OMG Family Makes a Hospital Visit to See Her Sister - OMG Doll Visits Her Sister in the Hospital

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what a morning I can't believe we're in the hospital now at least we got a hospital room because I broke my arm oh it still really hurts and I have a cast now on my arm and not only is my arm broken my leg is broken too so I have to wear a cast on my leg as well I can't move I can't walk I can't run I'm gonna be stuck in the hospital and after all that it stopped raining and now it's a really beautiful day outside literally having the worst day of my life right now I can't believe this is happening I thought we were just gonna have a normal day drive to school and then I'd be in school right now but no I'm in the hospital it's so hot gonna turn on the fan oh reach a bit more they are much better uh even though it rained this morning right now it's so hot the weather has been so weird Mom I'm bored can we go home yet there are no toys here and I can't even walk around and play because I have a castle my arm as well I'm so bored there's nothing to do Mom oh my neck my neck what is it honey please Mom has a headache right now oh I just need to rest for a minute [Music] oh Shh go to sleep honey yes go to sleep dad went to grab some food and drinks and to go back home to grab my iPad right mom when is he going is he getting back he's been gone for so long already and I'm so bored uh uh I'm sure he'll be back soon sweetheart oh oh my neck my neck oh the car accident really messed up my neck oh this is why I have to wear a neck brace I'm sure he'll be back any minute now sweetie we just have to be a little patient and oh my back oh my back is killing me that accident really hurt oh my leg hurts too I still can't believe we had a car accident this morning so nice and sunny outside I want to pull the curtains out and open the window because it's also really hot right now I wish we were outside I kind of even miss school right now too oh and the fan stopped [Music] oh no there's no more water already not even a drop left I guess I was so thirsty because it's so hot I dranked it all right and have some ice cream at the mall and how do you plan on getting to the mall Estella because look at our leg you and I and Mom we all broke our leg that's why we have to be in the hospital room unfortunately your sister is right sweetheart we're gonna be stuck here for a few days at least and then once we get home we won't be able to walk for a few weeks what a day it's been OMG I'm gonna miss out on cheerleading practice and I'm gonna be behind everyone if we're gonna be in the hospital room for a few days can you please ask Dad to bring me some toys all right I'll give your dad a call and to remind him then I want my iPad and I want my teddy bears and I want my dolls please all right well where's my phone okay let me call your dad and remind him to bring you a lot of toys and your iPad and then I will also get him to bring some water as well since it's such a hot day and I am so thirsty lying here okay please please please because it's such a hot day outside okay let me just text your dad can you please buy Estella some ice cream and bring her toys oh my gosh you know what on second thought this is way too much texting I'm just gonna call him make everything easier and faster where is his number can't really look down so it's so hard to dial oh come on come on pick up go pick up pick up oh my gosh he didn't pick up and it went to his voicemail I guess he must be busy right now so he's not answering his phone okay well I guess I'll call again and leave a voicemail message then yep he's still not picking up and it's going to voicemail right now hi there it's Astro I'm sorry I can't answer the phone right now please leave a message and then wait by your phone until I call you back thank you bye oh my gosh is that his voicemail answering machine message oh your dad's humor hi honey just calling to see where you are and wondering when you'll be back because we're out of water right now and it's a super hot day I'm super thirsty and the hospital is so busy that it's so hard to call for someone to come bring us stuff um and also Estella wants you to bring her iPad and her toys she's super bored right now there's nothing to do in this hospital room either um please give me a call back when you hear this message or please come back as soon as possible alright okay bye love you okay well I left your dad a voicemail message hopefully he'll listen to it soon oh your auntie just texts she's on her way to the hospital right now she's coming right now is she coming by herself no she just picked up Miss Royale from school and then she also picked up Violet from daycare so she's gonna be coming with Miss Royale and violet oh my God no my cousin Miss Royale and I do not get along at all we've never gotten along we really don't even like each other when are they gonna be here will they be here soon I'm so tired mom can we just tell them to visit another day I need to rest and all to heal you know can they just not come today Stella girl okay okay fine fine can Violet and Auntie come visit us but not miss Royale because oh my cousin she's just so annoying can they please bring some toys for me please Mom that's gonna be back any minute with your iPad and some toys they don't need to even come and bring you stuff I don't want to see Miss Royale she's gonna make fun of wine yeah but they have different toys and why don't why don't you see cousin Miss Royal she's so pretty and I can't wait for them to come so that we can have someone to play with there's nothing to do in here I have no idea why you and Selena love our cousin Miss Royale so much like she's literally so annoying my cousin and I we really don't get along even though our moms don't really know and always try to get us to play with each other like I think my cousin Miss Royale is a total snob you'll see when she comes later put my phone away Tanika oh there you are is everyone okay oh hey Rach you're here already that was fast I literally just read your text and now you're here like hi Auntie we came right after school because mom was like so worried hi sweetheart hi Miss Royal thanks for coming how was school you just got off school right now right it's good I guess um how are you I heard the family had an accident this morning Estella sweetheart are you okay oh my goodness you poor poor thing Auntie you finally made it look we got an accident and I hurt my leg so my leg and my arm are in the cat I have to lie here all day oh we also stopped to buy a flower shop and picked up some flowers for you hope you like these I picked them out myself they're really nice aren't they I picked the perfectly bloomed flowers um and my favorite color is purple and pink so I picked purple and pink oh my gosh those flowers are beautiful you have such good taste darling Stella girl sweetheart oh did you hurt your leg and your arm too you oh looks like everybody got hurt really badly this morning in the accident oh my goodness I was so worried when I heard the news how are you feeling sweetheart hi Auntie thanks for coming to visit us um well my arm's broken and my legs broken the doctor says I have to really take it easy since I broke my arm and my leg pretty badly you broke your arm and you're like oh my goodness you poor poor thing well make sure you lie and rest and take it easy and if you need anything let Auntie know okay thank you so much for the flowers they are so beautiful oh sis coming to visit us was already enough you shouldn't have oh it's nothing I was so worried we drove as fast as we could all the way here but I said we need to do a pit stop to grab you some flowers you really have to nourish the mind and the Soul oh thank you you're the bestest big sister ever and you know how much I love flowers I'll just take this from you sweetie oh they look so pretty you know how much I love flowers [Music] oh and they smell so good too they really freshen up a room so do I know you or do I know you huh I know how much you love flowers so even though I was so worried and we were in such a hurry to get here I had to make a pit stop to grab you some flowers Estella how are you are you feeling okay when my mom picked me up after school and told me that you guys had an accident I was so worried did it hurt a lot I know I didn't even feel it when it happened and then later on when we got to the hospital big sister got a cast and then the doctor checked me and since I was hurt too oh my gosh what oh Stella you must have really high pain tolerance or something especially since you broke your arm and your leg in the accident and you didn't feel anything nah I didn't even feel anything at all I thought it was okay the doctor says it must be because I was feeling a pendulum uh say what now a penaloon what is a penolin Stella the doctor said you were feeling adrenaline not a penolin adrenaline oh adrenaline that makes sense sometimes when we get into an accident we have a lot of adrenaline so we don't feel any of the pain yet oh hi Violet is that new rollerblades oh so cute what I can do and I learned it all by myself too oh did you know come um I don't believe that I do but even if I did I don't think I can go right now I kind of hurt my leg ever since we got her those rollerblades she's been asking us to take her to the park to go rollerblading every day by the way I think you're really good at rollerblading when you were younger right yeah I think so too but you didn't learn how to rollerblade right yeah no I have no idea how to rollerblade or to skate that that's kind of your thing why are you wearing around your neck how come you're wearing that big gigantic necklace isn't it uncomfortable uh it's not a necklace sweetheart this is actually called a neck brace I kind of have to wear it since I hurt myself in a car accident it's to keep my neck in place what happens if when you take it off will your head also fall off oh my goodness I hope not because I really like my head so hey hey got in an accident huh does it hurt oh no breaking an arm and a leg doesn't hurt at all whatsoever of course it hurts duh wouldn't it hurt if you broke an arm or a leg like a wool Snappy somebody needs a chill pill empty why is one of your leg all wrapped up oh it's a cast sweetheart I broke my knee so I have to wear it oh Violet sweetheart don't be sitting there Auntie Tanika broke her leg so we shouldn't put pressure on her leg oh come on sweetheart let's get you up you can rollerblade some more really hurt when you break your name on me is it like the time that I fell down and I had a really really big bruise oh breaking an arm or a leg or really breaking any bone in your body hurts way more than a brew sweetheart that's why we have to be very careful extra careful especially when you're rollerblading to not fall down in a way where you break any bones I hope you get better soon so that you can also bring JJ over for me to play with you oh thank you so much Violet she's so cute um yes of course we could definitely bring JJ over maybe in a few days though I think I'm gonna need to lie in bed and rest at least for a few days how to really play because I learned how to rollerblade all by myself so so my arm is itchy but I can't scratch it because I have to wear this stupid hard cast oh it's so itchy whoa your cast is like so hard can you like even feel anything nope can't feel it even if I scratch it like this or hit it nope how about this I still have a broken arm you know ow don't hit it oh geez him Miss Royale what were you thinking your cousin has a broken arm and a leg right now we have to be gentle and be helping her not hitting her arm like that oh my goodness young lady oops I was just trying to help her scratch her arm we were just Clowning Around Mom it's nothing yes sweetheart okay get my bag of cookies now please okay it's in my bag I got it oh you have cookies can I have some please Violet can I have some cookies okay if you get one and then I get one and then you get one okay you're wearing the weird thing in your arm oh that's okay I still have another arm here I'll grab it with this one [Music] okay eagle okay now that I'm here I feel so much better knowing that you're okay you haven't told me what happened yet oh yeah I guess I haven't told you what happened and how it happened like you have no idea I was not expecting this at all especially since we have like a newborn baby too I was so scared as soon as it happened since we have children and babies in the car oh oh my neck my neck oh and also I have like a toddler thankfully she wasn't too hurt okay you are getting a little too riled up now sis just relax tell me what happened without moving your neck and your arms around everywhere so like how did the accident happened okay I guess I'll have to try to tell the story without moving my neck and my body too much yeah you have to be careful watch your neck so I guess it all started during breakfast we were having such a crazy morning crazier than even usual oh okay I get it so because you were having such a crazy busy morning you were already late for getting the kids to school so you rushed it and that's why you had the car accident is that how it happened um well no not quite I mean we had a very crazy morning but we would never speed and put ourselves or the kids in danger like that so no no that's not what happened oh my gosh sis can you like get to the point I've been sitting here listening to you tell your story for like 30 minutes so like just tell me how did the accident happened okay okay I was getting there so we were already running behind but then it started to rain and the rain got so heavy that we couldn't see the road or anything and of course Astro accidentally drove into a tree I can't believe how hard we hit that tree too especially with having two little babies in the back I was terrified and we totally totaled our family van as well all right it was raining like so much earlier in the morning and good thing we left early because when we left it hadn't rained yet and when we got home is when it started raining yeah see we would have no problem if we were able to leave early but as you know with two babies and two toddlers and a high schooler it's so hard to leave the house on time somebody will almost always forget something like Selena or Estella are always forgetting their lunch boxes or right as we head out the door the baby poops you know how it is oh yeah you don't have to remind me I remember how it was and that's why I having two kids is enough for me yeah well you know when we had JJ we thought we were done but CeCe was a pleasant surprise that we weren't expecting but hey I am so glad that you're okay sis thanks hmm hmm huh um wait a minute where is your husband where's Astro um is he hurt how and where's Selena and where's JJ oh thankfully they weren't hurt at all because they were sitting in the back and he went out to grab some stuff for us I took the most impact um and then Estella and Stella girl also broke their arms and legs um but otherwise JJ is okay CeCe is okay as well um he just left her with me he thinking leaving a newborn baby with you after you've hurt your neck like that you should have taken CeCe I know I know but he had to take JJ already and he can't handle two babies and how is Astro though did he hurt himself in the accident is he okay oh my gosh don't even get me started he says that he feels great doesn't even feel anything Violet do you want to draw on my cat you can draw or write anything that you want something for you I like drawing like my big sister my big sister's really good at drawing oh so cute you're really good at drawing too Violet I love Big Sister Big Sister Big Sister why don't you write or Draw Something on a Stella's cast Okay I I guess I could sure uh what should I write ah let's see what I should draw I want you to get better soon so I want to draw you something super cute you draw really well when I grow up I want to be able to draw as good as you you're one of my favorite cousins oh really thank you well just for that I'm gonna have to draw for you something extra cute then what do you think why you even gave the teddy bear glasses and everything thanks oh well of course as your favorite cousin that's the least I could do wait wait I'm big sister also broke her arm and her leg she has a cast too can you draw something for big sister as well please please please um no thank you I'm good you don't have to draw anything on my cast if I need anything I can ask my friends it's okay I'm good no way cousin like I have to draw something for you let me draw almost done hold on hello I insist okay all done hope you like it what did you draw on my leg here poop what hey I can't believe she Drew poop all over my leg like this is why I don't like her oh miss Royale YouTube poop all over my leg no I think I drew chocolate uh yeah this is definitely not chocolate it's poop literally poop yeah like okay it really is poop but we don't really get along because when we were younger she needs to be really like bossy and mean to me wait would you say that cousin it's just chocolate um I'm not blind you know it's poop [Music] no it looks like CeCe is already awake [Music] oh dear your dad isn't back yet and I can't seem to reach the crib to get CC right now what are you doing just lie down I got this I got the baby here her bottle of milk is in this bag okay I got it I got it you just like it I can't believe you are gonna get up in your condition don't worry I can feed the baby I wanted to hold CeCe anyways come on sweetheart come here wow she has grown so much since the last time I saw her she is like way bigger now yeah well she eats a lot she even eats more than JJ sometimes I think she's really gonna outgrow JJ if she keeps eating this much oh she was so hungry just look at her she is eating like so much right now see and this is exactly why I don't need to have any more kids if anything I can just come over and take care of Cece and JJ and then afterwards I can go home mom is Dad gonna be back soon I really need to use the washroom or maybe we should just call a nurse in here to help me Dad should be back in a moment sweetheart just wait a bit longer besides the hospital is super busy right now because there were a lot of car accidents on the road today oh nonsense how can you tell her to hold it in she needs to use the washroom she needs to go right now miss Royale can help her honey can you please help take your cousin to the washroom what ew take my cousin to the washroom close no Mom I don't want to please no Miss Royale please I know you two don't always get along but she's still your cousin and she needs to use the washroom right now she can't walk by herself so we're gonna have to help her please take her to the washroom for me oh fine I guess I could take her to the washroom oh she's gonna be so annoying and heavy and it's so gross too do I have to like help her pull down her pants and then oh gross fine fine fine I'll do it but I'm not gonna be happy as I do it gosh sometimes I wish our girls would get along as well as we do okay I got your wheelchair here let's get you onto the wheelchair so that we can wheel you in and I can take you to the bathroom quickly are you taking me to the bathroom thanks cousin that's so sweet of you you guys I'm gonna play a prank on my cousin it's gonna be so funny okay get up okay and then what oops sorry sorry did I hit you by accident oops you know I I forgot that my arm is in the cast here whoopsies ow you totally did that on purpose no I didn't all right come on let's get you onto the wheelchair get this over with already uh uh why are you so heavy come on get up oh sorry did I accidentally kick you OMG I am so sorry I didn't mean to I totally forgot my legs in a cast I bet you are really doing this on purpose come on one more time ah get up oh no sorry did I do it again whoopsies do you need help uh sorry I can't really help you too I'm kind of stuck ah can't believe this you are definitely doing this on purpose okay so I can't even do anything right now because my mom's here and I don't want to get in trouble but once we get into the washroom oh it's on I'm gonna get total Revenge well careful careful let's get you up on the wheelchair hey I just kind of pushed her onto the wheelchair whoopsies sorry cousin did I push a little too hard did I make you fall you did that on purpose oh hey at least you've gone to the wheelchair just fine okay just help me to the washroom already okay let me take you to the washroom hey oh hey what the the thing oh my gosh don't worry I got you hey sorry about the bumpy ride oh you are so not sorry at all ah be careful I carry don't worry cousin I got you ah oh my gosh what are you doing Mom are you seeing this okay we're in the washroom now there's the toilet you can use the toilet hurry up already help me up okay I gotta open the lid for you too I guess geez this is like full service uh there you go thank you are you almost done yet are you done um can you like stop looking at me I can't go with you watching oh what yeah can you like turn around or something you know what I'm gonna do I was just gonna use the washroom to go number one earlier but now I'm gonna go number two and I'm gonna poop are you done already what is seriously taking you so long to pee oh my gosh you're not peeing ew are you taking number two oh gross I can't breathe ew I would not have said yes if I knew you were gonna go poop gross I can't believe I have to be here oh you know what I'm gonna get you back just for this I'm gonna call my friend since Stella girl is going number two right now I'm going to video chat my friend oh looks like Miss Royale is video calling me hi Batgirl where are you right now are you at the beach what are you doing right now nothing really we're just chilling at the beach because it's such a nice day today and we were gonna invite you but you totally rushed off as soon as the school bell rang uh what are you up to wanna join us at the beach um what are you doing who are you talking to are you talking on the phone right now while I'm in the washroom no I can't come right now because I'm actually at the hospital my cousin and her family they had a horrible accident this morning and my cousin actually broke her arm and her leg which is why I'm in the washroom right now I'm helping her use the washroom oh my gosh what happened what kind of accident oh is that your cousin right now is she using the toilet yeah their car hit a tree this morning and yeah right now she's taking a dump oh my God this is so embarrassing oh my gosh stop filming me this is so embarrassing bad girl this is my cousin Stella girl Stella girl this is my friend bad girl uh hi oh gosh this is kind of awkward um why are you filming when your cousin's using the washroom that's mean hey I'm not showing anything except her face I'm not even filming the bottom I'm only showing like the top half so there's nothing mean about it I don't know it's still pretty mean to be filming her face while she's on the toilet yo you're not gonna get my face I'm covering it with my hair this is literally the most embarrassing thing that has happened to me stop it turn off the video chat already okay hey bad girl what are you doing over there we're gonna start playing volleyball soon and we need another player are you gonna join us for volleyball well it was nice meeting you hey yo did you hear me what oh I said we're gonna start playing volleyball who are you talking to you oh I'm just talking to miss Royale hey Miss Royale do you want to come join us at the beach here you can talk to her oh my goodness is that a boy okay are you guys playing beach volleyball oh gosh I wish I could be there right now then why don't you come down and play with us we can always use another player come on come down and play beach volleyball with us I can't I'm visiting my cousin right now at the hospital because her family had an accident this morning and my cousin actually broke her arm and her leg which is why I have to help her and use the washroom she's actually video chatting right now while her Cousin's in the background using the toilet but I can't really see her she's only like filming part of her upper face but I mean if I were her cousin I would be super mad and embarrassed what why why are you video chatting when your cousin is using the toilet that's so mean yo right that was literally what I said too dude you're being so mean yeah like totally Savage but you can't even see her I'm not filming her or anything yeah but it's still mean and it's embarrassing for her I don't think you guys are gonna get along if you do this you know all right all right you're right you're right this was going a bit too far yeah you think you are not gonna get away with this alright I better get going then you guys have fun bye okay see ya bye I am so so gonna get you back for this later press that subscribe button and ring the bell that way when a video is released you'll be the first to watch it watch more of my toy videos by going to the search button and pressing in minky toys and dolls or just minky toys lots of fun doll videos for you here
Channel: Minky Toys and Dolls
Views: 161,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: OMG Family Makes a Hospital Visit to See Her Sister, omg doll, lol, lol dolls, lol family, family, toys, dolls, barbie, barbie doll, playing, toddler, fun, for kids, doll, kid friendly, story for kids, lol doll, omg dolls, omg family, barbie family, lol surprise, morning routine, toy, family routine, toy video, barbie toys, hospital, OMG Doll Visits Her Sister in the Hospital, lol surprise dolls, for kids videos, kids youtube, lol family videos, lol surprise omg, for kids movies
Id: xvmYKBZI4e0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 53sec (2033 seconds)
Published: Sat May 27 2023
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