BIG SISTERS WISH THEY WERE AN ONLY CHILD! - OMG Family Night Movie / OMG Family Morning Story

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one more book a another book when are we going to be able to go to sleep but this is one of my favorite book you guys are going to really like it oh One More Story mommy this is my favorite story I love how he didn't have any friends because he was a short giraffe but then later he grew tall and then he made lots of friends oh all right I guess one more book won't hurt once upon a time there lived the shortest giraffe his name was Eli unlike all of the other giraffes around him he was very very short poor Eli had no friends no other giraffe would play with him your neck is too short you're no giraffe all the other giraffes made fun of Eli so poor Eli had no friends I feel bad for Eli mommy at school Miss Barbie says that we shouldn't make fun of others because they're different and everybody is beautiful they should be friends with him even if he short oh you sweetie miss Barbie is Right everyone is unique and beautiful in their own way and they should have been friends with Eli oh I'm trying to sleep but I can't sleep because the light is on finally is this story over can we all go to sleep now please your sister's right sweetie it's time to go to sleep now that you've had many bedtime stories to turn out the light but I'm scared of the dark Mommy and I'm not sleepy yet can we please please please with a strawberry cherry on top just have one more bedtime story please Mommy wait wait wait what no I object she's had like five bedtime stories already this is outrageous oh my gosh mom you are spoiling her so much I know she's the youngest one but she gets everything she wants all the time and I need my beauty sleep otherwise I'm going to start breaking out can we please go to sleep s now H your big sister are right you've had a lot of bedtime stories tonight and Mommy can't we read this one just one more time because it's my favorite story and I really like how Barbie married her prince please mommy just one more CU I'm not sleepy yet I can't sleep oh I almost forgot let's drink your hot milk that always helps to get you sleepy my goodness I am getting old I brought you some hot milk before bed and I almost forgot to give you your milk bottle let's drink this so that you can hopefully get sleepy I can't believe this is taking forever my youngest sister is so spoiled she takes hours to get to bed every night and we share the same room so we can't sleep unless she sleeps mommy can you please sing me a song as I drink my milk please Mommy oh all right let's see what I'll sing here I wanted to escape for a while thought that a couple of drinks could EAS my mind I've been thinking a few you for two weeks straight know that I need to get back in the don't you think it could be so unfair sometimes how much of mom spoils little sister I don't remember Mom reading us this many bedtime stories when we were kids yeah I don't remember getting this many stories when I was a kid and mom sings to her every night too that's why they say the youngest is always the favorite Child because they always get so spoiled Mommy I drink all the milk and I really like that song can you sing me another one good job you finished your milk but no it is time to go to sleep now if you don't sleep your big sisters can't sleep either sweetie we have to go to sleep oh okay but if I go to sleep can we please please please go to the mall tomorrow mommy yes you can come with me to the mall because I have a doctor's appointment and my doctor's clinic is inside the mall so we can do some shopping after my doctor's appointment yay okay and and tomorrow can we please go to the toy store cuz I want to buy a big dollhouse and some new dolls you can never have too many dolls no I don't know about that every time we go to the toy store you always beg for a new doll or a dollhous and you have a lot of dolls but you can never have too many dolls Mommy okay well we'll see tomorrow if you go to sleep hey honey do you need help you've been putting Daisy to sleep for hours now I figure you can use a hand I'm guessing the girls are still not asleep yet Dad mom's read her like five bedtime stories but she just won't go to sleep mom also sang to her and gave her a bottle of milk to drink it's been hours and she just won't sleep the girls all right Daisy is being very fussy tonight I've read her like four or five bedtime stories sang her a song giving her hot milk to drink but she's still not sleepy and I think it's because we gave her a bit too much sugar before bed daddy maybe I don't have to sleep anymore because I'm not sleepy or maybe you can help me if you sing me a song Daddy can you please sing me a bedtime song what seriously another bedtime song how many songs does Mom and Dad have to sing to you before you go to sleep I can't believe how spoiled my little sister is oh my okay well let me see if I can give this a try okay pumpkin come to Daddy here and I will sing you a song please do because I am exhausted I am out of ideas I don't know how we're going to get her to go to sleep I might be able to go to sleep if you sing me my favorite bedtime song Daddy oh all right okay I'll sing you a bedtime song wish that I could find the words to describe you now your dad has I'm lying next to you and the world go do daddy wish that I could make you see how you fit me oh every time I hear your dad sing it's like I fall in love with him all over again the one who understand okay that's it for tonight it's time to go to bed now sweetheart time to sleep no wait wait wait mommy you sing too sing with Daddy together now you want both mom and dad to sing to you is there no end to this nightmare mom dad you guys need to stop spoiling her just because she's the baby at the house she always gets whatever she asks for it's so unfair stay forever lying in my arms I didn't think that I would find that someone so just stay for a little while it's open it just took some you stay for a while we make a good team honey we haven't sang that song for a while I think since our wedding oh yeah our wedding day we sang this song in front of all of our friends it was so beautiful we should sing together more sometimes now it's time for bed so let's tuck you in yep we'll tuck you in with this blanket here okay honey you really need to go to sleep now so that your big sisters can sleep too oh my gosh yes please okay but can we please turn on the lightlight I'm scared of the dark oh honey why are you scared of the dark your sisters are just right there but okay here is your NightLight and you can have it on for tonight but honey there's nothing to be scared of because your sisters are going to be here with you okay well I'll just leave the NightLight right here I'll just put it in the center of the room so that it'll keep the room nice and bright for everyone wait what no why do you need a nightlight we are literally right here Mom how am I going to sleep with the light on I've already been trying to sleep for the past couple of hours this is outrageous I'm sorry girls but your little sister is being very fuzzy tonight don't worry she'll fall asleep any minute now and then you can turn off the NightLight when she's asleep Mom this is so unfair girls please please there's no other way we have to try to get your sister to go to sleep we'll turn off the NightLight later when she's asleep thank you Mommy but but even though there's a nightlight I still get scared when it's too quiet so can we also turn on my favorite sleepy bedtime music song please Mommy please daddy oh how do I say no to that cute face okay princess we can turn on some music just for tonight so that you can go to sleep there you go your favorite song this song will be on repeat all night it just keeps getting worse I keep thinking it's going to get better but no it just keeps getting worse now there's going to be music playing all night how are we going to sleep Dad up the it's like my parents can't say no to my little sister because she's so cute it's like she's the favorite or something because she's the youngest why was I born the middle child why couldn't I have been the youngest I want to be the baby so unfair girls girls now now there's no favoritism we love all of you girls the same it's just that your sister is still young so we have to cater to her a little bit more besides she'll be asleep soon and then you can turn off the music sweet dreams princess sweet sweet dreams don't let the bed bugs bite but your sisters are here so you have nothing to be scared of good night Mommy I hope you have the sweetest dreams and don't let the bed bug bite good night princess if you go to sleep now you'll be able to wake up early fresh and ready to go to the mall with your mommy and I and the toy store good night big sisters good night Crystal star good night Uptown Girl night f finally we can finally go to sleep thank you for being so patient girls good night dear speaking of which I think it's time we go get ready for bed too you're right it's time to go to bed I'm exhausted and I have to wake up tomorrow for my doctor's appointment okay honey let's go to bed good night girls good night girls sweet dreams night T night I can't sleep Crystal star Crystal star Uptown Girl Uptown Girl big sisters are you guys asleep big sisters are you guys asleep clearly not what's wrong now ow Daisy what's wrong you have to go to sleep I want to but I can't sleep can you please read me a bedtime story please pretty please big sister with a strawberry cherry banana pie on top oh she's giving us the puppy face oh all right looks like we have no choice we can't sleep unless Daisy sleeps okay one more bedtime story and then you have to promise you're going to go to sleep okay a mom read you this book earlier so I'm just going to read it to you again once upon a time in a far away land there lived a beautiful princess dazy you know this story you've heard it a million times it's always like this every night before bed my little sister gets everything she wants and mom and dad always spoils her because she's the favorite because she's the baby of the house but you know what we spoil her too because we're her big sisters and we love her because just look at that cute puppy face whenever she pouts Uptown Girl and I will give in and give her whatever she wants because she's our baby sister so like even if sometimes we feel it's unfair what can we do we love our baby sister so much if Sister this can you please sing me a bedtime song oh all right you find Happ out there I think I'm finally getting sleeping now I like this song it sounds nice find one new every time your dreams been put on home the story of a last starts to unfold okay good she's finally asleep no you sleep too sweet my parents and my little sister are out shopping so I can finally watch some television and catch up on all my favorite shows so nice to finally have the TV to myself M no I don't want to watch that watch that already oh this looks good ooh Barbie dance competition right on this is my kind of show just going to sit back and relax really hope I'm I'm going to be able to finish this entire show before mom and dad comes home what are you watching it's so loud can you like turn down the volume or something and look at this mess little sister always leaves her toys lying around everywhere and mom never says anything oh oh oh my heels my heel I don't want it to get stuck on my shoes mom is always making us clean our room but yet little sister can leave her toys everywhere around the house the entire living room is full of her toys it's so unfair how my little sister gets away with everything just because she's the youngest of us and why do I have to be the oldest it's so unfair I never get away with anything look at this mess oh are you watching the Barbie dance competition I already watched this episode can we like change the channel and watch something else cuz I already watched this you're so late meow hi pinky do you want to watch TV with me oh you want to be pet don't you you are such a snuggle bug cat a meow meow meow a you're so cute sorry sis looks like pinky voted and she wants to watch this show with me so we're hanging out oh come on The Bachelorette is on and I really want to find out who she chooses and who she eliminates This Week seriously just watch your show another time let's watch The Bachelorette me we've watched every season of The Bachelor and The Bachelorette and they never pick anyone that we like so no I'm going to watch barie Dance Competition well I'm older and mom left me in charge so what I woke up early so that I could watch TV you snooze you lose you don't give me the remote I'm going to tell Mom that you got a C minus on the last math test you wouldn't I'm going to tell Mom that you got a boyfriend whatever I'm just going to take the remote my friends are going to be talking about the show at school and I don't want to miss out on the combo hey I was watching that no give me back the remote no it's mine give it no you give it let go I'm going to tell your friends that you pick your nose I don't pick my nose yeah but they don't know that they'll believe me hey Crystal star let go you're so annoying fine you want war well I'm going to tell your friends that you have sweaty armpits oh no you wouldn't yes I would let's go hey girls we're home what is with all that noise hi if you don't let go you're going to regret it I ain't going to regret nothing you let go ah girls girls please stop fighting can I ever come home to peace and quiet mine no mine mine mine oh hey Mom can you tell Crystal star to let me watch my show no I'm not getting involved in this you girls are old enough to figure your stuff out yourself see Mommy I never fight that's why I'm a good girl and I deserve new toys right Big Sister Big Sister look Mommy and Daddy took me to the mall today and we had ice cream and yogurt and lunch and we got a lot of stuff for me yeah I think we might have gone overboard with that look at all of these bags knew I would regret going to the toy store with your little sister but I couldn't resist her puppy face and now look bought so much stuff at the mall what this is so unfair you bought her toys I should have went to the mall today maybe I could have gotten a new outfit or something Mom it's so unfair you're always buying toys and Dolls for little sister she's so spoiled I know I know she does have a a lot of toys but girl she also gets a lot of your handy Downs so some of those toys are yours and the toys that we bought today here will be especially for her I think she deserves new toys instead of just getting your handy down girls mom I feel like you're always taking baby sister's side in every argument I promise I'm not we went to the toy store and it was really big and I wanted everything there but mommy was like no I can only pick a few items so I got some new dolls oh and I got a big new dollhouse y we got a big dollhouse it's heavier than I thought hopefully we'll have room for this gigantic dollhouse thank you Daddy it's a really pretty dollhouse as soon as I saw it I knew that I had to have it there's so many pretty Furnitures and the bedrooms are huge wait wait wait wait wait hold up hold up you got her another dollhouse she already has a dollhouse this one right here that she hasn't even played with so why does she need another dollhouse when she already has one but that's a handy down dollhouse it's your dollhouse it's not mine and it's all sticky you were eating candy and you got stickiness all on the door I want my own dollhouse and my dollhouse is even bigger than your dollhouse even though I still like my dollhouse I'm still going to play with it it's just that it's too small for some of my dolls whatever it's just candy you can just wipe it off I can't believe you got a bigger dollhouse than my old dollhous n n you're just jealous we went to the mall and we even had ice cream and then Mommy took me shopping for some new clothes and I got this whole new outfit is really pretty and I got some dolls and I also got a new Teddy Bear this is the best day ever mommy bought me a new outfit it's really pretty and she got me matching skirts and Boots this shirt is so fuzzy and warm and this skirt matches it and also these boots it's a complete pink set then afterwards we went to the toy store and look at all the toys I got I got this new Barbie doll where I can style her hair and then I got myself a fairy doll she has wings and then I got myself a truck so that um I already had the Barbie car so I wanted a truck oh and look in this bag I got this really cute soft teddy bear pillow it's so cute and then I also got Ariel I always wanted Princess Ariel and now I have her uh that's all TDA OMG look at all the stuff that you got how much did Mom and Dad spend on you today you got all that stuff and it's not even Christmas yet life is so unfair I really liked my old dollhouse but all the doors are really sticky and it's really small there's just not enough bedrooms see it's way smaller than my new dollhouse even though I still like it I'll still play with it tada this room is so big and look at all the furniture that comes with the dollhouse my dolls will fit in here and also this dollhouse even comes with a dining room table and a kitchen and there are stairs to go up there's even a second floor my other dollhouse is only one floor this is way hey Baker we get it we get it stop rubbing it in our face Sly we're just going to have to accept that our little sister gets whatever she wants from our parents just because she's the youngest and they think she's adorable whatever I'm getting back to my show what no I didn't agree to that forget your stupid show come on let's watch The Bachelorette I have the remote no I don't want to watch The Bachelorette show besides I didn't even watch last episode I'm not going to know what happened just let me finish my show and then you can watch yours give me back the remote no my Show's going to be over no then let me watch it now and then you can hear it from your friends no give me the remote no this is not the relaxing weekend that I was really hoping for girls girls please don't fight you girls are giving me a headache I just want to have a relaxing weekend mom can I watch my favorite cartoon Crystal star can I watch tangle oh or maybe Cinderella oh no no no no no Sleeping Beauty that's my favorite oh I no I like the little mer too we're not going to watch Disney princess you can watch that anytime my show airs right now and I can only watch it live so we're watching The Bachelorette um I want to watch TV and watch disy princess but Crystal star won't let me please let you watch dissy princess please oh no no no don't cry don't cry not the Waterworks girls girls can you please just let your little sister watch her favorite show because she needs to eat something uh we need to feed her a bottle and she needs to take her nap cuz she's getting very cranky oh this is so annoying she got to go to the mall and get all of her favorite toys and get a new outfit and everything and now she comes home and she just cries a little and she also gets to watch her shows so unfair mom I always watch Disney princess when I'm drinking my bottle of milk just for a little bit girls I promise your sister will be taking her nap soon nuh-uh I'm not sleepy at all I'm going to stay awake I'm going to stay awake I'm going to stay awake forever I know it's hard girls being a big sister can be really hard sometimes there are a lot of sacrifices but please she needs to watch something so that she can take her nap fine whatever just take the remote I'm just going to find out for my friends what happens at school and I'm not going to be part of any of the conversations then here just take it just take it go watch your Disney Princess show thank you Crystal star you're the best is big sister ever what you guys want to watch do you want to watch tangle or do you want to watch The Little Mermaid or Cinderella or Beauty and the Beast or oh The Princess and the Frog I know let's watch move on yeah today is a Mulan day we don't care we've seen all of these Disney princess shows a million times with you already yeah just play anything my favorite part I wonder what happens next you know what happens next because you've seen this a million times got to admit the songs are really catchy now that's the spirit yep sharing is caring let's see what's going on in the world today h nothing beats coffee and the morning newspaper oo something smells real good and girls it's time for breakfast come down for breakfast please I don't know what the girls do every morning but they take forever in the washroom our house seems to be getting smaller and smaller as our family grows I think if we have another child in the future honey we're going to have to move to a bigger house we don't have enough washrooms in this house I could not agree with you more last night it was a complete nightmare getting ready for bed I need to use the toilet hey wait what do I look pretty oh what Daisy in here now too mommy can you put in a lot of bubble bath soap for me oh my gosh stop splashing Daisy you're getting water everywhere time for a bath huh wait what no there you go pinky time for your bath oh you're getting water everywhere what a mess it was chaotic to say the least we definitely need to buy a new house if we're going to keep growing our family there's not enough washrooms for all of us and I would love to have another baby and Daisy can use a little sister but I also do think we need to learn to discipline the kids and Pinky a lot more you're right you're right honey in the future we will learn to discipline the girls and Pinky better now speaking of the girls where are they breakfast is getting cold girls come down please if you don't come down right now you're not going to be eating breakfast today Mom Dad tell Crystal star to let me use the washroom she's been hogging it all morning and she won't let me in I haven't even washed my face yet good morning rise and shine something smells good and Uptown Girl I heard you complaining and T telling to Mom and Dad on me but it's not my fault if you wanted the washroom you should have woke up early here the early bird gets the worm na na na n mommy mommy look big sister help me tie up my hair today how does it look ooh very cute sweetie but sit down please it's time for breakfast now girls okay just about time the eggs and the bacon are starting to get cold Crystal star and Daisy wanted bacon so here are your plates girls go let me put on the table M bacon my favorite it mommy did you make it extra crispy and I also like it when my eggs look pretty why do you care what the eggs look like when you're just going to eat it anyways Mommy I don't want this round plate I want the hardship plate and I don't like my egg I can't eat this I can't eat this my egg doesn't look pretty enough Crystal star's egg is prettier and I want the heart-shaped plate Mommy stop being so fussy little sister it looks like exactly the same if you eat it it's just going to go into your stomach anyways who cares what it looks like just eat your breakfast already sometimes you can just be so spoiled Daisy uh-uh I'm not spoiled I just like my eggs to be pretty and that heart shaped plate is my plate you know my favorite shape is a heart I want this plate give me the plate girls girls it's way too early to be fighting we can never seem to have have a peaceful morning together but Daisy sweetheart your sister is right once you eat it it doesn't matter what the eggs look like and Crystal star you're also wrong too you are the eldest sister so can't you just let your little sister have her heart-shaped plate this one time but Mom it's just not fair it's not fair she always gets everything that she wants all the time she's always touching my things without asking for permission and then ruining them like she ruined my blush yesterday yeah well she also ruined my lipstick yesterday too but we're never going to be able to eat breakfast if you don't give her what she wants so it's not a big deal just let her have her stupid heart-shaped plate fine I don't want to argue all morning okay here you can have this plate then here's your heart-shaped plate and your perfect egg yay thanks big sister you're the best this and I'm really sorry that I dropped your blush yesterday I'm really really really sorry and I won't touch it again oh okay well I'm glad that's resolved I'm going to eat this bacon first because it's nice and crispy it's really crispy But Mommy tomorrow if you make bacon can you make my bacon even more crispier I like it when it's extra crunchy and I want my bacon hotter no bacon for me this morning I'm having a sausage looks so good I love bacon but I also love sausages that does look really yummy I want a sausage mine mine mine um excuse me what are you doing little sister this is my sausage you wanted bacon this morning remember you told Mom you wanted bacon but but I already ate my bacon I want sausages now Mommy I didn't get a sausage can I please eat up H girl sausage mommy please Daisy you didn't even finish eating your bacon yet see Mom see this is what I mean she always wants whatever that we have now there's going to be another fight oh dear oh no my problem I'm just going to eat my toast quietly over here Mommy it's not fair I want to eat some sausages a tell girl won't let me have a bite of her sausage mommy oh you're so noisy it's too early for this stop crying mom Daisy's yelling at the top of her lungs stop her like you said earlier it's not a big deal I gave her my heart-shaped plate and my eggs so why don't you just give her your sausage or else she won't stop crying no way it's not the same thing you gave her your plate and you got her plate so so you still got to eat eggs and bacon at the end of the day if I give her my sausage I won't have a sausage to eat no way she's not getting my sausage girls girls why are you girls fighting already it's too early for this can't we ever have a peaceful breakfast okay Daisy you can have mommy sausages here good thing that I haven't ate it yet but Daisy sweetheart next time when Mommy asks you if you want bacon or sausage for breakfast and you choose bacon then you have to eat bacon okay you can't take your sister's food I love bacon I did wanted to eat bacon this morning but then after seeing big sister sausage I also want sausage thank you mommy she got what she wanted again she always gets everything She Wants it's so unfair right our little sister is just too spoiled sometimes I think she's the favorite Child this is so unfair mom yeah Mom this is so so unfair whatever no news crying over spilled milk might as well just eat my bacon this is really good oh Mom you don't have to pick me up after school today my friends and I are going to do our homework together at her house so I'll just be going over to her house after school we have so much homework this semester a I'm so proud sweetheart you have been taking your studies so seriously these days and honey what are your plans today well today I do have a doctor's appointment I feel like there's something a little off of my body so I'm going to the doctor uhoh mommy are you feeling sick is the doctor going to give you a needle shot daddy is the doctor going to give Mommy a big needle shot no no sweetheart your mom's just going in for a checkup no shots today okay well that's our breakfast let's start heading out now a honey doctors aren't scary you'll see okay girls if you're done eating give me your forks and knives we're going to wash the dishes and head out for the day oh oh sorry hi yes um yes yes I'm here to see Dr Sparkles and what is your name please and what time is your appointment mommy are we done yet can we go home yet there are so many people here why don't we go next time we can go get ice cream first if we have time maybe we can get ice cream after but mommy has to see the doctor sweetheart sorry about that um yes I believe I have an appointment at one p.m with Dr Sparkles and it should be under tulips tulips first name and Diamond last name tulips Diamond okay let me see if I can find you tulips Diamond at 100 p.m. oh here you are I finally found you great my mom I mean Dr sparkles we see you in a moment hi there is there a Miss tulip's Diamond a Miss tulip's Diamond please follow me oh hi yes that's me come on sweetheart it's time to go see the doctor with Mommy now hi there so what brings you to me today my mommy say she feels a little different can you please fix her doctor oh okay so tell me what is going on what are you feeling that you feel is a bit different for the last week I've been feeling extremely nauseous and not only nauseous but I feel like I have no energy you know I don't know what's wrong though oh and I'm always hungry I'm always craving something I have so many cravings for food these days and it also feels like my emotions are also all over the place I'm Moody a lot um and it's not my time of the month right now so I can't explain why any of these symptoms are happening I don't even know what's wrong too half the time see I see well let me listen to your heartbeat while we wait for your results to come back mhm well your heart sounds very stable and strong I don't hear any problem but I know I'm going through something like I know it's not in my head I just feel something is different like it's off well you always have to trust a woman's intuition mom I mean drct Sparkles I got the results here from the test here I'll give it to the doctor to check and she'll explain to you perfect thank you oh great I'm so nervous though I wonder what it could be I hope it's nothing serious I hope I don't have anything serious okay okay just breathe relax I'm sure I'll be fine okay what is it doctor I see m i see m h i see H what what does that mean is something wrong with me am I sick not at all congratulations you're just pregnant all of those symptoms are symptoms of pregnancy I suspected that those were early signs of pregnancy but I just didn't want it to say anything before the results came out pregnant what oh that is such a surprise we've been talking about it and trying for months now honey did you hear that mommy's pregnant yes did you where is your daughter what she was here just a moment ago oh no where did she run off to oh dear we have a loose toddler in the hospital we have a loose toddler in the hospital oh no she must have gone bored and ran off I guess once we have another baby this is going to be another thing to take care of and worry about I got to go find my daughter okay now for happier news it's time for you to meet your newborn baby Dazzle honey can you please grab the baby okay the baby's name is Polly right and she's in the nursery okay I'll be right back Mom this is my favorite room in the hospital they are so cute all these babies are so cute their mom are going to be so happy to meet them let's bring these babies to meet their mommies and big sisters yeah I'm back with the baby why do I feel like something is a little off here's your baby oh make sure to support her neck thank you oh she is so cute look at that face but um H this is my baby right I'm not holding someone else's baby you're sure this is my baby cuz um something seems a bit um is that my my new baby sister she is so cute but her eye color is different from our entire family she has brown eyes well the doctor said that this is our baby okay something feels a little off to me and we don't want the moms to take home the wrong baby okay what does this chart say oh oh no Dazzle I think you got the wrong baby this isn't her baby oh my goodness what a mixed up no no no no no I am so sorry this is not your baby this isn't my baby this isn't my baby sister I am so sorry no it's not there must have been a mixed up in the nursery my daughters are helping me today at the hospital but they're really still just teenagers they're doing a uh School assignment to help out and they must have made a mistake oh where's my baby sister and where's my baby hi there thanks for waiting I got the baby right here she's so cute um who wants to hold her she's a little bit of a crier but I've managed to get her to stop crying oh she's precious do you think I can hold her oh she's so cute it took me a little longer to get her here because she was crying a little earlier so I had to try to make her stop crying first but now she's really happy I bet she's really happy to meet her mom and big sisters why doesn't she look like us her eyes are blue and our eyes are brown yeah are you sure this is our baby she's very cute but she looks very different from the rest of the family what do you mean I think she looks exactly like me oh little dj NE let just no no wait we got the wrong baby what here here's the right baby we gave the wrong babies to the wrong Mom what how did that happen oh this is so embarrassing uh I guess that makes sense we better swap the babies I am so sorry ma'am let's swap babies this is your baby right here oh okay thank you I'm going to bring this baby to meet her new mom and big sister sorry about the mixup it's okay it's okay is this my new baby sister mommy is she really our baby maybe she's not the right baby is well but she does have my eyes see we both have brown eyes I can't believe they made such a big mistake but I'm pretty sure this baby is our baby sister because she looks just like you when you were younger little dj oh she's so cute mom can I hold her please yes but please make sure you support her head baby's head are still very weak got to support her head and support her neck because baby's necks and head are really weak oh what a picture perfect family andoo we fix our mistake that was a close call I'm back I'm back sorry sorry this is the right baby I am so sorry for the mixup and I'm pretty sure we got it right this time uh let me just check the chart um yes yes this is the correct baby and she has blue eyes just like yours they're really beautiful she's so cute the baby that we saw earlier was really cute I'm so glad that we're finally meeting my new baby sister she's really cute too Mom can I hold her please of course sweetheart here you go a now she's like laughing at me she's so cute oh look at those chubby cheeks and her hands are so small and look at those little te feet babies are just so adorable that was a close call but what I wonder is is how did this mixup even happen o babies I love babies so cute these babies are so cute what does that say I can't really read that because I'm only three oh wait am I four I don't know what your names are I wonder what your names will be would you like me to give you a name I will name you strawberry and I will name you grapes oops I accidentally made these fell down I'll help put it back up for you guys um which one of you guys have this tag uh I think it's yours sorry I was touching and I dropped it by accident but don't worry I'll put it back on for you there all done Daisy there you are I've been looking everywhere for you you had me so worried oh my baby girl you can't be running off like that okay Daisy you had me worried sick okay mommy's done her checkup we can go for ice cream now hey really really we're going to go for ice cream sorry Mommy I won't run off again in the future I promise mhm okay you promise oh are those newborn babies oh they're so cute bye guys okay let's go for ice cream now hello oh hey swg what's up really really that sounds like fun but I can't I have a trip tomorrow and we have a plane to catch so I think I'm just going to stay home for today yeah thanks for inviting me but I don't think I can make it to the house party later I have to pack and everything M as much as I want to I don't know if I'll have time to make you anything though I really have to pack and we have an early flight tomorrow [Laughter] morning I don't think my mom's going to let me go either because tomorrow we have an early flight and she wants to make sure we go to bed early so we can wake up really 50 bucks all right I guess I can make you something then okay blue and yeah yeah oh yeah your mom's a flight attendant right wouldn't it be funny if we ran into your mom like small world okay something blue got it I'll try my best I'll see what I can put together you know I don't really have much time right now but I will try okay sounds good I'll see you later then just come on over to grab the outfit later before the party okay bye bye see you bye did you get an invite to the house party too yep and I got to make swag an outfit I can't believe you said yes to that I'm just going to rest here's my inspiration and fashion design book I'm going to need to design an outfit for swag she's snoring so loud I can't even think okay let's see I'll do this and this H that looks pretty good I think this would be a cute outfit sweet I'm done I think I have the perfect look I am good I am so so good this is going to be such a cool look I can't believe you picked up a job before our trip uh which fabric should I pick H ooh pick the black one uh yeah no swag says she wants something blue but I'll mix it with some other colors why did you even say yes why don't you just relax we have an early flight to catch tomorrow why did you even have to pick up this job uh cuz we need the money duh it's a family vacation and I want to be where to buy stuff now be quiet don't disturb me I have to get to work now got to make the perfect outfit for swag since she is paying me 50 bucks after all hopefully this is the right size okay I got to trim this part off and really so on the zipper wo this design is really challenging maybe I should have made something easier got to sew as fast as I can cuz I still got to make the top after this yes I am finally done I think okay I put this on the mannequin it looks super cute doesn't it my designs are getting even better M looks big though is it big hopefully it's it's going to fit swag I'll figure it out after I'm done making the top since I still have to make a cute top with this skirt cut cut cut sew it [Music] together okay this top is really challenging because there are a lot of small intricate details but I'm up for the challenge of course since I'm the best fashion designer in town don't make it too big [Music] then cuz the skirt part looks huge that's literally the design okay I'll just sew a few more here I think I'm done got to cut off some loose ends is that the top are you done Yep this is the top isn't it so cute look at all the pretty details and it's blue as well now that's the whole look okay do you think you can help me like try on this outfit sis just by eyeing this I can tell that it's not going to fit swag the skirt is Big Uptown Girl sis I think you're the same size as swag can you like try this on and see if it fits I want to make sure that it's going to fit please be my model all right sure can't say no to that since I love clothes ta let me zip this up that way it'll look cooler it's pretty cute but I'm pretty sure it's big look how loose it is and it doesn't really have any form oh my gosh I love the look and the idea was so good but it's leather so it's really hard to make it form fitting you know it's a little loose at the top and at the waist okay hold on there's a belt let me tighten the belt then yeah even with the belt tighten it's still pretty loose Y and like it's not really form fitting plus the top is loose is it Loose let me try to tighten it some more hold still please let me just see what I can do maybe you should have chosen like a different fabric or something cuz this Fabric's [Music] rough oops Uptown Girl what did you do there's like chocolate stains all over the outfit oh my God it's Leather So it's literally not going to wash off oh oh my it looks like my hands are dirty and I didn't realize that both of them H whoops I must have gotten some chocolate on my hands earlier when I was eating it you know how chocolate can melt and stuff oh my gosh what do I do the stain it's not coming off it's ruined it's ruined this outfit's ruined sorry sorry this was my bad but I swear I did not do this on purpose it was a complete accident oh my goodness I think I used all of the blue fabric that I had too I don't even know what I'm going to make now I have to make her something else well why don't you use use like Jean fabric that's blue you know oh jeans right okay let me look through my fabric selection I need to make a trip to the fabric store because I am running low on fabric okay maybe I'll find some Jean fabric here maybe this is a blessing in disguise you know since this outfit fits kind of big so now you have a chance to make a new outfit that will fit her better except that I don't have much time you know she's going to be here any minute I got to design something new do like a jean skirt or something I think this top would look really cute with a jean skirt since you also have Jean fabric right right hold on I think I have the design and I'll make it a little smaller oh and don't forget the belt in case you make it big again at least have a belt I'm just going to sit here and relax while you make another outfit okay it's going to be a short skirt cuz I don't have much Jean fabric okay I think it looks pretty cute I think all right well it'll do and this is exactly why I don't pick up a job before a vacation should be a simple design so it'll be easy go Crystal star I'm rooting for you thanks at least the design for this skirt is a lot easier so I'll be able to make it faster okay I think I'm almost done I want to make sure that it's perfect though okay I am done the skirt is ready it's a little short cuz I ran out of fabric but I think it should still fit oh no it looks kind of [Music] boxy do you want me to model it for you again it still looks kind of big sis here why don't I wear it I'll be very careful not to stain it all right be careful let me try this skirt on ooh it's short but it's super super cute and look it really matches with the top ooh I love it it's so trendy I am seriously a genius I can't believe I just whipped that up ah it's cute except you got the waist wrong the waist is huge I think it's falling off because it doesn't really quite fit at the waist you know well that's what the belt is for can't you tighten the belt any more just just tighten the belt I can't the belt is as tight as it would go and it's way too loose on me right now what okay let me see stay still while I pin the waist oopsies sorry did I kick the ball a little too hard and a little bit too high and it hit you oh no oh my gosh now there's a big mud stain on this new skirt oh yeah the soccer ball got kind of dirty because earlier I accidentally kicked it in the mud oops uhoh it looks like the skirt has mud on it now sorry oh my gosh there's a big mud stain on this skirt now I don't think you'll be able to sell this to swag later yeah you think no kidding hey don't look at me with those eyes this time it wasn't my fault I didn't do anything my hands are up here the entire time no stains no kidding the soccer ball has mud all over it and look at the floor it's so dirty now plus you ruined the new skirt that I made for a client sorry it was an accident you know what I'm going to tell Mom you know you're not supposed to be bringing soccer balls inside the house oh no please no Mom Daisy brought in a soccer ball full of mud and she got mud over the floor now no don't tell Mom please no Mom Daisy's playing ball inside the house again and getting mud everywhere no big sister no please see you are in big trouble now wait until mom comes in what's going on here girls mom Daisy brought in a dirty soccer ball and look now she got the floor full of mud and also she got this new outfit that I just made for my friend swg all dirty and covered with mud now Daisy is that true did you play ball inside the house again and got mud everywhere um no no Daisy what's worse than playing ball inside the house is lying are you lying to me no I did bring the ball inside but I didn't mean to I was just I was just I don't know I wasn't thinking sweetheart you know you're not supposed to play ball inside the house especially when the ball's covered in mud sorry Mom I know I promise I won't do it last time but this time it's for real oh my gosh it's not just the ball that's dirty daisy look at your face what do you have all over it oh you look like a mess you you need a bath no no it's tile stop it stop it is not coming off goodness come on young lady it is time for a bath you've had enough playtime Outdoors today ah okay wait what that's it Mom you're not going to even like punish her or ground her or anything my little sister is so spoiled she always gets away with everything can't say I'm even surprised you know how Daisy gets away with almost everything oh my gosh I guess so since she's literally mom's favorite anyways I seriously need to make a new skirt then because look at that there's mud all over this now oh man I think I used all my blue outfit today the only fabric I have left are all pink oh swag want it blue maybe she'll change her mind okay she's going to be here any minute now so I don't have much time I might as well use these pink outfit I can't believe what a horrible day it's beenin but I still have to complete this because I really want that 50 bucks time to get back to work go Crystal star I'll do some YouTube editing I knew so much fabric today I seriously need to make that 50 bucks that way I can afford more fabric you can sell these skirts after you wash them yeah I guess but I don't know hopefully the stain will come off H you know it might honestly even though it's not blue it's looking pretty cute I think this is actually my favorite skirt and I definitely made this smaller hey girl do you have my outfit for me I've been so excited all day okay I hope it's going to be something something blue and fabulous well it's fabulous but it might not be completely blue just partially blue see this is the outfit I'm modeling it is that the outfit OMG that top is so cute but oh my gosh what the um the bottom is completely dirty there's like a big mud stain don't tell me you guys that this is the skirt to go with the top well it actually was but don't worry I made you a new skirt I didn't have any more blue fabric but this is still cute but but it's pink though I wanted to wear something blue for today I mean I do like pink but I didn't want it pink today especially because I chose these shoes and I wanted my outfit to match so I needed like a pink outfit for today why don't you try it on first to see how you like it yeah you never know until you try it on just give it a try well I guess all right since you work so hard on it I could just try it okay oo it's actually super cute I love this skirt and it's super flowy so you can literally Dance the Night Away you're right this skirt is so flowy yay then do you like it do you want to pay me I mean do you want to buy the skirt then here's $100 do you have change I believe said 50 right I need 50 back uh yeah I have 50 in here in my purse I'm sure let's see there here you go thank you girl love doing business with you I'm still kind of Bumm because the skirt doesn't match my shoes though oh I know I have this shoe box here the shoe is super cute and it's pink and I'm willing to sell it to you if you want for 50 bucks ooh really uh let me let me see what it looks like are they cuter than these shoes cuz these are like super cute you know H I think they're just as cute here let me show you they are pink wait a minute those heels look familiar I got those heels for Uptown Girl for her birthday I can't believe she's selling them off now and they're brand new you haven't worn them nope I haven't worn them they're brand new I don't like pink anymore I like black now you used to love pink I can't believe you're selling off the birthday present I got you especially because I saved up a whole month of my allowance to be able to buy those shoes for her my little sister can be so insensitive sometimes it's a perfect color for this skirt I do like them okay let me try them on to see how they look super cute but I think the size runs a bit small cuz it kind of hurts especially when I'm walking I can feel the pain already I like them these heels are cute but they run kind of small so they're kind of uncomfortable uhoh I think you just have to break into them you know with heels you kind of have to just wear them for a bit break into them before they get comfortable okay sure I guess I'll just buy them from you since they are so cute M M M M hello $50 bill yay I made money too so I have money for this trip as well by selling off the birthday present I bought her how rude all right bye guys ow ow ow ow these do hurt quite a bit hopefully I'll be able to make it to the party in these heels they do really hurt bye guys see you later have a nice trip bye SW have fun at the party bye swag oh yes we both made $50 yes woo high five now we have money for our vacation oh I'm just starving can't wait for dinner I'm finally done dinner since we have such a picky eating family I had to make everyone their favorite dish so it took me a while nobody wants to eat the same thing in this family our girls are quite picky eaters but I'm not a picky eater I would have ate anything that you cooked for me that hi Daddy I'm here hold on I just want to skateboard a little bit more I just got the skateboard so I really want a skateboard coming coming Mom did you make me eggs for some reason I want eggs even though I already had eggs for breakfast so weird right present I'm here ooh something smells really good Mom I don't know how Mom does it every dinner time but she manages to cook all of her favorite meals all the time oh and it all smells so good I kind of want a piece of yours you can have some of mine if you give me some of yours deal deal look at how many dishes your mom made and how good all the dishes look your mom made this dinner which is so much love yay mommy you're the best this Daisy come on stop skating around it's dinner time we have to eat dinner before it gets cold and did you hear what Dad was saying let's appreciate mom's hard work by really eating the food that she made for us Daisy just a little bit longer I'm skateboarding one foot dad Daisy never listens to me she's still skateboarding around and it's dinner time Daisy why are you skateboarding in the kitchen you know you're not allowed to skateboard in the kitchen not yet just a little longer just eat first without me I'm going to skateboard just a little longer jeez Mom Dad are you going to let her get away with this yeah she's still skateboarding and I told her to stop she's always doing everything that she wants and she never listens to anyone mom you should ground her for skateboarding in the kitchen dad take away her bedtime story for tonight Daisy sweetheart it's dinner time please put your skateboard away it's time for a family meal now princess why don't you put your skateboard away and you can skateboard some more after dinner let us all eat first can I have cake or ice cream if I have dinner now I think it should be okay right Mom Daisy can have some ice cream after dinner sweets before bed time does get you extra energetic but if you come for dinner then sure honey you can have a little bit of ice cream after dinner but only if you eat your vegetables ew I don't want no vegetables not coming what Mom Dad why are you being so nice aren't you going to take away her bedtime story or ground her or give her any punishment she's skateboarding in the kitchen I can't believe my sister gets away with everything sometimes I feel like because Daisy is our little sister and she's the youngest she's like mom and dad's favorite child well I feel that way too she gets away with everything Daisy dinner is not optional you can't have dinner whenever you want it nuh-uh yes I can dinner's right now stop skateboarding no you can't make me and it's dangerous you might run into mom na na na N I can't hear you come on sweetheart Daisy please it's time for dinner put your skateboard away please okay well let me bring the broccolis over hold no mommy watch out oh no sweetheart are you okay and the vegetables the vegetables are there any left oh my goodness Daisy are you okay sweetheart are you hurt anywhere this was exactly what I was talking about this is why we don't skateboard in the kitchen something like this was bound to happen Mom are you okay and you shouldn't be coddling her like that she should be in trouble for skateboarding and running into you oh no are you okay is is everyone okay or is anyone hurt oh my goodness I knew this would happen I called it I knew she shouldn't be skateboarding around the house I said it was dangerous and look what happened she skateboard right into mom and well I guess it's kind of a good thing no vegetables but oh my goodness I'm okay mommy but I fell down my skateboard I know I know but as long as you're not hurt anywhere see this is why why we don't skateboard in the kitchen well I'm just glad that you're okay are you okay mommy how unfair is that Mom stop cuddling her you should be scolding her right now well thank goodness everyone is okay and no one is hurt I'm just glad that we're all okay what none of our parents are mad at Daisy seriously our little sister gets away with everything I'm sorry okay well that's my good girl now let's go over there and have some dinner so unfair yeah this is so unfair come here princess come to Daddy Daddy I was skateboarding and then I actually bumped into mom and I fell right here and it hurts a little and then all the veggies are falling on the floor oh we'll punish that skateboard for making you fall later and after dinner daddy will give you an extra scoop of ice cream extra ice cream yay daddy you're the bestest dad you're not supposed to reward her for being bad she just skateboard inside the house and knocked into mom and kind of ruined dinner and you're going to give her an extra scoop of ice cream how is she ever going to learn her lesson oh I think your sister has learned her lesson right honey you told Mommy you wouldn't skateboard inside the house anymore uh-huh I won't skateboard inside the house anymore I promise I little more lesson can I get another scoop of ice cream I want three scoops of ice cream please please please okay okay let's all finally eat our dinner now it's starting to get real cold but mommy I don't want to eat this I want to eat my favorite noodles with with the soup soup soup stuff I don't want to have rice tonight I don't want to eat this I'm not going to eat it I knew this was going to happen so oh I did make you your favorite noodles just in case here you go sweetie yay yay noodles noodles noodles I don't want to eat anything but yummy noodles mom you spoil her too much you already made such an amazing dinner for us and she went and kind of ruined it by skateboarding into you you didn't punish her and you even made her her very old noodle soup you're just giving her everything Everything She Wants you're spoiling her mom oh honey you might not remember this but when you were younger you were like this too and it's just a phase eventually as you grow you mature and you grew out of it she's still just a little child when she grows older and she can understand more we'll teach her more but right now we just have to be a little bit more patient you were like this when you were younger too sweetie I remember being this Bo when I younger well I guess there's no point arguing I might as well just eat my food before it gets too cold M so good the meat is so tender and just melts in your mouth yum oh I'm going to grab some more eggs so good oh so good Mom how is your doctor's appointment today M oh yeah you went to see the doctor today how was it I was there too it was boring cuz I was there for so long but I met a new friend I also saw some cute babies and there was a lot of people at the hospital today it was really [Music] crowded this is so so good Mommy oh yes speaking of which I have amazing news for our family okay is everyone ready I want to share with you all the big news wait wait wait let me eat a little first it's been such a busy day running to the hospital cleaning the house and then taking your sister to run errands I barely had time to eat all day this is really good my cooking is incredible okay ready oh right about that how was your appointment today honey is everything okay everything is great everything cannot get any better the news is I'm pregnant we're going to be having another baby uh what now say what H yes yes isn't that exciting our family is growing some more now I'm having another baby you're going to be having another baby sister or a baby brother yay I'm going to have a little baby brother or sister to play with yes sweetheart you will there's a newborn baby brother or baby sister growing inside mommy's stomach right now and in a few more months you'll have another sibling to play with and our family will be growing big wo another baby I mean I mean that's fantastic but I feel like we're going to need to look at a bigger house i'ms speechless I think my head just exploded what girls isn't this just great news aren't you excited you know this might be a good thing yeah Mom we excited excited yay why are you so excited little sister if anyone you should be the least excited because you won't be the youngest anymore yep once the baby comes out you'll become the middle child with me and you won't get away with everything anymore and when you're not the youngest you don't get to be as spoiled as you are now look Mom and Dad are already spoiling the newborn baby that's coming honey you've had such a long day and since now you're pregnant maybe we don't have to read Daisy a bedtime story tonight you should go rest early that way you'll be fresh and ready for tomorrow a thanks honey maybe I should it it has been a long day yeah you should rest more I'll put daisy to bed okay thanks honey no I don't want a new baby sister and new baby brother I want to be the favorite I want Mommy and Daddy to spoil me [Music] no it's so boring there's nothing to do in here why didn't I bring any of my toys I don't want the newborn baby to get any of my toys there's nothing to do it's so boring is anybody looking for me should I just come out but then if I come out momm is going to make me take another bath no I'm never taking another bath again I'm living in Mom's closet [Music] forever it's so boring there's nothing to play with hello is there anything in here I think my head's too big yeah [Music] [Music] I'm a super spy Now You See Me Now you don't now you see me and then now you don't one sheep two sheep 692 sheep mom I'm going to go in in your closet for just a little bit since Crystal star borrow a scarf from you I'm just going to borrow a jacket from you I don't have any jackets to wear for a trip so I'm going to borrow one of yours mama has a lot of nice clothes she must have a nice jacket that I can borrow oh my goodness what is all of this dirt on the floor usually mom's closet is super clean why is it so dirty today ew GR gross I stepped on something gross my foot is so dirty now I'm going to have to go wash it later ooh as mom not been washing her clothes or something oh my gosh why are some of the stuff in here so gross looking oh my goodness I hope the jackets are clean cuz if they're dirty then how am I supposed to borrow them okay what can I borrow H there's so many options to choose from let's rotate mom's closet so we can see what jackets are available for me to pick from here mom's closet is so cool H I don't see anything black I want a black jacket I'm a ghost oh my gosh oh that was so funny you fell on your bum bum ow I can't believe I got so scared I fell oh that was such a hard fall too oh gross and on this floor that was really funny but I'm sorry that I made you fall the Uptown Girl oh Daisy that was not funny Daisy you could have given me a heart attack and besides what are you even doing in Mom's closet I live here now Mom wants to get me a bath again and I want to take a bath so I ran away oh my God Daisy you are always so much trouble I don't think running away counts when you're hiding in a closet well I guess that explains why Mom's closet is a huge mess right now just look at all this dirt on the floor like what did you do why is there so much sand uhoh oh jeez Daisy pretend you didn't see me Daisy please come down from there this is ridiculous mom's going to find you sooner or later you can't live in a closet I can too I'm going to going to stay here forever and then I'll never have to take another bath again Daisy don't be ridiculous come down from there right now please still firm on staying inside mom's closet huh well you're lucky cuz I brought you something I got you your favorite tuna sandwiches some orange slices and here's some kiwi juice thanks Crystal star you're the bestest I was getting kind of hungry yeah well I thought I would bring you some food so that you won't get hungry and stay up all night bothering us later what what Crystal star you knew she was in here the whole time and you didn't like say anything why didn't you try to get her out it's ridiculous that she's in the closet okay you be my guest okay if you think you can get her out then you try you know how stubborn Daisy can get when she's up to Mischief I can't convince her to come out you can try if you want uh yeah I guess so you're right right you know when she gets into this mood of hers it's pretty much impossible to convince her otherwise I can't use my hands to eat can you please feed me crystal star now we have to feed you too it's so hard to resist her though because she's just so cute but she's always up to no good tell girl hold the plate for me for a bit so that I can give Daisy something to drink hey Daisy a hi hi it's too low I be so [Music] thirsty more tuna tuna sandwich now sandwich now please you really make the best tuna sandwiches honestly sometimes I think Mom and Dad spoils her a little too much but when I think about it we also spoil boil daisy as well look what we're doing now we're letting her do whatever she wants and we're even feeding her our little sister is a super picky eater she's always causing trouble during dinner time thirsty thirsty more kwi juice please wow you must have been super thirsty or I made this really well Daisy there's still some left do you want more no thank you I'm full now now I'm going to go back to living in Mom's closet Uptown Girl Crystal star are you girls in here what the gibbers why is the floor so dirty girls what's going on here oh no Mom's here better hide oh my God what is going on here there's sand all over the floor it is filthy in my closet now girls what's going going on here what are you doing in here oh mom um nothing nothing I was just going to borrow a jacket and I didn't bring in the sand mom um nothing we're not doing anything in here that's suspicious at all right my mother intuition tells me that something is going on here come on girls fess up what's going on nothing nothing we're just hanging out in your closet somehow something tells me this isn't nothing see when you have four kids it's never a dull moment anyways girls have you seen your little sister Daisy she needs to take a bath but I've been looking everywhere I can't seem to find her anywhere nope haven't seen Daisy no idea where she is not like she's over there somewhere you know like right over there somewhere here oh have you been looking for Daisy why it's not like she might be over there somewhere where you know somewhere up there you know over to my left there come on girl seriously it's getting late I need to give Daisy a bath have you seen your little sister anywhere um well are we playing a riddle together right now at night okay what is it what are you girls looking at what's over there what do you girls want me to find in here hi oh my God Daisy you gave me a fright young lady what are you doing hiding in here oh my goodness almost had a heart attack there no yeah Mom she's been hiding in your closet and I think the sand came from her because she was playing in the sandbox earlier she said she's been hiding here for hours now what she went back into the sandbox after I've already given her a a bath earlier oh Daisy and Crystal star you knew your little sister was in there the entire time and you didn't even tell me well well she told me not to and I don't want to be a tattletail daisy made it all by herself I'm just as innocent as you are I didn't know she was in here I just found out just a moment ago just before you mhm somehow I feel like you known a little longer than just a few moments ago Crystal star Uptown Girl your little sister is younger she doesn't know better but you have to tell me these things if you know she's doing this all rats our little sister always does something naughty and then somehow we always end up getting in trouble for it for her Daisy come on let's come down it is time for a bath you are filthy young lady no mama I want a bad can't make me No Cry Daisy it's just a bath it'll be a quick bath okay you definitely need a bath because you're so dirty and it's time for you to go to bed young lady I'll have to give Daisy a bath girls and then also put her to sleep so do you think you girls can help me clean the closet oh man I guess we can't leave your closet this dirty since we're going away on our family trip oh does that mean we have to clean it tonight no seriously oh man Daisy's always up to no good and we always end up cleaning up after her thanks for cleaning up girls all right come on Daisy that we're not negotiating did you see that Daisy didn't even get punished yeah and now we end up having to clean up everything I can't believe this I seriously cannot believe this why did I have to be the middle child I wish I was like the youngest like Daisy um Uptown Girl we got bigger problems to deal with right now look around you at this closet so much mud and sand um oh my God there's more over here as well oh all of Mom's clothes and over here too oh wow look at that and all of Mom's jackets no oh my my God what are we going to do we have to clean everything and look there's more and the floor oh the floor oh my God it's going to take us all night come on honey it's bath time oh don't cry sweetheart why are you crying you love bubble baths no I don't want to have a bubble bag I don't want to oh come here sweetie you're going to feel feel so much better after a bath and then you can go to sleep otherwise you're going to feel really itchy and uncomfortable no I won't I want to have another bath because I already had a bath today you did already have a bath earlier today but I don't know how you managed to get yourself so dirty again well after the bath I went outside to play in the sandbox again and I had some strawberry cake so it's only a little bit of sand you are taking a bath young lady and that's final this is not a negotiation almost done almost done open wide okay let's turn on some water make sure it's not too hot not too cold okay okay hold on hold on here spit out [Music] toothpaste okay and now rinse your mouth okay good now that you've brushed your teeth you can go to bed after we give you a bath see my teeth are nice and clean now maybe I don't need a bath anymore oh my Daisy your face oh goodness we're going to need some soap let's really wash your face take off hold still please oh okay and you're just on your nose you're not in my eye you're going to get so in my eyes I will be careful don't worry now let's rinse that face over here there that's so much better now I can really see your pretty face I think I got soap in my eyes how my it when I get soap in my eyes hold on hold on let me get your towel here okay we'll just dab it here in my eye okay hold still sweetheart is it here okay let me wipe your face nice and dry I don't like washing my face cuz water always gets into my eye and I don't like that that's also why I hate that I promise I will be super careful when I'm washing your hair tonight to make sure that you don't get any shampoo or water in your eyes I will try my best okay oops that might even be a bit too much there's a lot of bubbles now almost overflowing the bathtub all right then that's good enough okay your bath is ready here miss there is a lot of bubbles tonight are they nice and fluffy yes they're very nice and fluffy tonight okay I'm coming one more step Daisy if you don't want me to get shampoo in your eye please hold still tile no I don't like it when people touch my hair well you have to wash your hair oh goodness it is so messy and dirty I'm going to get in my eye I'm going oh my gosh Daisy oh goodness she hid in the bubble bath Daisy come out here please oh oh Daisy you gave me a fright there just now and just look my shirt is all wet now giving Daisy a bath is never easy bedtime is literally a struggle every night good Mommy I rinsed off all the s all by myself from going into the water see oh my god well at least something good actually came from that look on what I can do when I wave my eyes and go like push I it flashes look thank goodness the bath tow absorbs all the water Daisy please stop splashing look oh my goodness look at all this water Daisy young lady no splashing pleas you're going to get the a whole bathroom completely covered in water it's more fun when I can Splash Water Well it's not fun cleaning it up so please Don't splash it more water mom the baby's crying oh goodness what now um sweetheart can you please try to se your baby sister I'm just in the middle of giving Daisy a bath right now she's crying even louder now Mom we need your help oh my Molly golly having four kids is not easy all right all right I will go check on your newborn baby sister but could you please stay here to watch over Daisy you know how Daisy is if we leave her in here by herself she's going to cause some sort of trouble oh I seriously need a vacation right now good thing that our flight is tomorrow up town girl please we don't have the time for this oh my god seriously why me I regret coming in here and asking for Mom now oh mom seriously do I really have to please no just watch her for a few minutes I'm going to go out there and check on your newborn baby sister maybe she's hungry or something and I'll be right back I promise oh my gosh watching over Daisy is a nightmare because she does cause a lot of problems and trouble Daisy no splashing and please go easy on your big sister don't cause her any trouble and if Daisy doesn't listen to you then you let me know okay all right Uptown Girl thank you so much for watching over Daisy I will go check on the newborn baby now Daisy mom said no splashing come here I'll just give you a quick watchh and get you out of this B the soap in my eye soap in my eye shh oh my gosh Daisy be quiet please I don't want to get in trouble mom's going to come in and think I did something to you okay fine fine you can do whatever you want really like can I spash water my St stck I can go inside and and hide under the water oh my God Daisy don't spray water out of your mouth oh you got water everywhere oh this is crazy you are always up to no good hey I need more [Applause] water oh my God you got water everywhere there's puddles and puddles of water all over the floor Daisy this is not what I meant when I said you could do whatever you want especially now that there's water all over the floor fun no it's not if you keep doing this I'm going to call Mom in here and tell her that you're splashing okay okay don't I'll stop better look at the mess that you made look at the bathroom floor it's covered in puddles of water that I now have to clean up fine just stop spraying water splashing water or pretty much anything that gets the floor wet I'm going to go get a mop and clean this up then yay you're the bestest big sister ever up town girl well make sure you wait right here don't go anywhere and please don't cause any more trouble I'll be right back with a mom looks like I'm all by myself in this big washroom ta maybe I can just splash just a little bit I taking big this for so long she's been gone for so long it's so boring baths are no fun when it's by myself I wish I had more friends in here Mr Ducky do you agree what should I bring in Nemo and the rest of the game then I'll have more fun cuz I'll have friends and then we can all take a bath together wait right here okay Mr Ducky I'll be right back with Nemo care for not to fall cuz it's slippery I'm back look who I brought I got Oscar first okay I found flounder flounder was really hard to catch Nemo was hiding it was really hard to find him but I found him look here's flipper flipper tried to jump out of the aquarium cuz he was so scared but I got him I'm back with shark a lot of running back and forth oh no she got us we are gers help we have a lot of fish in the aquarium who was a lot of work carrying all you guys one by one into the bathroom so guys who wants to go first into the bubble bath water with me oh no we're all going to die today no I'm too young let's see who should I take first Oscar flounder Nemo flipper guppy Finley [Music] um um how are you Nemo Nemo you get to go first you must be very dirty from swimming around all day you need a bubble bath come on Nemo bye Nemo it was nice knowing you oh Nemo bye Daisy is everything okay in here I saw you running back and forth a lot what are you doing oh hi big sister I just brought all the fish in I'm giving them a bubble bath oh my God what oh what are all of our fish doing in the bathroom Daisy you can't give fish a bubble bath oh gosh why why they probably dirty from swimming around all day oh my gosh no no no Daisy no you can't throw Nemo in the bubble bath water or he'll die fish cannot go into a bubble bath oh my gosh no no Daisy fish cannot be put into bubble bath water or they'll die it means if I put Nemo into the bathtub that he'll die I don't want him to die I almost killed Nemo goodness okay dais why don't we collect all of our fish friend and put them back into the big fish tank they can stay clean in their fish tank all by themselves plus they swim around in water all day so that keeps them nice and clean and the fish tank is their home and we shouldn't be taking the fish out of their home Nemo and I are very close friends that would have been a big mistake yes so why don't we take all of our fish friends and put them back into the big fish tank where they can live and be happy okay oh my goodness all of our fish are here I bet our fish tank is completely empty how did you even manage this okay let's go put these back one by one I'm sure they're terrified and super stressed right now and they probably miss home oh look at all of these fish it wasn't easy I carried them myself one by one okay let's take the I'm back home oh I'm back I finally found the mop now you're back up town girl you're back yeah I couldn't find the mop anywhere so it took me a while oh my God why are all of our fish in the bathroom yeah weren't you supposed to be watching over Daisy oh my gosh I only stepped out for just like a little bit look at the floor it's full of puddles everywhere because she just kept splashing and spinning water out oh and then I leave for just a couple of minutes and I come back to this oh Daisy She'll always find a way to cause some sort of trouble see you should have stayed here and watched her I don't know how was I supposed to know I didn't think she'd be able to do anything bad in just a few minutes you're lucky that this time I was here to save you otherwise all of our fish would have been dead come on Daisy let's put all the fish back into the fish tank okay what a beautiful day and what a beautiful blue house whose house could this be oh man I hope our luggage is not overweight because that would be a problem when we arrive at the airport all right let's load our luggage into the car [Music] now hopefully we have enough room in the trunk for all of our luggages I mean it is is pretty spacious I think we may have a lot of room in the trunk although this is a pretty big luggage oh it's not going to fit this way I got to turn it around so that it'll fit into the trunk at least the weather is nice even though I'm not looking forward to this trip at all since I happen to have pink eye today ow why are you always closing the door in my face a little help would have been nice I had to carry our shared luggage all by myself it's pretty heavy you know I can use a little help over here sis H oh whoops my bad sorry I would love to help but I can't today because you know I'm sick yeah nice try there I don't think laziness is a sickness come on help me already you know how heavy this luggage is I know you're not sick whatever do you mean sis see I am so sick I can't I can't carry it could you please just carry the luggage yourself and no I'm not going to carry this luggage myself help me already no need to fight girls we're going to put the luggage into the trunk anyways how many luggages do you have well mom said we have to share this large luggage but we each also have a big big as well what did your mom approve of this I don't think those count as carry-ons on the airplane I think your backpack's too big girls oh we're supposed to be traveling light this time I don't want to have to say yes and then later get in trouble with your mom did you not ask your mother oh girls we're supposed to be traveling L this time oh please Dad I can't put all the stuff in this backpack away now it's too late and besides um and here's my homework I need to bring this back backpack because it has my homework inside please please homework I mean yes yes homework yes this backpack also contains all of my homework too Dad please just let us take this we don't have enough space in the big luggage for all of our stuff there's two of us what do I do I don't want your mom to get mad if she gets mad I'm going to tell her this was your idea girls I had no involvement in it now I'll just put all the luggage into the trunk there's a lot of space in our trunk but these are very large luggages oh come on okay I think it fits but there's not much space left can you also put my backpack into the trunk first please wait what why do you get to go first what if there's no room for my backpack after no Dad please can you put my backpack into the trunk first stop copying me I said it first well too bad I want my backpack into the trunk first there's no need to fight girls I will take both of your backpacks at the same time all right oh oh what is in these backpacks why are they so heavy oh I don't even know if we're going to be able to pass Customs at this point hopefully the airport will let us dad you managed to fit all of our backpacks yay Dad I knew you could do it yeah but the trunk is pretty full now there's not going to be room for any more luggages that's okay I didn't have any more luggages anyways me too that's it I guess we can go to the airport now gosh it's been such a busy morning every time I changed her diaper she would go potty again and then I would have to change the diaper again wait I think something's missing oh oh my goodness oh jeez I forgot my handbag I can't my passport sport or money keys are in my handbag I got to go back inside for a minute wait what another bag how big is the bag our trunk is completely full we're not going to have room to put in any other bags don't worry it's just a small handbag that I'll carry with me could you watch the baby while I go back inside um all right okay but be quick we want to be able to head to the airport so that we can have some time to check out the dutyfree store okay okay now where did I put my bag H okay let's go find it sand castle okay can you not make such a mess oh my gosh you're getting so much sand on your clothes I am not sitting next to you on the plane I'm not making a mess I'm making a princess castle okay I need to get my shovel off cuz I'm going to make something really cool first I'm going to need a L of s so let me dig oh my God Daisy your clothes are covered in sad I do not want to sit next to you on the plane right now oh why are you playing in the sandbox when we're about to head to the airport Daisy you're always doing something crazy like this hm I wonder how bad your pink eye is now hey sis how bad is your eye why are you wearing those sunglasses take them off I want to see maybe you're pink eye has healed let's see take off your sunglasses yeah right as if I would take off my sunglasses to show you you laughed at me earlier at breakfast so no hard no oh come on I wasn't laughing at you I was just you know laughing take off your sunglasses let me see maybe your pink eyes is gone yeah I highly doubt it it's a hard no oh come on I won't laugh I promise please just take off your your sunglasses I want to see it no means no what part of no don't you understand it's a hard and o oh my God now I'm extra curious I bet her pink eye has gotten a lot worse that's why she's not showing me you guys you know what would be so funny if we took a picture and posted online I bet my friends would love to see Uptown Girl my little sister's pink eye um Uptown Girl hey look I have something to show you what uhoh yoink oh my gosh it's so bad hey oh my gosh H still this is too good oh my God what are you doing hey I got so many good photos I can't believe you pulled down my sunglasses and just took photos of me without my consent I want you to delete those photos right now I don't want anyone to see my pink eye Crystal star oh my gosh these photos are so good oh your pink eye is so bad delete those photos right now yeah right no way you better delete those photos right now or else Crystal star or else yeah no way am I deleting these photos they're way too good and remember the time you took a photo me on the toilet well this is Revenge dad Crystal star took a picture of my pink eye and now she's going to post it online tell her to delete it please oh not another fight girls can we have one peaceful day where there's no fighting in the house I'm not getting involved in this Dad I can't believe you're not going to do anything about it oh my God you guys look at this photo this is too good okay let's see H I even have a video of her she's like what are you doing take down that photo I'm going to add some [Music] emojis hey what are you doing you are not posting that oh yes I am hey what are you doing show me no way I am still posting this give me your phone Crystal star how watch it you stepped on my foot and almost made me drop my phone well then delete that photo no way Jose give me the phone nope dad give me the phone no way this is too good hi you can't get it yo oh my goodness I just got you that phone last year for your birthday how long is your mother going to take girls please please stop fighting I'm going to make a starfish mode then instead of a turtle mode what's that it's a lollipop I found a strawberry lollipop yay it looks yummy even though it looks like it's kind of covered in sand maybe I can just blow off the sand it's strawberry too and strawberry is my favorite [Music] flavor not bad so much sand oh oh my God Daisy where did you get that lollipop it looks old too I found it the sandbox it's an old lollipop there's a sand on it oh my God Daisy I can't believe you're eating an old lollipop you found in the sand that's so great gross how many times have we taught you not to eat stuff from the ground throw that away right now that it's probably my old lollipop that I didn't finish it doesn't matter this is absolutely disgusting throw away that lollipop right now Daisy no I don't want to I want to eat [Music] it throw that away right now please otherwise I'm going to call mom out and tell her that you ate something off the ground again and you know we had a little talk about that okay fine don't tell Mom they out the lollipop there I'm not eating the lollipop anymore don't tell Mommy and Daddy okay please fine I got better things to do give me that phone no way girls please oh jeez give me the phone no way girl stop running back and forth please you're giving me a headache Crystal star just delete the photo if your sister doesn't like it and Uptown Girl it was not nice of you to take a picture of Crystal star on the toilet I'm going to add an extra Emoji are you girls even listening to me hey what's under here is that a chocolate bar I remember eating this chocolate bar last week and then I lost it looks like it was underneath here all along yay and it still looks kind of good there's some sound on it but that's okay because it's my favorite chocolate flavor sand okay I found my bag it's still yummy it's so yummy N N I can eat chocolate all day oh my God Daisy where did you get that chocolate bar and it is filthy it is covered in sand oh don't tell me you ate something off the ground again I I that it was so good Mom I am not sitting next to Daisy on the plane her clothes are covered in sand and earlier I caught her her eating a lollipop that she found in the sand it was covered in sand and it was gross oh my God how many times have we talked about this Daisy you are not to eat anything off the ground and oh my goodness your clothes they're all dirty and covered in sand now what were you doing when all of this was going down honey you were supposed to be watching the girls especially Daisy did you know that she ate a lollipop that she found in the sandbox uh sorry to be honest I was kind of distracted with what and Daisy also ate a whole chocolate bar that she found in the dirt she is so going to get a stomach ache later you were supposed to be watching all of the girls honey sorry honey uh Uptown Girl and Crystal star got into a little bit of a fight they were running back and forth and I must have gotten distracted I was trying to stop them from fighting so I wasn't watching Daisy there's still a piece left [Applause] M I'm going to finish it oh dear what are we going to do okay first let me let's go change you we can't have you sitting on the plane covered in sand come on okay let's go get change inside and then we're going to have a serious talk young lady about eating stuff from the ground my stomach doesn't feel so good Mommy oh no Daisy you vomit everywhere okay I need to go change Daisy I'll be right back we cannot leave to the airport this way oh man at this rate I don't know if we're going to be able to head to the airport early oh my God is Daisy sick oh I am so not sitting next to her on the plane excuse me I'm not sitting next to her on the plane I already called it well you have to because I'm not going to sit next to Daisy on the plane oh please girls please can we please stop fighting let's just wait here peacefully until your mother and Daisy comes back now I got to put on eye drops my eyes hurt so much but wait a minute I'm going to have to take off my sunglasses and that means my sister she might try to take more photos of me because she's evil don't you be taking any more photos what are you even talking about I'm not even doing anything jeez I calm down already can I even trust her I'm not going to do anything why are you keep looking at me chill already oh my God your eyes look even worse now than this morning that's why you were looking at me you had to take off your sunglasses so that you can put in some more eye drops oh so refreshing ah here's my phone I need to take some more photos this looks way too funny just look how funny my sister looks hey what are you doing why do I feel like there's like flashing lights or something what's so funny you're not taking more photos of me over there are you Crystal star stop it okay good perfect I think I got enough good photos that was so refreshing even though I still probably have pink eye oh these photos are so good even better than than the last batch I am so going to post this oh my god did you just take that just now of me hey you better not be taking any more photos of me over there oh this is too good I'm going to post this video up on my insta to show my friends that video of me looks awful take it down right now it's not fair Crystal star you already posted something of me earlier I only posted one photo of you on the toilet not a video video sorry too bad so sad it's happening hey BBE look on the bright side you'll go viral and become famous for your pink eye delete those photos right now nope let me see what other videos you took of me nope give me your phone no way oh man girls is this happening again can we just not wait here in peace oh when I get my hands on that phone I'm I'm going to break it no way then are you touching my phone what other photos or video did you take of me all right girls cut it out I'm putting my foot down let's stand here and wait for your mother and sister in Peace Dad it's not fair Crystal star took a video and a bunch of photos of me and now she's posting it yo I'm getting so many likes and so many new subscribers your video is going viral going to be famous sis this is what you post of Me no no no I don't want to go viral I can't believe this you're so mean delete that post right now before any more people see it no way this is way too funny and besides this is Revenge don't forget you're the one that posted a photo of me on the toilet everyone at school called me toilet poopy head for like a year that was so long ago oh well that doesn't matter because I still remember it and I still have trauma over it I'm so mad jeeez you really need to take a chill pill ow my eye oh my God sorry ow my eye you kicked the soccer ball right into my eye ow that really hurt you know oh my God I am so sorry I did not do that on purpose I I promise it was totally an accident oh man I don't even know what to do I wish your mother would hurry up and get Daisy change and come out here already what you think I would do something like that on purpose that's insane I would never kick a soccer ball into your face and hurt you no matter how angry I get with you that was totally an accident I swear oh do I ground her do I not you know it would have been really bad if you kicked the soccer ball and hit your baby sister over here Dad I swear I didn't do that on purpose I would never do that ground her dad ground her for like a year look at my eye look what she did to my eye it hurts you know what your mother is going to be done changing Daisy any minute now and she'll come out she'll deal with you two girls look at how upset your baby sister is oh there there all this fighting is really making her very upset okay let's see the damage how bad is it is it pink eye do I have pink eye now see it's not that bad it's barely red are you insane look at my eye it is so red oh no I look horrible what you mean it looks pretty normal to me it's just a little red it's going to go away really soon don't worry about it oh you know what I'm going to get some photos it does look kind of funny and now it's my turn to get revenge huh what's that flash you better not be taking photos of me oh my God this is actually too good you're going to post a picture of me I'm going to post a picture of you did you just take a video of me you better not post that give me your phone as if go away that's it you have left me no choice huh hey what are you doing hey you're not getting back your sunglasses until you delete that post right now hey where are you going with my sunglasses give me back my sunglasses right now Crystal star hey Dad make Uptown Girl delete that post of me I am at a loss for words I'm just going to let your mother come out and deal with this if you don't delete that post you are never getting back your sunglasses all right I've changed Daisy we can start heading out to the airport now but what is with all the commotion out here what are you girls fighting about now Mom tell Crystal star to give me back my sunglasses I have pink eye I have like a eye infection my eyes cannot be exposed right now is your pink eye still pretty bad honey has it gotten better from this morning no it's still pretty bad see it's awful oh my goodness yes yes it's still quite red and swollen so make sure you don't forget to put on your medicine and your eye drops your eyes look like two big pimples they look so funny mom you know what she did she kicked a soccer ball right into my eye just now what a soccer ball right into your eye oh no don't tell me you have a a black eye right now okay it's so bad right it's like red oh my goodness I mean I guess it's not pink eye but your eye is a little swollen and red it's not a little bit it's really swollen your eyes look like a big fat volcano gee thanks Daisy that's not very nice of you to say crystal star give your sister back her sunglasses but the Mom that's not fair she literally kicked a soccer ball in my eye and like it's so red now Mom that was a complete accident I swear please tell Crystal star to give me back my sunglasses you tell her mom sh a moment of silence please I will deal with you young lady in a little bit for kicking a soccer ball into your sister's face your sister has pink eye please give her back her sunglasses and then I will help you fix your eye fine here you can have your sunglasses back thank you much better but now what are we going to do about my eye mom it's so red and it looks horrible hold on hold on I think I have just the right remedy for now I have some Foundation powder here to cover up that redness is it really going to cover everything my eye is really red it's not that bad it's just a little red this should do the trick now hold still please remove your hand please okay all right let's just cover it up even though I didn't kick the soccer ball into her eye on purpose but I kind of like that she had the same eye as me now she can cover no fair hold still please just a little bit more wow that is amazing it's really covered everything I can't even see that my eye is red anymore okay can we call a truce now I did not kick the soccer ball into your face into your eye on purpose and now that Mom has covered it up can we stop fighting please fine let's call a truce okay deal no more fighting then Mommy okay okay let's see here okay let's head out does it really hurt honey do you think you'll be able to sit on the plane uhoh oh dear this is bad oh feel so good my my stomach hurts and I feel really nauseous I think I have to puke again and I hope you learned your lesson about eating stuff from the floor oh this is bad right before our family vacation too my stomach really hurts mommy ow oh my God okay well we still have some time why don't we go to the ER quickly before heading over to the airport let's just make sure that Daisy is okay yeah that's a good idea let's just take Daisy to the ER hopefully there's not going to be a long wait list and a long wait time I guess there goes heading to the airport early to go to dutyfree shops all right family get into the car please oh man seriously we have to go to the hospital I hate going to the ER me too get in please let's quickly get Daisy to the hospital this family vacation is starting out a little bit rough come on sweetheart we have to go she's calling us it's finally our turn come on put the magazine away Crystal star a carry your sister honey a I don't feel so good I think I'm going to throw up oh my goodness really honey Crystal star do you have a bag oh my gosh she's been throwing up all morning already how can this happen been right today too when we have a flight to catch if this continues is she going to be throwing up on the airplane uh-oh so what happened was my sister went outside and she saw a worm she picked it up she brought it inside and apparently she says that she thought it was candy or chocolate and basically she ate a worm oh dear she ate a worm and has she been feeling sick ever since she um ate a worm yes I was just upstairs grabbing the luggage for like a minute and then by the time I went downstairs she had already ate the worm and she's been vomiting she vomits so much I was so worried so I had to bring her here to the hospital oh dear she's been vomiting oh no extreme vomiting is not good we're going to have to do some tests then okay 1 second let me just enter all of the information you told me into the computer normally it's not too big of a deal to eat a worm except that it's very unhygienic but since she's been vomiting we'll have a doctor see her that's the doctor finally we get to see a doctor hi doctor we are so glad to see you my daughter is feeling really sick she's vomited a few times this morning and I believe she ate a worm that was the cause of all this we've been waiting for hours in the emergency ER room just to see a doctor hi nice to meet you I'm so sorry for the long wait today there was a rainstorm in the morning and we had so many accidents but my name is Dr Elsa and my daughter here is Junior Elsa she'll also be helping you today as a Apprentice um her school is doing a little thing here where she gets to go to work with me I hope you don't mind if my daughter sits in if that's okay with you hi today I get to be a doctor too cuz my mom's a doctor and when I grow up I want to be a doctor just like my mommy oh no I don't mind at all I think it's adorable that your daughter gets to go to work with you today however I really really need you to have a look at my daughter she's feeling really sick and we don't have much time we have a flight to catch if we don't get on that plane it's going to fly off without us oh my a medical examination on a time crunch um I'll try my best okay hi honey how are you feeling I feel so good my stomach really hurts I threw up like four times I guess I shouldn't have at five worms this morning wait what you ate five worms I thought you told me you ate a worm I didn't know you ate five worms oh did I say I ate a worm no I meant I ate worms I ate like four or five or six oh my gosh little sister no wonder you feel sick why did you eat like five or six worms I thought you said they tasted horrible yeah they tasted horrible but they look like chocolate and candy so I thought that if I kept eating them they'll start tasting like chocolate oh my gosh just imagining a kid eating five worms okay dear I guess we're going to have to look into it because vomiting and a stomach ache after eating five worms is not good I thought she only ate one Worm but she ate five worms um okay I'll try my best let's get you seated for examination let's get you seated here sweetheart this is my seat for little toddlers it should be the perfect size for you and then I'm going to have to go through a long list of questions like were the worms covered in dirt um how long ago did you eat these worms okay little sister sister let's get you onto this chair here a I don't feel so good wow doctor you weren't kidding when you said you had a lot of questions to ask I want to go home my stomach hurts I feel bad for that little girl I can't believe she ate five worms though cuz when we were younger we never ate any worms and now we know that eating worms will give you a stomach ache and will make you puke next I'm just going to check on your heartbeat so I'm going to wear this thing around my neck and just place it here where I can hear your heart you can hear my heart is it going to hurt oh wait I think I had that before when I went to the doctor it didn't hurt last time it's not going to hurt it might just feel a bit cold to the touch or a bit ticklish it is ticklish yeah it can be a bit ticklish okay looks like your heartbeat is normal now let's do the back side what's that this is called an autoscope it just allows me to look into your ear canal and it'll allow me to check for any infections or too much ear wax or if there's any lumps or anything in your ear it wouldn't hurt at all trust me there is a lot of ear wax in her ears so I would suggest or recommend using some over-the-counter ear wax removal drops okay okay um we can drop by the pharmacy or drugstore after this to grab her some um ear wax removal drops yes but otherwise she's perfectly healthy I didn't see anything to be concerned about doctor is there anything that you can help with her stomach ache we're going to have to be on the plane soon and she can't seem to eat anything without vomiting and her stomach hurts is there any medicine that you can possibly just uh prescribe to us just to be extra thorough and to make sure she didn't eat anything else that she may have forgotten to tell us I'm just going to do an ultrasound scan oh like an xray to see her stomach or something all this really makes me nervous I really hope she didn't eat anything else other than those four or five or six worms worms are bad already let alone anything else it's just a precaution before I start prescribing any medication I just want to make sure she did not ingest anything else that she shouldn't have that could be disastrous for her health so we just do an X-Ray Scan note to self next time mom asks me to watch my little sister before a trip I will watch her and not even blink okay I'm just going to do a quick scan is that going to hurt no it's not going to hurt it again might just tickle a see it just tickles right I guess it doesn't hurt can you see what's inside my tummy from doing this that's so cool oh technology these days is amazing you can literally see what's inside my daughter's stomach I see her bones and her lungs wow it's so clear oh yes here at the Barbie hospital we have the latest technology so we can really scan for almost everything and luckily I don't see anything that is concerning in your daughter's stomach at this time he that really tickles as you can see there is no coins and nothing stuck in there so we are good one time mommy was doing a scan like this and we found a SpongeBob toy in another little girl's stomach yes and that is exactly what we want to avoid and what we don't want to happen a SpongeBob toy why would you eat a SpongeBob toy if you eat your own toy then you won't have any toys to play with that's just silly that silly says the girl that ate five worms covered in dirt because she thought they were chocolate and we spent 3 hours waiting in the emergency ER room just to see a doctor so I'm just going to give you a shot I'll try to make it as quick and painless as possible but the shot will absolutely help your stomach and make you feel better what I sh no I don't like needles no I feel better already oh sweetheart I know needles can seem scary but this will help you feel better and allow you to get on the plane and you have to feel better if you want to travel and go on the plane I promise I'll be as quick and gentle as possible okay maybe you don't need need a shot I'll just hold this needle right here Kirsten what did you do this morning what did you have for breakfast um tell me about your morning I woke up and then Mommy made us breakfast and then I got changed did you change into this outfit yourself or did your mommy helped you don't tell me you picked this outfit out yourself uh-huh I pick this outfit all by myself I always pick my clothes by myself in the morning just like big sister picks her outfit up hey oh done all done see that was so quick and easy and painless you were telling such a wonderful story and I just quickly gave you the needle shot it didn't hurt right oh don't cry Ken you're okay you're okay you're such a big girl now you took that needle shot and you didn't cry at all you're even more Brave than me yeah yeah I'm not going to cry I'm not going to cry yay you took that shot and didn't cry at all my baby you are growing up so fast I am so proud and hopefully your stomach ache will go away and you can eat something later so that we can get on the plane don't be mad at the doctor kren she's just doing her job and besides don't you feel better already did your stomach ache go away and then later we can eat your favorite food what do you want to eat later I do feel better already I want to eat McDonald's I just feel so relieved that you feel better already honey you can eat whatever you want now I don't normally do this but you've been so brave so I will let you pick a toy here from my gift shop you can pick anything you want free of charge this is going to be be a a special gift to you because you've been such a good little patient of mine um come and pick whatever toy you like sweetie wow look at all those teddy bears I can pick any teddy bear I want yay yes I just started this gift shop so I'm trying to gain some customers for today you can pick any teddy bear you want as a gift there are so fluffy and cute look at side um okay I think take this one please I really like pandas and this one is really fluffy and cute she has a cute scarf and her scarf is pink and pink is my favorite color I think I'm going to name her Bella Bella the panda okay well Bella is yours you can take Bella home as long as you promise to never eat any more worms that you find outside or any stuff that's not food will you make that promise so if I promise not to eat any more worms or anything I find outside I can take Bella at home with me yes do we have a deal should we pinky swear well as long as we have a deal so we have a promise okay okay she should be feeling better already but just in case I do have some medicine here for you just give her a dose of this after a meal three times a day breakfast lunch lunch and dinner oh thank you so much doctor we're going to KN this on the airplane in case she gets a stomach ache or an upset stomach again we don't want her puking on the plane that would be disastrous can we have more than just one bottle maybe we need like five no 10 or maybe 100 just to be safe and make sure huh that's actually a good idea Crystal star I mean thank you so much for this bottle of medicine but what if we need more than just this bottle in case she really starts feeling sick on the plane H she's a tiny little girl so I think that should be enough for her oh my gosh please I do not want to take any risk it would be horrible if she picked the whole plane ride all right all right how about I write you a prescription here is a prescription for bottle but just one more that's it okay mm you can take this down to the pharmacy and give it to them and they'll give you another bottle oh what time is it oh my gosh look at the time we better get going we still need to go home and make sure our luggage are packed it has been such a long day but thank you thank you again so much doctor we are just running behind is there anything else that you need to do otherwise we really have to get going we really have a plane to catch um no we're done I'm here everything is done your daughter should be feeling better now I do feel better and she should be okay to be on an airplane have a nice safe trip okay my little chatterbug we really need to get going here bye-bye thank you for making me feel better you're very welcome I hope you feel better have a nice and safe trip enjoy your vacation bye it was really nice meeting you thank you so much again it was really nice meeting you come on honey we need to go I am right behind you Mom press that subscribe button and ring the bell that way when a video is released you'll be the first to watch it watch more of my toy videos by going to the search button and pressing in minky toys and dolls or just minky toys lots of fun doll videos for you here
Channel: Minky Toys and Dolls
Views: 370,417
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BIG SISTERS WISH THEY WERE AN ONLY CHILD, OMG Family Night Movie, barbie doll, family routine, story for kids, full movie, lol surprise, for kids, barbie, doll, toy, family, dolls, playing, toys, kid friendly, lol family night movie, omg family night routine, OMG Family Morning Story, lol family, fun, pretend play, lol omg, barbie toys, toy videos for kids, youtube kids, barbie dolls, bedtime routine, youtube kids cartoons, for kids tv, for kids youtube, barbie dolls videos, omg
Id: l16RvQYW5rE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 139min 41sec (8381 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 09 2023
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