Biblical Womanhood ❃Voddie Baucham❃

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ladies I'm happy to see that you returned figured they'd let be a lot of bass in the room this morning one young lady just said you know I'm kind of nervous so I was really happy that you gave it to the guys last night and I just realized it's our turn I'll be gentle let's pray father thank you for your word thank you that you haven't left us to wander aimlessly in the dark hoping that we've figured it out but that you have provided and preserved and protected for us your self revelation in the Bible so that we can know who you are and who we are and what it means for us to be reconciled to you I pray that you would grant us wisdom and humility to hear and to heed your word pray this in Christ's name and for his sake amen well last time we were together we looked at this picture of biblical manhood and this this this very basic picture of these minimum baseline requirements for biblical manhood today we want to look at this picture of biblical womanhood and what place I want to do that is in Titus chapter 2 Titus chapter 2 is one of those places where it's a very familiar passage of Scripture but the address is more familiar than the passage itself and by that what I mean is we use the phrase Titus 2 all the time rarely however do we read the passage to which we are referring most people are very familiar with the phrase Titus 2 very familiar with it not at all familiar with or at all committed to the principles therein taught in fact this is one of those you know the old saying familiarity breeds contempt I believe that's true also when it comes to Scripture when we become so familiar with passages of scripture verses of Scripture sometimes we show contempt in that we do not actually pay attention to what is said there Paul talked on yesterday evening about this idea of Sunday school ministry and this idea of youth group ministry and some of these things that we do in our church that are actually not from Scripture but they are from the culture and it's ironic you know talked about the Sunday school ministry and early on in Chicago and and how that happened here in Chicago but before was here in America it's actually in England and actually in England Sunday school ministry started not just to minister to a disciple you know lost kids but remember this is before child labor laws so small children were working in factories because they had smaller hands and could do things with you know leaves these smaller pieces of material they weren't going to school they weren't being educated at all in any way some of them and again especially in the lower classes so the Sunday School movement in its origins in England even before it was here in America was designed to make these kids literate it was literally school on Sunday because they weren't working on Sunday so they could go to school on Sunday and use the Bible to teach these kids and make them literate now there have been two complaints about the Sunday school movement even from its inception from its origin complaint number one is if we do this eventually we will make it available to Christian kids that was argument number one against it if we do this and commit to this we will make it available to Christian kids argument number two is when we begin to make this available in the church families will stop catechizing their children that was the argument people scream from the rooftops if we make this available in the church families will stop catechizing their children at home now if you want to know how true that is all you have to do is realize that 90% of the people in the room are now looking at me like a calf staring at a new gate going should I be embarrassed that I don't know what catechizing is that's how true their fears came we don't even know what it means for somebody to be catechized okay we or didn't get it we ugly what what what what is that you know and then those of you who've heard the word you go and I thought that was like a Catholic thing nothing could be further from the truth there's something that's present in Catholicism yes but the Reformers really paved the way in the area of catechism catechism is learning doctrine or theology through a series of questions and answers okay that's what catechism is talk some more about that here a little bit but and so basically the site that was the idea that was a big problem the youth ministry movement sort of follow along the same lines of the Sunday School movement it's a skew lee even newer than the Sunday school movie more recent the youth ministry movement as we know it has its origins in the Jesus Movement in late 60s early 70s and so what we now know as youth ministry does not at all come from Scripture does not at all come from the life of Christ does not at all come from the epistles does not at all come from the teaching of the early church it is a modern American construct and so having a conversation and to come back to what we're talking about here familiarity breeding contempt and that's not understanding what passages of Scripture about I had a conversation with a guy who knew what my position was on this whole very concept of you know age segregated ministry within the church by the way the idea of segregating people by age again not a biblical construct the idea that you have a class for people in this age and class for people in that age that we do now in our Sunday school movement not a difficult constructs at all what does that come from well that comes from the modern education movement where does the modern education movement get it from Darwinian evolution yes the idea of age segregation has its roots in Darwinian evolution so the fact that we have age graded ministries in our church is not only not biblical it's actually Darwinian now you go run until that it's Darwinian okay and so I'm having this conversation with this guy about this and he's good well you know you guys are doing this with your children and you're doing this with your family and you're doing this in your home don't you feel like you know your kids need to be in the youth group so that so that they can be influencers and kind of you know tie these two leaders in that group I said throw you scare me what do you mean because this guy was a state leader of youth ministries for a particular state in the south and I say you scare me that you say that I ought to you know put my children and specifically my older children who are of that age into the youth ministry so that they can have a Titus to influence it goes what why what's wrong with that said Titus to influencers are married women and men someone who's not married and doesn't have children doesn't fit the Titus to model a man lights Titus 2 is not about somebody who has more age than another person teaching them things that come with age no that's not what Titus 2 is about and we'll see that as we look here in this text at a picture a biblical womanhood and again familiarity has bred contempt here as it relates to this passage of Scripture look at the beginning at verse 3 specifically talking about women here older women likewise are to be reverent in their behavior not slanderers or slaves too much wine they are to teach what is good and so train the young women to love their husbands and children to be self-controlled pure working at home kind submissive to their own husband's that the Word of God may not be reviled that's what we're asking older girls in the youth group to do for younger girls give me a break they can't do that they can't do that so again we use the phrase Titus to ministry but we absolutely divorce it from the passage that it identifies you can't get there from here this is not about older college girls and younger college girls that's not what this is about this is not about older college men and younger college men this is about individuals who have proven themselves as wives and mothers instructing those who have yet to prove themselves in those areas that's what Titus two is about okay that's what Titus two is about and we see here a picture of biblical womanhood both in what is required of the older women and in what the older women are required to teach the younger women all right so I want us to put all of these things together to give us a picture of the book of womanhood look here beginning verse three older women likewise are to first of all be reverent in their behavior that's number one biblical womanhood is reverent in behavior first and foremost it is reverent in behavior but what does that mean to be reverent in behavior it means to be appropriate in behavior it means to be meek in behavior a meek and quiet spirit as Peter would say that's what it means it means that you are not boisterous it means that you do not draw attention to yourself it means that even in your manner of dress you are doing everything you can to demonstrate propriety that's reverence that's reverence reverence means you conduct yourself in such a way that your goal is to bring honor to God and not attention to yourself reverent in their behavior and so yesterday the ladies got to be my daughters today men you get to be my sons and we'll talk to you like I talk to my sons about what it is we're looking for okay amen and the first thing I want to tell you is this don't come to me with an irreverent woman don't do it if she's loud and obnoxious she doesn't qualify if she draws attention to herself she doesn't qualify we're looking for a meek and quiet spirit that's what we're looking for if she is again does that mean that she can't have personality absolutely that's not what we're talking about here but that must be reverent it must be under control it must be bridled she must be reverent in her behavior we're not talking forget bringing a loose woman home that's way out of the question we're going even beyond that here reverent in her behavior godly in her behavior as though she conducts herself with the understanding of God's holy and all-seeing presence that's what's required first and foremost that's what's required above all else reverent in her behavior and this is incredibly important for us to hear why because we've skewed the lines we are no longer raising women in our culture we are raising men who happen to be biologically capable of having children that's what we're raising and then only if it doesn't interfere with career goals that's what we're raising we're raising women to conduct themselves like men like one of the boys to be loud and boisterous and inappropriate and to draw undue attention to themselves both in their conduct and in their dress that is irreverent and it's happening because we have an epidemic of unprotected women because just like the illustration we heard earlier you know if the young woman is out at midnight on the corner with a bunch of hoodlums you know you want to bring them back that up to their fathers I feel the exact same way when I see the way some young women dress and when I want to bring them home to their dad and I want to say hey I brought her to you because I'm sure that you didn't see her leave the house this way and beyond that I'm sure that somebody went and bought these clothes without you knowing it snuck them in the back of her closet and you never saw them because had you been aware that these were even in her closet you would have gotten rid of them that's why I brought her here to you but you and I both know dads who have daughters who dress inappropriately take one of two tax tech number one is this tact of well you know yeah I understand but that's the style you know these days or tack number two he wants her to look like that he likes the attention that she draws when she dresses like that both of those are completely and utterly inappropriate utterly inappropriate and I say this is the father of a 17 year old daughter I realize how difficult it is to buy and find modest clothes I realize I realized it when my daughter was 12 I did I was like baby we got to do something cuz we could go in the store and it's hoochie mama central you know and I'm just what what what's the deal you know I can't we can't we can't do it we just we just can't we can't do it you can we can't have those y'all have something with with you no more what do you mean sir ah that just is something missing right there we just need some more can you put that with that so that they can you know book Reverend in her behavior Reverend in her behavior again does this mean you know turtlenecks in the summer and all the sort of that's not my point that's not my point I mean what we're looking for is a woman who whenever she prepares herself to go out asks this question to what aspect of my person am i drawing attention today and is that honoring to Christ you want a woman who presents herself in totality everything about her like that as though she is looking in the mirror and saying to what aspect of my person am i drawing attention by the way that I act by the way that I dress to what aspect of my person am i drawing attention that tells you a great deal about a woman men if you are around a woman and you find yourself okay doing you know the the male neck exercise I call it the male neck exercise because I find myself having to do that a lot of times women address so inappropriately and there's so much cleavage there or the shirt is so tight revealing the shape of their breasts that I find myself doing this in order to exaggerate so that I don't find myself going if she's a woman who makes you constantly have to do the male neck exercise either there's some more discipleship that needs to happen or she has just told you what she thinks is the most important thing about her okay say man yo say ouch she has just communicated to you what she thinks is the most important thing about her why because that's the thing to which she is trying to immediately draw your attention referent in her behavior Reverend in her behavior and again these are things that many young ladies haven't heard many young ladies haven't had a father to sit them down and say listen your value and your worth is not contingent upon men lusting after you and ladies if you haven't heard that let me say that to you right here in right now because that's the lie that the culture has sold to you your value and your worth is contingent upon how men lust after you and from the minute you began to develop curves this is the idea that the culture has thrust upon you you see it everywhere and so in order to feel valuable you have to dress yourself and present yourself in such a way that you make people look at you and so you walk around all the time like this and like this look at me look at me because you don't know where your worth is because you don't know where your value is and so you've developed behavior that is irreverent because you don't know where your worth is and because you don't know where your value is look at me you deserve to be honored and respected and protected not demeaned you are not a piece of meat to satisfy the sinful fleshly desires of a man your price is above rubies the Scriptures say this outward beauty it's fleeting it will fade it is useless it is meaningless but that meek and that quiet spirit its imperishable and that's what's valuable about you and it burdens me that you don't know that it burns me that your father never said that to you I can tell by the way you present yourselves some of you that your father never said that to you and you're yearning for male approval and the only way you've learned how to get it is go to the most bass part of the male nature that's not it that's not it you must be reverent in your behavior and if a man is not decent enough to be attracted to reverent behavior you don't want him anyway because if now it's it's it's the youthfulness of your body and the curvature of look for a woman who teaches what is good why because she is going to be the primary instructor of your children dog my sons right now I tell you a woman who is not committed to the education of our children in our home I can't even consider as a life people ask me all the time your kids resent being homeschooled do they resent it you know one of the ways we used to threaten them you don't get your act right sign you up and send you to school hey Eddie Eddie flee they're committed they're absolutely committed to this hands-on education and discipleship of their children my sons are not interested in a woman was not absolutely committed to that hands-on education and discipleship of their children not absolutely committed to that now we'll get to that more in a minute but because of this she has to teach what is good she has to be able to give instruction in what is good otherwise the time that he is off toiling in the land as he's commanded by God will be time that she is there undermining what it is that he's trying to build into the next generation or they will be passed off for somebody else to undermine what it is that he's trying to build into the next generation so she must be committed to teaching what is good looking the next part of this and so train the young women too now we've seen this in the character of the older women and again we have to put both of these together to get this Titus to a picture of biblical womanhood because the older women are to be something and they're also to teach something so we get a picture when you put those two things together of a more full orbed understanding of what biblical biblical woman here it is so what are they to instruct a young women in and by the way this guidance that they are to give the young women the word here is not for the kind of instruction that we have for indoctrination the word here is for gently bringing people along and guarding them from other tendencies that's the goal here that's the word that's used here gently bring these women along direct them disciple them because their tendency is going to be to move in a direction other than what I'm about to say look at this teach the young women to love their husbands and children and here's what's interesting we hear that and we go okay timeout teach them to love their husbands and children now women are these intuitive emotional creatures why should we need to teach women to love their husbands and teach women to love their children if there are these intuitive emotional creatures they're the loving ones are they not depends on how you define love the idea that we say they're the loving ones because they're intuitive and emotional creatures basically gives away the fact that we don't understand what biblical love is we've bought into the greco-roman myth now here's the greco-roman myth the greco-roman myth says that love is then you know overwhelming uncontrollable sensual force a random overwhelming uncontrollable sensual force that's what we really love is alright first of all love is random by the way what is the basic illustration in our culture of love Cupid Cupid's arrow that's love okay by the way we have this idea of the heart drawn but that's an incomplete picture it's the heart with the arrow through it that's the way we define love in our culture what's the heart with the arrow through it that's cupid its Cupid's arrow that's the way we've defined love in our culture and so it's a random force we don't know when we'll be struck with this force it's random we don't choose who we fall in love with that's one of the phrases that we use in our culture why because we believe that love is a random force we don't we don't choose who we fall in love with love is a random force it's also an overwhelming and uncontrollable force how do we state that this thing is bigger than both of us don't act like you you never heard anybody say that we didn't say stuff like that we don't choose we fall in love with this thing is bigger than both of us and my favorite the heart wants what it wants I have more degrees than a thermometer I don't know what that means so love is a random overwhelming uncontrollable and it's a sensual force okay it's a sensual force so that's what we believe love is small problem that's not the way the Bible defines love it's not random it's not uncontrollable and overwhelming it's not just sensual and by the way because we believe that about love let me give you a couple of examples all right let me give you two examples of why that's faulty thinking and it's two examples that we've all experienced and we've all heard before because this definition of love doesn't work here's example number one a woman is pregnant with child number two while she's pregnant with child number two she's worried why is she worried well I love that my first baby so much and what am I going to be able to love this baby and love that baby and will I love one of them more than love do it why is mom worried about her ability to love child number two because she thinks love is a random overwhelming uncontrollable sensual force and what if Cupid is busy when baby number two is born that's why we have such a hard time with this idea of the sovereignty of God in salvation and God loving us because we think that love is this random uncontrollable overwhelming sensual force so how is it that a sovereign God shows us this random overwhelming uncontrollable sensual love when the fact of the matter is he worked this thing out according to the counsel of his own will because will and love don't go together right if you have a faulty godless definition of love example number two where four children two of our children were adopted are three year old and are eight month old were adopted and we're in the process of our next adoption even as we speak we're working on our next adoption and so we get this question all we get quit you know all the time people want to ask us this about adopted children and then they go you know X do you do you do you do you find that you love your adopted children as much as you love your own children and I love when people try to ask us these questions because I just mess them up I'm not I'm just not nice and sometimes you know I need to be rebuked for the way that I deal with this but I do you know you love them as much as you love your own children well they are our own children well you know as much as your natural children well are you saying our adopted children are unnatural I mean you know what I'm saying as much it's like your real children also now they're not even real eventually I let them off the hook but you know what I tell them and I mean this with every fiber of my being oftentimes it's not until somebody asks a question like that that I think about the fact that our two youngest children are adopted we don't think like that it never enters into our mind these are our children period end of discussion yes we most assuredly and absolutely and unconditionally love them we don't even think about divisions like that we laugh sometimes because we'll you know look at you know one of our adopted children and you know what my wife will be saying something like you know what he got your eyes and he's got you this and then the other and he's got and she looks at me and goes huh doc did one me yeah but that's okay still you know looks that's wonderful that that's great we don't think like that why do we ask questions like that because we don't know what love is we think it's a random overwhelming uncontrollable sensual force let me your third third example I said I'll give you two okay let me give you one more and this is with fathers and daughters a lot of daughters dress the way that they do because they yearn for male affection because a lot of fathers as soon as their daughters develop into women become uncomfortable being affectionate toward them because of a wrong definition of what love is we define love as sensual therefore love is inherently inappropriate between a man and his daughter of a certain do we mean that no we don't mean that but if you by the definition you also have to by the limitations and there's a lot of you girls in this room and your first boyfriend coincided with dad not letting you sit on his lap anymore you yearned for some male to show you the kind of physical attention and affection that you used to get from your father and you went and found it because God created you to yearn for it but then the world lied to your daddy and told him that he couldn't give you that what you needed anymore and instead let you run off into the arms of some irresponsible sinful lustful boy my daughter 17 years old five ten whatever she still climbs up in my lap at the balance a little more than I used to I can you know see part of her way over there and part of the way up here and she absolutely loves it so I a lot of men are leaving their wives for younger women because they yearn for attention from younger women and God gave him a daughter who could give him that and instead they go find a substitute daughter you've seen it we've all seen it these old guys going and finding these substitute daughters why why we don't understand what love is folks so what is love so the second time let me just give you this okay biblical definition of love and this is derived and those of you got your family driven faith you probably already looked at this it's derived from Deuteronomy chapter 6 you know love the Lord your God with all your heart all your soul all your mind you know it's interesting you execute those words and by the way Jesus repeats this and the New Testament Matthew to love is you execute these words here's the definition to that use love is an act of the will accompanied by emotion that leads to action on behalf of its object you say that again love is an act of the will accompanied by emotion that leads to action on behalf of its object the problem with the greco-roman myth of love that we operate from in our culture is that it is too fickle for family life it won't work why a woman's not going to be overwhelmed toward her husband and her children all the time and that's why what do women talk about all the time I just I feel like we've fallen out of love with each other why because the greco-roman myth is wearing off this is why young women have to be taught how to love biblically not just culturally and emotionally but biblically teach young women how to love biblically not just culturally and emotionally teach them how to do this because contrary to popular belief they don't know how to do it intuitively this is a work of sanctification and one of the problems that we have is women think that whatever this intuitive emotional thing is that women have going on is actually enough to sustain what God intends to be sustained on the part of biblical womanhood in the context of marriage relationship it's not enough it's not enough biblical womanhood does not rely on this intuitive emotional version of love biblical womanhood pushes past that the biblical love and act of the will accompanied by emotion that leads to action on behalf of its object it is first and foremost an act of the will it is a choice we choose to love you better believe we do they don't choose who we fall in love with first of all you fell in love you already got a problem because anything you can fall into you climb out of amen it is a choice it is an act of the will we choose to love sometimes it's more will than anything else we have to push fast cuz we'll always feel like loving each other my wife didn't always feel like loving me I know that shocks you it's only happened like once or twice early in the marriage but she didn't always feel like loving me what do you do you push past that you love in spite of beautiful answer Paul gave us last night talking about these areas where we are not going to be fulfilled through our mate because that's what God uses in order to teach us this unconditional love it is an act of the will it is a choice we do choose I tell my wife all the time girl you leave me I'm going with you it is a choice we choose to love it is an act of the will it is accompanied by emotion not led by emotion but it's also not void of emotion it is accompanied by emotion women tend to err on the led by emotion part love that's led by emotion is a rollercoaster you just you can't do that you know that that's the 16 year old dating relationship right there love that's led by emotion you go from oh my god a lot him too I just wish you'd never been born in ten minutes it's not led by motion it's also not void of emotion this is where men tend to err by the way and I know we dealt with you guys yesterday but let me just put this in here all right cuz men you know I do it get that from men you know well you know I'm I'm more of a stoic person and I'm more of a you know sort of just kind of a matter-of-fact kind of person and I'm not really an emotional person you know what sell out somewhere else you know why because here's what I know if you're on the golf course and you shank one you don't say well I seem to have hit that one poorly there you watching a ballgame and your team getting beat like a tied up goat you don't just say they seem to have far more points than we do at this time you go sell that somewhere else about not being an emotional man okay God created you to be emotional we don't all show emotion in the same way but we're all emotional and so but it's an act of the will accompanied by emotion that leads to action on behalf of its object in the words of that theologian Janet Jackson what have you done for me lately okay love leads to action on behalf of its object by the way if you're wondering where an example of this kind of love exists it's the Garden of Gethsemane Jesus is praying intently sweating drops of blood saying if there's any other way let this bitter cup pass from me but he comes to a point where he says nevertheless not my will but yours be done what did he do in the Garden of Gethsemane an act of the will it was a choice it was accompanied by emotion and it led to action on behalf of its object was not selfish Jesus didn't need the cross not for his own benefit that was for his bride okay and because women have this natural inclination toward the intuitive emotional version of love they have to be taught how to exhibit biblical womanhood which pushes beyond that to the appropriate kind of love okay the next part of this love that she loved their husbands and children to be self-controlled to be self-controlled that goes back to what we talked about with the older women being reverent we have to teach the younger women to be self-controlled not volatile self-control amen hallelujah praise the Lord self-control okay it's self-explanatory the sake of time I want to gets up get to something let's move here pure pure again back to what we talked about with reverence this is my reverence is so important in the older women you can't teach a younger woman to be self-controlled and pure unless you are self controlled and pure amen teach younger women to be self-controlled and teach younger women to be pure here's what's interesting we talk about purity and when we use that in modern American culture what we use it for is don't have sex until you get married that's that's that's synonymous with purity no purity is not something that you do until you get married purity is something that we're called the purity now my wife is called the purity now purity is not just and the other thing is a lot of people think purity is you just don't go all the way there little ones in the room so we'll just leave it at that okay purity means you don't go all the way you do everything else up to that point notice I didn't say everything everything beyond everything you do everything else up to that point but as long as you haven't committed the final act you say that you've still been pure no that's not pure that's what we talked about yesterday with courtship and a lot of you looked at me cross-eyed when I talked about the young man going to the girl's father first even before going to her why purity because when you go to that young woman first here's what you've done you have actually said to her I've chosen you and I'm going to go to your father you have opened up all sorts of things for that young woman and you haven't even earned the right to pursue her that is impure that is impure and so again here we see this picture she must be pure again this is not just this idea of not having experienced physical consummation we're talking about people here we're married and still walking in purity still walking in purity that is why when you base your relationship on impurity before you get married you compromise the very foundations upon which your marriage is built because you're trying to seek purity but you built what you hope to be pure on a foundation that was not you see that what's interesting is if you want to know how tall a building is going to be you don't have to wait till it goes up did you know that new engineering guys in here you know what I'm talking about if you want to know how tall a building is going to be all you have to do is see how deep they dig the foundation if you're building a skyscraper you dig deep into the ground because you got to have enough foundation to support that much of a structure you're just building a single-story house or somebody to live in you don't have to dig 50 feet into the ground if that's all you want to build what kind of marriage you want to build hmm you want to build a little bungalow or you want a skyscraper I want my marriage to be a skyscraper which means we have to dig deep deep deep in the foundation that's what purity is about and that purity remains even long after the structure has come up out of the ground it has to remain biblical womanhood is about purity again even in the way that we present ourselves purity purity purity look in the next part of this now still haven't got to what I want to camp out on a little bit here what we'll get there all right working at home working at home and let me be clear does this mean that biblical womanhood says a woman can never do any kind of work outside of her home no I don't think so I don't think proverbs 31 agrees with that okay I'm not gonna make that argument I know women I mean they have all kind of stuff that they do outside of their home and they do volunteer work and this and that and whatever again that's not what's being said here but here is what's being said here there is no priority in biblical womanhood that supersedes the priority of a woman's role in her home there is no priority that supersedes the priority of the woman's role in her home that's what this means that's what this means her home is her place of work her home hey if she can find something to do within the context of her home praise the Lord but that's what she's committed to I know we don't like this we really don't we don't like this matter of fact we hate this because we've had an entire movement an entire feminist movement that has communicated this to us marriage is bondage and women have to be equal to men in every regard by the way they're not talking about equal as far as value and worth they're talking about egalitarian as far as roles and everything else with no distinction whatsoever there are tremendous distinctions between men and women by the way those of us who are married can say praise God because it's those distinctions that make it glorious hallelujah all right we are not the same if we were the same one of us would be unnecesarry okay but sons we're looking for women who are committed to the home committed to the home not just as a place while they drop their stuff off while they go and try to do whatever in the world no they're committed to the home it is their priority they're committed to raising their children not to paying somebody else to do it they are absolutely committed to their roles as wives and mothers and I know that doesn't sit well with us why because most of you young ladies have not been raised to be women you've been raised to be men who happen to be biologically capable of having children and so you've been taught not to prioritize the home above all else I do not apologize for the fact that the scripture clearly teaches this that a woman is to prioritize her home above all else and whatever else she does and that's between hey I've got it I got my hands full running my own house I'm not trying to run yours okay but whatever else she does from a biblical perspective the principle is that she prioritizes her home now if there is a husband and a wife over here and the way that they prioritize their home is you know he has this business and she's a vital part of this business and she says help me because of her vital part in this business and that's something that they do together you know they have a mom-and-pop store and they live on top and everybody works down and the kids are all hands on deck you know or they have a farm or whatever and when it's time for harvest everybody mama daddy sons daughters dogs everybody you know it's time for harvest we all go out and we harvest amen hallelujah praise the Lord that's not the point that I'm making and the reason I'm camping out here is because whenever I talk about this it's so foreign and offensive to our modern feminist culture that I want to be clear and it doesn't matter if I say it 10 times there's some of you who already shut me off because you're mad that this is even in the Bible somebody told you that you can have it all in fact the matter is you can't you can't have it all but that's okay cuz you don't need it all I can't have it all but I don't need it all I want Christ and I want his blessings in generations of my family and here's the deal the more my wife and I have come to understand what it takes to raise children biblically the more we realized it wouldn't even be possible for us if she was out doing wife swap we couldn't do it it takes so much we can do it that's where her commitment is that's where her joy is that's where her passion is he talked to my wife and she says you know people always ask me uh do you work outside hold you this do that now when I tell them you know my home school mom they kind of get this you know Oh bless you you know you just you know you for second she's just going I have the most incredible calling in the world there is no higher calling than that of being a wife and the mother God has blessed me with this body to bring life into the world and through adoption to bring other children into our home and through the investment of my life she would say I have the opportunity to shape world changers that's what my wife does she shakes world changers the Lord says that he gives us Quivers filled with arrows I don't think it's too much of a stretch of the text but I tell my children we are in the business of building intercontinental ballistic missiles in our home and that's what each one of you is each one of you you're an ICBM baby one day the silo is going to open up and it's going to be on you know that's what we do and I could not do this without my wife being committed absolutely committed to our home a wife's an educated woman a well educated woman she's absolutely committed to our home absolutely committed to our children absolutely committed to making our home the most beautiful and productive environment it can be number one so that she can be all that I need so that God can launch me and use me and whatever ways he sees fit and secondly so that as she and I partner together we can raise train and disciple as many children as is humanly possible to the glory of God that's why my life and I exist to be poured out for the cause of Christ to be thoroughly used when it's all said and done and to raise train and disciple and launch from our home as many as many warheads as is humanly possible not as few as we can not a board for me and a girl for you and praise the Lord we're finally through no no no no no if this is a war last time I checked no warrior goes into battle saying hey man just give me his little ammunition as you can you go to war you go wait a minute I think I got a sock down here I can put some bullets in give me those two I'll find somewhere to put and because my wife is committed to our home that's the attitude that we can have look at the last part of this and then we'll come back and finish this up working at home kind and submissive to their own husband's that the Word of God may not be reviled teach young women to be submissive to their own husbands why two reasons this is very important number one because women war against submission by nature as a result of the fall women war against submission by nature as a result of the fall look at me here if you will let's go back to Genesis chapter 3 okay and we'll do this quickly because I know we got to do our Q&A in just a couple of minutes but I want you to see this this is chapter three and look at verse 16 look at verse 16 to the woman he said I will surely multiply your pain and childbearing and pain you shall bring forth children and look at this next one your desire shall be for your husband and he shall rule over you your desire shall be for your husband now if we're not careful we look at that word and we think you know you shall you shall have this passionate desire for your husband you shall you shall want him and he shall rule over you if you want to understand what that phrase means it's only used three times that that Hebrew phrase another time that it's used chapter four and verse seven look at what the Lord says here the Lord said to Cain why are you angry and why has your face fallen verse seven if you do well will you not be accepted and if you do not do well sin is crouching at the door its desire is for you but you must rule over it same phrase sins desire is for you wife your desire shall be for your husband that phrase means as a result of the fall women you will desire his headship you will desire his role and yet he will rule over you so as a result of the fall number one you are naturally disinclined to submit to a husband secondly in addition to this result of the fall we also have now decades of feminist teaching not just outside the church but even inside the church feminist teaching on egalitarianism that somehow this submission is a couple of things number one it's either mutual or number two it's conditional it's mutual or it's conditional and let's take these two in turn as we talk about submission here because we don't again we don't like it we really don't ladies I know you don't like submission you don't have to tell me that you don't like it the result of the fall you don't however you a new creature in Christ you ought to have a different attitude toward submission and so the idea of mutual submission we go back to Ephesians in Ephesians chapter 5 verse 21 a lot of people look at that and they say in verse 22 it says wise be subject to your own husbands but before that you have verse 21 be subject to one another okay fear and reverence for Christ and so when we look at verse 21 in Ephesians chapter 5 we say see here you're supposed to be subject or submissive to one another so husbands and wives are both supposed to submit to one another and so they make the argument for mutual submission their small problem verse 22 is the beginning of a paragraph verse 21 is the end of a paragraph you can't put the beginning of a paragraph in context by using the end of another paragraph you've got to use the whole paragraph itself so when you go back to the beginning of the paragraph that ends with verse 21 you go back to Ephesians chapter 5 beginning in verse 15 then when you get there you see a pattern in the pattern you see three threes first of all you see three contrast then you see on the third contrast three commands and on the third command three context alright and so we we have these three contrasts look at them beginning in verse 15 of Ephesians chapter five look carefully then how you walk not as unwise but as wise making the most of your days because the days are evil so don't be unwise but be wise look at the next one verse 17 therefore don't be foolish but understand what the will of the Lord is second contrast don't be foolish understand what the will the Lord's will is contrast number three comes in verse 18 don't be drunk with wine but be filled with the spirit now on the third contrast not drunk with wine but fill with the spirit we get three commands what are those three commands command number one verse 19 addressing one another with Psalms hymns and spiritual songs making melody to the Lord in your heart be filled with the spirit well how do I do that number one you do that by addressing one another with Psalms hymns spiritual songs and making melody in your heart it'd be interesting if somebody said I'm a spirit filled believer and you go great let's worship and make melody to the Lord together now I'm not much for worshiping and making melody to the Lord but your spirit-filled look at the second one verse 20 giving thanks always for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ I'm a spirit-filled believer great join me let's pray just give thanks to God for a while I'm not much for a prayer and Thanksgiving but your spirit filled verse 21 submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ so submission to proper god-given Authority is evidence of a spirit-filled life now you get verse 22 but remember I said three contrast three commands and then three context what are the three contexts of submission wives to husband children to parents servants to masters and neither one of those is it mutual and none of those is it mutual there you have it it's not there and when we see it in first Peter chapter 3 there is no statement of mutuality of mutual submission in 1st Peter chapter 3 when you see it in Colossians chapter 3 again no statement of mutual submission the husband is never called to submit to his wife the wife is called submit to her husband there is headship first Corinthians chapter 11 what do we find there what does Paul say they have a head of every man is Christ head of every woman is a man there's headship there and God doesn't apologize for that headship well okay if it's not mutual then it has to be conditional well visions chapter 4 verse 22 wives submit to your own husband's as to the Lord for the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ the head of the church his body and himself and Savior so now as a church submits to Christ so wives submit to their husbands in what everything and everything again we talked earlier about the law of God so he says you go out you're an axe murderer and you kill all that you're not obligated to do that but you're even submissive in the way that you don't go out and build an atomic bomb and commit X murders okay well okay that's fine but it has to be you know only if he is doing what he's supposed to do right if he's not doing what he's supposed to do that I don't have to be submissive to him if he's not doing what he's supposed to do turn with me to the right first Peter chapter 3 likewise wives be subject to your own husband so that even if some do not obey the word they may be won without a word by the conduct of their wives well if he's not doing what he's supposed to do then I don't I didn't it it doesn't get clearer than that it doesn't get clearer than that in fact I can even make it clearer than that immediate context the first word he uses there is likewise what do you mean likewise glad you asked go to the beginning of that paragraph just before and look at verse 18 of chapter two servants be subject to your masters with all respect not only to good and gentle but also to the unjust that's what he's referring to when he says likewise in chapter three verse one for the submission of wives and marinate on that for a while we don't like that I'll end with this my wife is a highly educated woman who has laid down all of her pursuits in order to submit herself to my vision for our family my wife does not contradict me in front of others she shows me that respect in that honor my wife communicates to our family and to others the vision that I have established for our family my wife has forsaken other opportunities for independent fulfillment and use of her gifts in order to put those gifts in subjection to me and my vision for our family now I say those things and feminism cringes but what if I tweak those things just a little bit and what if I change the two players and it's no longer me and my wife dr. Condoleezza Rice and President Bush and I say the same phrases dr. rice is a highly educated woman who is employing her education for the benefit of President Bush secondly dr. rice does not contradict President Bush in public thirdly dr. rice has committed herself and submitted herself to President Bush's vision for his administration and not her own and dr. rice has forsaken all other opportunities for independent self fulfillment for the sake of partnering with President Bush to fulfill his agenda how come she does it and she's a hero my Bridget does it and there's something wrong with it same phrases ladies but because you've been lied to you believe that working for some man you don't know in the White House as more value than laying down your life beside a man who would lay his down for you this is biblical womanhood it is not what we're accustomed to it's not even what we're comfortable with but it is what is required if we are to see the kind of reformation and revolution that we've been talking about
Channel: Marriage Sermons Voddie Baucham
Views: 335,464
Rating: 4.8684297 out of 5
Keywords: Perry Stone, James Goll, David Swann, Derek Prince, Al Janssen, Roxanne Swann, Marilyn Hickey, Joel Osteen, Rick Warren, Joyce Meyer, Paul Washer, Mark Driscoll, John Piper, John MacArthur, Bishop T. D. Jakes, Bishop Noel Jones, Kirk Cameron, Matt Chandler, Dennis Leonard, Joseph W. Walker III, Chris Hodges, Rudolph McKissick Sr. and Jr., Troy Gramling, Larry Stockstill, Mark Balmer, Duane Sheriff, Jentezen Franklin
Id: YnLYcpLf5Zg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 21sec (3981 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 11 2013
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