Big VTuber Project Collapses (UPDATE)

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you seen the nightmare going through vtuber Community it's trending on Twitter now yeah this is a pretty funny situation so do you remember whenever I said I didn't really care about pronouncing n Sanji because they were going to be called Rip Bozo pretty soon well that's becoming more true every single day so apparently this girl uh selin who then had to Rebrand to doy bird and by Rebrand I mean go back to her old brand of dokki bird before she joined Nia rip bozo um well basically what happened uh carefully plann this to sabotage Jie's stream and she basically had to end her stream because of them so let's go ahead let's watch the clip right here here we go um despite everything that has happened it I was very sad to find out a personal document that was only shown between three different parties had to be uh leaked out um because it was a document I made for my lawyer and it was a document that was not supposed to be shown anywhere else but to me and my lawyer and to the lawyer to the lawyers on on the other side and we were promised it was not to be shown anywhere else so the fact she better had that in writing she better have written that down and have that recorded somewhere what a bunch of rats this a sanctionable offense yeah that's what she does well you know there it is that um and this was a document that was made that was supposed to help me figure out what was going on y between me and my lawyer and to see if things that were happening was actually happening and then we showed it to the other the lawyers just to see to see if like they can figure out if what was going on was actually happening and we were promised it was never going to show be shown anywhere else this English her second language she's probably uh really nervous and stressed out because of what happened and so she's talking weird she states later on that both parties signed off on the release of information which includes who was allowed to look at it yeah I just still think that I mean probably releasing something like that to the public might not necessarily be a great idea so the fact and the fact that think it could have been done intentionally really messes me up because I have said that I felt a very lack of trust for a while well I mean obviously um I could I I'm just left speechless that that that my trust has been broken again regarding what I thought was kept private yeah and that's really what it is and uh I'll go ahead and I'll look and see so this is what she said about it uh ninjas Sanji is the worst they put V tubing name to shame uh I will say that it was never supposed to be shown to anyone other than me my lawyer and other relevant lawyers it was a private document with my own personal information it was used as a legal document to help my lawyer document my thoughts plus was never supposed to release anywhere else to any other parties outside of the legal department it makes me wonder if my medical and hospital records were also released without my consent as that was also promised to me to be kept private currently talking to my lawyer and thankfully only my diagnosis and reason for Hospital stay were reported without further private info being disclosed uh it was requested that none of this info should be revealed to anyone other than legal thank you to everyone for the support I really wish then things didn't have to go this way uh I didn't say anything more and I was ready to move on and start a new life so yeah I mean they [ __ ] her and I I think also like even if that even if they were given um or sorry let me pause that real quick uh even if they had the ability to publish it and to share it with other people you could have a reasonable expectation that this doesn't necessarily mean publishing it publicly to the public right I mean like maybe this is shared to uh you know legal council or to Business Development or to an investor or something like that but not just being shared completely publicly I mean I I think that there's very easily that middle ground addressing your concerns okay so here we go this is the video let's take a look at it that's a different video man people must have a lot of concerns okay here we go hi this is a Pandora thank you for taking the time what are you talking about fox and Ike are also present here with me and we would like to take some time to address the events surrounding zent's contract termination why hi everyone that um to preface we have discussed with any color staff and our legal team about what we are able to say however due to how sensitive the situation is please do keep in mind that there are limits to what we're able to share both we well I mean like shouldn't you probably try and talk to the girl before you release her personal information like I I don't know I mean what am I what do I know right and the company have been affected deeply and are taking the situation very seriously okay everything that'll be discussed has been approved by our lawyers or is based solely on our personal experiences before anything is discussed there is something very important that we nii sanjian feels need to be made very clear what is it all of us do not condone harassment of any kind to any of the parties involved after discussion with the members of nii sanjian as a collective I volunteered for my channel to be used for this stream additionally um yeah like I mean you might not condemn harass you might condemn harassment but like you know that if you make a tweet condemning a person whenever you have an audience of people that are like really you know really invested and care about the the brand a lot you know people are going to get upset about it like I I hate this like oh I I like that's why I almost never say that I condemn harassment like is it's obvious like it's like you can't criticize somebody you can't talk about anything without having some freak on the internet getting mad about it and then using it as a weapon for their own personal agenda that probably has nothing to do with what you even said they're just like happy that like oh thank God now I have ammunition for this gun that I've wanted to use so it's it's got nothing to do and and this goes for them it goes for Doki bird it goes for all of it like this just it's such a [ __ ] copout because like if you post criticism about another person online here let me be very [ __ ] clear if if I like I am going whenever I I like put this video out this person's going to get harassed they will that's what's going to happen and if they make a response to me I will get harassed that's the way it goes we've been told that there will also be a video releasing regarding the situation from tasmian directly a few hours following this stream what we say on this stream is our own words and our own feelings are we done I would like to First apologize if my silence on the matter has caused any worry oh God holy F over the past month staff received documents from the lens lawyer containing examples of her claimed experiences under any color these documents in question included information of some livers and when it was sent to us we learned that there was a potential that this information could be made public some of the information poses a risk to our personal safety and puts some of us at risk of doxing notably one section of this document alludes to where Millie and and I live however there are also harmful claims to landm made in the document about some liver's personal information so did sellin wait so did she released a document that that showed their like their uh what do you call it their addresses well then what the hell are they talking about this for like I I don't like what the [ __ ] cuz yeah I never saw her do that that we believe are simply untrue I felt threatened and scared of speaking out about the situation because of the risk that it could post to not just my own safety but the safety of those around me as well I'm very sad that this is how everything had to turn out and I deeply apologize to all the fans who have been affected through this time when senen had posted the Tweet about her cover being privated several Ian members reached out to senen and we expressed our concerns her cover being privated this is vtuber lingo that I might not be entirely familiar with what does that mean oh okay so they they it's a m Okay so so it's it's not something that's crazy it's just a cover of a song okay got it we were genuinely concerned and we wanted to understand the situation as we were all in the dark about it yeah got it once she notified all of us regarding her hospitalization we immediately reached out to her each other and her manager to confirm her safety how kind her manager also immediately reached out to her and her emergency contact and kept us updated throughout the entire situation as well right it's been a very tough time for a lot of us so why did the why did they private the video she paid for the cover uploaded they got mad she got sad that's a super why they why' they private the cover it's coming up okay thank God I'm honestly not sure what else to say but thank you again for everything for waiting and thank you I'll read the chat you guys can watch it with the chat thanks a um right yeah it's um it's it's it has been a really really tough time and uh and it's had an effect I've I've noticed it's had an effect on on on everyone it's had an effect on me too so uh I'm joining this stream to talk about my experiences with toen uh to lar some of what I know to help um help you all understand the context of this a little bit better uh I know that a lot of you watching are going to have your own views and opinions on the situation and so all I would like to ask is that you can take the information that I'm going to present at face value if you can so uh this recent situation uh in my opinion I think that taking things at face value is a bad idea I think that asking like what are you really saying you're saying like please just accept what I'm saying why would anybody accept what you're saying like that's like that I don't I don't know I mean like it's like I mean I like I mean you can go through and like maybe it's not really that bad of a way to say it but it's not that good of a way to say it either right I mean I I don't know began when senen claimed on Twitter that her most recent song cover had been made private by stuff okay yeah and she gave no context or reasoning as to why why in actuality she had been asked to send the content of her music video to her manager in advance of the release date so it could be checked for Content Etc which is something that all livers agree to do cover video check hi senen thanks for the late reply since the video includes X liers it will be time for me to get confirmation the audio is okay to me management has prived the song feel free to upload the video set to private until I got confirmation so okay so all right her manager communicated with her about this very clearly um but she released her cover without giving management time to check it and as a result it needed to be made private it was going to be made public again once the checks had cleared uh management absolutely intended to let her release the cover once they'd made sure that it was okay to release it's very important to establish this patent of events had happened before on multiple occasions including her full Guist tournament in August of 2023 uh a voice pack in May of the same year 36 hours to check no I don't think the 36 hours to check is really that unreasonable because the reason why is that if they were using X livers they would probably have to look into making sure with a legal team that they still have the legal rights to use that IP it took a year oh yeah they do I know that's what yeah but I know that they own the IP but there's probably a legal team that they need to consult to be certain of that like these companies are very and and like also like I'm being as generous as possible like I try to understand where people are coming from like I don't think that that like a 36-hour window between like getting information and then checking it I don't think this is this is not like a red flag who knows why that would happen it could have been 15 different things outfit contest also in May in each of these situations senen would be working on one of the projects I mentioned she'd be given clear communication about confirming certain aspects with staff as all other livers receive and comply with and each time she would refuse to cooperate and when staff would react appropriately she would make public statements that would hurt any color's reputation and as these situations kept occurring myself and other livers felt very upset and anxious we felt that these statements harmed all of us as a group so like it took a year for this to get uh confirmed we're at uh 555 let me see if I can go back it took a year well I don't see this being a year this is this is the this is Christmas Eve this is December 24th someone's lawyer sent a closed document of nin sanji's management for some reason a management sent that to the other livers the whole project took a year I see Lily Pichu said she gave permission a year ago so it's this context that I hope explains why myself and some other livers decided to approach Sal and ask about her handling of the latest situation which was her cover being made private so some Li as myself included asked senen why she tweeted about the cover in the way that she did expressing that we felt it was unnecessary and harmful according to Sen's lawyer it's this event that they claim to be a buildup of uh or and what they claim to be a buildup of past experiences that led to accusations made by senen that she was bullied and harassed as you can imagine this is incredibly serious and I want to state that throughout my friendship with senen I did my best to support her in private and talk to her about any problem she might have been having whenever I had the chance having thoroughly reviewed the documents sent to any color by her lawyer and based on what I know personally and have been told by senen as her friend myself and other members vly believe these claims to be completely untrue I feel very confident in saying um that that the way I and other livs communicated with Selen about this incident was fair and reasonable especially considering our builtup anxiety over this repeating pattern of behavior in my opinion I can't they just post the DMS that's illegal they could they already broken da yeah trust me yeah I mean like I'm not going to cuz I mean nja Sanji had other problems before this too right like whenever I looked into this the first time like they had been involved in drama related to this before so it's like I don't know man like this this is the same thing that keeps happening not think that it was a form of harassment also in the document given to any color by Sen's lawyer it stated that senen had secretly recorded me in a private voice call without my knowledge or consent okay I have absolutely zero memory of what I might have specifically said in that recording but we know it was on the topic of the tweet that I had made around the time of a live cancellation last year okay from what I know based on this document uh senen had wanted to use this legal and can no no I mean like we can talk about legal but like I think it is Shady to record somebody without them knowing I I do think so and like there are but like the the reality is that like that's true but it's also not true because like it is very shady to record somebody without them knowing but at the same time if the person won't communicate with you in text and will only do it over voice because they're afraid of being recorded with text then I would do the same thing because if you think the person's being shady and then you record them like yeah of course but it is definitely Shady to do and it is deceptive to record somebody without their consent like [ __ ] obviously like what are we even talking about as proof of it's not about like I don't care whether it's illegal or not like who gives a [ __ ] about the law oh wow the law said this who gives a [ __ ] the law said weed is illegal am I supposed to care no just a bunch of old [ __ ] with erectile dysfunction wrote up a bunch of rules that everybody has to follow and yeah you have to follow the law you do but that doesn't mean you need to base your morality off of it I respect the law I follow the law but I don't [ __ ] agree with it all the time showing favoritism for some members over others as at the time I wasn't reprimanded by staff having made that tweet I followed this issue up with my managers and I was told that they didn't reach out because they didn't want to cause further controversy at the time uh however I've been asked to delete other tweets on multiple occasions when I've accidentally broken a rule in these cases we're politely informed that when we should avoid tweeting something uh we apologize delete it and move on the real issue here however is that someone I trusted and considered a friend not only recorded me in secret but also that these recordings were held without my knowledge for almost an entire year well I mean like what do you mean this is two different things how can somebody hold a recording how can somebody Rec you if they don't hold the recording like don't act like this is two separate things it's one thing like I mean really I mean that that's what the [ __ ] right uh now in terms of deleting the uh the tweets and everything I have said multiple times on multiple occasions that I find it to be very unsettling the level of control that some of these vtuber agencies exercise over their talent I think that this is an overreach of what a person's autonomy should be I find it to be unhealthy I understand that they have you know whether this is Idol culture just simply a different culture or a place that I don't understand like I think it's also bad when record companies do it here like there's not like this isn't like a oh me being xenophobic against some I this a Japanese company or something no I it's bad everywhere this is just generally bad whenever you sign your life away to a company and they exercise the right to use that I think this is very unhealthy it's very very unhealthy the fact that this was held throughout our friendship is they agree to it oh yes you're right and they do agree to it and people should have accountability for what they agree to but in the same way that I I like for example like I think credit cards are parasitic I think credit card companies are just total [ __ ] parasites uh I I think it's unhealthy it's bad for way more people than it's good for and how do you know that because the people that run the companies are billionaires how do they become billionaires I wonder so anyway like how does a credit card company make any [ __ ] money so I I do think that these people are parasites however you're right that people should exercise their own discretion in signing a contract and they also bear responsibility for it you're totally right think to me until now I had always looked up to senen as my Senpai and I felt really lucky to be her friend having to talk about this now and seeing how this has played out is again heartbreaking Selena told me privately about her disagreements with staff and her managers and I had done my best to support her and to help her make what I thought were the right choices even when she talked about wanting to graduate for context this is also another point a guy in chat brings up I think this is a a really smart thing to say and uh somebody says not everyone is a contract lawyer it's hard for a Layman to understand everything they're agreeing to this is incredibly true and it is I mean there are like again even lawyers it's not a lawyer it's a contract lawyer like that's how like how deep this is so of course this is what's going to happen because a person who doesn't understand it they think that they're getting one thing then they get something else out of it now should they consult with a lawyer yes but sometimes a lawyer doesn't communicate it in a way that's understandable for them sometimes these things just happen like it's not necessarily somebody's fault and it's like yeah you did sign the contract but there are also contracts that are in Ally deceptive a lot of stuff like that I mean it it's just I I think it's very like you have to really get down into the nitty-gritty to figure out like who really has and this is the important thing to me who really has what is malicious intent who is trying to go into this situation with the intent and goal of taking advantage of and harming the other person because I think that usually that's that's really who's in the wrong leaving nii Sanji is always an option for livas if she had wanted to graduate beforehand she was given very many chances to do so amicably and on multiple occasions senen had told us she planned on graduating but would then go back on this shortly after oh yeah I think a lot of people do that so may should not be sced you should not be scared of being recorded if you're not harassing people in calls I think that it would be very unsettling if every conversation like I I I would guarantee you that probably every work rated convers every conversation that you had with a person that you met through work was recorded I bet one of those conversations could be used against you in a very bad way absolutely I think this is this is only an opinion that a person can have like without actually thinking about the opinion of course this is of course it's bad recording people is always bad I understand why you do it and I would record somebody if I thought that they were trying to [ __ ] me over too but it is a bad thing but you know I've said before an eye for an eye right if if you think somebody's trying to [ __ ] snake you I'd record their ass in a second absolutely for example she told me that she would be graduating on the day we hosted the prism cup but as you know this didn't happen she also after being warned by staff due to her repeated rule breakages in May of last year told other livers that she was being terminated at that time when like I said she had just been warned nothing else yeah because I trusted her so much and I listened to her Narrative of Heth or untruths about her relationship with any color this caused me so much anger on her behalf I feel like you can't just say her relationship with un half untruths with any color like what are they like are we supposed to just kind of this is what a lot of people do whenever they try to tell a persuasive story is they just kind of like they're like oh yeah and also all this other evidence or oh all also these other lies and also this other stuff it's like I always try to stop people whenever they do that if I'm talking to them this is like what happened remember the tectone thing like this happened a lot there where it's like wait a second what do you mean by that where are the receipts because usually I bet if if you asked this person in real time they wouldn't have the receipts and they wouldn't have any examples because what they're doing is they're trying to create a foundation that doesn't exist so it's like whenever you it's like okay give me an example of this it's just all the time well okay then like once well I don't know okay so then it's not real they're trying to control the narrative yeah they they're creating a foundation to build a narrative you said already face value well yeah but I mean like I'm not going to take anything anybody says at face value why would you take something that somebody says at face value you should especially not take things that people say at face value whenever it's beneficial for them it's beneficial for them that you take it at face value so that would be the exact reason why I wouldn't because it's in their best interest to lie they had considered graduating with her in solidarity seriously and I now know that my intense feelings at the time came from omitted context and falsehoods and that once again is heartbreaking I'm incredibly happy with my job and even in the face of times as hard as these I really wouldn't want to any came from omitted context and falsehoods and that once again is heartbreaking citation needed this is another um you know you're just you're saying something and it's like yeah and everybody knows this like where's where's I want to I want to see this I'm incredibly happy with my job and even in the face of times as hard as these I really wouldn't want to any other way mhm so regardless of how I now feel about senen having been my friend and having hurt me and my fellow livs in this way her attempt on her life will never ever be something to be taken like yeah I recall the moment when I and and other livs found out about what had happened and we prayed for her safety then and we still do regardless of the outcome of the situation I genuinely want nothing more than for Salen to grow and to be in a safe place where she can look after her health in so far as me and and the rest of you and can heal in our own way too to those of you watching great okay well then all right I mean what what's okay [ __ ] all right this stream please please leave her be harassment of any kind is vicious and it's insane and it has no place in this community that's that's that that's all I needed to say thank you I think that what they're doing this is what I would do if I was them is that I would say that for the purpose of creating a narrative that because they don't want to see her get harassed it gives them the moral High Ground that if she criticizes them she could be seen as harassing them like I think that's kind of like that's the uh that's the play they're trying to make with with saying something like that especially whenever the public has kind of already decided what they think thank you thank you fox uh before we round things off I also had something that I wanted to say it's going to be a little bit on the shorter side uh by the way hi I Mike um first off I just wanted to say like prace this with like sorry if I have a hard time finding the proper so did they release her medical records like did this happen they released it to the other live so they released it to other streamers why because they're involved they're involved with her medical records are they doctors so the other livers are doctors words for anything I'm a little bit all over the place right now okay excuse me for a second for a very long time I considered senen as a good friend within nii sanjian be it on stream or off stream we always managed to get on really well so um that's why it was so shocking for me to learn that an Coler had received these documents from Sen's lawyer learning about what was contained within these documents was to me personally incredibly saddening knowing that the things said within the document were coming from the very same person that I called my friend was hurtful and disappointing in a way I really don't know how to describe not only because of it made me now reexamine our entire friendship but primarily because the document contains some information that we believe is incorrect that could be harmful for us and it's just private information that is very terrifying to have being you know shown before you like that the ninj Sanji Twitter account released a statement after this video addressing this so I I thought they were the ones I'm very confused about this so I thought they were the ones that released the document what right now we're all very stressed but in spite of this I feel like the public deserves to at the very least be aware of the existence of these documents as well of as of why I mean this is like a private legal matter and also like they were the ones that drew first blood didn't they re didn't they releasee like a three page twit longer about why sellin sucked yeah I mean like did the public need to know about all that just get rid of them holy [ __ ] some of its contents it's like do you know how many times I've like done things with people like all of the people that I have been in in relationships with not romantically but like just in relation ships with like over the years in streaming I've never done that I keep it to myself and that's even me as a person never do that for sake of transparency and honesty we understand that the past week of radio Silence has been really difficult for all of you but please rest assure that we have been working very very hard to try and understand what it is that we can and cannot say about this but we wanted to make sure that what we shared was as much as we were able to share within nii sanjian everyone always makes an effort to make sure that anyone who wants to be included in something has the opportunity to do so whether that be online or offline and all of us will continue to do our utmost to provide a safe and fun environment for fans to enjoy together and lastly to round this off I want to reiterate please do not spread hate to anyone involved in any way shape or form or anyone in general honestly we ask that in these times you allow us to continue our activities without asking us for any additional information about the situation at this point it's an issue for the lawyers and we ask that you do not pressure any of us to discuss the matter Beyond this point please reach out to any color for contact regarding anything else and I think I think it's kind of like R behavior for them to try to use existing content creators Platforms in order to spread this message I do I think it's rat Behavior because it entangles them in a problem that they might not necessarily be fully involved with and so they're basically like remember whenever Kanye West was like getting on stage remember Taylor Swift won that award in like 2009 like this is basically the same thing it's like get off the [ __ ] stage like you this isn't this isn't your platform you don't need to talk about this Etc now people are attacking the yeah and like this girl is now going to get attacked for for this and any of the other girls and this is what they're going to do right they're going to use these people as Target dummies and damage their reputations and then eventually phase them out and maintain the reputation of the company at the core you know I think that I think that's kind of what's Happening Here that's everything for me thank you all for your time she has 15K subs today yeah thank you and it's not like in another thing like it's easy to say like oh they can just say no like they really kind of can't because like these companies literally own them right I mean they can't really like it it's not even I don't even know if it like I don't know how involved this girl is in the situation it's very hard to say but like like these people are not as involved as the management of the company I'll tell you that look at the chat I'll read the chat L friend so scripted it obviously was scripted especially the beginning part was why are you doing this not on the official ninjas Sanji Channel yeah that's what I was saying right if it's for the lawyers why make this statement then yeah true we respect everything that's her fault yeah I feel bad for this girl I do like they just basically decided like hey you get to tank this raid boss there you go yeah I know you're undergeared for it it doesn't matter let's go come on come on let's go we're going to we're going to use you next it does suck yeah I feel bad for her right because it's like you she really can't say no in this situation and she's going to get like just like [ __ ] on like minus 10 15K subs for this right that's huge man that's a lot and so they had another so this is the following video is this one worth watching as well this is the official YouTube uh video yeah it is okay well let's go ahead and take a look at it here we go there's a tweet oh let me get to the Tweet okay uh regarding concerns that have Arisen in relation to the current situation oh my god um uh in the in the Stream done earlier by by our livers it was mentioned that parts of the information received from selin and her lawyer were shared to them by any color I mean I I don't know about this this sounds like a bit of [ __ ] right in the Stream done earlier by our livers and then that's the message right there's this well it's not really done by her it's done by the company through her I mean like what the [ __ ] okay anyway uh and her lawyer was shared to them by any color as mentioned in that stream and in not and the notice published by any color uh notice termination Satsuki uh selin and her lawyer claimed that liers affiliated with any color in in corp uh were involved and they will hold any color legal responsible s and her lawyer mentioned the possibility that they will also hold livers associated with any color legally responsible in order to check the validity of selling and lawyers claim any color shared only necessary parts of the information sent by her lawyer with our livers and L and internal investigation well isn't that and like I mean sharing somebody's medical information is like a this is a legal offense right I mean you can't do this in the US people say you can't do it in the uh in in Canada either right it's a breach of yeah it's a big no no yeah of course right so they're basically saying that they broke the rule so I mean what what are we even talking about here most countries it's illegal as [ __ ] yeah and it's like also like these are streamers how the [ __ ] are they going to be able to judge anything off of a medical document they don't even have the foundation of a frame of reference to even know what's wrong these are the probably the same I bet like probably the girls that they shared this with or guys they shared this with probably have looked up symptoms they've had and thought they told themselves they had cancer because they had headache and so you're sharing this medical information with them why are you doing this what do what do what's wrong with you it's like they're sharing this with a doctor to begin with and color has notm any confidentiality violations regarding to submitted documents for legal claims such as these however regarding to specific information and documents which s's requested we do not share with any livers with utmost consideration this request any Coler has not shared any such information uh what um however regarding the specific information and documents which s's requirs requested we don't share so you shared the other ones but not the ones they didn't want you to share okay yeah for sure um in addition our livers are not held to any confidentiality obligation regarding the information shared to them from any color well yeah and that's the problem with sharing the information that was supposed to be confidential to everybody in the company in the first place right because if you share it to somebody else and then they don't have a confidentiality Clause well then they can share it to everybody like that's why for example yeah now it's not confidential and that's what they're do doing they do this on purpose and so like here's a really great example that everybody probably recognizes how many of you guys have had somebody come to your house or you were at a store and you gave a place your phone number for like a new windows or for any sort of home service or maybe like uh you know like any anything like that like anything like a fake number yeah well let's say you give them a phone number right and then a year and a half down the line you get a phone call from a place you've never talked to well the reason why is let me go ahead and explain the reason why this happens and so we're going to make three different circles so you have uh uh let's see here um okay gave your [ __ ] you gave your phone number to and we're just going to make this a lot smaller uh we'll go to like 20 point font that should be fine okay you gave your phone number to okay so there's this and then we have the second one uh their their third party Partners okay so this is what happens uh this is company one this is company two this is company three and so uh there is confidentiality I don't know how to spell this [ __ ] word there's too many too many things too many words so there's confidentiality here and there is no confidentiality here and so what ends up happening is you play a game of telephone that gets you annoyed and so this is exactly what they're doing too and so you give your phone number to the first company then the company says that they reserve the right to share their data with their third- party Partners but then their third-party Partners have their third-party partners that don't have the same confidentiality cause and then before you know it you're getting phone calls from a third [ __ ] company a third place that you didn't do anything with you had nothing to do with and they're giving you phone calls all the time trying to get you to buy something so this is the problem here so it's like oh well we're we're keeping This Confidential inside of the company except for the fact that we're telling we're sharing it with people that don't have any sort of confidentiality Clause you don't see the problem with that holy [ __ ] like it's so obvious in addition our Li is not help with held yeah obviously thus there are no legal issues regarding the information shared to the public in the Stream made by our livers I think this is [ __ ] and the reason why I think it's [ __ ] is because the livers are an intellectual property that's owned by the company so for all intents and purposes legally isn't the liver also the company and just the person is representing the company through the liver so what the [ __ ] are you talking about like you can't own the IP and then use the IP and then say it was somebody else they're actually trying to do this what the [ __ ] are you doing the representatives of the company absolutely they're owned by the company the livers are employees no do they have ownership of the channel who owns the channel does the liver own the channel or does ninjas Sanji own the and does rip boo own the channel the company owns the channel okay so then they are accountable for what happens on that channel Channel not the liver it's this is insane how could anybody this is what are you talking about let's go back and read the rest of it after a rigorous legal check any color hereby declares that has not made any confidentiality violations while checking the validity of claims made by selin and her lawyer yes um let's assume that's true you still [ __ ] her but you you still did something that was wrong like you don't get to go like this might work in court it might be like oh yeah we're not like we are not criminally liable we are not legally liable to pay you a settlement but that doesn't mean you didn't [ __ ] your [ __ ] somebody over you see what I'm saying we investigated ourselves reach the conclusion we did nothing wrong well I mean I I I mean I I don't think that the internal investigation is necessarily the problem the problem is sharing the information with people that shouldn't have it that don't have any confidentiality so then you have a community note the liver in question selin on her new account dcub has confirmed that she was promised the information would only be shown to lawyers as it was an HR complaint sharing this information without consent may be a violation of uh pipa as Doki bird is Canadian and what is this link here personal information protection of uh people's in brief what is this so the ACT applies uh what information is personal opinions evaluations comments I mean I feel like that's literally what it was right if that's classified as personal information opinions of the of the individual then there it is and then also like you have medical records to be honest with you I thought medical I thought the medical record thing was something totally different because like here in the US usually you have like two different distinctions you have like uh corporate distinction and like medical distinction and and they're different uh but like maybe in Canada they do it and I don't live in Canada I'm not sure but like I just thought it was two separate things but yeah it does it does seem to be also the same thing so she stated Her diagnosis and hospital visit were shared well then they're wrong like I I I I think that what's really shocking to me about this so this is what's so crazy is that they think that there's no problem sharing information that's confidential with people that aren't Bound by confidentiality and then on top of that because they're not bound by confidentiality then they can say whatever they want but there is no they like for example uh Ela Pandora is an IP owned by nja Sanji that's like Dr disrespect going and robbing a bank and saying it wasn't me it was doc doc did this no doc did this I didn't do this this is the other guy get the [ __ ] out of here the response video is ter okay so so here's the response video addressing your concerns uhoh uhoh here we go let's see it okay hello I'm R tazi CEO of an Inc I making this video to speak directly to you okay the fans of niss and everyone who supports the B industry first of all I deeply apologize for causing concern to many people please allow me this time to address your concerns first let me explain what he means by concern I can't spell this [ __ ] give me a minute that's that is what he means by concern here this is the concern and to be fair that's not too good me apologize for a misunderstanding caused by the notice published on our investor relations page on February 7th after announcing the termination of s contract we received questions from investors regarding the impact this have on company performance the notice was published to respond to investors in the notice we unfortunately used the expression negligible to describe performance impact well the thing is like the way that they said that so it's like they're not wrong because like this is a very big company the her leaving the company wasn't What affected the company the drama around her leaving the company is What affected the company they have like 50 people 100 people on their on their roster so if you lose somebody it it is negligible that's that's just the way it is it is but the problem is the drama our wording locked consideration for the situation and c n and Ian fund and everyone who supports the B industry to feel that any girl Inc and bued the impact this is just that was just salt in the wound the real problem was the three-page document right I mean this is that's really what the problem was them saying that like nobody gives a [ __ ] about that parents contract determination or setting herself I deeply regret this outcome and we'll be rethinking how our communication in English is done they don't need to they need to rethink how their communication with their their their talent is done like it has nothing to do with the communication to investors that's not the problem like it's just it's just I don't know how many investors this is is going to Hoodwink and confuse I'm sure unfortunately some of them this will uh but the reality is that them saying that is financially accurate but the problem is that it's not taking into account the blowback from the situation which is what the real problem is her leaving isn't the problem the drama around her leaving is the problem and if she had just left and this drama didn't happen Nas Sanji wouldn't have been affected hardly at all s was integral to the growth of Nissan as a company it is truly unfortunate that our relationship ended the way it did okay we regret that the notice we published on February 7th was worded this way we made it sound like our company does not value the hard work of our liors I deeply apologize next I will address the feedback to our announcement which led to the idea that Anar Inc may not be providing a safe environment where the rers can maintain good mental health we take full responsibility for this situation where not only any girl Inc but also our liers are receiving Hood messages I deeply apologize to our rers and to everyone who supports them company actions have led the distress of our liers and we are taking this situation very seriously okay please understand that some rers may choose to Temporary step back from social media I mean I don't think that these companies really give a [ __ ] about any sort of opinions that they have regarding uh like oh oh how this makes a content creator feel like and do you know do you want to know how I know that because you just used one of them as a Target dummy for your PR piece you literally just put some random girl like you're like yeah hey by the way we're going to use your platform to spread this extremely unpopular perspective that you're going to lose tens of thousands of subscribers for that you are not responsible for and that's it so like if they really cared about that then they wouldn't have done that in the first place like think about the fact like here's a very good question that's super simple could you have predicted that the response to this would be negative to them sharing their perspective Ive yes yeah I could have predicted this as well so they did this and I think that they they did too they absolutely did so what are we really talking about here we're talking about them knowingly putting a person out in the middle of a massive controversy having them tank all the Heat and then them making another statement like this about how much they care about people's mental health I wonder how elar is like a kayab dragon sister too which is even worse I don't know what the lore is but I wonder how ela's mental health is holding up right now you know what I bet it's probably worse than it was before this situation started I bet it's worse management team continues to communicate with rivers to provide any and all support in every way they can we will be implementing several new internal systems to ensure the drivers can resume streaming activities while maintaining their well-being also by establishing things such as better reporting systems we aim to create an environment where we can better identify and resolve issues more quickly yeah next I would like to address the concern that has been raised by fanss who have been supporting the bua community regarding whether any girl Inc has been what about like the preemptive like three-page document condemning her like because I feel like that's kind of a big deal enough regarding YouTube content we did not have offal programs a bable until fall last year other than content for the 3D event in July and Cel some people are criticizing him for reading off of a teleprompter I don't think that's a problem at all this is an extremely sensitive situation it's legally involved this person is not a trained public speaker of course he's going to be reading off of a script he's ESL obviously cut the guy a [ __ ] break of course he's reading it off of a teleprompter live caras in February last year there has been a lck of 3D Live content however in the meantime we have spent the past year recruiting and working on strengthening the stuff work so we can better provide content for Nissan since last year we have also started multiple new projects that are still in progress in addition to supporting rers on activities we hope this will help improve our nanan content offerings one of them is the game event stream that was scheduled to be held on the 11th however considering the situation after the recent events this event is being delayed so that we can properly direct our full attention to reviewing and ensuring the quality of our liers wellbeing okay as a company we intend to do everything in our ability to support Nissan and meet the fund's expectations finally I apologize for not just recent events but also of pre-existing areas that needed our Attention our rals are irreplaceable each and every one of them Beyond being business partners they are the most important individuals that we must protect as a company to everyone who has and continuous to support the rers I am very sorry that sitations were AOW to alliz where our dedication to their well-being was not clear I feel that this should never be the case once more personally and on behalf of our company I apologize to you all for causing concern as Anar Inc we will do everything we can to ensure that we create and maintain an environment where the rers can succeed in their creative Erse okay um well I I don't think this was like really that bad like I think the worst part of this was this statement like this was the worst thing this was clearly just an ad to make sure that people don't uh sell the stock I don't really think there was anything super bad about this or good about it it was just kind of like okay there it is uh they kind of didn't apologize to Doki they're probably advised not to because it could be used as an admission of guilt in court uh that that's really what is uh what do you think they could have uh said something to help fix this I mean I really don't know he's talking to the investor and not to fans and doy doie yeah I I I think so it's very mad the stream that they did was way worse yeah I think this was just super vanilla there was nothing else really to it or anything else for exactly the hubus of them was on full display with those tweets I don't have to apologize but stop throwing under the bust the they said to make the workplace better they sent livers to be their spokespersons well I I agree man this should have been the only video that they made about this yeah I I honestly think that you're right like if they had just released this video without this message from nja Sanji or this like stupid tweet then I feel like that probably would have been like I mean yeah he didn't have a ukulele so it's not a perfect apology but it wasn't really all that bad yeah I mean [ __ ] he wasn't sitting in front of his bed crying he didn't start it off this is the hardest video I've ever had to make you know I've made a tremendous laps in judgment so like yeah it's it's not a a perfect YouTube apology but you know maybe in Japan they do things a bit different so you know different cultural thing uh the point is that uh Czech DOI Twitter I already looked at her tweet I saw it before I'll look at it again I mean like this is it it was never supposed to be shown by anyone other than me I mean this is just what saying like I mean what what else really is there to say for this right I I have no idea but um to me I think that you know going going back to this right this is clearly what the problem is is that they're trying to use other content creators as a shield and then at the same time act like the content creators are acting independently from the company even though the content creator by their name by the ownership of the account and by every single observable metric is owned by the company so for all intents and purposes any action of the content creator is the responsibility of the company it's like if you you know like if you get hit by a a truck and it's driven by a you know some guy right and uh he works at a company will you sue the company because that's the way it works like I don't know how they do it over there I don't know but like over here that's what happened it's not like the truck did it the truck didn't do it and so anyway is it the company's Truck Yeah if it's the company's truck of course right I maybe I I forgot to mention that but yeah little kind of obvious reality there uh that's vicarious liability well I don't even think this is vicarious liability they I mean they're l literally doing it through her and so kind of hard knowing that the company that you worked for would just treat you like this and my POV they're just treating you like a tool and not as an actual person well it seems like at this company that's not uncommon so uh yeah that seems to be the case exactly which is I brought the sister thing and probably used her because the community feels the onus falls upon her which is why she quote volunteered which sucks for her yeah and it's also so uh like it it's so crazy to me that like they thought it was a good idea to say that they shared information with people that weren't bound to a confidentiality Clause when the information was confidential like don't you don't you see the chain of events there like I I this is it's crazy so yeah I mean as I said I hope I never have to learn how to pronounce what this company's name is I hope that we can just refer to them as Rip Bozo I think that this is simply a symptom also of a larger disease that these companies have as I said before an unhealthy and nonbeneficial amount of control over the autonomy that certain vtubers have I do not care about it being quote Idol culture I don't care about it being their culture this is my opinion on whatever if this is their culture Idol culture their company their company culture I don't care what it is it's [ __ ] bad and it's not just bad whenever they do it it's bad when any of these other vtuber agencies do it and it's disgusting and I hope that more people start calling it out because I think that a lot of people have been put in the same position too we probably just didn't hear about it [ __ ] them
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 454,551
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Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, zackrawrr
Id: PkaAnsiGTS8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 51sec (4071 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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