upscale glamorous and expensive basic hotel will range somewhere between 150 to 400 euros per night but there's also plenty of hotels that are more upscale and they start at 1300 a night and go up from there things to see and do in this area are plenty of course there's the opera but there's also the louvre and the louvre gardens which are called the tulleries there's the royal palace plazvan dome and the madeleine and the famous parisian department store gallery lafayette is here just on the other side of the opera but there are also plenty of high quality smaller shops up and down the streets with fashion of the iconic french look with the stripes and all of that kind of things so if you're looking for fashion in paris this is your area for food try the classics there's the petit van dom cafe de la pay the grand cafe capuchines so staying near opera or the grand boulevards is ideal for people who are into fashion and imagine strolling down broad boulevards and if seeing and being seen as your kind of thing this is your kind of place so here we are in le mare neighborhood and the marion neighborhood is a hip young place that has evolved and reinvented itself over the years here you have shops galleries museum jewelers and food show the influence of its day as the jewish quarter the vibe here is vibrant with an edge it's hustling and bustling with lots of cafes shops and people walking everywhere it's touristic but it doesn't feel touristic it's yuppies lgbtq kosher think greenwich village or hell's kitchen in new york there are tons of hotels in la maria there's a matter of fact it's a favorite place for a lot of people so you'll find hotels between 150 euro to 300 euros things to see here is the musee pompidou the hotel deville plaza the musee picasso place de voge and of course notre dame which is across the river shopping here is charming and eclectic there's plenty and more affordable boutiques the bazaar of hotel deville department store of course touristic shops and stands that you'll see everywhere at every street corner for food try the bryce cafe which is a creperie lift phillips off and pny burger which is one of the best burger joint in paris now staying in the malay is ideal for people who want to feel like they're immersed in a parisian lifestyle so we're here at the ile de la cite which is the little island in the middle of the sen where notre dame is so there's two islands there's il de la cite and il san lui there's only two hotels that i've seen here and they'll run from 250 to 400 euros a night the vibe here is old money classic classic stuff you have here well notre dame but you also have the headquarters for all of the french police and you have the concierge which is the palace of the first king of france it's been a prison and it's actually where marie antoinette was held in prison and a lot of the stuff that you're gonna do around here is well go over to the marae or the latin quarter or visit some of the other places around or take a metro out but it's a great little spot to to be for food you're going to want to stay probably on the ilsan louis which is where all the little bistros and cafes are i've had some great mole fruit or mussels with french fries at the shomeri there's a cute little shop where you can buy a sandwich and sit on a little high top outside and have a bite right by notre dame called hooray and of course my favorite is a picnic along this end so this is a great vibe for people in the middle of it all the latin quarter is a progressive minded place it's home to the sorbonne the university of paris but it's the kind of artsy-minded place that actually calls you in to relax and enjoy yourself it brings you to a different kind of a pace the hotels in this area will run you anywhere from 125 to 250 euros a night depending on where you are and they come in all different kinds and styles you can start your visit to the latin quarter with a stroll along the sand with all the merchants and little kiosk type shops or down below along the river where you can bring a picnic lunch and have a good time and see the little river boats and look up at notre dame the things to do and see in the latin quarter are well notre dame is just across the bridge and the ile de la cite there's the pantheon there's the jardin de luxembourg which for me is kind of like central park in new york there's san chapelle which is gorgeous there's the museum door say and just a little bit south of the latin quarter you'll find the catacombs shopping here is a mixed bag tons and tons of tourist sticky shops you can find a lot of little shops that have made in france souvenirs things for the home things for the garden little personal items so keep your eye open for those for food rumoufatard is phenomenal it is international it's fresh it's young it's vibrant and i highly recommend that you take the time to go down there just near the pantheon there's the famous and iconic ledumago and for a more historic flavor and one of my all-time favorites is le jacobean it's old it's classic it's phenomenal and they have great food and staying in the latin quarter is for anybody who wants to be in the center of it all this is about as close to the middle of paris as you can get and it's a great spot for walking biking scooters whatever you like it's just a vibrant part of town it's my favorite now we're in the chatele area and this place was once the center of all commerce for paris specifically the food commerce this is where everybody bought the fruits vegetable meat fish i mean you name it the vibe is hustling and bustling it's vibrant with an edge if you're looking for trouble you can likely find it here but we don't recommend that and there is a higher police presence in la alden there is in many areas and there is a good reason for that now hotels in this area is going to run you between 150 to 280 euros a night things to see here obviously are le hal and the museum pompidou shopping here is the closest thing paris has to a shopping mall you have touristic stores and all kinds of clothing stores for food you have lelouch bam the contour de la gastronomy and les marmut which is a raclette or a cheese fondue type of place staying in dal is ideal for young edgy looking for higher level urban experience we definitely don't recommend this area for families with young children but overall it's a great area if you're young vibrant you want to be in the middle of it so we're in walmart and this is a funky playful avant-garde part of town it's a little rough around the edges and i would say in this area think existential crisis and starving artists you can probably find a hotel that's between 85 and 150 euros per night and some of them are tucked away and funky also the things to see in walmart are of course plas deterred where all of the artists are and there are restaurants and very touristic restaurants sacriker and some of the most amazing vistas where you can see all of paris from one spot there's plenty of photo ops but there are also plenty of stairs so you might want to take the funicular gondola because it's included in your metro ticket if you come straight to it it'll save you a lot of steps and there are also some shows nearby where you can see the moulin rouge and some of the vegas girl kind of shows and you know some of that adult nightlife and the shopping as you can imagine is very touristic there are a lot of little tchotchke kind of stores but there are also some hidden gems throughout the neighborhoods i came on a great little toy store heading down towards the pagal kind of area but there's some some nice stuff but a lot of touristic things here and people trying to sell you stuff on the street which i recommend you avoid for food try the cafe du mulan which is famous from emily poulan babalu's for italian and la pulbo for french food but there are also creperies on every street corner that you can find something pretty fabulous and inexpensive and of course staying in the momart area is for people who are funky artists and into a little je ne sais quoi there's no way to do a list of paris neighborhoods without including gardener it's practical you're going to find it in your searches but there's some other stuff you need to know about the gardener area you'll find hotels in that 60 to 150 range there's quick places to grab food if you want to jump on the train off the train but you know you would be here as a major station if you're taking the train to london if you're coming in from charles de gaulle but the vibe here is very urban very international and i would just say questionable and for shopping purposes you're looking at basic necessities thinking like i need an extra bag for my trip or you know just real basic stuff a little bit of touristic stuff but mostly it's inner city shop for food you're going to find a lot of american chains also there's burger king mcdonald's uh five guys there's a subway you're gonna find a quake in and out asian place some kebabs the lingerie with sandwiches you can get stuff like that but you can also find the phenomenal one of our favorite lingeries is carton which is just straight out the door at gardiner and staying in the garden or regardless area is for people who are transitioning if you need to be here ready to go for a morning flight out of charles de gaulle and you want to start like ready to jump on the rerb to the airport this is a great place if you have an early train great place and the last thing i would say is if you have a quick turnaround or a long layover in in paris and you need a place to take a nap you want to just you know have a place to crash and go a you know a clean bathroom and a bed this may be a good option for you all right so that does it for today please make sure to subscribe and click the bell so you don't miss a thing i hope this video was helpful for you to decide which neighborhood is best for you and your stay and until next time all well [Music] you
Channel: Les Frenchies
Views: 618,770
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Keywords: where to stay in paris, best neighborhoods in paris, best areas for tourists in paris, les frenchies travel, where to stay in paris for the first time, best hotels in paris, les frenchies, where to stay in paris on a budget, where to stay in paris when youre on a budget, best place to stay in paris for tourist, best place to stay in paris close to everything, best area to stay in paris first time
Id: mfiWYeBy5Xs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 57sec (837 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 30 2021
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