Big Sur on Unsupported Mac [2008-2013] OpenCore Legacy Patcher THE EASY WAY for Older Macs!!!!

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hey everybody mr mcintosh here in today's video i'm going to show you how to install open core legacy patcher on your unsupported mac from get this 2008 to 2013. that's right you've been asking for it how can i install the mac os big sur patcher on my earlier mac that doesn't have metal graphics well the open core legacy patcher now has beta gpu acceleration patches that work great that's not all if you have a metal version from 2012 to 2013 mac open core works great on that too with no additional patches after the install so i'm gonna go over how to download the installer how to patch the installer how to install mac os big sur how to install open car legacy to your hard drive so it boots automatically i'll show you how to install the experimental acceleration patches if you have a 2008 to 2011 mac so we've got a lot to cover let's jump in and get started you're ready to install mac os big sur on your unsupported mac using open core legacy patcher now before we begin i've put together some notes that we can go over before we get started number one if you're installing this on a mac and you have data on it that you need back up all your data to an external usb or an external hard drive i've tested open core legacy patcher and big sur on multiple unsupported macs and it works great i recommend backing up your data even if you're on a supported mac going to a new os now the equipment you're going to need is at least a 16 gigabyte or larger usb flash drive or a usb external hard drive you're going to use that to install open core on it to it so you can boot to it and then we'll use create install media to put the mac os big sur installer onto it so we can install it the next thing we're going to talk about is is your mac model supported now i've got a page up here that we can look over all the supported models now i'll put this link in the description so you can check to make sure your mac is supported most macs are supported anything before that and that's where it starts to not get supported as you can see macbook air 2008 macbook pro all the way to 2008 mac mini 2009 and imac starts out at mid 2007 and 2008. so look here and read the notes because as the patcher progresses the notes will change support might be added for your particular model so now that we know that let's talk about which mac you're going to install big sur on do you have a 2012-2013 unsupported mac that has a metal supported gpu graphics card then you're fully supported after you install mac os big sur with open quarter legacy apache you're done you don't have to install any patches app you're ready to go now if you have a 2008 to 2011 with a non-metal gpu then the good news is is like i mentioned in the beginning open core legacy patcher now has beta graphics acceleration drivers and you'll be running that patcher after you get to big sur it'll be a little bit slow until you run that and we'll do that in the later part of the video the next thing we want to talk about is memory and hard drive type recommendations keep in mind it supports four gigabytes and a an old spinning hard drive but i recommend that if you're gonna run big sur on one of these older macs issue you should have at least eight gigabytes of ram and an ssd drive installed you can test it out if you have four gigabytes of ram and maybe an old spinning hard drive but again if you want this to run well you wanna at least have eight gigs of ram and an ssd drive that's the recommendation how do you want to install big sur there's three ways we can do this and i i wanted to talk about this because again there'll be a lot of questions like hey how do i do a fresh install how do i do an upgrade well guess what there's three different ways you can do it again you can do a fresh install open core legacy patches supports and then race and install with the installer off the usb it also supports upgrading so if you have mac os sierra high sierra you can upgrade straight to big sur and a third option is just to create a second partition or container and install big sur there and then you can test it out so those are the three options and we'll go over those later and that's why i mentioned that you can test out open core legacy patcher before you install it to your internal drive what that means is that after we're all done you'll keep that usb drive plugged into your mac and that will allow you to boot up into mac os big sur and you can test it out if you realize that hey this is going too slow or something's not working well you can unplug that usb then boot to internet recovery and reinstall high sierra sierra or any of the supported operating systems if you don't like it now if you do like it i'll show you how at the end to install open cord to your hard drive so you can unplug the usb and run right off your hard drive i will be installing bank os big sur 11.3 so i can show you that over-the-air updates work once we're up and running so now that we have the notes ready we're ready to get started the test device that we're going to use today is an early 2011 macbook pro 8 comma 2. that's going to be the test device that we're going to be using today now that supports only up to high sierra and as you can see we're running high sierra here on this macbook pro we're going to plug in our usb drive here and we're going to download the full installer of mac os big sur and then we're going to download open core legacy patcher to be able to patch the usb okay the first thing we want to do is get the installer downloading because it's a very large installer it's usually anywhere between 12 and 14 gigabytes for the full mag os big sur installer i've got a link and i'll put all these links in the description of the video to let you download mac os big sur directly from my site through apple servers all these links here are directly to apple software update server install assistant package and as you can see here i have from 11.2.1 all the way up to 11.3.1 if you're watching this in the future we could be on 11.5 or 11.6 by the time you watch this video and that's not that's not a problem just click on this right here it'll immediately start to download the install assistant package and when you're done it'll be right here in the downloads folder when that's done click on this and then you want to run the install assistant package and you'll go through the installer it's going to unpack that 12 gigabyte package and move the mac os big sur installer app to your applications folder so we'll click continue and install type in our password and then it's done so we'll open up the macintosh hard drive we'll go into applications and we'll scroll down to our install mac os big service right there so we're ready to go now real quick if you're not sure that you downloaded the right one you can always click on it and go command i and look at the version here 16501 and i verify 16501 is 11.3 exactly the one we want now that we have that we're ready to build the installer onto the usb so let's open up disk utility we'll hit command space to do spotlight for disk utility and here is our external drive you can click on view to click show all devices usually when you come in you're gonna it's gonna show the internal drive and then your external usb drive just click erase and make sure that is mac os extended journaled and hit erase and if you get this for time machine just click don't use now that we're done we can minimize our closed disk utility and we're going to open up the terminal app okay the easiest way to build the installer is to just drag the installer straight to the command line and it'll auto fill for you but we need to run this as an administrator so we're going to do sudo space and then we'll go back to our applications window we'll drag them install mac os big sur right to the window and look at that it auto completes we'll go back one we'll do forward slash capital c for contents and we'll hit the tab key to auto complete capital r for resources tab to auto complete and then create install media tab to auto complete do a space dash dash volume and then all we need to do is drag over our newly erased usb installer our usb disk and then hit enter it's going to ask us for the administrator password hit enter it's going to say hey we're going to erase the drive to build the installer you click yes to can our y to continue and it's going to immediately start to erase the disk what this is going to do is it's going to install mac os big sur and then make it bootable as a buildable usb installer we'll click don't use when we see this message if it pops up for you and this will take anywhere between 5 and 20 minutes to install that to the usb drive and if you're wondering what it's doing you can always click on the desktop hit command space and open up activity monitor and click on the disk tab and you can see the activity down here how many megabytes per second is being written as you can see we're writing about 33 megabytes a second to that usb hard drive when this is done we'll continue okay we're complete as you can see making disk bootable install media now available at volumes install mac os pixer and as you can see right here on the desktop we've got our full installer created on the usb drive now we have to download open core legacy patcher and here is the github repository and what you want to do is you see you'll see a lot of stuff on here you'll wonder what the heck am i supposed to do here the place that you want to go to is over here in the releases the releases will be the latest release and it will always be changing the developers always release new versions to improve the patcher so as of today it's one it's 0.15 but tomorrow it could be 1.7 for example and you want to be able to download the latest release so all you need to do is click on the latest release and it'll bring us to the patch notes here and we'll scroll down and we're looking for open click on this and it'll download right to your downloads folder when it's done it'll most likely unzip right to your downloads folder and there's the app if it doesn't open up the downloads folder unzip it and the open core apache will be right there and then all you need to do is click on it and move it to your applications folder like this and all we need to do is scroll down for a second and there's our open core patcher we're ready to get it started so we'll double click on it and when you get this we do know where we downloaded we're going to open it it's going to open up a terminal window and it's going to give us a menu okay now as you can see we're at the new menu it actually is able to detect that we're on a macbook pro 8 comma 2 and the target os that we're going to use to install is mac os pixel 11. it also says hey this model is supported now keep in mind this patcher when you build it on the machine is specific to that machine so if you want to build this on another mac for example you can click down here to change the model and say hey i want to build this from mac mini 4 comma 1 for example but if you're building on the machine that you're going to do it on you're going to be totally fine because it's going to build that efi to that particular device so what we're going to do now is we're going to build open core and we're going to install files to a temporary directory and then we're going to click number two to install those files to our newly created usb to make the efi partition so we can also change the patcher settings here in number five but when we're building the usb drive we're gonna keep the default settings so we're going to click on build open core number one and hit enter and it builds it out and as you can see it puts it to this temporary folder here and click enter to go back now we're going to install those files that were just created to our external usb drive so we're gonna click number two now it's gonna look at all the drives and say where do you wanna install these files now you can see that we've got two two disks here that are detected the samsung evo and that's my samsung ssd that i upgraded on this macbook pro and we don't want to do that just yet but we see our usb 2.0 cable which is our external hard drive that we're going to install or it'll say usb flash drive or something like that here so we're going to click number two and we're going to hit enter now it's going to say hey where are you going to put that partition we're going to put that partition on number one to build out the efi so click number one and it's going to ask for an administrator password here and there it goes open it up install it to the usb folder you can see it mounted it on the desktop and we'll hit enter to continue we have just built that usb installer we are ready now to boot back to the option select menu so we'll click our apple to restart and then hold down option and we'll be at the boot picker and we'll pick up in a second okay we hit apple to restart and we held down the option key so we could get to the option selection screen to be able to see our internal hard drive and our plugged in usb installer that we just built now take a look at the background when you see the light gray background that tells you that we're in the internal efi booted boot picker here when we boot over here to the efi boot the background's going to turn black and that's how you can tell that we're booted into the big sur supported efi that we just created on the usb drive so that's what we're going to do now now keep in mind we cannot boot into mac os big sur yet because the efi has not been patched that's why we're going to boot into this efi from the usb installer first we'll click enter or the arrow button click on mac os install big sur now we're going to boot to the mac os bixer installer with our booted efi partition off of the usb drive now while this is booting let's talk about the three ways that i talked about earlier on what we want to do we're going to perform an upgrade today meaning that we are going to keep our data there all of our applications and we're going to upgrade the previous operating system that we had which is mac os high sierra to mac os big sur but i'm also going to show you how to do a clean erase erasing the drive and installing a fresh version of mac os big sur and i'm also going to show you how to create a secondary partition if you wanted to just test out big sur and just see how it worked first and you could always erase that partition later if it's not working out the way you thought it would so now we're almost to the installer here so we'll see the language screen we're going to click next here and it's going to load up the magos pixer installer menu now the first thing we want to do is we'll talk about uh erasing the drive doing a fresh install so we'll go to disk utility we'll click continue and it'll load up disk utility and the way we do this is as you can see here's our external usb hard drive and here's our internal drive so if we wanted to do a fresh install all you need to do is click erase here and then click erase that's it the drive will be erased you would click quit disk utility you'll go back to the menu click mac os big sur click continue and walk through the menus and you would install mac os big surf on the internal hard drive now to go back let's talk about that third way let's say you wanted to install mac os bixer on a secondary partition let's go back to disk utility click continue and then we'll click on the macintosh hard drive and we'll click on partition now all as you can see there's only one partition on here and all we need to do is click plus and it adds a secondary partition and you can name it whatever you want and then just hit apply that's it it'll create the secondary partition and then you'll go through the menu and you'll select that second drive instead of the mac os you know sierra or high sierra and you'll install a fresh copy on that secondary partition so we're not going to do that though we're going to do a in place upgrade so we don't even need to use disk utility at all so back to the menu we're going to click mac os big sur install click continue and continue agree agree again and as you can see here this is what we're upgrading you can see that there's a 320 gigabyte hard drive in here and there's 290 gigabytes total so that's you can tell that we are doing an upgrade it would be 319 and 319 if we were doing it in a race install so all you need to do is click continue and that's it this machine will automatically reboot and you'll see it boot right to the installer screen which will be an apple logo and a progress bar the length of the process all depends on what kind of hardware you have if you have the oldest mac from all the way into back to in 2008 it's going to take a lot longer but if you have one of the metal supported machines from 2013 it's going to be pretty quick so that gives you an idea of how long this is going to take so we'll let this go and we'll be right at the login window if you did a upgrade you'll just log in you'll have two menus to click pass you'll be on the desktop if you did a fresh install you're gonna have to walk through the setup assistant to create an account and then we'll be at the next part we made it our macbook pro early 2011 has made it to mac os big sur using open core legacy patcher the upgrade went great it took about an hour and now we're at the login window now keep in mind if you're in a non-metal gpu mac from 2008 to 2011 the menu system here going through the login part is going to be a little slow because we don't have the graphics acceleration patches installed yet so give it a second we'll log in and we'll do that now now also we talked about having the usb drive installed to be able to get this system booted the idea here is that you can test it out does it work well are all your applications working do you like the performance if you do then we can move on to the next step and install open core legacy patcher to the internal efi of the hard drive so you can boot without the usb plugged in let's open up the open core application okay so let's say you test it out and everything's working great and you now want to unplug the usb drive and boot off the internal hard drive every time you boot the system now before we do it we want to change some patcher settings so click on number five and if you look in here the one we're gonna pick and you can enable verbose mode and all that other stuff in here but we're gonna change number four the the set boot picker mode because we want to as soon as we start the mag we wanted to immediately boot to the internal hard drive just like a regular mac would be we do not want to show the open core picker by default so we'll click no and enter and as you can see it's set to false we'll click q to quit and now we're ready to build those settings of open core to that temporary directory again then we're going to install it on the internal hard drive so we'll click one to build those settings that we just changed to that temporary directory again hit enter again we'll be back to the main menu now we're going to click two to install open core to usb or internal hard drive but instead this time instead of installing to the usb we're gonna install it to the internal drive so there we go and now we're gonna click zero to install it onto our internal drive we'll click return and we want to install to the efi partition number one and we need to type in our administrator password and there we go it's done so now if we reboot this mac hold down option and then you'll see the new boot picker menu like this hold down the control key and you'll see that the arrow turns into a circle with an arrow then click on that and that will set the default boot disk to mac os big sur so every time you turn on your now patch mac it will boot right into the operating system now if you're a metal compatible mac from 2012 to 2013 you're done you don't need to do anything else open core legacy patcher is installed and you're ready to go and you can even go into system preferences and you can click on software update and see native over-the-air updates for your unsupported mac there it is there's your update all you need to do is click update now and it'll it'll install the update how cool is that so now let's talk about if you're running a non-metal gpu mac from 2008 to 2011 what we need to do is install the post volume install patch so we're going to click three to install the accelerated drivers for your gpu as you can see this talks about all the drivers that it's talking about nvidia intel and amd drivers and you can see here that it's in development now and they're going to continue to improve on this until they feel it's production ready but again i've been testing this and the drivers that have been put into this patcher are working very well so we'll click number one to install the patch system enter and as you can see it detected that sip and secure boot are disabled it's ready to continue click enter it's going to download the files needed to be able to do the patching and click continue and we need to enter in the administrator password on the command line and hit enter and it's going to start to patch we need to rebuild the cache and then we're going to take a snapshot click enter on the snapshot and it's all done all we need to do is reboot to take the patches into effect click enter to exit now before we finish here we need to talk about one particular model and that's the 2011 15 inch and 17 inch macbook pro there's a problem with the amd graphics on that particular model and they're currently working on those drivers now if you have that model we still have a fix and workaround for that so let me show you that so this is the page you'll want to check and in the future this could be fixed and you won't even have to do this again you only have to do this change if you have a early 2011 15 or 17 inch macbook pro to get accelerated drivers working so we need to copy this command right here this nvram command that will disable the amd gpu and work off the internal intel one so now that we've got that copy we'll go back we'll open up a new tab we'll do sudo and then paste that nvram command hit enter and we'll enter in our password and that setting is set now once you do that you have to reinstall the volume patch if you didn't do it already because it would have had an error before so we'll hit 3 again and we'll rebuild now with that setting it disabled and hit enter to continue and re-download yes and now that will fix the problem with the sleep and wake and brightness issue with that 2011 and that's open core legacy patcher on your unsupported mac from 2008 to 2013 and i gotta hand it to dina k and makola you guys did a fantastic job and all the other contributors to this patcher you guys did an absolutely amazing job on the open core legacy patcher and you're going to help thousands of users get use out of a mac that otherwise would have been obsolete and that's the beauty of all the patchers keeping the max working because we do not want to fill up the landfill with old electronics that are still usable today and that's why i love the patchers now if you like open core legacy patcher and you want to be able to support them what they're saying is is what you could do is if you do have some old unsupported macs laying around you could donate your old macs or ssds to them so they could do additional testing whenever they come out with a new version and that would really support the community and the development team and here i'll include a link to this in the description and you can email this address right here to be able to find out more information and that's it for open core legacy patcher if you found value in this video click on that thumbs up to help others find this video and if you want to see more videos like this in the future click on that subscribe button and if you're already a subscriber you know i really appreciate it and we'll catch you in the next video
Channel: Mr. Macintosh
Views: 315,825
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: macOS big sur on an unsupported mac, big sur on a 2011 macbook pro, big sur 2011 imac, big sur 2010 imac, 2011 macbook big sur, big sur on unsupported macs, big sur on older macs, big sur on old mac, big sur patcher, mac OS big sur patcher, how to install macos big sur on unsupported mac, big sur on unsupported mac, dosdude big sur patcher, big sur patcher dosdude1, OpenCore Legacy Patcher, big sur patcher 2008 mac, OpenCore Legacy Patcher Big Sur, dosdude1 big sur, dosdude1
Id: 5M1MepotME0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 39sec (1419 seconds)
Published: Wed May 19 2021
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