BIG Updates to the Lenovo Legion Go for 2024 - Roadmap - Legion Space - Bios & More

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what's up guys welcome back to the channel for another video on the legion go and we've got the first update of the New Year here for 2024 from the legion go update uh Community post here that we always check out so we're going to go over this take a look at what kind of updates we're talking about coming into the new year and uh yeah see what Lenovo has in store for so let's go over this post a little bit and see what we've got all right and it says going forward in terms of expectation management I'll try to provide insight into what we're working on next rather than expected timelines for release of what we're working on as those are still shifting uh based on a few factors uh yeah so that makes uh sense it is hard to give timelines on a lot of these things and you have to keep shifting them and we saw some of that uh in December it's nice to know the road map of what's coming and maybe as we get closer uh to releases they could put some dates or let us know window as to when to expect it but uh I mean I kind of get it it is hard uh to always nail down exactly when the updates are coming but let's see what we what we're supposed to have coming here uh in our next round of updates so next bios update uh version 29 so it'll be based on version 28 and include everything version 28 delivered it'll add Auto vram uh to the Uma buffer selection that's a good one there's a lot of games that actually uh won't run uh if you can't Select Auto or less than one uh gigabyte so that'll be a good one optimization of custom fan table interface for future use by Legion space uh nothing user accessible at the moment okay so some backend work because I know they're working to bring nose fan uh adjustments to Legion space in the future which will be a welcome feature added support for charge limiting by Legion space later not us okay so some more backend work for the charging various security improvements and Bug fixes so that's for the BIOS all right uh so next up we got next space update T ofely 1026 uh driver and bios update integration another great feature that would be welcome that they've been talking about there add FPS limiter toggle on off or lock frame rate another welcome feature I'm looking forward to uh ltrt Dead uh Zone settings all right good one uh custom fan curve settings which goes along with this uh optimization of the fan table uh backend work up here add option to restore joystick response curve and dead zone settings to default values add option to turn off power uh button LED I know I've seen actually a lot of people comment uh wanting that feature so that's cool uh add option to set the Sleep duration of controllers that I would definitely welcome they definitely go to sleep way too fast uh for me and then you can't just turn them back on you got to click them on uh click them off so uh yeah really look forward to that one uh various bug fixes and then it says note some of these may not make it in time yet uh but they're working on them all right and then we've got future space updates targeted to include uh charge limit uh charge limit settings either predefined values or userdefined values implementation specific still to be uh determined uh support for this added inversion 29 bios will need space space implementation as well so that's when they're talking about adding those uh charge limiters into the back end here for bios and then into uh space because they going to need those to work together key customization and mapping yeah still a high priority to get better uh customization of being able to pretty much map keys out anyway you want using the shortcut button so definitely would welcome that and further LT andrt threshold adjustments all right and then let's check out the issue resolution we have here SD reader stuttering issues impacting some users on some games in scenarios uh special thanks to ghost fell one of our beta testers for helping troubleshoot and identifying the problems our R&D team is evaluating uh an updated driver from realtech and have been in contact with them on the issue uh to troubleshoot all right so they're working on a new driver for the SD card reader uh they provided some tools which uh will work with fusers to gain uh gather some more data all right uh if you experiencing any the issues with the genes SD reader please uh let me know warranty upgrades uh are now available for for us and Canada users uh through the support website I actually saw those go live the other day um maybe it was today actually when I was on my account it said I was eligible for upgrading warranty so that's cool anding your serial number blah blah blah custom TDP working with some users on diagnosis issues around custom TV settings in space and trying to get a hand on what's going on and what improvements to make um I know I was having a lot of TDP issues in the beginning of the Legion go they wouldn't stick or they would uh crash games there was a ton of issues with it not running run right now since the past like version 28 bios the newer GPU drivers and chipset drivers everything up to date as of now I haven't really had any of those issues luckily it seems to me like everything does seem to be working in both handheld battery mode and plugged in for all my TDP which is good because I was having a lot of issues so hopefully anybody else that's still suffering with issues with the TDP settings can get that fixed because that is uh big deal on the handhelds if you're having issues with the custom TDP and that is pretty much what they have in here for these updates so definitely looking forward to um them continuing to improve Legion space and the BIOS um nothing in here about the next GPU uh graphics driver I know we just got the one in December which is great but it didn't quite catch us up it doesn't get us all the way up to the newer AMD one that has like specific fixes for Avatar and some other things so without side loading there's nothing official out yet to kind of catch up more so I would like to see them uh announc maybe in the next couple of weeks you know the future G driver that they're working on to catch us up a little bit uh there uh for what AMD has done for certain games recently but other than that looking like a pretty good update definitely some features in here I'm looking forward to the Sleep duration of the controllers uh definitely one custom fan curves uh the FPS limiter all great stuff especially for someone like me who likes to test these devices out but um yeah we'll check all this out as it releases and as they continue to put up more post guys uh thanks a lot for coming to check out the video as always let me know what you think down in the comments below actually think the legion goes continuing to a pretty well and uh it's definitely one of my go-to uh handhelds I really use it just about daily now here so all right guys thanks a lot for coming and check out the video as always I really appreciate it and I'll see you in the next [Music] one
Channel: GameTechPlanet
Views: 9,968
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Keywords: lenovo legion go price, lenovo legion go handheld, lenovo legion go specs, lenovo handheld, lenovo legion go, steam deck, asus rog ally, lenovo legion, lenovo, handheld pc, hamdheld pc gaming, legion go, amd z1 extreme, legion go update, legion go january update, lenovo legion go review
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 21sec (381 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 06 2024
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