Bible Study - September 15, 2021

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you are more than enough you are your shady the god of all plenty the old sufficient one you are god only son oh jesus you're more being the fact or character of being obedient submission to the rule and obedience in which the subject or the individual allows himself or herself to be treated according to the will of another person or in which he or she suffers without arguing or any resistance my sisters and brothers in this study we are concerned about more so the biblical theology of obedience it is therefore right to begin with biblical a bit begin with what biblical obedience is not so we want to look at some wrong perspectives or are a myth of when persons speak of obedience right we will attempt to clarify some misleading notions about obedience and then we want to really establish a biblical perspective of what obedience truly is so here is one for time sake here is one myth or misleading conception as to what a a life of obedience is or what obedience is a wrong view so according to some obedience is doing good this in itself is a wrong perception obedience is not doing good obedience is not doing good follow me the objective of christian obedience is not moral uprightness observance of religious traditions philanthropic services and when we speak of these kinds of services we look at um of of generous generous donations to the cause of someone else's life to be better so we look at benevolence or our charitable services that people do i mean as a good work or just doing good for the sake of good it is possible that one who is strongly involved in the pro-life movement defending the christian ethical view on abortion doesn't practice obedience it was not necessarily or it was not necessarily the practice of obedience that led all those who fought in the civil war before my time and gave their lives to remove slavery from america slavery from in our words in our jamaica it was not so much necessarily the practice of obedience that gave itself way for that one does not become obedient by simply joining a band of those who are practicing obedience no obedience is neither obeying one's moral instinct nor obeying a set of religious laws nor keeping religious traditions remember what jesus said many will say to me on that day lord cry out lord did we not prophesy in your name did we not cast out or drive out demons and perform so many miracles then the lord will say plainly i depart from me i know you not you evildoers in matthew chapter 7 and verses 22 to 23 christian obedience will not certainly will certainly result in good may i say that again christian obedience will certainly result in good however it it envisions more than goodness so so christian obedience will result in good right however it is greater than just doing good or goodness itself it is a response to the higher divine call and is forecast and is focused on a higher divine goal obedience we're talking about so look at this now having looked at one of those misconceptions of what obedience is the correct view of obedience and i want to quickly run through a few of them here obedience first the correct view of obedience no is that obedience is obeying god of the bible obedience is obeying the god of the bible obedience sisters and brothers is not going through a daily set of christian disciplines or keeping up with tradition no it is much more listening to the living god and obeying him diligently watch this now at the same time here are some thoughts we share and thoughts for us to consider how to discern the voice of god how do i know that god is speaking to me how do i know that it is not a creation of my distorted mind how do i know before we go off into everything at once let us take a systematic look in order let us briefly talk about or look at how to hear god's voice firstly let us consider let us consider the means through which the lord our god communicates for there are many ways in which the lord himself communicates to us right follow me god speaks to us from the bible one the word of god god speaks to us from the experiences of our own brothers and sisters too we learned that god has speaking spoken to his people through various means yes he has spoken through scripture the word of god through nature he god has spoken or he speaks also through dreams visions through various circumstances situations that we go through god speaks to those he speaks through the inner voice through needs through special visions as i said and so on it is it is difficult sisters and brothers to point on any one means by which god speak to us because he is god our human or limited human understanding cannot truly and absolutely comprehend god he is so big that if we are to fully understand him our brains will blow in one second or less because we don't have that capacity to really understand god fully so it is hard for us to say that whenever god is speaking he only speaks to a pastor it is hard to say that whenever god is speaking he only speaks through nature or he only speaks through dreams and vision there is more than one ways in which god our father speaks to us therefore that god he is able to speak to us through many different mediums and various ways many ways secondly secondly how to hear god's voice secondly let us consider the content of what god may speak more importantly than how we hear god speaking to us is what we hear him saying this is very important so it is it is good when we can say that we hear from god but it is even better when we can say what we hear from god what is he saying we live in a time where the holy spirit speaks to believers on behalf of god we read in the book of john chapter 14 and verse 26 that the holy spirit is to remind of the things jesus had already taught his apostles and disciples after jesus ascended to heaven his disciples founded the church with the central belief in the deity of jesus christ yes they took nearly 350 years to identify the books that were not contrary to the claims and teachings of jesus christ and combined them to formulate what we have as the bible did you hear that they took nearly 350 years to remove the books were contrary and formulate the word of god the bible that we have the bible stands supreme it stands as supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct the word of god the bible it stands supreme which means not it is second to none it stands supreme in authority in every matter con consisting or regarding faith and conduct all messages revelation or religious experience or the interpretation of scripture needs to be tested for it to be biblically true if anything goes against the claims teachings and the purpose of the bible's theology then it cannot be from god cannot be from god it will it will never be from god because now and before now we ought to understand that god speaks but not only god speak the devil speaks as well and many times we we misunderstand a dream we misunderstand a vision we misunderstand some understand that we may coin or fall in our minds and or some voice that we hear speaking to say that it is god how is it there was this particular time that ah in my early years of ministry there was this lady that says that it is the lord the spirit of the lord tell her that she must go and be with that gentleman over there that the gentleman who is already married that the lord tell her that that is her man what are something god is not the author of confusion it is the same word of god that tells us that what god joined together the same bible what you know it contains the mind the thoughts of god concerning our faith and our conduct so if any voice should say anything contrary to the mind of god it simply means that it is not of god it must be from the devil let me run on let me run on secondly we're looking at what obedience is so we just looked at um obeying the god of the bible and we looked at discerning the voice of god and ways in which god speaks to us and knowing what he is saying so secondly what obedience is obedience is not halfway compliance obedience is absolute compliance that's a very strong word you know absolute absolute compliance my god in contrast opposite to absolute compliance is what we call partial obedience first let us consider what partial obedience i'm coming down nicely what personal obedience is yes partial obedience is both changing the content of the instructions and also being inconsistent with the loyalty the teachings in the bible imply that persistence partial obedience does no good it is a waste of time simply put it is a waste of time god cannot be flattered or impressed with our tokenism because he knows not only our attitude behind the actions we carry out but he also knows the heart and he knows the mind god man seeth the outward the bible but god sees the heart god cannot be impressed by the big sacrifices in the form of great charity charity work or monetary donations not that i am against it but god god is not impressed by those kind of big sacrifices charitable work and monetary donations let us recall let us let us go back in history and recall the story of saul and samuel but samuel replied in the scripture from first samuel chapter 15 verses 22 but samuel replied does the lord delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the voice of the lord to obey is better than sacrifice in other words obedience is better than sacrifice and to heed is better than the fat of rams partial obedience is dangerous because it gives a false notion of obedience it also teaches one to escape responsibilities amen of obedience and prove one's innocence by blamings blaming one's situations when we are talking about partial obedience it is it is a leeway to really to really allow god not to be pleased with us it allows god not to favor us as he warned to the scripture says in j in in first samuel obedience is better than sacrifice it is better to be totally obedient to almighty god than to pay the consequences it is better you can never lose when you give yourself you give your all to god irrespective of how others around you may behave and conduct themselves it is better to follow the precepts that god would have laid out in scripture many persons will say that you don't totally have to do that you don't fully have to there's another way around it there's another way in which you can do it and we we recognize that we start to rationalize what god would have given to us to follow personal obedience follow it halfway but mean i forgot the full length that is not of god that is not what god requires of you and i there are many things and i don't want to jump the gun because i have to stick up in here for tonight and catch up back on our next episode of this bible study a life of obedience but there are many things that will detract us derail us from totally submitting ourselves to god many things and we want to be aware and careful of it my sister and brothers obedience is one of the chosen ways by our father himself for us to take up but sadly the the devil has twisted the minds of some of the people of god and it has caused us to be rebellious it has caused us to be persons who are argumentative whereas we want to argue it out first before we comply and we're talking about what god would have stipulated in his word for us my sisters and brothers we want to be very careful lest we insult the god of the bible we want to be very careful lest we insult him sisters and brothers let us bear these things in mind as we would have looked at some misconceptions of obedience to say that obedience is not doing good then we looked at to bear in mind also what we looked at from the correct way our view of obedience where we say that obedience is obeying the god of the bible and secondly obedience is absolute compliance we want to stick up in here for tonight and pick up on a later date next week for us to continue our study on a life of obedience my sisters and brothers may the lord bless you richly as we seek to mature ourselves in zion and continue our faith in him my sisters and brothers may the lord be with you and continue to keep you as we seek after new horizons in the lord god bless you in jesus name i know hand over to our uh our bishop bishop robinson who will come at this time in jesus name hallelujah could you just where you are put your hands together for reverend francis for that marvelous presentation in a nutshell on the topic of obedience what a topic what a presentation and i already give god thanks for him for the able way he has been sharing out the word of god in bible study and in the preaching of the word of god he's a team player and god has sent him to montego bay to help to roll the old chariot along god bless you reverend francis god bless you my virtual uh worshipers continue to stay with us you can only be blessed when you stay with us we avail ourselves to the spirit of god and for him to use us to bless his children hallelujah time is against us and we must dismiss now so let us all stand wherever you are wherever you are in your living room in on your veranda in your office space and we are going to pray right now we are going to pray hallelujah hallelujah praise the lord praise him pray him praise him praising jesus blessed savior [Music] why won't you praise him praising [Music] him praise him jesus blessed savior he's worthy to [Music] the same jesus is worthy jesus is worth hallelujah is worthy to be praised [Music] praise him praising praise him [Music] jesus bless that savior is worthy through the praise hallelujah most righteous eternal father we come again in your presence we give you praise for your mercies which endure it forever we give you praise for your loving kindness daily you load us with your loving kindness with your mercies and we glorify your name what a god you are you look beyond our faults and you oftentimes see our needs lord you are not always shy you are not always angry you are not always punking but lord you are always forgiven you're always kind you're always merciful there is none like unto you so this moment lord as we linger in your presence for these few moments we are about to go i pray for turning mercies will you amplify your word in the hearts of your people this spoken word every listener every worshiper that tune into this bible study lord oh god i ask you that you will give them revelation and let them be closer drawn to thee lord i pray for our members and adarant of this church god and others they are under the curfew due to this pandemic they would have loved to be here to participate to eat lord from off the altar but they are unshutdown i pray for their strength i pray for their faith i pray for their courage i pray over their health in the name of jesus hear my cry this moment god i raise up these lists god with names from fasting today lord every name on this list you know the individual you don't need any background check you don't need any assistance god to find them to know them but because you are god i raise it up now in the name of jesus ah from the four corners of the earth oh god you know them i pray for a touch i pray for deliverance i pray for healing and miracle in the name of jesus breathe upon them lord if there is any and lord every covet victim lord some are battling between life and death i pray for recovery i pray for deliverance for the cancer patient the heart patient lord the hypotensive o god almighty lupus cataract or of the eye i pray for deliverance financial problems oh god domestic problems marital problems oh god almighty documentation problem visa problem oh god oh god i pray for victory in the name of jesus i pray for the counsel of this church i pray for the technical team i pray lord god for just about everyone guide us all thou great jehovah pilgrim through this bearing land we are weak but thou art mighty hold us with your powerful hands be with us bless us sustain us as we wait on you lord for further blessings in the name of jesus amen and amen god bless you for participating tonight god bless you go back over the scripture review and view this presentation again there are blessing in store for you i shall be calling back reverend francis to come on here with the benediction praise the lord as we are about to go it is customary that we raise our right hand as a mark of reception to the blessing the blessings that will be released praise the lord and now may the saving grace of our lord and savior jesus christ the love of god the father the full fellowship of the holy spirit the comforter our comforter rest abide and dwell with you all now and forevermore and forever be our guide in jesus name we pray amen and amen god bless you take care until such time in jesus name [Music] you
Channel: The Montego Bay New Testament Church of God
Views: 1,655
Rating: 4.8222222 out of 5
Id: tXd8Rzt2YT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 12sec (2232 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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