Cultural Marxism | Dr. Voddie Baucham

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I am so glad I took the time to watch this. Even if one does not agree with the biblical/Christian angle, watching it makes the world feel like a slightly saner place.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/NeedsMoreEmu ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 11 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

The only way to show them how stupid their game is, is to play it right back at them.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/some1arguewithme ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 10 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
my assignment tonight is to address the topic of cultural Marxism and it's a topic that I have been talking about for a long time and it's a topic that most people didn't want to hear me talk about but now for some strange reason people are finding it more relevant there's a pastor scripture that I want to read for us it's from the book of 1st chronicles chapter 12 first chronicles chapter 12 I was trying think about a passage of Scripture you know I'm talking about cultural Marxism like where's that text you know and this is not a text on cultural Marxism but I believe it's a text that really explains the importance of us addressing this issue tonight first chronicles chapter 12 beginning of verse 23 these are the numbers of the divisions of the armed troops who came to David in Hebron to turn the kingdom of Saul over to him according to the word of the Lord so David the man after God's own heart is about to inherit the kingdom he's about to become king in their men who came with him because if you're going to be King if you're going to govern God's people if you're going to lead God's people there's some things that you need amen the men of Judah bearing shield and spear were 6,800 armed troops of the semi Knights mighty men of valor for war 7100 of the Levites 4600 the prince2 hoy de of the house of Aaron and with him 3,700 Zadok a young man mighty in valor and twenty-two commanders from his own father's house of the Benjamin Knights the kinsmen of Saul 3,000 of whom the majority to that point kept their allegiance to the house of Saul of the Ephraimites 20800 mighty men of valor famous man in their father's house of the half tribe of manasseh 18,000 who were expressly named to come and make david king of is a car men who had understanding of the times to know what israel ought to do 200 chiefs and all their kinsmen under their command swords shield mighty men of valor you need all that amen but you also need some men who understand the times so that you know what you opt to do and that's what I hope this session will be about I hope that it will be about us trying to understand the times now what I don't want to do is I don't want to just offer you a dry lecture on the topic of cultural Marxism which is kind of hard not to do because it is cultural Marxism but what I want to do is sort of put this in a context to help you understand why it's important why this matters currently in this discussion in this debate and I even hesitate to call it a debate and I'll talk more about that as the weekend goes on but one of the reasons is is not really a debate is because there's a lot of name-calling right people address the issue of social justice some topic comes up one person says it's a social justice issue the other person calls them a cultural Marxist and then they turn around they call the person a racist and that's that's about all the debate that you get it's it's name-calling and things get short-circuited because of the name-calling and often neither side is being completely honest and we know it often the person who's looking at their brother and saying I you just a cultural marxists necessarily mean that that's what the person is even though they may believe that they're espousing some of the ideas that come from cultural Marxism and generally the person who turns back and says are you just a racist knows better but both sides recognize that that's a way to shut the other down because right now these are not issues that are being debated these are not issues that are being discussed and in fact in many instances the mere act of debating and discussing these issues is considered to make you a cultural Marxist or a racist on the one hand if the one person says that this was an injustice and you turn around and want to debate and whether or not that was an injustice say look how dare you I just told you that this was an injustice how insensitive can you be to not acknowledge this injustice and on the other hand the other person who does who genuinely doesn't believe that an injustice has occurred it's trying to point out why an injustice has it necessarily occurred here and have a finger pointed at them and are called a racist let's say wait a minute really how long do we know each other you know that's not who I am and so we end up just sort of not addressing the issues not debating the issues that's the great irony here is that there are issues that need to be dealt with that we that we need to press in on that we need to press each other on but this has been declared ground where we're not allowed to fight because merely deciding to debate and argue these issues disqualifies you and for some people it even disqualifies you as a Christian you're no longer a brother or a sister if you're not right on these issues another part of the problem is our ignorant of or misuse of the terms which is one of the reasons that I want to address this tonight but first let me tell you what I'm not saying I'm not here to state that all who disagree with me are Graham's Ian cultural neo-marxists you'll understand those terms as we go along I that that's that's that's not what I'm here to say I don't believe that I believe that there are some people within these circles there are some people within these movements who absolutely holds to this ideology that we're going to talk about here tonight but there are others who don't hold to the ideology who unfortunately have decided to use the terminology and that's a problem I'm also not here to state that all of the ideas with which I disagree in the current debate are Marxist because that's not fair as well I am NOT a social justice warrior I am NOT an advocate of intersectionality I I'm not even an advocate of systemic racism theory and it is a theory I'm not an advocate of those things but I don't believe that everyone who is an advocate of those things is necessarily a Marxist and I think we have to be careful about that that we're dealing with brothers and sisters here and and again while I would actually love and enjoy to be treated with that level of brotherly love and respect I can't demand it I I won't demand it but I have to give it a mint we I have to give it and so that that's that's my decision here my decision here is to give that and and hope for it in return hope that people are honest enough to deal in kind so what am I saying what is my goal here my goal is to lay out a sketch of cultural Marxism we won't be able to go into every aspect of this ideology but I want you to at least have an idea of where it comes from and what we're talking about when you use the term my hope is to make it clear why and how I and others use the term and what we mean by it because I do use the term and I have used the term for a while and I believe it's appropriate to use the term although it's unfortunate because when people hear it that that sense of offense comes so we have to be careful in doing so I hope to help you understand a couple of things why this terminology is important ideas matter words matter and it's important that we understand the words that we use and it's important on both sides it's important for you whichever side of this thing you find yourself on to understand the words that you use and the implications of the words that you use and not just assume that people know what you're talking about or what you mean when you throw out those words secondly I you'd understand why I believe it's important to address these issues and you've heard some of that already today but I do believe that this is a critical issue and we are at a critical juncture there are things at stake here that are of the utmost priority and significance I also want you to understand why certain ideas are being embraced today or why some of these ideas are actually antithetical to the gospel that we love and preach and why these issues that we face are important enough to discuss and find a way forward because we knew we do need to find a way forward it's taking our head in the sand is not an option it not only is it not an option because you know we find ourselves at this crossroad with in evangelicalism that that's important it's important that we battle these things out it's important that we understand each other it's important that we have clarity it's important that we find ourselves on the same page but there are a couple of other things that are important that I want you to hear tonight because remember what I said about the courtesy that I want to extend that courtesy that is not always extended in the other direction racism is real and it's sin and I think it's sad that there are people who are actually arguing that those of us who've been part of the statement on social justice in the gospel had somehow made a statement that we don't believe that racism is real or that racism is a sin racism is real it's a sin oppression is real it's sinful hatred is real and it's sinful my aim here is not to merely fight battles of terminology in order to avoid acknowledging real issues like these these are real issue and enough already with the people who are saying well you you you you just use terminology like cultural Marxism you just use these words like this so that you don't have to address these real issues nothing could be further from the truth nothing could be further from the truth too many people who've been killed by police officers guess what it still many police officers have been killed by citizens that's a problem we have serious problems in immigration that demand not only political solutions but also present an opportunity for those of us who love the gospel and want the gospel to be preached to every nation Amen somebody there are far too many educational opportunities too many educational resources in this country for so many people to have so poor an education that's an issue it's real amen so simply because I'm going to argue and will not stop arguing against cultural Marxism does not mean that I am unwilling to acknowledge or to engage on these real issues and it is insulting unfair and unbrotherly to suggest otherwise as it is to say that anybody who emphasizes these issues more than I would somehow doesn't love the gospel my background just want to help you understand why this is something that I've been addressing I was raised in South Central Los Angeles now just South LA Hawaii changed all that but by a single teenage Buddhist mother and so yes I was a fatherless young black man growing up in the ghetto in South LA drug infested gang infested South LA the police who policed my neighborhood were from the famous or infamous depending on who you're asking rampart division you don't even have to be from Los Angeles to have heard about the rampart division the rampart division was the baddest gang in LA they made sure we knew that there are a number of family members of mine who have spent most of their adult life in prison there are two first cousins of mine who've been gunned down in the street so I again I also think it's rather ironic that you know when people listen to me talking about these issues there are some people who have a suggested that my position on these issues somehow rises out of the fact that I'm not in touch with blackness or the black experience or I've been so privileged that somehow I just don't get it it's especially ironic when some of these people have seen virtually nothing in the way of real oppression who have the audacity to say such things so so that's where I come from I come from a family of activists I come from firemen I mean I just hey you know black power black nationalism members of my family who were part of the Nation of Islam members of my family who were parts of other organizations members of my family who were part of protests and the whole civil rights movement and everything else that's where I come from I didn't grow up with my father but I knew my father my father was always an advocate he he worked in the criminal justice system he worked as a counselor in juvenile detention centers he worked boys home my mother was a victims advocate until she retired in San Antonio Texas working in the legal system there my first three jobs were in group homes because of the influence of those people who raised me so again this is where I'm coming from on these issues and yet I despise cultural Marxism I am NOT a social justice warrior reject ideas like white privilege intersectionality and systemic racism theory absolutely unequivocally so and not just since yesterday I started writing about cultural Marxism in the mid were there in the early 2000s somewhere around 2000 five six and seven blogged about it intently intensely in 2007 during the election because of what I saw as the incredible threat Barack Obama who was a massive cultural Marxist and in my opinion then and now a dangerous man on a number of fronts and for a number of reasons and so yeah I ended up you know some of you may have seen an interview that I did on CNN before the election talking about you know some of these issues I only got to do that one time and that was pretty much it the lady the lady said after the after the interview was over and yeah we will have to have you back and I knew at that moment that I would never be back on that person's show again and so this is not something new and why did I think it was an issue at that time because of a number of things let me give you just a few that I wrote about then and I was worried about then because of the philosophy of cultural Marxism and because of this man's long history with cultural Marxism not only from his university days but even his church this man sat under and overt Marxist pastor for decades Jeremiah Wright was an over money he was not just a cultural Marxist he was also a classical Marxist okay this man had sat under that teaching for years and years not only had he done that but his position on certain issues like for example his homosexual agenda the most radically pro homosexual politician that I had ever seen or experienced in the mainstream his position on abortion and infanticide which was radical on judicial activism hate crimes legislation and I believed and said openly on a number of occasions that I believed this man's presidency would make race relations in America worse not better an article that I wrote and actually reprinted two years later because I'm not big on I told you souls but I told you so and so yes this is I don't don't think that I've come here this weekend suddenly talking about cultural Marxism because you know now it's a trump card that can be used in this particular debate nearly a decade and a half now I've been addressing this issue so with that in mind let's look at it a couple of things first cultural Marxism and classical Marcos Marxism are two different things and this is one of the things that makes the discussion difficult classical Marxism Karl Marx was an economist right he classical Marxism is an economic system you you know we know about the the booze wah and the proletariat we know from each according to his ability to each according to his need we we know about the the uprising of the masses we you know to to to overthrow capitalism we know that Marx was a communist who wanted to see capitalism overthrown he saw capitalism as oppressing the masses he also saw religion as the opiate of the masses that allowed them to be oppressed by capitalism so he was rabidly atheistic and this is one of the things that makes it difficult to talk to people about cultural Marxism right because classical Marxism is something that for most Christians for most evangelicals for real Christians for real evangelicals who are not way out there in the fringe somewhere it just wouldn't identify with Marxism and if we don't understand the difference between classical Marxism this economic system and cultural Marxism which is very different than this and it's in its approach then if you just hear the word it's like I how can you say that how can you suggest that three main ideas let me give you this just to understand marks a summary of his salient points number one he believed that history had really three stages or epochs number one the ancient stage secondly the feudal stage and thirdly the capitalist stage he believed that he was witnessing the rise and would see eventually the fall of the capitalist stage the second idea was the idea of class consciousness that each one of these societal epochs contained internal contradictions and these internal contradictions is what would lead to struggle and would eventually lead to the next phase which led to the third idea his idea of historical determinism that ultimately capitalism would fall capitalism had to fall why because the way he viewed history was history was a view of struggle was it was a series of struggles a series of conflicts he was a disciple of Hegel so this was sort of his dialectic if you will thesis antithesis synthesis right so capitalism had to fall workers of the world would unite and there would be a revolution and there was right but not everywhere and so toward the end of his life and then during life of his followers they tried to explain and understand why it is that capitalism didn't fall I mean if capitalism is exploitation of the masses and and if history is all about these conflicts and if this conflict is going to come and if the next thing that is going to come is a capitalist society then why haven't we seen this enter the cultural Marxist with a couple of goals number one to explain why the revolution didn't occur as Marx thought it would Marx died in 1888 by the way so now we get into the late 1800s the early 1900s we get into World War one and there are a couple of players that you need to know if you're going to understand cultural Marxism one it's a guy by the name of Antonio Gramsci Gramercy was an Italian Marxist another one is not an individual but a group of individuals known as the frankfurt school two ideas one gramps's idea of cultural hegemony listen to the way one sociologist puts it cultural hegemony refers to domination or rule maintained through ideological or cultural means it is usually achieved through social institutions which allow those in power to strongly influence the values norms ideas expectations worldview and behavior of the rest of society cultural hegemony that's the power by the way this idea of cultural hegemony explains something have you ever wondered why women who make up more than 50% of the population are considered a minority you ever wondered why because women are not seen as part of the cultural hegemony the cultural hegemony is patriarchal the cultural hegemony for example in our society is white male heterosexual cisgendered able-bodied native-born Americans you know who you are and everybody who's not that is a minority and everybody who's not that is a victim of the cultural hegemony established by those individuals which means that everybody who's not bad is that war with that and everybody who is that it's privileged and the more of those boxes you tick off the more privileged you are Shay listen to this gram she developed the concept of cultural hegemony in an effort to explain why the worker led revolution that Marx predicted in the previous century had not come to pass central to Marx theory of capitalism was the belief that the destruction of this economic system was built into the system itself since capitalism is premised on the exploitation of the working class by the ruling class why didn't it happen well because we're not dealing with economics we're dealing with culture Marx missed this part or so grams he would argue he mixed he missed this part so the revolution that comes doesn't need to be a an armed revolution or a revolution of force it needs to be a hegemonic revolution in other words we need to change the cultural hegemony we need to overturn the cultural hegemony and how do you overturn the cultural hegemony couple of things for Graham see control the robes of society what are the robes of society you know the people who were robes judges professors pastors politicians leverage those positions in order to educate and mobilize the masses against the hegemonic power use the educational system the political system the judicial system in order to overturn the cultural hegemony does that sound at all familiar this is how you gain power by the way in the mean time how do you gain political power you gain political power by promising various groups of people that you will advocate for them that's how you do it that's why you can have so many white male heterosexual cisgendered able-bodied native-born American politicians who present themselves as representatives of the people who are not any of those things that's how cultural Marxism works well there's another group of individuals the Frankfurt School let me give you this quickly the Frankfurt School refers to a collection of scholars collection of scholars in Frankfurt Germany these individuals who were known for developing critical theory and popularizing the dialectic method of learning by interrogating societies contradictions and it's most closely associated with the work of a number of German philosophers during the early 20th century they saw a couple of things that for them explained why the revolution didn't happen and for them part of it was the fact that people were receiving so much information through mass media remember this is the earlier 20th century radio you know just coming around TV not so much so people weren't necessarily associating and interacting with each other like they had been in the past but were receiving information through things like newspapers and radios and so on and so forth so one of the main goals of the Frankfurt School was to leverage these tools in order to bring about the change in the hegemonic powers reduce everything to discussions of race class gender sex and notice I used both of those because sex and gender are two different things right success to do with your biology gender social construct your gender doesn't necessarily have to match your sex do we we have where of this and if your gender doesn't match your sex then you are transgender as opposed to cisgender for those of you who are wondering what that was assistant or cisgender just means that you're not special the Frankfurt School was concerned with mass media and the mass media culture saw people becoming passive recipients of political and ideological information instead of being activists and they believed that this explained why the Revolution didn't take place they theorized that this experience made people intellectually inactive and politically passive as they allow mass produced biology and ideologies and values to watch over them and to infiltrate their consciousness because it would happen in World War one they left Germany in 1933 they went to Switzerland but they only stayed there for a couple of years and in 1935 they came to New York and became affiliated with Columbia University there's a man by the name of Belen lasagna I don't I probably didn't say his name correctly he came to the United States fleeing the Nazis in Eastern Europe fleeing the Nazis in Hungary and he wrote a book called America's 30 Years War and essentially his thesis was this he ran away from what was happening in Europe by force only to come to the United States and watch it happen gradually over the course of a generation so what are these guys give us a number of things namely critical theory have you heard the idea of critical race theory it's a grandchild of Frankfurt School political correctness multiculturalism any of these things cell familiar so as a result of these ideologies we have all been taught over time through our media through our educational systems to view ourselves not as part of a whole but as part of subgroups as part of subgroups who in some way shape fashion or form are being oppressed by the hegemonic power that rules and governs our culture so even when we talk about elections we don't talk about this person is ahead in the polls by this much that person is it no this person is ahead with red-headed left-handed white people from the south while this person is getting the vote of second-generation migrant workers with eczema why do we talk like that why do we think about politics that way why do we think about each other that way why do ideas like a tree section ality from kimberlรฉ crenshaw in 1989 gained such popularity that people use it like like we know what it is by the way if you don't know what intersectionality is just what's the hegemonic power white male heterosexual cisgendered able-bodied native-born American people that's the man right here heard that saying you know the man keeping us down that's the man and by the way the list could go on and on and on intersectionality in a nutshell basically is the idea that to the degree that you don't have those things you are oppressed and so if you are male heterosexual cisgendered right native-born American able-bodied by the way also attractive there's pretty privileged too by the way if you are all those things but you're not white alright then you your oppression is limited to this area but what if you're not white but you're also not male now that place where you're not whiteness and you're not maleness intersex is where you feel the weight of the oppression but what if you're not white and not male and not heterosexual well now the oppression is even worse on you because you have these three intersections of oppression what if you're not white not male not heterosexual and not cisgendered woo so now you are a black trans male lesbian for anyway you're now there are four intersections of oppression right well if you're not white and you're not male and you're not heterosexual and you're not cisgendered and you're not able bodied or you're not a native-born American you're an immigrant or you're not a you see intersectionality says that the level of oppression and the kind of oppression that you experience combines itself in these areas and layers itself in these areas these intersections if you will but what is that if expression of cultural Marxism by the way when people use the term racism today the term racism you got to be careful and you got to understand what people are talking about because when people say racism they could mean you are being accused of being an individual who has racist prejudicial ideas toward other individuals or they could just be saying that you are a person who is part of the cultural hegemony which by the way is inherently racist against people who are not now which means that now you have racism without a racist by the way how do you handle that racism in the heart of an individual let's go to the book amen let's go to the book let's call that what it is but racism that exists because of cultural hegemony how do you fix that now the set of a preacher you've become a politician because the only way to fix that one is to change the hegemony you see why these I did matter and so they're very ways in which we think about ourselves the very ways in which we think about issues the very ways and this is why sometimes you can feel like you're having a different conversation than another person a prime example is the Mike Brown case I mean I got absolutely hammered hammered over the Mike Brown case Tom asked oh god hammered over appreciating what I said about the Mike Brown case and you can feel like you're having two different conversations because on the one hand you come to this and you say okay a guy six foot four three hundred and some odd pounds reaches into a police car and grabs the gun of a police officer anybody who knows anything about anything says if I have a gun and you reach to grab my gun one of us is in trouble if you get it it's me if you don't it's you hands up don't shoot never happened it was a complete fabrication so a guy who had just strong-armed robbed somebody in a store stop by policeman aggressive action against the policeman gets shot and killed and you may have had some of these conversations or you're sitting there and you're going okay okay listen you you you tell me the story of the police officers who acted inappropriately and we can go together to be against that person but you tell me this story and I say there was no one justice here racism unless the problem is not one police officer and his actions on that one night but a cultural hegemony that has established structural racism that disproportionately targets black males therefore every time something like that happens to one of them it is another piece of evidence which is why you have people who say things like the facts of that case really don't matter or worse you start talking about the facts of that case and people say oh now you're blaming the victim what's the end result of that the end result of that is you don't engage you don't discuss you don't interact because here's what you learn whatever your answer is if it doesn't line up with what the cultural Marxist says it ought to be or with the person who is borrowing the ideology of the cultural Marxist says it ought to be or the person who is unwittingly falling prey for the cultural Marxism that all of us have been saturated in wants it to be then you're wrong and you're a racist or in my case a sellout who's trying to curry favor with white people why is this important I'll leave you with this here's why it's important it's important because this is an agenda not just an idea it's a disruptive transformative agenda that's number one and it's an agenda that needs to be recognized and an agenda that needs to be confronted here's the second problem and to me this is this is the sinister part of the problem the sinister part of the problem is that the end result of this agenda is real pain real sin real brokenness that doesn't get addressed let me explain as someone who grew up in drug infested gang infested South LA the son of a single teenage mother I look at the Mike Brown situation and I want to say to all of the young black boys like him who were young black boys like me we can't live like that to all of the fathers who not there to the tune of nearly 75% among black children what I want to say is we have a problem that needs to be addressed we can't live like this we have to deal with this there is brokenness here that has to be addressed there's brokenness that has to be fixed but the way things stand now to say that is to blame the victim do you know what that means that means that whatever pathologies there are that need to be addressed don't get addressed because it's the systems for and again like I said at the beginning I am NOT arguing that that there's no racism I'm not arguing that there's no brokenness that there's no injustice and we don't wait too many people in prison in this country Amen somebody we got way too many people in prison in this country there's there's something broken about that we imprison more of our population than like eighty to three countries in the world there's something broken about that especially when a large number of those people are in there because of addiction to drugs me right or wrong so here's what worries me what worries me is that we've created an environment where we've divided everyone up into constituencies which is incredibly ironic because what that creates is stereotypes and we look at everyone's issues problems whenever in relation to the system and what the system is doing has done needs to do and what that has the potential to do is to move us away from addressing individuals and their sin and their pain and their brokenness does this make sense it's because we don't we don't have to be either/or it doesn't have to be that you know either that we address individuals in their sin and their brokenness a bit or we look at problems with systems and this and it doesn't it doesn't have to be why do I have to choose between advocating for laws to change in the area of abortion which disproportionately affects people who look like me or proclaiming the with a view toward changing the hearts of young women so that they won't kill their babies don't make me choose between those two I won't I want to both coach huh and why do I have to choose between acknowledging the fact that there are huge problems and pathologies both among individuals and cultures and systems again let me hasten to say I'm not arguing that everybody who talks about justice issues is is somehow excluding both but here's what I am saying when we choose to talk about this in certain terms and when we choose to accept certain ideologies and agree with certain premises the end result is that if you don't find yourself on the right side of this you're disqualified and I can't be that can't be so what do you do with this in all honesty I'm in a unique position I got magic melanin so even though there's people who will say certain things about me when I address certain of these issues I can say things that a lot of people can amen amen I've said to people I think Jesus was a Pharisee number one I don't think it's likely that he would have gone through 33 years of living and not identified with any of those groups number two theologically all the rest of them way far away from where he was number three he hammered those dudes in a way that generally you only get away with now again I'm not going to go to the mat over you know Jesus was part of the Pharisee group whatever but there is something real about that but they also something wrong about that because as we heard earlier in Christ there is now neither Jew nor Greek neither slave nor free no male nor female we're all one in Christ we end up in a very unique situation and this goes back to something that I said earlier and it's controversial and I want you to hear or understand this the wrong way a lot of people I owe you you tell them blame people shut up no no I would never tell black you were to shut up but for me there's something that I have to consider if I'm your brother and there is something between us that causes you to be afraid apprehensive unwilling to speak truth into my life then I gotta go the extra mile to free you up to do that and you have to go the extra mile to trust our relationship in Christ and do that well that's hard y'all it's hard both ways in it it's hard if Tom and I are friends and brothers in Christ and there are things that Tom can see in my life and I know that I can come back at him and play the race card and maybe even prevent him from speaking to some of the things that he sees in my life it's hard for me to say I'm not gonna do that to him my brother and it's hard for him knowing that I have the ability and opportunity to do that to speak certain things into my life for fear that I might one of the things that this cultural Marxism has exposed recently it's a false unity because we got people who for years for years have been talking about how unified we are in Christ who now are suddenly dismissing one another because of where they fall on a particular social issue and again I'll say more about that as the weekend goes on but for now just know that that's why these things matter that's why that's why these things are important it's important because there's an ideology here there's a there's a goal here there's an endgame here and we see it in the world of politics it hasn't if you've been on a university campus at all recently you you see this it has to be addressed and secondly because there are issues real brokenness real sin real problems that if we're not careful we render ourselves unable or unwilling to address because of these ideologies that we've imbibed which means that finally we have to love the gospel enough and we have to love one another enough hey here's the great irony the great irony is that in a way I'm borrowing language from the other side now because the other side is always saying check your priveledge right and I'm kind of saying that but here's the difference I'm saying it to everybody I'm not saying that if you're white male heterosexual cisgendered able-bodied native-born American check your priveledge I'm saying if you are a member of the body of Christ and in discussion in this debate you have learned how to shut down the other side regardless of who that other side is check that check that require boldness both in terms of trusting our brothers and sisters in Christ and in terms of willingness to speak to issues that in this day and age we'll get you out right just castigated but the truth is worth it [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 724,546
Rating: 4.8724561 out of 5
Keywords: reformed, theology, socialjustice, biblicaljustice, justice, culturalmarxism, whiteprivilege, culture, worldview, socialjusticeandthegospel, statementonsocialjustice, voddiebaucham, wrathandgrace, voddiebauchamministries
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 44sec (3944 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 21 2019
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