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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's up home said how eases off crew with jackin Stacey and today we have a very special guest it's Terry the elderberry guy and we're gonna learn here how to propagate our elderberry plants put them in pots and just kind of get you going is elderberry 101 so let's go we're gonna start with these nice cuttings here today these are this is uh Adams variety these are canes that we cut down right off of the ground really close you can do this with any elderberry what we're doing today any build a very on your farm you can cut it and propagate it like this because the very best elderberries are still out there here's a nice elderberry cane and we're gonna cut it into sections if you look at it it has two buds down here opposite a section and then two more buds a section too much two more buds that's an opposite type of thing opposite butted we're gonna cut a 45-degree angle below two of the buds and we're gonna go up above to and make another cut straight and that's all you take for it LT very cutting we like to put that 45 on the bottom so you know which way is down each time there's always two inches below to about to up to Banyan all you need are those four nice buds and when we make them we always try to treat them a little bit because we want to make sure that they're nice and sterile and we'll treat them with dormant oil and put a coating of dormant oh I like you would on you all your fruit trees this time of year so what would you recommend we use we use a sesame oil you can also use mineral oil or a neem oil will also work but sesame oil is what we use we also started out with an ozone treatment we make ozone water and we sterilize the cuttings in there and then we treat them that way so that when we ship it to everybody they're nice and disease-free they don't have any insects so if you're cutting your own you should probably put some dormant oil on them before you put them in the ground so what you just just got a cloth and you just know you dip them you'll mix us about three or four tablespoons of the oil per gallon of water and mix it up and put them in there and it'll get coated with the oil coming out of the water and let them dry good okay perfect after you make your cuttings you can store them in different ways you can't put them in a bag like this with a little moss or a moist paper and they'll keep in the refrigerator for weeks till you get implanted you can also put them right in water and they'll just start to sprout and root right in there and then you can carefully plant these in the spring once it's not gonna be cold and freezing outside again if you put them in there and they root you can keep them in here for a long time they will grow for a really long time in water change the water change the water but another easy way and the way we like to plan on mostly just take these cuttings after they've been treated and just to put them right in the soil so we're gonna plant a couple of these plants up here real quick so it's very simple you can just take a stick and you just make a little hole down on the soil there stick it in you want that bottom bud to be about two inches below so all the cuttings that I'm sending everybody out from our website to get grow and that's what you want to do put them two inches in under that soil tamp it down keep it nice and moist it'll grow right out of there this is great good compost soil right this is actually micro lead each from a prepared soil mix it's really good stuff and then ones that are started you could do the same thing but we'll have to keep this inside until after it's the weather is straightened up we'll put that down in there like that that's all there is to it elderberry is one of the easiest plants to grow that I've ever tried to grow and you grow a lot of but we love the elderberry because it gives us that good nutrition we can eat it we could use it for medicine and we like it every day so I can just put this just in the greenhouse put this in the greenhouse if it's not rooted out you can just leave it outside in a sheltered place and it'll take right off you can put it into the greenhouse it'll be fine if it has leaves on them like that this time of year then you need to keep that protected a little bit so it doesn't freeze not going out that's going into the house all right let's go plant some out by the chicken house all right we're gonna layer of pretty big so now why are we planting around the chicken coop well I like to plan around chicken coops is good so I call a nutrient accumulating and water accumulating area you got the chickens over here with their manure the water comes down off the house stays nice and moist in here and it's protected homesteads around the chicken house is a place the element very almost always grew is a definite nugget wouldn't you say yes big-time nugget yeah because I could I always wanted to do something around here and I could never figure out what it was and Valda berry Grove pretty quickly so it's gonna go up to the top of there and we'll be all Shady here for the chickens they'll be able to keep it cleaned out once they get started let's put a little fence around it for a little while but it'll all come together perfect so we're going to take this this old concrete form I think I'm going to make holes in the ground use it for a dip oh we're gonna keep it about 18 inches from the building so we don't crowd it too much once you grab the cuttings over there Stacey and you can put them in the holes I'm just gonna stick this down in there work it around a little bit towards the same principle where you're going down a couple inches always remember to put the points down and take it all it just put it all the way down to the bottom that's all it takes and we'll step around it we're gonna put a little that two foot apart step on them around there a little bit a little moisture on there and it will all come in before you know it this Adam's elderberry will be nice and vigorous so why do you like the atom atoms is one of the three main ones that we grow and it's an all variety it's been around about a hundred years and it's it makes lots of flowers it's an indeterminate type so it'll produce over a longer period so it'll be blooming and looking good a little bit longer than the others we also have Bob Gordon and ranch we sell those they they bloom mostly at the Satan all at the same time so we can harvest them just a couple times and we have the whole thing we're putting those in keeping those one buds above a little moisture on that I'll fill all in around it a few weeks I'd say by the middle of March these will be nice little plants all right now we're going to try to protect these a little bit from the chickens until they get started put this wire around there we'll be able to hook it on here yeah I really like this idea putting the elderberries around it's really good medicine for the chickens too you know keeps you from getting avian flu coccidiosis yeah so here you go you got your little medicine chest for your chickens too and medicine meth and just for a source and so that's great you're a braver man than I now we got this done so we live in the Midwest what about people who live in other areas maybe you know way down south where it's a little warmer we're just still be a good time to do that it's still a good time anytime you can plant them in the soil when there's gonna be a boy stir continuously in there for a few weeks that gives those roots time to start up before they get coming up in the with the Leafs so right now elmo's anywhere that it's thought out you can be make a hole and stick an elderberry in there and it'll start growing I can't wait all right it won't be long so now we planted the elderberries at the chicken coop which is great cuz they're getting lots of nitrogen in water and they're kind of in a little head situation so why should we put them in a hedge well elderberry is a very vigorous growing plant when you get it started and if you put it in your really good garden soil it's gonna want to be all over your garden you have to really work to keep it contained but in a hedgerow it's much easier to keep it in there and you can plant other things with it it likes a whole little Guild of plants to grow with it other kinds of herbs you can grow for your help thank you make a long companion planting them in there and then you'll have a whole row of hedgerow for medicine right there so what would you suggest if you are doing a row maybe on a fence line or against the building what would be good to put with us well any of any of the perennial herbs it'll keep coming up in there but I also like other fruits in there also I like to put black raspberries or a larger one you can put some nut trees or some filbert's some paw Paw's maybe some persimmons there are all things that like to kind of grow in the same communities and we can eat all those and they'll come up and be beautiful all together and you can just manage it and let it grow your medicine right there in the hedgerow and that's what we're all about here all right well I look forward to seeing those in a few months when they start blooming they'll probably be up about waist-high and blooms autumn by July's come on it we'll look for them so if anybody needs any cuttings we are making cuttings of the new types and selections right now and they can order them online for River goats harvest from our online site there and there's three we really like or the ranch the Bob Gordon and the Adams and today we planted the Adams a website has all kinds of great information its brand new we just started a new one this month and we're excited about it with you it looks really good and before we go today I wanted to ask you okay if there's someone who doesn't know anything about elderberries or some people who do know something about olive trees what are some just things that you could tell us about all the berries well you know elderberries has been used for medicine for thousands of years and pocket east was one of the first real lovers of elderberry he wrote an entire book on elderberry and he thought he could heal any part of your body with some part of the Eldar so it has a long tradition but one of the things that's nice about the american elderberry we have two more antioxidants in it than we have in the European type elderberry that most people use for medicine in this country so you want to look for that American elderberry in particular because you get this extra antioxidants in there and it's our domestic plant something from overseas and was it you are telling me earlier about the ones from Europe that as you when you bottle them for the juice they they turn brown that's why you can't find pure elderberry juice hardly any other place because the European stuff doesn't make a good juice the way it is unless it's processed and the incidence has to be stabilized whereas the American what we produce is pure elderberry juice you can get it in those bottles is low heat processed every time we visit I learned so much about elderberry so thank you thank you thank you but if you guys want to learn more about elderberries we did a great video with thierry the link is right there over his left shoulder and check it out because it was great he talks so much and everything you want to know about elderberry so check that video and if you have not watched it other than that check us out on Facebook Instagram and Twitter get those elderberries in or get those cuttings from terry but we'll see you guys later thanks thanks a lot for having me here at the homestead it's beautiful here keep growing yeah keep those elderberries going hey guys thanks for watching our video you might want to check out these videos and if you want to become a homestead homey click the picture of us below we will see you tomorrow
Channel: OFF GRID with DOUG & STACY
Views: 70,194
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Off Grid with Doug and Stacy, Doug and Stacy, Doug, Stacy, Off Grid, off the grid, off the grid living, off the grid homes, off grid living, off grid cabin, off grid with Doug and Stacy, off grid solar power system, off grid house, off grid homestead, off grid solar, homestead, homesteading, homesteading for beginners, homesteading off the grid, natural food recipes, holistic health, holistic living, chickens, elderberry, chicken medicine, chicken health, CHICKEN COOP
Id: 4FTntso3V0A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 9sec (789 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2018
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