Big Jay and Dan Talk Michael Jackson and “Leaving Neverland” (feat. Shane Gillis)

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Oh, my- So. We had a zillion and one. Did you see the fucking Steven Seagal karate display video yet? Of course I did. Of course I did. How have we not talked about that for three hours of a show? Maybe 'cause they did put a four-hour pedo doc out on Michael Jackson. I know. There's too many things at once. We were nuts deep into the Michael Jackson documentary. Yeah, man. Yeah. Leaving Neverland, the two-part documentary series on HBO that came out on Sunday and Monday. Talked about it all day yesterday. It took me forever to watch it. Yeah, it's a lot of stopping and making fun of. Stopping and wincing. Stopping and cumming- Yeah. ... and then being disinterested and then having to get horny again to go back to it. And then making some dinner and then all of a sudden your wiener brushes up against your basketball shorts. And then you remember, like, oh yeah, I've still got some of that documentary left. I don't think we finished the Wade part. I don't know if Wade got mushroom capped just yet. So, Vecchione walks in, it's like, "Where you watching the documentary?" He goes, "It's paused where I came." You're gonna find out right where I popped. He goes, "He asked if I had the underwear." We go, "Aw, you dirty dog!" Oh, man. That was ... Where did we leave- I'm hoping Shane watched it. I told Shane to watch it. He did. He did? He did. Yes. Coming in here just step for step. Oh, yeah, no, he definitely saw it. He's pretty wigged out, too. Everybody is. Yeah, it's a fucked up documentary. Christine loved Michael Jackson when she was younger. Becky, how old are you? Thirty-two. So you loved MJ, too. She said when she became aware of him was almost through the allegations. So almost always came into it like, why listen to this guy's shit, right? 'Cause, like, he's a piece of garbage. What a weird ... That's so crazy just because of how colossal he was. How big his fame was. That you find- She only knows him as a molester first. You go, "Oh my god, I love Beat It by Michael Jackson". She goes, "Is that the guy that beat all those charges?" Who gave that molester a career? Wait, that's the guy that got called innocent on ten counts in Santa Barbara? Yeah, I guess he makes music. He makes songs, too? Oh, my god, are they pedophile songs? Is it all songs about fucking kids? Then they play you Pretty Young Thing and you're like oh, it's right there. Yeah, dude, if you saw it backwards it would look a lot different. I think it might have been B.J. Novak, but early in me doing comedy in New York, he had a joke he did at Caroline's one night. I think it was him. But he goes, "You know, Michael Jackson ... If you really read between the lines of the music, the information was all there. For instance, there's a song called Bad in which the lyrics state, "I'm bad. I'm bad. I'm really, really bad. You know it. I'm bad." That's really fucking funny. Shane O'Gillis joins the show. Oh, look at all keto-ed. Are you all skinny now? He does look like he lost weight, dude. Hi. Did you drop a few? You know what? Go over next to Jay 'cause- Did you drop a few L-Bs, dude? Little bit, yeah. He's getting thin. Hell, yeah. He's single white female-ing me. He's gonna start wearing wrestling shirts. No sugar, no booze? Wow. No booze? Tons of booze. A bunch of booze, dude. What do you think, I'm fucking soft? Fucked up dude. I'm saying, you lost it. You don't have the fire you had when you were down in Philly. I still have the fire. I remember seeing you sleeping on couches, drinking, eating carbs. I blacked out and fucked on an air mattress this week, dude. Aw. Who you talking to? What? Shane's still got it. Who you talking to? What a gangster. What a gangster. Our resident hype man. Dude which one of you guys ate pussy on a air mattress this week? I was gonna say- This guy did. I'd have to go back to '07. I dare you to fucking say I lost it. I literally ate pussy. I was watching- Wat it when you moved your elbow and the mattress moves in a different way when you're eating pussy. Sorry. I was watching Losers, that's what I was afraid of the whole time. I was watching Loser on Netflix with one eye. Great show. Wait you're side eyeing Netflix? Eating pussy with the other eye and worried about busting through a mattress the entire time. Oh shit Shane have you met my daughter. Unrelated. Yeah we've met. Unrelated though. Unrelated. Jesus Christ. Unrelated. Yeah what a horrific intro. Unrelated though. Unrelated. Dude that's so great that she's just blocked by the camera and Shane comes in he goes, "Fuck and I'm getting hammered just munching box on air mattresses. That's my 16 year old daughter there. There's a kid here? Oh no I pointed her out because she's the only other person in this room who's ever eaten pussy on a air mattress. Also that's Jay's parents behind me. Jesus Christ. Both also guilty of eating pussy on an air mattress. Hello Mr. and Mrs. Big. Are the phone lines lighting up with questions for my mother? The answer is no. You watched ... No. No. You watched all of Leaving Neverland? I did. You watched both parts. I did. Okay. Did you watch the Oprah after show? Did not. Me either. Did you go to Wade Robson's house and wait outside to talk to him and get his opinion on it? Would have dude. Wade's pretty hot. Dude any moves he glides. Yeah he's the one for sure. He definitely fucks really well. Oh my god. The one thing you know is that if you're molested by Michael Jackson you've got moves. Yeah the Safechuck kid came off- [crosstalk 00:05:17]. The Safechuck kid- You fucking do it. You're like ah. Yeah the Safechuck kid comes off clunky, but Wade Robson's got the rhythm you know what I mean? Yeah. That kids gonna throwback into it probably. Seven to 14 you're not around for seven years I think Safechucks a little bitter 'cause he got bounced quick. He didn't get the franchise tag. I didn't like the way Safechuck handled it. By the way disclaimer none of this is cool. I'm just saying- Oh absolutely. In the grand scheme. He's an absolute monster. Michael Jackson is a monster. I'm getting into his head right now and I'm thinking how I would go. You know what I mean? Oh you'd go. Yeah Robson's gonna take over then he got the little Dominican kid who was just- But he sued quick. He flipped for money right? Was that the one that flipped for money? Yeah. Just when Michael Jackson trusted him enough to finally have sex with him this kid flips on him. "Oh you broke my heart." He kisses him like Fredo. "You broke my heart." "I gave you so many toys and rides." "Oh man." "I even licked your butt hole." "I never licked butt hole." And then Safechuck goes, "Wait a second." "That's not even my thing." That is your thing. That's his move he licks butt. And he went like this. Then they're crying to each other. Dude the Wade Robson. It's team- I was watching that and I learned me and MJ have very similar sexual moves though. Like- I though you were gonna say appetites. I was about to. I was about to. He was about to say appetites. Dude Shane rubs a lot near movie theaters. No we have the same moves. When I meet a girl for the first couple months I make her sit at the end of my bed. I spread cheek and I jerk off. And you lean against the headboard. And then eventually I get the courage to go in for a rim job. Just a little lick. She goes, "Shane's trusting me." When a horse gives you a hoof. He does a petting zoo lick. He goes, "Oh look, oh." "He's trusting you now." It's finally here. "He's melding with you. He's melding with you now." I'm gonna make a change. Do you think when that Safechuck kid and Wade Robson got together as adults they were still a little bit hurt in their heart or trying to one-upmanship where he was like- Yeah definitely. He goes, "He came over and started licking my butt on the bed." He goes, "He said he didn't really do that for anybody else." And then that Safechuck kid goes, "Yeah dude he told me that too." He goes, "Fuck. I just thought that I was a little bit special in some way." Or they find out that one thing is different where Wade Robson- "He said I was the best dancer he's ever seen at that age." He goes, "He told me I was the best dancer." "He was probably lying to you." "Yeah you're not even a real dancer. I'm trained professional. I trained Brittney Spears." Damn they should have a West Side Story of all the kids that he fucked. Dude that be- Just like a dance off. Who's better at dancing? You got served with all Michael Jackson moves. Of all victims. A victims dance off. Or the estate versus the victims in a dance off. We all knew something was happening, none of us knew how sinister it was, but how didn't we when we saw that he made them dress just like him and then walked holding their hands everywhere. I do that to my girlfriends. They wear wrestling T-shirts and hoodies. Oh that's great dude I hope you make your girlfriends dress exactly like you. Actually Claire was wearing, oh fuck, Claire was wearing a fucking sheets camo the other day. Yeah, but you that's been early in the game. I groomed them. I groomed. Yeah. You're like [inaudible 00:08:11] from Abducted In Plain Sight. Yeah she's afraid. Zip, zorp you like sheets. Zip zorp. She thinks the aliens are gonna destroy the Earth if she doesn't wear stuff like you. Claire's crying, oh man, baby girls crying. That's fine. Claire's fine who gives a fuck. She's crying to her sister she's like, "The aliens said they'll murder you." She's like, "Bring that shit." Bring that shit I'll fuck me them aliens. Her sister's like, "The fucking Earth's flat so who cares." Can you say that- Cat's out of the bag dude. Cats out of the bag. My girlfriend's sister is a flat-Earther. Shut up dude. Shut up. Genuine? Yeah no- What's her one sentence quote? You broke Corey. What's your one sentence quote on what her thing is? I've never seen it be round? Shit. All right I'm already in this hole. You'll be fine. You'll be fine dude. This is a safe space. This is not a safe space. If she thinks your- This is the opposite of a safe space. This is Comedy Central and the radio. [crosstalk 00:09:11] You're gonna R Kelly it. "Is that thing on? Is that thing on?" "How stupid would I be." If she thinks the Earth is flat dude, if she thinks the Earth's flat she definitely doesn't know how to operate satellite radio. Oh no this is not bringing back to her he's worried about getting back, you get in trouble with the- Whole thing. It's a girlfriend fight. This is definitely [crosstalk 00:09:27]- People don't realize that with comedy sometimes it's Jay you've got a good place. You just let it fly, but sometimes you get in trouble. I haven't got in trouble with this current one. The past ones have been like, "Did you," well the wealthy girl was like, "Did you just shit on me on your show?" And I was like, "Oh yeah, yeah, yeah." Yeah. Yeah. You broke my heart. What you think I was gonna do? You hurt me and I have a microphone in front of my face. I will retaliate by any means necessary. You have to make my love into a comedy bit? Sorry Jacob. See we broke Jacob's heart. But yeah- Sorry Jacob. We'll get back to Michael Jackson, but this just solidifies that you need to come in when we do a pre-record of Beyond the Earth. Or- Beyond the Curve. Beyond the Curve. Which is a documentary on Netflix about- About flat-Earthers. Flat-Earthers. Man. Go watch that. They are, every situation you know I like that my step-father's here this is something very instilled in me by him. Mm-hmm (affirmative). When I first got a tattoo when I was younger and I have a bunch of tattoos now. I like tattoos, however, his point from the get go was smart. When I got a tattoo he goes, "Why don't you just get in shape? Whatever it is you're trying to do with that tattoo could be solved if you were in shape." And everything I see- Yeah. That's a great piece of advice. When I watched the documentary about the Alt-right and the Antifa- Yeah. Polar opposite sides the answer to all of that is just like why don't you guys just get laid or something man. If you're going to flat Earth conventions. Just I don't know man get plastic surgery before you do that and try to make your face different. We're gonna- Fix the problem that's here is that you have nothing to do so you're gonna be flat-Earth clocks. The thing I find the fucking funniest is that the scientists are so right that they just feel bad for the people. They're like- Let 'em have it. Yeah they really are. They're like, "God bless. If that's what you think you're not gonna get into science. You're not gonna ... You know what I mean? Well it's almost my thing with the flat-Earther too I go, "You believe there's a big conspiracy to cover up what?" I take the information if they go, "You know we've been lied to forever. The Earth is flat." I go, "Okay," I go, "So my big dream of sailing from fucking Atlantic City to fucking Los Angeles via going around the world isn't gonna happen? Well shit. All right." Wait do you understand how the world works? Yeah I was gonna go around it. Still flat or not you can still do that. No. You can't sail from- No you can't go- Atlantic City to ... Of course you can. You go around it though I'm saying to go around. No matter what to sail from Atlantic City to LA you would just have to go through the Panama Canal. Okay. No, no I- He's saying go the long way. I understand what you're saying. I'm talking the scenic route. Down? You're saying down- Down South America? Yeah South America. Flat or round that still works. But he's saying go east. You guys are doing a poor job of debunking- I'm saying, I'm not. I'm not debunking nothing. This still works. Atlantic City. Atlantic City Los Angeles. I'm taking a flight. I'm already there. I'm talking about going this way to come around it. If it's flat Earth that wouldn't work. You'd go off the edge. I think you guys just made a flat-Earther out of me. You go off the edge. Yeah you just sail, no dude. If you're a flat-Earther call in. My girlfriend's sister call in. Did she tell you to your face that she thinks the Earth is flat? You had a conversation with her? I did not. It's secondhand. Is she all about it though? So I'm abusing someone's trust right now. Is she all about it? Fuck it. We're talking about Michael Jackson so it's on point. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. It is kind of like ... She's combative. Oh really? I think. She'll get you. Hang on the flat-Earther- Sarah [McPants 00:12:53] saying, "The flat-Earth Netflix doc made me yell more than Abducted In Plain Sight and Leaving Neverland combined." Yeah it's a rough watch. That's why we're gonna do a whole episode on it. It is a rough watch, but I want one of those clocks the guy makes. We'll get one. Yeah. You got a birthday. Yeah the guy makes good flat-Earth clocks. You got a birthday almost a year away. Yeah. I want one so bad. Yeah it's pretty ridiculous. Back to Leaving Neverland what I want to bring up today was after watching this documentary you're like, "Who defends Michael Jackson? Besides his family?" That turns out is Wendy Williams. Black lady you want to speak up on this? You want to speak up on this? [inaudible 00:13:31] already got rid of MJ. He said he's done with him. [inaudible 00:13:33] got rid of MJ? How 'bout R Kelly? Who? We're gonna get to R Kelly later. You know exactly who the fuck that is. His names Robert Kelly. His name is Robert Kelly. Michael Jackson accusers how you doing? What's up. How you doing? How you doing? Wendy Williams really is a carved up freak. Can you bring up the clip that you sent us Christine? Wait 'till you see ... Now Christine you said you think she's playing devil's advocate in this clip? It looks like Wendy Williams dug up Michael Jackson and took his face and put it on her face. She Faced Off Michael Jackson. Look at her crazy eyes. I want you to take his face off. Off. How you doing. How you doing. She's like, "So how you doing?" "How you doing?Does it look scary?" You have it? I have it yeah, yeah. Here. So this is- Look at her face. Oh my god dude. She put Michael Jackson's face on. I haven't seen her in a while she's terrifying. She's just this guy on the show with her has just explained to her basically like a synopsis of the documentary and this is her reaction. Wait that straight guy said something? Yeah. Well first he was talking about how much pussy he gets. That definitely straight guy? Oh the guy wearing- Before he even talks. The guy wearing a hound tooth legging suit. Timmy said that Michael said this was a first person- I don't believe a word of anything in this documentary. Okay. Okay. Okay Wendy. That's like Michael Jackson in the audience clapping. That is the greatest, "Oh you think he was gonna go that side?" I swear to you I was about to say the words, I go, "How could they be clapping for oh ..." Yeah. Guys dressed like Sergeant Pepper. [crosstalk 00:15:04] They really do. They dress like fucking Dominican warlords. I don't know is he in the FAU band? Why is he ... Is he gonna drum line? Okay what's up. Ah, okay. What's up. It's a trick daddy performance on Wendy Williams. He just comes out late. "Aha what's up. Shut up." To the victims. Shut up. Yeah. They are a hot couple. "To the little boys that got fucked. Shut up." "Shut up." Michael had a makeshift wedding where they exchange vows and put down little vows on paper and said they're gonna be together forever. Also another guy- She's not listening to a thing he's saying. I know. She's just waiting to talk. You can see it in her face. She's like mm-hmm (affirmative) okay here we go. I know and all I'd be thinking is this guys talking with sheer jealousy in his voice. Mm-hmm (affirmative). Bought him all the clothes. Told him to shop for whatever he wants. He took out the box of jewelry and at that point I knew it was real. No one buys a rock like that for someone they're not banging. He goes, "your balls deep you're buying a ring." Shit or get off the pot Mike. You know what I'm saying. Mm-hmm (affirmative). Do enough ding ding get the wedding ring. Make this kid an honest woman already. Oh yeah. When she went to her plastic surgeon and said, "Can you give me a permanent skeptical face?" Yeah. Or she went, "Can I look a little, can you make me look a little like a lion? Just like a touch of lion?" Even if she was agreeing with him her face is always like. She's got permanent diss face. Really? Really? Really? Really? It looks like she just prowls on the edge of the stage and then stops. She's a large cat. Look at that. See if her eyes follow the mouse moving. The queen of the jungle. Pure apex predator. How you doing? How you doing? How you doing? Someone leave that small gazelle behind. If I was king of the talk show. Oh let me at 'em. These white people reluctantly like, "Oh fuck." Is the camera on us? Yeah you don't want to get jumped at the end of the show by Wendy Williams fucking audience and a guy dress like Michael Jackson Beat It. This is black people's flat-Earth. It really is. They got R Kelly and MJ we got flat-Earth. Hey did R Kelly and Michael Jackson ever work together? They did didn't they? Oh man could you imagine those parties? I'll tell you- Must be under 13 to ride. Imagine those trailer talks in between things. He goes, "I got a guy. I got another guy." Just child trafficking fucking numbers. "Does he have a sister." Yeah. Remember R Kelly wrote, "You are not alone." And he told one of the girls that he molested that allegedly that it was about her. That he wrote that for Michael Jackson. I don't know if there's actually something where they sang together, but that was a hit. Yeah it was. Yeah no for sure. Great song. Back to Wendy Williams. Now he's got no money. Yeah got arrested today. We'll get to R Kelly. [crosstalk 00:17:58] One pedophile at a time. Jo Jackson, rest in peace, is- This is my favorite part. This my favorite part. Fucking go back two seconds 'cause this is batshit crazy. Jo Jackson is a piece of shit. Like certifiable hunk of garbage and watch what she says. This is nuts. This is nuts. And I've been around long enough I believe that Jo Jackson, rest in peace, he did the best that he could in raising this show biz family. Michael became the star of the family and even when he had all the- Pause it. What the fuck? He did the best he could? He abused those kids- Could he have done better? I don't think so if Jackson 5 was the fucking best. I doubt it. That's top shelf abuse. My dad did okay and we didn't come up with any fucking hits. I'll tell you what man- How hard did you get hit though? I got fucked up. You got fucked up ? Yeah. Well where were you and your sisters choreographing moves? My only sadness is that Tito, Jermaine, Randy and Marlon will never know the sweet beauty of being so famous young boys are just giving you their butts. Yeah. He goes, "Man I wish. I walked through a mall and I'm like I just wish I was Michael for once." "Yo I had to get a van. I had to make up some lies." He goes, "I had to create aliens and then give 'em pills to fall asleep and say that we were captive." If you were getting ... If a captive sex slave child to Marlon Jackson and then you find out he's Marlon Jackson at night time when you go to bed in your weird cave he puts you in. Yeah. Would a part of you still go, "I mean I would trade all this if I was just getting molested by Michael Jackson. It's so much better." You want to fuck up. Yeah you get Abducted In Plain Sight by the wrong Jackson. Yeah I got Tito'd. Oh man. "Oh man that sucks. Did you get to see Neverland?" "No. He's not even allowed to go." No you know where we live Torrance. He goes, "I had to drive out to Torrance and it was brutal man. Guy had an above ground hot tub. They don't even have a Ralphs out there. There's nowhere to shop. You can't swim in an above ground hot tub. You just can soak. I'm pretty sure it's only for athletes, but Tito real hand to mouth out in Torrance. "How's Neverland?" You go, "We ate all the candy we could. I mean sure there was some sex, but mostly fun." You go, "I had to work in his real estate firm for six months." I interned. I interned. I fucking interned over there. For Tito. Jo Jackson. When Jo Jackson died he was always going through a really windy tunnel. He had like that fucking wind burn face. Permanent head out of fucking car. "My boy wouldn't do something like that. I'd beat all the gay out of him." He also has inter-city Latina eyebrows. Like drawn on where it's like, "What's you talking about stupid?" Like he's a cholla? Yeah he's like, "Yeah well that's because Michael ain't as talented as Big Sleepy or Little Joker." The Australian mom is the worst, is the least likable. The Australian brother is the most likable. Who Shane? Yeah. Is that his name? Yeah. Yeah he was great. The cop. But we were sitting outside was that Wade Robson is the guy, allegedly, and I think- Stephanie Falconi says it's fact. I think it's been confirmed is he's the guy who banged Brittney Spears which broke up Brittney Spears and Justin Timberlake and then Justin Timberlake made the Cry Me a River song. Yeah. And all we were doing outside was making if he subtly made the Cry Me a River lyrics just about making fun of Wade Robson getting boofed by Michael Jackson. Yeah if all of it was like if Justin Timberlake was like new and he's like, "Oh you want to fuck my girl huh? I just heard that you got butt fucked by, the prince of the king of pop. And then you came on his stomach. Oh." Hey. It was making us laugh so hard. And then Wade hears the song he's like, "Dude what the fuck man?" That's a little harsh. That's harsh. First you he kissed your lips. You twist his nips. He fucked your butt. And tongued your hole. Hey. Got left behind for MaCaulay Culkin. And you were Home Alone. Mm-hmm (affirmative). Then he held your hand sent your parents away. They cotton candy off your dick. Hey. I have no problem leaving him alone at all. Five days is nothing. I love it. Wait outside when he was a baby boy. "Your son's gonna hang here with me and I'm gonna have a limousine take you far far away. See you when you get back." "Are you familiar with escape rooms? They'll be big in 30 years. I'm gonna put you in a hard real one." "Oops did I pull this book. Your parents fell behind a trap door. It's okay they're being tickled by clowns for two hours." "Oh no was that just a pit of sticks under that carpet? Parents shouldn't have walked there." "I guess there was no floor under that carpet at all." He's just sitting at his desk he goes, "You chose poorly." You said the parents walk over a carpet that just sends them on a slide down 15 levels. "Oh no now you're with the other 35 families." "What's up you got a cute kid? Yeah me too. Me too." "Did he dress like him? Dance like him?" "Oh man he loves that." Right in. "He loves that." Yeah. "I can't help but think that we fed 'em right to him. Anyway they drop down pretty good food at the end of the night. The feed here's not bad." "Oh the meat bags that they throw down are pretty well seasoned." "You know being in a sex predators dungeon it could be worse." It could be. Could be in Chicago. You can be in a R Kelly sex dungeon. Take Neverland. The shittiest thing in the world about Michael Jackson being the person who molest and rapes you when you're a child is you absolutely have to go, "Real quick question though guys? Could it have been worse?" Yeah it could've been worse I guess. Dude I could show you, yeah. "This right here is Frank." They show like a guy from local. "This is Frank Barney. He's an electrician. He'll suck your dick in his van and then punch you in the head so you forget." You can't sue him 'cause he has nothing. The guy literally is off the grid. Jail would be an upgrade for him. He can't wait to go to jail. This man's looking for shelter. Three hots and a cot. Three hots. We were watching it ... I was watching it and it was like this family got to hang out at Neverland. Dude I might take one or two for my family to have a nice vacation. Yeah. If Trish sat me down and did one of those speeches where she grabbed both my young shoulders. Really explained it to you. My young shoulders and she went, "Dan dad's gone. We can make up for it. You're not gonna have to have sex with your butt." "You want to live in a fucking amusement park? Kiss a guy. Kiss a guy you love." "You know when you go outside, you know when you go out back and you see the back brick walls broke down from a drunk driver. We wouldn't have to see that anymore." "Don't have to see that." "You just got to suck an adult size penis." "You just have to make love." "To a guy you really care about. Hulk Hogan." "Oh brother I want you to come down to Tampa. You can oil me up. I'm like cool." Yes. Let's finish up this Wendy Williams back at Michael Jackson. How you doing? Well you know I'm all right. Not well she doesn't need to hear this. That's great. She said Michael Jackson's mom's not well. She doesn't need to hear this. That's interesting because Latoya Jackson's thing that she said she was forced into it or whatever. She claimed the mom was well aware. Just said it makes the whole family complicit. Just garbage. Just bad people. Gary, Indiana heard ain't a great place. No. I've not heard good things. No it's a shithole. I've driven through there a couple times. Yeah? Yeah. It is a shithole right? Yeah it's a bunch of sheds. It really is. Gary, Indiana all sheds. Inside those sheds. You know what's weird you just saying that I'm kind of like I see it. It's literally a flat land of just sheds and then inside those sheds are kids getting the shit beat out of 'em dancing well. I was gonna say. Yeah future kings of pop. If you want to see a show go to Gary, Indiana talent show. Getting ready to get blown away. What's going on in that barn? That barn is bumping. You open it up. Holy shit. You want to shit. If you have the first week off in May you go to Gary, Indiana they do a fucking talent show that'll knock your dick good. How good was it? I don't know good enough that I would let him rape kids. And I still be like that's pretty good shit. You know what admission is? One kid. That's the toll it's not money. How talented was it? Almost forgivable that he fucks kids. I'm still bobbing my head when I hear it. Oh my god. Damn. Wow. Wow. Guy was talented. In that shed that's where they created all that. I say for sure yes, but now I don't know it's moving a little bit slow, but does this end his legacy? I mean is it ... He's definitely- Does radio not play anymore? It might be a mortal wound. Buddy when I was in the airport last night in LAX wherever the Jet Blue terminal, terminal five one of the bars up there just has it's like a Nirvana picture and one of them prominent in the front of the place is Michael Jackson Bad. Yeah. It's the album- I know which terminal you're talking about. Terminal- Five. Yeah. Terminal five. For the Delta at LAX. Yes. They have a Michael it's a bunch of like- It's a big old album covers. And it's a big old Michael Jackson Bad and I'm like man do you have to like, listen we played Human Nature on the show yesterday coming back and it's a great song. I don't know same thing man- Cosby shows- Cosby shows those are still funny. What a dilemma to be in. It really doesn't discount their work it just means like- Boondock Saints is great. Weinstein's a monster, but Boondock Saints is a fun movie. Boondock Saints does not hold up as a white trash Irish American that's supposed to be like my fucking go to. Yeah it's supposed to be- Boondock Saints stinks. That's the dumb mans Good Will Hunting. Yeah. That's our Departed. Yeah. Yeah they speak every language that's we wrote it in there. And yet it doesn't hold up. I haven't seen it in a long time. No Boondock Saints fucking sucks. Unfortunately. You're gonna have a lot of your own kind coming after you. Coming after me. Did you like it when you were younger? Yeah. I don't think it holds up. There's gonna be a lot of four leaf clover in the Twitter handles. Talking shit. Real nice. Oh on the eve of Saint Patty's Day too dude. Coming down- Is tomorrow Saint Patty's Day? No but you know what I mean it's close. It's March 17th. It's pretty close. It's 11 days away. 'Cause we're in March. Yes if it was fucking December whatever and I was shitting on Christmas you'd be like- That was a test. You are Irish American white trash. Yeah it is. I didn't know you celebrate Saint Patty's Day like a black girl celebrates her birthday. Yeah she goes, "It's Saint Patty's Day month." "It's Saint Patty's month y'all." "Oh green beer all month." "Hell yeah get me an Incredible Hulk a thug pass and put a little green in my Corona." Dude yeah. You guys gonna make fun of my culture? Yeah. Mm-hmm (affirmative). Is that what we're doing? Absolutely. How you doing? How you doing? But I don't believe any of this. I do believe this is money for the families and I do believe that Michael was having a problem with drugs. These fancy doctors who will come to your house 3:00 in the morning 5:00 in the morning. Give you whatever you want. She goes, "You're on top of the world. You have the freshest butt hole laid out like it is sushi." Allegedly. "Allegedly. And you are able to please yourself. I'm sorry I do not see. This is not his fault at all. This is the doctor's fault. Hairless. Void of wrinkles. I mean. I mean just a flush surface with a hole in the middle. Bounce a quarter off the actual butthole. That's how juicy it is. Just a seven year flesh light right there. I mean looks like a pencil sharpener in a wall. Grown from the Earth. That's a natural flesh light. There's a flesh light walked, started dancing like you. Started wanting to hang out with you. All right bring it in here. Oh dude if you guys came over- Dude if some little kid came up he's like, "Hey oh yeah it's the macho man." I'd be like whoa. I should just do it. I should've just done it, but the next time Dan- Goddamn why do I like you so much? The next time Dan comes over I should put a knuckle glove on my flesh light. Yeah so funny it be like, "Oh finally we can be together." I go, "Oh Jay this is weird man. What I don't care it's like the flesh light wants to be like me. I'm just mentoring it."
Channel: Comedy Central
Views: 278,993
Rating: 4.5391908 out of 5
Keywords: The Bonfire with Big Jay Oakerson and Dan Soder, comedy central, Big Jay Oakerson, Dan Soder, Big Jay radio show, Sirius radio, Big Jay Sirius, The Bonfire, Big Jay show, Dan Soder show, funny talk show, talk show, celebrities, interview, Leaving Neverland, Michael Jackson, documentary, Shane Gillis, flat earther, flat earth, Wendy Williams, Joe Jackson, HBO, online, funny, comedy, comedy show, funny video, comedy videos, comedian, comedians, entertainment
Id: rSCvVmGPu98
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 31sec (1771 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2019
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