Bible Study // "Stop Before There is Another Death!" II Pastor John F. Hannah jfh

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] do [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah glory god hallelujah come on we exalt the lord come on release the praise even in your home wherever you are come on release the praise glory glory hallelujah come on make a joyful noise unto the lord i will bless the lord at all times and his praise that shall continually be in my mouth oh magnify the lord with me come on y'all let us exalt his name together let's blow him up together let's lift him together let's speak of his excellence together we give you glory we honor your name we magnify you you are exalted you are god you are mighty you are excellent there's nobody like you there's nobody like you there's nobody like you perfect in all your ways we call you holy we call you majestic we call you excellent we call you the very present help we give you glory come on we magnify your name we exalt you today we glorify you today we lift you up today we speak of your greatness we speak of your excellence we speak of your power we speak of your benefits you are god hey glory come on a few more minutes y'all glory gradients on god hallelujah you are sovereign you rain you rain you rain on the throne the earth is yours and the point is thereof you are present among us you are present among us you are a very present help we give you glory we don't hold back our praise but we sound the alarm come on wherever you are on the earth i need you to represent your corner i need you to represent your state i need you to represent your country i need you to represent your family we give you glory come on it's worship mom yay glory glory glory hallelujah hallelujah come on make a joy for noise make a joy for noise come on lift up your voices like the voice of triumph sound like you just got victory sound like you or you just overcame sound like you win we give you glory get out of my shot we give you glory come on glory glory as we go into worship as we prepare to sing you a song we tell you thank you for what you've already done we tell you thank you for what you're doing right now we tell you thank you for what you shall do but what you shall do will be greater than what you've already done we magnify your name we glorifying release of praise on the earth out of our belly out of our belly out of our belly put a praise in my spirit put a praise in my spirit put a praise in my belly hey come on in spite of what we're going through in spite of what it feel like in spite of what it seemed like we manify your name we glorify you we shout in the midst of the storm we shout in the midst of a virus we shout in the midst of a pandemic we shout in the midst of what some consider to be hell out of the belly of the hell cried i unto the lord i give you glory [Music] come on here in the midst of the fight i give you glory in the midst of the pike i give you glory in the midst of the battle i give you praise yay come on clap your hands and release the praise under yoga clap your hands and release the praise under yoga clap your hands and release a praise unto your god we stand on top of everything we're dealing with we stand on top of everything that we're facing we're standing on top of everything that's been handed to us and we still give you glory hallelujah [Music] glory come on i need you to go above it i need you to rise above it yes sire come on go above your head [Music] go above your triumph [Music] hallelujah i need you to let the devil know he didn't steal your praise i need you to let me into me know that you still believe god i need you to let the enemy know that i still give god glory come on facebook come on here instagram come on here periscope if you on that app you better open your mouth if you could hear my voice says the demand being put in the spirit [Music] glory out of all the things i've been through still get my praise out of all the things i'm dealing with still get my praise out of all the things that's come against me still got my praise still got it still gotta thank you jesus still got a hallelujah my faith is still intact yeah come on here [Music] yay mini appalling by the wayside but i want to represent those that still believe that he is able to do exceedingly come on i need you to represent put a praise on the screen open your mouth in your house shake open your mouth in your car [Music] you at work you can't shout as loud as you want go ahead and move your lips i feel the rejoicing spirit i feel my happy back [Music] yay oh come on we're about to move on we're about to go into a praise song but i wouldn't let a praise team represent my praise because when i think of the goodness of jesus and all he's done come on that's a demand being put on my spirit for me to open my mouth and release the praise come on wherever you are release your praise [Music] hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah thank you jesus hey thank you jesus thank you jesus i need you to point it in the right direction thank you jesus yay come on you'll feel better if you praise him you'll forget about what you've been dealing with if you praise him you could push the enemy back off of you this is how we this is how we fight this is how i fight my battles yes come on i feel joy breaking out depression is leaving shia your emotions are coming in alignment okay shia your answers are now yeah your confusion is over [Music] you shut them out of the enemy yeah sign up come on wherever you are if you in this building there's a demand put on you to release a town the earth has to hear your praise release the praise right there go go go go go feel that space fill it with a praise [Music] fill it with a hallelujah [Music] come on we bout to go ahead and let the praise seem sing but i need you to release your praise right where you are as we go to our praise team let's go new life wherever you are worship we worship everywhere so wherever you are would you lift up your voice to our lord and savior hallelujah lord we magnify you and we glorify you and we know that you're the only one worthy hallelujah worthy of worship so we take this time wherever we are to lift up our voices to you come on let's sing lift up your voices now [Music] he is the morning sun seek praise [Music] lift up your voices now sing praises unto god for all the things [Music] wherever you are would you live your voice unto the lord god come on lift up your voices now lift up your voices now sing praises unto god for all the things [Music] lift up your voice to god where do i say god come on sing say we worship we worship we pray we love you we worship [Music] we love you we we love you we worship we praise you [Applause] and we pray [Music] [Applause] [Music] we [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] we [Music] we pray [Music] hallelujah wherever we are we lit up worship to the one true wise the living god [Music] we are doing [Music] now lift your hands wherever you are and go on your own right there and make it personal between you and god you were created to worship you were created to release a sound you were created to give him glory the veil has been rent so that you can have access and that you can give god worship and you can give god praise you don't need a high priest to go in for you you don't need anyone to go in for you you can come boldly before the throne of grace you can open your mouth on your own and you can release a praise you can lift your hands you can worship you have access come on five more seconds can you do that and we honor you and we glorify you and we give you praise because you are god clap your hands wherever you are and thank god for just being god can you just tell the lord i honor you and i worship you amen those in the bill that you can be seated can i get you to get your bibles and i really want i pray that we are word people i pray that you are a word person why the word so much because in the beginning was the word the word was with god the word was god the word became flesh and the word dwelt among us i need you not to be emotional i need you to be worth people um you have to know the word of god to survive especially in this day and time if you know no word you're not going to make it you're going to be running around looking for somebody to give you a word and therefore they can give you whatever they want you to hear but you have to learn how at this time you're going to need to know how to feed yourself can i just stretch you a little bit if you take the scriptures that me and pastor jabon give you even if you take it and you i feel like a is it a special sound coming through the system oh my bad i thought i had to shift it to heaven i was like did i leave y'all am i going jesus no john you're still here okay i know he told john come up hither i thought i had left y'all my god i thought i was among the elders and the full beast i was gonna come back and tell y'all what it'll sound like but y'all heard it that was funny all right listen let's go um let me give you a couple of announcements to all the ladies that are listening we we do have still we have women's ministry going on love sensitive system we're doing it virtually so wherever you are on earth you actually can watch it and be a part of it it's on saturdays if you go to our website if you download our app go get the app the app is one of the easiest things that you need to have just download the app um if you have the apple store you can go there on that android is it google play it's a playground i don't know what it is you know where to go play find it amen divorce care um divorce someone told me is like a death and if you've been through divorce or going through it you need a support group you need somebody to help you talk about that thing and help you realize um that god is with you you can go to our app or our website and find out how you can sign up for that it is a 13-week course and you're surrounded by people who've been through or going through what you're about to deal with um life groups life group is amazing i really want to push for some men i need at least 50 men to sign up for our life groups what is that that's every week there's a group of people that you literally log in with you go over what we preach it's a support group it's a life group um it's open to everyone but i need 50 men to start this week to sign up for it um if you sign up for it i need to know that i need to know the number of men that sign up for this every brother that is listening i need you to sign up to be a part of a life group um communion is gonna be this sunny don't forget we do we do juice we don't do patron and we don't do red um whatever other wines you all drink we do juice not kool-aid either grape juice amen praise god get your bibles i i love the bible and one of the things that i love reading about is the presence of god why i am one of those people that i think that i'm addicted to his presence i think that i like literally have to bask in his presence um i said to you on sunday one of the words that you read between the um between the wilderness and making it to the house was the word ichabod the bible said that the truth of israel had a battle and the ark of the covenant was stolen from the children of israel any time you read the ark of the covenant it is symbolic of his presence it is symbolic of the glory of god um why are we so addicted to the glory you cannot be in his presence and not change whenever you get into the presence of god he works on you he sharpens you he delivers you he empowers you he pours into you um this is why you have to be careful especially pastors and leaders that we're not ushering people to ourselves but we're ushering them to the presence of god people need a god encounter not a man encounter if you ever have a god encounter your life will never be the same if we could ever get you into the presence of god you will never be the same you'll never be the same as we show we talked to you about whatever in the world it is how the ark of the covenant was set up we symbolic of this right here a rectangular box made of wood overlaid in gold with the two symbols of the angels on top with their wings spread in between was the mercy seat inside of the ark with three things number one was manna if you take notes mana what was that that symbolizes the provision of god wherever his presence is he comes to begin bring you provision the other thing was um aaron's rod which is the power of god wherever god is the power of god is there he comes to deliver us the third thing that was there with the tablets which is his word what does the word symbolize the promises of god and god is not a man that he can lie neither the son of man that he can repent so when his presence come there comes power when his presence come there comes a promise when his presence comes there comes provision it is the presence of god they went out to the battlefield and the bible says and the philistines stole the presence of god finally the bible says that one of um eli's sons half nine fahines fehena's wife was pregnant she gave birth after she found out that the glory was not there and she gave birth and the bible said and she did not even regard it and she said name him listen to the word ichabod ichabod means without the glory and the bible says what happened when she found out she gave birth but then she died in other words i'm not willing to live where god isn't you got to get that revelation and then she died the bible said that the priest at that time eli was sitting at the gates waiting to get the news and when he heard that the glory had been stolen what did he do the bible said he fell back and broke his neck and died i don't want to live where god isn't you got to be careful that you're okay with ichabod when you're okay with ichabod it means that give me the position i would rather have the position than the anointing i would rather have the title than the anointing i would rather be successful i would rather build a church it doesn't matter if god's not there i'm there you cannot everybody pay attention live in this day and time without god you cannot deal with what you're dealing with you cannot face you cannot be single you cannot be married you cannot work where you work or live where you live without the glory of god you need god like a fish need water and i don't know about you but i am desperate for his presence because if i get in his presence there's the fullness of joy if i get in his presence he gives me the strength he validates me he reminds me he empowers me he gives me everything that i need that whatever i got to deal with down here i remind myself that i am more than a conqueror and no weapon that has formed against me is going to be able to prosper i have to get in this presence it's almost like a battery that is dead that gets charged when you get in this prison it's like cables get hooked up you get charged so that when you come back out people that thought that you were over when they see you again they'd be like oh my god you're still smiling you're still you're still laying hands you're still believing god how are you able to do it i've been in his presence and when i got in i got exactly what i needed wow so then the bible lets us know that the presents couldn't stay with the enemy they put him in in um in the temple with their god dagon when they came in dagon was laying face down they set they gone back up and left out came back the next day dagon's head and hands had been cut off they were like we were gonna get him up out of here watch me that was that was that was a choice how many of you have tried to do your thing but it keeps falling it just keeps failing and the question is are you going to keep trying to set up what's broken or are you just going to go ahead and worship god how much more stuff does he have to tear down for you to believe in him and they said come and get him so they put god out i need a camera it'll blow your mind how many people have put god out so that you can set up what's already broken you've asked god to leave the relationship so you could fix it you've asked god to leave your career so you could make it happen he's not going to let nothing stand before him he wants the glory out of everything do me a favor lift your hands with this worship man lift your hands and begin to worship god that he destroyed some things that you set up oh my god some of y'all should worship that he destroyed the relationship that he destroyed the job that he destroyed some things that she tried to make happen wow and they finally take the ark of the lord into the house of a man by the name of abinadab pay attention abinadab then the bible tells us that he's literally in the house of abinadab for how many years 20 years now this is good you hear of him in the house of abinadab but you hear nothing you hear no report coming out of a been a dance house it's amazing how you can be in the presence of god but when we look at you you don't say nothing you don't do nothing you don't make known his deeds among the people i want those of us that have grown up in church to put a pen right here because in a benedict's house he had sons by the name of aza and aho you hear nothing from them until david comes with a crowd other than that you hear nothing let there be revelation for those that sister pandemic we have not been hearing anything from you you're just waiting on the crowd you waiting to get back to church so you can shout have your neighbors heard you holler hallelujah have the ones that live under you heard your flow stumping like this because when you come in here we can't sit you down or are you waiting on the parade you hear absolutely nothing coming out of that house for 20 years and finally david who was pay attention who's been successful who's been anointed three times and now is the king over israel who's now won wars in acquired land and who's now built the city of david and then when he steps back and looks at all of his accomplishments accomplishments he says what is this without god what is the use of me having all that is in guarding in the city what's the good of you building your business and god ain't in it what's the good of you this is why people they look successful but they're miserable money don't make you happy if it made you happy people that were wealthy would never commit suicide you need god in every area i see you see you getting married and god ain't it but he's a gentleman he you have to invite him in come on here you have to literally invite him into your private space some of y'all watch me i know that everything that i've accomplished it wasn't me to do and it is validated with his presence it's like right i successfully wrote a letter i successfully put it in an envelope i successfully sealed it but i didn't put a stamp on it which means that it's not going anywhere come on here some of y'all have been successful it's just lacking the stamp come on here it can go to another location it can go to another dimension but it won't happen until you put god in it those of you that know that he has been your very present help that he has been the author and the finisher of your faith he has been your alpha and your omega he has been your beginning and your end he has been your god he's the one that is predestined you he's the one that ordered your steps i graduated i got a degree i got a house i got a job i mean i look around everything and god's really been good to me when i look at everything that i've accomplished i know that i couldn't have done it without god now god please rest on everything i have if you know i'm talking to you type of worship on the screen if you in the building lift your hands open your mouth and worship god and invite him into your success wow wow wow invite him into your success so for 20 years nothing david gather the people and say hey let's do this let's go get him out of a been a dab's house let's go get him and bring him into the city so he can be available to everybody because obviously they're not handling him right in the benadam's house so zeal is good brazil would not without knowledge can be dangerous there are some people that are zealous what you're doing is really a good thing but did you do your homework so he goes and he grabs the ark of the covenant he goes to benedict's out he has all israel there watch me and now aho and other the bible say and they are escorting the ark of the covenant they are in front of it these are abinadab sons now in front of it like here you hear ye here i am here it is back up back up get out the way get out of the way i can't stand church people that act like they got to tell us everything to do get out the way back up you need to dress this way you need to walk this way you need to say it this way you need to do it this way you need to act you act like god can't come in unless you show up they put the ark of the covenant on a wooden on a cart and they dragging god down the street you didn't do your homework he's into the details can we talk for a minute he's into the details you dragging him on the cart and he watch me you you're good but i'm not going to let you succeed like this so i'm just going to cause a bump in the road the bump is not to stop you is to correct you have you ever hit a bump in life that it was unexpected i mean i'm doing the best i can what you it's a great idea but you're not quite ready yet and the bump is not to destroy you but to correct you because i rather you do it right then do it wrong because i need you to have the full experience so they hit a bump in the wrong and he'll watch other the arc of the art look like it's about to trip he reached back hold on i got this you got to be careful with people when there's a move of god they got to put their hands in it have you ever been in church and it's a move of god and somebody got to walk up and lay hands on you no god was already delivering me back up come on i got a word for you no he's already speaking to me get out my ear you got to be careful of people who want to put their hand in the move of god when it is not about them and because he puts his hands on it the lord strikes him dead right there it'll blow your mind how many people have died a horrible death in front of everybody he dies right there now watch me some of us we would have drug that right over his dead body said keep it moving and some of us are good for keeping it moving without correcting the problem he says no you're not going to keep it moving stop david the bible says and god became angry because of the act of azza and the bible says and david became angry because of what god had did in front of the people everybody pay attention so david is angry which gave me space to say god i'm upset about how things are rolling out god will give you space to be upset but you can't stay there it takes a mature person to admit i have been angry because i didn't like the way that things rolled out out of all the things i'd done i don't like the way things are looking or how things are happening and i'm not gonna lie i'm upset and when you're angry if you don't check it you'll begin to act out of anger i need you to type on the screen i'm checking my anger because some of y'all are mad with god because your marriage didn't work out the way you thought it should work out so now you wilding out some of y'all are mad with god because your ministry is not panning out the way that you think that it should have panned out you hit a bump in the road and now you're just doing anything and everything you want to do some of y'all are angry with god because we're in the midst of a pandemic and your business had to stop and now you're on pause you're just on pause so david does something let's fix it let's fix it then what he does is out of nowhere we now we're introduced to a man by the name of obaddim everybody pay attention you've been at benedict's house for 20 years now all of a sudden there's a knock on the door of a man by the name of opening knock knock who's that david king david bro what up what up man god just killed us out here on the street i mean this mark just dropped dead in the middle of the parade we're out here giving god praise we shouted next thing we know this man and reached up touch the ark now he didn't drop dead in front of everybody now i didn't got this parade going i thought we were going to take the ark of the covenant i thought we would be in the city by now but we're not going to make it like this because if i continue on now he would not be the only one to die stop before there's another death stop before he killed one of your kids stop before your dream die your vision die your ministry die your mind get lost stop and fix it pay attention he knocks on the benadev's door why are benidab i was like why obadim why obaddim why obidiam everybody say over them why over them that watch if you do your homework you gotta go back to the book of numbers obadium comes from the tribe that moses had appointed that was of the levitical tribes who were assigned to carry the glory so all his life he's been hearing you're different you're not like everybody else let me tell you your glory carrier your muscles are strong because he knows that you can carry the glory all your life you've been hearing something but now the knock is at the door tragedy for somebody is an opportunity for somebody else it was it was somebody's tragedy but that tragedy was called so that you could get the knock at the door now either you can cry over who dead or you can open the door and seize your opportunity i need those of you that are ready for god to knock on your door come on here my turn my turn come on i need you to say this one my turn yeah come on everything that you have gone through has prepared you for this one knock yeah i need you to open your mouth but i've been waiting a long time how long do you think that oberdium had been waiting well the whole time that the ark was locked up in a benadab's house here's a man has been being reminded of who he is and finally a knock is at the door and i need some of y'all i need you to be vulnerable again i need you to believe that it really can happen for you i need you to not be afraid i need you to know that everything that you've been taught everything that you've learned every test every trial every failure has prepared you for the knock on the door those of you that believe that god is able to still do it i need you to lift your hands and begin to worship god for what is about to happen come on come on open your mouths even in this building come on give me a few more seconds i need you to open your mouths those online i need you to begin the type of worship on the building come on here opportunity is about to knock on your door your name is about to be pulled your phone is about to ring but it's a pandemic going on that's a tragedy but it's an opportunity for you come on here your application is about to be approved your grant is about to be approved your door is about to be open your dream career is about to come in your direction come on here you about to get a house come on here he's about to enlarge your territory your ministry is about to take off i need those of you that know that you have been faithful over a few things that he's about to honor that come on here you've been serving you've been preparing come on here i need you to open your mouth for a few seconds and worship god right here for five seconds five four shakey three isaac two one come on i need you to begin to say my turn come on come on come on come on come on come on eat us begin to say my turn come on wanda begin to say my turn come on down i begin to save my turn come on there's some of you all i need you to begin to share this on your so on your page because something big is about to happen come on guys about to knock on somebody's doing i need to make sure that they hear the knock at the door come on my turn my turn my turn my turn my turn i'm open i'm open i'm available i'm open i'm available i'm open i'm available i'm open i'm available i am open i am available i am open and i am available so he opens the door and he pay attention he allows the glory of god to come into his private space i'm sure he had to move some furniture out of the way i'm sure he had to take the doors off the hinges i know he had to like move this couch out the way back this up what is he doing he's preparing for the glory to come watch me and he bring it right on in come on in watch me watch me he has to deal with those that are watching him bring the glory in his house some of them he shouldn't even get the glory he should have came to my you can either pay attention to your naysayers or you can usher god right into your private space i wish i would worry about who liked me and who donald can i tell you something they were talking about you before the knock came at the door anyway i need you to go ahead and give them something to really talk about come on come on in come on [Applause] come on in my private space come on in my marriage come on come on come on in my finances come on in my bankruptcy come on and get my crazy kids come on find my weakness come on here ain't every everything is open come on come on in come on in and he invites him in and when he invites him in they leave put the doors back on the hinges lock the door shut up god can you imagine going home and the presence of god is in your heart oh oh m oh my god for real i'm saying every night they hear what people were like oh can i thank you can i thank you that you kept me in the land of the living can i thank you that you've given me you've blown my mind god can i thank you that i didn't even have to ask could i invite you in they knocked on my door you put me on the heart of the king cause the heart of the king is in your hand and you broke my name up i'm trying to get some of y'all to know that your name is about to be brought up i need you to know that everything that you've been through has prepared you for this open door opportunity come on here even when you thought you were wasting time you have not wasted time you have been prepared for what is your right now because my next is now hey those of you that know that god is with you hope you'll say god is with me hey and i give you glory those of you that know that he's invading your space those of you that know that he's rocking your world can i get you to come on here can i get you to bow in his presence can i get you to open your mouth can i get you to whisper something to him thank you my god and he's in the house now that he's here now that he's here now that he's here let's go second samuel 6 11-14 let's just read it all then we'll come back in the ark of the lord remain in the house of obedient to get tight how many months for how many months for three months and the ark of the lord remained in the house of obadiam the good time for how many months for three months how many more months do we have left if i get you if i can just get you to pay attention to numbers real quick um it was in the house of i've been a deaf how many years 20 what year is this 20 20. if i could just get you to pay attention to the numbers and the in the architect company was in the house of overdeal for how many months three months and how many more months do you have left three months so whatever he did in the house of obedient he about to do for you in the next three months now let can i give you revelation now this is where you get sick let me read first okay let's finish reading i'm excited and the lord blessed him and his entire and he's entire that thing was funny we went in somewhere sunday i don't know what i was doing when you get in the spirit you just start saying stuff you don't know what you're saying thank god it's not it's not you it's the holy spirit but we heard a song out of this and the lord blessed him and his entire household and then the bible says now king david was told king david was told now notice something people are talking about what's going on in obadim's house when nobody talked about what's going on in the benadab's house so i need some of y'all to be comfortable with people talking about what they think going on behind your closed doors without a facebook without an instagram page without a twitter page people are talking about what's going on because every time he opened the door they could see god on him i'm looking for the day that ain't nobody got to ask you nothing that moment you walk in people can see the god on you people that know you can trace your story and no no something special going on with them come on here in the midst of a tragic situation you got hooked up and the lord blessed and now king david was told told told the lord has blessed the house of obadiam and everything he has why because god the prince of god is in his house and david went to bring the up the ark of the god from the house of obedient to the city of david with rejoicing and when those who were carrying the ark of the lord had taken six steps he said oh stop and sacrifice a bull and a fattened cab look what he's doing he's wearing a linen ephod david was dancing before the lord with all his might two things that are happening number one the lord is blessing the house of obadiam for three months now pay attention so the lord told me he said john i need you to go back and some of y'all he's telling you to do the same thing trace your life for the last 20 years trace your life and i sat down i said oh my god it was 20 years ago that i left the church that i had been in for 19 years it was 20 years ago that i love st james but i love saint james i went to choco and stayed with him for four years and our church is now 16 years so your church is 16 years and you you with choco for four years that's a total of 20 years that you've been out here he said now john i need you to pay attention because your next three months is where the kingdom is about to be impacted i need you to open your mouth and declare type it on the screen i need it to come out of your mouth my next three are going to be better than my previous 20. that sounds so crazy that god can do something in three months that he didn't do for you in 20 years god i wish i was talking to people of faith right now i need you to open i need you to type this on the screen i need you to sh i need you to come and say my next three months are gonna be better than my previous 20 years so much is gonna change in three months that it's gonna blow your hair back i need those of you that walk by faith and not by sight those of you that believe that he could do anything but fail i need to hear this thing i need to read it i need you to say my next three months are gonna be better than my previous 20 yes those of you that believe that he's about to rock your world i need you to release a praise right here go [Music] my next three months are gonna be better than my first than my previous 20 years [Music] yeah it's getting ready to happen [Laughter] god i wish you could get your faith up i wish he was willing to be vulnerable again i wish he was willing to be open again i wish you were willing to believe again i don't care what bad happened i believe that he could do some things suddenly my business is about to be released my name is about to be brought up my favor is about to go to another level my ministry is about to go from local to national from national to international you about to get a contract you have to be flown to another country just for your information come on and say it i need that to come out of your mouth my next three months [Music] about to change my whole [Music] my next three months i don't care if you've been married for 20 years i need you to open your mouth and say my next three months i don't have your children been disobedient for 20 years my next three months i need you to go ahead and get in the seat of expectation [Music] my next [Music] and i am going to give them exactly what i heard them say and i am going to give them exactly what i heard them say and i am going to give this bible y'all this bible and i am going to give them exactly what i heard them say and i am going to give them exactly what i heard them say then hear me clearly my next three months i about to be better [Music] and your last 20 went so bad your last 20 was good but the next three months gonna be great oh we faith people we are a people of faith [Music] we walk by faith and not that sight he's about to prove to you why he made you move he's about to show you why you had to get out of that job he's about to show you why they had to leave you you're about to get the revelation of why they had to die you about to get the full revelation of why you had to be cut [Applause] [Music] come on you people of faith and i am going to give them exactly what i heard them say and i am going to give them exactly what i heard them say and i am going to give them exactly what i heard them say and i am going to give them exactly what i heard them say my next three months my october my november and my december [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's gonna be better than 2001 it's gonna be better where were you in 2001 who were you with in 2001 it's gonna be better than 2005. it's gonna be better then 2006 it's gonna be better what year cost you hell what year did you almost lose your mind what year did you cry yourself to sleep what year did you question yourself what year did you get sick [Music] [Applause] what year did the devil attack your body [Music] he's about to make up for what you thought was lost time but everything you went through prepare you we are a people of faith we i keep reminding you we are a people of faith one plus one don't equal two [Music] and i am going to give them exactly what i heard them say and i am going to give them exactly what i heard them saying because the power of life and death is in their tongue because they now have the spirit the anointing of samuel and his words never hit the ground but whatever he spoke became his reality i need you to prophesy your next three months my next three months [Music] i gonna be better than my previous [Music] 20 years [Music] all right let's go let's go get your notes out get your notes out ready get your notes that thing blessed me the lord was like back up back up add all that up add all that up and all that up cause it's about to pay off and i know that all things work together for my good and i know that all things work together for my good and i know that all things work too you should say that and i know that all things work too you gotta say that and i know no confusion no confusion and i know and i know that all things work together for my and i know no confusion and i know no confusion you gotta know for yourself and i know that all things one more time [Music] it's getting ready to happen you better get ready you better be sitting on the edge of your seat cause it's about to go down yay it's getting ready to happen [Music] yay [Music] [Music] it's getting ready to happen eyes have a seat ears have been heard it hasn't even entered the things that god has it he's about to exceed your expectation [Applause] [Music] god i feel god all right let's go let's let's go let's talk about what's going to happen in three months ready let me give you some revelation let's go let's let's get some revelation let's talk about what's gonna happen in three months let's go to the bible and find out what's going to happen in three months all right sit down ready let's go so for some of y'all for the lord said to me john i need you to pay attention because there's going to be two folds for you um the blessings of obedience are going to be on you but also you're going to need the anointing of david the blessings of obedience and the anointing of david what's the blessings of obedience ready let's go back over it in the ark of the lord verse 11 remain in the house of obedience they get tight for three months the lord blessed him and his entire household now king david was told the lord has blessed the household of obadim and everything and everything and everything and everything and everything and everything and everything and that's a lot in that everything and everything he has why because of the art of the lord pastor jamon did did this on tuesday for tuesday night bible study he mentioned the greek word barack can i show you this can you bring this definition up bless the word is from the hebrew root word bless or barack which means to invoke pay attention divine favor to invoke in other words when the glory comes in your midst it invokes favor on your life let's go to empower you my god to prosper or to make successful so you mean to tell me i'm about to get some favor i'm about to be empowered i'm about to prosper dog on it i'm about to be successful guys y'all do all this shot but i need you to understand like literally he's about to put favor on your name what does it mean to have divine favor so when the glory comes in watch me when the glory comes into your house he goes into every corner of your house and he releases favor success now has to come in your house when you come in watch me open every door up go get the room that's even filthy the sound effects that went with that go even let them in the room that's filthy but let him in the room where your weaknesses and your shortcoming and your fault is ask him to clean this up cause sometimes you settle for some mess that he's ready to clean up don't just give in to it tell god god this is an area that i've been struggling with for years come on in here because i want to be successful over my shortcomings and my faults wow so he goes watch me so where the blessing is the supernatural comes the supernatural so whereas you couldn't stop doing it he gives you the power to cut it whereas you couldn't leave them alone he now gives you the authority that he breaks the soul tie whereas you couldn't stop doing it he takes the desire from you my god he he gives you a blood transfusion to make sure that you don't make the same mistakes that your forefathers may watch me and your kids will never repeat i don't know about you but i say send the blessings this way now let me give you a scripture watch this watch this is what the lord told me to tell you everybody pay attention in this three months this is the blessings psalms 138-8 the first part the lord will perfect that which concerneth you so the things that have been worrying you the things that have been getting to you the things that you've been um sitting a little nervous about he's about to perfect it everything that is worried you he's about to come in that area god i wish i had people that come you should just say well come on with it then come on with it invite him in and not invite him in watch me which means that watch me when i come in that means that i need you to give me your worry because if i take it from you i need you not to worry about it anymore when you worry about it you take it back from me i need you to give me your anxieties i need you to give me your illness i'm about to perfect it everything that concerneth you and i need you to follow my instructions if i tell you to let some go let it go if i tell you not to chase them let it ride who if i tell you not to worry about this job let that witch or that warlock wear themselves out and sit back and just look at because they can't touch you because i got favor on you they can write you up but i'll give you favor with the hr department y'all ain't saying no no y'all don't believe he's able y'all don't believe he's able i serve a god that while they write you up the top people at the top are talking about how good you are and they'll see their spirit that there's only a spirit of hatred on them and they want to get rid of you so that they think that it's going to make them look better but they don't understand that you'd assaulted the earth the only reason that the company hasn't gone down because you in it remove me and the whole department will fold i need some of y'all i need you to say he's about to fix what's been bothering me i i need that to come out of your mouth i need you to say he's about to fix chateau rey i need you to know that no weapon formed against you is gonna be go to proverbs 10 and 22. come on let me see since god is with you he's about to perfect those things that concerns you then he told me to tell you the blessings of the lord it maketh i can't stay at some of y'all jevilla the blessings of the lord it make rich it watch me it maketh rich and added no sorrow with it which means that when i come in i'ma bless you and give you happy happy they gonna watch me they gonna be sorrowful but you're gonna be rejoicing how did you mean you're not gonna be sorry that you had to change jobs you're not gonna be sorry that some people can't be with you not watch me certain things that would have been able to impact you or affect you they're not going to be able to affect you like that no more because the blessings of the lord are going to make sure that you don't have not one sorrowful day he gonna keep your emotions straight he gonna hold your tears up he gonna make you see that listen i am working in you and what and your ladder is gonna be greater because i owe you would have been mad the old you but i'm about to make you rich not just in money rich in joy rich in peace rich in in just satisfaction rich in your mind rich in your emotions rich in your anointing you're gonna go home and be happy with you and god i need you to say the blessings of the lord are on and then say your name the blessing of the lord on john hannah the blessing of the lord on john hannah and everything that pertained to him the blessing of the lord on john hanna and everything that pertaining to him the blessing of the lord watch me if you even do your homework over them had eight sons you'll even read of his sons later on in scriptures when i come to tell some of y'all what he's about to put on you we're gonna read about your kids later come on can you just type that the blessed of the lord our pun say your name john hannah the blessing of the lord if you don't say your name if i'll jump through this tv screen and slap you say my name say my name say your name the blessing of the lord i punt john hannah and the blessed of the lord are about to make rich and add no sorrow the blessings of the lord are about to make rich and add no sorrow he's about to affect those things that concern to john hanna he's about to perfect those things that concern me he's about to perfect those things that's been getting to me he's about to perfect those things he's about to seal the deal he's about to pay it off he's about to wipe the debt away he's about to heal your body he's about to rid you of every illness that's in your bloodline he's about to perfect your house he's about to get your kids he's about to shut this conflict and confrontational spirit that's been disturbing your peace come on say he's about to perfect those things which are concerning me now that's that's the blessings of obedience so what is david doing what is david doing now here's this is when it's going to get quiet but i got 15 minutes to give it to you while the blessings of obedience is receiving the supernatural to do it the anointing of david is planning for your next so dave david has three months to get some things in line and for some of you all the lord has sent me to tell you that you have three months to plan some things out who goes to work without first counting of the costs you are not going to enter 2021 not prepared so what are you planning like what what so what why why the well the ark is locked up in open dm's house what is david doing dirty we found out what david has been doing if you go to the 13th um verse 13. can i show you something for some of you all i need you to plan your circle i need you to literally plan the people that you need in your life during this season i need you to pay attention you can't carry dead weight right now just because your family don't mean that they strong enough to hang with you i need you to plan who can carry what you're bringing you got to hear me you can't be around people who want to be you you can't be around people who intimidated with your presence but you need people who are strong enough to carry what you bring gotta hear me you're gonna have to hand pick certain people right now i need you to pay attention right now it's the wrong time to pick up somebody on on on an app this is the wrong time to date on the app this you need you're going to have to get quiet then didn't it ready what do you mean in circle now we read something that we didn't read when he first went to go get it if you go to verse 13 says and those who were caring and those who were caring who are those and when those who were carrying the ark of the lord had taken six steps here's some people that were not with him previously but they are with him now and they are strong enough to carry the ark pastor jamon gave us something he said according to history this weighs 500 pounds so you need people who are strong enough to look at the details if you look at this you'll see these rings right here you see these poles right here you got to get someone watch me the ones that are going to be the camera can handle your personality can handle your dreams can handle your future you cannot be around the people that have the spirit of joseph's brothers the bible says when he shared his dream they hated him i can't watch me i need your discernment to be on 10. that's the moment that somebody face change when you show up no we can't go to lunch together because i don't have time to be i need to eat i can't fight [Applause] [Laughter] i can't come over madia's house right now cause tt over there and tichi got the wrong spirit and if i come in that house while tj there tt's gonna take me somewhere that i don't need to go right now so i'm gonna have to come over there at the right time right now not the right time cause i'm carrying something and i only need to be around people who can handle my presence yay ready let's go what why do you say select people look at the screen look look look what look what um moses father-in-law told him but select capable men from all other people men who are who fear god watch me you got to people who have a relationship with god trustworthy trustworthy trustworthy trustworthy trustworthy and who hate this honest game you cannot be around people who only around you for money because purpose is bigger than money come on here if you're only chasing the dollar you can't beat with me right now ready say watch me now if you go to acts let's go here go to acts six and three brothers and sisters true seven men shoes you have to literally pick them and some of y'all you're gonna have to hand pick certain people in these three months just for you with the contracts that you're gonna get you just can't take people on the job because you like them they have to be somebody that when i speak the vision you know how to see it and you can carry it out certain people can't be in the band because they can play you got to fear god and not go after just gain if it's all about the dollar then we don't want you we need you to be um honest that when you sing you live what you sing come on here we need to make sure that if you're going to be one of the teachers or preachers in here that you live exactly what you're teaching and what you're preaching and you're going to have to hand pick because of their strength because of their skill set because of their knowledge because of their understanding because of their charisma because they have the power because watch me cause watch me when they put the pulse through there now they got to be able to carry it watch me now you got to be able to walk with it now you got to balance you got to give people who can balance between your natural and your spiritual you got to be you got to get with people who you can who can see your natural side but at the same time respect your spiritual side so they're strong enough so everybody say my circle is coming in these three months come on come on come on come on watch me watch me some of them have more power than you more money than you but you're gonna get blessed because you connected it's called the divine connection on the count of three i need you to call your circle in your direction on the count of three you say um everybody that's supposed to be with me i need you to start coming in my direction in the next three months one two three everyone that's supposed to be with me i call you to come towards me right now in the next three months everyone that's supposed to be around me everyone is supposed to be connected to me i need you to come come come everyone that can carry my weight everyone that can't carry my future everyone that can i carry my dream i need you to back up back up i need you to make room for who's supposed to be around me come on y'all somebody's gonna help you get the contract somebody's gonna make sure that you get favor somebody's gonna make sure to watch me come on let's go i need god to sing i'm preparing my circle i'm preparing my circle not only does he prepare a circle he prepares his sacrifice and i need somebody to watch me you're going to get a stacking anointing you have to put something up for later what does that mean the bible says after they had taken watch this verse after they had taken six steps he sacrificed pay attention a bull and a fattened calf what does that mean they they take one two three four five six stop give me a ball give me a fattened calf slay it kill it receive it one two three four five six give me another ball give me another fatty cap oh no you got it i saved it for now i prepared to give it right now i've been stacking fat bulls and cows some of y'all i need you to hear me you're gonna give more than you've ever given cause he's about to bless you in a i wish i was around faith people your job is not your source i want to repeat your job is not your source so your sacrifice is going to be great and my worship is going to be intense i'm going to look crazy in my house but i'm going for broke those of you that know that god will receive your sacrificial offering of your sacrificial praise can i get you to lift your hand those in the middle can you stand at your feet can i get everybody now wherever you are to lift your hands and begin to offer up your worship right there go so my circle is changing my sacrifice is changing my circle is changing and i'm gonna give him my best i'm gonna give him my best i'm gonna give him my best i'm gonna give him my best i'm gonna give him my best i'm gonna give him my best i give you all of me can we see that withholding nothing withholding nothing withholding nothing yeah [Music] i give [Music] i give you my circle i give you my sacrifice i'm stacking [Music] just to release it withholding just sit right there for a minute if you don't mind now watch me i want you to pay attention what does the bible says and he sacrificed a bull in a fattened calf in other words i'm not gonna give god just anything i'm gonna make sure that it is it's gonna be big it's gonna be noticeable can i give you the scripture and i want some of y'all to monitor your sacrifices right now in malachi 108 when you offer the blind animals and zach for sacrifice is that not wrong when you sacrifice lame or diseased animals is that not rome try offering them to your governor would he be pleased with you would he accept you said the lord almighty that what does that mean i'm going to give him the best that i have even when i lift my hands i give him my everything i give come on everyone say i give you i give i give you [Music] i give i give you my circle i give you my sacrifice withholding come on you say that wherever you are in your home can you say withholding everybody sing those that believe that god can send the right people around you said some part of you that's been feeling like you by yourself but i give the lord say i'm about to send you carius i give you all of me i give i give you all of me i give you i'm gonna fill the voids in your life i'm gonna make sure the right people are around you i'ma give you the staff that you need i'm gonna give you the volunteers that you need i'm gonna connect you with the right one that's gonna bring your name up i'm gonna give you the right supervisor the right bosses next time it's not gonna be intimidating with your intelligence withholding everybody say [Music] i give you my gifts i give you my talent [Music] hold on a minute ready say god i'm working on my circle come on say god i'm working on my sacrifice everybody peter said now god i'm working on me oh my god come on say god i'm working on me can i show you something and everybody pay attention please listen to me right now because i don't want you to have an amazing circle but you jacked up and i want you to have amazing resources but you don't have the intelligence or the wisdom to handle your present and then you become a suicide bomber you blow up something that you've been waiting on for years but if you work on yourself within these three months work on your circle work on your sacrifice i was sitting at home the other day and the lord just dropped someone's name into my spirit he says i need you to send them something i was like i'll send it to him later he says no i need you to make the sacrifice now i text that person i was like hey what's going on i'm good so you're good i says pay attention something's coming through for you right now not knowing anything only listening to what the lord says and i send some money not knowing anything not knowing didn't even ask all i'm doing is sacrificing all i'm doing is sacrificing then he says work on me what do you mean by work on me can i show you this the latter part of 13. he sacrificed a bull in a fatten calf which means that he worked on his resources everybody hear me you got to pay attention to your resources right now wearing a linen ephod what is that you'll never read where he brought the bull or the fan calf to the first try so this is new you'll never read what he had on a linen e5 what is that this is new what is he working on he's worked on his appearance so not only am i working on my resources i'm working on that when people see me they know i didn't come to play what is a linen ephod it's like an apron that you put over your clothes so that when you make sacrifices the blood doesn't get on your clothes but it hits the apron so if you see me walking with a with a with an e fight on you know i didn't come to play some of y'all your appearance when you walk in they're gonna know that you didn't come to play games god's gonna anoint the way you walk he's gonna anoint that when you walk into a room your very presence will demand attention without you even opening your mouth when they look at you they'll know that you are you it those of you that want god to speak loud without you saying anything lift your hands and begin to work on god for your appearance come on some of y'all you've been hearing you look like a millionaire you're about to catch up to it you look like you run something you look like you belong on television wow there's a look that goes with poverty it's not gonna be on you anymore he's literally about to change your appearance the moment that you walk in it will demand attention come on worship god right there come on work on me work on me work on me work on me show me what i need to do what i need to change show me that i dress with my future not with my present so he works on his resources he works on his appearance then he works on his praise and the bible says and david dancing for the lord with all his might stop you'll never see what he did it previously before all you heard was the people shout david said listen i'm not gonna let nobody shout for me i'ma shout for myself and i need some of y'all even in your home your kids have to hear you praise god they gotta see you go for broke they got to see you lift your hands they need to hear you in the room giving god glory and the bible says and he danced with all his might i need you to put yourself out there give it all you got knowing that your next three months that when you step over into 2021 you're about to get everything that you've been waiting on i don't know where you are but i'm we're gonna sing this again and i need you to give god everything that is within you i give i give you all come on say i give you [Music] come on angela borders i give you [Music] come on robert i give i [Music] i give you my gift i give you my skill i give you my talent i give you my name i give you my ministry i give you my money i give you my heart i give you my mind i give you those things that concerning me i give you everything i give you everything withholding [Music] i give [Music] i don't even hold back my praise i make a joyful noise unto the lord i give you everything i give you come on let's say one more time i give you all come on say i give you i give with all my might with all my strength i serve the lord with gladness come on you're planning in three months [Music] you're gonna plan your circle you're going to plan your resources and you're going to plan your appearance [Music] come on say i give everybody [Music] i give you and the oil of david be upon us to plan and the oil of david be upon us to plan and the oil of david be upon us to plan to shift our circle [Music] to work on our resources our sacrifice withholdings [Music] let the band play everybody live your hands and go before god on your own with all your might exhaust yourself come on in your home in your room come on begin to worship god your next three months are gonna be better than your previous twenty come on during the opening the blessings of over damn be upon your house the blessings of over them be upon your house and he's about to perfect those things that concern him the blessings of the lord make his rinse and of no sorrow no more sorrow for days i speak to you right now and i call your october your november and your december that the lord bless you and your entire household and the lord bless you and your entire household your entire that he blessed everything that concerned you come on i'm speaking to you arise walk in the blessings of the lord your latter days are behind you better is the it never thinks in the beginning thereof [Applause] come on allow me to speak yay come on y'all give me about 20 more seconds if you're in the building i need you to worship god like your phone just ranks yes glory [Applause] [Music] come on the blessings of over dear be upon you and the lord bless you and your entire household and the blessings of over thee will be upon you and the blessings be on your children and the blessings be on your house and the blessings be on your business and the blessings be on your body there's no sickness in your body i call your mind back in you will not lose your mind yay you're not dying anytime soon the glory is in your house yay the blessings of over thee will be upon you and the oil of david yay you anointed to plan you have structure you have organizations you plan for tomorrow everything is gonna fall in line hey your circle is changing the right people are coming in your life you have carriers people who can carry your calling hey not intimidated not jealous not hurting you not abandoning you [Music] come on [Music] i give you my trust [Music] i give you my faith [Music] i give you my sacrifice i give you my life i present my body as a living sacrifice i give you my gift i give you my talent [Music] i give you my money i give you my job i give you my career i give you my degrees i give you my wife i give you my husband i give you my children i give you everything [Music] [Music] i give you my record i give you my credit score [Music] i believe god [Music] come on empty yourself [Music] [Music] give him your spouse give him your mother give him your father give him your siblings [Music] you can't worry about it [Music] you can't raise grown people [Music] [Music] [Music] them [Music] foundations are being shaken [Music] come on let's all leave in a few minutes i am come on i get my everything i am i surrender my [Music] i give you my tears i give you my pain i give you my disappointment i give you my anger i give i give i got myself yeah we gotta get out of here wherever you are open your mouth and release your praise i guess the best praise you have go go go go stretch yourself in your house and david dance before the lord with all his might we give you glory [Music] fresh is coming [Music] new is coming [Music] the unexpected is coming what you've been waiting on is coming [Music] take the doors off the hinges [Music] prepare you the way preparing you the way your turn prepare you the way coming in your direction prepare the way [Music] open your spirit get [Music] [Music] open your house up to god [Music] prepare the way [Music] go into my secret area [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i feel the anointing prepare either way something good is coming in your direction either way it's bigger than your imagination it's what you've been waiting on [Applause] [Music] come on jesus [Applause] get everything out of the way [Music] [Applause] [Music] is coming to the united states [Music] go lift your hands and worship wherever you are [Music] [Applause] it's not too late it's coming it's coming it's time delay does not mean denial is coming it's come but david waited on the lord it's gone it's come you're about to mount upon weak [Music] [Music] every millennial open your mouth you won't have to wait as long as we did he will give you power he will give you knowledge he will give you understanding he will give you wisdom i decree and i declare you won't have to wait as long as we did but you might have to fight a little bit harder [Music] we gotta go dip your hands the worst of god [Music] worship god right there for a few seconds come on come on online worship that for a few seconds come on worship that for a few seconds [Music] everybody pay attention to me and the bible says any sacrifice for everyone that is listening right now if you believe that these three months if you know that god is blessing you know that you're working preparing for something i need you to lay a sacrifice lay a sacrifice pay attention pay attention there are three different types of seeds that will be given is a 30 seed a 60 seed or 90 seed there's a 30 there's a 60 there's a 90. i need you to ask god what will you have me to sacrifice what will you have me to sacrifice can i tell you something he knows what to tell you because he gave it to you there's a 30 there's a 60 there's a 90. if you're gonna text the textviewers no csc to 77977 if you have our app give it on the app but everyone there's a 30 there's a 60 there's a 90. there's a 30 there's a 60 there's a 90. wow this word messed me up man this word messed me up he told me i need you to get ready these three months plan john plan plan plan so when december 31st what you're about to step over into is amazing something that you've been waiting on for years it's gonna happen within three months time everyone online if you want to write a check you can write a check you can drop it off at the office you could mail it in if you're going to text and give text awards nlcse to 77977 our app is one of the easiest ways to give on our website but everyone give a seed i don't know about you but david said how can i offer the lord any kind of worship that costs me nothing i have to lay a seed i have to sow do you not know that even when the philistines had taken the ark of the covenant they wanted to bring it back they told them don't you bring it back without an offering that messes me up and she's gonna have to lay a sacrifice for the time you had him that messed me up they even made the philistines leia offering my god they made the enemy of god leave a seat and here you are a friend of god a child of god never let the enemy out do you come on everyone get a seat ready lift it up to the repertoire remember tie them together and i am blessed beyond measure i have more than enough i'm living in my overflow come on say this i am living in ephesians 3 20. how long are you living it for the rest of my life come on get your seat ready sew it right now sew it sow it we're gonna let you go we pass that time can i tell y'all what i i like like i get to go longer cause i only got to do it one time i love this space i've been preaching four times for 13 years i get to preach one time and empty myself i get the gut leave it on the altar i just have to say something for the next service say something let it all out john you're going to say nothing till next week only will i'm excited about what god is doing but i know that there's a move of god coming ask god that every time we come in here let it feel like revival bring breath back to those that were dead every time you watch us let it begin to stir your gift up and you're calling up come on those in the building can you stand we're about to go off air can you worship god where you are those that you've given already and know that the blessings of the lord be upon you pay attention don't forget what i told you pay attention you're gonna plan your circle plan your circle plan your resources plan it's three months i need you to put something to the side put it to the side and then you're gonna plan on working on you what areas am i working on i'm working on my sacrifice i'm working on my appearance i'm working on me i'm working on my praise getting them everything that i have thank you guys love you guys we'll be back i'll be back tomorrow tomorrow night i'd be praying live on facebook and all of that but i'll be doing it with um apostle ivy hilliard we're gonna tap into something that i've been invited to to pray with him so make sure that you close online on tomorrow at seven o'clock god bless you all we consider yourselves dismissed god bless you those in the building can you lift your hands we let them go but we stay for just about 30 seconds you
Channel: Pastor John F. Hannah
Views: 9,294
Rating: 4.8941178 out of 5
Keywords: JFH, JohnFHannah, Pray, Prayer, Businesses, Career
Id: bnQEHkzeZhk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 35sec (6815 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 17 2020
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