Bible Study: The Book of Genesis- (Doug Batchelor) AmazingFacts

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Facebook or the internet watching on one of those means to our Granite Bay midweek Bible study and I'm one of the pastor's here Doug Batchelor and we are beginning a new series now where we're gonna be delving into the Bible the book of Genesis in particular which is the foundational book for so much that we believe now and I i trust you'll pray for me as we proceed no promises about how far we'll get and I'll Pastor Sean is here because wherever I end up he's going to notice that and pick up next week because we want to do a good job and lay a good foundation just about every other belief that we have as Christians is rooted in some way in the book of Genesis and so we want to get a good foundation as we look at this foundational book this is the Bible of course it's the book of books the best book in the world so many other books are simply reflecting the light that comes from this being like the the Sun and every other book is just reflecting any other inspired book in the Bible of course it's divided in two parts you've got your New Testament that just give you that's Matthew so 3/4 of your Bible is gonna be roughly Old Testament I just Karen will tell you I spent a long time looking for a Bible that was nothing but the Bible and so this one it's got like no special helps and the back when you get to the end you got a couple maps and there it is this is this is in I wanted big print and I wanted a small Bible so I had to sacrifice something but then in the Old Testament you you have a very special segment which is the Pentateuch and Pentateuch Penta means five as we got Pentecost is 50 days after Passover we got a famous building I think it's one of the second largest buildings in the world is in North America it's called the what Pentagon bigger building is actually the the main house for the president in Romania it's amazing I've been I was there a couple of years ago with pastor Ross but and then at the beginning of the Pentateuch and you know if you at some of the ancient Jewish scrolls they have the Pentateuch does all one roll together and there's just markings and where it'll say Genesis Exodus Leviticus numbers Deuteronomy but they keep the Pentateuch all in one roll sometimes it's referred to as the law they call it the five books of Moses Moses probably wrote another book most believe he also wrote who knows book of Job and as far as the timing many believe that the book of Job may have been written before even the book of Genesis now the book of Genesis by the Jews is not called Genesis it's called Meredith and I probably pronounce that wrong which is a shame because I'm Jewish and I should know better but it simply means the beginnings that's basically named off of the first few words in the book we typically call it Genesis which is the Greek title for the book from the Septuagint now you'll often hear me refer to the Septuagint the Septuagint is a very important piece of Hebrew literature because Alexander the Great spread the Greek culture so many places they wanted to eventually get a Greek copy of the Hebrew Scriptures and so there were they say the 70 elders were technically 72 elders had translated the books not every book in the Old Testament some of it was done later but the five books of Moses and there it's called Genesis and that also means the beginning if we say the genesis of my story we mean the beginning of my story now Moses probably first of all almost nobody contends who wrote Genesis you've got people that will argue about who wrote the book of Mark and they'll argue about who wrote the Book of Daniel and there's scholars that are all that'll argue about you know who wrote proverbs and a number of other things but virtually nobody in history argues about the authorship of Genesis because as far back as you can go everybody attributes the book to Moses Jesus if you're gonna believe Jesus he attributes the book to Moses matter of fact one way we know this is a very important book there are over 200 times in the New Testament when Genesis is referenced Genesis is the most quoted book in the New Testament of the Old Testament Scriptures so it's extremely important that we we have an understanding probably he wrote the book Moses lived about 1500 years before Jesus it's believed that he wrote the book while he was in the wilderness before the Exodus and one way well let me read something to you from the book patriarchs and prophets and this is page 251 this is that classic that explains the early foundations of history speaking of Moses time in the wilderness as the years rolled on he wandered with his flocks in solitary places pondering upon the oppressed condition of his people he recounted the dealings of God with his fathers and his promises were the heritage of the chosen nation and his prayers for Israel ascended by Dan by night heavenly angels shed their light around him here under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit he wrote the book of Genesis the long years spent amid the desert solitudes were rich in blessing not alone to Moses and his people but to the world and all succeeding ages now prior to the time of Moses you know the original are the origin of the Hebrew Scriptures begins with Moses how did they pass on instruction from God before it was codified or written down it was transmitted orally now keep in mind and we're living in an increasingly a dumb age I don't mean that as an insult in way I just mean that we are losing our capacity to recall things because we have so many ways of storing information where people used to depend on their minds and your memories can be improved but from birth on if you don't use it you lose it and so they would transmit things orally there are a few people that live in modern times that have true photographic memories one person I did an amazing fact about this lady they won't give her name out because she just got her ass so much but she's been the subject of study for years and she could recount every day in her life what she ate everything she did just like a tape in her head she just roll it back and she remembered everything I mean up to you know probably the time she began to understand speech but it was a phenomenal thing as you'd read the report had this woman they call her you know subject so-and-so so some people have true photographic memories so if a person today after 6,000 years of the degradation of sin can have such incredible recall how do you think the memory of Adam was or Abraham who lived 175 years I think they had phenomenal minds and when they spoke their words meant something and are you aware that Adam spoke to Methuselah Methuselah spoke to shim shim of course lived until after the flood so you've already got from creation to after the flood with two people Shem spoke to Abraham Shen's life overlapped the life of Abraham over a hundred years Abraham spoke to Isaac who spoke to Levi who spoke to Amram the father of Moses so you've got seven people from God to Moses that could transmit Kamiya information and so when Moses is writing the book of Genesis under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit it wasn't like he was out there in the desert listening to the goats and the sheep bleating and all of a sudden this story just popped into his head the story had been transmitted orally from the fathers to the forefathers one reason we know this is a number of the stories in Genesis are found among with some variations and corruptions many cultures of the world that are separated the story of the flood for example the Hawaiians who did not descend from the Hebrews they have a story about a global flood and this man named Noah and his family with some dogs and pigs in a canoe sailed to the island it's it's you know and the whole world was flooded because of evil and so it's a very similar story matter of fact I've read several books where they go through the legends around the world some of you have heard of the epic of gilgamesh and other stories and so Pandora's box Greek mythology this woman opened a box and let all the evil out that's a pretty wide corruption of something that could be traced to the story of Adam and Eve Atlantis these brilliant people who lived a long time who had great technology because of their wickedness the gods punish them and the island was swallowed up in the ocean it's where the Atlantic Ocean gets his name something like the flood story so many of the stories in Genesis can be found in other parts of the world so Moses when he's writing this down it didn't pop into his mind as something that he had never heard before it had been transmitted orally I'm sure Jethro his father-in-law who was a monotheistic believer in Jehovah they would sit around the fire and recount the sacred stories and that could be part of where some of Jobe came from anyway so that gives you just a little bit Genesis has a genealogy now the book of Genesis is really divided into two parts the first 11 chapters are dealing with the creation and the entrance of man and it establishes a lot of fundamentals then from chapter 11 on you've got God calling the people and is dealing with those people so up until the Tower of Babel it's talking about man in general and then from the time of Babylon it begins with God's call of Noah and the rest of the Bible I'm sorry God's call of Abraham the rest of the Bible is an expansion of what God is doing in the world through this people that he called the book of Genesis you really have the foundation of so many teachings since Genesis you've got foundation for marriage you get the foundation for where evil came from you got the foundation for creation the death why there is sin diet clothing marriage language fear to so many things that are part and parcel of life are first introduced in the book of Genesis and so you cannot if you're gonna be a Bible believer you can't not believe that part of Genesis is inspired and part of it is mythological or fables there are probably well-meaning people but I believe they're very wrong that say you have they believe in the inspiration of the Bible but you cannot take the first 11 chapters of Genesis seriously these were ancient legends designed to teach a story God did not speak man into existence they believe in what they call theistic evolution they believe the story of Noah is a moral story that you know the whole world wasn't flooded it was a local flood and they just they play down so many of the big stories and the story of Tower of Babel and and even Sodom and Gomorrah that's of course much later they so these were fables they never really happened but you cannot say that and say you believe the rest of the Bible because you really have to say I don't believe Jesus because Jesus said in John 5 46 and 47 if you believed Moses you would believe me for he wrote about me but if you do not believe his writings how will you believe my words now is that clear enough if you don't believe in what Moses wrote or you start to write it off pardon the pun yeah you start to dismiss it then you don't really believe Jesus because Jesus referenced the writings of Moses Jesus referenced Genesis the first eleven chapters six times always as a fact this is in the beginning he made the male and female Luke 16 verse 31 Jesus again speaking if they do not hear Moses and the prophets neither will they be persuaded the one should rise from the dead again the words of Jesus so Genesis is foundational and when Christ rose from the dead and he wanted to prove who he was ready to begin beginning at Moses and all the prophets he expounded unto them in all the scriptures Jesus called Moses part of Scripture the things concerning himself that's a very important point Jesus does not first appear in Matthew where it says the genealogy of Jesus Christ Jesus first appears in Genesis chapter 1 verse 1 because when it says in the beginning God created I may not get much further than that verse today in the beginning God created Yuri later all things that were made were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made and so all things God made were made through Jesus and so what about Moses where did he get his education we could learn a little bit about the author here God did something extraordinary for Moses and that he fitted him for him for his work and God is not against formal education was it a bad thing but Daniel Shadrach Meshach and Abednego went to a babylonian university for three years the additional learning there some of it's very practical you know they say that we've got even generations now that under don't understand the reading riting and rithmetic they call it the three r's repeating right yeah that's a joke reading riting and rithmetic but it used to be if you had those fundamentals you could be a very successful businessman so even in the Babylonian universities they learn some sciences that were true and Daniel's book grew out of his expanded education and his understanding of these things the Bible says in acts 7:22 and Moses was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians and I'm sure there were some things he had to spit out the seeds and eat the melon but you can't deny that you look at those pyramids and you know the math and architecture and the some of the organizational ability look at what Joseph did in Egypt with his organization and so they had some knowledge and education that was valuable God took the good of that Moses had to spend 40 years unlearning the bad and learning more about God in the wilderness and then he could take the best of all and use it to his advantage I look back on my life and I sometimes bemoan a little bit jealous that you know I married somebody who's the antithesis of iron in that Karen went to the same elementary school high school for 12 years Christian education for two years what Loma London PUC for years and she knows people everywhere she went because she was in the same place I went to like 14 different schools and finished the ninth rate but you know what I think back and I think the Lord used that because I went to so many different kinds of schools I met so many different kinds of people from public school to Jewish school to telling Karen I just discovered this week my mother sent me to a camp I was looking up the camp cause I'm writing a book Kim Sango and it said it was Jewish camp and then Camp Mendota another Jewish campus said I didn't even know they were Jewish camps my mother sent me Jewish camps but so I think the exposure you look back and think God can take those things and then use them for good later so even the things he learned there in Egypt for 40 years I think God was able to later use Ezra was educated in Babylon Paul was educated in Greece in Rome and John Bunyan and many others you know the Lord used these times of even isolation to pass things on alright I may say more about the introduction to the book I was reading introductions in preparation for day 4 today and I realize I could go six weeks on introducing Genesis I read some pretty profound things but will never get into it in the beginning all right so we tell it we find out right away the context Genisys is taking us back to the beginning not the beginning of the beginning but the beginning of all begins it says in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth now it answers the most important questions here about atheism pantheism polytheism materialism dualism evolutionism and humanism because just by making that one statement it sweeps every other is on the side when it says in the beginning God created it's coming from the thought of God you look in proverbs 8:20 to the Lord possessed me in the beginning of his ways before his works of old I've been established from everlasting from the beginning before there ever was an earth when there was no depths I was brought forth it's talking about wisdom here when there were no fountains of bounding with water before the mountains were settled before the hills I was brought forth and he read in Psalm 90 it said from everlasting to everlasting thou art God says while yet he had not made the earth of the fields of the primeval dust of the world when he prepared the heavens I was there when he drew a circle in the face of the deep when he established the clouds above when he strengthened the fountains of the deep when he assigned to the sea its limit so the water should not transgress his command when he marked out the foundations of the earth I was beside him as a master craftsman I was daily as delight rejoicing always performance talking about the wisdom of God that created all things here now who did the creating Ephesians 3:9 and to make all see what is the Fellowship of the mystery which from the beginning of the ages has been hidden in God who created all things through Jesus Christ Colossians 1:16 for by him Christ all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth visible and invisible whether Thrones or dominions or principalities or powers all things were created through him and for him now there's a belief that kind of comes and goes through history that Jesus did not he's not eternal that he somehow God because the Bible says his only begotten son that that means there was a time when he was begotten you know like he'd be get Adam begat his son as though he were born and some of the people that support this a they argue say no it's not the same as being born he was begotten well I say well you think Jesus would created no he wasn't created he was begotten is that I've had this discussion with a few people I said are you telling me there was a time he was not yes and then he was yes by the virtue of God yes then he was created if God brought him forth he was created then he is no longer create or he is a creature and it is no longer true that all things were created by him because otherwise would say all things except himself but it says all things were made by him and then of course I read to you in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God John 1 verses 1 through 3 and the Word was God and he was in the beginning with God all know wherever the beginning was he was there it's not what it says so you go back as far as you can go another reason you need to believe in the eternal nature of the Father and the son if you define God in one word what does that word God is love what is love except the expression of the adoration the agape all the different definitions of the giving of this emotion and feeling and good how can you be loved with nobody to love who who do you love because God's love is all about a love that gives away from self the devil is all about taking only and not giving so the idea that there could be a time when God existed as love and there wasn't the Sun or a spirit he's no longer love is this see what I'm saying so from everlasting to everlasting Jesus had to exist and when it says God it's using the word Elohim there later in chapter 1 you're going to discover it says God says to us make man in our image even in far as Genesis 11 it'll say the man has become like us and so that is a plural form of God that's used there in the beginning God created the heavens in the earth now before I go much further you could look in Psalm 93 verse 2 thy throne is established of old thou art from everlasting Exodus Moses says to God who are you and how does God answer what's your name I am that I am what does he mean by that I remember when I was searching through different religions for a while I got into some Eastern religions and I was on this boat and I was reading a book Bogg divita and dealing with Transcendental Meditation and other things and they they all talked about I am and they were telling me that I am that I am their God is in me I am and then later I read that in the Bible said now it's very different God is saying you are not I am hey you're not the self-existent one and you know what I struggled with a convey Eastern religions were saying you are God and I was thinking well even if I was a very dumb god I should be smart enough to know it no one else would have to tell me do you know your God you've got to be a pretty ignorant God if you don't even know it right and so no God says I am that I am he is the self existent one is that right Hebrews 13 verse 8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday today and for how long forever he's existed forever revelation 1:8 I am the Alpha and the Omega those are the beginning and last letters in the Greek alphabet he's of course the embodiment of the Word of God that is made up from all those letters the beginning in the end says the Lord as far as you can go in one direction as far as you can go do you know if you say I'm gonna go north you can reach a point where you can't go north anymore you reach the end of north and if you say I'm gonna go to the south you can reach the end you take your compass all the way to the South Pole it's just gonna start going haywire but if you say I'm going east you can never stop going east or if you say I'm going west you can never stop going west it's eternal and Jesus has no beginning or no end he is from everlasting to everlasting so in the beginning God Elohim created bara and this word does not preclude the use of the pretext or material God doesn't need material now I'm gonna take a little time because this is a great time to do it and talk about how important it is to believe that God created and how different it is from what we're talking about in the world today when you talk about the beginnings in the beginning Book of Genesis means beginning God created and it says the heavens and the earth that means everything that you can observe we're looking up and everything you can observe looking down everything there is by man's observation he created it all now you read later in the Bible that he made everything that is all things are made by him what did God need to make it so it's let's wind back to the beginning let's assume that you exist right now how many of you believe you exist how do you know that everyone else isn't just a figment of your imagination and then you're on the universe alone what you could just be imagining that you're touching them and I went through all kinds of these philosophical crazy ideas and but let's assume that there is a reality that you not only exist but others exist that we're here that you're breathing you're alive you're self conscious you're self-aware where did we come from where the world come from is there a purpose you have to start asking those questions why do I exist is there a reason there's two very different theories that are spreading around the world a one is God and the other is nothing one theory says that nothing made everything you've heard of the Big Bang I remember I went to a science teacher when I was in military school in New York he was actually a believer and I was an atheist and so I was arguing with his believer science teacher and we had a discussion that sounded something like this well where'd everything come from and I said well you know the earth was formed when the our solar system exploded and you know the Sun sent these planets spiraling off into space and where the Sun came from it came from when the galaxy was formed there's big explosion and you know sent all the galaxies spiraling our solar system spiraling out where was that formed well the cosmos was formed during the Big Bang what caused the Big Bang and there were varying theories I remember when I was young the theory was these gas masses collided and they went bang and now they say that all of the universe you've maybe heard this one the Big Bang it all began with a material that was so dense that it could fit on the head of a pin and have you heard that one but I tell you that talk about something coming from nothing so I say all right where did that material come from you you say it's only as big as the head of the pin but where did it come from and why did it wait so long to explode what made it what was the cause there has to be a cause see the you're talking about the result what's the cause and they can't give you a cause and where'd it come from they can't give you an answer it's alright so you're gonna think all the order and organization and design and send the symbiotic relationships and symmetry that we see throughout the observable world and universe all came from chaotic explosion of something as big as a head of a pin now where do we see anything like that happening where you get an explosion that produces order and design and interworking functions you don't see that anywhere you can't observe that you can't ever prove it scientifically everything that we see in nature deteriorates everything from you know you get clothes and eventually they get ripping them and intelligence and design goes into leaving the cloth and putting it in a loom and dyeing the cloth and sewing the cloth and designing the pants and you put them on eventually they start to fade and care now of course people tear them on purpose ahead of time so you get they got pre de and you have to pay more for the atrophy of your pants but after a few years even as good as jeans are and you can recycle them through a few people if you're careful when I was a kid we used to iron patches on them everything breaks down your car breaks down everything that you buy is expected to have a lifespan it breaks in your gonna break down and some of you feel it already and I do so but without the without the infusion of energy intelligent energy you don't get organized creations so evolution is in my opinion I used to believe it I don't want to be disrespectful but I think when you really think through it the idea that you get order and design from chaos cannot be seen anywhere it is a crazy idea what's behind it because if in the beginning there was nothing and we all came from nothing and we exist for no purpose then you can live however you want because it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks and nobody will make you accountable and you don't have to answer to God after your life if everything came from nothing and there is no purpose then there's no accountability that is that the foundation of people most people some are raised in atheism and they just don't know any better but otherwise I think thinking people are fighting against the idea that there's an intelligent God because that then means they must give an account someday for the life they live they don't like the purpose of their life they want to define their own life they want to be their own God what does Genesis tell us at the very beginning and devil said you will be as God and so I think it's so important under stand that I think it was Vladimir Lenin that said if you tell a lie often enough it becomes truth how many of you know people that if you tell them that you don't believe in evolution they look at you like you just crawl out of a hole somewhere I think I remember my dad and I having a conversation driving to the car he said you don't believe in evolution I said no I said dad I think it's the most absurd thing in the world he said how can all those scientists you think you're smarter than all those scientists have you heard that think all this research it's been proven now there's a lot of people that say they know about conspiracy theories and I don't believe and most of the goofy conspiracy theories I won't even mention some of them right now because some of you may believe them but there's a lot of really crazy conspiracy theories out there but there's one that I believe I believe that there is a conspiracy among some of the educators of the world to stifle the truth and the evidence that things are not as old as they pretend they are now the whole revelation theory implodes like a house of cards except for they're they're dating it's all built on they're dating because you don't find any of the missing links or the inter species you don't find anything going from dolphin to chicken now you don't find anything going from cat dog the Bible says they're all made after their kind and we'll get to those verses a little later you can you can you know you can breed all kinds of cats a house cat in theory can be bred with a mountain lion you and a bobcat you've probably heard of Bobcats getting close to the house cats yeah yeah and they get to chickens too but you don't have a cross between a crocodile and a an aardvark I mean that just and why would there be such a unique variety in the same environment if they all evolved and they're the same circumstances evolution presupposes that because the different animals have things in common that one came from the other they think we'll look you know we got hands and thumbs something like an EEP and we got feet like an ape and there's some similarities and if they try real hard and you train them in a circus they can stand up and walk on two feet for a little while and you can put clothes on them and try and make them do human things you can make a parakeet talk and you can make a seal clap but they're not people humans are so vastly different than any other creature the idea that we evolved from chimpanzees they say Oh will we share someone's DNA with chimpanzees well we share DNA with ants I mean you know so that's that is a straw man argument that they say why do we have things in common all right in the world today there are dozens of different automobile and motorcycle manufacturers got Toyota Honda Subaru Mazda Nissan that's just Japan and you got Volkswagen BMW Mercedes and Germany you got him in Italy you've got him in Russia how they're getting better I remember when what do they call those cars II the father or something like sorry I got Russian friends are watching I apologize you used to have a Yugo they didn't last very long you got all these cards now you know what you can say about all these cars they almost all have rubber tires they got windshield wipers they got an electric system they got a lubrication system they get a steering wheel they got lights I could go on and on a things they have in common and they were made in entirely different factories by different designers why do they have all of these things in common because they work in the same environment and those are the best things to have why do we have so many things why do we have feet in common with other creatures because you got to move around why you know some millipedes got a thousand feet some animals got four feet bugs they got six feet we got two or bipeds just because we have feet and other animals have feet doesn't mean that one slowly evolved from another because we operate in an environment with air and light and water this things that we have in common we can share certain food resources so the idea that all one came from another there there's no evidence in observable history of any intermediary links between creatures so how do you get past that that blockade you say what's because in order to see these changes they happen after millions of years and they figured they just had enough years they can say anything had happened after millions and millions of years that's not true eventually things get to where they are mathematical impossibility an example to get the sequence of DNA in your body or even to produce a simple cell phone a form it's an incredibly complex arrangement of proteins and electrons and and neutrons that just to have one cell of life and let alone how could that first cell of life know how it's supposed to reproduce that it would suddenly become a living thing and not only become a living thing it's developed the ability to draw food from its atmosphere and to procreate in its own image do you know that would be like giving a monkey a typewriter how long would it take for him to produce an Encyclopedia Brittanica most of you don't know what an Encyclopedia Britannica anymore they used to sell them door-to-door you'd buy we had a Collier's encyclopedia and it's just like you know this big and that's right now it's called Google it's you know on your phone but anyway so the Britannic I think was more dependable than the Internet but the idea how long would it take a monkey to produce that with the typewriter you think we'll give it enough time he could do it no he couldn't it is a mathematical impossibility more and we're thinking scientists are admitting that the idea of life on the planet happening without an outside intelligence source is impossible so you know what they're coming but now they're coming up with the idea that our planet was seeded from another intelligence outside now that's a very sneaky theory the reason for that theory is now it takes the problem of creation and it puts it on another world you and I can't see or find or talk to so we can't investigate it and they say well yeah it's another intelligent species out there introduce life into our planet they can all kinds of stories movies and things that are saying that now because they realize for it to happen on its own on our planet it would be impossible you can't have a warm puddle of water for billions of years and suddenly things are swimming through it and thinking and anyway so some of the other things that I just talking about the complexity of life the symbiotic relationships that you find you know in our backyard now we put up a hummingbird feeder and I've almost made it a shrine I just love looking out there and watching little hummingbirds cheering as I said look another one another one aren't you getting tired of me saying it and but she's helping me feed him now but you know there's some flowers that cannot survive without certain hummingbirds and certain hummingbirds cannot survive without those flowers and there are trees that can never live without bees pollinated and nothing there's millions of flowers Einstein said if all the bees of the world should die the world won't last much longer you think about what in nature would require a flower and a bee to evolve so you've got this one creature that has to be able to fly and gather the pollen of another creature and share it it would get what it needs from the flower and the flower gets what it needs from the bee there's no scenario or scheme that you can devise where those things would happen on their own without some kind of intelligent input and you see it all through history I mean even in your digestive system you got friendly bacteria now doesn't that sound like an oxymoron friendly bacteria it's kind of like military intelligence go together right our woman driver there's all kinds of I just did that to wake you up that's all I wasn't making a statement I just did that to wake you up I knew that would elicit a response oxymorons I talked a little bit about the law of entropy that we do see observable laws in the universe and one of those laws is that things break down if you have a garden that's organized and designed it's got the flowers and the rose and things are flourishing and you pull out the weeds it's because you've invested intelligence and design and energy into making it a beautiful organized symmetrical garden but then you get sick and you can't do anything with a garden for a year and you come back what happens to it it turns back to chaos it goes to weaken your garden it goes to we we've seen it in our garden too so you you look in the world and you look in the design of creatures and they're so obviously been an intelligent cycle an ecosystem you know what I think is so amazing that a lot of these evolutionists are also environmentalists they're talking about saving the world so it can heal and so much of their conversation talks they sound like we need to you know allow the world we need to you know stop the the output of carbon emissions and suffering the world they say the world is perfectly designed to heal itself before give it time and so it's designed is it now these are evolutionist that are telling me it's designed they slip every now and then they say mother nature because they figure you got to give it a personality because it's so clear to them that there's some intelligence in it so then you've got a flood of fossil evidence and I use that word flood of fossil evidence deliberately the Bible says and I don't know who's going to get to talk about knowing the flood and this may come up again later but just talking about Genesis in general and creation Bible says that there was a time when the world was extremely lush and because of sin there was a global catastrophe called a flood and in that catastrophe all of the beauty and the lush vegetation was covered to a great extent when Noah gets off the ark he's got to send out some birds to find out if anything's alive they stay on the bird until they get a single olive leaf and that was a good sign that something that survived well you know most of you came to prayer meeting tonight driven by the world that lived before the flood any of you remember Sinclair gas stations what was yeah as a dinosaur they had it right at that all of the oil and the coal it comes from a primeval world that it was extremely lush we know you see the fossils of ferns that are 20 feet high and you got a dragonfly where the 2 foot wingspan can you imagine when that's carrying that to death unless you are a lot bigger too but everything was bigger everything was lush and it was covered in the catastrophe and there's enormous you know my oil and koehlers were using it every day for energy enormous reserves I mean there was a world that was completely covered in veg and it was global because they find woolly mammoths up in Siberia that died suddenly and they're chewing on ferns and they find it in all different climates things have changed so the fossil evidence supports it and then you've got what you call living fossils I can give you several examples but do you know you you find them I'm sorry I couldn't hear you Walt I mean when I say fossil evidence I'm sorry no I wasn't looking over there I could look at a mirror and see you enough fossil evidence I remember when I lived on the east coast we'd see the horseshoe crabs would come up at certain times on the beach and boy they are they're gnarly scary-looking creatures as they look alien and have you ever been there and seen the horseshoe crabs they find fossils of worship crabs and they say what an amazing thing the horseshoe crab has not shown any change in 50 million years now why would the horseshoe crab be the same today 50 million years later and all these other creatures they say you know they died off millions of years ago and have been replaced so many times the Sharks maybe's Megalodon sharks and the crocodiles they find fossils that are almost identical better they predate the dinosaurs and then they have what they call some of these living fossils for years they had these fossils of something called a coelacanth and it's a really strange they said it was one of the missing links because it's got these stubby fins that looked like you know they could walk along the sea floor on them and they said yeah these coelacanth say slowly they walked out of the ocean and they turned into legs and then we later find out that the coelacanth actually is still alive today they fished them out of the Indian Ocean they live in very deep waters and when you bring them to the surface they die because they're used to such incredible pressures that they can't live up higher and so the idea that they walked out on land is absurd they walk upon the bottom of a very deep sea they said they're ill now how did they manage to survive unchanged for 40 million years so but they were saying they're extinct there's a lot of misinformation and if you look at how they date fossils you know how they date it's called circular reasoning how do they get a date for fossils and layers when you say how do we date this layer of earth they say well we study the fossils see what fossils are in that layer vert and then we tell how old that layer of strata is okay well how do you date the strata based on the fossils we find are you with me so you say well you're dating the strata on the fossils and you're dating the fossils on the strata so how do you know you're not wrong about both the answers they don't really know and then they do something called radio isotope carbon-14 dating which is based on what you is this an assumption an assumption that the amount of radiation escaping a living object is going to be constant and so what they do is say they measure there's a you know you within a couple thousand years you might be able to use that science but then it starts getting really squirrely after that may it's very unpredictable they also find that things can affect it if you take like a dog bone and you buried it 200 years ago and you take another dog bone from the same dog a different part of his body and you put it in a sodium solution and then you have them both sent to a dating lab they're gonna have one dating millions of years different from the other so if things are immersed in a sodium solution for a year it can change the dating well it wasn't the whole world immersed at one point wouldn't that grossly change the dating and I've used this illustration before I know I'm taking a lot of time on this but I'm just trying to kind of those people listening once you can get past the evolution and you realize that there's a living God you walk into a room and there's a candle burning on the table someone says how long is that candle be burning well you do a little analysis and you say well I'm gonna measure it use my watch and see how quickly it burns down and I'll see much waxes puddled at the bottom try and figure out how much wax he consumes maybe I can get a calculation figure out how tall it was to start it okay how do you know how fast it's burning well I measured it but when you open the door you let more oxygen in how fast was it burning before you came in the room well I'm not quite sure it would maybe slower if there was less oxygen there's so many things that could be different that would affect that the environment of the world according to the Bible was extremely different before the flood it says it never even rained it had a uniform temperature around the planet that there was some kind of envelope of water that was polarizing the Rays of the Sun and giving them an even temperature around the world man didn't need artificial protection from the environment I mean you just think how different things were how big the fauna was and you say it's reckless to say I can measure certain things today and has been constant and so the dating methods is the is the weak link in the whole theory of evolution they don't know the only thing they can do is guess that it's always been the same and a lot of those guesses may sail you have volcanoes you know they'll measure certain volcanoes and say if 50 million years ago and then they'll see a volcano that forms in 20 years in Iceland they'll measure some of the lava there they say they can date rocks you know and they've watched this volcano develop and it'll register that it's ten million years old where they watched it in 20 years come out of the ocean so it's a very unreliable dating methods but they don't they don't like to advertise that another thing so well we got layers of snow and you know we can we can look at the layers we count the layers of snow in the Arctic regions and we realize that you know there's been an ice age of 200 thousand years well that's been disproved a number of times through history I don't know if any of you ever heard of they had a number of planes that crashed one of them was recovered called the glacier girl p38 during World War two five of them had to make an emergency landing they got caught in the storm ran out of fuel thankfully all of the pilots were rescued but they had to leave the planes there was no way to take off and where they landed they got covered with snow some aviation million millionaires that were just buffs that wanted thought that oh man here they were brand new P 30 it's being delivered to Europe if I could get one of them if we could find them they look for years and failed finally they realized that they had been shifting and they found them dug down 200 feet I found them and if they measured the layers of snow those things landed 150 thousand years ago and then some people observed they said no the layers are not caused they don't all represent a year each one of those layers of snow represents a storm and you could have a hundred storms blizzards in one year in the Arctic region and so I mean there's just been a lot of very dubious science and one guy writes a report story on it the other guy says well dr. so-and-so wrote this and you'd be surprised people they can get a PhD and because he's got PhD they said this doctor wrote it and I respect education but some of them have been proven wrong so now what before we leave the subject of evolution and I'm almost out of time here well that prayer evolution is not a dirty word for Christians things do we evolve societies evolve food evolves transportation evolves you know we're not on horses anymore so the word evolution happens there is something that we observe called micro evolution micro evolution not macro evolution macro evolution is where a monkey becomes a man there's no evidence of that micro evolution is where a wolf eventually turns into a chihuahua actually that almost looks like macro evolution but it's micro evolution but all dogs in the world come from dogs they're all related I've even got a National Geographic I took a picture of it and they said that we've done DNA tests and we're confident now that every dog in the world regardless of how different the species are all evolved from two original wolf like dogs I think that's right I even saw another news regarding all had said we've done DNA research and we believe that all the humans in the world are related and they came from two original humans and the article was titled the first Eve so and this was not written by a Christian you do find evolution within species the Arctic rabbit is white the desert rabbit is brown God has pre white or wired in a miraculous way within different species the ability to adapt and evolve to survive in varying environments and there are different features that will be more prominent you know if you want an animal that's gonna go down a hole and catch a rat then you breed a dachshund you don't breed a great name to go down a hole and it's bred for something else it's bred to eat a lot of dogs as far as I know so you do have microevolution and so but you and so they say look we've seen Darwin came back from the Galapagos and he showed all these cases of microevolution look at the Finch there's all these different finches they've evolved this different ability i don't argue look at the conference the conference don't fly here because they don't need to they all swim fine you've got penguin light creatures in the North that fly and in the South southern hemisphere they don't they swim they may all be related that's called microevolution but you know what they're all penguins they're all comments they're all dogs are all cats that's how Noah was able to fit two on the ark of each species of each kind Noah did not need to take on the ark a Great Dane and a chihuahua and a Maltese and a Yorkie and a beagle and he just needed two dogs right and so because they see evolution within species microevolution they think that that means that you have evolution macro-evolution it doesn't exist there's no example of it anywhere in science so in the beginning God created all things heaven in the earth having him got to the heavens yeah well someone said pastor Doug we know that the universe has been here for thousands of years because how else could you get the light it's taken millions of years for the light to reach some of these stars from these stars to the earth when God made the first trees did those trees have rings in them could have why not when God made Adam did Adam have to learn to walk or did he know how to walk like he'd buy you know a computer from the factory with certain pre-installed software did I don't know how to talk did Adam have a belly button no probably not nor Eve for that matter I had to think for a second she was born of Adam but I doubt she had a belly button it was different so the light from the stars can God create something already in process so when God creates the heaven the earth can he create light already in route sure so the idea that you have to have these things that that means as long time God can create the world with certain amount of time built into it so you could start enjoying the Stars God's gonna say look I'll create it with a light already in route so you see it otherwise man would have to wait all million years to see the first stars they underestimate the power of God so you can believe God spoke and it came into existence it's like I guess you could say I believe in the Big Bang God said it bang it happen no that's a bumper sticker but it's cute all right well there's a lot more we can say and I'll leave it up to pass for Shawn if he wants to carry on with a creation theme but I think we're gonna have a lot of fun going through the book of Genesis and I hope we get more people you know school years begun now and we like to encourage more people to become involved in our midweek Bible study if you have some friends or enemies you want to invite we encourage you to do that I want to say farewell to our friends watching on Facebook we're going to do our local prayer requests here and we're thankful that you could join us for our study today
Channel: 11:11 Ministries
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Id: H2qMdvtxxWE
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Length: 56min 31sec (3391 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 06 2018
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