Big Jay Oakerson | Whiskey Ginger w/ Andrew Santino 233

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what up whiskey Ginger fans welcome back to the show it's your first time joining the show welcome to the show man we got a good one for you today like my man Steve Harvey done say it's big Jay oakerson it's the big J go check out a special out right now on YouTube it's in the description below so go check it out check out the big J and all of his glory his new special out right now also uh come see me in Bobo live me and the Bob are on tour right now go to to see us on the road we're going to be going to Oklahoma City uh Louisville uh we're gonna be going to Charlotte and Durham um and Indianapolis and Detroit uh we're doing Philly we are everywhere doing four dates in Florida four cities in Texas we're going all over the map Portland Seattle Spokane and Nashville on 420 Nashville Tennessee on 420 baby come see me Nashville 4 20. uh go to for those tickets enough rambling from me let's go to the episode in here we pour whisper whisk whisk oh that creature in the ginger beard it's dirty gingers are beautiful [Music] Ginger I like gingers letting Yama welcome back to Whiskey Ginger my guess today is one of my favorite people on earth I say that for all my guests but I mean it once again today it's big J first time that's ever rhymed in all this [ __ ] first time ever cheers you got some sweet sauce there I poured a little bit more than I should have for you but it's okay whatever [Music] and a couple of DC's you see that guy online kujin that kid from New York no there's a kid online I think he's a tick tock guy or anyway he does like it doesn't matter video shorts now but he's like in a town guy he's like tall and he talks about drinking DC's every morning like in the way he does it but he sees yeah and he talks about hey how you doing how's your sister a couple of DC's get me going he's very dude the New York has made characters out of people that are just regular personalities oh yeah like it inflates just a normal personality [ __ ] in the middle of the country can't believe that's a real person for the best sandwich yeah dude no it is funny that the we've we've embraced these people uh on the internet faction as they become like Larger than Life characters even though that's who that kid has been since he was born well it's like Bagel boss guy yeah yeah I mean and then like uh it is funny when they roll with like nobody understands Moment In Time like with with low like Talent yeah like if you get famous for like infamy for like a dumb thing like that right it's like that Bagel boss guy's life is worse now than it was before he got popular because now these people go it's like you didn't do anything you were like nationally famous and that's it huh you didn't do anything yeah but cool because because it didn't exist it was just a it was a moment in time of a funny small bit the only way that those Hatchet hitchhiker made the most of his moment bro smash smash I couldn't believe that that guy turned out to be an actual murderer a murderer himself yeah it's like the whole time he's talking about smashing some of the hatchet we're like dude this guy's this [ __ ] it's seeing and then also like being like you know when they show all the stuff you have to go back like damn Jimmy Kimmel or was Kimmel yeah Kimmel had him it was like you were sitting right next to a murderer yeah and then like when they go back in the trailer for that they had the best point I think of the whole documentary the guy goes yeah we really kind of like overlooked like honestly like he saved those people it's like he was actually in the car with the guy who he did this to First he's saying he did whatever and then his reaction to stop him was to pound him over the head two times with the back end one time with the sharpen of a hatchet and like you saved that family he goes hang on that's crazy you could have like subdued a guy right choked him out punched him once hit him with the thing once and then get it and then it becomes like maybe a scrum of some sort yeah he just like buried a hatch and then uh by the way attach it to the head doesn't that kill you immediately I'm sure I think I lived you'd have thought maybe it was blunt as hell weak swing though yeah I guess it was a really weird smash smash smash now nah it's like swipe push tug bump slap yeah so I've been making the most like once he started fading out he was like I'll kill a guy get back in the news I want to get back on a face tattoo and get back in the game I watched that doc on the plane I had to come back from Australia in a 16-hour flight so I watched everything I watched literally every documentary including uh not what's it called this like it's the Supernatural series now uh it's like Ancient Aliens I have to look it up but it's like a newer version about this he was on Rogan the scientist and I can't remember his name but he um I can't I'm not gonna be but he talked about uh you know how like all these archaeologists have like continually disregarded his work right but he because he's just like they're lazy which I think is the funniest response when scientists have collectively been like this isn't true and he's like yeah you're just not [ __ ] in it I know you're not deep in this [ __ ] the people who want to believe they want to believe so bad he needs he needs it I really fall into like the you know Howard Stern kind of like preaches this all the time I don't think he always practices it but I mean I've I like to just think in the most basic levels of like when you die you're just dead nothing happens yeah if there was a if there are aliens we have no contact with them we've never seen them they've never been here like we'd hear about it you would just find out somehow it would get leaked out I mean you find that if like a a c-level celebrity [ __ ] a trans person yeah I mean like everybody knows yeah you find that it goes you'd know if there was just dead bodies of aliens and yeah spread out in Nevada yeah and they always every time they have a documentary they're like they've Declassified the footage and then you watch the footage and then like uh like a lighting camera guy does a video and goes like this is what's happening right it's the shadow of that missing with that and that's why it looks like it takes off because they turn and the shadow flies away like yeah that adds up yeah I think the basics I get I get what you're saying I get the basics level of it my conspiracy love on this one side of my hemisphere my brain goes but wouldn't it be tight if it was all [ __ ] real sure if this was all just this [ __ ] oh I tend to not believe that it is real but you're like hey that could possibly be that realization is the thing that made up like there's Scare Tactics oh yeah yeah why that show was so brilliant to me and I don't know I guess it went off the air probably because legally it was hard to do yeah because they wouldn't really make people think they're gonna die totally and the way they would do that that I found interesting was uh like the psychology of it was one of the best ones there and it was Ogden Utah I just remember that place yeah it's not like you're in LA or New Yorker or a place like in the world of entertainment where like something happening is fake here it's one o'clock in the morning on a dark Road in Ogden Utah and they're playing a trick on one of the girls in the car with their friends and the guy's a stunt driver and they go down this road they're not supposed to go down because it was closed off by the cops but he was like we're going we're going straight and they're kind of like uh you know the girl who's like okay I guess we're going we have to get to this party let me get up the road more there's a vampire like eating a cop like it looks like you know it's like the cops like bleeding and shaking and they're and then they chase them on motorcycles uh they jump on the hood of the car and the ladies it's not even just her fear she's also processing like okay well so vampires are a thing right like to see them process that not only that it's like everything you've ever right so I was like well this is just a fake movie character it's a holy [ __ ] it's all real and that's like the uh the interesting thing of that so it's like that's the the same thing where it's like wouldn't it be cool if it's all real it's like yeah just the whole time like for sure it's because they live you put on sunglasses and every most people are aliens right oh [ __ ] a piece of me needs to know it's real just because it feels like too uh I think without it there's too much like Harmony it's almost too simple it's too simple to be like yeah we're here and it's fine big accident yeah it's like [ __ ] that that's crazy it's got something else is a foot we'll never find out but I think it was like no he went into this great the one thing that he continues to say throughout this this whole series which um I always find interesting and I think this sometimes especially when I'm overseas or I'm not at home it's like I'll be like last time I was in [ __ ] Hawaii there isn't a day that goes by without it one moment me going while a volcano could [ __ ] just hit and we'd be dead yeah like that's it I could just this is it like I'm trapped in the middle of nowhere and then I think of that in my daily life sometimes of like what if this was the day you and I are sitting here and this is the day that the rock is like it's [ __ ] common dude and they're not gonna tell you this whole idea of movies that we had over all these years I've read Dawn is sort of because yeah I think there's Russians parachuting in here you don't say is that what that no I like that movies and TV shows for all the years for the apocalypse have always said like there's a news report like warning like even in the uh what was the one with Selena DiCaprio where's the end of the world where they [ __ ] um oh look up yeah look up yeah don't look up it's like they had like all this you know pre-planned [ __ ] on the news for months that it's happening it's happening you know [ __ ] well the government will never tell you when it's coming no if they know they're like all right dude don't [ __ ] say anything they'd rather you be surprised yeah everybody starts like you know that's when you have the all those movies have like I was like oh we have to drive to so and so traffic jam traffic jam for eight states so what no you know the government's never going to tell you the Stone's just gonna [ __ ] collapse us and that'll be the end of time it'll hit yeah it's getting a little closer yeah it's real close uh it's probably like a satellite or something burning out yeah you know this Chinese wall those balloons man it's that hot air balloon I am also like if it is if we are meant to stay sheep in that regard like I'm the best I'm fine with that too I'm like the best uh audience for that I've been saying with like that like but again I'm happy some people pay attention and over give a [ __ ] because someone's gotta the the Roe versus Wade overturning examples like my favorite one of just like I remember my my girlfriend's like panic when they did the it just leaked that in a couple weeks it wasn't gonna overturn Roe versus Wade will you stop listening to dumb news things I always say I say it on stage too it's funny because of how the thing I go is it Roe versus Wade like biblical it's been around since like the Bible in the 70s or something it's like 40 years it's some crazy short amount of time like it's been around since like the Bible it's not going anywhere and then like I said that one day you wake up and they go they did it they overturned it it's a legal now in so many states you're like oh [ __ ] I guess I should be someone's gonna pay attention yeah but what's the what's the break line do you have a thing that you do invest a lot of time into other than comedy like like watching stuff like outside yeah outside in the world like do you have like what's your little [ __ ] Niche Niche thing that like either you invest you know like either your hobby or your collection or your [ __ ] the thing you're obsessed over that has nothing to do with the business yeah not obsessed with It ultimately but I mean like what I find like intriguing and was watching those but I'm starting to lose Steam on them a bit now as the uh the online once all the hunters yeah yeah because like I'm still the more I watch it and I went on one with a guy we didn't catch anybody but like that's so funny it's like a fishing trip where you didn't catch anything you're like do I get my money back for this it was really like you went I was like all right we're out at four in the morning on that boat it was freezing we saw a guy I mean A guy ran for his life from us which was an interesting thing to see oh because like he never got out of his car when he realized he was like oh [ __ ] this is what's happening yeah he hauled ass like in a car and like hit speed bumps and his old car was like rocking when he hit those people and I was like it was so interesting now but it was so and he got back he got into the street and then you got to let him go they said because like that's the law the cause unless it's a cop or something a cop can Jay she is the Bounty Hunter ones no if we would have went out there and did it it would have been totally illegal that's why I like Dog the Bounty Hunter because like he acted like he had Authority that a police officer would have it was brilliant but you know where he got me he'd always let it he goes if you want to smoke oh yeah yeah everybody always goes hey look I know we had to chase you down for eight days and I called you a [ __ ] and humiliate you in front of your family you want me to light you a cigarette and then they gotta do he assumes everyone can white trash smoke because they're cuffed right here so we're doing like that yeah side smoke one side one side yeah dude I like that did you have that growing up did you have people smoking inside your home yeah indoor smoking is a new level it's uh and I've smoked since I was like my late teens or early 20s and I've never even battered on the idea of smoking indoors my own house but did your parents smoke inside my mom stepfather yeah everybody yeah my mom doesn't smoke anymore but until the time she quit like in-house smoking always to the point that I never even thought of it as a smell like it didn't really sit with me this is what now if I like you know yesterday uh you know I was smoking it was rained yesterday we were out last night like when you get up this morning and you're like with the clothes you're like yeah there it is yeah there it is all that cigarette but you're like how did I never growing up I was like I just lived in that cloud and also everybody had cloth cars back if seats back in the day cloth seeded uh rides and so that but you know what's funny is my dad smoked Winston's my whole life and Winston's are you know uh they're they're only smoked by like degenerate gamblers it's like that's like a degenerate it's like a degenerate favorite and my dad my dad's car used to have a Cutlass an old Cutlass Supreme and the Cutlass had a smell that when the sun would hit the seats uh the smell of the Winston's in it but I got to tell you I like it like it does something to me it makes it smells like summer in Chicago in my mind it's odd thing like I'm a weird like uh kissing someone like a girl who's got whiskey breath oh I guess I'm not a big whiskey guy at all like because for some reason I like that like I taste that it tastes good yeah it's interesting whiskey and cigarettes one thing though I learned Young that like uh is a weirdly Universal smell smoking a cigarette while taking a [ __ ] oh yeah it doesn't matter what your individual [ __ ] smells like or with your cigarettes you smoke but cigarettes and [ __ ] is the same smell every time and I remember one time in a smoking room Hotel a zillion years ago yeah uh I think even soda was when it goes out taking a [ __ ] while you're smoking is the best and I did it and that I was like yo this is handing my dad a roll of toilet paper when I was a kid like through the door that door would crack and I go that's this identical memories identical smell to my dad that should be a commercial for charminton your dad threw the crack of a door here Paul oh my God I um what I thought was interesting is my parents my step pop and mom and my dad oh my stepfather still smokes Newports my mom smoked cools and my dad smoked cools what I find you're so funny about that is that like menthol cigarettes for my whole like Teenage and adult life the joke and kind of real thing has been it's over black people it's like thing as they do menthol cigarettes yeah and I've never had that correlation until you guys I got older because I was like I don't know what you like my folks smoke my parents aren't possibly and that's what they smell yeah they exclusively from cool filter Kings you go to them as a kid you're like are you guys black and you're not telling me something do I not no am I colorblind are we a pretty Advanced Family oh how Progressive are we my dad smoked Winston's and then his uh brother smoked uh uh Paul Maul unfiltered damn Army cigarette well if you're in the service Paul malls are what they used to get and he was he was in the service and then when he got back he would roll his own cigarettes and then sometimes I think if you had enough money he would buy Pall Mall unfiltered because they tasted just like self-rolled because he refused to buy filters when you self-roll now they come in a pack I see them now they come with filters yeah some of them but back in the day in the late 80s and early 90s there was no [ __ ] you didn't nobody bought the filters so he liked those because it was just like you know it's interesting about it as a smoker like if somebody was like if I was like have a cigarette I'll roll you one I'd almost rather not because it really defeats something about the the commercialized formed cigarette is like part of the thing oh yeah so if it was like some kind of weird like gnarly just like I'm like I'm not really doing it for the nicotine it's like this isn't fun yeah I like the system yeah so I could smoke my cigarette point with it look cool hey you're not supposed over here the bad one you can't point no it's all you have to hold it a different way the back's got like the tobacco falling out of it that is true though that's so funny like a self-rolled cigarette even the best one you're like it's not that good it's like a joint of tobacco yeah and I like the chemicals give me that was the thing that we found out in Australia was a lot of people's Europe was the same way a lot of people when we'd smoke weed they would all smoke spliffs they all wanted tobacco in there and I quit smoking a while ago and I try to stay away from it because once in a great while I'll slip back in I'm not gonna lie but I try to get away from cigarettes because I was like man I quit for a reason I had to get off of them and when I smoke a spliff immediately I I hate it because the taste of tobacco with weed I think is terrible I don't know I always tell them I'm like just smoke just the weed yeah I don't fully get this I don't understand that what would be the point you're like smoke a cigarette after you get high that's the fun of it almost right you get high then you smoke a cigarette done smoking and then you're like oh now I'm gonna go outside and rip a butt it feels like being stoned yeah right right I was like why do you combining the two to me doesn't it defeats the purpose you don't get as high and also you don't even get like the satisfaction of a cigarette because it's they also burn different so it burns very odd when they do that yeah yeah this is Big J and Andrew Santino campaign campaigning against uh spliffs cut that [ __ ] out all right you hear me Jamaica can you hear me you listen up Jamaica Jamaica uh no I just I didn't like it when we had a couple of people local guys that would ice we asked to get weed and I was like you know can you get us weed and there's one kid one Irish kid Mal this kid this great dude who was one of the drivers he's like no I'll get you weed and I was like how much money do you want he's like God it's a rip-off but I'll get you a deal so I said give me whatever you can and then they had a couple of at the party a couple of guys had a joint and I remember and I had to ask I was like is this from this bag or is this you guys he's like no no I bro he brought it and I was like just I'll roll up something else I was like I don't want to smoke good weed that I just paid for in a shitty spliff joint sure I just want to smoke the weed I was like just but by the way weed in Australia so hard to get oh I bet it's illegal apparently which is a nice country yeah I sound like a weirdo but literally we were smoking a joint out front of the hotel and there's a group of us and we're gonna go to dinner and some guy was like hey hey you guys should go around the corner and I was like oh we buy the front door I thought it was like a respect sure sorry I don't want to get weed in the lobby he's like no no no no no dude it's this super illegal there's cops you know walking the the strip right there and I was like what what like they're gonna say something everywhere yeah it was like prison [ __ ] I just it's literally some more garbage are you guys scumbags I thought this would be promoted it's a prison planet right no but it was a big deal and you know uh a couple of the a couple of people that we were with unnamed people were trying to get Coke at this party and another thing that's like you forget you're like I'm in an island 17 hours away from anything yeah so yeah it's impossible to get stuff so they were trying to get Coke and they were all talking about how expensive it was and all this [ __ ] I don't I don't do it so I was like well have fun I guess and he was like oh we're overpaying for this stuff and I don't want to share with anybody I was like isn't that the whole thing about Coke is you have to share it with somebody yeah I was like so either you're a guy on coke yeah you don't want one dude in here we poor whistle whisper hey man I love it when it starts to warm up in Southern California it's been uh been a pretty cold little winter for your boy and I gotta tell you getting outside in the backyard with my pup is one of my favorite things on earth to roll around in the grass with the old cubster and Sunday lawn care makes it easier than ever to enjoy if you're like me you love spring you may not have you know anticipated how long or how short it's going to take but get prepared okay because of sunshine it's a coming and Sunday lawn care has got you covered uh finally flowers are blooming and uh Sunday is how you get it done man this spring go 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know anything boy I sure hope they don't do the [ __ ] up thing that they're probably gonna do yeah hey can we get we sure man I got you give me the money up 60 bucks or whatever for I forget it was something lame it was even like an eighth or something like this should have been enough but I was like well it's better than nothing you know we get an eighth gave to the guy the guy leaves on like a scooter like a motor scooter and I was like we just gave money that guy that's never coming back yeah it's not coming back at all it was also at a time where like it was my first one of those I've ever did where I was like uh was it gonna rock music cruise ship that was the comedian on it the first one was uh I've done a bunch now but that was corn and Godsmack that year wow and it was a but I was broke and like it was already like there was no hookup for Booze or anything do you know what I mean you have to pay so I have to pay for it yeah on those [ __ ] boats some of the backside you could get like beers and stuff but if you wanted to like get like you know I want to get my girl like a daiquiri and whatever you know so that's adding up to like you know yeah it's 40 bucks a drink or something I mean it's crazy you know but and you can see you go on like your account thing and you're like you're at 400 of drinks and whatever and you're like uh that's how much I'm getting paid for this gig I mean it wasn't a lot of money for the gig and uh we get off I give it to Dave he's a little more confident I go so the guy goes off on a scooter and we're sitting there like we got [ __ ] he comes back and he gives us like a Ziploc bag with a tin foil thing in it and he goes here you go and he Zips off again and I'm like oh he actually came back and we were almost like I bet it's not like a full eighth in there it's probably like a cornball amount of weed and when I tell you it was like we opened the Ziploc bag you start taking the tin foil apart it was like Russian nesting dolls of tin foil it was like another piece of tinfoil down too and I mean like a little nug of weed Brown some color it didn't make sense it was so yeah and I was so defeated I always remember like uh I think I even got a hissy fit where I was just like uh throw it up Dave and you guys could go smoke it or this is [ __ ] that was just like so like defeated by the whole thing yeah and he rolled up like this little twig of like it was so worthless and then we just learned through the years like just bring it on just bring it well because they care more about checking booze I've heard I've never been on a cruise but I hear that they the Boost thing they freak out about but they're not checking for anything else and the Impractical Jokers Cruise there's a great video that Stanhope put out of him like he had his body covered in booze under his suit yeah he had Rum Runners on every part of his body so he had like two gallons of like alcohol like taped to his legs I mean yeah it was so goddamn funny to do that because they don't pat you down when you get on the boat no Lewis one time brought it uh like it's so funny because I put it like next to my ball bag like right here yeah and then he pulled Legos you want to smoke I'm like I don't know like wash that bag off no not really your weed you told me where you put it he's like is it my ball bag right now like that's awful I'm good man but we've uh but what's funny was Dan Soder when he went on the Joker's cruise we all did that together um we got a bunch of Wheat and the way I would do it it would be so such overkill on what you need to do yeah me and my girlfriend would go the day before the night before to the city where Miami or whatever and we'd buy like a bunch of weed and then we'd buy a carton of cigarettes oh and then but I mean I would go I'd open the carton like where it looks like you can kind of like glue it back down and I pull out a cigarette and I'd take the wrapper off a little bit just so I could open the package and empty out 20 cigarettes what and roll 20 25 joints you could fit in there yeah and put it back in there and then put the you know the the thing you pull off back on that part and put them back in the thing and we'd go through all of that trouble that's so meticulous and more than likely unnecessary because they probably never looked what do they care they just don't care that's not really what they're looking for I don't think and but so we went on Joker's Crews uh we did like that again but we have soda 20 some joints and me and Christine took our 20 some joints and he was like yeah is this like I'm like buddy stop worrying if they don't care yeah they don't care I've been this is my sixth one of these I don't they don't care if we were performing as like on Carnival Cruise Lines they might care about stuff like that but there's a chartered thing that you don't give a [ __ ] and then uh I think the second night Soder text me or the second morning he texts me goes Buddy put your weed somewhere they're coming down the hallways with the dogs they had dogs and they did and they target soda's room Soder thank God he panicked in the thing I think they were like uh like do you have weed in here and he was like no he goes you have no weed and he's like I have just like a little like right here and like he gave him like a little bit to the edge and he had to go but so far they're making a whole thing and you have to go down like it's like like you're in schools well there is like those cruise ships have like jail rooms basically but there's no cops right there's no there's there's no like who's Maritime police which doesn't even say oh my God yeah yeah they got on the three the those [ __ ] three-point hats come on man I can't buy this you with the suit on it is funny you're an adult though and you have to sit there in the room they go you know you know sir that smoking weed is illegal and you can't and they have to go it's like if it happens again you know all right there'll be a problem and they let him go and it's like isn't isn't isn't there different rules at Sea maritime law yeah so there's a maritime law for smoking pot I believe I would guarantee there's no chance there I would have to say that too yeah what the [ __ ] depending on America for anything kill a guy in the ocean and then sure it doesn't apply to any country some guy listening goes yes it just kills a [ __ ] dude oh thank God you gotta look is that true oh that I'm fine I'm good baby we don't have to move to Tucson stop packing I had we were in Sydney where we were at the Port the ship that's where the cruise ships would come in right next to Pier One where I stayed and um these cruise ships would [ __ ] come in and they were like celebrity uh X or whatever the other name is not the other one and they were like I went out to get a coffee um and one of the people from The Boat Company you could tell was that and I was like oh you tired you need a late night coffee to you know because I like drinking coffee late in the day people think I'll drink it at seven eight pm people are like but I said to him I go oh you late night coffee on long night he goes yeah tomorrow we've got the biggest cruise ship of this Fleet coming in and I was like no [ __ ] well I can see it from my [ __ ] window so and he goes well this will block your view entirely and we're joking around about blah blah blah and the next morning never in my life dude I know I sound like a a guy who saw a moose for the first time I [ __ ] was stunned at how big that [ __ ] thing was it had like 10 floors on top of it and when they opened the gates and let those people off dude I mean not trying to be mean but when they're rolling off half of the cast of my 600 pound life off that [ __ ] thing it's like shocking how many huge overweight people in rascal scooters they have to have the ramps to get them all off and they have separate ramps for the scooter people to get off it's uh it's a fact a regular Cruise is a fat person's like dream yes it's really 24 hours a day there is a buffet but it's not just fat this is like globally fat no this is like I know for sure what I'm saying I've seen my uh Mike fenoy a hilarious comic actually when he did the Joker's one the first time Impractical Jokers won which I've done that and I've done all these like rock and roll ones whatever it is you just go into that buffet and you watch people like I always call them Cruise nachos because and I mean this it'd be like they go to Every station like a little spaghetti a little slice of pizza ribs oh now there's like some Chinese kind of food noodles on top of it and then after all of those things they go over to the very end of it you can just crank like a hot nacho sauce on it so it's just like whatever tour of uh Europe food you have there these crazy things and then just crap it's so gross so gross it's tough to see man it's so weird because when people say that also I find the food to be not that good on cruise ships it's I said it's like a Golden Corral at Sea right but they I think like what it attracts is people who are like they always go oh the food the non-style you can get they're talking about abundance right I mean quality right they want gluttony they just want to be able to eat as much as you can then you can do it when you go to like the tilarious the restaurants for the most part at least when I saw the restaurants are just serve you the buffet food like they bring it to your table versus like you getting yourself essentially what it is yeah but we were having so much fun laughing the one time because they had lobster tails and also with the thing about the restaurants like it's a menu they give you the menu and you can go like at any time like let me get four spaghettis three of them and they'll bring it to you they're not huge portions but that's why they'll keep bringing it to you and I remember me and my girlfriend just like they can't bring up these lops I mean they were three inches long for sure and it's like I guess can you bring 11 let's bring 11 of them and they would though they don't care yeah they don't think they're here it means nothing to them it gets me back in the days whenever I see cruises it gives me this feeling in my chest of like when I used to do those those Vegas rooms when I was first starting out and they would make you stay in the [ __ ] like you know the asbestos latent room in the half basement of [ __ ] the garage and you'd have to eat in the basement with the crew yeah and there's no windows down there in the basement you get your little employee card and you could do up to like I think it was two meals a day or something like you couldn't have breakfast there but you could do lunch and dinner and remember dude and you'd get paid like I don't know it was like 30 bucks a show or something like that and you'd go eat in the basement and that feeling of the buffet even the buffet felt like it was the leftover buffet from upstairs like it was what they it's like what didn't make the cut or what they had left over that sadness makes me feel that's what cruises look like to me so I can't that's what they are I can't do it even when I do when you do it and I've started to get like you know I'd be going on there with a little more of like uh you know making more money my name was a little bit bigger and then that's when they start doing like oh no you got to go up to like the artists like Lounge food real food and you get up there and they're like oh where they have tuna sandwiches and which is like more [ __ ] yeah it's even worse it's Green Room food it's they're so proud of it somehow The Improv serves on the boat you're like isn't this just the Improv menu I can't with that menu The Improv at Sea uh there's no organic way to [ __ ] do this but I do want to make sure I plug it before we get to because I'm like a I'll just keep going off into nothingness but you when this is out and this will be out when you have a new special out which is uh incredible uh I'm not gonna I'm not gonna kiss your butthole more than three seconds but you're a phenomenal comic and everybody needs to watch this because you're [ __ ] great um and it's out the name of it is dog belly dog belly is out uh I'm sure you explained more of that in the special yeah dog belly oh yeah yeah yeah dance soda actually like gave me the name as a suggestion oh he did I was just gonna do live from skank Fest and now it's called dog belly live from skank Fest basically but I had to include the skank Fest in there yeah you want to pull that out yeah we gotta show we gotta shove it down their throats so you know what we're doing that should be the title skank fast we're shoving it down your throats skank first um but yeah it comes from one of the bits and soda was like it's such a great because it's also the the concern of having the name be something you have to watch the special to understand always in my mind all I ever see with that is I want you to take his face off yeah I'm like is that what it's always going to be when you see the name in the special you're like corny but I think I think the way it hits is like a different so no look it gives I like when I did that special on Netflix and I said I was like and I named a cheeseburger for two reasons one it has a bit in it about it and the other side of it was um Neil Brennan was talking to me about it when he came on the show and it was like because I was like I don't want them to have to watch it but he was like yeah but it's a it's a phrase where who gives a [ __ ] it's basically he's like it's you're saying two things one you're saying this will mean something in a special also who the [ __ ] cares yeah it doesn't matter you're watching Big Jay oakerson special it doesn't [ __ ] matter what I put after that that's why a lot of times what I what I really like is uh who used to do this a lot uh oh God I ca I can see the comic in my head but every one of his tours would be just like back on tour or on tour or again on tour instead of naming a tour it was just like [ __ ] it man it's whatever it's big J on tour big J in your city because it just gets exhausting when they're like but we want to Market a new thing with your name and the thing and you're like whatever it's fun the name the tour thing I guess but like it is what was so funny was I've never done it before and then everyone was like this time around like we should like name it just throw a name onto it so I was like uh oh from a bit I was doing at the time I was like oh okay you gotta want it you gotta want it to her and then as soon as I got announced I did Kill Tony and they bagged on me for it like hard which was funny I mean it was hilarious I didn't give a [ __ ] I was like yeah I guess it is corny and then I've never named anything ever again and I think it's changed now because of the special coming up they've changed a lot of the banners and headings sure but like it's funny doing phoners now there they go uh Big J's bringing is you gotta want it toward it then you're like you don't have to like you know I literally said that in 2018 or something yeah let's just never talk about it again also it's something that usually you threw away into the into the it's like a phone call with like an agent or something where they're like what do you want to call it and you're like uh you know tour and they're like got it great we'll print it on everything and you're like no wait I [ __ ] I'm just filling time because I didn't answer that email you sent to me that's really what it is it's like most of the time Comics are like I don't know man I don't have some grandiose Vision as much as we'd love to be and there's a cool thing about that like like comedians cool for the most part people that I like too tends to be by accident almost yeah you know what I mean so times when you have to put forward like a cool thing always feels fuckingly I just took my first like promo pictures in like 10 years yeah I've taken them and I get it you see the picture and you're like it it looks cool I guess like they just put up a new they just gave me a thing for a new like tour dates thing and I'm like looks cool but if any of my friends had the same poster even though I'd go it's a cool picture I'm like when I see him I'm gonna uncork right because the class it's like they end up going with like it does look I'm lighting a joint I mean I'm loading a joint the smokes everywhere and you know look and it's like all the dates down there and I'm like that's really putting forth an image that isn't actually I know but the truth is you learn as you go on in the business that all the things that we would make fun of but and we still do you're a part of it anyway because it's a part of a thing that isn't you it's completely out of your [ __ ] control Louis J Gomez really uh knows me well and and caught me at a good time he just did this with my promotion thing too but when he came to my Comedy Central hour taping he did the warm-up for me and he was there and he was there we did the run-throughs and I didn't know what the intro was gonna I knew the band was going to play yeah and I was going to walk out from the back I picked kind of the backdrop and how it is I love that but when I go out he goes uh so there's gonna be cryo Jets like on the sides of the stage so when you're walking out that the banner is going to be flowing you're going to come the cryo just gonna go off and you just go around like you know shake hands knuckle pound the audience and then you can sit in your chair right and I went out there and did it for the run through and Lewis grabbed me in the back and he was like I know I know you I know your personality well I know it sucks he's like don't go out there and do he know he knew what I was going to do I was gonna go out there and while all that grandiose things are going off I'm gonna be like I know right everything's gonna be like this is dumb and how dumb as he goes you got it for that one minute own it and go out there and be like you know what's up we're doing this and I'm like it's so against the grain because I just want to be like isn't this too much for like yeah I'm just gonna sit on a stool and tell me that joke this is the thing that like Comics have to get over at some point is like yeah man but it's also a show and you're giving them a performance and it's a part of a thing it's like I think it's hard to explain but I know exactly what you're talking about a music like you get to posture and it's awesome yeah it's what we like it's uh it's one everything wants choosing to put your foot on the monitor [ __ ] yeah one of them's on the Monitor and the way you're holding the mic and that means something or the way you're looking at the art it's also maybe not calculated in each move but you're calculating I'm going to be up here like a [ __ ] Panther on the stage and like you know like a a rock God you know people and then comedy's just you're supposed to be going like I'm a doofus huh so to have that moment where you're like you know if I'm coming out from the ceiling and stuff done done uh yeah no you it's it's but it also works so I never like when I was just like uh like a mark for it or a person like watching comedy and stuff it's a good example that always is like Dane Cook's thing I wasn't just like what a jerk off he's being like that I'm like this guy's like a rock star it looks red yeah everybody unequivocally every [ __ ] liar can say whatever they want everyone you know was back then was like wow this is dope because it was huge it was big it kind of made you feel something different than all the other things you had seen before and his comedy was also big enough to fill that space right you know what I mean it's not like sitting on a stool guy it's not like a like a bargatzi where it's like you know more like dialed back like come to them yeah it's right here he was like you know he's on this he's on the ground he's on his knees on his back yeah spitting flipping yeah spitting that water up into the [ __ ] sky in that wife feeder and everyone remembers that so vividly because every one of us was was whether you were a comic right at the moment or you were trying to be a comic I remember watching it being like God this dude is all I'm not that thing I wasn't I was like I'll never be that big but it was extremely impressive meanwhile on the other side of that coin is like Chappelle you know I'm speaking out of turn but like he smokes on stage so much of his smoking mannerisms yeah are performative I mean I don't think I love smoking but it's also very much a part of the dance he does no when you want to do it when he starts lighting it and he goes and you know you know before it's Lydia's still talking with you in the mouth I'm like oh yeah those are calculating things 100 you and I like well he came out to Australia and him and Donnell and uh Brandon I mean when you come out to uh sorry the smallest level like when they ask you what your song you're coming out to or whatever on the thing like I certainly like you know the song I've been coming at you lately has like a beginning like drum roll yeah that goes with something so like I sit there and they go big joke or sitting here and then I go now like even like a quiet unthought of thing you go this is the moment yeah you walk out in here we pull whistle hey guys hey going to the doctor it literally takes half a day just to get it done finding parking and walking up those stairs and it's also a hassle and planet in convenient times and you don't want to talk to your doctor about certain issues here's the thing most men's health issues have really Simple Solutions Rex MD is all about Simple Solutions Rex MD makes getting generic and branded Viagra or Cialis very easy everything's online even the prescription and they deliver to your door they deliver to our 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to them but you're inside of it so you see it differently and when you feel that like even the smoking thing I see what it does for them and it's unexplainably perfect where you're like ah yes this was very good he brought this girl over and was was chopping it up with this girl like four rows in and we kept taking the cigarette out and looking back and do it and it was like I was stoned at the gills but I was like analyzing every piece of it being like this is perfect this is exactly what they want to see it's as much of his personality as is true but it's also he does that thing in a way where it was it's big rock star rock star [ __ ] but it's super small that was what I think that's what's so interesting about Dave he does massive [ __ ] in a very small way oh it's it's running a terrible I'm trying to turn the big space into a club you do to compliment you is like you get you when you sit and you speak to somebody uh uh the way you do it fills a big thing with a very intimate small thing super difficult to do but honestly you really do a great job of like you're able to to kind of hook into something or someone and it's almost like all these people then these hundreds or thousands of people are able to just like Snap into one little thing super tough to do it's sort of though like and I preach thank you man that's awesome of you to say it's such like a I think it's a comfort thing but also like I to give always like credit to I mean not that he doesn't get his credit but Patrice O'Neill you know one of the greats would have been I think one of the greats ever he probably would have been one of the best of all time yeah he well I watched him like I was when I was young I thought Bill Cosby himself doing it in the chair was kind of cool it was cool yeah I was never like driven to like necessarily sitting down comedy but watching Patrice and the obvious like a correlation of us like me and Patrice like both big guys both whatever and um you know we always had a great story I thought from the beginning like I looked up to him so much you know and and we were doing when I first got into New York a lot of the shows Patrice was closing like the showcases like I was on somewhere in the middle right and we were friendly already me and Patrice he was like kind of took me under his wing at least like as a friend to a degree because Keith Robinson brought us up um with me Kevin Hart and Kurt Metzger and we were kind of like the new guys that Keith was bringing in you Kevin Hart Kurt Metzger yeah three now bro it's crazy same same space yeah kev's gonna get there he'll figure it out I'll figure it out he's gonna find his way um what an interesting thing too like starting with someone like Kevin Hart really is like to know fault of his own the emotional roller coaster I've been on in my head of like Kevin Hart for the last 25 years is so not you know I mean because like first you're like oh dude one of our guys is doing it man like [ __ ] Kev is doing it and then you're like how is this going so great for me you know I mean like he's looking like a bitterness like too and stuff it's like it's a weird thing to hold yourself up to you know I mean like a like a a rare not just like uh opportunity opportunities and luck but like Talent you know I mean that got him to like it's pretty impressive man it's wild crazy what he did but as a con you know when you have like your 12th year of comedy and you're like all right all my bills are paid but I have uh 300 bucks like time to start this month over and do it again you're like I think I'm gonna kill myself um I'm sure it was the ultimate point we were talking about here with uh well you guys with you and Patrice and you were when you were starting up with Keith yeah so he brought so I like still like envied Patrice more than I felt like we were like tight you know what I mean sure um and I love that we were like friendly and like would talk and he'd [ __ ] with us and talk on the phone and everything was great and then one day a Caroline's after I did my set somehow got telephoned back to me you know people telling each other that uh Patrice said you're taking this material which I don't even know how to begin to like approach with him yeah because I'm not at all and and also but I was like but the fact that he said that to someone who feels that way like what do I do here I'm not going to argue with them about it like I didn't but like that sucks so for the next two days or so at the comedy cell or New York I just kind of high and buy them yeah dude I mean a cold shoulder but more just like I avoided sitting at the table where they're all at and I kind of like you know hey guys what's up and go and then someone told him I'm sure somebody that I told what's going on sure said something to him and he comedy is high school by the way for people that are listening oh yeah and he called me up the next day still house phones at my mom's house in Philly and he goes he's like man he goes I didn't say you stole my material I didn't say that at all he goes what I said was uh to his manager because what I said was that me and Jay keep ending up on all these shows by the time I get on stage I got nothing to talk about because you're doing fat guy [ __ ] he's like and then I go up there and do a bunch of like fat guys that's what I'm saying he goes but I'm telling you like don't worry about it you should do what you're doing the young guys are supposed to like make us rise up yeah he's like I gotta stop doing he's got more to say than a bunch of fat [ __ ] anyway so I'm gonna stop doing that stuff so much anyway it was funny he goes basically he's like honestly you can have it yeah I was kind of when you hear that you're like well I want to be better than that too I don't understand I don't want it either but it was so funny the way that comes back to you but it was a that was kind of a cool moment to watch Patrice like change his thing but also I watched Patrice go from a standing comic to sitting on the stool yeah and in a place like the comic strip like these kind of intimate New York venues watching him do that and the difference in the audience with him because he's an imposing force and it's aggressive comedy and something about just sitting on the stool brings the make kind of forces the audience to like go to you a little bit like Lean Into You whereas so Seth I started doing that for the same reason because I go the reactionary difference from the audience from me looming over them and being like you are have you ever stuck this guy's dick in the car like seems more like they're like whoa versus sitting down like almost like with your back thing like you blend this guy in the car before you and they're kind of like yeah you know it's like more of ingratiating like it's just like it's not like uh I say like a big presence of a big guy it sounds like you're bullying them you know what I mean why don't you [ __ ] this guy tonight if you bought all your drinks fine fine yeah okay all right yeah but this way feels more like your uh uh uh it's like voyeuristic almost where you're you're like you're you're seeing it and then giving it giving your peace of mind about it and then they can choose to be like well that's I'm not just because I bought it then they get the opportunity to kind of have an equal hand yeah yeah we're all sitting this is already on stage whenever people talk to people it's already it already feels looming you're above them you're louder than them there's all these elements of communication that already are are intimidating so when you're sitting it it does do a trick to people a little bit that's like no I'm invite I'm not gonna [ __ ] attack yeah yeah I'm just like oh he's just asking a crazy question it's just like being on the bus and also like asking what the tone you know I'm exactly the same thing of like you know hey have you ever asked Jim your hands up your boyfriend's ass before you know the answer it's like the fact that they'll answer that with like uh no no I never had you think it's in a world where like I'm Blown Away almost when you answer they go excuse me right don't ask me that about my husband but it's not generally it's like even if it's like a no they're like no no I never have hey you know you haven't really talked about it we've done a lot of stuff but like never put a hand up never played never did a hand that wasn't our thing are you when you tour uh and you're do like you're doing a ton of crowd work what do you think is the difference in pure material versus crowd work time wise when you're on the road like are you dedicating well now it's like so I've just never whatever reason man whenever I've sat down and done I do Envy this remember like a bargatzi or something like that when we were younger like we'll do a couple hours of writing soda even to stay now he goes get some writing done and then go over here yeah but I see him when he writes he's just sitting there in the mirror jerking off by himself but I really can't like I just know I mean I may be being a bit hard on myself but just in my experience whenever I've sat and been like trying to do that thing goes all right let's go yeah smoke a joint let's write some comedy when I come out of it and like read it all it ends up being the equivalent of like airplane food like it's like you know these Subways are nutty I tend to think on the Fly much more uniquely I hope and also like referential and things you know what I mean like it moves around like a little bit like uh better if I'm kind of thinking quick yeah in the moment I stay on my toes and it keeps me going and that's how I right he's like I'll have the concept I ask somebody a question it just builds into something and I remember a story of mine that correlates to that kind of do it like that so it's like you take notes down afterwards no you don't listen back no that was the hardest thing about the pandemic with this particular special was like either learn it twice because I was doing it and then three months of nothing yeah I think it was at least three months no gigs at all um and then I went back over to Indianapolis helium and I went on stage as soon as I walked down the stage and sat down and I was like I don't remember at one bedroom something about girl cops I had a thing about the you know it was like cops yeah and it was like going through that like trying to relearn it again was kind of a pain in the ass which I really should like at least but I don't know like I don't think every comic has this and it's good they shouldn't that watching this and watching this special down so like edit it I just can't man I have a hard time with myself what do you mean hate it that's like what my voice sounds like yeah how do I sit all the time and then I'm thinking we'll change this since I stopped getting into that where I'm like change these angles because like you're I look like awful I look fat from that I look but and it's so funny like the audience knows exactly what you look like yeah they've already made up their minds even in the in the dumbest thing of like if a girl thinks you're attractive she thinks you're attractive if she if we're not her thing and she just thinks you're funny she just thinks you're fine in my mind I'm like what if they find out when I sit down from the side like I'm kind of wide front to back I'm a heavy guy like they know yeah like they already know but in my mind I'm like ah you're seeing through my trick right right right I'm exposing too much for you guys but it is true that it you do get over analytical of like when you when you cut down a special it's a [ __ ] nightmare I it's uh I mean I went to that Chrysler Rose thing last night oh yeah how was it it was great the edit is it's great but they have to edit it you know I mean I did like I guess I was like 20 minutes almost like when did you guys shoot that it was like a couple months ago yeah December yeah um when I did it I was like you know I had and like when the edit comes out and stuff no matter what you just like I thought I had a couple other great things in there but not my call it's fine but it came out great but that happens all the time I mean that's just because I do a lot of you know I do have to cut it was like 20 minutes yeah but it stinks when it happens in like uh in TV TV or film stuff that I do that it's agonizing because you'll go um the best version of that joke they left out like I they I just got sent something I did I did like the Cindy movie and they sent me a house party yeah no yeah that was good it was felt like a [ __ ] Indie movie uh I just thumbed through it the other day to see like because I still didn't fully grasp if it was a remake or not yeah in a way it's a loose retelling it's supposed to be kind of like the new generations version of the thing you know and yeah it's tough they did the dance scene which is the one that bummed me out because I was like either gonna make this these are dancer kids or having a dancing in the middle of it just to nod the kid and play it was like what's funny about it was like the original for people that grew up with it was so like iconic and I think part of the part of the reason it was iconic was because those two cats were actually friends and were performers together and it would be like you and one of your best friends doing a thing yeah so now it was casted and those two dudes are both good actors in their own right and that doesn't that's that doesn't matter the point is there was no pre-existing relationship that bonded them off camera that that's what made kid in place so [ __ ] good was there's a few movies together yeah yeah and but that's who they were in real life so it was kind of like you were taking art was imitating life and in this form it's it's art imitating art which was like that's it gets it gets so subversive you're like what are we that's why you were like am I watching a [ __ ] remake of the thing or is this supposed to be not is it just called house party right it's like a different movie it's nodding to the original but it's not I mean it obviously was nodding yeah no totally Cameo but it also had this this other subtext to it which was like we're joking about joking about the other movie one of my favorite things in that movie that I didn't understand when I saw it when I was younger was that the the three bad guys are full force they're the in the regional are full force which sounds like a rap group's name yeah and then I don't know if you remember the full force is like those big muscular scary guys yeah it is the softest R B music those guys look big like you know there was the big scary punks coming to like [ __ ] beat up kid and play and they're uh All Cried Out remember that song that's them yeah Lisa Lisa Cult Jam and full Forge them singing yeah the song that the the big dance happens to in the original yeah the dance scene with the girls and the guy and Kid and Play that's full force that was full force that's full force also yeah it's such a weird like uh but again that's a fun kind of what a fun time it looked like in rap too I watched the um was it the salt and pepper salt and pepper documentary but that's documentary like the move they made like a lifetime lifetime started doing movies of like 80s rappers oh no she's pretty funny but the the plugging in of making sure you see everybody like in some capacity the way they got through that was uh like salt and pepper you're here your first ever award show and like the over explanation narrative like you're your first award show come over your green room's over this way or your dress room's over this way and they walk by and she's like they're like oh hey Heavy D in the boys oh look it's MC Hammer and whatever you doing by people yeah and uh and in the beginning of that movie I guess it's like a true thing um that it was a Sears call center in Queens and it's salt and pepper work there together Kid and Play also worked there together and Martin Lawrence what whether this is chewed up it's awesome in the movie it was a but again like the overexp over those Lifetime movies are the best because I think the pep assault already worked there and then Peppa like got the job and she was like girl sit here next to me at this like call center and she goes go on tell me everything about everybody and she's like uh that's uh Chris and Chris over there they go by Kid and Play he goes they call themselves Kid and Play they think they rappers and dancers and that's Martin Laura everyone's full name he goes hey thank you exactly he goes this guy thinks he's a comedian and he stands up and says something funny crazy Martin Lawrence but some of those movies if they weren't like that you'd be annoyed you're like come on talk about Martin Lawrence you're not wrong you do what I say he goes are they even gonna say that they work for kid and play right you need it and then the guy has like the highest right there that era of hip-hop was I mean I'm all I'm biased and I've you know sure my fans have heard it enough but like uh it's not that I'm getting old man disease about new hip-hop it's just that I cherish it so much I don't dislike new [ __ ] how old are you 40 40. yeah yeah 45 yeah so it's just like I don't I just we were probably grew up in a similar gut of it but it just like it just doesn't hit me as much but the old stuff I know I'm also so attached to because it did so much to my life like it was so influential rolling around in my friend's [ __ ] you know Volkswagen Golf baking it out listening to [ __ ] De La Soul it's like it did something because it was such a moment in time oh it's not that it was so much better than anything today because that argument is always [ __ ] that's that is age that's the thing it's like I don't know what the new sound is it's just different it's just it means something different to you it's I used to say this about SNL it's the same thing when somebody goes yes who knows better but years ago it goes yeah because it's not for you anymore yeah for me yeah they don't they're not making it for guys that are 40 and 45. so just like now it's like newer music when somebody goes that stuff sucks you're like they're not making it for you because 48 million kids listen to it today so you're not the guy it ain't you as your age yet where you're like I find like uh people using young like young people using young slang in like big things is disrespectful you know what I mean so when an SNL sketch has a thing where like one of the young guys comes in he goes oh man last night was lit up at the club and I'm like who's this for yeah I don't talk like that what's lit what why does it need to be lit yeah what a interesting time in the those whenever house party one came out the original uh came out of like this is almost a thing people kind of forget too because the salt and pepper kitten play kind of like friendly rap I think that evolved into like the day lost soul the flower power Earth yeah kind of like P.M Dawn type thing like that that evolved because it was such a sweet like I remember a a year or two in high school where like Aaron Powers the the half black kid that could do a split like a dance split and come up and could dance good and everything was like awesome for that yeah and that's they were dancing it's such like a soft it's such a soft activity to be like a thing that makes people like cool and that was kid who plays the whole thing like yeah man these guys can dance MC Hammer's whole thing was look at this guy moved he could dance and it almost didn't scare your family when you'd see them right well yeah it was easy for white Suburban kids to play that on their house because their dad was like that's the guy with the pants yeah exactly and then you show up with like you know and then I came home with uh as nasty as they want to be with two Live Crew so good and then you're like in trouble yeah but even just that switch to go to like the onyxes and something like that like where it became like Angry aggressive gangster rap whatever I guess what they chose to call it across the board but like the White media chose to call it yeah but it's such like good uh that switch was weird but I do remember when it was all about wearing like purple and yellow short sets and jumpsuits and like uh like it was very like uh it was very the flower power era was very like Afrocentric but also like who is a promotional and it was also like communal in a way that was inviting because they'd be like my Brown Brothers my my white sisters my Asian fellas you know I mean it was always like inclusive in this weird way that was like everyone's invited to the soda pop party that's what it felt like well I like my daughter is funny she's 20 now and as she gets as I watch her like get older it's fun to watch like I thought her music was just gonna be like the what I would call horseshit of today right but we you do have an effect on them you know I mean like my daughter like when she'll put her iPod on like stuff that I played for a girl you know anything like Iron Maiden songs or someone pop up and the white stripes and whatever she got like uh into it in some way but I don't know like do you guys go to shows together yeah yeah you do yeah I'll take her we spent the Rage Against the Machine isn't that feel incredible oh it's so awesome that's [ __ ] so cool and she loves it because she's an adult that's like you can go you can show her the thing that you liked as a young adult that you were like I don't know if you did it but like for me it was like I never did that with my parents I never shared any of that [ __ ] [ __ ] it's like my parents hated they were like where are you who are you going to see taking my parents to see Guns and Roses at MSG a couple years ago was a pretty cool moment because I on the way there even talking to him I go I remember bringing home Appetite for Destruction and you being like what is this noise yeah exactly and I was like and go now it's considered classic rock and you're like of course we want to go see Welcome to the Jungle and whatever and I'm like that's only now you can only do that now which is so funny he's like now I can take my parents for stuff that I like now because we're both so grown that they respect you enough yeah but when I was young it's like I could have never convinced them to never they would have never come along to a thing they would have never thought about even doing it but they put me in [ __ ] they put me in jail for [ __ ] smoking weed and now my mom has had Edibles it's just like remember when you used to [ __ ] yell at me about this [ __ ] and they're like well this is different it's different yeah yeah no [ __ ] yeah they um yeah my parents were and my parents never really did they weren't like they smoked cigarettes they weren't drinkers they weren't pot people at all yeah they both worked in the hospital so like you really couldn't and uh yeah alcohol was never a thing I never drank underage at all really so weird never partner videos like yeah go into the woods things I would like try to go to the party and then just like you know walk around but I I thought pot my dad was sort of deadbeat when I was younger so I always equated that with any smoked pot pot was definitely a pothead guy so I was like that's what losers do and then look at you now and then I got it and I was like oh no it's pretty great you know what the old man was right this is better than raising a child that's what I used to say my dad went to jail for Coke and I was like it caught you your kid and you're like who would leave a family for Coke and then you do Coke and you're like I guess this all adds up yeah Kurt Metzger used to have a bit about that it was like uh when someone's like addicted to a heroin or those intervention shows I hope not massacring it too much but it was just like when they go I don't understand it like he had a family he had a wife who loves them and kids and I was like why why would he turn his life over to just doing heroin and he goes and I always want to tell them like so close to the answer it's that heroin is better than all those things this is the truth heroin is just better than that you think burping a baby and getting spit up and then they're crying all night is better than just sinking away into a Led Zeppelin album it's so it's it's true that it's sad that you're like all these responsibilities I get completely why young parents are like I think I'm gonna party away and not pay attention to this [ __ ] oh yeah yeah my dad was 22 or three when he left and he went to Florida and then he came back and married some other lady like in an hour away in Philly like outside of Philly okay yeah we were in Philly and he moved like outside of it with this lady respectfully he's like I'll call him close it won't be right there I'll be near you guys yeah I'll be near you yeah don't complain that much that probably won't show up often I'm not too far is he alive yeah you talk to him yeah you're good now yeah it's like we're good because I but I did have to completely like fold to the idea that like he's never gonna quite get it he's not going to apologize for the way he was everything's gonna go and I can acknowledge that I'm like he's a Charming Guy what's fun now is like discovering you know I took such a face value so many things he would tell me when I was younger because uh it also takes a while you mean soda were talking about this a lot when the dad leaves his dad same thing both named Gary our dads both left in the same way deadbeats yeah and uh in that way but like when I was younger like it was almost like he was the coolest for almost for that for not showing up he goes Dad can't show up he's probably getting [ __ ] or kicking someone's ass you know and it's been funny like re-saying things like the new perspective on things you get older and you've been saying your whole life and then it changes you know and my dad was like I thought he was [ __ ] cool and fun and the hindsight now when you watch it he goes no it was like a bum [Laughter] yeah like this guy [ __ ] rules I mean he would tell me these stories that are just definitely it was so I sit here at 45 sometimes going like you know what he probably did get kicked out of the Navy for smoking pot I don't think it was because he got caught smoking pot with David Bowie on a stoop in France you know what I mean it's like and that's probably not true yeah he probably did have an argument with that guy in a drive through that one time but I don't think he pulled his door off by the hinges like you know I was like my dad was actually pretty good at playing pool I don't think he beat Minnesota Fats one time in a dark bar he wandered into so and those are the ones he gave me and you're like but when I was older younger I was like Mom Dad can't show up he's probably playing in a tournament against Minnesota Fats and pool maybe your mom is like she's like he didn't show up because he's rather do something else like now nah that can't be it he's stuck at the tournament they last all they last so long Ma you don't get it glorify that we do glorify the my dad being in jail a lot when I was a kid I glorified it like it was cool I used to tell the stories that I would hear from him about getting to a fight with a selly like I thought that was amazing to be able to tell that to somebody you could imagine letting a child down by going to jail for a couple years like oh that wouldn't be cool yeah no you know it's like dad's in the joint yeah he can't help but beat the [ __ ] out of a guard this guy grab his dick you know they do weird [ __ ] like this he's gonna get more they're gonna probably gonna stack some more time when they actually kicks so much ass I can't get out I kicked too much ass inside of here love ya it is funny you glorify the tragedy I seriously was the kid that waited on the stupid he didn't show up I was one of those kids legitimately like would be outside and his car never came Kurt Metzger would like when we first met I would tell my story he just always laughed at that only because he has his own screwy family Kurt but he said he would just get a picture in my head and go you're not wrong of me so my mom was young too and like so my grandparents took care of me a lot so it'd be on their stoop right I'd be like that sounds like outside in Philly waiting for my dad to come there my grandparents my grandmother just passed away my grandfather passed me when I was 10 but they were such good feeling for like what I needed in that regard yeah like like uh what do you call that just some kind of like normalcy you know I mean like my mom was broken I was like but they would sit there they knew he wasn't coming but I'd be out there and like Curtis says it's like I have everything for a father's weekend it's like a tent on my back and a Hulk of mania finger and like a Six Flags thing he's he's so right it was almost like and I remember the game was you know it was like a t the top of the street and so I'd be on my street and the cars what are you coming from left to right at the top Street and you just see you know you see some cars start lighting up and you're like this here is probably him yeah and it goes by you're like okay maybe he got a new car he goes here it is this one and this would never grandparents come out and be like it's also hilarious like they were you Meatloaf's getting called they were also facilitating like the the fatness in me though too because it was just like hey don't worry come inside you want an entire pizza for yourself I do I do I'm gonna drown this in pizza it is true that that that image is real of you waiting for someone that didn't show up and then you made all sorts of [ __ ] [ __ ] excuses you were like for them I bet you I bet you his car broke down because it's broken down before so I bet you it broke down oh yeah well my mom man my mom when she told me these stories it's so funny she's not mad at her she was just like you didn't know but it was like the manipulation of like your parents talking to you in different households and my mom said one time we were broke and she knew that I like felt that in some way that we were broke but I think when my mom goes uh my mom goes hey I'm just letting you know this because like I don't want you to hear it in a different way but I'm gonna take your dad like where I'm gonna file things so he has to pay child support he doesn't pay it and we gotta like garnish his garnish wages yeah garnished wages on this check so you guys want you to know that so you don't like hear it a different way it's not a fight it's not whatever it's going to make sure he sends what he needs to send and my mom tells me and I remember this she goes mom I dad's got like a thousand dollar like Furniture Bill he's gonna pay everybody like I was giving her like hey don't do that to him he's got a expensive build opinion she goes we live we eat spaghetti five nights a week yeah without sauce like butter and parmesan cheese yeah so it's so funny she's like why are you protecting this guy right oh no but he's got the furniture bill yeah he's got this furniture Bill going on he lives in Ohio and stuff what are you gonna do he lives in Ohio trying to help the guy out ma that is funny you please did you not love this guy at one time do you need to hurt him like this I don't think we never my mom talked about that we never got she never asked for it because she refused to she that was such such vitral like there was so much yeah where's those days yeah it was so much age I actually wants that child support he was so much negativity she was she refused to ask she didn't I think it was also that's like a pride thing too my mother has that it's a time thing too it's a uh uh my ex-wife's like mother never asked though father for anything like my mom like eventually just like garnished his weight but it was again it was like when you hear the numbers especially you're like damn man like my mom answered it was like a hundred and like 50 or like 200 a month that's it something crazy it was just nothing yeah but I mean that's that was the other thing I think my mom used to say like well it's too much time I don't have time to go to court I have to work a full-time job so I don't want to go through all that [ __ ] and also I don't even know what I'm getting you know even if my dad didn't have like he was like is it worth anything yeah yeah it's not like he was like oh I'm making fun of showing up in a Corvette you know what I mean like he was in the cut list with claw seats so it was like I think she also knew what was I gonna what was the win situation yeah and for her it was like this ego thing where she's like I'll just do it without you just to like have more not over you but have more complete Independence being like [ __ ] you I'll drown and we did and as the wife goes like on though too you kind of go it's like I'm almost your mom is a strong woman and your dad was a dump of [ __ ] I couldn't give a [ __ ] that's the name of my next tour strong strong female influence from the dead double [ __ ] yeah that's that's the one um dude thank you for coming um please everyone right now because you can go right now when this is out it'll be out on YouTube uh please go watch the special I didn't even get into this let's do it real fast though why uh you you wanted YouTube you didn't want to give it to another another platform no I mean the reality is I I I was certain this was going to be on Netflix because you've been in bed with those guys already yeah yeah I know Robbie they did the degenerates they kind of told me the generates was the path to the hour sure and I want and I love Robbie over there it's nothing there's no dig on him I I think it was in an unwinnable position I was supposed to go out there and like we're supposed to come out here to LA in like April of 2020. and here we form it for like uh Netflix and HBO Max I think we're gonna come watch and then that course that got canceled and everything and then just in the time of like waiting for all the stuff what are we gonna do next like me too black lives matter happened and it just kind of came stop Asian hey that was a big one for you yeah in so many you know without saying it like uh outwardly everyone was just kind of like I don't know you're sort of an unknown like straight white guy it's just not really the time like we have to make sure we get some of my quotas in here first yeah and uh so they didn't say no which is gonna be like hey man that's gonna be like pushed down the road and stuff so I was a little defeated by that and then uh David tell was like why don't you just do it at your Festival I'm like yeah that's a good idea and I was like self-produced and then Ari shafir executive produced it and I mean he executive produced I didn't know anything when I accepted the idea that I'm like all right I'm going to self-produce this and I was like I guess I gotta line up now like a 150 interviews to get these whatever people I'm like I thought I had to personally get like a guy holding the microphone and then get all the equipment also and he was I know he's just like that was like our first conversation he goes I don't know he's like you hire a producer and the producer has their team and they do it and I go oh that's better I'm again that's better I don't have to hold any of the cameras yeah yeah dude we got you we have to go behind and go these chords were these chords plugged in but I think the revolution is is here with that and I think it's the reason I ask it's not in a negative way it's it's a great move because everyone that's doing it now it's proving that it's it's direct to not only just your audience but it's opening up to them sharing it easily without any sort of Hiccup it's simple everybody knows it now it's almost it's it's it's it is a flood right now of it too but that's sort of the thing like uh it's sort of a useless platform and like if you have nothing like there's no way to attach it to anything you know I mean like yeah I have like a bit of an audience so it's like I'm trusting my audience to really like shoot it out there well they will which the thing the people are just like yeah just did it record it throw it up on YouTube like I don't know if it's a good idea it's like right right you have to also because seeing the numbers is what I don't know if eight people saw my Comedy Central special or if you know the 22 000 people saw the degenerates I have no idea this is going to be hard to like it's definitive but it's also gonna be hard to go back everything goes only four more people in the last hour huh okay yeah I guess this thing sucks but don't try yourself nuts because it's no no no well because it's gonna be good because you know you look at some of the other people in our in our world that you know Aries I went and saw the taping of I was at that uh Jew yeah um which I yelled so many times during the show cut out but like him and you know Shane I mean you know these guys that are getting millions and millions of views it was proof that it was like nah just cultivate it let the audience have it you know like let your fans do the thing let people that know comedy and love comedy get involved through the the system and the the algorithm and I think it's great because as honestly the unknown sucked when I did The Comedy Central stuff it sucked and you never knew Netflix was the only time I did this special that they they give you the number they call you and they do like a you know like a 15 day and a 28 day breakdown or whatever and it's nice to know but you don't get much they give you like a nugget of there's no engagement with nothing what's kind of neat about YouTube too is there's immediate engagement happening under the video it's happening live that's awesome and and it's happening kind of like uh uh in like it's incestuously might not be the right word but it is like inside of itself the engagement of the engagement of people talking about it to other people and using it for other stuff it's really wild how the world works like that on YouTube it's good yeah I'm excited for you dude go watch it right now on YouTube please go watch it also if you're on tour are you touring around a little bit right now yeah what's your website for all my dates yeah I'm non-stop on the road go to and but watch the Youtube special right now we'll also put it in the link in the description below so you can see it we end the episode the same way look in that camera right there you say one word or one phrase to end the episode for the rest of time uh when you're ready one word or one phrase go ahead come in here we pour whisper whisk whisk oh that creature in the ginger beard it's dirty gingers are beautiful [Music] Ginger I like gingers
Channel: Andrew Santino
Views: 289,851
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: andrew santino, whiskey ginger, podcast guest, podcast, comedy, comedian, stand up, h3, 2b1c, sports, entertainment, pop culture, commentary, jokes, interviews, andrew santino podcast, funny af, big jay oakerson, big jay oakerson dog belly, big jay oakerson special, big jay oakerson podcast, big jay oakerson podcast guest, big jay oakerson legion, skankfest, legion of skanks
Id: MIoK5jPxhXY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 14sec (5114 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 07 2023
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