BIG Dollars Made!! MONEY making process!! I bought an abandoned storage locker

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yeah store stocker here give them the business got the belt I'm never giving it up all right here's the deal here's this going on unit bought one for 25 see hi baby all right trusty sidekick on my side we're in Oakland California yes Oakland right a facility with 2,000 units this place is humongous and yes takes about a roundtrip five ten minutes maybe if you got one in the back me smart got one in the middle kind of smart Oh check it out stay tuned us this is what four hundred and twenty five hundred oh I like it all the boxes are nice and sealed then this right here watch this you watch out you're gonna sneeze well it's a good start good solid top what are you gonna go through verse micropolitan it says 2 3 2 3 3 2 this [Music] I'm sorry 78 limited-edition double extra something English oak wood that looks expensive that looks good too we might have to they do bring that's the spirit okay they're all unwrapped waiter Tsonga be trying to see the new me she rest easy the whole list yeah anyone else then we have a scorpion that's just a thing that's like a poster you can say they're perfect they're unwrapped I mean they're um unopened okay yeah these are pretty decent babe hey I like your fine Wow Wow challenge baby magazine okay you know I'm starting to the beginning of this unit um down I'm gonna back up somewhat the best on me my tummy's rumbling how about yours [Music] those two boxes mr. box looks like the final fantasy sports game music maybe miscellaneous sports miscellaneous baby okay brand-new oh no look at those serious body fit look activewear toes I wonder how much they won't eBay I like your funny eleven that's part of the sports closer than the rest oh wait no that's a good jacket oh that's a nice dress look at that check the pockets have a blast no we play you know honestly that would be me because sometimes I forget money in my pockets and then when I could I was like oh I found money that I left there you find my money too when you do the war on eBay how many parents that's it I want to say ten but I could be wrong I still your talk your talk I can your spirit is dream right you're talking you sleep that's a dream wake okay good good AIDS the future is in your hands [Music] [Music] stackable that's weird it has Apple sign repairing relationships here's to get oh wow what is that Instax so it's the quick film right oh look at her yeah look at this but I pad every box these women over 40 bucks no put it back in the box stuff like that I'll take to the market if you get it in there yeah and then somebody will gone it's a nice big pile of clothes and then be like oh how much for the clothes with a six-hour iPad underneath hmm can we smell it oh man my receptors are brand new cigars these cigars yeah they're in their home might have to crack one of those open you have a little celebration I think this is a concert day [Music] oh it's basic like we a lot of yeah yes you do you know the oh my gosh challenge oh you know what don't drink this because I think this might be sellable so Simpsons smell it a patch oops I was close yeah this might be collectible alright that was about a bad no it wasn't alright let's make some room and then grab some more boxes let's take for the top oh babe yeah you're gonna be sneezing that's for sure I'll get prepared cuz I'm gonna record it and I'm gonna I heard a lot of comments people don't like when I sneeze so you're gonna have to stop recording please don't decorate that things might turn it off makes me scared it's a nice bag that's for sure looks like just clothes - sure I just seen some chonies he did and I'm grabbing them everything you know some cuss on this looks like some nyquil toothpaste that's probably an overnight bag maybe [Music] okay well is there any more pockets though you know all right it is bamboozle now Fall Out Boy is this own 8009 it's still concert shirt yeah you know what now we're gonna have to go through every shirt and see put it down in the middle video okay maybe maybe you don't like to do stuff like that on my channel you know what guys want to see it sorted a little mamas page oh sorry will make all your viewers and i'ma start chargin you to promotion something on Channel so my viewers don't like that like they don't like the season you're down you can do whatever you want you better love me oh the chip is here always W that's not WWE s w w that's old school what if it's real no this thing is heavy what if it's real can I feel it official license figured a toy company Tampa Florida that's not only find do this thing I wonder whose it signed wait no come on stuck here give him the business got the belt never giving it up on the gym probably him what's his name sting sting I didn't look like the signature you know that is sting but these are throw bags these are their WWF yeah and not that WWE crack well that was after they got I think so how about you let me go through that on macho how about I can't wait thank you well it's like you always say it's not a unit unless you find the good stuff ooh that looks good don't threaten me with a good time what's happening let's put this up come on baby I'm so hungry right now that if you find some food I might really just eat it got a belt right here is that Mike see you tomorrow your part there you go you wanna wear this Perry okay yeah that's it all right we know what I hate to do it to you guys but it's not a lot of good stuff in these couple boxes and this video is getting pretty dang long so this what I'm gonna do I'm gonna break it down for the next video tune in tomorrow for these boxes here I'm gonna finish unboxing this excellent unit that's been going so good so far I think I got my money back so for 425 bucks for now hey guys been here tune in tomorrow for the rest
Channel: Storage Stalker
Views: 20,532
Rating: 4.9014087 out of 5
Keywords: Storage auction, thrift, thrifting, garage sale, dumpster diver, dumpster diving, dumpster dive, garbage haul, garbage, haul, hauls, storage wars, auction hunters, treasure, treasure hunting, pirate, gold, cash, eBay, flea market, picking, pickers, American pickers, storage hunters, how to, auction, auctions, flip, make money, resell, unbox, unboxing, reveal, mystery unbox, surprise unbox, best video, funniest video, viral, gamble, resale, mukbang, asmr
Id: xI0IT2-yqPc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 39sec (1299 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 04 2019
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