Kamala Harris struggles to overcome wave of blunders

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joe biden's poll numbers as ari mentioned are tanking and his vice president's numbers are not that much better many americans see kamala harris as pretty phony incompetent not particularly bright effective recently she teamed up with a company called sinking ship productions perfect name to film what is a bizarre cringe-worthy pr video and they had to hire child actors and they all went all in with some analysis former arkansas governor mike huckabee and fox news contributor laura trump is with us did we really need the child actors and then all the extra peppy talk why isn't she down at the border why isn't she helping lower energy prices or doing something other than this this movie that she made laura well sean kamala harris is basically the picture-perfect example as to why woke virtue signaling does not work because whenever you give someone a position based on anything other than merit anything other than what they actually could bring to the table as part of your team what you get is kamala harris remember she wasn't chosen for any other reason other than how she looks and they were happy to tell us that during the campaign i bet if you ask a hundred people on the street right now anywhere in america to name one thing that kamala harris has actually done successfully as vice president not a single person could name one thing from failing at the southern border being schooled by the guatemalan president as to just how poor a job she was doing there she didn't bother to stand up for our closest middle eastern ally israel when given the chance and now we have this ridiculous nasa video where as you pointed out we paid a canadian company sinking ship productions you couldn't even make it up if you tried we paid child actors because i guess no kids could actually be recruited to try and make her more likeable and this was all in an effort sean to make her relatable hey remember when afghanistan was crumbling and people were saying where's kamala harris we now know she was shooting this video to make her a more likable person so she couldn't be bothered to do any job other than to worry about herself and even that was an epic failure you know governor huckabee i don't know about you i've now done radio 33 years we just celebrated our 25th anniversary i'm very honored to be here on the fox news channel it's changed my life i'm blessed beyond words um i doubt you ever hired a a makeover person because two pr makeover people apparently according to reports have been hired by kamala harris then they hired the child actors to do this movie because i look at it as a movie while ignoring all the real problems like abandoning afghanistan and the economy and energy prices going through the roof um and taiwan and china and everything in between i think they'd be better served to actually solve problems but what do i know well i want to tell you something if i had hired some makeover people they ought to get fired because they did a lousy job with me that's something i think most americans could agree on wherever they are actually no you were great at the presidential debates they might have a makeover on the beard thing i think the jury's still out on that part you know well here's why i do think thank you thank you laura uh the truth is these kids all ought to get emmys or oscars for their acting because they really were performing brilliantly to pretend that they were interested in what kathleen kamala had to say there's something that i think we need to recognize about this whole ridiculous video and the fact she's trying to come out and be public she's been invisible for most of her vice presidency the truth is like joe biden they're both better when they're in the basement it's when they come out of the closet come out of the basement come out of the darkness when we see who they really are and you know people say well she's just got a lot of gas that's these aren't gaffs sean it's been said that a gaffe is when a politician accidentally tells the truth so when she goes out and makes some blunder what she's really saying is what's going on i really think that i'm like a lot of americans who feel like that with joe and kamala in the front seat of the car honestly i think i'm like a backseat passenger in a car being driven by thelma and louise right off the cliff you know i think this might be the line of the night laura you got to admit this was good i think these the president vice president are better off when they're in the basement wow that's that speaks volumes problem is these are real problems and we've got a mess on our hands laura trump thank you mike huckabee thank you
Channel: Fox News
Views: 784,669
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fnc, fox news, fox news channel, fox news media, fox news network, fox news voices, hannity, hannity monologue tonight, hannity tonight, sean hannity, sean hannity monologue, sean hannity reacts, sean hannity show, sean hannity tonight, Kamala Harris, Fox News Kamala Harris, kamala harris ratings, kamala, harris, Lara trump, mike huckabee, AOC, Mike pence, Vice President, Nancy Pelosi
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 58sec (298 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 14 2021
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