FULL MOVIE - Don't Post About Me! - OMG Family Has a Crazy Morning / OMG Family Outside Our House

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what a beautiful day and what a beautiful blue house whose house could this be oh man I hope our luggage is not overweight because that would be a problem when we arrive at the airport all right let's load our luggage into the car [Music] now what what sweetheart I I don't understand what you're saying daisy sweetheart I can't understand what you're saying say you're going to have to take off your pacifier sweetie I said I want to be put down please daddy oh to put you down of course sweetie why didn't you say so I did Daddy all right down you go Missy this way my hands will be free and I could put the luggages into the trunk [Music] hopefully we have enough room in the trunk for all of our [Music] luggages I mean it is pretty spacious I think we may have a lot of room in the truck although this is a pretty big [Music] luggage oh it's not going to fit this way I got to turn it around so that it'll fit into the [Music] trunk oh can't forget the baby big I love playing in my sandbox I'm going to make a sand castle at least the weather is nice even though I'm not looking forward to this trip at all since I happen to have pink eye today ow why are you always closing the door in my face o a little help would have been nice I had to carry our shared luggage all by myself it's pretty heavy you know I can use a little help over here sis H oh whoops my bad sorry I would love to help but I can't today because you know I'm sick yeah nice try there I don't think laziness is a sickness come on help me already you know how heavy this luggage is I know you're not sick whatever do you mean sis see I am so sick I can't I can't carry it could you please just carry the luggage yourself okay stop faking it those coughs aren't even real I can tell when you're faking it you know and no I'm not going to carry this luggage myself help me already I can I'm sick I have pink eye remember no need to fight girls we're going to put the lug into the trunk anyways how many luggages do you have well mom said we have to share this large luggage but we each also have a big bag as well what did your mom approve of this I don't think those count as carry-ons on the airplane I think your backpack's too big girls oh we're supposed to be traveling light this time please Dad the luggage wasn't big enough for the both of us please put our bags into the trunk oh man girls I don't want to have to say yes and then later get in trouble with your mom did you not ask your mother oh girls we're supposed to be traveling right this time we don't even know if the airlines are going to accept these extra luggages we might even have to pay extra oh please Dad I can't put all the stuff in this backpack away now it's too late and besides um and here's my homework I need to bring this backpack because it has my homework inside please please homework I mean yes yes homework yes uh this backpack also contains all of my homework too Dad please just let us take this we don't have enough space in the big luggage for all of our stuff there's two of us please just let us take our backpacks oh man what do I do I don't want your mom to get mad if she gets mad I'm going to tell her this was your idea girls I had no involvement in it thanks Dad you're the best hey why did you copy me earlier when I said I was carrying homework you copied I didn't copy I was totally going to say that first you were copying me no you were copying me nuh-uh I was not you were okay that's enough girls break it off break it off we don't need to be fighting the entire time to the airport now I'll just put all the luggage into the trunk there's a lot of space in our trunk but these are very large luggages oh come on okay I think it fits but there's not much space left don't worry dad I believe in you I believe you can do it can you also put my backpack into the trunk first please wait what why do you get to go first what if there's no room for my backpack after no Dad please can you put my backpack into the trunk first stop copying me I said it first well too bad I want my backpack into the trunk first there's no need to fight girls I will take both of your backpacks at the same time all right oh oh what is in these backpacks why are they so heavy oh I don't even know if we're going to be able to pass Customs at this point hopefully the airport will let us oh where can I put these okay I think it fits but now the trunk is very full no dad you managed to fit all of our backpacks yay Dad I knew you could do it yeah but the trunk is pretty full now there's not going to be room for any more luggages that's okay I didn't have any more luggages anyways me too that's it I guess we can go to the airport now well hopefully your mom comes out with the baby soon so that we can head to the airport you know we're pretty early today so we can just roam around the airport and check out some stuff I'm going to close down the trunk all right honey are you still changing the baby's diaper are you ready to go coming gosh it's been such a busy morning every time I changed her diaper she would go potty again and then I would have to change the diaper [Music] again oh is Daddy's Little Princess being a little naughty this morning all right let's head to the airport we're pretty early so we have some time we can check out a bunch of the dutyfree stores plus it's always good to check in early at the airport anyways wait I think something's missing oh oh my goodness oh jeez I forgot my handbag I can't my passport or money keys are in my handbag I got to go back inside for a [Music] minute all right little missy you can stay outside with dad while I go back inside to grab my handbag wait what another bag how big is the bag our trunk is completely full we're not going to have room to put in any other bags don't worry it's just a small handbag that I'll carry with me could you watch the baby while I go back inside oh all right okay but be quick we want to be able to head to the airport so that we can have some time to check out the dutyfree stores okay okay I can't believe I've been so forgetful got to make sure that I don't forget my passport or any of the girls's passport and the keys and my wallet now where did I put my bag H okay let's go find it P Castle okay can you not make such a mess oh my gosh you're getting so much sand on your clothes I am not sitting next to you on the plane I'm not making a mess I'm making a princess castle okay I need to get my shovel off cuz I'm going to make something really cool first I'm going to need a lot of St so let me dig this is a lot of work I'm going to take a lot of s and then I'm going to pile it together do you guys like playing in the sandbox too cuz playing in the sandbox is my favorite thing look there's so much much sand and I made a big pile here oh my God Daisy your clothes are covered in sand I do not want to sit next to you on the plane right now oh why are you playing in the sandbox when we're about to head to the airport Daisy you're always doing something crazy like this hm I wonder how bad your pink eye is now hey sis how bad is your eye why are you wearing those sunglasses take them off I want to see maybe your pink eye has healed let's see take off your sunglasses yeah right as if I would take off my sunglasses to show you you laughed at me earlier at breakfast so no hard no oh come on I wasn't laughing at you I was just you know laughing take off your sunglasses let me see maybe your pink eyes is gone yeah I highly doubt it it's a hard no oh come on I won't laugh I promise momas please just take off your sunglasses I want to see it no means no what part of no don't you understand it's a heart and o oh my God now I'm extra curious I bet her pink eye has gotten a lot worse that's why she's not showing me you guys you know what would be so funny if we took a picture and post it online I bet my friends would love to see Uptown Girl my little sister's pink eye okay where's my phone let me look for my phone ah here it is sweet cat forget my phone my phone has a pretty good camera and since I want to remember this moment to get back at my sister for all the naughty things she ever does to me I'm going to take a picture of her pink eye yeah I score cool I'm going to do that again I'm really good at soccer look at me and I score again Crystal star up to down girl look look what I can do daisy please knock it out if you kick that soccer ball and it hits me and gets my clothes dirty I'm going to be really upset with you and I K and it's G again into the goalie I'm really good at soccer don't worry the goalie is behind me I'm not going to going to pick it and it's not going to hit you um Uptown Girl hey look I have something to show you what uhoh yoink oh my gosh it's so bad hey oh my gosh hold still this is too good oh my God what are you doing hey I got so many good photos I can't believe you pulled down my sunglasses and just took photos of me without my consent I want you to delete those photos right now I don't want anyone to see my pink eye Crystal star oh my gosh these photos are so good oh your pink eye is so bad delete those photos right now yeah right no way you better delete those photos right now or else Crystal star or else I'm going to get you bad so bad that you will regret this day please just delete those photos don't post it online or I'm going to be super mad with you yeah no way am I deleting these photos they're way too good and remember the time you took a photo of me on the toilet well this is Revenge dad Crystal star took a picture of my pink eye and now she's going to post it online tell her to delete it please oh not another fight girls can we have one peaceful day day where there's no fighting in the house I'm not getting involved in this especially since I still have to care for your baby [Music] sister Dad I can't believe you're not going to do anything about it oh my God you guys look at this photo this is too good okay let's see I even have a video of her she's like what are you doing take down that photo I'm going to add some [Music] emojis hey what are you doing you are not posting that oh yes I am hey what what are you doing show me no way I am still posting this give me your phone Crystal star how watch it you stepped on my foot and almost made me drop my phone well then delete that photo no way Jose give me the phone nope dad give me the phone no way this is too good how you can't get it yoink oh my goodness I just got you that phone last year for your birthday how long is your mother going to take girls please please stop fighting almost done okay now I'm going to make a big turtle cuz I have this big turtle mode and I've made enough sand pile together to make a turtle I just got to put the turtle on the sand like this here actually instead of making a turtle I should have made a starfish a starfish is way cooler okay I'm going to make a starfish mode then instead of a turtle mod what's that it's a lollipop I found a strawberry lollipop yay it looks yummy even though it looks looks like it's kind of covered in sand maybe I can just blow off the sand it's strawberry too and strawberry is my favorite flavor still not [Music] bad so much sand oh oh my God Daisy where did you get that lollipop it looks old too I found it the sandbox it's an old lollipop there's a sand on it oh my God Daisy I can't believe you're eating an old lollipop you found in the sand that's so gross how many times have we taught you not to eat stuff from the ground throw that away right now but it's probably my old lollipop that and I didn't finish it doesn't matter this is absolutely disgusting throw away that lollipop right now Daisy no I don't want to I want to eat [Music] it it still tastes kind of good Daisy it's absolutely disgusting stop eating food that you find off the ground okay throw that away right now or I'm going to call Mom and you're going to be in big trouble I about if I eat it like this see I'm not licking the lollipop I'm just going to eat it like this that's still disgusting Daisy it's a lollipop that you found in the sand that's gross throw that away right now please otherwise I'm going to call mom out and tell her that you ate something off the ground again and you know we had a little talk about that okay it's fine don't tell M yeah not eating the lollipop anymore don't tell Mommy and Daddy okay please okay fine I got better things to do give me that phone no way girls please oh jeez give me the phone no way girl stop running back and forth please you're giving me a headache at least your little sister is enjoying it give me the phone Crystal star if you post that I am never going to forgive you oh gosh Crystal star come back no I am so posting this as Revenge Crystal star just delete the photo if your sister doesn't like it and Uptown Girl it was not nice of you to take a picture of Crystal star on the toilet I'm going to add an extra Emoji are you girls even listening to me I hate you so much right now is a funny oh jeez I guess the good side to this is that your little sister is not crying I guess this morning you're not the most mischievous and naughty one I'm going to dig here and I'm going to make a seashell next to the castle and what's under here is that a chocolate bar I remember eating this chocolate bar last week and then I lost it looks like it was underneath here all along yay and it still looks kind of good there's some sand on it but that's okay because it's my favorite chocolate flavor sand okay I found my bag m it's still yummy it's still yummy have some s m okay we can leave to the airport now I think I have everything all is in my bag our passport keys and wallet okay let's head to the airport if everyone is ready still good [Music] even though there's a lot of sand oh my God Daisy did you play in your sandbox again I have can eat chocolate all day oh my God Daisy where did you get that chocolate bar and it is filthy it is covered in sand oh don't tell me you ate something off the ground again I finished it it so so good Mom I am not sitting next to Daisy on the plane her clothes are covered in sand and earlier I caught her eating a lollipop that she found in the sand it was covered in sand and it was gross Daisy will you eating a lollipop that you found in the sandbox oh my God how many times have we talked about this Daisy you are not to eat anything off the ground and oh my goodness your clothes they're all dir dirty and covered in sand now what were you doing when all of this was going down honey you were supposed to be watching the girls especially Daisy did you know that she ate a lollipop that she found in the sandbox oh sorry to be honest I was kind of distracted with what and Daisy also ate a whole chocolate bar that she found in the dirt she is so going to get a stomach ache later you were supposed to be watching all of the girls honey sorry honey uh Uptown Girl and Crystal star got into a little bit of a fight they were running back and forth and I must have gotten distracted I was trying to stop them from fighting so I wasn't watching Daisy there's still a piece [Applause] here I'm going to finish it drop that dirty chocolate bar right now Daisy how many times have we talked about not eating something found on the ground you know you're going to get a stomach ache and you're going to start feeling sick later this this was mine though this was my chocolate that I lost last week and I didn't know that it was in the sandbox it still tastes good mommy oh my God a chocolate bar from last week oh in the sandbox and Daisy you are covered in sand and filth oh dear what are we going to do okay first let me let's go change you oh we can't have you sitting on the plain covered in sand come on okay let's go get change inside and then we're going to have a serious talk young lady about eating stuff from the ground my stomach doesn't feel so good Mommy uh that could possibly because you were eating a lollipop that you found in the sandbo oh no oh dear I don't feel so good oh no Daisy you vom it everywhere okay I need to go change Daisy I'll be right back we cannot leave to the airport this way oh man at this rate I don't know if we're going to be able to head to the airport early oh my God is Daisy sick oh I am so not sitting next to her on the plane excuse me I'm not sitting next to her on the plane I already called it well you have to because I'm not going to sit next to Daisy on the plane oh please girls please can we please stop fighting let's just wait here peacefully until your mother and Daisy comes back now oh oh oh my eye it really stings right now cuz it's getting dry I'm going to need to put some medicine some eye drops okay where are my eye drops I know that I'm carrying my eye drops with me because I know I'll be needing it all day today oh here is I got to put on eye drops my eyes hurt so much but wait a minute I'm going to have to take off my sunglasses and that means my sister she might try to take more photos of me because she's evil don't you be taking any more photos what are you even talking about I'm not even doing anything jeez like calm down already can I even trust her I don't even have a choice I need to put on eye drops otherwise my eyes are going to hurt hurt even more okay well she better not take any more photos of me or I'm going to be really mad I'm not going to do anything why are you keep looking at me chill already all right I guess I'll have to take off my sunglasses so that I can put in these medicine eye drops ow my eyes hurt so much having pink eye sucks look how swollen my eyes are they're so red oh so dry oh my God your eyes look even worser now than this morning that's why you were looking at me you had to take off your sunglasses so that you can put in some more eye drops oh so refreshing ah here's my phone I need to take some more photos this looks way too funny just look how funny my sister looks hey what are you doing why do I feel like there's like flashing lights or something wo I got some really good shots just now are you taking photos of me H you better not be taking any more photos of [Applause] me this is too good what's so funny you're not taking more photos of me over there are you Crystal star stop it okay good perfect I think I got enough good photos that was so refreshing even though I still probably have pink eye oh these photos are so good even better than the last batch I am so going to post this what are you even laughing at over there I know I said I wasn't going to take any more photos but these photos are too funny not to share sneak peek here's one of the funny photos oh I am definitely going to post this photo on my insta I'm going to get so many likes oh my god did you just take that just now of me hey you better not be taking any more photos of me over there oh this is too good good I'm going to post this video up on my insta to show my friends that video of me looks awful take it down right now it's not fair Crystal star you already posted something of me earlier I only posted one photo of you on the toilet not a video sorry too bad so sad it's happening hey baby look on the bright side you'll go viral and become famous for your pink eye post it too late look at this it's getting so many likes already oh my God tell me you're lying you did not actually post that horrendous video of me did you Crystal star oh I am so mad with you right now you said you weren't going to take any more photos earlier well I guess I changed my mind delete those photos right now nope let me see what other videos you took of me nope give me your phone no way oh man girls is this happening again can we just not wait here in peace oh when I get my hands on that phone I'm going to break it no way then are you touching my phone what other photos or video did you take of me all right girls cut it out I'm putting my foot down let's stand here and wait for your mother and sister in Peace Dad it's not fair Crystal star took a video and a bunch of photos of me and now she's poting ing it I think it's going viral I'm getting so many likes wo you have got to be kidding me right let me see where's my phone okay yo I'm getting so many likes and so many new subscribers your video is going viral you're going to be famous sis this is what you post of Me no no no I don't want to go viral I can't believe this you're so mean delete that post right now before before any more people see it no way this is way too funny and besides this is Revenge don't forget you're the one that posted a photo of me on the toilet everyone at school called me toilet poopy head for like a year that was so long ago oh well that doesn't matter because I still remember it and I still have trauma over it I'm so mad jeez you really need to take a chill pill my eye oh my God sorry ow my eye you kicked the soccer ball right into my eye ow that really hurt you know oh my God I am so sorry I did not do that on purpose I I promise it was totally an accident I am so sorry oh oh my God on my eye is it bad ow um oh no now your baby sister is crying too and this is exactly what happens when you two girls decide to argue dad believe me I did not do that on purpose I was really angry and I just wanted to kick something so I kicked the soccer ball but I didn't mean for it to hit Crystal star in the eye Dad don't believe her I bet she did it on purpose I bet she wanted me to have pink eye just like her that's why she kicked the soccer ball into my face oh man I don't even know what to do I wish your mother would hurry up and get Daisy change and come out here already what you think I would do something like that on purpose that's insane I would never kick a soccer ball into your face and hurt you no matter how angry I get with you that was totally an accident I swear do I ground her do I not you know it would have been been really bad if you kicked the soccer ball and hit your baby sister over here Dad I swear I didn't do that on purpose I would never do that no matter how annoying she is she's still my twin sister I promise that was totally a complete accident ground her dad ground her for like a year look at my eye look what she did to my eye it hurts you know what your mother is going to be done changing Daisy any minute now and she'll come out she'll deal with you two girls look how upset your baby sister is oh there there all this fighting is really making her very upset there there there don't cry don't cry okay it's okay it's okay I know your big sisters are just being extra naughty this morning oh and they say newborns are a lot of work I guess anyone who said newborns are a lot of work has not had any teenagers right Gucci princess where's my compact okay let's see the damage how bad is it is it pink eye do I have pink eye now see it's not that bad it's barely red are you insane look at my eye it is so red oh no I look horrible what you mean it looks pretty normal to me it's just a little red it's it's going to go away really soon don't worry about it this is not that bad to you are you kidding me look how red it is um it just a little red oh you know what I'm going to get some photos it does look kind of funny and now it's my turn to get revenge huh what's that flash you better not be taking photos of me oh my God this is actually too good you're going to post a picture of me I'm going to post a picture of you did you just take a video of me you better not post that too bad so sad I already did it looks like you are also going viral sis what no way what did you do what are you posting let me see no need that phone right now no way go away give me the phone no what are you posting oh my God I can't believe you you did this give me your phone as if go away that's it you have left me no choice H hey what are you doing hey you're not getting back your sunglasses until you delete that post right now hey where are you going with my sunglasses give me back my sunglasses right now Crystal star hey no way not until you delete that post of me delete it and then you can have your sunglasses back you know no girls if both of you would just go into your account and delete all your posts then everything would be resolved dad make crystal star give me back my sunglasses dad make Uptown Girl delete that post of me I am at a loss for words I'm just going to let your mother come out and deal with this oh if you don't delete that post you are never getting back your sunglasses give me back my sunglasses what is with all the commotion all right I've changed the da we can start heading out to the airport now but what is with all the commotion out here what are you girls fighting about now I still don't feel so good my tummy really hurts and I don't feel good Mom tell Crystal star to give me back my sunglasses I have pink eye I have like a eye infection my eyes cannot be exposed right now is your pink eye still pretty bad honey has it gotten better better from this morning let me see no it's still pretty bad see it's awful oh my goodness yes yes it's still quite red and swollen so make sure you don't forget to put on your medicine and your eye drops your eyes look like two big pimples they look so funny mom you know what she did she kicked a soccer ball right into my eye just now what a soccer ball right into your eye oh no don't tell me you have a black eye right now take off your hand Crystal star let me see your eye okay it's so bad right it's like red oh my goodness I mean I guess it's not pink eye but your eye is a little swollen and red it's not a little bit it's really swollen your eyes look like a big fat volcano gee thanks Daisy that's not very nice of you to say who wants a volcano eye sorry I take it back honey how did you let this happen how did you let it get so out of hand I just went inside to change Daisy for a bit and now all chaos has broken out um well you see um honey I had to watch over the newborn baby you know she was crying a lot and the girls are old enough to take care of themselves well clearly not all right honey I'll just put you down for a bit here all right let's fix this so that we can head to the airport already Crystal star give your sister back her sunglasses but but Mom that's not fair she literally kicked a soccer B on my eyes and like it's so red now Mom that was a complete accident I swear please tell Crystal star to give me back my sunglasses you tell her mom sh a moment of silence please I will deal with you young lady in a little bit for kicking a soccer ball into your sister's face wait what why am I in trouble I said it was an accident I swear I did not do that on purpose I don't feel very good Crystal star your sister has pink eye please give her back her sunglasses and then I will help you fix your eye fine here you can have your sung glasses back thank you much better but now what are we going to do about my eye mom it's so red and it looks horrible hold on hold on I think I have just the right remedy for now Mommy I don't feel so good my tummy really hurts and oh dear so many things are going on all at once where's my compact here it is okay I got it I have some Foundation powder here to cover up that redness is it really going to cover everything my eye is really red it's not that bad it's just a little red this should do the trick now hold still please remove your hand please okay all right let's just cover it up even though I didn't kick the soccer ball into her eye on purpose but I kind of like that she had the same eye as me now she can cover it no fair hold still please just a little bit more just going to get some more powder hold still okay there there voila what do you think see now you can't even tell that there's redness wow that is amazing it's really covered everything I can't even see that my eye is red anymore okay can we call a truce now I did not kick the soccer ball into your face face into your eye on purpose and now that Mom has covered it up can we stop fighting please fine let's call a truce okay deal no more fighting then oh my tummy really hurts a mommy okay okay let's see here okay let's head out does it really hurt honey do you think you'll be able to sit on the plane oh dear this is bad oh feel so good my stom it hurts and I feel really nauseous I think I have to puke again and I hope you learned your lesson about eating stuff from the floor oh this is bad right before our family vacation too my stomach really hurts mommy ow oh my God okay well we still have some time why don't we go to the ER quickly before heading over to the airport let's just make sure that Daisy is okay yeah that's a good idea let's just take Daisy to the ER hopefully there's not going to be a long wait list and a long wait time I guess there goes heading to the airport early to go to dutyfree shops all right family get into the car please oh man seriously we have to go to the hospital I hate going to the ER me too get in please let's quickly get Daisy to the hospital this family vacation is starting out a little bit rough hi everyone welcome to the ER oh we've been waiting for so long how much longer are we going to have to wait I want to go home we'll call your name when it's your turn oh yikes there are a lot of people in line today there's a long list mom I can help what do you need me to help you with next sorry Junior Anna please just give me a moment Mom are you done done yet what can I help you with Junior Anna it hasn't even been a minute yet hold on a what's taking so long Mom Mom I have to make sure I enter all of the patients information in the computer I'm bored a lot of people are waiting for their turn who's next I can't believe how many people are at the ER today okay let's see it looks like the next person up is Mitch Mitch Mitch is there a mitch here oh there's so many people and yet no one is responding the emergency room is super packed today there are a lot of people can you please go walk around and call for a mitch honey please bring back Mitch yay no problem you can count on me I'll come back with Mitch hi Mitch Mitch hi there are you a mitch by any chance you kind of look like you're a mitch uh no that's not us but is it Mitch like m i t c h or is it mijch like m i d g e which is a girl's name whoops it looks like Junior Anna went over there to talk to those boys I forgot to tell her Mitch is a girl oopsies yeah I think you're looking for a girl if it's Mitch like m g g e maybe go ask that lady over there by the way aren't you too young to be working here no today is bring your kid to work day and my mommy is a nurse that's why she brought me to work with her we all get to go to work with our moms today even Junior Elsa is working with Auntie Elsa wao cool there's a day where you can go to work with your parents I never had that I wish I could have gone to work with my parents when I was younger yo man did you know there's this thing called Bring Your Kids To Work Day Isn't that cool I would have loved to gone to work with my old man or even my mom when I was younger dude I totally went to work with my parents when I was younger this is a pretty common thing like didn't you go dude you totally missed out then oh wait what this is a common thing how come I never had that at my old elementary school what dude seriously you didn't go to work with any of your parents when you were younger this is a pretty common thing man yo I feel bad for you you missed out dude oh man my old elementary school didn't have this I can't believe you went to work with your parents it's so unfair this sucks oh someone's kid hi there sweetheart are you lost or something where's your mommy hi my mommy is over there she's the nurse I'm not lost I I'm coming to look for a Mitch are you a mitch oh a mitch honey do we know anyone named Mitch I don't think so oh oh I know of a mitch though from high school oh yes I do remember Mitch from high school Ah that's not what I was asking I guess you're not Mitch sweetie if your mommy is a nurse here can you please ask her to call our names as soon as possible we are seniors and we've been waiting here for hours ah I don't know about that sorry I'm so bored I can't believe we've been sitting here for hours now why is it taking so long hey love feel so well Crystal star oh we have a plane to catch and yet we are sitting here in the ER you really can't take your eyes off your kid for even a second I only took my eyes off her for a minute and she goes and she eats a worm I wish they had some video games or something to play in the ER all they have are these really old magazines to look [Music] at I don't I don't feel so good well that's because you ate a worm little sister I don't know why I ate it I guess it look like a candy Worm but but it didn't taste very good yeah you need to stop eating random things off the floor that was a dirty disgusting worm hi I'm here to help my mommy um are you a mitch by any chance oh hi is your mom Nam Mitch sorry my name is name is Crystal star H not this lady either um hello hi there what time is it oh my gosh are we going to be able to catch our flight oh look at the time we've been sitting here for hours already and we have a flight to catch oh no no no I can't believe this is happening how much longer are we going to be waiting here if we miss our flight it would be a nightmare then we have to book all the hotels and everything all over again that was an uncomfortable position so I woke up been waiting here for so long already what is the lineup oh these fishes do look pretty they have such a nice pretty aquarium here in the ER I wish I had that fish over there hi I'm looking for a m Mitch are you a mitch by any chance oh my God yes that's me my name is Mitch yes it's finally my turn I've been sitting here all morning now okay let's get out oh finally my turn at last hi there my name is Mitch I believe you were calling my name sorry I fell asleep earlier so I didn't hear you oh perfect hi your name is Mitch hi my name is Anna welcome to the ER uh what brought you into the ER today and how can I help you oh yes hi um I'm 36 weeks pregnant so my due date is in 4 weeks um except I don't feel the baby kicking very much okay got it you're 36 weeks pregnant you'll be due in 4 weeks and you're here because you don't feel the baby kicking very much oh oh my gosh oh oh the baby baby's kicking a lot now oh wow um yes I was concerned because the baby hasn't been kicking that much last night but the baby is kicking now okay well that's good news I'll put a note on that you were concerned but the baby is suddenly kicking now although I'm really concerned because the baby usually kicks a lot more than this the baby hasn't been kicking as much today oh is this an emergency I guess the baby just kicked so it's not too big of an emergency but we can give you an ultrasound just to be safe I'll schedule you in with one of our doctors to do an ultra sound oh yes please that would be amazing and that would really lower my stress level and my anxieties if you could please I think you should be just fine don't worry the baby did just kick just now but we're just going to get you right over here to do a ultrasound with one of our doctors you can please just go right this way Mama mom I can help I can help I can take her to Auntie Elsa just follow me right this way yes you can just follow my daughter okay thank you yep just right over here is my auntie oh wow okay perfect we're one less patient now oh we have an emergency emergency oh oh oh oh yo yo I really need to see a Dr ASAP I was at the beach and I stepped on a jellyfish oh my goodness you must be in great pain then but I'm sorry sir did you put your name down we do have a little bit of a lineup right now yo lady did you hear me I said I was stung by a jellyfish I really need to see the doctor right now one of my buddies peed on my feet just to try to take the pain away but it didn't help I need to see a doctor asap yeah unfortunately peeing on a jellyfish sting is a myth it does nothing to really ease the pain um yeah I know cuz I'm really still in pain my foot's all swollen right now I can't even put my shoes on it really really hurts please lady just get me a doctor already I am so sorry to hear what happened to you sir I totally understand we will get you a doctor as soon as we can however we are very busy today and we do have a long lineup here yeah but my situation is way more more serious than anyone else is here yo lady I got stinged by a jellyfish I am so sorry sir but we do have a long lineup we're going to have to take your name and I'll call you when it's your turn wait what no way here at the emergency room we have to prioritize emergencies go first um I know that your feet hurts but from 1 to 10 what would you say the pain is um right now I would say m from 1 to 10 I would say 100 or at least 15 it really hurts all right 15 or 100 seriously so from 1 to 10 you would think that your level of pain is 15 oh yeah like 15 or 20 or 100 or 3,000 I don't know lady just get me a doctor ready I don't want to sit around all day I want to go back to the beach and play volleyball some more so just get give me a doctor to fix this all right so you're in so much pain but you want to see a doctor so that you can go back to the beach and play some more mhm oh I know what it is are you looking for a special tipped I mean I don't have my wallet with me right now but I can write you an IOU for five bucks no sir we don't take tips here at the ER unfortunately you're just going to have to sit and line up like every everyone else oh no hey lady look at this face do you know who I am do you know who you're talking to um am I supposed to or something I don't really care who you are you're here at the emergency room at the ER and you're going to have to line up like everyone else come on look closely I've been in a few movies you know you can really consider me a superstar are you going to say no to a superstar yes I'm going to say no to a superstar come on lady please let me in already I need to see a doctor like right now right now sir please this is a hospital if you continue to behave this way unfortunately I'm going to have to call security please calm down and have a seat all right you know what I'm going to do I'm going to bring out the old charm how can she say no to this face oh my gosh why is he looking at me like that what what is wrong with this guy what's he going to try next hey there what's up goodlooking do you think you can make a little exception here for me please huh just for me baby no again sir I'm going to please ask you to have a seat please don't make me repeat this again or make me call security oh all right already I guess it didn't work h I'll have a seat but I'll have you know if there's going to be a review I'm leaving this Hospital a bad review yes sir socially I'm sorry that you feel that way but there's nothing that I can do she's really not budging that one's a tough nurse fine I'll go it down hi there we've been waiting all morning I was wondering is there a way that we can be seen earlier I am a senior is is there a senior lineup yeah my wife has a cold and a cough and she's been sick for a week now she ran out of medicine we thought we would come to the ER to grab some medicine faster since waiting at the doctor takes forever unfortunately sir at the ER we have to prioritize emergency first I would suggest next time going to your doctor if it's not an emergency uh because you might actually end up waiting even longer at the ER I'm sorry sir it's not your turn yet my goodness it's even longer here than it is waiting at the doctor and we came here to the emergency room because we didn't want to wait at the doctor's office is there no senior lineup uhoh I'm sorry ma'am there is no senior lineup we took your blood pressure earlier and you're totally fine I know you're here to just grab some medication from the doctor however it's not really an emergency so you're going to have to wait we have a few bigger emergencies ahead of you uh no I don't want to wait anymore why don't we just go to the doctor's office already all right I guess we'll just go to the doctor we don't want to sit around anymore I can't believe we went here to avoid waiting and end up waiting all morning all right let's just go Mom I'm back what else can I help you wait who's next I can go grab the next person for you a you're back already Junior Anna thank you so much you are such a good Mommy's little helper okay next on the list is christe okay got it I'll go find a christe for you one second hi there is there a Christy hello hi Christy is up next did you say Christy yes yes that's my daughter yay it's finally our turn that's us we've been waiting all morning already um right over here christe come on sweetheart we have to go she's calling us it's finally our turn come on put the magazine away Crystal star a carry your sister honey Mom I'm back I brought back a a Christy and her mom and her sister and I did it really fast this time I like found them right away a good job Junior Anna you really did thank you so much you found them so fast too uhhuh I wish you could come to work with me every day you've been such a big help to me this morning hi there I believe our name was called for a christe oh yes Christie hi my name is Anna I'm a nurse here at the ER and um what brought you in here today how can we help you a I don't feel so good I think I'm going to throw up oh my goodness really honey Crystal star do you have a bag oh my gosh she's been throwing up all morning already how can this happen right today too when we have a flight to catch if this continues is she going to be throwing up on the airplane uh-oh so what happened was my sister went outside and she saw a worm she picked it up she brought it inside and apparently she says that she thought it was candy or chocolate and basically she ate a worm oh dear she ate a worm and has she been feeling sick ever since she um ate a worm yes I was just upstairs grabbing the luggage for like a minute and then by the time I went downstairs she had already ate the worm and she's been vomiting she vomits so much I was so worried so I had to bring her here to the hospital oh dear she's been vomiting oh no extreme vomiting is not good we're going to have to do some tests then okay one second let me just enter all of the information you've told me into the computer normally it's not too big of a deal to eat a worm except that it's very unhygienic but since she's been vomiting we'll have a doctor see her perfect please I am so worried oh also I brought this um and if you need more I do have another bag in the car huh what what is that what did you bring it's always really weird when patients give us stuff at the ER here you go maybe you can run some lap tests I brought it just in case you wanted to run some lap tests um thank you uh what is in this bag oh it really stinks too mom what is that it's all mushy and gross throw it away it's stinky ew oh this bag makes me want to vomit what is in here what what is this oh this this is my daughter's vomit I packed it up I scooped out all of her vomit and put it in this bag for you in case you needed it to run any lap test this is what my daughter puked out wait a minute minute are you saying I'm holding vomit right now oh take it back are you sure you don't need this I scooped every bit of her puked up this morning just in case you would ask for it in case you need to run any lap tests oh my gosh no that is disgusting no you do not have to pick up puke or vomit and pack it in a bag and bring it to the hospital we don't need that my sister is a doctor here and I'm just going to ask you to go right this way follow my daughter she'll take you to a doctor yeah I'll take you to Auntie Elsa but but swow that vet bag away because it's stinky and it's Gross Junior Anna please take these nice folks these nice family to my sister Dr Elsa for an examination follow me she's just right over here okay thank you oh thank you so much again Dr I shouldn't take any more of your time I should leave now bye okay let me see the chart here based on Anna's notes it looks like this toddler ate some worms oh my oh dear and been vomiting and has a stomach ache oh no oh that's the doctor finally we get to see a doctor hi doctor we are so glad to see you my daughter is feeling really sick she's vomited a few times this morning and I believe she ate a worm that was the cause of all this we've been waiting for hours in the emergency ER room just to see a doctor hi nice to meet you I'm so sorry for the long wait today there was a rainstorm in the morning and we had so many accidents but my name is Dr Elsa and my daughter here is Junior Elsa she'll also be helping you today as a Apprentice um her goes doing a little thing here where she gets to go to work with me I hope you don't mind if my daughter sits in if that's okay with you hi today I get to be a doctor too cuz my mom's a doctor and when I grow up I want to be a doctor just like my mommy oh no I don't mind at all I think it's adorable that your daughter gets to go to work with you today however I really really need you to have a look at my daughter she's feeling really sick and we don't have much time we have a flight to catch if we don't get on that plane it's going to fly off without us oh my a medical examination on a time crunch um I'll try my best okay hi honey how are you feeling I feel so good my stomach really hurts I threw up like four times I guess I shouldn't have at five worms this morning morning wait what you ate five worms I thought you told me you ate a worm I didn't know you ate five worms oh did I say I ate a worm no I meant I ate worms I ate like four or five or six oh my gosh little sister no wonder you feel sick why did you eat like five or six worms I thought you said they tasted horrible yeah they tasted horrible but they look like chocolate and candy so I thought that if I kept eating them they'll start tasting like chocolate oh my gosh just imagining a kid eating five worms okay dear I guess we're going to have to look into it because vomiting and a stomach ache after eating five worms is not good I thought she only ate one Worm but she ate five worms I literally only took my eyes off of her for a minute and then she started vomiting and she even vomit in my own soup case which means all my clothes now smells like vomit and are dirty and we're supposed to be on the airplane in about an hour or too oh my gosh I can only imagine um okay I'll try my best let's get you seated for examination let's get you seated here sweetheart this is my seat for little toddlers it should be the perfect size for you and then I'm going to have to go through a long list of questions like were the worms covered in dirt um how long ago did did you eat these worms okay little sister let's get you onto this chair here a I don't feel so good wow doctor you weren't kidding when you said you had a lot of questions to ask I want to go home my stomach hurts I feel bad for that little girl I can't believe she ate five worms though cuz when we were younger we never ate any worms and now we know that eating worms will give you a stomach ache and will make you puke yeah and you wouldn't believe this earlier her mom gave my mom a bag of vomit she scooped up all the puked and put in a bag ew what her mom scooped up all of her puked and put in the bag and brought it to the hospital that's disgusting uh-huh and and then she gave it to my mommy and then Mommy was like uh thank you but then she was like what is this and then I was like Mommy it's stinky and then Mom asked her what this is and then mom found out it's PUK and Mom gave it back okay now we'll just run a few medical tests I better go out my mommy probably needs my help some more bye okay so next I'm just going to check on your heart so I'm going to wear this thing around my neck and just place it here where I can hear your heart you can hear my heart is it going to hurt but wait I think I had that before when I went to the doctor it didn't hurt last time it's not going to hurt it might just feel a bit cold to the touch or a bit ticklish it is ticklish yeah it can be a bit ticklish okay yay looks like your heartbeat is normal now let's do the back side oh can I do this can I do this can I also hear her heartbeat please please please Mom well first we have to ask the Guardians for their permission is it okay if my daughter Junior Elsa listens to your daughter's heartbeat oh gosh what time is it what is the time um normally I would say yes and I don't want to be rude and everything but it looks like we're really running low on time OMG I don't think we have time to let a toddler play doctor right now I need to have my sister feeling ready to get on the plane otherwise we're going to be missing our family vacation we have a plane to catch I'm sorry no oh yes yes you do have a plane to catch I understand sorry Junior Elsa maybe the next patient okay oh goodness I feel so bad to say no but I'm so sorry I just don't think we have time right now we do have a plane to catch and we still have to go home and finish packing so we really need to just um get this checkup done oh of course of course absolutely there's nothing to feel sorry about at all I totally understand oh sorry Junior Elsa I don't think they have time for that right now they have a plane to catch so we really need to speed up this checkup but tell you what the next patient if they have time and if they say yes I'll let you listen to their heartbeat okay okay I don't want them to miss their flight either so it's okay I'll just wait until the next patient oh my gosh I feel so bad saying no but I am like an anxious wreck right now we need to get on that plane okay sweetheart please turn around so I can listen to your heartbeat okay sounds like you have a very healthy heartbeat okay that's it that wasn't so bad was it nuh-uh it was kind of ticklish and it was a little cold but it didn't hurt okay so now I'm just going to use this to look into your ears it's also going to tickle and feel cold but it won't hurt what's that this is called an autoscope it just allows me to look into your ear canal and it'll allow me to check for any infections or too much ear wax or if there's any lumps or anything in your ear it wouldn't hurt at all trust me it's ticklish now other side it's cold ticklish yes it can be cold and a bit ticklish but perfect I don't see anything irregular or anything abnormal inside your ears there is a lot of ear wax in her ear ears so I would suggest or recommend using some over-the-counter ear wax removal drops okay okay um we can drop by the pharmacy or drugstore after this to grab her some um ear wax removal drops yes but otherwise she's perfectly healthy I didn't see anything to be concerned about don't worry my mommy is a really good doctor she'll make sure that you feel better in no time a I really hope so cuz my stomach hurts doctor is there anything that you can help with her stomach ache we're going to have to be on the plane soon and she can't seem to eat anything without vomiting and her stomach hurts is there any medicine that you can possibly just uh prescribe to us uh we're not there yet I still have one more test I'd like to do okay this is just a rubber Hammer it's not going to hurt at all I'm just going to tap lightly okay oh my knee kicked every time you hit my knee with that it it kicked that's funny you have very fast tendon reflex reaction I guess there's nothing wrong here either she is perfectly healthy which is good news just to be extra thorough and to make sure she didn't eat anything else that she may have forgotten to tell us I'm just going to do an ultrasound scan like an x-ray to see her stomach or something all this really makes me nervous I really hope she didn't eat anything else other than those four or five or six worms worms are bad already let alone anything else it's just a precaution before I start prescribing any medication I just want to make sure she did not ingest anything else that she shouldn't have that could be disastrous for her health so we just do an X-Ray Scan note to self next time mom asks me to watch my little sister before a trip I will watch her and not even blink okay I'm just going to do a quick scan is that going to hurt no it's not going to hurt it again might just tickle see it just tickles right I guess it doesn't hurt can you see what's inside my tummy from doing this that's so cool what is inside my stomach wo take ology these days is amazing you can literally see what's inside my daughter's stomach I see her bones and her lungs wow it's so clear oh yes here at the Barbie hospital we have the latest technology so we can really scan for almost everything and luckily I don't see anything that is concerning in your daughter's stomach at this time hey that really tickles hey um just out of curiosity what what would happen if she say did swallow a coin or a toy oh that would not be good a penny a coin something small hopefully it will just uh make its way through the child's digestive system but if it gets stuck along the way then say no more say no more I know where you're getting at then we'll probably have to cancel our vacation cancel our flight and spend the rest of the week in this Hospital oh no I hope that doesn't happen what cancel our vacation KN get on the plane and spend a week at the hospital oh my goodness uh please calm down please calm down there is nothing to be worried about yet um I was just saying that that is a possibility but based on the current scan it doesn't look like she's eaten anything else oh my God that literally scared me to death I literally felt my soul left my body that almost gave me a heart attack doctor please please don't let us find anything in my little sister's stomach good news it looks like I didn't find anything else in your daughter's body as you can see there is no coins and nothing stuck in there so we are good one time mommy was doing a scan like this and we found a SpongeBob toy in another little girl's stomach yes and that is exactly what we want to avoid and what we don't want to happen a SpongeBob toy why would you eat a SpongeBob toy if you eat your own toy then you won't have any toys to play with that's just silly that's silly says the girl that ate five worms covered in dirt because she thought they were chocolate and we spent 3 hours waiting in the emergency ER room just to see a doctor well then next time when mom tells to watch me maybe you should really watch me okay I got the medicine in here so I'm just going to give you a shot I'll try to make it as quick and painless as possible but the shot will absolutely help your stomach and make you feel better what a shot no I don't like needles no I feel better already oh sweetheart I know needles can seem scary but this will help you feel better and allow you to get on the plane and you have to feel better if you want to travel and go on the plane I promise I'll be as quick and gentle as possible no no don't cry don't cry Kristen I'm here I know you're scared and I understand I'm scared of needles too and I'm your big sister so of course I know how you feel but this will make you feel better why don't you Hold My Hand and we'll get through this together okay we want to make sure you feel better for our trip I like going to the hospital I like seeing a doctor cuz doctors give needle shots I'm never going to eat any more worms again not even gummy worms yeah wow you can eat gummy worms or candy worms or chocolate worms just don't eat the worms outside in the yard anything that has dirt or taste yucky don't eat those don't worry I'll hold your hand and I'll be here for you okay okay maybe you don't need a shot I'll just hold this needle right here M Kiren what did you do this morning what did you have for breakfast um tell me about your morning I woke up and then Mommy made us breakfast and then I got changed did you change into this outfit yourself or did your mommy helped you don't tell me you picked this outfit out yourself uh-huh I picked this outfit all by myself I always pick my clothes by myself in the morning just like big sister picks her outfit ah hey all done all done see that was so quick and easy and painless you are telling such a wonderful story and I just quickly gave you the needle shot it didn't hurt right oh don't cry Kiren you're okay you're okay you're such a big girl now you that needle shot and you didn't cry at all you're even more Brave than me yeah yeah I'm not going to cry I'm not going to cry even though you tricked me that was a trick oh my someone is a little mad with me now oh my gosh yay Ken yay you took that shot and didn't cry at all oh my baby you are growing up so fast I am so proud and hopefully your stomach ache will go away and you can eat something later so that we can get on the plane don't be mad at the doctor Kiren she's just doing her job and besides don't you feel better already did your stomach ache go away and then later we can eat your favorite food what do you want to eat later I do feel better already I want to eat eat McDonald's I just feel so relieved that you feel better already honey you can eat whatever you want really I can eat McDonald's then I want a cheeseburger and then french fries and then chicken nuggets and then an apple pie and then ice cream and then a sundae ice cream oh my that sounds like a lot of food for a little girl um you can eat McDonald's but maybe not all of that in one go cuz then you might get yourself another stomach ache now I don't normally do this but you've been so brave so I will let you pick a toy here from my gift shop you can pick anything you want free of charge this is going to be a a special gift to you because you've been such a good little patient of mine um come and pick whatever toy you like sweetie wow look at all those teddy bears I can pick any teddy bear I want yay yes I just started this gift shop so I'm trying to gain some customers for today you can pick any teddy bear you want as a gift I don't like going to the hospital cuz you wait for hours and hours and it's so boring and you get a needle shop but now I get a toy H which one do I want they're all so pretty I don't know uh do I want this one oh this one they're are so fluffy and cute Cat Side um okay I think I'll take this one please I really like pandas and this one is really fluffy and cute she has a cute scarf and her scarf is pink and pink is my favorite color I think I'm going to name her Bella Bella the panda okay well Bella is yours you can take Bella home as long as you promise to never eat any more worms that you find outside or any stuff that's not food but what if I find Candy outside can I eat candy or chocolate I find Outside no it's best not to eat anything you find Outside only eat food that your family gives you will you make that promise so if I promise not to eat any more worms or anything I find outside I can take Bella home with me yes do we have a deal should we pink swear cross your heart and hope to die poke a needle in your eye this is a promise that's not how you say it it's you make a pinky promise you keep it all your life you break a pinky promise I throw you on the ice oh my well as long as we have a deal so we have a promise okay okay thank you doctor I cannot thank you enough for everything that you've done for us today my mommy is one of the best doctors in this Hospital everybody likes my mommy and everyone who comes to see her always says that she's a really good doctor I can see that and I can see why you would want to be a doctor just like your mommy and I'm sure when you grow up and become a doctor you'll be a great doctor just like your mommy she should be feeling better already but just in case I do have some medicine here for you just give her a dose of this after a meal three times a day breakfast lunch and dinner oh thank you so much doctor we're going to knad this on the airplane in case she gets a stomach ache or an upset stomach again we don't want her puking on the plane that would be disastrous can we have more than just one bottle maybe we need like five no 10 or maybe 100 just to be safe and make sure huh that's actually a good idea Crystal star I mean thank you so much for this this bottle of medicine but what if we need more than just this bottle in case she really starts feeling sick on the plane H she's a tiny little girl so I think that should be enough for her oh my gosh please I do not want to take any risk it would be horrible if she picked the whole plane ride all right all right how about I write you a prescription here is a prescription for another bottle but just one more that's it okay okay you can take this down to the pharmacy and give it to them and they'll give you another bottle just make sure that she takes it with a full stomach otherwise she might get an upset stomach here you go here's your prescription you can go down to the pharmacy oh what time is it oh my gosh look at the time we better get going we still need to go home and make sure our luggage are packed it has been such a long day but thank you thank you again so much doctor we are just running behind is there anything else that you need to do otherwise we really have to get going we really have a plane to catch um no we're done here everything is done your daughter should be feeling better now I do feel better and she should be okay to be on an airplane have a nice safe trip thank you thank you I really hope so too I hope nothing crazy happens on the plane last time I was on the airplane I made a lot of snowmen and I made it snow really it can snow on the plane I hope it snows later on the plane then it doesn't snow on plane silly plane is inside there's no snow but I made it snow and I made snowman because I have magical snow power oh that's so cool okay my little chatterbug we really need to get going here bye-bye thank you for making me feel better you're very welcome I hope you feel better have a nice and safe trip enjoy your vacation bye it was really nice meeting you make sure that you don't eat any more worms unless they're gummy worms or candy worms then it's okay thank you so much again it was really nice meeting you come on honey we need to go I am right behind you Mom bye now press that subscribe button and ring the bell that way when a video is released you'll be the first to watch it watch more of my toy videos by going to the search button and pressing in minky toys and dolls or just minky toys lots of fun doll videos for you here
Channel: Minky Toys and Dolls
Views: 485,105
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Don't Post About Me, OMG Family Has a Crazy Morning, lol family has a crazy morning, barbie family crazy morning, OMG Family Outside Our House, lol family outside our house, omg family leaves the house, omg family goes outside, omg family heads out, omg family heads on vacation, omg family on vacation, lol surprise, for kids, barbie, doll, toy, barbie doll, kid friendly, barbie family, playing, story for kids, family routine, dolls, toys, family, pretend play, barbie toys, omg, lol
Id: 6OZVu01lMAI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 12sec (4992 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 05 2023
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