BIG Update - Midjourney Will Never Be the Same Again

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wake up mid Journey will never be the same again there's a lot to go over so let's get started mid Journey just introduced the personalization feature they've been working on this for a while but basically the bot will take into account your personal preferences when it creates a generation let me show you a quick example and then I'll teach you how to do this yourself if you were to normally prompt for Batman in version 6 you might get something like this generation and this is on seed 4689 but if you were to type Das Das P at the end of your prompt mid Journey will personalize it for you and this is a generation you might see well you won't be able to see it I'll see it because that is my personalization code right there w m L1 AI that happens to be my code and if you use that in your prompt you would get images that look like this specifically that code when you type-- P at the end of your prompt your code will appear personalization will be turned turned off by default but you can turn it on inside of your settings hit forward SL settings and we can find personalization right here alternatively like I said you can add d-p at the end of your prompts on your own let's do a quick live example if we were to imagine an aerial view of a pirate ship Festival cruise and we hit enter mid journey is going to run that normally sure everything makes sense but if we were to add Dash D P at the end of The Prompt now mid journey is going going to run it with our personalization code if you don't want to input that parameter every time again you can go into your settings and click personalization that will add your code to the end of all of your prompts here's what the cruise might look like on its own and here's what it looks like with my personalization code now how do you develop this code for yourself let me show you first you're going to need to go to the mid Journey website right now the model learns in two different ways your personal style will depend on which images you like on the explore page as well as what images you choose in the rank pairs the mid Journey team says you need around 200 images chosen for the bot to develop your personal preference at the top here I've actually ranked 8,703 so I think the bot has gotten to know me pretty well and all you're going to do simply choose left or right which one do you like better and I want you to keep in mind it's not necessarily what the better picture is it really is just what do you prefer I am a sucker for video game Graphics so I'm going to go with the right side here and then something like this might be a lot more difficult for you but again it is just a personal preference so don't sweat it too much which do you like better the left or the right and just a little shortcut for you you can use the one or two keys on your keyboard to choose between the left and the right one being the left two being the right I chose the left side ooh this is a tough one I'm going to go with the right side so I'm going to click click number two and something that you should be aware of you can always hit the skip button if you aren't sure which of the two you like or you don't like either of them don't feel like you're forced to pick remember you can just hit skip and if you make these selections enough times mid journey is going to start to learn what you like and then when you write a short prompt and you don't leave a lot in the description mid Journey can kind of fill in that blank space for you specifically cater to what you would prefer now once you have your code developed I want to show you a way to test it you're going to write your prompt again if you want to test it I think you should start with something simple so you can really see the effects of what mid Journey does behind the scenes then we're going to put a curly bracket followed by a comma Now is where we're going to input the new parameter d-p and close that with a curly bracket what that prompt is going to generate is neon Batman with and without-- P but we're not done if you really want to see the effects we're going to lock in a seed number D- seed and then you can type random numbers on your keyboard you just have to pick a number between 1 and 4 billion boom there we go when you hit enter mid journey is going to ask if you want to develop these two prompts will'll hit Yes again you can hit show prompts if you aren't sure what happened so we have neon Batman on this seed and neon Batman d-p on that seed so there's our prompt and that's pretty much what I would expect for Mid Journey at this point but take a look at what personaliz ization did to the generation oh my God isn't that amazing like look at number two that is so cool and all I needed was that code in the prompt that is my code again you can use that in your prompt and you will get a similar vibe to what I prefer may that be a gift for me to you and feel free to leave your codes in the comments below I would love to explore them as well but there is one more important thing that you should know about you can actually control the strength of this personalization we can do that by using D- s that is the stylized value it goes from a range between 0 and 1,000 the default is 100 let's go through this example here is a superhero dog on my style code on this seed number with style zero that means that there is no strength to the personalization and this is what you would expect to see for a mid Journey for just a regular superhero dog okay that's fine but let's raise the stylized value a little bit let's raise the strength of my code there is at styliz 10 and maybe you can just see a hint of my preference there but I promise you it's going to get a lot stronger here it is at 20 and I would say number one and number three are a little more reminiscent of what I would expect from this new MID Journey feature but take a look at stylize 50 on the same seed number it's definitely starting to incorporate my preferences to say the least now I would say I'm not completely in love with my preferences I feel like my style and my design choices very vary from day to day but overall if you rank enough images if you let mid Journey get to know you I think you'll be pleasantly surprised with what the bot can learn from you trust the process trust the system trust the team and remember this is off by default you don't have to use this feature this is just a way to write short prompts and still get what you want to see here's our superhero dog at no stylized value which means it's at the default of 100 and these are okay I guess I like number four or the golden hour that's pretty cool so my personal recommendation is to use a styliz value the strength of your code somewhere between 50 and 200 you do not need to go much higher here it is at 200 and we're definitely starting to get that vintage Vibe I think that's what you'd call it but watch as we raise the value on the seed number it's really not going to change that much like here it is it 300 did that do anything are those not the exact same pictures a quick back and forth pretty similar and I think that's how you can test that the strength of your code it really doesn't make that big of a difference after a certain point certainly between 10 and 50 all the way up to 200 but as we raise it above 200 you can refer to it as maybe diminishing returns here it is at 400 500 600 now I actually like these a lot as you'll see I upscaled 1 three and four but I think the point is that maybe I just got lucky with these and I could have easily seen these same images in 200 300 etc etc the higher the stylized value really doesn't make that big of a difference as you can see it's 700 800 900 although I do really like number four here I think that's beautiful and 1,000 again okay I like this a lot feel free to raise the strength of your personalization code just try to remember it might not matter that much okay wait there's one more thing you might want to know about this please experiment with the chaos value when your code is enabled it actually works pretty well I mean I'm not that confident in saying that but let me show you some examples here we have a portrait of an Instagram model Chaos 3 okay that's something we might expect from this type of prompt here it is at chaos 7 and look at number three here I mean that's an amazing picture I didn't ask for any of these details but somehow mid Journey knew that I would like this I think that's rather impressive if I do say so myself and maybe I can point out in the future that these personalization codes they might change the algorithm might change when you rank images you might change your own code I just want to say don't get too attached to what you see here mid journey is a constant evolving process and the team just wants you to have fun with the tools available to you please don't get too attached to any specific style if there are any updates to this feature I will be the first to tell you about it here's the prompt at chaos 12 all right now this would be normally the limit of what I would suggest for chaos values but watch what happens when we keep going at chaos 20 we can still get some beautiful images and there's even a guy in number four who would have thought I like number three a lot at chaos 40 I can't believe we get something that resembles our prompt look how beautiful number four is I think a high chaos value might be something that you want to explore as well chaos 60 could still work these are great and Chaos 100 I think still turned out pretty well there are a couple more things I want to mention in this video with regards to this new feature stick around if you want to learn more and if you want to learn everything else about mid Journey you can check out my mid Journey beginner course in the description below okay the first thing is that your aspect ratio can actually change the idea of this preference quite a bit at least in my initial testing here is a portrait of a penguin in a 1ex one square ratio okay these are pretty cool I like what mid journei did with it turns out Journey got my preferences correct in 2x3 I would say the same thing these are pretty similar to the square but look what happens when we use a wider ratio the painterly vibe sort of disappears what's up with that why would that happen I don't really know maybe you can let me know what your ideas and your theories are but keep in mind that the aspect ratio might change your generation quite a bit now I know I mentioned that this feature works really well for short prompts but it actually does quite a bit to longer prompts as well well and this is not something I expected so this prompt here let's look at a stunning stained glass Monument of a king and queen protecting their Castle Rich handwoven architecture in a surreal atmosphere on that specific seed number that's what we get okay maybe that's not the best prompt maybe these Generations I don't know number four isn't bad but let's just I wouldn't hang these on my wall so to speak but look what happens when we use that same prompt same seed number with my code we get these and these are quite different like extremely different it's much more viby more painly again it's hard to put into words because this is my preference over 8,000 ranked images it's hard to describe but remember that even in a longer prompt your style code might make a big difference and maybe the last thing that you need to know about is that your personal code also works with style raw take a look at this prom a cute dog with big eyes sitting next to a guardian king cobra snake number two is such a funny picture and I'm sorry I didn't want I wasn't expecting this specific look to come through I didn't want the dog to look like it was about to be eaten but when we put our code or d-p into the prompt style raw can also tap into our preferences and we get these more faded looks I don't know I like these a lot like look how cute these are oh that's just the greatest and then I do have to point out that your personal codes do not work with nii journey at this time and over on on the mid Journey website you can find the personalization option here in your settings there's everything that you need to know about mid Journey's newest feature get to ranking those pairs and perhaps share your code with me I hope you're doing well take care and I'll see you next time peace
Channel: Future Tech Pilot
Views: 69,354
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: midjourney ai, midjourney, ai art, midjourney tutorial, midjourney tutorial for beginners, midjourney tutorial prompts, midjourney prompt help, midjourney tricks, midjourney tips, midjourney personalization, midjourney --p, midjourney update, midjourney version 6 personalization, midjourney training, midjourney training model, midjourney ranking
Id: kC2SyWMZ_Rg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 16sec (736 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 12 2024
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