My New Communion Views 🍷 🍞 Francis Chan Explains The Eucharist

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Beautiful discussion! Listen to the end, it just gets better and better! Praise God!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Plus_Ad_5515 📅︎︎ May 28 2022 🗫︎ replies

Where do we all fall on our perspective of communion... Just symbol, real presence etc...

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/dukeocanada 📅︎︎ May 27 2022 🗫︎ replies
[Music] you are watching the remnant radio a crowd funded show where we interview pastors teachers historians and theologians from different churches and denominations my name is joshua lewis and this is my co-host michael roundtree together we want to help you break outside of your theological echo chambers if you're interested in learning about history theology or the gifts of the spirit this is the show for you hey guys thank you so much for tuning into this episode of remnant radio we're here in the international house of prayer because of this there's going to be music playing uh people praying and uh yeah if there's noise that's what it is so uh we're here where we could find francis in in where francis goes we follow so uh francis tell us a little about yourself in your ministry before we dive into our conversation oh gosh um i don't even know how to describe myself anymore yes i i i can say i love jesus so much i'm so expectant i'm looking at the scriptures differently you know just with fresh eyes and recently second corinthians three's really hit me with you know when he talks about moses and the glory that fades compared to the glory we can have now i'm just going god i want this like it's supposed to surpass far surpass the glory of moses oh yeah and so i i've got to believe it because it's the word of god and yet we look in moses's life and we're going that's outrageous of things he got to experience and we're supposed to far surpass that and so i'm just on a journey now where i'm going no god this is your word i still look up to moses like i wish i could get a fraction of what he had and so i don't even know how to describe what i'm doing ministry-wise or anything else just i am someone that is believing what the word of god says and saying i want this so bad praise god yeah is elijah's really jealous of us yes yeah is yeah you know right yeah well uh so speaking of that journey what we really want to talk about today is the sacraments because i know that's been part of the journey and we've heard you make some statements publicly about the sacraments you're laughing because i know you got some pushback i mean can you imagine francis chan getting some pushback on something on anything yeah on anything you could say you could be like the sky is blue i know sometimes it's pink yes so so talk to us about your journey with the sacraments maybe where you started and just where god has brought you along and we'll jump into some of the scriptures too yeah i and and i'm good i am good with uh any pushback feedback anti-francis podcast this is one it's it's whatever it works well yeah okay but on some of these issues that are so sacred such as the sacraments i mean in its name if this is sacred and i have not held the sacred so number one i need to confess i have repented god i did not take this seriously yeah you know i grew up you know we'd play with the communion cubs stick our tongues in them and you know just like it's just it's a thing we do it's just a symbol i was challenged a few years ago to study the early church like all your church history is from the last 500 years do you even know what happened during those first 300. you know what their gatherings were like because they didn't preach 40-minute sermons expository from the new testament what did they do they didn't have the same worship bands and that what did they do and i just began to study and when i saw the centrality of the eucharist along with studying the scriptures and i'm looking at some of the things paul says in first screen corinthians 10 and 11 and i'm going lord this is scary i am so sorry i have missed this and it just sent me on this journey to study more and more of the scriptures of church history um and i began to question like why did i believe what i believed about the sacrament why did i think it was just a symbol that you take once a month or you know whatever and ah and i realized because it's what i was taught right i never really studied church history especially early church history i mean really it's the first 1500 years of church history where communion the eucharist was always at the center and everyone believed everyone believed in the real presence of christ in that bread and cup somehow in some form yeah you know no one saw it as a symbol yeah occasionally there'd be a heretic that we brought but you even see the early church fathers confront that heresy yeah and i didn't know this that it wasn't until 500 years ago good old zwingli yes oryx wingley that says oh it's just a symbol and he moves the eucharist from the center of the church and puts his pulpit there and the the one thing that was just to bring us together all of us staring at the body and blood of christ that being the central part of our gatherings this being what the early church devoted themselves to the apostles teaching you know the prayer the breaking of the bread and the prayers for the fellowship it's and i know this stuff and i'm looking and going god i am so sorry i'm looking at the scriptures and paul's saying you better examine yourself yeah you better reckon this is why many of you are weak and sick and some of you have died why do we not warn people come on how many times have i led gatherings and not warned people this could kill you it's the only such warning like this in the new testament this is the holy of holies of the new testament don't just walk in there absolutely yeah and now i'm just like this has to be the center and so even getting ready for this big gathering that we're going to have we were just talking about this half an hour ago wow we just the lord led us towards this as leaders and we partook together and he's gone and we just said look these gatherings all about oh if this guy nails his message and this band sings this song you know then we're going to usher in the presence of christ now scripture tells us how to usher in the presence of christ you bring in the ark yeah break the bread yeah you know that's it uh let me let me define terms i know you've got a question we talked about eucharist we said the table we said the sacraments all these things when we say sacraments most in the kind of protestant space will go um uh you know communion and baptism uh outside of that uh very narrow tradition there are others that will go you know they're maybe foot washing they'll add into a sacrament there are some anointing marriage anointing i think with some of the uh older christian traditions within roman catholic catholicism and maybe even eastern orthodox so when we say sacrament for the purpose of our discussion and even you might add into that sacrament i think we'll keep it to communion and and baptism yeah for the sake of the discussion eucharist is just another word for communion for many evangelists who use that term and then uh the table also communion we're not trying to confuse people with terms and we've actually done an episode on remnant radio before about is anointing of the sick a sacrament surely we walk through it actually i'm kind of inclined to think about it i'm inclined to think it is but um neither here nor there one of the things that you said francis was that throughout church history the church has held to quote some form of real presence and so i'd like to explore that because yeah you know people people saw you hobnobbing with the pope and they're like francis he's a roman catholic now he believes in transubstantiation but yes i think a lot of evangelicals yes um don't realize the variety of views yes communion where transubstantiation is one view whereas it's you know trans change substantiation so the the elements actually changed into the body in the substance of it changes into the body and blood and that uh just sort of like on the surface yes it kind of tastes like bread and wine okay that's one view but lutherans too hold to uh they'll hold to the sacramental union that the presence of christ is sort of i think the language is above around and in or under something like that and so trying to articulate where is this presence of christ in the body and the blood uh and then there is consubstantiation which is typically just slightly differentiated but consubstantiation basically just kind of affirms both it it is bread and wine it is body and blood and we just kind of don't get how yes and then uh and and then you have what am i missing here uh luther's view yeah we talked about that calvin's view he doesn't come down we go up right yeah right but it's uh but the real emphasis is on the holy spirit making christ imminent present with us yeah okay and then of course there's the memorial view of zwingli which uh wedding ring yeah the wedding it's just a symbol so that was like a super fast right there yes but uh so francis i not that you even necessarily know where you fall yeah but where do you find yourself leaning in that spectrum yeah i mean i would lean back to the first thousand years and maybe some people listening don't know that there was one church for a thousand years and it wasn't until the 1054 that the great schism happened now you've got an eastern church and a western church and um but before that there was one church and they didn't really define it uh super intricately they never called it transubstantiation they just referred to this is the body of christ yeah this is my body broken for you this is there is a real presence here they didn't try to over define it it wasn't until um you know the product of rome yeah um really broke off and then uh in the roman catholic church is when the in the west the transubstantiation i believe really came on the heels of uh or alongside of that enlightenment period yes we can define and it's no longer this mystery that had been for a thousand years so for me i go back to that first thousand years where i'm trying to study and go my epistemology has changed uh my understanding of how to acquire truth i mean i came out of seminary going well i've got log logos bible software and i go in my office and i can study all these commentaries in the greek and the hebrew and come up with the right uh answer and now in my study of scripture i'm going well where's the holy spirit and and uh why is am i closer and how this isn't truth from god and then does the church body have anything to do with understanding truth and i'm looking at that first thousand years and going if there was one council and they all agreed on something sure and it's that same truth for those first thousand years i'm not going to go with my opinion anymore as superior to when the church was won and what they believed for a thousand years so i lean towards i'm still studying all of that and going i'm with those guys basically you're comfortable with the mystery yes it's the body in the blood it tastes like red wine yes i don't know yeah jesus is here somehow but yeah something's happening yeah something real and it is sacred and yeah a true blessing and you know looking at scripture when he says you know this bread that we bless is it not a participation in the flesh of christ in the body of christ this cup that we bless is it is it not a participation a coinane with the blood of christ i don't know how to define that i other than koinonia is koineniya and somehow i am fellowshipping with the blood of christ i don't know how i don't know what it looks like but when i pray and i go god i i want everything everything every bit of intimacy this this flesh and blood human being can have with the flesh and blood of christ i can't know how this happens it is a mystery i believe it and i want everything you will give me on this because i just want to experience it and i that last statement i want to experience you earlier we talked we were talking in terms of theology i do want to know about your experience with this i was raised in a community you know god inhabits the praises of his people israel right so like when we sing and we worship god inhabits that so i experienced god in worship because i was trained that that's where i can meet god and then i was trained to say that his word is living and active it's breathed out it's the very breath of god and when we read it we hear his word and i experienced god's spirit in preaching but i never experienced it in the table until i had changed my view on communion have you experienced the table differently now having changed your position yes yes it is now i feel like it's my favorite thing to do yes like to be one with the body because recognizing the body it could be about the bread and the cup but it it for sure is about the body yeah that you are a part of the body you look at the context of first corinthians 10 through 14. he's talking about the body of christ he's saying specifically don't call that the lord's supper what you guys are partaking in because one guy's hungry and another guy's drunk you're not recognizing the body you're not you can't say i don't need you you've got to recognize the body and so now in recognizing the body and making sure everyone's needs are are taken care of even in our gatherings in my home it's like hey let's find out what needs are going on in this room i don't want to take the bread and cup if someone's in a deep need that this body can take care of we need to recognize the importance of every part because it's a sacred thing we're about to do and then when we gather together in unity recognizing recognizing the body around the world and going their taking of the same bread and cup recognizing the body of christ that has gone before us in heaven and coming into his presence and in unity as that body ah it's it's so different it i i don't think i'm exaggerating when i say those are my favorite moments now yeah yeah that's my lutheran friends go you know i don't know if i don't know if god was in that sermon but he was in the table like that yes sermons and they go i just don't know if there's always about the fallback of the table but the spirit was in the table yes yes i love that and i love what both of you guys said because i think that's what changed for me is that when i went from going to the table as a mere act of obedience because well god sends to do it so i'll do it yes but when i i got real honest with myself and it was like okay i'm tasting some grape juice i'm i'm eating a little wafer and i'm like i honestly i don't experience god nearly as much just trying to remember the cross right now as i do when i'm singing about the cross and having this like you know powerful worship encounter you know and it wasn't until my view shifted on communion and believing in a real presence of christ i believe it's by the holy spirit real presence but when the table became maybe my favorite thing i just i love it so much because i uh it's like it's like i i'm participating in this messianic banquet like jesus jesus goes from the cross to not just risen savior but actually hosting me at a table like like yeah wait you're hosting me what is this it's but when you actually come in faith it makes such a difference i see you turning to the passage so i want to just give you the opportunity well because it's the very thing you're talking about it's luke 8 yeah and the woman who reached out for jesus to touch him everyone was pressing in on him and jesus someone touched me yeah and and the disciples are like you're crazy everyone touch you like no no no no it's about this woman who's doing exactly what you're talking about in faith she went out and reached and i really believe that's significant with the bread and the cup it is about faith it is about reaching for that bread and that cup and going god i believe there's something you've ordained in this i mean this is just what i see in scripture this is what the early church agreed upon and i am reaching out in faith that's why we are now experiencing these things at the table yeah just like all those people touched jesus and nothing happened yeah but the woman that reached out in faith so the ark is only built of acacia wood in gold it's only built it's just gold it's just a case you would but but other reaches out touches this thing gets struck down um you mentioned first corinthians 10 right you were i saw you there earlier before you flipped to luke you know you said people have taken the table and died and and i i've regretted passing the table right and and not giving warnings i've regretted that um speak to that for me do you hold because of this very sacred experiential do you hold to a close table do you close to open table do you warn people how do you how do you personally practice this when i practice i warn okay um i just i just read from the scripture a man ought to examine himself before he eats the bread or drinks of the cup because anyone who eats or drinks without recognizing the body of the lord eats and drinks judgment upon himself so it's not my examination of him like someone's in church membership i'm not as an elder i'm not examining you you're told to examine yourself before god yeah and i understand like i and i'm wrestling with this one because it's the way i understand uh the early church it wasn't really an open communion sure you know it was like they knew these people yes we're living in such a different time and world where we have a thousand different churches in one city right and people can jump sunday to sunday and our understanding of church is so warped that i don't even know what to do anymore yeah um because you have these visitors so all i know to do is to read the word of god and warn because as dangerous it's dangerous to administer communion to someone who has not examined themselves yeah but i think this is what i'm wrestling with i think it's a dangerous thing to also tell people you're now welcome to the table yeah and this is what i'm challenging some of my orthodox and roman catholic brothers like i get it we have to hold this in reverence but is there any bit of you that has a isn't there any wrestle with saying to me whom you would say the holy spirit is in francis he is the son of god but he is not welcome to our table yes he's welcome to the lord's table but not ours i mean i i don't want to overstep my bounds i'm just saying i need to be careful in recognizing the body and not recognizing the body and ostracizing parts of the body and people who again i didn't define my turn i said closed table if you don't know what that term is close table is just we reserve the table for people who are members of our church and that's not to say membership is like um you know these hoops big hoops that people go through as much as it is publicly recognized members of the community who have saving faith in christ jesus we go we know that they that there is a mutual submission to one another and that they're not under church discipline as far as we know are in right standing before god so we're sharing the table freely with these people and uh yeah and when we talk about our roman catholic eastern orthodox um people outside of their uh denominational sphere is what you're referring to yes yes yes so it's not open to anyone else if you're a roman catholic going to another roman catholic church yes open you know i mean i actually interestingly i had a talk uh with um the guy who played the pope and i'll just walk out now okay the guy who played jesus on the chosen oh okay yeah you know we spent a day together and and he's roman catholic and he actually uh what you could call it but that he can administer oh eucharist and so you know we had a great conversation you know and jonathan and i are friends now and and i i even asked him i just want to know okay see that guy's sitting at that table if you were to tell him how to get to heaven how would you say it you know what would you say to him yeah and he lays out the gospel you know as clearly as as any reformed guy would or whatever you know it's just and and i go but you and i can't you can't you can't break bread with me right now it's like no you know which is hard to say it is hard especially when it's jesus no no i know i know and it's always weird because you know he's playing jesus and i'm jesus saying and uh that's interesting it does it really throws your own mind for a loop like no he's just a guy but i love him i love him i love him and i'm like okay but i want this and i you know there's no way and this is what i'm saying there's no way to the orthodox friends of mine roman catholics or anyone else that keeps me from the table i go there's no way you can say you believe that god wants us at separate tables that this was his desire this is what he wanted that there'd be 30 different tables yeah mutually exclusive you can't look me in the eyes and tell me that when you read the scriptures when you pray that's what the spirit tells you this is a good thing so i'm not saying i have an answer but isn't let's fight yeah to figure out how to get back to one table amen okay i want to come back to something you said earlier about the just the way you've begun to see scripture in different eyes and you focused especially on that first thousand years of history when the church was won before the great schism and uh and so i want to just as some of the people who are watching this they're going to say well so so francis he's not sola scriptura anymore he's uh scripture and tradition and uh could you speak into that for a moment and and let us know what is the role of tradition in interpretation of scripture is it like is it like scripture's higher up but tradition helps me interpret is it scripture and tradition or tied or tradition even takes the like where does it fall for you i um and i don't know if it's because my upbringing or the way i was taught but i still hold a very very high view of scriptures like that's the only thing i can really trust now the problem is i have to trust someone's interpretation when i read it whether that's mine with my computer or it's mine with elders yeah mine with you know and that's what's difficult is we can say solo scriptura all day but then we still have to read it and explain what it means and interpret what it means and i'm just saying i don't bet on just me anymore i look at the elders of my church i go hey let's look at this together but i don't even just bet on the elders of our my church i go let's look at what those early church fathers that's you know that's why we love the apostles pre creed and the nicean creed it's like they were all the church leaders that was the council they all believed now once it's split can i still believe in the eastern or the western i don't know yeah it's just a little bit less so oh here we go nicean constant calcidonian nice and constant noble right and then like would you hold to like i guess the fifth ecumenical council would have been before the split right so like i mean how how far through the the creeds how many creeds are you holding you i'm trying to ask you yeah i know that has nothing to do with i do not yes yes it's not no i'll just be honest i don't know all of them you know that i haven't gotten that far i think the fifth one has got like prayers to the saints and stuff and i'm like ooh that one's hard for me yeah yeah well so just ask just you could ask that i wasn't prepared for that one so i am impressed by your knowledge so i don't have i pretend okay i i wasn't sure which the fifth one was but okay yeah so you knew i wouldn't no that's not true um uh with uh with the the talking about church history i like that paradigm where we go um i'm gonna have a humble anthropology i always say that i think that's really the key and understanding scripture is looking at myself humbly because i know that sin has affected my being i do trust the spirit to lead me kevin vanhooser wrote a great book on biblical authority after babel and he's got this line about the grace of god sola sola scriptura has to be led by sola gratia we have to have trust in the leading of god's spirit to reveal these things to us and then i think was it was it uh c.s lewis who talks about like this chronological snobbery where we think that yeah god can speak to me as an individual but he hasn't and lead me in my interpretation as an individual but he hasn't led the whole church through thousands of years so there is a line there between you know um deception in the same way that people today are being deceived you know do you ever look at church history there's not a there's not a uniformity in the church fathers is there so how do you do you just look at the vast majority do you how do you how do you suss through that well i i'm i guess i'm starting with the foundational what did they all agree upon yeah um you know it seems like there's certain things you know like with the gospel yeah and but the sacraments are in there you know the the eucharist is there where i'm like this is unanimity it really is on certain things and that's where i go okay let me hold to that seems like there's some varying opinions on this i'll say that at a later time you know but what did they hold to i want to make sure i'm holding on to that and it is i love that phrase whatever phrase it was but humble anthropology yeah anthropology because i didn't have that yeah um but here's what i came to at one point i thought okay let's say you and i both believe solar scriptura sure but then we interpret this passage differently yeah who's right yeah is it do we take an iq test yeah and go whose iq is higher do we write down this is right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that's right you know do you do how much did we win yeah or how long did you study for what was what's your work ethic like okay how many hours do you study you know like what determines the right answer is it a closeness to the holy spirit because in both of our studies of the scripture we'd go well the natural man doesn't do this by himself that's right it's got to be the spirit whatever so who is closer to the spirit yeah and who is more humble that god's grace would be upon them and you have to start weighing the sooner you're going this is getting silly yes um and so everyone and their mother thinks no i'm that guy and i've got a correct theology and let me blast everyone who's off from my view right and they never stop to think why is your view superior to mine and usually it's because it's a theology they were taught and they're just they're they're going well because i was taught this in seminary and or whatever it is or my leader mike whoever's in my pulpit because the eucharist isn't in the center his pulpit is and so i follow him and then it's just all these arguments versus like the humility to go gosh it was a time when the church was won and many of these people keep their lives come on for the gospel when you read the depth of the things that they wrote and the sacrifices that they made to follow jesus i just go i bet on them way before i bet on francis chan as an individual and that's a laptop the longer you've looked for truth i mean we've watched that kind of humility as if there was ever a time i don't think i've ever seen an unhumble francis video yeah we all know our own heart more than youtube can let on but um i i do sense that as we've watched you kind of go through this process of going how do i know what i know what i know and i can't trust myself because i know i'm deceitfully wicked you know like i just i don't get it we've seen i feel like seeing that drive deeper and deeper into humility so for whatever that's worth at a 50 000 foot distance you know i commend you for it right yeah i mean we trust you think about it we trust that council for those first 300 years to actually give us the scriptures yeah right yeah they're the ones that canonize it and so we trust them for that so we're saying the first 300 years we don't trust you we trust this one act you did and then we don't trust anything you did after that right just for me my logic which could be flawed you know i'm just going well that's pretty illogical to me yeah so i want to ask you a question we're real close to time we want to honor your time here but it's really the the interrelationship between word and table because you talked about at the beginning how you know that the pulpit was brought front and center and the eucharist was kind of put off on the side some some are going to push back and they'll say well you know the most of the protestant reformers actually really really valued the table and thought it was beautiful and great yes and then prior to the protestant reformation especially in that first thousand years we cut out the middle evil medieval ages a little bit um especially in that first thousand years the church fathers would say things like well the the word in the sacrament equally valuable but the sacrament gets its um it gets its power from the word so to speak so which is kind of over and against when it started to become this sort of magical thing where it's like i just magical baptismal waters you're saying yeah magical even the phrase hocus pocus right is speaking of the of the elements the inauguration hocus um it's a latin phrase of which they would anoint the the table really i didn't know that yeah the phrase hocus pocus comes from the latin guy saying hey this table is now the body and blood maybe it doesn't i don't know it's not mine it's for sure not you so i just kind of want to introduce that and say what do you see as the introduction is the interplay of word and table because you know can we get to a place where we elevate tables so high and word so low that the table loses its meaning oh you're right is there a partnership here how do you see that absolutely i mean that's what we've been talking about is this partnership and uh it's it's like through the scriptures i've come to believe that i've got to reach for this uh in faith it's through the scriptures that i get this and i i'm not even bashing zwingli because he lived in a time when the word of god was put aside and uh so his motives may very well have been i want the scriptures they need to be maybe it was central for a bit or whatever but it seems like there was some regret you know later on in his life or even doing that i'm just more alluding to what has happened since then where it's not even in the room yeah it's like we got time for communion my sermon went over sorry and it's like how many times have i done that i am so sorry lord you know because there's some sort of fellowship some sort of that's where i get it from it's in the word of god there's not someone telling me this i'm looking at the word i'm going wait what is that word participation oh it's koinonia what does coinaia mean oh intercourse what i'm just looking at the lexicon this is this is my reformed you know goal whoa okay this is serious yeah it's a word of god that makes me go to the table and go this is say it's a word of god that's telling me this could kill you yeah this isn't tradition that's telling me this right these are the the two big truths to me you know are coming right out of the word of god where i'm like why doesn't anyone read this passage this is good we're so afraid of covid who cares communion could kill you come on you know like why don't you warn about that and it's it's it's like oh this is crazy that we don't do this is the word of god that that gives me a reverence coming to the table it's a word of god that gives me an anticipation of what i can fellowship i can coin a name with the body and blood of christ and and you're going to preach a sermon so long that i don't get the opportunity to fellowship with him i mean i i tell my church i go look if if if i was going to preach for 45 minutes right now but you knew jesus was next door in the flesh and you could touch him just touch him and leave or you could stay in this room and listen to the rest of my sermon what are you going to do and this is saying there is some sort of koinonia with the body and blood of jesus that's what i've come to do and and that's why paul says okay when you come together you better make sure there's no divisions you better examine yourself you better recognize the body and you come and then let's fellowship with him that gets me excited to gather otherwise i can just listen to a sermon online i can just listen to you guys podcast i mean you would feel the spirit not the same but you know what i mean i do but there was something about gathering yeah over the body and blood of christ that's it that we have missed out on and i feel like this is i'm glad my insides are doing back flips as you're talking no i'm glad you chose this topic because i even told people i go i hate the way like once i i had all these convictions about the church you know i went to a smaller show and everyone started saying oh francis he's the house church guy i'm like stop calling me that i don't want to be francis the house church guy like that's not even my point you know but then once i started reading and studying communion i go okay that i don't mind if you if i'll be the type of guy i will be a communion guy if i am the one that helps put the body and blood back at the center of the church and i die doing that and they go francis was that communion guy i'll take that amen but don't call me house church guy amen you know this is sacred putting christ the body and blood and fellowship with him at the center getting people to be reverent of going this could kill me and yet i am not gonna shy away from that table because this is my opportunity to fellowship like that woman i'm going to touch him i am going to coin a neo with him if that's what my life's work is about oh lord thank you i'd be honored to be a voice in this conversation yeah and i don't even know that's what you guys want to talk about no it's perfect so we're right at that time so we've got to wrap we love sacraments too oh yeah i know it's one of our favorite topics okay okay you know guys if you're out there watching right now man get into the study of the table even if you're like hey i've done nothing but memorialize this thing consider praying consider reading your word with some fresh eyes ask the spirit to lead you read some church history i think it will bless you we have loads of content on the sacramento on this subject and another one coming up on in june with john mark hicks yeah so we'll link up a playlist for sure wow yeah excellent guys thank you so much for tuning in there's links in the description if you want to support we're entirely crowdfunded there's links for paypal if you want to give a one-time gift or patreon if you want to be a regular giver you get extra content there on patreon francis thanks for coming all right thanks guys bless you guys see you guys oh that was good
Channel: The Remnant Radio
Views: 170,703
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Remnant Radio, Theology Podcast, Remnant, Remnant Radio, francis chan, francis chan communion, francis chan eucharist, new communion views, new communion beliefs
Id: 2bH4hpCB2VU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 54sec (2334 seconds)
Published: Thu May 26 2022
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