Bible Study // "Responding In It." II Pastor John F. Hannah

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[Music] the missiles are releasing the sound the missiles are releasing the sound come on don't run out of gas don't run out of gas don't run out of gas press through press through press through press through god wants to do something on tonight god wants to do something on tonight open up your hearts open up your minds receive on tonight [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's dark in here those in the building can you begin to worship god come on begin to worship god if you're in the building hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah wonderful savior mighty god hallelujah [Music] um glory glory glory glory hallelujah glory glory glory glory hallelujah come on make a sound in the building hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory [Music] glory glory hallelujah great is our god come on hallelujah wonderful excellent mighty holy majestic come on come on we give you glory we magnify your name we glorify you we exalt you god come on we exalt you god we exalt you god hallelujah have your way in this place god get the glory out of everything receive our worship tonight let it be pleasing in your sight let your word come forth with power let your word hit us let your word break up fallow ground do what you need to do in us in this season of our lives and we honor you god that we are right where we're supposed to be in this season of our lives and we thank you god for just being god and we want you to have your way let your word come forth tonight those of you that needed work just say lord i need a word i need i need some answers i need some revelation i need some clarity i need some direction and we pray god that your word will come forth on tonight and that you will be glorified for those of you that are watching us online listen we need you to begin to share on whatever page you're on if you're on youtube can you share if you're on facebook can you share instagram wherever you are we need you to begin to share what are you doing you're not sharing us you're sharing the word and there is a word from the lord i don't know about you but i want to pass every test that come my way i found out that if you don't pass i mean you got to repeat and i don't know about you but i don't want to be a repeat offender i want you to begin to just begin to worship god we're going to go into a worship song and then we immediately after that we're going to get in this bible let's go [Music] we give you glory [Music] come on water turned into wine [Music] [Applause] if [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] then what can stand again and if my god is for us [Music] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] and if our god is winner [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is foreign is [Music] again [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] then who could ever stop us and if our god is with us [Music] [Applause] [Music] i [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] the gods [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] yes [Music] [Music] is [Music] come on [Music] he is [Music] [Music] [Music] he's my everything what do you need him to be say he is [Music] [Music] [Music] he's a different prisoner [Music] now worship the one that is right there we honor you we magnify you for just being god and being more than enough you are our everything you are our strength i hope i joy you are our foundation and we bless you on tonight for just being who you are you are our everything if you're in the building clap your hands if you're at home release a praise right there hallelujah hallelujah you can be seated if you're in the building for those of you that are watching us online if you be on youtube if you be on facebook wherever you are we want you to share share the word there's a word from the lord there is a word from the lord let me give you just a couple of announcements um i will be meeting physically in the building with the jg group my joshua generation group right here in this building from five to seven on sunday and we're gonna do some talk about your purpose and your passion your purpose and your passion if you're a part of the jg group between the ages of 18 and 35 we just need you to register by going to our website or on our app don't forget that we are a praying church a praying church and every second and for sunday sunday tuesday we've been doing this for over 10 years if i can't teach you anything else let me teach you consistently if you could learn how to be consistent then let god know that he can trust you with the blessing all right um if you have a testimony during this series we would love to hear your testimony please send it to us on backslash testimony all right um sunday i'm excited um my wife's birthday is this month anna hannah it will be her birthday and we're going to celebrate her on sunday so i just need you all to prepare to just say happy birthday to anna hannah amen you can't love a pastor and hate his wife i mean i'm just saying you can't love a pastor they're not like his wife especially when you got a nice wife amen you do not have a mean pastor's wife hey man she'll go outside and get in line like everybody else i tell them one time if you don't get out this line and come in here and walk with me i don't want to cut nobody you sleep with the pastor you can come on in now that was funny and he's in his wheel listen all right so do me a favor i want you to prepare to say happy birthday to aunt hannah some of you it's so funny people have been sending her emails wishing her happy birthday already her birthday is actually on the 26th which is monday but we're going to celebrate her on sunday all right um yeah that's what we got all right let's go let's get our bibles have you all enjoyed that word on sunday amen god bless me can i tell you something i preach it but i get delivered from it i preach to myself never think that i am this is kind of low i feel like i'm looking at sitting at a high teeth y'all got me out here looking bad i'm getting better now i feel like i just grew up amen i'm already short amen listen um there is a word from the lord and i want us if you don't mind can you go back to the book of daniel to the book of daniel and i just want to give you a little revelation i'm kind of hearing an echo in the monitors so just a snap can we just turn the monitors down just a little bit not a lot just a little amen just a little bit i'm excited about the series on next month we're going to be doing a series entitled on what's going on amen and there's a lot going on that we need biblical revelation and biblical answers to how to make it through this you do not need to call a psychic you do not need to go look at your horoscope you need to find your situation in the word of god and we're going to bring some revelation through the word of god on what's really going on um today i want to teach the lesson um entitled responding in it not outside of it but in it on sunday we gave you the three hebrew boys and if you have if you take notes um i want you to see how we try our best to describe their promotions my last saturday devotion was amazing talking about the three promotions if you haven't listened to it you should go back either on youtube go to the youtube channel and look up last saturday's devotion um it is literally was a life-changing word and for many of you all you need to know how god is literally setting you up to promote you promote the promotion doesn't come from the east or the west but it's going to come from god and how many all know that where you are is not your permanent where i am is not my permanent can i get everyone just to say that where i am is not my permanent first i showed you in daniel 1 that they were promoted because of what the sacrifice they lived a sacrificial lifestyle hear me clearly when you sacrifice you set yourself up for something great the bible said that they refused to eat the king's meat or to drink his wine while everybody else was eating and drinking they refused to to sacrifice in that area when you sacrifice when he goes to school when you sacrifice your time when you sacrifice your finances when you sacrifice your energy when you don't sleep like everybody else you're sacrificing you're working towards something god is going to honor your sacrifice and then you say just watch me you see that when they finish sacrificing the bible says when they were called in pay attention they were 10 times better for everyone that is listening to me i need you to decree and declare when i'm called i will be 10 times better when i'm called i will go in and be 10 times better you better say that i need it to come out of your mouth when i'm called i will go in watch me i would be confident i would walk in with my head up i would not be intimidated but when i do go in my sacrifice is about to pay off and when i go in come on declare this i will be come on put this on there ten times better i'm gonna be better in the job i'm gonna get better in school i'm gonna be better with my gift gonna be better with my calling whether whatever happens i'm gonna be better when you go from there to the second chapter they are promoted due to their connections the bible says that um king nebuchadnezzar pay attention called in daniel daniel interpreted this dream when daniel got promoted he then requested the bible says and at daniel's request listen to that and at daniel's request they promoted shadrach meshach and abednego what does that mean somebody's going to bring your name up somebody that you've been around is about to bring your name up at the right time and at their request because you prayed for them because you were not a hater because you did not want to be them because you encouraged them they were not intimidated and because david daniel was the one that could interpret dreams pay attention you have to surround yourself with people who are not inten intimidated with your gift let's go further you also need to surround yourself with people who don't want to be you but they were they too busy trying to encourage you to be you the bible says and at daniel's request pay attention they promoted shadrach and meshach on the count of three can i get you just to release your name in the spirit can i get you to put your name online just release your first name and i'm god i pray that as we release our name let it fall in the right spirit let it be brought up at the right time let it get in the right ear and let them have a itching to get that they have to call me y'all they saying nothing on the count of three i just need you to be spiritual and release your name and because of the right connection your name is gonna be brought up at the right time and you're gonna be able to get what what god has for you one two three john i feel like saying my whole name say yours john hannah there's too many johns out there and i don't want nobody going looking for us all right the third promotion came from fire wow in other words the first one came from sacrifice the second one came from connection but the third one you're not going to get promoted until you go through the fire until you go through the fire the fire does not come to kill you but it comes to promote you the fire is your runway the fire is your launching after they were in the fight watch me you gotta hear me you're not going through for anything there's a blessing on the other side of this everybody that's going through a little tough time right now i need you to say i'm coming out of this better come on here can i show you scripture in daniel 3 and 30 what does it says then what's then after they came out of the fire you're not going to get promoted in you're not going to get promoted until you come out of it i'm going to say that again you're not getting promoted in you're not going to get promoted until you come out of it the bible says then the king promoted shadrach meshach not until they came out of the fire come on here i need you to open my say i'm going to respond correctly in it i'm going to respond correctly in it i want to put a note right there let me give you some revelation if you don't mind in it in it then then then he promoted them not until you come out can we talk bible anybody look jesus ministry did not take off until he came out of the wilderness the bible says he was led of the spirit into the wilderness watch me to be tempted of the devil what do you do when god pencil you in with the enemy what do you do when god literally pencil you in to go through and the bible says that he tempted him for 40 days no disciples around your mom are not around your only company is the devil and when you come out of this the bible says when he finally finished then god released an angel to strengthen him i come to let some of y'all know heaven is about to come strengthen you i need those of you that know these last seven so months ain't been no punk and you almost stew in the towel but god i need you to say he's preparing me put this down there for my takeoff my god i wish i was in the building with some people that were ready to take off i wish i was online but some of y'all that's ready i need you to open him up say when i come out of this hey shia so the bible says then then when you come out of this eyes have not seen and ears have not heard what god is going to do for you so on sunday i said how did how they made it out can i give you three things that i just let me recap you on sunday three ways they made it out number one you hold your peace you hold your peace you hold your peace can i show you when king nebuchadnezzar called them out watch me when everybody else was bowing when everybody else was doing whatever they were all bowing to what they saw and what they heard but they saw what they heard they bowed these three men so many people they thought that they could just stand to the side and not do it and nobody would notice him your elevation demands attention don't forget you've been promoted twice watch me some of y'all want to go here but you want to remain a secret elevation demands attention you're not saying much but they're already looking at you when they didn't bow all of a sudden everybody's looking when you are promoted you become a target when you become a target you are discussed when you become a talk watch me then everybody want to do something with you so now they went and snitched on them hear me clearly your name is being brought up because you're not doing what everybody else is doing when they snitched the bible said they brought them to king nebuchadnezzar he says what is this that i'm hearing that you're not bowing if you don't bow i'll throw you into the fire ready number one hold your peace although you have been threatened i need you not to waste your energy i need you to hear me clearly because some of y'all you got to be careful that you're not giving people all of your energy and all of your strength because it needs to be hold if you need to hold on to it because you're going to need it in the real fight i don't have time to go back and forth with you on facebook i don't have time to answer a lie or rumor i have bigger i don't have curbside fights i've been called to battlefields and some of y'all are too busy fighting on curves that you have not even made it to the field so if you're not careful you'll get injured on the curb that will cause you to lose the battle on the field so you need to know how to hold your peace what did you mean by that let's bring this up in scripture you ready let me show you what they said how do you hold your piece shut wreck me check in the reply to him king nebuchadnezzar watch me we do not need to defend ourselves we do not need to defend ourselves in this matter we do not need to defend ourselves in this matter i am worried because some of y'all are so busy defending yourself i got to keep explaining myself i can't keep explaining what i said i got to keep explaining why i said what i said i got to keep saying i didn't mean it like that i got to keep defending myself watch me i am not going to waste my energy defending myself i'm not gonna waste my energy defending my preaching i'm not gonna waste my energy defending my prayer life i'm not gonna waste my energy defending my praise i'm not gonna waste my energy defending my character i am not gonna let people who don't know me tell me who i am y'all not saying to me i'm just because your heart is evil you're not gonna make my righteous look evil because the bible says to the pure all things are pure it is so unfortunate that you are expecting the those that are impure to judge your pureness so you are able to make it if you don't waste your time and your energy on stupid stuff everybody say god help me to hold my peace come on that's that's that's a real prayer that is a real prayer can i tell you something i got an email from somebody an inbox or somebody that cursed at me they have been inboxing me for like five or six years i've never responded to them but that day they caught the wrong one have you ever had the wrong one on the wrong day you know you you know what you should have got me yesterday but today the wrong day i was driving and messing around and looked at that i said oh when i parked this car i hope you got your whole wig on cause i'm about to blow your hair back five inches listen your lace front gonna be a mess when i get you and i'm driving and watch me i started to pull over i couldn't get to a red light and i kept driving too long and the holy ghost started talking and the holy ghost said you have not answered in five years why talk now you've ignored them for five years that's why they keep coming why give them time now because if you give them time it's only going to be bait to pull you in deeper come on here who am i talking to who am i talking to i need you to tap yourself say god help me to hold my peace that's some baby mama some baby daddy drama right there i felt fed in the spirit i need you to tap yourself say god help me to hold my peace all right number two you need to hold your confession hold your confession i want you to get this ready either you're gonna believe god or you're not gonna believe god either you're gonna trust him or you're not gonna trust him i need you to hear me he was god before you got to chapter three he proved he was god in chapter one in chapter two how dare you get to a fight about well let me see if he's really real he was real in chapter one he was real in chapter two how dare you let a furnace make you question your faith come on let's go bible let's go look what they said look what they said in daniel 3 and 17 if we are thrown into the blazing furnace the god we serve is able to deliver us if this happens i want you to know that he is able he says and he will come over here that is a faith statement he will deliver us from your majesty's hand he will that is a facet because watch me your confessions what bring me in let's go here watch me the bible says commentary said that before when david walked out on the field with goliath the bible says commentary say what he slayed him with his words before he slayed him with a stone that when he when this little boy got done talking to this champion this giant he kind of shook the giant because he spoke so with confidence this day the lord will put you into my hands and this day i'ma cut your head off and this day everybody gonna see me whoop your behind some of y'all i need you to see you say something you move to the suburbs and got rid of all your thug i need you to hold on to at least teaspoon of hood in you you can't give up all your hood cause there's some demons you gotta talk even have you ever met somebody they can't fight but they got a big talk y'all ain't saying nothing to me they could talk somebody down off of them question me you got to be able to hold your confession look what they say ready watch the first question it says for if we are thrown into the furnace the god we serve is able to deliver us and he will deliver us your majesty how do you mention here's my line i love this part but even if he does not we want you to know your majesty that we still will not serve your god or worship even if he don't do it i want to go on record that he's still god some of y'all are facing something right now can you let the devil know if he don't do it i'm still going to give him glory if he don't do it i'm still not going to worship you if he don't do it i'm still gonna bless the lord at all times come on here some of y'all while you waiting on him i need you to let god know that i trust you with everything that i have can i just hear worship for like five seconds right there i need to i need you i need you to make sure that your your confession in worship is consistent give me five seconds of releasing a sound those of you that are online come on elizabeth put a word of worship on the screen come on latonya put a word of worship on the screen come on angela put a word of worship on the screen come on come on heal put a word of worship on the screen come on wales put a word of worship on the screen come on angela put a word of worship on the screen if you in the building i need to hear the worship coming out of your mouth just for five more seconds right there maintain your confession maintain your confession hold your peace and keep your confession hold your peace and keep your confession hold your peace and keep your confession and the third thing that they did how did they win is that the bible says in verse 25 they hold they held on to their momentum their momentum you better hear me the race is not given to the swiftness of the strong but it is for those that endure to the end i need you to hear me it is it is mandatory that you monitor your momentum can i show you something let's go here the bible says in verse 25 look i see four and what are they doing please tell me what they're doing please tell me what they're doing they're walking they're not standing still for some of y'all i need you to hear me the pandemic the enemy thought that it was gonna make you stand still it is up to you to monitor your momentum that you have to make yourself get up because you have to make yourself keep moving what i teach you the devil cannot hit a moving target the moment that you stand still you are done the moment that you fold your hands the moment that you cross your legs the moment that you stop fighting you have to monitor your momentum you got to know when you're not moving enough can i tell you something i'm a mover i'm used to moving like this i looked up one day i wasn't moving my body started folding my body literally fat folded it wasn't responding as fast as i want i went to look for something up under the bed and felt like an old man what is this i went in my rush hold on i gotta begin to move my body i started i put on uh yoga on on youtube i'm in the room what about you i'm trying to i got down on the floor like this and stretch and some crack i said hold on what am i trying to say what is it i am monitoring my movement cause you cannot fight for the lord and not be able to move your body y'all ain't saying nothing to me and some of y'all the enemy's trying to fold you he's trying to fold your prayer life he's trying to fold your body he's trying to shut down your praise he's trying to make sure that you don't give god glory he's trying to fold your dream he's trying to fool your idea he's trying to fold your gift your talent but the devil is a liar i need you to begin to stir up i need you to begin to fan in the flame i need you to begin to say it's not going to be like this always i need some of y'all to get your praise back i need to go i need you to move move boo i need you to move your body you cannot lay there if you lay there the enemy gonna take it gonna shut you down you cannot shut your mouth you gotta open your mouth and give god a glory those of you that know that i am talking to you i need you to move your body in some shape form or fashion okay if you move one leg and cross it the other way but i need your body to move i need some of y'all to get your drive back i need some of y'all to get your push back [Applause] ready maintain your peace maintain your confession and maintain your momentum can i tell you something i can scare people because i can bounce back like some people think oh man you just got hit can i tell you something i have had some news hit me right before it was time for me to come out or teach a preach that if that news had hit the average person they would not have been able to execute you got to hear me but if you've been called to be a warrior come on here if you've been called to execute you cannot have an excuse for not being able to execute but i got a fever i have learned can i change something i have gone some places and i preach and i have not been able to talk i have not been able to speak and i feel like man i'm not going to be able to do this but then i just go there anyway i can't explain it oh yes i can oh yes again i push myself i got into the place watch me had no voice grabbed a microphone and my voice came powerful i executed the sermon when i had the mic back down i lost my voice what am i trying to say to you show up at the battlefield i wish i was in the building show up once you show up then you'll be able to execute i need god i pray right now that you give somebody they peace back i pray that you put the confession back in their mouth and i pray god that you give them the drive that they need if you know whatever you need if you need peace worship if you need to confess worship if you need tribe worship whatever you need i need your body to begin to release it right now give me five seconds five four come on three come on come on come on come on come on come on stay there come on stay there come on stay there stay there let's go let's go you ready let's go let's go so so we were preaching on sunday and i want to bring you these two things up what the first one is what pastor jamon said pastor james said it and i want to show it to you on the screen it blessed me and i called him today i said i need you to repeat what you said can we bring that up pastor jamal says something some things he saves you from and some things he saves you in it some things he saves you from going into it but then some things he's going to put you in it and save you while you in it you gotta hear that some things you know you're not gonna have to go through that but then some things he gonna say nope i'ma put you in it watch me like for example when lazarus was sick jesus said this sickness is not unto death but then he waited on him to die because watch me i've already healed but i've never had a resurrection maybe what he trying to do and you've never been done in your family so in order for him to get the victory he got to get you in it just to get you out of it i need those of you all to lift your hand say god i'm in this thing i am i want to embrace it i want you to know i am in it i am right in the middle of it ready so then when i was preaching i made this comment what you do in the fire what you do in it determines how you come out of it watch me my old pastor said he said i used to teach that god removed the heat out of the fire but that ain't bible because the bible said when they got ready to put them in those that were throwing them in they got burned which means that just because it burned them don't mean it's gonna burn me some of y'all are comparing yourself to people that don't have your track record why compare yourself to them when they have not lived the way you lived sacrificed what you sacrificed or given the way you've given oh my god so let's talk about responding in it let's talk about it because when i'm realizing that even in this pandemic or the season that we're going through i am watching people and your answers are scary what do you mean by that please if everybody can listen to me now um in these next three months you can reverse some stuff in these next three months you'll see things overturned because you're answering properly so number one the wrong response in something is to complain let's take this jacket off yep i got hot sometimes i said that so it's to complain watch me for those of you that grew up around complainers you got to be careful that you don't carry the spirit that you complain and don't even know you complaining it is the language that you've been taught what do you mean complain so he told what if now everybody you have to listen to this he told moses go knock on pharaoh's door and tell the pharaoh let my people go pay attention so that they can worship me pay attention in the wilderness let my people go so that they can worship me not in canaan but before they get to canaan i'm gonna put them in the wilderness but when i put them in the wilderness i'm putting them there to worship me so therefore i might hold some things but it don't mean i'm not going to give it to him i'll hold water but you know i'm not short on water i just raised the red sea i have always taken care of you so tell me your friends so that they worship me in the wilderness worship me in the wilderness so he brings them out of egypt bring them across the red sea and they hit a wilderness what is he expecting he's expecting a worship first thing he holds his water they hold water they start complaining oh my god we gonna die first no no no that was not what i was expecting to give water then eat whole food they ran out of food oh my god you brought us all the way out here so we can start again we're gonna die out here we're gonna die here oh my god stop he rains down manor then when they get sick of eating manna then they start complaining man that's how we gonna eat our his mana i mean i'm sick of eating manna okay then he got some quails how much more does he have to do just to get you to worship if i'm holding a job i'm not holding it because i'm short i'm holding it to see if you still gonna trust me and worship me you gotta hear me and when if you're not careful you will start complaining and release a complaint and what i teach you the power of life and death is in your words that whenever you speak can i show you something wrong answer complaining numbers 14 27 if i don't teach you nothing else this is the scripture that makes sure that i monitor my confession at all times you will never hear me speak damnation because i when i read this one this changed my whole life i pray that everybody that's looking at me right now listen to me i pray that you read this and understand the power of your words look what he says to the truth in israel he said moses aaron how long will this wicked community grumble against me stop moses they're not complaining about you every time they grumble they they're grumbling against me every time you complain you're not complaining about your pastor you're not complaining about the job you're not you're complaining against god why because he assigned you to that set my people free said if they worship me in the womb i assign you to go through the wilderness now you get out here you start complaining you you're complaining against my plan you're complaining against the road map you're complaining against the process that i want to take you through you're going to make it to canaan but i need to make sure that you have a wilderness experience so when you get to canaan you really appreciate it remember look at me i have heard i have heard i have heard the complaints of these grumbling israelites i used to hear your prayers when you was in bondage i used to hear your tears when you didn't when your enemy was on you but now that i've set you free now that i got you out here you ain't crying you ain't praising me you ain't praying you're complaining here's the line this that is if this don't change your life i don't know what real so tell them as surely as i live declares the lord watch it i will do to you the very thing i heard you say i will give you the opportunity to prophesy your future my god if you say you're gonna die here you're gonna die here but if you say you coming out of this and eyes have not seen and is under her if you declare that this is only a test and you gonna pass it i am going to give you exactly what i heard you say i don't know about you while you running around looking for somebody to give you a word the lord say prophesy to yourself and i will live a long healthy prosperous life and no weapon formed against me shall prosper and i will always be on top and never at the bottom and i am more than a conqueror i would not die of generational bloodline diseases but i'm gonna live long i'mma live healthy there will never be a scandal attached to my name i will always soar higher i will always evolve i will never be left behind but i will step into new territory he's already enlarging my territory who i am in my 50s it's going to be amazing but my 60s is going to be a while my 70s are going to be oh my god i will not ever have sickness in my body i've never had a surgery and i never will y'all lay saying that to me i need you to begin to open your mouth and speak with your tomorrow what's your watch me speak what the rest of your 2020 gonna be in my last three months i need you to open my say money cometh money coming money coming to me right now in jesus name my gift is about to make room for me a door is about to be open for me he's about to add to my to my to my cabinet he's about to increase me he's about to enlarge my territory he's about to bring my name up he's about to make me international my gift is about to make room for me a door is about to open there won't nobody be able to close for me i might have haters but he's about to give me a village and a community that's gonna believe in me he's about to surround me with mighty warriors he's about to give me somebody that i could trust in he's about to give me somebody that i gotta worry about stabbing me behind my back he's about to give me a village he's about to give me somebody who gonna cover my name he's gonna give me gifted talented anointed people it's gonna help me move the cross he's about to fill every empty seat he's about to make sure that i got people around me they got the right heart got the right motor got the right intention we're about to do this for the glory of god and eyes have not seen and he is have not heard of what god has in store for us i need you to open your mouth and begin to speak you're going to graduate your children are going to graduate they're going to go further than what you win the curse is broken i will never be broken of the day in my life come on here i need i need i need your i need your words of encouragement to outrun your complaints you gotta hear me there's a race of words there's a race of words i need you to speak over your marriage i need you to speak over your children i need you to speak over your your single status i would not date another fool our only people put up with people who could handle my future and my destiny i would not cast my pearls among swine i would not go back to anybody that didn't love me last time i would hold on and believe that god's gonna give me somebody who's gonna love me who's gonna cherish me who's gonna believe in me who gonna do your neighbor say no uh you can't touch somebody [Music] just look at somebody say there are no more complaints no more complaints i have nothing but praise i have nothing but praise okay okay so you you gotta you gotta you gotta you gotta you gotta talk crazy while you're in it you cannot complain you cannot complain while you're in it number two ready you are you cannot quit oh i can't stand a punk you cannot quit you listen you can't quit you cannot quit who quits i can't stab you the lord called me here did he really the lord called you but then the moment that you hit a bump in the road now i quit who does that who does that and some of y'all are so easy quitting when you quit you can quit but you drag the test with you because you never pass it which means that you're gonna have it might be a different location it might be different people but it's the same test you gotta hear me you gotta hear me and i don't know about you but i don't wanna be that person i keep hitting my head up against the same brick wall i have to eventually pass something so if i have to endure like a good soldier i am coming out of this with flying colors i learned from my previous not to make the same mistake so watch me quitting it's not an option watch me and i need everybody just because you anointed don't mean you won't quit just cause you gifted don't mean you won't quit just cause you are called that's not me can i tell you something i have seen based on some of the things i've gone through i know why pastors are quitting i know why they quit cause watch me this right here see you look at them you look at the pulpit and the mic we only gonna be here for an hour we don't y'all only see me on thursdays y'all see me on sundays there are five more days there's some pastor and stuff gone that ain't got nothing to do with the stage of this mic this is a very small piece of the pie in that other 90 if you don't know make your calling in election sure you'll be to cuss somebody out in jesus name you will whoop somebody i saw a video of a pastor that grabbed the woman and knocked her out i mean come on reverend come on pastor pastor what are we doing we have seen bishops that's getting drunk and drinking and smoking we seeing singers singers gospel singers on rooftop smoking bloods but we'll come in your church and let the church out then i'll be like oh pray for him no i'm not stop smoking we're gonna pray that they get a better bag of weed next time we got to address the issue we got to address the issue and quitters quitters because some of y'all you have already thrown in the towel what does this mean we had over um we had over 40-something youth that work with our teenagers i called minister curtis i was like okay how's your your teen group doing he's suppressing half of them are gone i said go where they say they couldn't take it they just got to focus on them so you're telling me adults said forget the kids i got to take care of me you quit you cut your ministry but i thought she was calling the teenagers i thought you told us oh i know i'm called here so we hit a pandemic and you walked out and left the babies you abandoned your assignment and just because you had known it don't mean that you won't abandon elijah called down fire god show up in fire he's so anointed he called down water he caught down rain after three and a half years of not reigning he said i hear the sound of an abundance of rain oh lord then he got down on this news and started praying you know i said you know start shaking he started praying he told the servant go look say i see nothing go look again i don't see him go look again i don't see nothing he said oh but i see something and it looked like the size of a man hand what i see don't match what you heard he's so anointed get up and pack your bag before the storm come watch me and rain come when you come down off that mountain jezebel say by this time tomorrow same thing you did in my prophets gonna happen to you you just called down fire you called that rain and you scared of a little woman scared of a little one hey everybody can you ask your question what made you quit stop who got on your nerves question were they bigger than your god yes it is were they bigger than your god so you got sick of them so you didn't believe that your god could address them so watch what elijah says ready watch me i'll show you you can't quit in first kings 19 verses three or four elijah was afraid and ran for his life scared punk he was afraid afraid of who i'm afraid afraid of who jezebel and now you running off your posts you running for your life question who made you run were they bigger than your god when he came to besheba in judah he left his servant that stopped what made you now cut people loose that you now by yourself hmm while he himself went today's journey into the wilderness and came to a broom brush set down under it and prayed that he might die look what he says i have had enough of dealing with these people i'm sick of them i'm done i have had enough but the bible says his strength is made perfect in your weakness so he wait on you to run out for you for him to stand up but you quit before he could get up oh that i might know him in the power of his resurrection and in the fellowship do you want to know him in the power of his resurrection so in order for you to know him in the power of your resurrection you got to die so he wait on you to get low so he can stand up but you quit before he could get up so you still in the grave and the stone has rolled away but you wouldn't come out i'm in your business today my life i am no better than my ancestors you did more than your ancestors so why are you comparing yourself to people who never did what you did somehow you went further than your mama your daddy your sister and your brother you are bigger than them so guess what much more gonna be expected out of you guess what you're gonna go through more than what they went through that's what goes with what you have oh y'all ain't quitting is not an option i need a camera that i can get all up in the face can i go in this one i need to cuss somebody on the spirit quitting is not an option get your behind up go do your business go complete your assignment get back on your square one man's obedience is connected to your to so many destinies other people can't move until you move come on here those of you that know that god has greater for you i need you to begin to worship god right where you are right there i i removed the word i quit out of your vocabulary you would never speak damnation again i pray that the next time you talk crazy you'll tell them cleave to the roof of your mouth if you know that i am talking to you i need every warrior in the spirit lift your hands and begin to worship god so number one you complain number two when you're not doing right you quit number three you act out of character number three you act out a quick pressure can make you act out of character a fire a furnace can make you act out of character and some of y'all what you're doing ain't you that's your old you that's your own you um matthew 26 so jesus bring peter james john to the god somebody brought them to pray why peter bring your sword brother we came to pray why you got a sword why you got a knife on you i brought peter james and john to the garden of yosemite to pray and he got a piece stacked up cause he looking around wishing something would pop off watch me you're the same one that walked the water you the same one that gave the revelation who the men said that i am you're the same one i mean you have been amazing but now you're walking around with a sword because pressure's here and sometimes when pressure come you get out of character with that one of jesus companions reached for his sword drew it out and struck the servant of the high priest cutting off his ear who have you cut i'm gonna go here who you cut lately who you cut with your words who have you cut off who have you sliced and diced oh you got the right one now i got you today who have you hit your weave on who have you sent a video to who have you cursed out in your inbox who have you been so busy trying to get vengeance on that you are out of character you are not a curser anymore that's your that's your old you you're not a fighter not you anything i'm a whoop dear what are you doing you too old for this so now we cut ears off now i want you to see something when you're in the furnace and you act out of character this way you got to regard yourself because i want you to get ready let's go to this one this one thing right here ready and in verse 52 please bring it up put your sword back in its place jesus said to him for all who draw the sword whatever you sow is gonna come back on you i need you to put yourself back up cause i got bigger plans for you if you live by this it's gonna come back and kill you later so i need some of y'all to stay in character i need you to stay in character that's not you i know what it is to be baited into something but i know what it is to catch yourself and the lord is telling me that some of y'all you're going to have to catch yourself hear me clearly i'm in the spirit now some of y'all have gone too far already that he's saying i need you to back up come on and get back on your square this is not you that's them that is not you watch me you know why he had to get peter that was peter that did that ready who's he going to get the church to next until he raised up paul you're out here carrying a sword and i got a church for you you're out here dealing with a small issue like this and your future is huge back up and get back on your square i need everybody in the building and everybody online to say i am on my square i am oh my god i am sweating preaching this come on i need you to say i am on my square i am not going to get out of character guys you got to hear me um ice early in that church because god was blessing blessing anytime you bless you always have people who are intimidated people gonna be intimidated around you and they always gonna say something to try to get you off your scrub i went to a um downtown to a meeting and it was a lot of preachers around there and i walked up i was like hey hey i'm always conscious here i go always conscious because you never want people to think oh he think he's something he always he don't need to speak i'm making my business hey hey hey i'm speaking hey hey hey and i stopped there trying to say you know him he said yeah he's going yeah i know i looked at him like i don't know you he said i know he had this messenger i stopped looking at him and just started looking at the one that's talking to me because this smile tripping so i said and then he said something yeah that's that's the ninja that stole some of my members who are you i look at them like i said god forgive me i looked at myself sir i don't know you i said i don't steal sheep that's the only thing i do is grow grass and so maybe they came towards me because they were hungry and you didn't feed them y'all have a good day i was like god forgive me honey and then god checked me john i said god i know i was wrong but it was good it felt so good down in my soul that thing feel good so i shouldn't even say stay on your square come on here and say i stay on my square stay on my squares watch me then one time i go to church i'm sitting in the audience i'm a pastor i'm preaching and the pastors are preaching and he see me come in and this whole summer turned towards me and he said let me have it in the sermon and i stood up and stopped preach preach preach what am i doing i've slain what got me before that i'm not watch me you got me in private but you're not gonna embarrass me publicly it was in a small group that he got me and he got me out of character now you preaching gets me in front of a whole church and everybody's around looking at me i'm like preach reverend preach what am i doing i am killing him with kindness and some of y'all you gotta hear me you gotta put your sword up cause you don't wanna be stabbed later ready everyone lift your hands and say god help me to respond correctly please please do what i tell you to do please do what i tell you to do please do what i tell you to do because this has been a tough season in our lives i need you to lift your hands i don't care what you're going through i need you to lift your hands and begin to say god please please please please help me to respond correctly help me help me to respond correctly in the fire in the fire please can i get you to do that just for a few more seconds help me to respond help me to respond correctly in the fire in the fire in the fire in the fire in the fire in the fire all right i'm almost done you know i want you to listen carefully because i'm about to give you i'm about to move real fast you ready i can do this real quick you ready let's respond let's respond those in the building can you center your feet number one we're gonna respond we're gonna respond we're gonna respond in prayer and worship can i get the praise thing can i get the praise thing get the person pressure me paul and silas watch me they've been beaten watch me he could have he could have delivered them that they did that they didn't get beat then he just get beat they got put in jail and they are bound they are inside of a prison they are in the furnace what do they do in it and for some of y'all you are in a uncomfortable place what do you do when god orders you into a uncomfortable place number one the bible says in about midnight and about midnight paul and silence did two things what did they do they prayed and they did what and they sang they did what they prayed and they did what and they sang they did what they prayed and they did what and they say watch me and they didn't pray in their mind and they didn't sing in their heart they sang so loud that the other prisoners could hear them and i'm saying to some of you all that god wants you to feel the atmosphere watch me while you're in the fire you got to fill it with prayer and you got to fill it with a song you have to fill it with prayer you have to fill it with a song do me a favor whatever you're going through right now lift your hands and just pray for like 20 seconds right there begin to pray god help me help me god to make it out of this help me to come through this thing help me god to pass this test help me god to do everything that you call me to do forgot myself have been ordered by you and i know that you are in charge and i know that you are in control come on can i get you to pray for just a few more seconds can i get you to pray at home can i get you to pray at home god i know that my steps have been ordered by you i know i'm in the right place at the right time i know that i'm in the right season of my life even in the midst of a pandemic god you have kept me alive in the midst of a virus that people are dying from god you have not allowed it to get on me but god you have protected me and some people god even got sick but it was not unto death and for that we give you glory for god we honor you and we magnify you knowing that all things are gonna work together for our good can i get prayer in the building i know god that we've been may endure for a night but joy is coming in the morning and i give you my heart i give you my praise and i trust you with everything that is within me i believe that you are able to do exceedingly and abundantly come on y'all i need i need i need demons to hear your prayer i believe that god will deliver you out of your prayer life i believe that god will deliver you out of your prayer life i am not complaining but i am talking to god who's the author and the finisher of my faith i'm talking to the god who is strong i am talking to the god who is mighty i am talking to the god who is all powerful and the heart of the king is in the lord hand i am talking to a god that is bigger than my job i'm talking to the god that is bigger than my supervisor i'm talking to the god who is the author and the finisher of my faith i am talking to the one who knew me before i was even in my mother's womb i am talking to the one who already has a plan over my life and i give you glory and i give you glory and i give you glory i need you to open your mouth and pray i am talking to the god who who assigned me to mary who i married i am talking to the god whose lord over my marriage who's lord over my mind who's lord over my body who's lord over my finances who's lord over my dreams and i give you glory and i give you glory and i give you glory and i magnify your name i need you to open your mouth just for a few more seconds won't you come on begin to pray i praise you god and i honor you because i know as your word says that all things are going to work together for my good that all things are going to work together for my good and i magnify your name and i glorify you and i trust you you are my strong tower you are my hiding place you are my shield you are my company keeper you are the comforter of my soul you are my strength you are my strength you are my strength you are my strength if you back up off of me i will have no strength and the joy of the lord is my strength you are the joy of my salvation you're the reason i live you're the reason that i get up you're the beat of my heart you're the skip in my step you're the reason that i smile you are my energy booster hallelujah you are my take off you are the wind behind me you're the one that set the east wind you're my push and i give you glory you're the lifter of my head you're my cover come on here you're the one that pulled me closer you're the one that wrapped your loving arms around me and i give you glory you are my sustainer yay come on here i feel a prayer will turn it you are my sustainer hey god and i will never grow empty and i would ever get tired and i would never quit when i am weak you are strong you are a strong god and i find no in you and for that i give you glory come on here you are my trust you're the one that i depend on you are my president hey hey hey you're my king of king you're the lord of the lord you're the great i am you're the alpha and the omega you're the beginning and the end you're everything that i have i need and i want and i give you glory you're the god that rain you're the gone that rain you're the dawn that rain you reign on the throne and the earth is the lord's and the earth is the lord's and the earth is the lord you are my faith you are my hope you are my reason and i give you glory come on y'all and i give you glory and i give you glory if you don't open your mouth that means that you submit to it [Music] but in the midst of the fire in the midst of a pandemic in the midst of a crazy world in the midst of injustice in the midst of fighting in the midst of bickering in the midst of confusion i looked to the heels for with cometh my help you are my helper you are my helper you are my helper you are my helper but i have never seen the righteous forsaken not his seed begged for bread you are my helper you are my sustainer and i give you glory [Music] and they heard them and they heard them and the other prisoners heard them and the other prisoners heard them and the other prisoners heard them there's power in prayer some of y'all just need to be around prayer warriors [Music] [Applause] come on a few more minutes come on a few more minutes come on a few more minutes come on somebody's running to listen to a debate but i listen to the word of the lord i listen to the words of prayer i listen to the thrones of zion i sing to the god of my salvation and i give you glory [Music] and i give you glory [Music] come on and they sang and they prayed and they sang and they prayed and they sang and they prayed and they say what are you missing you cannot complain you cannot quit cannot act out of character i need you to pray and i need you to worship i need you to pray and i need you to worship i need you to fight in the spirit i need you to pray and i need you to worship he's the god that he hears he's a god that hears he's a god that hears what is he listening to come on we're about to get ready to leave come on somebody online i need you to hear the prayers [Applause] and the other prisoners heard them and the other prisoners heard them there's a sound that must be released in your furnace there's a sound that must be released in your furnace there's a sound that must be released in your trial there's a sound that must be released in your burden there's a sound that must be released in your wilderness there's a sound that must be released in the belly of the whale there's a sound that must be released in your desert there's a sound that must be released in your grave we give you glory come on we about to get ready to leave i have you out of here in seven minutes if you release the sound go come on can i release it come on y'all can i read some of the comments somebody wrote jesus somebody worked i love you lord somebody said i'm right in the spirit somebody said there's nobody like our daughter somebody said thank you somebody says i'll give you glory somebody say miracle worker [Applause] yes come on we're about to get ready to go [Music] and at midnight and at midnight it is midnight that means you leaving one day and starting another day it is midnight that means you're leaving one day and starting another day [Music] whatever song you hear right here singing [Music] and we release a sound sign in my furnace and we release a shout out and [Music] a sound we release a sound [Music] yay [Music] [Music] he's attracted to sound and we released [Music] come on one more time [Music] listen you can have a seat in the building those that are online how i respond determines how i come out [Music] and while they were in prison they released the sound they prayed and they sang they prayed and they sang they prayed and they sang when they were inside the furnace what were they doing they were walking they were keeping it moving and some of y'all you cannot stand still you cannot be quiet i know that we're in a daisy where you have the witty's mask but don't let that mass shut out your sound don't allow that mass to make you shut your mouth that you can't give god glory how you respond in it for someone that's listening to me right now even in the midst of going through financially i've learned how to respond properly in it there are 200 of you all that are listening to me right now i want you to sew a 50 seed in your furnace and i'm going to pray that god would multiply it 10 times better 10 times better i want god to be your multiplier for those that are watching online if you're going to get the 50 if you can't get the 50k you so 25 but everyone so will see in your furnace in your furnace if you're going to text to give text to versus nlcs77977 if you're on our app you can give on our app if you're on our website you can give on our website but everyone so we'll see the 200 of you out there can sell 50 and i pray that those that god has already given the seed of 50 that he bless you 10 times better if you had the 50 you would give us but you give 25 i also prayed the same prayer for you you say past hand if i don't even have the 25. they listen to me then you get the best seeds you can if anything i've learned i've learned to give him what i have because he already knows what i have but to give him nothing that should not even be an option to not lay anything that should not be an option again if you're going to text and give text to words you know cse to 77977 if you're on our app that is one of the easiest ways to give but everyone get a seat in your hand if you're on facebook if you're on youtube wherever you are get a seat in your hand the bible lets us know too please listen to this so while they're in there how you respond in it how you they could have complained they could have quit come on here they could have got out of character they could have fought the guards no they prayed and they worshiped they prayed and they worshiped they prayed and they worshiped and when they began to pray and worship you know what happened the bomb said and the foundation was shaken and the gates were open and the chains were broken and they were loud out all because of the sound not the complaint not the complaint and i believe that the word is going to begin to catch some of you all no more complaining come back out of your mouth you've been prophesying your damnation not going to happen not going to happen come on lift your seat up to the lord repeat after me i'ma tie then again this is your confession out of your mouth come on say it again i'm a child any giver and i am blessed beyond measure i have more than enough i'm living in my overflow come on say this i am living in ephesians 3 20. how long are you living it come on that is your confession come on those in the building you will not see an usher if you wrote something are you going to check someone go in the back you'll see where you can give it for those that are online i'll be back tomorrow um i'll have a guest on with me tomorrow every pastor or every leader of a ministry you should tune in tomorrow night at seven o'clock saturday night is our devotion then sunday we'll be back in the building come on god bless you guys i love you all keep us in your prayers don't stop praying for me as i pray for you god bless you let's go offline those in the building can you stand [Music] those in the building can you stand i'm waiting on them to take me offline hallelujah i'm still seeing myself on the screen i want to move there we go thank you all right those in the building one thing that we always do we always pray about those that make it in the building because thousands of people apply to come in the building but god let you get in how many all know that god got you on his mind come on here and some of y'all i don't care what furnace you're in i need god to intensify your prayer life and your worship life one of the things i need you to hear but i'm about to just take it out for a minute one of the things about having the holy spirit is that when he's talking to the disciples the bible says you know he's going to leave you a conference here and the bible says on the rookie listen to this and he will glorify and he will glorify so which means that what is in you will begin to glorify god watch me if you release the holy spirit and he will glorify he'll put the word he says out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water this spanky of what the holy ghost i don't know about you but whenever i'm in a heap you
Channel: Pastor John F. Hannah
Views: 7,143
Rating: 4.8873239 out of 5
Id: mKu8Gb4sHWo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 2sec (5342 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 22 2020
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