A Crazy Night Doll Story! - OMG Families Bed Time Routine / OMG Family Goes to Bed

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I guess it's a sleepover yeah I can't believe we're sharing a bed again and I am so glad that you're sleeping over today because you know our husbands are working the night shift so I would feel so uneasy if you were at home by yourself oh that's so sweet of you thanks sis I'm really actually glad to be here you know it would be really hard for me to take care of the kids and put them to bed with my injury don't you worry a thing I got everything taken care of tonight you just lie down and rest I will take care of the kids you get a good night's sleep lots of beauty rest I'll take care of everything thank you that sounds great isn't this like the good old days like when we were kids and we used to share a bed all the time well do you need help putting the kids to sleep no no I got it you just sit right there again you do not have to do anything tonight your job tonight is just to lie there and relax and not to have to worry about anything I'll go put all the kids to sleep now and then I will be right back uh what are you doing Violet are you sleeping down there I got my sleeping bag right here and my tent am I sleeping sleepy bag see I'm gonna sleep on the floor with my pet and my sleeping bag bed because CeCe is taking my bed for tonight so I have to sleep down here it's okay cause my sleeping bag is really nice and cozy see I can also put on a hood like this over my head I'll sleep here and you can have my bed for tonight because you're injured from your car accident it's not as comfy sleeping down here but I still like it because it's like camping thanks for letting me have the bed but there's some room here on the bed if you want you can also sleep at the edge no it's okay I'm gonna sleep on the floor because it's so much more fun and I stop sleeping with JJ and CeCe no fair oh I'm sleeping with JJ and CeCe because they fart a lot and then they poop a lot at night I'll find a lot just a little bit what's this it smells it smells a little bit hey and he's fine and see this is why I don't like sleeping with JJ and CeCe always goes potty in the middle of the night and she and she cries and she wakes up everyone I think my farts smells pretty good oh hey I got more where that came from [Music] now stop farting YouTube farting and now it's things in here and CeCe is copying him why'd you have to sleep with these kids thank you that it smells pretty good to me no it's not it's so stinky I think you need to use the washroom or something if you have to keep farting are you sure you're gonna be okay are you sure you don't need any help you know taking care and putting the kids to sleep is a lot of work no no I'm okay you just lied there I have everything under control I will take care of it I'll be right back okay girls it's time for bed you girls have already brushed your teeth and wash your face right all right there's not gonna be a bedtime story tonight because it's already pretty late so I'm just gonna tuck you girls in and kiss you good night what was that noise oh it's so dark outside we are really going to bed late tonight I'm gonna close this window just to make sure that you girls won't catch a cold tonight okay there close the window so it's nice and warm in here Estella sweetheart are you comfortable I I am okay sweetie I just want you to feel comfortable it is your first night here in all and plus you are injured and I want you to be able to recover if you need anything your mother and I are just in the room right next door you can call us and I'll run right over thanks Auntie you're the best gift and thank you Violet for letting me have the bed I also feel more comfortable that Violet is sleeping in this bedroom with me otherwise I might be scared no there's nothing to be scared of let's tuck you in here our house might be old so you might hear some clicks and sounds at night but there's nothing to be scared of how is that princess yeah I think that's good enough thank you Auntie all right sweet dreams what was that well it's just the house creaking oh let's talk you back in again there's nothing to be scared of you know older houses so sometimes it just makes a few creaks and sounds at night if there aren't any ghosts in there oh no sweetheart sleeping bag all by myself see I'm gonna sleep on the floor tonight in the tent like camping oh wow you set up the tent all by yourself you are growing up so fast and thank you so much for letting your cousin take the bed and sleeping on the floor tonight but I wanted to sleep on the floor anyways okay sweet dreams [Music] you're giving me so many kisses well you can never have too many kisses sweet dreams sweetheart and don't let the creepy crawlies bed bugs bite just kidding okay good night princess happy yet maybe I should count sheeps to get sleepier one two what what's that up there oh there's a spider um [Music] [Applause] a lot of things oh there's a spider oh my gosh girls girls indoor voices please and it's late at night we gotta use our indoor voice [Music] [Music] the scariest thing in the world as spiders hate spiders so much girls girls please calm down you're going to wake up the baby and JJ okay I will find the spider oh my gosh is everything okay in the reach do you need help oh my gosh I'm hearing a lot of yelling in there are you sure you can put the girls to bed on your own I could come over and help if you need is something going on over there no no nothing to worry about I have everything under control you just stay on the bed and relax okay let me find that spider here it is oh it does have quite a lot of legs oh oh it's running so fast oh come here I'll try my best uh does have a lot of legs and it runs really fast there gotcha okay girls don't worry I have the spider here I wanna sleep in this bedroom too trust me you will want to sleep in here I was about to sleep when I saw a spider on top of my head and Auntie just caught the spider right now a spider those are the scariest because they have a lot where where don't worry don't worry Selena I caught the spider already and I'll be letting it out soon if you look closely they're kind of cute it's super scary I'm going to the other room oh it looks like Selena ran off are spiders really that scary girls do you want to have a look at the spider Before I Let It Go no no just get rid of the spider already are you gonna flush it down the toilet or [Music] I did catch the spider and it's still here I think the spider's kind of cute with all the legs so scary looking I don't wanna look just like flushing down the toilet or something I don't like spiders oh no no let's open the window and let the spider out spiders are the good insects here there you go spider you are free now and I've closed the window and the spider is gone we can safely go to bed now nothing to be scared of Estella you're gonna suffocate under the blanket come on let's tuck you back into bed now there you go nice and tucked in good night Auntie hopefully no more spiders there shouldn't be any more spiders now come on sweetheart let's get you into your tent my mom if there's another spider I'm gonna call you okay okay there is that nice and tucked in enough yeah it's good enough anymore and I'm not gonna be able to breathe okay all right then okay sweet dreams sweetheart don't let the spiders bite just kidding just kidding all right girls good night all right now who do we have in here it's time for bed kids [Music] still awake but JJ is still fighting even though he's asleep that's why it's so stinky in this bedroom okay CeCe it's time to go to sleep let's lie down and get nice and comfortable sweet dreams Rockabye and good night go to sleep my CC JJ all right let's also tuck you in now to Selena are you comfortable down here [Music] JK it's better than to sleep in the other bedroom because there's a spider all right well I did let the spider out but you could definitely sleep here all right good night sweetheart if you need anything I'll just be in the other room right down the hallway oh good it looks like Estella and violet are asleep I'm back and the kids are asleep thanks rage for putting the kids to sleep was everything okay though because I heard a lot of screaming in there uh yeah well we had a little bit of a spider situation but don't worry I caught the spider and I've let it go [Music] this is why I don't want any more kids it is way too much work I do not know how you do it Sis I am exhausted all right let's call it a night okay good night sis sweet dreams also try not to move too much I'm a light sleeper my sisters snore so loud [Music] no no oh no no oh good it's just a nightmare oh that was scary I dreamed of a really big gigantic spider oh no I need to use the washroom now that I'm awake oh for goodness sake sis what's with all the noise first the snoring and then you just jumped up out of bed oh my God I am so sorry did I wake you up I just need to use the washroom real quick I'll be right back sorry this is literally like my childhood flashing before my eyes Rachel snores a lot yeah and I also often have nightmares sorry about that I didn't mean to wake you up but I do need to pee so this is Miss Royal's bedroom she's got some books on her shelves and a plant some decoration but it's a pretty old house so it's kind of scary and even though they do have some lighting it's still pretty dark and I can't believe that her bedroom is in the Attic it's kind of super creepy up here and look the ceiling isn't even even I believe I have to sleep on the floor tonight this is this is such a drag well I guess the good news is that I get to sleep on the bed tonight well miss Royale sleeps on the floor oh my God what was that sound ah scary that makes every Everything feels a little bit extra creepy because it is an older house hi girls the washroom is empty now so if you need to use the washroom to shower or brush your teeth you can use it now oh okay thank you and also thank you so much again for letting us stay at your house and also taking care of us and making food and dinner for us look at her sucking up to my mom I can't believe I have to sleep on the floor oh it's so hard my back is gonna break at least let me set up my bed why is this sleeping bag so not cushy oh you're very welcome sweetheart our home is your home so make yourself comfortable and I'm sure miss Royale will be here to help you if you need anything alright it's time to go to bed now girls mom do we have to I don't think we have room and she looks like she's doing much better already I think she can go home and rest in her house sweetheart where is your hospitality and that's your cousin she's injured she's hurt and she needs us they can stay at our house for as long as they need besides they need someone to take care of them isn't that what nurses are for they can just hire a nurse and then rest at their home their home is so nice and big anyways why would they want to stay at our house our house is like old and smaller I'm not gonna argue with you it is final young lady while your cousin is staying here you are to make her comfortable and you are to help her with anything she needs do you understand Mom this is so unfair fine fine fine it's not like I have a choice anyways and honey if Miss Royale gives you any trouble you let me know she's supposed to be making you feel at home and comfortable here alright now it's time to turn off the lights and go to bed thanks Auntie you're the best I'll let you know if Miss Royale gives me a hard time you're the one that's giving me a hard time Miss varielle what did we just talked about all right let's close the window here foreign s get hot at night you can turn on the fan over there but don't leave the window open because you might just catch a cold I like opened that window earlier because it's so stuffy in here since I don't think my bedroom is meant to have two people in here it's too small for that and it's even worse when I have to sleep in the corner on the floor oh honey it's not that bad you are exaggerating think of it as a sleepover you girls used to have sleepovers all the time this is just like old times like when you were younger uh do we have sleepovers somehow I don't seem to remember or maybe I blocked all of those memories out because they were so bad since we don't like each other you know when you girls were younger you girls were the best of friends oh dear it looks like the baby's crying I can hear the babies now I do miss the old days I do hope you girls will improve your relationship after this alright girls I gotta go check on the baby now as if the only way I see how our relationship can improve is if Stella girl went home that way I can finally have my bed back kind of hungry hmm good thing I have a bag of chocolate chips here and I always get hungry before bedtime so I need a snack bedtime snacks are the best especially when they're in the form of chocolate chip cookies no get another one birthday or still have one arm oh my God are you eating on my bed I never eat on my bed you're gonna drop like cookie crumbs all over my bed gonna get another oh God if you're gonna stay with me in my bedroom you're gonna have to follow my bedroom rules whatever [Music] stop eating on my bed oh you're making such a big deal out of nothing ah are you blind look at all of these cookie crumbs you got them all over my bed so close oh they're on you too you eat like a five-year-old baby oh no now my sheets are all dirty and my blanket too this cookie clumps everywhere nope they do I don't care yo I think you need a chill pill what's the big deal I always eat on my bed there's tons of cookies on my bed I don't care just sleep oh my God Were You Raised by Wolves or something that is disgusting I'm gonna have to vacuum my bed now there's cookie crumbs everywhere oh so dirty hey why are you so mad it's seriously not a big deal you can just do laundry tomorrow and wash your bed sheets and blankets remind me to never sit on your bed I can't believe you can sleep this way just look there are cookie crumbs everywhere oh you eat like a five-year-old child seriously gross there at least now you're all clean cousin it didn't bother me you know what doesn't kill you make you stronger right right oh disgusting just look at all of these cookie crumbs on my bed was wondering why there weren't any clothes in your bedroom it's because you're a need free uh maybe you're just very messy oh look at these okay a little bit more here I think that's everything if you're gonna stay in my bedroom no eating on my bed okay I think it's clean now jeez I never knew you were this uptight over such a small thing it's not a small thing and I'm gonna be taking this bag of chocolate chip cookies thank you very much okay whatever go ahead I already ate everything inside sorry I didn't mean to get cookie crumbs on your bed but you know I'm injured and all I can't walk so I have to lie here and eat on your bed since I can't get up yeah right I see right through you cousin you're just trying to annoy me it does take Victor all while I'm here I'm gonna get Sweet Revenge on my cousin Miss Royale hey cousin are you asleep oh I stink I really need to take a bath I can't sleep like this hey cousins what is it now just go to sleep please so annoying floor so hard too yo I can't sleep I stink I need a bath yo dream on I'm not helping you take a bath at this hour blame it on yourself that you have Bo maybe you would smell better if you weren't so dirty and messy why that's mean come on on help me take a bath I can't get up remember oh I already did so much for you all day leave me alone just go to sleep I can't sleep like this I smell so bad come on help me to the bathroom I really need to take a bath man oh go away just go to sleep already if you wanted to take a bath you should have asked me earlier not wait all the way till now when it's so late remember your mom says that you're supposed to help me with anything that I need well she's not here okay and I'm not helping you take a bath so just go to sleep I'll give you to the count of three one two three okay I'm calling your mom auntie auntie Miss Royale won't help me go to the bathroom oh my God be quiet be quiet you're gonna wake up the whole house okay okay you win I'll help you go take a bath already works like a charm I've been doing this all day I need help getting onto my wheelchair please oh you're still so heavy oh come on put some strength into your arm lift me up oh you're so heavy seriously you're like dead weight no I'm not thankfully there is a bathroom just right next door yeah you did it okay take me to the bathroom please okay okay I'm going I'm going careful you should have ate less at dinner so heavy there stop telling on me now to my mom I took you to the bathroom go take a bath there's the bathtub just undress jump in and then call me when you're done uh I can't take a bath by myself I can't take off my own clothes and bathe oh my God I know where you're going with this are you telling me you want me to help you take a bath at this hour uh yeah like how else am I going to take a bath you're gonna have to get the bubble bath ready for me and then you'll have to take my clothes and help me into the bathtub I can do it by myself I'm injured remember oh you have got to be kidding me I've literally done everything for you all day and now I have to help you take a bath too okay well if you don't want to do it I totally understand I can just call your mom then she'll help me auntie auntie oh look at how dark it is outside okay okay shhh quiet don't call my mom I'll help you take a bath your leg and your arm better heal quickly so that you can go back home I am not happy with you staying here oh isn't that a mean thing to say I'm having so much fun staying over at your place and thanks for helping me take a bath cuz yeah whatever you are seriously literally the devil how hot do you want it to be [Applause] [Music] oh maybe a bit harder or maybe some cold water too then I like a lot of water in my bubble bath please okay okay I'll fill the bathtub with water I'll turn on some more cold water and a bit more hot water [Music] [Applause] are you done yet what's taking you so long did you also add in the bubble bath soap I'm doing it right now miss jeez it's like I'm your slave or something lots and lots of bubbles please I like my bubble bath with a lot of bubbles yeah well I like my room without you in it but we can't have everything we want in life now can we find more bubbles a lot of bubbles already you are really pushing your luck right now fine fine you know what I'm just gonna put in this whole bottle you will have a lot of bubbles because I'm gonna use this whole bottle and can you make sure that the bubbles are even and also that they're fluffy and that the water is hot okay it's hot the bubbles are fluffy there's a lot of bubbles all done ma'am oh I better turn off the water okay your bubble bath is ready you can get in now oh I need help all right I made the bubble bath for her but now I also have to undress her and help her get into the bathtub okay let's get this over with already come on it's so tiring this is great thanks guys the water is just perfect it's nice and warm and there are so many bubbles you really know how to make a bubble bath for a girl this is great okay whatever enjoy it while you can I'm gonna go out now call me when you're done huh where are you going leave your help to spot my feet and stuff since I only have one arm no I'm not staying to help you scrub okay oh okay then I guess I can just call for auntie auntie oh my God stop itch stop it stop calling my mom oh well I don't have a choice because I need someone to help me scrub my back and stuff and I can't do it by myself and you don't want to so I guess I just have to call Auntie and Andy help okay okay okay stop stop you win okay I will help you scrub your back oh really you will how nice of you things I'll scrub your back as long as you stop calling for my mom you're gonna wake up my little sister all right and then I'll wake up my siblings too and we wouldn't want that right because then your mom would get super pissed at you let's get this over with [Music] oh and my feet too please ew nasty I have to scrub your feet too oh don't forget between my toes the thing goes my tickles okay now do the top part of my foot please oh this is disgusting there's no wonder you need a bath Your feet stinks oh ah this is great it feels so good this is relaxing I think my arm needs some scrubbing too can you also scrub my arm please because I can't careful don't get my cast I don't want my cast to be too wet okay okay hold on [Music] okay I'm done you're all clean now let's get you out of the bathtub oh you didn't get my neck I don't think I'm all clean yet okay there all done okay your neck and your shoulders and your arms uh I don't think you did this side of my body yet please do this side there oh and my arm [Music] and my fingers seriously and also the top part of my wrist there oh and while I'm in the bath I also need a facial for my face and skin as well what are you crazy I'm not giving you a facial but but I always get a facial whenever I have a bubble bath if I don't get a facial then I won't be able to go to sleep ah you are really seriously pushing my limit you know what I'll give you a facial how's this puppy show more isn't this the best facial you've ever had how's your facial now cousin do you like the facial I'm giving you miss Royale Miss Royal hello are you okay why are you laughing by yourself oh my gosh that was just all in my imagination if only that was what I could do to her but I can't or I'll get in trouble are you okay why are you laughing what's so funny and also are you gonna give me a facial or not my life sucks my life really sucks right now yo are you giving me a facial or not or should I call your mom over if you're not gonna give me a facial I'll do it I'll do it okay just stop calling my mom already I'm gonna get in trouble there how's your facial now ma'am yeah it's perfect this is really nice although I think the cucumbers are not truly on my eyes can you like adjust it please come here there turn around so I can do the other side oh my gosh okay pretty sure the cucumbers are covering your eyes now thanks cousin this is really great but I think I need more cream on my face yeah don't you think so I think there are like spots you missed okay okay there are still a lot of bubbles but the water's starting to get cold I think I'm done my bubble bath now and my facial can you please help me wash off my face and my body please I don't want to stay in here too long in case I catch a cold okay okay fine let me get you out now to drain all the water from the tub e oh it's cold because my hair is wet okay finally all the bath water from the tub is drained okay can we seriously go back and go to sleep now uh no my hair is wet I can't sleep with wet hair it's really bad for your hair if you sleep with wet hair can you blow dry my hair please can you please help me dry my hair fine fine fine I can't do it because I only have one arm you have so much hair okay that's dry enough right your hair isn't wet anymore it's just a little damp you can sleep with a little bit of damp hair let's go wait I can't sleep with wet hair I'm gonna get sick I always catch a cold whenever I sleep with wet hair can you please blow dry and comb my hair is there no end to this I already helped you take a bath and now you want me to blow dry and comb your hair you're right you're right I am asking for too much I'll just call for auntie auntie I need help please oh my God be quiet okay okay I'll do it I'll do it it's just getting darker and darker outside and now I have to blow dry your hair and comb your hair as well it's like this nightmare never ends um can you hurry because my hair's so wet I might just catch a cold okay okay there uh I don't think you did the back part and also I see a lot of knots in the back can you please comb my hair in the back please [Music] why do you have so much hair seriously oh so much knots you should just braid your hair like me then you won't have all these knots in your hair geez okay I've blow-dried the back it's nice and hot now and I've combed it there's no more knots we're done now are we though are we really because I don't think you're done look at how messy this side is can you please comb the side of my hair ah thanks Cuz and also can you also do the top of my head I don't think it's dry okay fine I'll do the top as well it's hard to dry your hair because you have so much hair so what you not okay ma'am it's like I'm your slave or something all done your hair's done I hate to break it to you but I think you forgot my extensions can you please do my purple extensions I think they're kind of like not dry your extensions too and I'll blow dry it okay I seriously think it's good now I've been combing and blow drying your hair for over 30 minutes let me check thank you let's see oh it looks good thank you cousin I think it's good now yes yes thank you thank you there is a heaven above finally we can go back to the bed and go to sleep uh I hate to break it to you but while my hair is good I haven't brushed my teeth yet I need help and I can't sleep unless I brush my teeth so I'm gonna need your help to help me brush my teeth as well can you please put the toothpaste on my toothbrush and also brush my teeth for me so you won't know now I have to brush your teeth for you too yeah yeah okay okay you got it let me brush your teeth for you put on a lot of toothpaste here you know what that's not enough so let's put some water on this toothpaste here let me put lots of water dunk it in here oh no here that's not enough water let me get some more water your toothbrush around yeah perfect let me brush your teeth for you like you want no no please please stop stop the brush is not even good enough you know what you need a bigger brush let me brush your teeth no no no you like that how do you like me brushing your teeth now uh are you okay Miss Royal Miss Royale what's so funny Miss Morel Miss Muriel cousin are you okay why are you laughing over there oh no it was all again in my imagination hello Miss Royale Earth to miss Royale are you okay why are you laughing to yourself nothing nothing I was just having a very good dream if only it was real all right let me brush your teeth and get this over with from here thank you [Music] bottom two okay and also help me change okay I've helped you take a bubble bath have a facial brush your teeth get changed can we seriously go back into the bedroom and go to sleep now yeah okay thank you so much for all your help tonight Thank Me by going back into the bedroom and going to sleep ah you're so heavy okay finally my job is done here I can finally go to bed good night good night are you asleep I can't sleep you know what I think I forgot to go to the washroom I need to pee what now we were just in the washroom yeah I forgot to use the toilet earlier and I always use the toilet before I go to bed ah so if I help you use the toilet will you please go to sleep afterwards we were seriously just in the bathroom yeah sorry I totally forgot earlier fine come here let me help you to your wheelchair again [Music] I swear to God if you go number two I am going to be so mad okay hurry up and use the toilet so we can go back to bed wait wait don't go anywhere I need your help you have to help me pull down my pants and then when I'm done you have to help me wipe and then pull up my pants again oh no oh I remember this oh that is disgusting are you done not yet don't look don't look okay trust me you couldn't get me to look even if you pay me a million dollars just hurry up so we can go back to bed what was that okay I'm done now cousin finally get you back then so that I can also go to sleep tonight too yeah you did it thank you okay now that you've already used the toilet it's time to go to sleep where's your blanket okay good night cousin go to sleep thank you I feel so much better after using the toilet good okay [Music] finally I can sleep I am just exhausted gross [Music] [Music] oh you guys think it's easy and JJ both pooped in their diapers diapers finally I can sleep without my sister waking me up [Music] my both poopy in their diaper and JJ keeps farting so the bedroom really smells oh what's going on sweetie oh the baby's pooped do you think you can wait for your auntie Rachel no I can't wait you're gonna taste the baby's diaper because it's really stinking the bedroom it smells really bad mom all right all right oh gosh I guess I have to do it okay let's go then I'll have to walk slowly since I'm still in crutches okay [Music] oh yes it does okay I guess we'll start with you JJ I'll change your diaper no peeing on Mommy okay get rid of this stinky diaper and then oh we're gonna have to wipe you down with some wipes this might feel a little cold to the touch wipe you and then also some baby powder and then now we just need to smooth it out and get you a new diaper on hopefully after this JJ will stop farting oh is my little man feeling a little gassy tonight all right let's go back to sleep okay it's getting a little sleepy I can feel it all right okay JJ's asleep I think just a bit more [Music] Rockabye and good night okay I think JJ's asleep shh back into the crib sweet dreams JJ and now it's your turn CeCe I haven't forgotten about you okay woof this is a stinky diaper as well let's also change Cece's diaper oh no wonder you woke your sister up this is a very stinky diaper let's get rid of that and clean you right up here [Music] oh dear all right let's make sure we get everything there [Music] purple bad right sweetheart okay let's get some powder on and oh I think your Skin's a little dry oh my poor baby it does look like you have a bit of dry skin so let's put on some lotion to really make that skin not dry anymore hey hey I got a spread the lotion everywhere it's the perfect treatment for babies with a dry bottoms and a new diaper [Music] on there you go don't you feel so much better don't you yes you do yes you do ah it smells so much better now in here it sure does now that both the diapers are changed all right time to go back to bed CeCe sweet dreams now good night my babies oh okay Selena it's pretty late thank you so much for waking me up so that I can change your baby brother and sister's diapers but now you have to go to sleep as well I slept before I woke up I don't feel sleepy anymore I don't think I need to sleep anymore nice try yes you do it's not morning yet so we're gonna have to tuck you in okay [Applause] please please no no you have to go to sleep sweetheart once I tuck you in you'll get sleepy come on it's time to go to sleep though [Applause] she says she's not sleepy but she fell asleep right away oh it looks like my sister is back in bed and oh my my can she snore some things never change thankfully I'm kind of used to her snoring and I'm really tired right now oh time to sleep [Music] oh I gotta go watch him again what's going on oh sorry sorry I often use the washroom again where are my slippers seriously I just fell asleep why do you keep getting up why are you woke me up again sorry sorry I really didn't mean to I need to use the washroom again and my body just kind of like jumped up sorry just go back to sleep don't mind me oh I'll try okay just go to the washroom okay thanks I don't know why I keep needing to pee Oh my God no no stay away [Music] I'm scared now I'm gonna have to go to Mommy people are auntie auntie auntie are you awake auntie I am now oh it's like I can't get any restful sleep tonight I keep being woken up by everyone oh what's wrong sweetie oh where's my mommy oh your mommy just stepped out and used to wash him for a little bit Yeah you can stay here with me is there anything that I can do to help you go back to sleep because you have to try to go back to sleep now can you read me Sky mommy didn't read me a bedtime story tonight that's probably why I had a nightmare please please Auntie oh my God I thought I was supposed to be sleeping tonight and resting but somehow I ended up doing all the work and now I have to read Violet a bedtime story okay sweetheart let's read you one bedtime story okay [Music] all right let's read once upon a time there was a beautiful princess her name was Barbie and she just had to find the perfect Prince oh I like the dress it's really pretty oh and then she um went to the fall and she met her prince oh did he like her right away uh yeah he liked it right away and nothing really happened and um the end uh yeah kinda see this is their wedding so at the end the story is over I remember it being longer when Mommy read the story uh nope nope same story but it's over all right time to go back to sleep bedtime story is completed no not yet come on sweetheart let me get my crutches and I'll walk you back to your bedroom come on sweetie back to bed I gave my bed to Estella so tonight I'm gonna be sleeping on the floor in this tent over here okay then let me tuck you in sweet dreams Violet don't let the bedbugs bite good night now good night auntie [Music] oh at least she fell asleep pretty quickly all right good night violet sweet dreams please don't wake up again what a night it's been I am really tired now oh well at least I can finally get back to bed good night girls oh look at my sister back to bed and sleeping peacefully [Music] oh [Music] and I thought I was supposed to be sleeping tonight I guess not I ended up doing all the work even though my sister said that she would good night sis oh I gotta go washroom why do I keep having to pee so much tonight um what's with all the movement don't tell me you need to use the washroom again you've been peeing all night what's going on here oops sorry did I wake you up again uh yeah you've been waking me up like all night and I had to put the kids to sleep a couple of times I thought you were doing that and I was supposed to be resting sorry sorry I must have drank so much water I have to really pee right back oh my God why does she keep needing to use the washroom tonight I can't sleep oh for some reason can't sleep yo stop moving back and forth and making noise oh my God how am I supposed to sleep with you moving back and forth like that you're just so noisy stop moving I know I know what's missing hey Miss Royal Miss Royale are you asleep are you awake um I think I'm thirsty can you please go downstairs and grab me like a glass of water I can't sleep when I'm thirsty are you kidding me you want me to go all the way downstairs or grab you something to drink and come up after everything I've done for you tonight I always have a glass of water next to my nightstand it helps me sleep I can't sleep without it you're driving me crazy okay if I get you a glass of water will you promise to go to sleep after uh yeah sure of course I promise please get me a glass of water or else I can't sleep okay fine wait right here [Music] it's been so much fun getting revenge on my cousin what's so funny over there here huh nothing nothing did you get me a glass of water cousin yeah here's your glass of water now go to sleep already after drinking it and put my glass of water on the nightstand that's much better uh aren't you gonna drink it drink what Oh you mean the glass of water oh no not right now didn't you say you were thirsty why did you make me get you a glass of water if you're not gonna drink it oh my bad did I say I was thirsty earlier I meant I might be thirsty later I always have a glass of water by my nightstand it's like tradition I can't sleep without it unless I see a glass of water by my nightstand but I'm not thirsty right now so I don't need to drink it right now maybe later what you made me go all the way downstairs to get you a glass of water and you weren't even thirsty and you're not even gonna drink it right now what's going on here what's with all the noise girls you're gonna wake up Cece and JJ and violet what's going on why aren't you girls asleep already mom Stella girl needs to go home she's driving me crazy oh what happened huh Miss Royale has helped me so much tonight but I've been such a nuisance since I only have one arm and one leg right now I'm so sorry for the trouble and I'm so sorry that Miss Royale has to sleep on the floor I'm sure that's also why she's so cranky and grumpy right now is putting up an innocent act in front of my mom oh sweetheart you don't have to feel bad we're here to support you and provide you anything that you need so that you can quickly recover and Miss Royale sweetheart I know it's hard but please just put up with it for a few more days or a few more weeks we have to help your cousin we are after our family what are families for right thanks Auntie sorry cousin I didn't mean to be such a nuisance to you Mom this is all fake she is faking it don't believe her mom sweetheart how can you say that about your cousin you are not any trouble at all sweetie okay girls it's time for bed let's go to sleep now I can't believe my mom is buying my cousin's act I'm so mad right now my cousin is literally ruining my life okay good night Auntie good night cousin sweet dreams girls no more fighting please [Applause] This Means War Stella girl isn't gonna get away with this I'm gonna get my cousin back so make sure you guys come back for the next episode [Music] oh two sure [Music] no no no no oh so noisy stop snoring [Music] oh no I think I hear the baby crying oh CeCe is crying [Music] and Violet's gone to the washroom again so I have to do it ah all right I'm coming I'm coming [Music] hi sweetheart let me guess sweetie you're hungry aren't you okay come here let Mommy feed you now [Music] since your aunt is not around oh wow you must have been really hungry you are really gobbling down all the milk appearance I'm supposed to be doing this and I'm supposed to be the one sleeping [Music] all right let's go back to bed now because Mommy is really tired yeah are you hungry uh not anymore I just fed her and she's full I'm just trying to put her to sleep go back to sleep Sweetie okay I don't like to sleep with CeCe I know sleeping with the babies can be hard but just try to sleep tonight okay okay so go back to bed all right and it does look like CeCe also fell asleep perfect okay good night JJ good night CeCe let me get back to the bedroom [Music] I'm back oh my God [Music] oh not only is she hauling the whole bed she's snowing so loud oh I am not gonna get any sleep at this rate where am I supposed to sleep she's literally hogging the entire bed and she's snoring so loud maybe sleeping at my sister's wasn't a good idea my sister said that I would get to sleep and rest all night while she take care of the kids and I ended up taking care of all the kids tonight and I'm not able to sleep at all because she's hogging the entire bed oh my God press that subscribe button and ring the bell that way when a video is released you'll be the first to watch it watch more of my toy videos by going to the search button and pressing in minky toys and dolls or just minky toys lots of fun doll videos for you here
Channel: Minky Toys and Dolls
Views: 97,576
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: A Crazy Night Doll Story, barbie, doll, dolls, toys, for kids, lol family, family, lol surprise, fun, barbie family, OMG Families Bed Time Routine, family routine, toy, barbie doll, lol dolls, kid friendly, night routine, story for kids, playing, toy video, OMG Family Goes to Bed, lol, toddler, omg doll, evening routine
Id: nmdUH6gBq8Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 22sec (3622 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2023
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