What He must Be if He Wants to Marry my Daughter | Dr. Voddie Baucham | 28th August 2020

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[Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] hmm so do [Music] [Music] do so so hi my name is konadimbewe i am the director of international advancement for the african christian university commonly known as the acu where dr celestine semby is the vice chancellor and doctor vody bokum is the dean of the school of divinity the acu was started by a number of reformed baptist churches here in lusaka zambia we're currently offering a gap year program which we call the scholars program it is tailor-made to help you prepare for tertiary education spiritually and academically and then we've got four degree programs that are currently on offer and that is agriculture business education and theology we pride ourselves in the fact that all our causes are taught from a biblical worldview in a world where we constantly see moral decay we are convinced that this type of education is undeniably fundamental does it sound like a university that you would like to enroll with then sign up all the details are on our website or perhaps you are thinking this is a cause i would like to support then partner with us again all the details are on our website acu growing in grace and knowledge hello my name is sunderland and i'm the deputy vice chancellor of administration here at central africa baptist university here at central africa baptist university we want to come alongside you and help equip you for success in life and in ministry to this end we have specifically designed courses to meet your need you can enroll with us in any of the following courses a diploma or a degree in bible you can also enroll with us in a diploma in primary education or you can enroll with us in any of our certificate programs talking about certificate programs we have one that we designed specifically for school levels we realize that school leavers need to prepare for success in their tertiary education and so we have a gap here your journey to success begins at central africa baptist university enroll with us see you at central africa baptist university do so so so [Music] hi my name is conor dimbe i am the director of international advancement for the african christian university commonly known as the acu where dr celestine semby is the vice chancellor and dr verdi bokum is the dean of the school of divinity the acu was started by a number of reformed baptist churches here in lusaka zambia we're currently offering a gap year program which we call the scholars program it is tailor-made to help you prepare for tertiary education spiritually and academically and then we've got four degree programs that are currently on offer and that is agriculture business education and theology we pride ourselves in the fact that all our courses are taught from a biblical worldview in a world where we constantly see moral decay we are convinced that this type of education is undeniably fundamental does it sound like a university that you would like to enroll with then sign up all the details are on our website or perhaps you are thinking this is a cause i would like to support then partner with us again all the details are on our website acu growing in grace and knowledge hello my name is sunderland and i'm the deputy vice chancellor of administration here at central africa baptist university here at central africa baptist university we want to come alongside you and help equip you for success in life and in ministry to this end we have specifically designed courses to meet your need you can enroll with us in any of the following courses a diploma or a degree in bible you can also enroll with us in a diploma in primary education or you can enroll with us in any of our certificate programs talking about certificate programs we have one that we designed specifically for school levels we realize that school leavers need to prepare for success in their tertiary education and so we have a gap here your journey to success begins at central africa baptist university enroll with us see you at central africa baptist university [Music] so so [Music] do [Music] so so [Music] our meeting today and this is a meeting for the annual reformed family conference which is the 31st and today we have the first session this morning i'd like to welcome all of you joining us from wherever you could be and we really value your participation and we thank god that you are with us today the theme for this year's conference is biblical parenting and right now we have a seminar and the title of the seminar is what he must be if he wants to marry my daughter and dr vody is the speaker for this session i also want to mention that today we have about four meetings we have the next meeting at 15 hours and then we have a q and a at 17 hours and then we have the last session at 18 30. but let me just draw your attention to the 17 hours meeting which is a q a there will be a panel dealing with questions from across the days of the conference and we are encouraged to bring forward questions and these questions we want to also say that should be connected to the subject at hand the following people will be there to answer these questions dr tripp and his wife dr conrad dimbe and pastor isaac makashini so please forward your questions so that these dear ones will be able to deal with them we thank god for undertaking for us from the time we started and as we have always been praying we trust him for all that is to come we pray that together the lord will bless us please turn with me to the first reading and this is coming from psalm 119 and verse 1 to 8 psalm 119 verse 1 to 8. blessed are the undefiled in the way who walk in the law of the lord blessed are those who keep his testimonies who seek him with the whole heart they also do no iniquity they walk in his ways you have commanded us to keep your precepts diligently all that my ways were directed to keep your statutes then i would not be ashamed when i live when i look into all your commandments i will praise you with uprightness of heart when i learn your righteous judgments i will keep your statutes oh do not forsake me utterly we thank god for the reading of his word and as we sing together please turn with me to the hymn jesus what a friend for sinners jesus lover of my soul what a testimony you want saving help in keeping loving his let me hide myself oh while there my save impaired jesus my is is he has is is let us pray together o lord god our father the most high to you our eternal god will come at this hour this moment we present ourselves before thee in worship and in reverence knowing fully that we are indeed in the presence of the almighty eternal god our desire this moment as we meet is to hear your word to pour out our hearts to you as we sing in worship our desire is to have fellowship with you our living god and our father but we know that sin may stand in the way of this so desired fellowship and communion with thee we therefore pray each one of us that you forgive us of our sins that lord you will look upon us with mercy and that on the account of our lord jesus christ that we may stand in your presence indeed clothed in his righteousness oh lord cause us to be a people desiring to meet their savior and their god and so we pray this hour that you prepare our hearts to hear your word we pray that each and every person tuned in will be able to learn something from you and even through your servant dr bocam we also bring him before you knowing fully that he is your messenger he is your servant and but human lord may you grant him enabling may you grant him strength clarity of both mind and speech that he'll be able to deliver your word to your children be with him o god and we long to hear your word in this day for we know that true instructions come from you and from your word help us even as we look at the subject before us oh god and as we continue in this session and for the time to come lord won't you stoop down in mercy won't you visit your people and bless them in this day o sovereign lord be with us for us can pray in jesus name amen we are going to sing another song before we invite the speaker as i say dr balcom we are going to sing together the church is one foundation the church is one foundation is jesus christ our lord she is his new creation by water and the world from heaven he came my is salvation and keeping shall be the born also of his [Music] earth please it's now my honor and privilege to follow up on dr baucom who is the speaker for this session but before he comes to do that i just want to encourage you to send your questions so that we can pass them on to him after he finishes speaking he'll be able to answer those questions thank you dr volkan well good morning or good afternoon good evening depending on where you are i know we have people from all over the world who are joining us here and it's my privilege to be a part of the reform family conference once again and it's also my privilege to address this this topic people have often asked me which of my books that i've written is my favorite book and i've responded that's like asking someone which is their favorite child i can't answer that but i can tell you what my favorite title is and my favorite title is this one what he must be if he wants to marry my daughter and it's interesting a lot of people ask me about this book and when people ask me about this book most of the time they get the title wrong the majority of the time i would say 60 70 of the time when somebody's saying hey do you have that one book and they're referring to this book they get the title wrong and they get it wrong in one of two ways they either say what he needs to be if he wants to marry my daughter or what he should be if he wants to marry my daughter and that may seem like a small distinction but it's not a small distinction at all if the title was what he needs to be or what he should be then we would be talking about my preferences or perhaps my daughter's preferences that's not the title of the book the title is what he must be because we're not talking about preferences here we're talking about biblical commands we're talking about biblical norms let me be clear we're talking about god's requirement for christian people as it relates to marriage and we're talking about god's requirements in in three different directions one we're talking about god's requirements from a parental direction two we're talking about god's requirement from the perspective of a woman who is seeking a husband and god's requirement from the perspective of a man who is seeking to be a husband this is controversial and it's becoming more controversial every day it's interesting that you know this book that was written you know many many years ago um somewhere you know a decade or so ago is becoming more and more controversial as it ages and i'll explain why that is the case but before i do that let me talk about why this is becoming more and more relevant and necessary there are several things that have happened um culture-wide and when i say culture-wide i'm not talking about here in zambia or in the u.s i'm talking about worldwide there are a number of things that have happened that have transformed the way we look at marriage and the way we think about marriage and the way we think about preparing for marriage there are four in particular one is that we separated sex from childbearing this happened with the contraceptive revolution we separated sex from childbearing suddenly we didn't have to think about sexual relationships in terms of the possibility or likelihood of pregnancy and that transformed the way we thought about sex secondly it allowed us to separate sex from marriage so first you separate sex from childbearing and then what separating sex from childbearing does is not only gives you a more casual attitude towards sex but then it also allows you to separate sex from marriage and so there is this explosion in the 1960s and 70s that is referred to as the sexual revolution again contraceptives allow us to separate sex from childbearing and then that allows us to separate sex from marriage because when sex is connected to childbearing you usually connect it to marriage so that a woman is protected and that her children are protected should she become pregnant so that there's a commitment from a man to be there for the inevitable consequences of the sexual relationship but if you separate sex from childbearing and then separate sex from marriage you don't have to think about that anymore thirdly we're able to separate childbearing from marriage it's amazing when a young couple says that they are going to get married one of the first questions that they deal with as they move closer to marriage is have you guys thought about children that was unthinkable before we separated sex from childbearing and then separated sex from marriage but the contraceptive revolution and and the sexual revolution have now led us to a place where couples enter into marriage and having children is either not a thought or is a distant thought we'll get around to that again not possible before the contraceptive revolution and the sexual revolution and then thirdly we've removed parenting from marriage we've removed parenting from marriage what do i mean by that well no longer do we look at marriage from a communal perspective no longer do we look at marriage in terms of two families coming together we look at it almost exclusively in terms of two people coming together no longer do we look at marriage and the courtship that leads to marriage as something that has any sort of parental involvement because after all young people are now out there in the world engaging in sex that has nothing to do with childbearing and sex that has nothing to do with marriage and now entering into marriages that have nothing to do with childbearing either this has also transformed what young people are looking for in terms of a marriage partner young men are now looking for a willing sexual partner who will not require them to grow up and take responsibility or to assume leadership why do you need to if if if childbearing is something that is not even part of the equation or something that you may talk about later on a young man can enter into marriage without being mature enough or ready to be a father he can still be a child who hasn't grown up and all he needs is a willing sexual partner who will commit to him exclusively no requirement for maturity no requirement for leadership young women have transformed their expectations as well young women are not out looking for a man with the potential to be a father to their children because again we've removed that from the equation it's something that we'll perhaps think about later and so now they're looking for men who will be their buddies a man who will be their bff a man who will be a male version of their female friends and because of this transformation in what young women are expecting and demanding there has been a transformation in what is being required of young men and anyone who deals with young men and young women who are moving toward marriage has seen this anyone who engages in pastoral counseling with young couples who are about to be married has seen this anyone who's been married for a while and is looking at this coming generation and how they approach marriage has seen this especially in terms of the absolute lack of maturity and responsibility on the part of young men who have been accepted by young women as marriage partners it's sad and so now we come to our subject this idea of what he must be if he wants to marry my daughter and again not what he should be or what he needs to be you see i believe people get the title of this book wrong because they're looking at it through the contemporary cultural lens see if a young woman is just looking for a female a male version of her female friends then why do you need biblical requirements for that you just you just need a few preferences i like this i don't like that um i like funny i like you know emotionally you know engage whatever but you don't have to start thinking about ironclad standards for a man if all he's going to be is a male version of your female bff but when you attach sex to childbearing childbearing to marriage now all of a sudden what you're looking for changes and again we're talking about christians here because now the christian is not just looking for a companion the christian woman is now actually looking for someone who will be among other things a father to her children now you go from what he needs to be and what he should be to what he must be do you see how that changes things now as we get into this i'm making some assumptions that are controversial two in particular that are controversial explain why they're controversial number one i'm assuming parental duty and responsibility that's controversial and and i don't say that just from a cultural perspective living here in zambia i remember we came several years ago the year before we moved so it had been 2014 and my oldest daughter had not yet married my now son-in-law and we came me bridget the seven youngest children and we brought our then future son-in-law with us and it was quite controversial and and of course we didn't understand that but we were later informed that's just not something that's done in the zambian context the relationship between a young man and future father-in-law like that it's just not something that's done so i'm not saying that it's controversial from the standpoint of me as an american living in a in another context i'm saying it's controversial in that regardless of what culture you're a part of and regardless of how that culture has traditionally approached marriage it is now controversial to talk about any kind of parental duty and obligation as it relates to marriage partly because of what we just talked about if young people are out there engaging in deepening sexual relationships and folks this is happening in the church amen somebody it's happening in the church young christians who are growing up in this culture are more and more frequently engaging in sexual relationships before they end up getting married and here's what's interesting this is what it does for young christians for the young non-christian who's out there and if you have not been attached to or around young people for a while if you have not seen what culture has done and how culture has transformed among young people then you probably don't know that having sex with someone among today's young people that that 18 to 24 year old crowd having sex with someone is completely informal it's it's probably a little bit more formal than giving somebody your phone number it has that little meaning and if you spend any time watching movies or television today let me give you a clue you might think that that's an overstatement what i just said is an overstatement but here's what happens think about movies that you've seen romantic comedies or anything like that have you seen television series that you watch and here's something that's very common there'll be a man and a woman who have a sexual relationship but all of a sudden that big moment will come and the big moment is not having sex with one another but it's when somebody uses the l word people who've been having sex together for months all of a sudden she's all a flutter he said it again catch this we used to refer to a sexual relationship as making love doesn't mean that anymore now it's commonplace and meaning less for people out there in the world now you come into the church where young christians don't have that casual attitude towards sex and they are being raised with a biblical understanding of of purity to at least some extent and they end up in a sexual relationship with someone here's the difference between those inside the church and those outside the church those outside the church when they end up in a sexual relationship with someone they wipe their hands of it and they just go to the next partner but when a christian who's out there in that culture falls into the culture's thinking and is sucked into the culture's thinking and engages in a sexual relationship then they immediately assume this is the person i'm supposed to get married to i want you to see the problem here not again there's a sin problem here amen we understand that we get that that there's a sin problem here but here's the other problem that it creates i've engaged in a sexual relationship with someone i've deepened my relationship with that person and i'm now committed to this person becoming my spouse and i haven't even begun to think about whether or not they're qualified for that position then they come to the pastor to get premarital counseling premarital counseling is not can you counsel me as to whether or not this marriage should go forward but premarital counseling is it's a done deal we're already committed by the way i've had a sexual relationship with this person that i'm not going to tell you about but we're not asking you should we we're just saying will you tick this box and again the discussion about whether or not these people are qualified and particularly whether or not this young man is qualified hasn't even taken place because sex happened before that question was ever raised did you see the difficulty here so i'm assuming and again this is controversial in our day parental duty and obligation in this regard secondly i'm assuming male headship i think the question of what he must be is incredibly important for a number of reasons not least of which is because the role that god calls men to play in marriage and family a couple of things here about this and then we'll get into these things and basically what i'm going to share with you is the four ps what he must be this is part of the book if you've heard me talk about this you've heard me talk about the four ps and we're going to get to that that that a young man needs to be prepared to be priest prophet provider protector and i'm going to explain what all those things are and what it is that we're supposed to be looking for in order to gauge that but before we get there we have to recognize that that there's opposition to that before we even start first there's opposition to the idea that a father would say here's what a young man must be who who are you that's just between them what's the bible have to say jeremiah chapter 29. and verse 6 take wives and have sons and daughters take wives for your sons and give your daughters in marriage that they may bear sons and daughters multiply there and do not decrease do you notice the phrase there and this is a phrase used throughout the old testament take give the idea here is that parents give their children in marriage in fact we still do it even though culturally we have rejected the idea in principle we still nod to it in the ceremony when the preacher stands up there and says who gives this woman to be married to this man now culturally nothing has been done in most cases that would justify a father saying i do because he's not giving that young woman she gave herself to that man a long time ago and all he's doing is raising his hand and paying the check but that comes from somewhere throughout the old testament there is the idea that we give in marriage in the new testament uh luke chapter 20 verses 34 and 35. we also see this in matthew 22 30 but jesus says this the sons of this age marry and are given in marriage but those who are considered worthy to attain to the age of sorry to that age and to the resurrection from the dead neither marry nor are given in marriage so jesus is comparing the current age and the age to come and he's saying here again in the age to come there will be no marriage but he doesn't say in the age to come there will be no marriage he says there will be no marrying or giving in marriage why because it is assumed that there is a parental obligation and responsibility in marriage that there is a giving in marriage again it may be controversial but it's biblical culturally it may work itself out in different ways in different environments but it's biblical that parents would protect their children and guide their children in this way it's been said a number of ways but i think the the the best quote on this that i've heard comes from alistair begg aleister begg you know talking about this idea of parents washing their hands of their children and allowing them to just go out and find a mate without any help from their parents he says it's amazing to me just a few years ago you wouldn't let them pick out their socks by themselves but now you send them to find a spouse without you again i am not talking about arranged marriages here amen you you know me you know better i'm not talking about this i'm not even talking about what that process has to look like it different differs from from family to family from culture to culture but the principle is that there is a parental obligation and a role and a part for parents to play secondly i'm assuming male headship and this is even more controversial and is becoming more and more controversial every day i believe the reason that it matters the reason that it's what he must be and not what he should be or what he needs to be is because of the role that god says men are to play in marriage and in family if you don't believe me that this is controversial i'm not just talking about it being controversial out there in the world you know the word patriarchy is getting a bad rap now out there in the world but also in the church listen to this from the council on biblical equality now here's the core values of the council on biblical equality number one scripture is our authoritative guide for faith life and practice amen number two patriarchy and then they have in parentheses male dominance is not a biblical ideal but a result of sin a couple of things have happened there we'll address it in a moment three patriarchy is an abuse of power taking from females what god has given them their dignity and freedom their leadership and often their very lives that's how the council on biblical equality defines patriarchy um by the way here is the united nations defining patriarchy in a recent document progress of the world's women 2019-2020 patriarchy in its wider definition means the manifestation an institutionalization of male dominance over women and children in the family and the extinction of male dominance over women in society in general amazing sounds like the council on biblical equality is listening to the same people that the u.n are listening to and they are this definition of patriarchy comes from modern feminist studies um this is part of the social justice movement if you will and feminist studies is one of the leading edges the tip of the spear in this regard and so this idea that patriarchy by definition is evil and wicked and abusive is coming straight from there but we continue number four while the bible reflects patriarchal culture the bible does not teach patriarchy in human relationships number five christ's redemptive work frees all people from patriarchy calling women and men to share authority equally in service and leadership and then for the second time we'll just go on to number eight followers of christ are to oppose injustice and patriarchal teaching i'm sorry patriarchal teachings and practices that marginalize and abuse females and males for the sake of time um we won't go through this point by point but i'm sure that you can see that there are some issues here first of all patriarchy is an historical word with a historical meaning webster's dictionary from 1828 patriarchy the jurisdiction of a patriarch in webster's dictionary 1913 uh patriarchy number one the jurisdiction of patriarch number two uh governed by a patriarch so it's a word that has a meaning but what feminist studies has done is poured new meaning into the word and then injected the word back into the culture that new definition of the word has been accepted in the culture and advanced in the culture so that now we are at odds with a historical term it's not just a historical term though go to any biblical encyclopedia and you will see that the term patriarch refers to the first four generations in israel's life abraham isaac jacob and the sons of jacob are referred to as the patriarchs acts chapter 2 verse 29 brothers i may say to you with confidence about the patriarch david that he both died and was buried and this again he's our patriarch david hebrew 7 4. see how great this man was to whom abraham the patriarch gave a tenth of his spoils so patriarchy is not just a historical word that has historical meaning it is also a biblical term that has biblical meaning but i'm not here just arguing about terminology because this idea of removing patriarch again patriarchy is about male headshit remember what i said we did we we removed sex from childbearing we removed childbearing from marriage and and when we did that we changed what young women look for what young men and what was required of young men and this idea of male headship is completely irrelevant and useless in the current environment but not from a biblical perspective so now let's get into this these four p's listen to this from george whitfield in his sermon the great duty of family religion every governor of a family ought to look upon himself as obliged to act in three capacities as a prophet to instruct a priest to pray for and with and a king to govern direct and provide for them we could go on and on with statements and quotes just like this one uh throughout the historical period especially uh from that particular historical period people understood that husbands and their headship in their families was a picture of christ headship christ our prophet priest and king again today that's controversial because people take that in this literalistic sense well if you believe that then you believe that women don't have their own priesthood or children have their nobody ever meant that the puritans never meant that in using this phrase and the only reason that we object to this phrase is because feminist studies transforms our understanding of the meaning of the word patriarchy and then that understanding is infused into the culture and even into the church as we accept this definition of patriarchy as being one of dominance abuse and then it transforms the way we think about male headship in general and so with all that in mind thinking about this from a historic perspective these four p's priest profit provider protector what's our goal here in looking at these four p's first we want to ask ourselves what does the bible say about this again this is not what he should be or what he needs to be this is what he must be what does the bible say about all this secondly what does this look like in practice and thirdly how can we discern it in the life of a young man because a young man is not going to have all of these things together but this is about teaching our daughters what to look for and teaching our sons what to be there's a reciprocal function here it's kind of like in math you know we teach kids in math well if 2 plus 3 equals 5 then 3 plus 2 also equals 5. amen and so there's a reciprocal function here as well if if i have a daughter and i'm saying this is what a young man must be before i'm willing to say yes you know who gives this man this woman i i do right i've vetted this young man here's what he must be when i'm vetting him then the reciprocal function of that is if i have sons and i believe that that's required of a young man before he's acceptable as a potential husband then i'm also saying that this is what i must inculcate in my sons so that they would be qualified to fill that role as well so this is about what we teach our sons to be and our daughters to look for but it's not going to be fully formed so i'm not about that either there are a lot of people out there who are looking for you know uh 18 to 24 year old young men who have proven themselves and meet the requirements that you would expect of a 45 year old man and that's absolutely ridiculous so let's look at these quickly and then move to some of our questions first the husband is priest what are we talking about here the priest represents his people before god and in the quote that we looked at earlier this this is one who intercedes for and who represents you know it's interesting when we get married a young woman takes on the young man's name by the way this is a picture of male headship the young woman taking on the young man's name and and and so when bridget and i got married she took on my name and we became the bachm family that is a picture of my priesthood if you will my headship i am now the representative of this household then there are people who object to it and i always laugh you know a feminist will say well when i get married i'm not going to take my husband's last name oh okay you're just going to keep your father's last name you still got a man's last name you just chose one man over another man it's absolutely ridiculous when we try to fight this in this way try to redefine what we've understood from time immemorial so first peter chapter 3 verse 7 gives us a picture of this spiritual headship likewise husbands live with your wives in an understanding way showing honor to the woman as the weaker vessel now again not dominance over the woman because he's a weaker vessel honor because she's a weaker vessel since there are heirs with you of the grace of life so that your prayers may not be hindered it's interesting me not living with my wife in an understanding way and this idea here is about our prayers being hindered because of this function of priesthood this comes from uh peter jones when he was doing the wedding of his daughter and future son-in-law and i think it's poignant because it captures the idea and just negates the concept that anybody who believes in this somehow is demeaning women as he's doing the wedding ceremony for his daughter and son-in-law he says in our radically egalitarian culture and a church that follows in hot pursuit david and eowyn as the coach would say keep your positions you are not according to ephesians interchangeable david be a faithful self-sacrificing priest not a macho male for your wife see it as your great calling to nourish her and sanctify her with the word of god so that more and more she will come to resemble her savior christ eowyn respect this spiritual role david has submit to him as you would to christ be submissive to the word of god as it teaches you with all gentleness the role of wife and mother i think that captures it the idea that someone would believe that a husband is called to a position of a priesthood the idea that that has to mean that somehow we're demeaning women is completely and utterly farcical but the bible is very clear about a man's duty and responsibility ephesians is very clear husbands love your wives as christ loved the church and gave himself up for her it's very clear that there is a picture here of the relationship between christ and his bride the church and that that headship this sacrificial headship is something that we do not not not because we think that somehow women are inferior to men but because we know that the gospel is what's being portrayed here and the picture of christ loving his bride is being portrayed here so what do we look for in a young man well we look for a personal commitment to christ a man can't walk in this position he can't fulfill this first p if he doesn't have a personal commitment to christ if he's not a christian if he's not born again secondly we look for fruit and christ-like character so we're not just talking about someone who claims to be a christian but somebody who bears the fruit of the spirit somebody whose life displays being conformed to the character of christ thirdly we look for a selfless view of marriage not this picture that the culture has painted of an immature boy who wants a sexual partner and no responsibility or duty attached to it but a man who steps up and says yes i'm ready today to be a husband and a father not yeah i'm ready for you know the husband part but but maybe someday i'll be no don't get married if you're not ready to be a father take the whole thing take the whole job selflessly see yourself as something that is bigger than you and your own personal desires whims and wishes man up grow up a selfless view of marriage and fourthly spirituality you're looking for a spiritual man not a carnal man what about the husband is prophet what priest represents is people before god the prophet represents god before his people the prophet is the one who brings the word of god to his people well does that mean that a woman can't study the word for herself no any more than in israel having prophets meant that people couldn't know god for themselves again it's farcical the way people twist these ideas in light of having accepted an unbiblical view of male headship husband's love your wishes christ loved the church gave himself up for her that he might sanctify her having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word so that he might present the church to himself and splendor without spot or wrinkle or any such thing that she might be holy and without blemish this is a prophetic duty ephesians six one through four children obey your appearance in the lord for this is right it's interesting this comes right after right after the end of ephesians five where we talk about wives and their duties to their husbands and husbands and their duty to their wives the very next thing children obey your parents in the lord for this is right honor your father and your mother this is the first commandment with a promise that it may go well with you and you may live long in the land fathers now are mothers excluded from this no but he uses fathers because of the priestly responsibility this symbolic headship fathers do not provoke your children to anger but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the lord when a young woman again remember what i said because of the way we've turned these things around young women today are looking for young men who are just a a male version of their female bff they're not looking for a father for their children they're not interested in that they want a child who hasn't grown up yet and is not even ready to be a father and they hope that someday maybe he will be but when you understand that this is part and parcel of the job description it changes what you look for so what are we looking for number one clear understanding of the word of god we're looking for somebody who understands the bible knows how to handle the word why how is he going to wash you in the water of the word if you can't handle the word if a young lady hasn't found a man who can lead her spiritually he hasn't found a man who's qualified to be her husband it amazes me that young women and almost exclusively as young women i i cannot remember a time when i had to have a conversation with a young man who was a christian young man committed and sold out to christ who was bringing some young woman around and he's talking about potentially marrying her and she's not even a christian i just that almost never happens almost always when it happens it's a young woman who says she's committed to christ but has entered into a relationship with a young man who is not a christian or who barely shows any evidence of being a christian and not again not we don't even have to run to do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers in order to deal with this all we need to do is go here how is he going to wash you with the water of the word how's he going to do that how's he going to be profit how's he gonna do that because five or ten years from now here's what's gonna happen you're gonna come running to church tears streaming down your face you just you know he just doesn't lead us spiritually and he doesn't read the bible and he doesn't want to come to church half the time and you know we're trying to get the kid that's what you asked for because you thought about what he should be and what he needs to be and not what he must be it's because you believed the culture and looked for somebody who could be a a male version of your female bff instead of looking for somebody who could be priest and prophet and who could lead spiritually but the bible's clear that that's what he's called to do clear understanding of the word of god a well-developed theology again this guy doesn't have to be a theologian but he needs to know what he believes and why he believes it needs to have the ability to communicate and defend what he believes he needs to be a man of conviction and he needs to have a teachable spirit finally provider the last p i'm it's not this is the third p sorry so the priest represents his people before god the prophet represents god before his people the priest is the intercessor the prophet is the teacher now is the provider what's the provider do the provider make sure that his people have everything that they need first timothy 5 8 i love this verse but if anyone does not provide for his relatives and especially for members of his household he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever by the way this is in a discussion about widows being provided for so this is not talking about a man taking care of his wife and children it's about a man taking care of his widowed mother taking care of his wife and children is a given first timothy 5 11-14 again before that this discussion about widows but refuse to enroll younger widows this is about them being on the role of the church being taken care of as well refuse to enroll younger widows for their passions draw them away from christ they desire to marry and so incur condemnation for having abandoned their former faith besides that they learn to be idlers going about from house to house and not only idlers but also gossips and busybodies saying what they should not so don't enroll the young widow to be provided for by the church well wait a minute how she going to be provided for next verse so i would have younger widows marry bear children manage their household notice marriage and bearing children right there together it's an assumption that they go together marry bear children manage their household and give the adversary no occasion for slander what's the context how are young widows to be provided for the answer a husband because it's a husband's duty to provide for his family not my opinion i don't write the mail i just deliver it this is not what he should be or what he needs to be this is according to the bible what he must be so what does this mean well he must have a job and secondly he must have a work ethic again the bible is replete but let's just look at a few things here first thessalonians 4 10 to 12 but we urge you brethren to excel still more and to make it your ambition to lead a quiet life and attend your own business and work with your hands just as we commended you so that you will behave properly towards outsiders and not be in any need proverbs 6 go to the ant you sluggard again this is talking about your work ethic we we don't want to be a sluggard a little sleep a little slumber a little folding of the hands and and and poverty will come on you like a robber colossians 3 22-24 whatever you do work harderly as for the lord and not for men knowing that from the lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward you are serving christ again this is our attitude towards work and of course we see later in second thessalonians 3 if a man is not willing to work don't let him eat so a job a work ethic a readiness and willingness to accept the responsibility of marriage and parenting ready right here right now to put this on my shoulders and go now finally protector the priest represents his people before god the prophet prophet represents god before his people the provider sees to it that his people have what they need and the protector places himself between his people and anything or anyone that would do them harm nehemiah 4 14. and i looked and i cried i'm sorry and i looked and arose and said to the nobles and to the officials and to the rest of the people do not be afraid of them remember the lord who is great and awesome and fight for your brothers your sons your daughters your wives and your homes notice anything missing there husbands and fathers why because he's talking to husbands and fathers about standing up and being the protectors of their wives and their children and their homes this is their duty again first peter chapter three we already looked at with this idea of women as the weaker vessels who are protected and cherished and cared for what do we look for in the protector because our time is drawing not here number one he must be a man of personal strength he must be a man of personal strength notice i didn't say physical strength that's not that's not the point here we're not talking about somebody who's a brawler but a man of personal strength who is willing to put himself between his people and anyone or anything that would do them harm secondly he must be a man of wisdom and not a fool because if he's a fool he'll bring trouble he'll bring trouble the fool is the one who who needs the personal strength because he doesn't have sense enough to get out of physical altercations he needs to be wise and not a fool and then finally he needs to be a man of courage and conviction and let me give you an example of what i'm talking about here because when i say this people always think about physical strength um and and i'm i'm not against physical strength and you know things like that that's that's not my point here but we're not seeing families torn apart because men don't have physical strength to protect them we're seeing families torn apart because men don't have spiritual strength and wisdom to protect them i'll give you one example men who don't protect their families from things that come into the household to destroy men who don't monitor what comes into the family or men who themselves are feeding on things like pornography not only are you not protecting your family but you are the portal through which this is coming in to your family and your household why do i bring this up because it's a huge issue right now the economist had an article red light moment pornography is booming during covet 19 lockdown the article begins pornography is having a good pandemic as an industry it is well adapted to a world in lockdown it is already largely moved online and is con and its consumers often voluntarily self-isolate psychology today how the pandemic is changing pornography this article reads in part the coronavirus pandemic is affecting not just the amount and type of porn being produced but also how much porn people are consuming and what they're searching for on major sites pornography was already the number one use of the internet and this pandemic has only fueled the fire i i wonder how many of us man see it as our duty and our role to be a protector in this regard to be a protector first in terms of being a man of personal strength see not physical strength personal strength a man of personal wisdom and a man of personal courage do you see how this completely changes the entire discussion see when i first said this you were thinking about you know going toe to toe with an intruder and and you know god forbid you should have to do that but i hope you would instead of telling your wife get him but more than likely that's not the kind of protector your family is going to need you to be more than likely your family is going to need you to be the kind of protector who puts themselves between something like this and them so not what he needs to be not what he ought to be but what he must be a priest prepared to be a priest who represents his people before god a spiritual man a man of prayer and intercessor on behalf of those whom he leads a prophet who represents god before his people a man of the word who is prepared to stand to the head of a family and teach the word of god a provider a man of character who is committed to work and committed to doing whatever he needs to see to it that his people have what they need not one who selfishly sees his family as being used for his own ends not one who makes sure that he has the best of everything while his family goes without and a protector a man of personal strength wisdom and character who is ready willing and able to put himself between his family and anyone or anything that would threaten to do them harm this this is what he must be if he wants to marry my daughter this is what's non-negotiable everything else how tall he is what color he is what what what what nationality he is what everything else pales in comparison to this that stuff is meaningless this stuff is everything and my prayer for all of us is that we would recognize this and that we would live accordingly let's pray father we thank you for your goodness and your mercy and your kindness toward us we thank you for your word to us we thank you that you've not left us to wander aimlessly in the dark but that you've given us clear instructions grant by your grace that we might cling to them and live by them for in them we find life we pray this in the name of our priest prophet provider protector jesus amen all right we have some questions no questions okay um okay all right so we've had one question um the one question came in about you when i started talking about this i mentioned the fact that this justice movement they only think about issues of racial justice and we hear that a lot especially in the church issues of racial justice but you have to recognize that the social justice movement think about it like this it's like a train and it's a train with many box cars the engine is critical theory and right behind that you have critical race theory which leads us to discussions about uh racial issues and and racial injustice and so on and so forth right behind that i would say you have feminist issues and egalitarian issues and then behind that you have other things like the lgbtqia plus movement and issues like um immigration and issues like abortion and when i say abortion by the way according to the social justice movement access to abortion is the social justice issue not the killing of unborn babies but access to abortion and then you have things like climate justice and all these other things are part of that movement but one of the biggest movers and shakers in all of the social justice movement is coming from feminist studies and particularly this movement towards egalitarianism not equality but egalitarianism and so this whole movement in critical theory what it does in large part is redefine terms inject those terms back into the culture and then rephrase discussions about justice using those terms that they've redefined and reframed back into the culture and the idea of patriarchy is a prime example of how this has been done so that today many christians especially younger christians hear the word patriarchy and immediately alarm bells go off because we think that it's this evil and hurtful and grossly unbiblical and unjust concept or idea another question yeah we have a few more questions that have come in but the first one reads as follows what happens if the woman is more spiritually mature than the man in regard to leading her spiritually um what happens if the if the woman is more spiritually immature than the man in regards to spirit leading her spiritually nothing because spiritual leadership is not based on who has more spirituality this is not about worth or value this is about order it's about position so for example let's say that there are two vehicles and these two vehicles are are going somewhere one vehicle is a supercharged sports car that can you know go 200 miles an hour another vehicle is an old beat-up pickup truck um that can barely stay on the road but the person driving the old beat up pickup truck knows where they're going and the person who's driving the faster more powerful car doesn't know where they're going well who gets in front do you just say well your car's more powerful so you get to go in front well no because leadership here is about where we're going it doesn't have anything to do with which car is able to do more or less and so it's not like you know you sort of take a a spiritual quiz and then say okay you made a 90 you made an 80. now you're the spiritual leader this is about our roles this is by the way this is why what he must be the reason that we have this question come up so often is because for many christian women they don't think about this when choosing a mate only afterwards is it being thought of and what i'm saying is we need to think about this beforehand and the other thing is this when we talk about spiritual leadership in the home what we're talking about for example let's say you know leading family worship or something like this you don't have to be a theologian to lead family worship it just you don't have to do that you just have to be committed to some basic things we're going to read together pray together sing together right we're going to catechize together or whatever right the other thing is spiritual maturity changes over time so number one we don't you know lead or not lead based on who's more or whatever but number two if you're a husband that's called to lead and for whatever reason you've ended up in a situation where you're not very spiritually mature get more spiritually mature invest in the ordinary means of grace do the same thing you would do if you got a promotion on your job if someone came to you on your job and they said hey there's a position that's opened up we're going to put you in this position you wouldn't look around and go well i think maybe that person's more qualified or that no you would say i'm your man i'll get the job done and then you'd burn them in that oil until you became more competent so that you could lead think about it the same way thank you there is another question for you isn't physical strength as important in protecting your family when they are physically threatened no physical strength is not nearly as important in protecting your family when they're threatened it is absolutely not nearly as important in fact if you are wise you can get yourself out of situations where physical strength is required in protecting your family it is rare almost never do you run into a situation where a man protecting his family requires him to be physically strong we don't live in that kind of world right you're not living out in the bush where you got to fight off you know whatever you know that's that's not what we're talking about um so no it's not nearly as important are there rare occasions where a man may have to you know exercise physical strength to protect himself and his family well yeah there are those rare occasions but when those occasions come up um they're not things that you can necessarily um know about or anticipate that you you can't do that um so no it's not nearly as nearly as important would it be good um yes i mean i obviously i think that'd be good i i teach martial arts i teach brazilian jiu jitsu right i see the value in that but that's not nearly as important as spiritual strength and leadership within the context of the family and there's also limits to that and if we begin to rely on physical strength then we go looking for opportunities to display that physical strength and that way you invite more trouble than you would ever experience otherwise thank you what do you think causes the young christian ladies to choose spouses outside of the church and how can we guard against that well i think it goes back to what we talked about before christian ladies choosing spouses outside the church goes back to what we talked about before they're not looking for the right things i think part of this has to do with instruction part of this has to do with having a plan but one of the things that i like to do when parents come to me with this and they're distraught and they're saying you know my daughter she's she's with this guy and he's outside of the church and he's and i'll just say what have you taught her to look for and they kind of you know you know like like an animal looking at a a a a fence or something that they've never seen before hey what are you talking about i mean and so most christian parents think we tell them you should marry a christian and then that's it and we never discuss these things that we've discussed today we never put before them this picture we just say you should marry a christian or you should marry a good man we never go into what that looks like so that's problem number one problem number two is our children are out there swimming in this culture where remember we we've divorced sex from procreation we've divorced uh procreation or we do divorce sex from marriage and then we've divorced procreation from marriage and so they're swimming in this environment where as a result of that what young women are looking for by and large is a male version of their bff and not necessarily someone who is a spiritual leader and i think when you put these things together it's a toxic uh combination and i think the other thing is if i'm honest we feminize the church the church has become extremely effeminate and it's somewhere where we don't encourage and expect men to be men or to be particularly masculine and and i think because of that um we don't have an environment where we are welcoming encouraging and raising um godly young men who have much about them that is attractive um it's unfortunate but in many cases that's what's happening before i ask the next question dr balkam what is bff bff best friend forever it's my bff thank you besties the next question please how can a young lady know that this young man will change and fail to provide for the family later in their marriage she can't you can't know the future yeah you can't you can't know the future and so it's quite it's quite possible um you know nobody stays the same so the person is going to change period um and then circumstances change sometimes sometimes circumstances will change where a man will become disabled or something will happen where he can't work or whatever and in that case what do you do you do whatever you have to do um so yeah i mean yeah that that that's what you do you do what you need to do in order to get through whatever circumstance uh you know providence throws your way so that's why what i was saying here is these are the principles that we look for these are not guarantees these are the principles that we look for thank you another question for you what adverts would you give to daughters who are in a relationship and planning to get into marriage with a non-christian repent if you're in a relationship with a non-christian and plan to get married repent you're in sin you're in gross sin and immorality you have run away from god god is not going to bless that god has told you something very specific and you've looked at him and you've shaken your fists at him and you say no you said there's something that i want more than i want you there's something that i believe in more than i believe in your word you are in sin period stop stop get on your face before god and repent of your sin period thank you something similar to that question how do parents handle it when their daughter is in a relationship with a young man who does not have these biblical qualities yeah it's interesting you know one of the things that i've i said that when people ask me about this book or talk to me about this book 60 70 of the time they get the title wrong there's something else that happens when i talk to people about this book especially when i talk to men about this book one of the most common stories is this my daughter was dating this young man and i didn't like him and she wouldn't listen to me so i got your book so that i could read it and talk to my daughter about why she wouldn't be with this man and i was absolutely convicted because when i read the book i recognized that i don't live up to this and i think that's one of the most significant issues we we we look at you know our daughters and who they're with but we don't look at who we are and what we've modeled before them and then going back to what we talked about before we don't look at what we've taught or what we have not taught to them so i think we go back to those two things right we go back to who we are and what we've modeled and then we go back to what we've taught and then we try to engage the relationship based on where the relationship is in terms of us and our daughter notice that in all of these things none of those have to do with that young man they all have to do with us and our relationships with our daughter there's a question here if the husband is not taking up their roles as priest and prophet what can be done apart from praying for him what else should be done again if a husband is not filling these roles number one praying for him is significant first peter chapter three verse seven right likewise wives if any of your husbands are disobedient to the word right it's you ask that question there is a bible verse that addresses that specific question so memorize first peter chapter three verse seven and believe it that they can be one without a word right but believe that it's the word of god so i can't i can't improve on the word of god but then there's a second issue the second issue is your children need to be fed spiritually so i answer that question with a question what would do what would you do with your husband stopped feeding your children physically would you just watch them wither away and die or would you do everything in your power to see to it that they get the sustenance that they need while begging god to bring your husband out of whatever it is that has caused him to neglect them and so these are the two sides of the coin right we do everything that we have to do to see that our children get their sustenance and then first peter chapter 3 verse 7 we do everything that god calls us to do while we trust him to bring the change that only he can bring thank you there's a question talking about the peace that is provider priests and the examples you give is it possible for a lady to get married if the man does not have one of the peas is it possible yes anything's possible okay is it is it advisable no then they proceed to say and if that p is provider is it possible yes is it advisable no no don't you know again sometimes there is a circumstance um there's a circumstance that's in the way for example you have a man who's a hard-working man and this man who is a hard-working man has i mean he's got calluses on his hands he takes a job he does a good job everything that he does he does well he's commendable to everyone that he's ever worked for but right now he's in the midst of a study program where he's about to try to qualify to be whatever and because of that he's having to work a job that fits that study schedule right while he does whatever so right now he's not making a lot of money right now but he's on his way to something that will allow him to provide much better well here's what you don't do you don't say ah i see your bank account you're disqualified no because the character that you see the work ethic that you see is much more important the bank account won't always look like that if you have a hard-working man with a biblical work ethic and character that's going to change you see and so whereas some of these other things right um if you're looking at somebody who's not there in terms of priest and prophet or whatever um this is the kind of thing that disqualifies a person out of hand because the character is not in place but you can have incredible character in terms of being a provider while at the moment not necessarily for whatever for one reason or another not necessarily being in an optimal financial position and it may just mean that you need to wait what is your comment when the young man takes up a job which leads him to leave his family in the defense to provide say again what what is your comment when the young man takes suffering when a young man takes up a job yes which leads him to leave his family which leads him to lead leave his family yes in order to provide well you know that's the kind of question there's a hundred different things you know that could that could do that um i mean there's a hundred different things i could do that sometimes you find yourself in a situation where you're in the military and because you're in the military you get posted somewhere where your family can't go for a while right um then what do you do then you make the you make the most of it you know sometimes there'll be a temporary situation where that happens that's different however than what we often see and and i've heard addressed a lot here from various zambian pulpits which is this idea of people taking jobs where it's not really necessary but it's culturally accepted to be posted somewhere where your family is not um that that's sinful and it should not be um we we we don't do that so again sometimes there are circumstances that require us for a season i for example you know i most of my living is made when i go for tours in the u.s so four times a year i'll go for a two-week tour well that's me being absent from my family right um again that's sometimes there are circumstances um that that require that there's a difference however between a circumstance that requires something um on occasion or something that's not normal and choosing a lifestyle that essentially requires you to be absent on a permanent basis thank you how do you explain culture creeping into a christian marriage that question is way too broad to answer so we will get back to it since we uh we still have another session or the one who asked the same question we'll be able to yeah if they could send it with a little more specificity right that's so broad that's just we'll get back to that every marriage has culture in it you know we yeah what advice can you give to a person whose parents cannot instruct them in this way in seeking their spouse i don't think i need to give that person any advice because they just listened to a marriage that listened to a message that instructed them even though their parents weren't able to give them that advice right so i think you're watching this has already answered your question you know what to do that's why you're watching this right um there's the church there are godly people there are godly elders and people i mean there you know you do exactly what you just did there is a question i will paraphrase this because i will put the two questions together okay almost talking about the same thing so how can we equip the young men today in the church in order for them to be the kind of people that we are talking about who should marry our daughters it's called discipleship you know and and i think here's the problem and it goes back to a question asked earlier we haven't taught this to our daughters and we don't teach this to our sons we don't take it upon ourselves to disciple and train and educate our children we pass them off to other people to do that and then when we do that we they get this sort of generalized training and because we have lost sight of the importance of marriage and family and because we've lost sight of the fact that the bible is very clear and puts a great deal of emphasis on this these things are not being included in our discipleship not not specifically and i i think they need to be there there needs to be this sense in which a young man grows up his whole life and is taught by his christian parents that what we're preparing you for is to be a husband and father um i i think that's something that needs to be communicated early and often and then when we're doing our general sort of teaching and training and discipleship we need to constantly be coming back and reminding our sons and our daughters that this is what we're preparing you for this is what we're equipping you for you're gonna i mean it should just be something that they hear all the time you know you're gonna be a husband someday you're gonna be a father someday you need this you need to be prepared for this you're gonna need to give this to your family someday you're going to need to lead your family in this way someday i think it ought to be a part of the normal um you know pathways of our conversations and the normal content of our discipleship and the four again the four ps you know what is the priest the priest is this spiritual person in this intercessor that's part of christian discipleship the prophet is this person who is a man of the word who can teach the word and handle the word that's part of discipleship right um you know the provider this is part of this is a part of character we've read those bible verses the bible is replete with examples of calling us to be people with a work ethic and not lazy and all these sorts of things and then protectors this is you know this is your spiritual life that that that we're that we're preparing you for right understanding wickedness and the way you flee from wickedness and these sorts of things so we've already got these pieces we just need to put them together in terms of talking about our sons being prepared to be husbands and fathers and we don't do that instead we basically teach our sons to put off marriage as long as possible using phrases like oh you're so young you know oh you'll have time for that later um so yeah we're basically teaching our children that marriage is a is a bad thing that should be avoided as long as possible and i think we ought to be doing the opposite we're going to be teaching them that marriage is a good thing that they ought to prepare themselves for as soon as possible all right thank you there are some questions that we may not be able to deal with right now talking about single mothers and then the other one was talking about again single mothers the same answer that you give for uh the mother whose husband the woman whose husband is is spiritually not leading what do you do as a single mother do you say well ideally a husband would be doing this therefore i'm going to watch my children fill up and die or do you do the same thing that you're doing every day to see to it that they eat physically right god is a father to the fatherless god is faithful he is faithful i was raised by a single mother god is faithful you're not less than well um we'll ask that question later in the next session but there are those that are more related to what we are talking about now uh not to say that these others are not important but we are moving in a certain direction so we'll deal with those questions in the next session or the 17-hour session okay but there's one uh that is also an important question which uh reads as follows can those who have engaged in sex before get married after coming out clear before the eldership i don't understand so here is a young lady do you have to be a virgin in order to get married no we see that in the bible right bathsheba wasn't a virgin when she married david they had sinned we see so yeah don't put on yourself something that the bible has never put on you all right yeah okay we do acknowledge that there are three to four questions that have not been dealt with but we are going to have those questions addressed at 17 hours when we have a number of our brethren tending to all the questions that will come between now and then and then of course the ones that i've said we have not addressed we do thank the lord for his word and we also thank him for your participation and the way your questions came in and came through so we pray that the lord continues to minister to you and to answer the so many questions that we have regarding this subject please let us turn to a hymn since jesus freely did appear we'll sing that him talking about marriage and then i will give a few announcements before we close in a word of prayer since jesus really did happen to grace peace oh lord we ask thy praises here with all the glorious gifts upon the bride of battle down and placement this indeed as we talk about what he must be if he wants to marry my daughter this should also be our prayer regarding their marriage we thank god for the seminar and please be reminded that the next session is at 15 hours central african time and i want to just also emphasize that this is a women's seminar it is for women but if you wish to join in as a man or husband please do so knowing fully that it is a women's seminar and the title of the seminar is loving god in life's disappointment and it is going to be taken by mrs tripp let us pray together shall we oh lord god our father we know that in all matters of conduct and life matters of faith your word is the final authority we live in a world today where there is so much teaching coming from the world informed by different cultures but lord we pray that you cause us as your people to be a kind who are laid by your word whose authority in all these things that we seek to do comes from your word lord how we give thanks for your man's servant dr baucom you enabled him to speak to us clearly there are those who are planning to get married they are those who are already husbands they are those fathers and mothers who are praying that a godly man will appear and marry their daughter or eternal god we have different expectations different prayers but we thank you for what we have heard in this day it is indeed a challenge to many young men but a challenge to husbands as well for we know that with time sometimes men who have stayed in marriage for a long time may backslide and fail to practice the things that we have been hearing in this day oh lord you who brings people together you who is able to keep marriages to keep husbands lord we pray that even such men will be spoken to throughout this time that they will be brought to a point where they begin to think about rekindling their life and practicing these things as required of you eternal god we thank you that we have been able to ask questions and probably there are so many other questions that are coming to mind we pray that later on at 17 hours as we come for the q and a session that these needs will be met by our dear ones who will be answering the questions so eternal god we pray now that you will dismiss us with your blessing we thank you for the ministry of your word and we thank you for allowing us to sit and listen and we thank you for this day we trust you indeed for all to come in christ jesus we pray amen thank you very much for joining us and please we invite you again to come and meet with us at 15 hours god bless you all hi my name is conor dimbe i am the director of international advancement for the african christian university commonly known as the acu where dr celestine sandy is the vice chancellor and dr vody bokum is the dean of the school of divinity the scu was started by a number of reformed baptist churches here in lusaka zambia we're currently offering a gap year program which we call the scholars program it is tailor-made to help you prepare for tertiary education spiritually and academically and then we've got four degree programs that are currently on offer and that is agriculture business education and theology we pride ourselves in the fact that all our courses are taught from a biblical worldview in a world where we constantly see moral decay we are convinced that this type of education is undeniably fundamental does it sound like a university that you would like to enroll with then sign up all the details are on our website or perhaps you are thinking this is a cause i would like to support then partner with us again all the details are on our website acu growing in grace and knowledge hello my name is sunderland jay and i'm the deputy vice chancellor of administration here at central africa baptist university here at central africa baptist university we want to come alongside you and help equip you for success in life and in ministry to this end we have specifically designed courses to meet your need you can enroll with us in any of the following courses a diploma or a degree in bible you can also enroll with us in a diploma in primary education or you can enroll with us in any of our certificate programs talking about certificate programs we have one that we designed specifically for school levels we realized that school leavers need to prepare for success in their tertiary education and so we have a gap year your journey to success begins at central africa baptist university enroll with us see you at central africa baptist university you
Channel: Lusaka Baptist Church
Views: 12,851
Rating: 4.9603958 out of 5
Id: WuT3dQt6A2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 13sec (4873 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 28 2020
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