Big Jay Oakerson - Skankfest, Porn, Getting Caught Cheating - Jim Norton & Sam Roberts

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welcome DJ hey buddy it's hard to get you in and the more I know you don't like to get up I don't blame you it's yeah we weren't we weren't so late you know yeah I remember when you started doing oh and eight years ago and that was the switch that was almost the first switch from the back table of everyone being out till like 3:00 in the morning just talking [ __ ] at the back table the seller was what you got to get here you had to start doing the earlier shows mm shocked Oboro for because before that it was it was an afternoon show so it was okay to go home at like [ __ ] 5:00 in the morning it didn't matter yeah but then once it went some mornings I was it yeah I remember that schedule switch a lot that's when it started that's when that back table started breaking down a little bit yeah cause it just wasn't there was one less person and then somebody else gets something and then there's two less people we were talking to knew where the glue that held everybody well you know just welcome we was almost Angus tankfest and I didn't realize every fear was stealing all your announcements you know a fierce gang fest a fear fest yeah I love it yeah yeah he's uh he's snagging every single announcement from Lois which is driving Lois night it's gotta be why does why does the Lois just keep it quiet then why is he telling him I'm not sure how we're not even quite sure how he's finding out also I think always just announcing people that he wants as if they're already there so who do you have booked I know I'm doing it and who else according Ari Shaffir Steve Rosie's got something involved Ari okay I'm not sure even with the other ones that are fully announced yet but I mean it's gonna be an amazing they got the new location at Brooklyn Bazaar so we could go from okay having only 300 tickets available to now a thousand tickets we can do so we've always nice we ought we sold out on presale I think in 48 hours and then on may 5th the official tickets go on sale so we're hoping hoping it's something good oh that's great third year so what is it now it's just a bunch of colleagues doing different shows at the same time or different times well this room we have ability to have two big shows going on at once okay and if you have everybody kind of perform twice every won't get to see everything but this movie that we've did it historically adzick from noon on we have like pot live podcasts and and then at night time is when it ramps up I mean historically we've had the naked comedy the naked a roast battle is one of the most intense things I've ever seen I suggest you hang in therefore it make it vote that's a great idea I mean a Allyson clump last year pulled her jokes out of her [ __ ] she had a plastic bag and she took it out of her snatch and [ __ ] it was one of the funniest things I've ever seen did people laugh oh yeah let's see yeah the other girl had a I mean an extraordinary long tampon string hanging out zac amico cut himself wrestling style like sliced himself open and then re she waited yeah and then Ari Shaffir took a piss in a cup on stage and threw it on Zach so fun like that so if you can open if you haven't got your tickets everybody send an Ari Shaffir spits go into Zach's open wound I'd have to assume it made its way in there so no that's exact upset you know what's funny if it was me it's funny how your friends know what your limit is I guess if that was I don't think Ari would have done that to me cuz if any friend would have done that to me I would have hit them and then immediately bent over but like you doubt when you head you have to punch somebody you threw piss oh yeah in public and you missed my mouth this is Clint I don't know why people think is yes Clinton Illinois what's up hey Jimmy yes I think and I want to say hi to everybody crackle crackle I heard it's probably and want to say Bennington and you never know when he's screwing with people but I remember him several years ago making the comment he was talking about both of you guys and then all of a sudden he said I don't know why there can't be too heavy metal comments and it was just kind of a sigh but like it was like it was a dig and I always wondered I'm like well Jays not been on the show much he never shows up on the skank view and I just started wondering if that was just a Ronnie beef thing or if there was really some kind of rift between you guys Jim used to always talk about it on the show actually we do a lot of it off air that he felt like Jay was taking his throne as the king of heavy metals yeah I mean that was my thing the king of heavy metal yeah can I do a lot of metal talk in my accent exactly right thanks that's great that neither of us do that I mean since let me died I mean that it's an open air now like it but but no there's no rifts I don't know why people I wanted you on the show and it's hard to get you on because I'm taking it you're just up until three o'clock of the moisture sure yeah it is uh it's I find that very bizarre that that narrative has been created but just get along never has any problem of course we pushed it whatever J wouldn't show up everything like I said if it were if it was like loo even if it was Dave Kim one time I was coming I could write man yeah and I think they came in another time but it was just them book like they're running a comedy tour or something and I definitely pushed forward the Jay said he did not want to come up B he wouldn't come and he'll come in that studio yeah well I want to come in ya know I'm not confused as to why people you read on that you were in on that day with you were here when Ace Frehley came in you were here when Patrice hilarious my two appearances ever on ona were so I got completely usurped by what was happening Ace Frehley happened to come in it wasn't like a booking with the birthday cake he was here yeah he was here in the building that got him to come in so I remember I ended up I sat here for a minute and they were like do you need to kind of sit over there with a microphone I already didn't I forget who else was here but it was enough people that like there was a man always Anthony Anthony who decided to give a freely precedence over you who would have put a Celia by probably the world well yeah it was my birthday and he brought in a cake with an ass with a log of [ __ ] sticking out of it and right and I bit the [ __ ] log out of the cake I mean it had to happen you did yeah and then when Patrice was here with Bobo at the up-and-down get up and down game yeah that was that that was a great moment to be a part of isn't it weird you look back like I watched that moment and I in the moment it's just your dumb friend is laughing but you don't realize like this is going to be one of the definitive things I remember about this person for the rest of my life it's crazy like you don't realize it in that moment it is it really isn't sale people it's it's a millions of YouTube hits people [ __ ] absolutely love it I just wanted to go back to that he gave you why do you think you wanted this [ __ ] with the thing do you notoriously I know the pissed thing silly I guess I just to be a you know plus chocolates delicious yes I'm guessing that's why they did that I was just looking for a friend I was just casting a rope there for a friend in the world I've gotten weirdly into watching now hot girl [ __ ] porn have you I've seen it but not not in a masturbation - no I shouldn't say that I should not in a finishing masturbation yeah I own but I've definitely been coming Triggs by I don't know why what are they [ __ ] on is the Brazilian stuff where they're [ __ ] on each other or is it ones where they're just dropping logs on the floor the floor ones don't matter but very specifically the American I'm always just blown away that a a pretty nineteen twenty year old girl is going to just [ __ ] like a like someone was able to pay her enough money I guess because I didn't I wasn't very good getting laid at all through my teens early 20s even probably like the late 20s with that stuff that I'm intrigued that I was nervous to ask a girl that I thought was pretty if she wanted to hang out or do something and yet somebody was like hey I'm a three or four hundred bucks take a [ __ ] it is incredible the balls that these people have to ask these women to do something and the fact that they do it yeah that's right that's what gets me like a beautiful girl showing her face like I'm getting ready to [ __ ] on camera and never have a job in the media like what do you do after this like what what is it you do where you you take a dump on camera and then like what was your goal when it started and what does it become after that's a great point have you seen the Netflix documentary about the guys who get the I don't hear what it's called it's the girls that get into porn oh the yeah yeah that really made me uh that actually turned me off more to the quote-unquote amateur porn yeah because it does look like a just a draining they make them all I kind of live in a dormitory situation with things going on with weird connect tattoo Russian guys watching all the time you think it's a little bit it's a little bit nicer with the [ __ ] porn people I wonder if that's more voluntary I don't know I don't think [ __ ] porn revolves you haven't live in a dormitory for yeah it was always free as a Stacey in there oh she's probably just peeing or doing her maid do not waste do not waste that beautiful [ __ ] look yeah there is something there is something amazing about an American I don't know why I'm a because I always like the language like when you can communicate with somebody it turns me on more sure and they can tell me but we also know how much opportunity there is here theoretically in America to do other things that aren't [ __ ] on camera so the fact that that's the choice that would be made is the intriguing thing no that's the amazing joy though that is the opportunity my god I can pay my rent [ __ ] on camera that's phenomenal what if I brought it up on stage and Cleveland and there was the steamer there I asked I told a girl in the audience but pretty younger girls but and I was like you have a price what would be the price honestly to to just [ __ ] on camera you don't do anything sexual with anybody you said it be fully naked they show your face then you take a hot [ __ ] on camera and you know the young girl of course always I mean that would have to start it like 50 million dollars and then someone else goes I bet she'd do it for 1 million dollars and then of course a realistic pretty 30-something you're all went thousand I want to probably get that up and she goes I go just a thousand Han she goes I mean I'm [ __ ] anyway which is we just gotta find that personality in the world I guess it's got that attitude about it but guys they never come without damage I doubt it I doubt if you [ __ ] on camera by the way I don't think if you [ __ ] on camera for someone's personal catalog it seems way less if something [ __ ] off course there's gonna be a dot-com you know watermark at the bottom seems like yeah you're putting that out there in the world like [ __ ] everybody you're doing it for someone personally it's different cuz it's private and it's a dirty thing but it seemed yeah if you are doing it on camera going up this is out there you guys want to ask you to cuz you and Dan do a bonfire and I heard you're a thing with yamaneika with piano we hope that morning yeah and you know Doug's always a little whatever he comes in he was a little so it's a little bit of the night before bleeding here but by the time you guys got it I mean he was also literally drinking travel sized bottle of liquor bottle liquor as you city bit tipsy he gave me the warning when I said because I just found he was in town so I was like hey come on in and and do the show if he was like yeah sure he goes but I warn you I'm cruise ship drunk and he came in and he in fact was I said it was funny it's amazing how sick of Fanta cos fans get sometimes because so many of them started tweeting at me on social media like you didn't defend Doug enough you lost a fan today wow you put your you know you bet on the wrong horse you piece of [ __ ] people get so angry I thought doesn't need defending dunking handle himself he didn't need defending at all and uh I don't think y'all man echidna so I need you defending what happened it was a no look I'm new enough at especially running a radio show that I didn't really quite know how to chop you know was very uncomfortable even though I knew if something happened cuz Sodor said on the way up when we had Doug coming in because you know yamaneika is coming in today too I go yeah you think they're gonna get along and I said I they should like we're gonna be talking about we have topics to talk to them about so maybe they'll disagree on that stuff I never quite saw it just going the way it went but I did tell soda I'm like if not you know great radio I guess it is interesting when when people are getting into it it's like it's hard to step in because it's like I know it's fun to listen to it's at exactly yeah you know you had the awkwardness where I was saying before with Dave Landau and Kevin Brennan and Kevin Brennan I mean what do you do we literally booked the awkwardness though I mean like we know exactly what I mean to not thinking it's gonna get into I mean you see nobody and you'll either of you think someone's gonna stand up at one point yeah and that you can't have just because then you know then they won't be allowed to building and I love Kevin so I don't want to see him getting you know he's great when it starts to drift towards assault okay let's let's pull the line here cuz that yeah that'll go very very bad but yamaneika I mean I just people got angry that I said I just understand her point I think she maybe I could have went differently or what was her point I didn't hear you say that her point I understand where she was coming from was that soon as as soon as she walked in Doug just makes it her first stepping into the room Doug goes oh great because another black person's in the room bingo gets nervous then by chance bingo was simply just she was sitting at the console with us she simply moved so Yaman he could sit down right like sushi but it seemed like so when she see says that and then bingo moves so she could sit and then also when bingo moves our producer Jacob moves over to that seat so it didn't even read that she was actually getting up to let her sit down right oh she's just walk it just looks like she was uncomfortable with a black person okay then within two minutes after that Doug as the Amin ich if she's really a woman because he's been fooled before so now he's called her a man he's also as we previously established cruise ship drunk cruise ship drunk so it's slurry it's hilarious to us and dominique is not quite sure what to make of it and then he he goes which is hilarious he tries to introduce us I believe that everyone kind of agrees that he was introducing a pretty interesting subject of what she would have needed to ask a girl which could have been Christine or yamaneika but yamaneika is right across from him and he's gonna ask has a man ever regretted having sex with you the next morning I guess didn't really she's getting into the meets who think we having a guy who feels that way because has anyone ever regretted having sex with you the next morning and yamaneika skeptically he goes no no one's ever regretted [ __ ] me the next morning and then Stanhope says exactly like this he goes well then you are unaware so now in her mind I understand for the fourth time now on the day she's been called fat and ugly by this guy okay and I think she just went on and started now here's the thing she started tearing into it and did say funny things she was wearing a mr. Furley suit I think made fun of someone saying bingos probably regrets [ __ ] him every day and they went back and forth and it just got awkward and heated and then the funniest part to me is you could hear me and Dan both scary ah just going like oh come on game show host voice come on Detroit gun cakes bit on the television before and and Doug walked out his last words were hilariously goes big Jay fix this and then he went into default she and I talked right afterwards and he's fine and he was thanking us for being on the show and it was it was great radio okay uh yeah mineka she came back on the show the next day and was uh seemed fine with it but I heard that she did end up going on like Tuesdays with stories and getting like a little teary and bummed out because tears well I get you know she probably should have said that cuz I think it just opens up the floodgates sometimes but you know yamaneika is a tough chick but I understand as much as anybody when you have a couple every day there's something negative on social media yeah of course but usually bookended by like love the show this was hilarious blah blah blah and that's like you [ __ ] suck you know that's whatever yeah yeah but that all rains down but for a couple days myself included you're gonna get it's just the people stirring up their dead and it very best you get people like half defending you don't want to get they don't want to thrown them either it goes look it wasn't the best thing he could have done but he did what he could I suppose it's like the best defense you're gonna get and everybody else just goes so I think it probably God so we're after oh they couldn't have went more racist and surprised aggressively I'm surprised that's weird yeah I want to Twitter when your picture is a picture of an egg yeah you do get that like when you're on the [ __ ] end of it for whatever reason you said something like are you do it's a movie or you approached Trump against whatever the [ __ ] you said some and they just it's just one of those things they're all looking at you like get them yeah yeah and you're in the barrel for a few days it is what it is and then it just it really does just go it all goes with it's finally this picture hawkgirl's wanted up here that's the guy that's the guy who has the house sank with all those girls just lived there why when they were all done cuz they they get to live there for free technically but yeah but he controls their money so that's the amateur porn thing yeah well the girl who ended up quitting at the end of it and going back to her boyfriend quit cuz she said I was here for was like eight months or something and she cleared she only made 25 grand and spent you know most of that cuz she had to while she was out there living in Miami in that world so it is create I think that's to for me why I've never been a strip club guy as an adult or even a hookers guy as much as because working where I used to drive strippers and escorts to bachelor parties and stuff and I'd that job when I was right there you just when you're on the ride home but that's why I'm surprised this guy like loves this job so much having these girls Dana's house you see the sadness of it you get the story if you're in a car car ride with a stripper who just you know had guys bite twenties out of her snatch for an hour that's when you start getting like that well I'm just trying to get my kids back from social services Oh justify yeah those seven guys who [ __ ] me like they were a little mean and rough you know everything you're just like yeah you see the human side yeah it just makes you feel like oh they're not into this huh yeah this girl didn't want to [ __ ] to fit 14 random strangers so yeah anymore no I was going is like if I get like the goof of going if you're going with a group of guys to kind of like have a laugh or whatever but like to go and really have any live on what I've never felt the confidence that I could polish stripper ever never I've only seen one person ever do it weirdly Dave Attell some insane makes it when I went on the insomniac tour with him in Philly he liked this girl the girl wanted to leave the boss that he could leave with her it was pretty hilarious wow she laughs yeah and she was so hot yeah it was crazy but I've never even with SD our show that we do what you've done before Jim is uh we have porn stars are all the time they make a lot of I'm gonna come [ __ ] you and Christine tonight promises oh god yeah and then nothing nothing we just had a Ralph Sutton on chip podcast yeah like Ralph you know it's hilarious to with that is they they say they're gonna do that they say they're like oh yeah let's get out of here I think we would have hooked up with some of these porn stars had I had more self-confidence because what I always do I rarely do Monday nights at the stand anymore they have that frantic show they just kind of runs and if I pop in I can go on and I don't ever do it just cuz my schedule right but any time a stripper or a porn star yeah I'll hang out with you and Christine after the shows hanging out I'll go back to your place I'm still like well I gotta go to this I wanted to see me do comedy first oh no he's [ __ ] me for like the stunts I wanted to feel like oh this guy does have some want to validate yourself in her eyes like wow this guy's the [ __ ] and Ralph's point out he goes I've lost probably eight of them just from because by the time they get we're done the stand there like hammered and then we're like me and Christine gonna be like I guess we're gonna put you in a cab you know your nose is running yes home going out for a drink and then taking her home can't yeah I have to live I have to believe in my mind there's some reason like now this girl wants to [ __ ] right what was the big Jimmy get jealous and threesomes like you do it just you her and a girl and is there any does she ever get jealous or any uncomfortable moments never in the actual [ __ ] part of it but sure yeah afterwards if it what's got what's gone wrong after it's that fine line of you know we fought there's a couple that we hook up with regularly you know a couple of girls are a regular it's not easy to find new ones all the time but in the few regularly its to be how many times do I ask is a big deal oh if you're pushing it you know I'm huh even worse if I if I do hey let's uh maybe this week we'll hook up with a chick or something if it gets specific like hey why don't we call that one I think that or if it's like I've had the communication Oh which happens and she's usually not a big deal but it's just like if I have specifics you know well you know she's working that night till 3:00 a.m. so we can't that night but Thursday she's free and clear but she's visiting her parents on said no this yeah guy we did go back and forth probably too much yeah you got a uh do you don't like it like she could just look at your phone the conversation if she wants to uh she could I don't ever go through her sigh I hate that so much I'm so I'm skittish about anyone holding my foot Lewis points it out all the time Lucia Gomez if I'm showing I'm like you know a video or something or a YouTube video and he puts his hands on my phone I gripped my phone even harder yeah I don't know why I'm just you know what it is I got caught cheating so bad in 2000 it was like maybe 2006 sir seven so bad and it was just [ __ ] going through I used to put my I used to put my phone at night with Max wife I used to turn it off and put it my pillowcase is how much I really just wanted it not see and why and my ex-wife even know I put it my pillowcase I forget what a reason I gave was like yeah I still want to be Bali you know I need to sleep in the morning I don't want this yeah bother I'm putting it in my pillowcase so I'm putting a penalty make sense yeah of course and and then one day I was seeing another girl and I had put that night mean the other girl had had an argument because what she did was I was showing her something in my phone and she happened to see that her name and my phone was a Jason I think it was under Jason Steinberg are all manager that's how little he actually called me I was more of an Evan star and I hadn't she was like why would you have my name in there like that you know if I'm your girlfriend right and I was I forget whatever [ __ ] excuse I gave it she half bought but we argued pretty big about it and then as like a thing I'm like what do you think I'm hiding this is so rude I don't know we think I'm hiding a go look up and I put it in as her first name my last name like just to be like almost like funny about it and went to bed that night pretty like she was texting me still you know we're going back and forth and I put the phone I think I put it in though I have whatever was I just kind of passed out and didn't think about my phone and in the morning she started calling a bunch and my ex-wife just answered the phone and they had an hour and a half phone call before I was still asleep oh just no visions of sugarplums when your phone rings her name comes up with your last yes I'm wondering like Oh some cousin I've never met yeah and they get on the phone and they talked for an hour and a half and then she woke me up with a she was in law school time with the law book to the face and then it was just Hostel and all forward them oh and I got what point that's a terrible thing because you know how long did you try the life or when you got caught like you first wake up how long do you try to like no she's lying I didn't even get to that it was just too it was too deep at that point but I did do way longer than I was confused about what was going on played the confused oh you said there she goes and this girl you know Lauren blah blah blah blah and she's good and I just kept going wait what you don't know what I'm talking about you know I did I grabbed someone else's phone say they finally realize I'm completely busted oh yeah I got kicked in the nuts by both of them as separate occasions did the other girls you look like the other girl again no she was done yet no no I went over there one time just kind of like be apologetic cuz again it's one of those things when you're living it you don't realize how [ __ ] up here yeah yeah at all and then when it's pointed out like everyone is just sad around you my daughter was a pretty young baby still I just [ __ ] that I'm like what's my life gonna do then I had to go to South Africa for three weeks like four days later which ended up being for the best yeah cuz you get away from the world and that's when the story I just told on Ari Shaffir is uh this is that happening the last season I just told the story of that girl the side girl took a naked picture she had a me that I forgot that was like a joke picture even because I there's never been a picture be naked where I'd be like this is good yeah yourself to this it was a [ __ ] joke and then she put it on Craigslist while I was in South Africa for the men looking for me which was pretty great Wayne Rana is the guy a person who found it in an actual like you know Craigslist's yeah wait you know Wayne he used to write oh yeah yeah and yeah he absolutely uh he found it and gave me the heads up and then he told everybody to Patrice included to flag it because this was not something that I wanted up there uh-huh and Patrice made that his a screen saver yeah there are thanksgiving one time he told me to push the mouse on his computer he just laughs every 15 minutes that's really funny yeah so she's all right so you got busted and you it's undeniable at that point sometimes when you're so quiet it's almost a relief to be so 100% caught because you realize I don't have to think of a lot like as Brock when somebody else has given all the details so you're not even responsible for painting this picture yeah you just got a lot of sabi head nods and did you really blah blah blah with this girl you go I'm sorry yeah and it helped yes I mean I wonder sometimes if that's even a decent argument like I don't know because it seems to put that stress on your shoulders just seems very very bizarre what was funny was I was starting to get out of that chick anyway I was very into her I believe it's because you know get in fact guy my whole life she was like a really skinny girl oh pretty and I was very excited that she seems so into [ __ ] me and then I remember I was with Patrice on the road somewhere and I wanted to brag to him about how you know there's pretty girls he's like let me see and I had a picture of her the same day I took that she took to take a picture of me I had a picture of her she just opened her towel and she was really thin yeah a really thin chick with like very small tits and I opened up he just goes that [ __ ] looks like Buffalo Bob from it looks like the [ __ ] like the picture almost changed for me when he said it is you're right this isn't sexy this looks like a boy damn it the funny part too is what a piece of [ __ ] thing to say to a guy who's showing you a girl I try to go hey Patrice you're a big guy too aren't you proud of me you do look good by the way you look like you've dropped a lot of weight I'm trying man I got to I'm doing a Netflix half-hour they're doing dirty half hours oh nice in June 30 there's the half hours but they're doing like around that are like oh don't like dirty dirty comedy so I'm doing that and I have two months so I'm doing some just a goofy diet oh good yeah it's it's essentially brown rice grilled chicken and vegetables daytime and then fish and vegetables at night no dairy no we're at me yeah as you like it eating like that yeah I like the benefits of it aside from dropping weight at all I like not it's amazing how every time I eat I eat until it hurts sort of here yeah even if it's not unhealthy food it just gotta eat so go so I do kind of like not I've never been able to eat between shows on the road before and now I can cuz doesn't feel like I ate when I'm done yeah a piece of salmon and broccoli doesn't lay heavy when you're not on stage like you know a t-bone steak and smashed potatoes or hey what happened here are you happy to you I'd loved your crowd work show it was like it was original and it was fine and you're great at it and why did that all of a sudden they did the network guy so Seto okay see someone under so we're shopping and around with Comedy Central in a couple other places hoping that it gets picked up again cuz it was so fun yeah it's great to get comics to do it and no one feels they're burning material yeah it's easily accomplished to do something with or I'll just go and [ __ ] around and it's way it's not they're gonna edit the 12 minutes down to the best five right it was yeah was going great and then that whole network just ate [ __ ] what happened to them did they just they go away we own the name and their fur sale so wherever it goes I I think they'd like to try to hopefully buy the catalog too so you can they're the ones we already have doesn't that suck tell like you get something and people like it and then there's beyond your control the network or the the site it just they a financial problems isn't [ __ ] you can do about it it really well everyone tries to now get their own it's crazy any subscription things you have to get if you want yeah six CBS has a subscription so Netflix - I saw a trailer today for a show that's coming out on CBS only like their streaming service which is bizarre well the network's all know they're going away sooner or later they all know that eventually they're gonna go away maybe not now but in 20 years so they're trying to do Sears yeah I think I'll be are I mean network TV maybe you're right because there is still something about the middle of the country still exists it down at eight o'clock with commercial and everything and just watch the traffic still watch his movies on cable like TBS like he'll see a movies on on the cable guide you'd be like oh let me stop and watch this no surprise no but I mean like do you do that with like if it's only TBS or something like that cuz that's something I can never remember so now i te t v-- now I can do my girlfriend does that all the time like I'm watching Road house on TNT what why would you wait I think I mean the TV's got apps are that you can watch anything you ever wanted with no commercials right yeah the commercials are a little annoying access at least keeps the language in though look when they start taking the language I would I forget always watching and running man on access that's whatever it's called oh and it's one of the language is there and then I did I butcher I just [ __ ] fast the commercials it's mainly music stuff right or no access yeah music concerts and like concerts and stuff here they show yeah was Lou Strait Gomez crying on Legion escapes recently did I see that on YouTube yeah why was it real yeah cuz here II watched Milo and Otis and again watch Milo and Otis it's that it's a movie about a cat and a dog that take care of each other to get somewhere I've never watched it he seemed like he was intoxicated and then he started talking about it and then they heard it a little drunk also then he started crying but for real yeah it was absolutely crying for it he shared this moment with his it was a movie that made him cry when he was a kid and then he washed it with his son and had a tender moment after we were talking about like you know hooker [ __ ] or something that's why I was it was placed weird Milo and Otis yeah it's uh there's a fun facts we found out though about this it's a Japanese movie I think originally there's no oh no because there's no people in it there's no dialogue yeah oh they just dumped it over but apparently the big thing about it was why we look into it at all was many many dogs and cats died in the making this movie non-stop there's a scenes where they had them floating down the river in a box and I think they said at least eight cats were killed oh my god every take they just had to get a new cat you're the craft services out there eating lunch at the cast fresh dig it off in Australia the Animal Liberation Queensland their founder Jacqui Kent alleged the killing of more than 20 kittens during the production and added that she was disturbed by reports from Europe which alleged the the other animals had been injured as bah-bah-bah it goes on and on but over 20 kittens a producer broke a cat's paw to make it appear unsteady on its feet oh my god ah and this is Lewis is good like feel-good movie it well it did make him sad he probably liked the bonus features probably the deleted scenes what was the other given see Cannibal Holocaust no that's a band in America they say movie its star it's starring the guy who was the only guy who [ __ ] Debbie and Debbie Does Dallas remember the guy I remember the shop owner it's not is it Harry I'm gonna my name is the harry reems or is it John Leslie or is it Randy West no no we did all of them it's uh if you look up the name of the guy like Ranger @l interviewed him on a dave's old porn at one point he looks like he's a creepy looking old guy now but he's the guy who [ __ ] debbie does dallas who is that yeah i'd love to know let's get his name it's amazing what a big porn that is and it was just an average under the name as soon as i see it cast it is richard balaji ball at yeah that's what i was just always say are bola is I think also him no or no he's a different guy no different guy so no he's in Cannibal Holocaust they sort of Eli Roth remade it as the green green inferno in Inferno but nowhere near what this movie did but apparently in this movie they had to go to like court to prove they weren't murdering actually looks it's so grisly and looks like real tribal people even the green inferno like it's kind of unbelievable that movie got made now yeah you know it did go pretty far but even in nowhere near as far look like they like kill him in this one they actually they do kill several animals they like rip the shell off of a tortoise and they killing him when they show him like actually killing a monkey and there's as many scenes where it looks like I don't know how they would have possible especially this time they ripped the shell of a tortoise yeah I musta hated that don't worry gross though worse by the way Travis what did you say my ear there's something with our communication I can't hear you just say time here three minutes oh three men okay they said woman okay yeah I've never seen this but I will watch it oh is that the turtle yeah and what else could it do what a stupid question picture no they actually take the top of the show off I think that's also live oh yeah yeah they do some [ __ ] up [ __ ] in the movie for sure there's a lot there they show him like it's like it was banned in America for you could always find it online but it's uh I think you can get it on DVD it's worth a peek do you remember blood sucking freaks no I never said that was Troma put that out they did always that trauma mmm yeah like Ronny the dwarf or whatever the blood sucking freaks that was like this big band moving in you're watching okay cheesy they if you're gonna do the band in America thing it better be pretty grisly let's see online now serbian film should be bad I mean it's something to watch but that should be by being thumb it's a movie called a Serbian film I when I sit on the road like it was so funny how I have to watch cartoons at night to go to sleep like not like like you like the Bob's Burgers Family Guy type [ __ ] yeah to fall asleep in hotel because I'm very uncomfortable and downright almost like scared in hotels at night still we are 40 years old I don't know I just am uneasy like I usually leave a like the desk light on I put the TV on ESPN on mute just to have sports happening the background I watch a car mad at all the sign of someone who is raped as a boy are you scared of the dark are you as scared as an arrow I just like I'm a part I guy I don't just go to sleep in the dark so it's just like if I sit there I'm almost worried about my own thoughts like just sitting there and thinking myself to sleep would be awful so I'd rather kind of zone into something and I just again I think hotels just weirdly uncomfortable and unsettling behaving some reason
Channel: Jim and Sam Show
Views: 177,175
Rating: 4.7884617 out of 5
Keywords: Big Jay Oakerson, Jim Norton, Sam Roberts, Jim and Sam, Faction Talk, 103, Sirius XM, Skankfest, Ari Shaffir, brooklyn bazzar, naked roast battle, patrice o'neal, up and down game, porn, hot girls wanted, Yamanika Sanders, Doug Stanhope, Cruise Ship Drunk, cheating, debby does dallas, legion of skanks, milo and otis, Luis J Gomez, Ralph Sutton, Strip Clubs, Green Inferno, Tuesday's with Stories, Twitter, comedy cellar, back table, cartoons, banned US movies
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 11sec (2231 seconds)
Published: Tue May 08 2018
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