ANNO 1800 | Starter Guide & Tips For New Players – Let’s Play My Favorite City Builder!

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for some reason it is driving me mad that he's not making a church, lol

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/faemne πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 15 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Thanks for the guide. You really seem to like the word "actually" :D

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Tobikaj πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 15 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

huh, i always put my marketplace near the harbor, thanks for the tip.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/JuneJaden πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 16 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
hey what's up everybody this is Deadite and i'm gonna be playing a no 1800 or if it makes more sense to you year 1800 now this is gonna be a kind of kind of quick I'm gonna try to make it as quick as possible starter guide for anybody who is new to a No and if you've never played the series before it's quite a bit different than your traditional city builders now if you're coming from games like SimCity or City skylines what I mean by quite different a know is a little more goal-oriented I would say it's more immediately apparent what you're working towards in a no which is actually why prefer a no I still I love some city I love City skylines I have a issue with both of those where I'm just trucking along expanding my city having a good time and then all of a sudden I'm like what's what's my objective what's my point and that's why I like an out here because you almost always have a very clear objective on what you're working towards so first off we have a trading post here and a ship very first thing we want to do we actually have some free supplies on our ship here you're going to transfer those over into our trading post now we can't transfer all the wood right now so we're just going to leave that on the ship until we need it now the very first thing you have to do is make a marketplace this is going to be kind of the center of your town so you want to have a good centralized location you're gonna be building many houses in a No so give yourself plenty of room let's go ahead let's go right here it's not a super big deal where you place it just leave yourself plenty of room and you do have to connect this to your trading post before we start putting down any buildings now I'm gonna pre-plan where we're gonna put the houses here so farmer residents that's the basic workforce in a no there is fire in this game and you want your fire fighters to be able to get around your city as easily as possible or you know this could happen let's let's sit and watch some fire for a moment a fire broke out a fire broke out so yeah that will happen so I wouldn't make your strips of houses too long where there's not a cross street and actually for demonstration purposes I'm gonna play on the fastest speed just so we can get through as much as possible I don't want to make this too long so there we go we have some basic farm houses here and they're gonna have a variety of needs that we need to fill as you can see here they're satisfied because there's a market within range now those green lines are going to show you the reach of your market so we're we're plenty within range to satisfy that need now why we want to satisfy their needs is because that's how they rank up to the next class of citizen so next we're gonna need some worker clothes for them now they're satisfied on fish just because we had some fish to begin with but actually let's make them some food first by placing down some fisheries let's start those I'm gonna start those a little bit over here because you are gonna need to make quite a few of those later once we get more people so yeah so we have some fish coming in now but we do need some work clothes and if you click on anything that you need to build it will show you what is required to actually produce that so we need a sheep farm now we're gonna be doing a lot of farming a lot of stuff with animals and farms so we want to give ourselves plenty of room we're gonna actually start those way out here draw a quick road over there and as you can see here this is the blueprint mode we actually didn't have enough resources to build that so that's gonna actually sit and not be built until we get to more timber now how do you make timber you need a lumberjack Hut now this is going to show us the percentage of how much it's going to produce according to how many trees are with it within range you see if we go over here where there's not really much trees it's going to lower that percentage so we want to give ourselves plenty of room with this as well where do you want to do trees let's let's do trees up here there we go so that's gonna be getting us some trees now we need to turn that wood into timber we're gonna go ahead and put that right there now they will need a warehouse now a small warehouse is right here that costs 10 timber so we don't quite have enough as you can see here it says no warehouse in range so we're gonna actually go back to our ship we have that free timber on our ship we're gonna transfer all that over and now we should have plenty to make a warehouse and get everything kicking off here ok so they're gonna spring into production now that we put the warehouse down and now we should also be able to build this our sheep farm now when you put down a farm you have to make sure you also have to put down the fields now it's gonna say we need to place three fields now you can actually if you place these next to each other they're actually connect and make one big field and you can do that with multiple ones so you can make a gigantic sheep farm if you want to you don't have to do it that way but it's just it makes it look a little nicer now speaking of looking nicer there is a attractive meter up here which dictates how happy your citizens are here's our work they're kind of unhappy right now let's actually see what they're unhappy with yeah close we're working on that give us some time so if you want to beautify your city there are see I don't usually do my cities perfect like we're gonna mess up and have some weird like corners and angles now a good thing to do when you have that happen just go ahead and like fill them in with some nice trees turn those weird angles we don't have a good one to show right now but we'll get some later just turn those into things that increase the attractiveness of your city and that's gonna help out in the long run so now we need a place to actually make the work close so that's going to take what's being produced from the sheep but it's going to turn that into work clothes which you can see here it's not quite in production yet they still need to actually transport the wool to their now what you can do here you've actually changed the productivity of this place and you see that makes them more or less happy according to how much you're working them we're gonna leave that default for now you can also halt production by clicking this here and you might be wondering how I'm funding all this you start with a fairly decent amount of money but as you can see we're actually going down with our upkeep which is shown down here in the bottom right as well see this requires a certain amount of farmers to maintain and also a upkeep money cost so you can actually build a lot of things in a no but it's really if you're gaining or losing money is what is important so since we're losing money we're gonna need some more farmers and now we should be satisfying all their needs and we can actually upgrade them if we wanted to I'm gonna do one just to show you so we're gonna actually upgrade this to the next stage the age of industrialism so that's actually going to give us a higher tier worker and they're gonna be able to build different things down here at the bottom now now we have a workers tab and they have a whole different variety of other needs they still require the basic needs of the farmer and there's even there's something I'm not sure if we'll get to it here but there's even ages after worker where those are all gonna pile up and all of a sudden you're gonna be really needing to manage the levels of all these for your entire city that's what I mean by anna is a little more objective focused now we're gonna need some more money like I was saying so I'm gonna make some more farmer workforce here always make sure to do roads otherwise they will get destroyed if you leave a house actually sit for too long without a road to it'll actually turn into like rubble and you'll have to destroy it unfortunate so here we have the newspaper is ready and actually it's given me two positive bonuses here sometimes they can run articles that kind of depict your city and a bad way it'll actually decrease the happiness or you know the production or income and you can actually edit you can do some nana games with the newspaper you can run your own articles like say if i wanted to this will increase happiness by five income by 5% so let's go ahead and do that it's gonna use some of our influence you don't want to waste this too much but we're gonna actually cover up this is not a bad article but it's just a neutral article we're gonna actually place that there and run that to make our city look a little better and like I said you can use that to cover up bad articles I'm guessing that's how the 1800s were I can't say I've ever seen that feature in anything that's pretty cool now what we have here we have a village request let's see find and collect the farm animals okay so they're just gonna be running around we're very lucky and we saw them right here let's go ahead and slow it down usually these are harder to find it's kind of like a little bit of a Where's Waldo a lot of these village requests so they asked you to find a person find a stray dog so we're gonna go ahead and click them and then we have completed that and she gives us an item that can be equipped with the trade unit think of this almost like gear like city gear now a trade union out think we can make yet we need brick so I can explain that without actually showing it if you put down a trade union you can see that ring around it is actually gonna be the influence of the gear that you have now see your gear you can go to your trading post and that increases productivity by 20% for carpentry works and lumberjack huts so that would actually be perfect to place that trade union up here by our wood and socket that on to that building and that would increase the functionality of all those like I said we don't have any brick right now we'll be getting the two that I don't want to overload anybody too much I'm sure I already am if you haven't played this before so now we should be yeah we're in the positives with our money because we made more people to bring in money now the next thing we can do we want to make sure that everybody is fully satisfied before we really start expanding too quickly if you expand too quickly you're gonna find out that you're gonna fall in some of these categories so just to make sure I'm gonna go ahead and make some more fish just to make sure we don't fall behind when we add more people here coming up another fishery you should probably make some more clothes let's go ahead and do another sheep farm yeah so that's an example of what I was talking about see I kind of I met messed up the perfectness of my city but no problems let's just fill that in with some nice trees and now it looks perfectly natural and it's increasing the attractiveness of our city so you don't have to metagame and do like a perfect city in this game necessarily because you can actually use that space to your advantage now as you can see I was referring to this it actually connects the fields which is a pretty cool feature doesn't look perfectly natural with a setup I did but it's a cool thing how it can conjoins them a little bit all right we also need some more of the knitters all right so we should be good on all the basic needs for a while for our farmers and now we can safely start upgrading our homes to the workforce tier now if you want to do is quicker than clicking on everyone individually and hitting upgrade you can actually hit the upgrade button here and this will show you everybody that can be upgraded and you can actually click and drag and there we go that's all a workforce there's actually an entire map we have here so we're gonna send our ship out to kind of just explore see if we can find anybody to trade with because trade is also an important thing in a now so let's actually start satisfying the needs of our workers here now sausage let's go to the worker tear sausages what do we need we need pig farm makes sense now it's one of those things where you have to make a pen this actually requires us to place five down all right got some nice pigs going on now I'm gonna make the slaughterhouse sorry pigs and we are out of what are we out of we need brick all right so next up we need to start making some brick out of clay now we need to look for clay here some pretty much go to the node place it on there quite simple and then we're gonna place a brick factory right over there this will probably need a warehouse it's probably out of the range of a warehouse but yeah yeah the icons telling us we need a warehouse so we're gonna actually just place one over there now if you want shortcuts to anything in this game you can actually right click and you have a variety of things you can do roads you can do marketplace houses demolish copy upgrade that's all right there on the right click if you need it so now that we have some brick coming in it's gonna be coming in kind of slowly that's why I'm playing on the fastest speed here just for demonstration purposes your progression will probably be a little slower I actually recommend playing on to the fast speed I feel like that's a good speed overall for the game where you can still naturally enjoy things you don't feel rushed I think regular is a little too slow but yeah just for the purposes of this video I'm playing on fastest now we're gonna need a fire station because we don't want that fire I spoke it before and we want to have this as centralized as possible let's go ahead and put it let's put it right here like I said we messed up our perfect city let's go ahead and beautify this up a little bit now we made that look pretty natural there so that's actually you can see the influence of the ooh it's kind of risky down there they're barely in range of the fire station but like I said you don't want to make these strips of town too long because then the fire department won't be able to get there very quickly now you might be wondering why you might want to keep your population happy there's a variety of reasons and one of which is right here right in front of us you can actually send out extra firefighters when a fire breaks out according to how half your citizens are see this is locked off right now we need a population happiness of ten and a certain population which we already have and so there are perks to actually keeping your city happy which is another cool thing about Ana and that's what just to say again that's what I like about an O it's a lot more objective focused which makes it more fun to me more than just expand until you get bored I like having the goals in Anna for sure so we have some sausages coming in now should be enough to satisfy them once it gets going because we don't have a whole huge workforce another thing of note these these things that the worker tier establishments actually need workers to run them so you can't have your farmers working in these they just won't do it so the farmers have to work in the farm buildings and the workers have to work in the worker buildings so we're starting to lose some money we're gonna need to expand a little more let's go ahead and put down some more houses here I forgot we sent out to that ship that reminds me what did he find we found another City over here okay let's go see what they're up to looks like they have a quest for us you can see that with the star there now you can't just start trading with anybody there's diplomacy and right now they're peaceful but we can't trade yet let's trade rights right there and there's another ooh another newspaper it's going to decrease our happiness bankruptcy oh let's go ahead and cover that one up never happened alright so we're gonna go over here get this quest hopefully you're gonna make this guy happy and be able to trade with them okay what's you need deliver timber so he need some timber okay pretty easy gonna send our ship back to our little home here how are we doing on timber we're actually doing pretty good or actually maxed out just placing down some more citizens we're trying to get our number here to be back in the positives we don't want to be draining money too much here it's one of the easiest things to mess up in and I was expanding too quickly too soon all right so we're loaded up with the timber here let's go ahead and go turn that in hopefully we'll be on his good side to where we can then trade we're gonna send that ship over there let's take a look at his place he's got a church nice nice place he's got here all right so the quest is now complete let's see if we got on his good side not quite not quite enough let's just keep exploring the map a little bit here now that we have a delivery quest let's go ahead and accept that pick her up at the lighthouse where's the lighthouse okay over here gonna send our ship over there oh it's real close perfect now we're gonna have to transport these goods here and if you click over here on your quest it's gonna show you exactly where it needs to go there's fog of war we don't know where that's at but we can just click it and our ship will go there momentarily all right so back to making our workforce happy here so another thing they need here is bread let's go ahead and make some bread I'm gonna need grain and a flour mill and then also a bakery so grain actually takes up a gigantic area so it's actually started over here I'm gonna have to do some new roads all right now like I said this requires a gigantic area you can do it a variety of ways pretty much however you see fit actually if you see here we're going to be conflicting with our wood production so we're going to put it right it's not conflicting with that off to the side here and there we go perfect now you can make improved roads here paved roads but they require brick I don't want to waste too much brick right now we can go ahead and maybe make some of this main strip here brick there we go that will increase how fast things like the firefighters people transporting goods to warehouses it actually increases how fast they can get around which just makes your city more efficient but at this stage I'm not going to be wasting too much of that brick okay so back to our bread we're trying to make we also need a flour mill let's go then put that over here we also need a bakery so what else do they need if they're about to need some soap now soap is currently locked we need a certain number of workers we need three hundred to actually get to the next thing we need here so we're gonna have to upgrade some more of our farmers and we're still in the negative income so we're gonna have to do a big expansion of farmers here all right so now we're gonna upgrade some more just go ahead and now you're gonna want to try to keep your higher tier housing in a group because as you can see here they actually require a school that's one of their needs that farmers don't need so we're gonna have to plunk down a school kind of like how we put down the firehouse where it's gonna have a sphere of influence so you want to kind of keep the higher tier houses together just so it's easier for you to manage where you place everything in the future because as you can tell we're already starting to kind of run out of room here on the south side we're gonna have to you know start expanding over here to the right that's what I mean you need a ton of room in an O as you can see it quickly gets quite large with all of your housing alright so now we can build the trade union here and this is going to allow us to use those bonuses that we've been gathering that kind of the gear I was talking about now this is kind of an example of not the best design actually I kind of totally messed up you kind of want to keep things close together that's what I was doing for the most part with everything except for would see my my slumber lumberyards are out here and they're too far away from our sawmills so we can't actually affect both of them with this one building so we kind of have to pick and choose let's go ahead and have it affect our sawmills over here now you have to have to actually socket them on here there we go twenty percent increase production to all carpentry works let's go ahead and put her in there okay so now she's affecting that and when you're on the trade union it will show you what buildings are actually affected by it with the blue highlight around them so they're actually more productive by socketing her on there but like I said ideally you would want to have your sawmills your lumberjack Hut's actually closer but it's kind of hard since you need to kind of keep the area clear for the trees so that's kind of a tricky one there usually it's a lot easier to kind of get everything close together like how these farms are right next to the places they need to be you'll have to worry about trees so that's a little tricky tricky example there now now we can make soap which is another requirement of our citizens so we're gonna need some rendering works to make the soap which is gonna use some of our pig fat here so we might already have enough pigs coming in we can actually check here at our warehouse how we doing on pigs that not too good we'll only have seven so we're not gonna have enough to not make any more pigs so let's go ahead and make some more and then the rendering works gonna put that right next door and then the soap factory right next door to that now they actually need a warehouse they're just out of range of a warehouse here so we're gonna go ahead and put down another one and if you can see what I'm doing I'm starting in a bad habit where I'm putting things too close together without a cross street because we won't want to expand this way so let's just go ahead and do it now before we get too out of hand because you'll quickly notice you don't have a weight and have a nice cross street and then all of a sudden things are on fire and your firefighters can't get there so always plan for like leaving a gap every you know a few buildings I think that's probably fine where I have a now now we're it's getting a little risky that we haven't had a fire yet so I'm gonna actually build another fire station kind of up here this will be the one that primarily handles our production up here all right as you can see there's all kinds of funky holes I've left here easy fix it looks like I did it intentionally now not a bad little countryside we got going on here so let's actually see oh there we go fire good thing we built that a better road they got there pretty quickly you can actually click and see the integrity of the building here they should be fine seems like they got there pretty quickly alright so let's see how we're doing on their needs okay we're satisfying everything except for a school not bad now there's also happiness now this is a whole different set of needs that are not required but it is preferred to make your citizens citizens as happy as possible so it looks like they need schnapps they need a pub they want a church and some beer that's for the workers the farmers only need a schnapps and doea pub so let's go ahead and make some schnapps here that's gonna need some potato farms another thing where you're gonna need a decent chunk of land just put that right behind our sheep there and then the distillery alright so we got the distillery going we got the potatoes coming in now let's go ahead and make a pub now the pubs gonna have to be within range of the actual citizens as you can see by that green area there it's pretty generous pretty big sized people are willing to travel to the pub pretty pretty willingly actually gonna put it over here since we're going to be expanding kind of up over in this area with our village next that's gonna just barely reach over here to the side and it fits nicely with our current road setup as well let's go ahead and put in some more houses so now the happiness they don't quite have enough schnapps that's coming in here there we go now our farmers are happy so now if we have a fire you can actually see we can call in the volunteer fire brigade which we'll be able to put out fires faster and that's just from us satisfying the happiness of our citizens so hopefully you're starting to get kind of like the general flow of this I'm hopefully this is translating but you know our next goal I'm gonna be I'm gonna wrap this up like I said I didn't want it to get too long and too long-winded now our next goal would be upgrading our workforce to the next tier by upgrading all of these are satisfying all these needs they need a school we would be working towards that next and then we would upgrade that housing and then they would have a whole nother list of requirements we'd also get another tab down here at the bottom and this would allow us to make more buildings higher scale citizens who will then work in the new buildings that we're using but I wanted to quickly show off something I don't have trade rights yet I wanted to show off the trade system that's very important in a know so I'm gonna use this overlay footage now what you're gonna do here you're actually gonna pick your place which is where you want your ships to start from and you're gonna pick who you want to trade with now you're also gonna have to pick a ship you want to send on this route along with loading up materials that you have in excess of because some of these will go to waste if you just sitting on like say too much wood or coal or whatever you can actually send these off to another place and sell them make some money and you can also use this to get some rare materials that you can't make yet or you're running low on so you can ship in some bricks from another place if they have a lot of bricks you can buy them from them and the ship that you send on this route will just keep doing this back and forth between the two grabbing the lumber grabbing the coal whatever you put in there and selling it to the other faction and that's a big part of a know so you definitely want to keep you don't have to keep you know diplomacy with everybody there is war there are factions there is some like combat in a know some like ship combat we're too early on right now to really get in any maybe if we explore down here to the south we could find somebody that would have fight with us pretty straightforward combat here it's primarily a city builder first obviously and then you know some light faction war competition going on so yeah hopefully that prepares you for the basics of a no like I said this is probably my favorite city builder franchise actually it's pretty safe to say it is unless you go back to you know elementary school playing Sim City version of myself who would say you know that is the best one but times changed and I prefer the more goal-oriented objective focused quests satisfying needs of a know for sure yeah I want a special thanks to be sought for providing the channel code for this that was great allowed me to play this a little early that's awesome and thanks for watching everybody consider subscribing checking out my patreon if you like what I do here hopefully this helped I usually do more scripted tips and guides style of footage so let me know if you like this kind of more casual teacher style kind yeah thanks for watching everybody [Music] [Music]
Channel: Boomstick Gaming
Views: 141,170
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anno 1800, anno 1800 review, review, anno 1800 guide, anno 1800 tips, anno 1800 gameplay, gameplay, tips, guide, new player, starter guide, help, tutorial, lets play, let's play, city builder, best city builder, best city builder game, year 1800, anno 1800 pc, pc, ubisoft, advanced tips, explained, overview, sim city, city skylines, like sim city, simcity, simcity 5, sim city 5, anno, anno series, anno game, how to, how to play, trading, routes, trade routes, trading explained, city
Id: FmdU0p9Ed5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 24sec (1764 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2019
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