SPENT 500$ ON A STORAGE LOCKER!! Abandon storage auctions

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come on people I thought you had it stuck no no here's what's going on other day bought a 10 by 10 by whatever talk for 500 big ones little mama put half of it on her general hope you guys weren't there hope you guys watching hope you guys liked it and I hope you guys are here because she sent you my way this is what's left it was a couple of things I was in the back after moving on the big furniture and stuff I told little mama you know what I'm gonna go on and record it and let the people see it looks like it looks like but yeah this is one of my name is store stonker behind the cameras little moment if you guys don't know who I am that's why for everyone that knows who I am welcome back I appreciate you guys you guys are really with the stock your family you down with me and if you down with me then you're down with something I don't know what I'm saying I'm just running with it freestyling in the storage but hey guys for being here these two magnificent totes that my phablet sit on your broke I know I was wondering what happened to go through this one you guys you know you can do it on your channel she opened a poisoner bag back shuffle back out of this unit and it was one of these but it was filled with baby clothes that one looks like a blanket you know once I open this right it's not going to close looks like they traveled a lot diesel yeah and you've got a traveling bags sharpton mm we don't need those what's behind curtain number one that was the whole bag oh but at least they got no other bags which are very sellable that's nice but yeah bags and bags and bags good luck look remember these luck you know mom okay no you know what you should do to it you know the old-time wrestlers used to just drop on it with the elbow come on oh my god never offering any suggestions again babe just leave it alone come on what do they say bag one storage stalkers it oh okay oh my head oh sorry I don't pay workers comp well those stupid thing out the way okay come on let's go to the tote right he was my favorite wrestler well he's a favorite of mine okay I just give it to him you know I started noticing lately yeah is the mom where someone will give the toy to the kid to bring to me or there's clothes or something all the kids are oh how do you know that thing okay well this was a clean unit so I'm gonna give it to you is he sagging yes pull your pants up Chucky wanna see all right blood anyway did you see them do the tenured challenges Oh Richard fun Chucky what'd he look like he lost he lost weight they said he's been stressed okay I do not like that hell is an annex to move on your head never I look you guys know soccer you guys know he's black bags Oh Ernie it's really pretty hey what do you like three bucks and change your dad the remote control to the car every movie oh oh that's a man or women whatever I'm just gonna give it now mm-hmm oh and it smells light smells like yeah it's crazy well you know it's crazy as I have the towel okay random crazy oh those can go to the market brand new Chuck kid movies scooby-doo I love voices no it's kind of kind of big what is that it's a sticky notes mm-hmm we're digging through a personal gloves on some tweezers clothes I have gloves in my back parents okay ready Phil backpack back in there's no more worse than falling like that that was not right I mean you get recorded it was kind of funny maybe fun of the fat guys falling oh no come on backspin man come on people let's hide stuff better than this DVDs it's a nice box and it's ugly pink bag hey Pete over there you got I said ink you gotta bring it down I can't really see okay a bubble gun you know what why didn't did the perfume you can have that but I do want the bubbles I'm sorry well the bags are five bucks right yeah what do you think I like these um a little table thing I'm wrestling with it line two sometime glasses like water gargles baby you're a special type it's not mom none of me Tito is hotter cool see that what else you got for us blockhead mother sucker but yeah I said I like these more sticky notes oh wowzers hey good thing is though me and you know how to change chords and a are you close about to be a leveler fried pieces to the books I'm gonna win our chicken dinner winner winner chicken dinner [Music] six quarts Martha Stewart wait let's see what's inside Oh all that was a backpack it's a place I don't look like I saw newspaper doing I wouldn't come too close to them this you need that your hands gonna fall off nothing in the pockets but it is a nice purse Steve Madden another place okay Baba's breastfeeding some breast feeding stuff in my video and for those out there good do it I applaud you stay strong okay a little angel voicemail yeah I could see her a little bit yep when you bring her away maybe put her in the light oh now you can see her she's beautiful she's an angel anything else no voices mmm just shirt well I'd like to see what type of shirts you got okay just some plain ones all right boom and you've got a beautiful marble picture that's nice cool I love Marvel by the way mm-hmm I don't know but it is pretty big oh wow wowzers that's a big man do you get as tall as me mmm taller it's taller so what is it like ten point five nine ten what's that Daddy and hearty my Christine Christian that wasn't a killer baby kitty hey people do like hello kitty goodbye kitty I'm not gonna lie to you I've seen it sell on eBay goodbye whatever in the bank anything else you want to show us how you get yeah get in my belly Toys Toys robot think you had enough toys I guess everybody's not like me when their kids don't play with their toys they take them to the market if I see them on the floor too long or just ones in the bar oh the puppy face you don't want you how to control her outside to it I don't want you falling again pots and pans there's another dental you've never been more happier to see pots and pans just a bag inside of the bag bag inside of the bag bag inside of a bag okay why you say that okay some crusty clothes rooster crows all right all right well 500 bucks for the unit we will not lose we will make money I'm sorry I said okay bye
Channel: Storage Stalker
Views: 11,863
Rating: 4.9391637 out of 5
Keywords: Storage auction, thrift, thrifting, garage sale, dumpster diver, dumpster diving, dumpster dive, garbage haul, garbage, haul, hauls, storage wars, auction hunters, treasure, treasure hunting, pirate, gold, cash, eBay, flea market, picking, pickers, American pickers, storage hunters, how to, auction, auctions, flip, make money, resell, unbox, unboxing, reveal, mystery unbox, surprise unbox, best video, funniest video, viral, gamble, resale, mukbang, asmr
Id: 90PCOFdlNtM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 26sec (1286 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 23 2020
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