Bhad Bhabie’s Abuse Claims Escalate, More Survivors Expose Dr Phil’s Ranch

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we've all heard about dr phil sending trouble teens to the ranch but bad baby has come forward with shocking information about what really goes on does dr phil have something to hide like these people are evil well you know she went to um turnabout four or five years ago and if she had a bad experience you know obviously i would i would hate that bad baby says dr phil isn't ready to take accountability but other survivors have come forward to tell their stories because i was scared that a staff member might read it we have a full kettle and it's about to spill before i get into the story i just want to put out a disclaimer please do not send any hate to bad baby dr phil or anyone else involved in this story this video is simply meant to report on the news and give some insight on the situation you may remember the viral sensation danielle bregoli also known as the cash me outside girl she now goes by the stage name bad baby for context in september 2016 bad baby appeared on dr phil with her mother for an episode about troubled teens and dr phil chose to send bad baby to turnabout ranch a residential program for struggling teenagers it turns out dr phil might have made one of the worst decisions in his career on february 27 2021 bad baby went on instagram live to talk about her horrifying experience at turnabout ranch she described the environment at the ranch it's just a bunch of old people who get to basically boss kids that have been or have problems at home or just had a troubled life and they act out because of it she said parents don't realize what is really happening in these facilities they don't know they're sending their kids from here for this but when you send your kid to this facility your child just gets more traumatized she describes some of the punishments she faced while at the ranch we're talking and um and singing songs together we were forced to sit outside in the cold they would feed us they would feed us foods they knew we specifically didn't like they would make us pick up horse they would make us walk in arena they actually made me walk the arena me and the other girls for five days straight bad baby explained some of the conditions she had to live in you're supposed to let the kids change their clothes every um every day and then they're supposed to shower every three days they did not let us shower they did not let us change our clothes they didn't i don't even think they lit a shower over the whole two weeks she claimed she had a number of health problems including a uti due to staff members not following hygiene rules bad baby said she was accused of faking her health problems in order to escape the facility but explained why it would be difficult to get away i told the nurse she said you're just looking for an excuse to go to the hospital so you can run away now meanwhile this place this whole facility is in the middle of escalante utah there and even the hospital it's a small town there's only about 500 people that live there this place is literally two hours from any main city if you try to run anywhere you're either gonna get eaten by coyotes or you're just gonna die from the freezing weather she said the average stay was around three months but the facility wanted her to stay another three months because of her internet fame she also called out staff members like these people are evil when i tell you i can't even explain how i get it like taking the privileges away and stuff but to a certain to a certain degree you don't have to not let kids eat bad baby said she wrote her mother letters about the issues at the facility but her mother never received any of the letters she urged parents not to send their children to the ranch and offered a safer more productive solution if your child is just not listening to you don't send them away that's that's not what you do you need to go go to family therapy with your child or try to talk to your child you don't your first step is to just send them away on february 28th bad baby shared articles about crimes committed at the ranch this makes my blood boil parents please do your research before sending your child to these types of treatment facilities they end up adding more trauma to your child's life than what they came there with these places are supposed to help but i can promise you they only hurt more what bothers me even more is dr phil continues to send children there after knowing what goes on at this place she posted a screenshot of turnabout ranch's instagram page calling them out this is their instagram page on this page they liked a comment about me by a kid that went there that said based on my experience here danielle's story is fabricated these people are sick and can't even own up to their wrongs she also shared a dm sent to turn about ranch confronting them about liking a comment that claimed her story is fake then she showed the comment the ranch account liked she continued to call out the ranch turnabout turned their comments off i remember y'all number one thing is teaching children to take accountability for their wrongs but y'all obviously don't practice what you preach bad baby also shared an instagram post from breaking code silence that talked about dr phil profiting off of sending children to different rehabilitation ranches on march 19th bad baby uploaded a video called bad baby breaking code silence turnabout ranch abuse dr phil danielle bregoli in the video she said she was only 13 years old when she was taken to turnabout ranch bad baby mentioned a girl named hannah archuleta who attended the ranch and had been hurt by the staff hannah's story will be explained later in this video bad baby had a direct message for dr phil so dr phil i am going to give you from now till april 5th to issue an apology not only to me but to hannah and any other child that you sent to turnabout or any other program like this and if you don't i'm going to handle things my way in her video she used the hashtag breaking code silence for context breaking code silence is a movement created by paris hilton for survivors of behavioral schools to learn more about the movement you can watch our previous video which we'll link in the description box similar to paris's story bad baby said she was taken to the ranch by transporters who did not tell her where she was going she described them as kidnappers she said she was scared to speak out because she had no evidence and it would be the staff's word against hers the video took a somber turn when bad baby brought up the passing of one of the counselors one morning i was cleaning up for breakfast and one of the seven was standing right next to me and she had her walk in her so i heard everything one of the kids he had tried to steal a car or something everyone was screaming on the walkies like it was really crazy and he ended up one of the staff members they made all the kids that were rowdy come down and then they didn't they told us not to tell us anything a day later they have us all every kid that's at turnabout they have us all sit in a circle and they're like listen there was incident i know some of y'all heard it over the walkies jimmy and so we're all freaking out because jimmy was like i said he was one of them that was there the first day i got there he was really sweet not only did jimmy die but one of the other staff members that was there at the time alicia who was the daughter of the nurse alicia she was also injured and two years later she and she was also left disabled after being attacked by clay she believed there was a conflict of interest in the situation because the mother of the criminal was married to the brother of the owner of the facility she said the staff did not discuss the crime with the kids even though some of the kids were greatly affected by it bad baby said her mother always threatened to send her away but this was the first time she did she repeated it's important to not send misbehaving children to facilities like turnabout ranch and instead to get them into therapy or find a program that suits their needs bad baby called out dr phil again not really sure why dr phil still sends kids here it just it really doesn't make sense like are you trying to help them or are you trying to hurt them even more because i mean we all know he's a phony as it is but like don't be sending kids somewhere just to make make it like you're trying to do something on march 22nd news nation anchor ashley banfield interviewed dr phil ashley asked him about bad baby's accusations and dr phil replied well you know she went to um turnabout four or five years ago and if she had a bad experience you know obviously i would i would hate that we'd be sorry about that but we don't have anything to do with what happens with guests once they leave the stage i mean that's between the guardian and the parent and whatever facility they go to so we're not involved in that we don't have any feedback from them so whatever happens once they're there that's between them and the and the facility i assume she had a problem she filed a complaint with the proper authorities or something five years ago bad baby responded i will be addressing this she retweeted it again and tagged paris hilton and breaking code silence on march 26th bad baby was interviewed briefly by the hollywood fix for her 18th birthday in the interview she was asked about the accusations against dr phil he just don't want to take accountability for it because there's some type of scheme going on where every time he sends a child there something goes in his favor i don't know if he gets money if he gets the publicity i don't know what it is on april 7th bad baby uploaded a new youtube video called bad baby reacts to dr phil interview about her breaking code silence vid danielle bregoli her video began with a disclaimer all statements in this video are my opinion only and are based on my personal experience they are not to be taken as statements of fact do your own research bad babies video was in response to the interview done by ashley banfield she criticized ashley for choosing to show a clip of bad baby from her dr phil appearance this be the only clip you show of me why don't you show me being nominated for a billboard award why don't you show me having multiple gold and platinum plaques why don't you show me being youngest female rapper to hit billboard why don't you show stuff like that bad baby defended her behavior on the show by saying she was told by the show's staff to be dramatic and said audience members were talking badly about her when she was on stage she continued to criticize ashley who said the ranch was giving kids tough love malnourishing humiliating screaming at sleep depriving that's not tough bad baby called dr phil out for claiming that once the kids were sent to the ranch it was out of his hands my mother signed a consent of release of information to send progress reports directly from turnabout to the dr phil show you're just trying to save your that's all you're trying to do is save your but there's too many stories and there's too many people behind this that you can't save your anymore in the video bad baby showed a clip of dr phil pretending he didn't remember much about her story then called him out for it you don't remember nothing about the story all my clips total on your youtube channel got 160 million views and that doesn't even include how much you made on the show itself or the rerun so between syndication youtube views and the show views he's making hundreds of millions of dollars as the video ended bad baby had a message for dr phil i'm not done with you phillip that was not a apology you think it's funny and you think it's it's what you do for a living to make people go against each other and make people look dumb on the internet oh i've got something coming for you not so funny when the tables are turned is it in her video bad baby spoke about crimes that were allegedly committed during her stay at the ranch the biggest crime was the passing of 61 year old jimmy woolsey a counselor at turnabout ranch clay brewer a patient who was 17 at the time allegedly committed the crime brewer who was at the ranch to recover from a pill addiction had only been there four days before attempting on the day of the crime brewer said he grabbed the fire iron and waited by his group's circle for someone to arrive when woolsey arrived brewer allegedly used the fire iron to commit the crime brewer said he tried to hide the evidence and his own soiled clothing some teens saw the crime and informed the other staff members staff member alicia keller was the first to arrive at the scene but brewer injured keller using the fire iron he demanded she give him the keys and threatened to injure other people if she didn't comply keller handed the keys to brewer and he escaped with keller's car the police went after him on a high-speed chase and eventually stopped him before they could arrest brewer he pretended to have a so the police could potentially take his life however they were able to arrest him without injury in 2018 brewer was sentenced to serve five years to life in prison this isn't the first time people have spoken up about their experience at turnabout ranch hannah archuleta was 17 when she was sent to the ranch by dr phil she claimed she was essayed by male staff multiple times in february 2021 hannah released a statement claiming she would be filing a lawsuit i am filing this lawsuit today because i want justice and i do not want what happened to me to happen to anyone else in her lawsuit she said she reported the but no action was taken she said she was forced into silence because of the staff's physical and emotional hannah described the ap she faced after revealing her sa i was required to spend extra time picking up horse manure walking in circles around a horse corral and sitting at a desk facing a wall for hours i also had to do forced labor outside in below freezing temperatures and sleep on a wooden plank with no pillow in addition the retaliation included refusing me access to the bathroom hannah said at the time she went to the ranch she was struggling with trauma i had recently learned that my mother was terminally ill with liver failure and i was very vulnerable and heartbroken she has since hired lawyer gloria allred to help with the case turnabout ranch strongly denied the allegations in a statement to fox 13 now for more details on their statement check the link in the description box below another victim of turnabout ranch is abby parker in april 2020 abby uploaded a youtube video titled meeting bad baby while at turnabout ranch story time saturday she said she stayed there from may to september 2016. her experience was different from bad babies as she claimed the staff were helpful and more compassionate she said kids weren't allowed to talk in public and especially weren't allowed to talk to kids of the opposite sex abby also spoke about a lack of privacy at the facility we did get to keep a diary but the staff members had to look through it to make sure there was no cuss words so i wasn't really very honest in those about how i was feeling just because i was scared that a staff member might read it she said she had code words for different things so she could speak more freely in her diary abby said she met bad baby during her stay she said bad baby was a bit of a rebel when she arrived i remember she was just like i don't know the point of rules i think rules are stupid i don't think anyone should have to follow rules and i remember being like because that was a little that was pretty bold for her to say none of us knew that she was on dr phil and that dr phil episode actually didn't even air until after i got home like in september she said a woman had come around claiming to have worked for dr phil but abby said the woman had no relation to bad baby abby said she never had negative feelings towards bad baby and described her as a shy person during her stay abby graduated shortly after and said the next time she saw a bad baby was on dr phil on march 1 2021 abby uploaded a new video called my experience at turnabout ranch addressing bad babies live she admitted there were differences between her video and bad baby's live stream she seemed to have a more positive experience but bad babies was negative however she said bad baby didn't lie in her video she explained they had different experiences because they were two different people with different personalities the reasons we were there were very different how we got there was very different and how we acted while we were there how we were treated in our experiences there are very different so obviously we're going gonna explain it different however abby said her own video was different because she hid many details out of embarrassment abby spoke about her life before she attended turnabout ranch she said she attended a private school and was said by a boy there abby said the psychological effects of being s aid caused tension between her and her family abby said after an argument with her mother she was sent to juvenile detention she said her probation officer told her she could spend three months at turnabout ranch or she could spend time in jail so abby and her parents chose the ranch abby explained why she didn't reveal the reason she went to the ranch in her first video i'm going to be talking about why i went to the ranch because i didn't address that in the first video because um i didn't feel it necessary and i felt like if i talked about it um i would be embarrassed and like at that time i just didn't want to talk about it she said she didn't know much about bad baby's story because she was at a higher level in the program when bad baby had arrived she said they had spoken a few times but mostly spoke about rules abby said bad baby wasn't interested in following the rules abby said she was too critical of bad baby in her previous video and said many kids who go to the ranch are there because of trauma abby confirmed the crime bad baby spoke about was true abby mentioned incidents where kids would get their stays extended because they would try to escape abby also said she believed bad baby's experience about not being able to shower and having to walk the horse corral however abby said this was something she hadn't experienced abby said she wasn't surprised to hear bad baby wasn't taken to the hospital for her uti as the staff was paranoid about kids running away people supported abby utah's laws regarding minors are disturbing as more and more stories about these reform programs are coming out you realize how messed up they are and the fact they're all in utah you are so strong for sharing your story i'm glad to see that after danielle went live and exposed the true horrors about this that more people are speaking out this place straight up sounds like a prison the way they're treating traumatized kids like there's some kind of danger to society is appalling thank you for speaking up about this sierra myers was another troubled teen who was on dr phil's show she suffered from trauma due to sas and allegedly seeing someone lose their life in front of her in the episode dr phil told sierra's mother she had failed her by a country mile dr phil offered to send sierra to a treatment facility to get the help she needed however sierra wasn't sent to turnabout like bad baby was she was sent to island view another behavioral facility in utah which is owned by the same parent company as turnabout aspen education group at island view she was asked to stay behind by her math teacher after she refused he followed her to her room and tried to have her put into isolation for disobedience when she refused the teacher and three other staff members tried to force sierra into isolation by pulling on her arms they only backed off when they heard a popping sound sierra was left with a badly broken arm and severe nerve damage her family is now suing the dr phil show turnabout ranch is also a big topic of conversation on the subreddit r trouble teens one person said they felt the only way to get through the program was to fake it to make it they said their time at the ranch had left them with anxiety so bad they have to medicate themselves in order to function another person said they were present for the crime that ended jimmy woolsey's life they said the staff had ordered them to keep quiet about it they claimed multiple staff members have passed since working there they also mentioned medical neglect similar to bad babies experience in another reddit post someone shared a blog post titled the dark side of dr phil some people criticize dr phil if that man has a soul if hell is real he's got a one-way ticket there for what he did to legitimize it and for every one of us he got sent there one of the former staff members of turnabout ranch started his own program in tennessee called avr i was sent to this program and experienced multiple forms of abuse anyone connected to turnabout ranch is absolutely evil and will rot in a special place in hell so what's the big issue is it right to send your troubled child away for bad baby she didn't seem to have any underlying health issues but rather she was just being a rebellious teenager and this isn't something unusual it's normal for teenagers to be rebellious university of southern california psychology researchers have discovered through brain scans that teenage rebellion is a sign of teens separating from parents in their transition to adulthood so rather than punishing your child during their life-changing and confusing teenage years there are more healthy things you can do as a parent amy bodrow a clinical psychologist and professor in child studies recommends spending time together offer to drive you'll learn a lot about your teenager and their friends if you drive the kids home from a concert or a dance watch tv or a video together i think a lot of parents don't feel comfortable bringing up some issues says badro tv or a movie can provide great jumping off material a good opening for parents to open up a subject they need to discuss and the final piece of advice amy has is communicating with your child the bottom line is communication and not just at times of disapproval discipline says padro make sure you communicate with your child when you're proud when he did a good job it's important to balance that out otherwise it becomes why are you always nagging me always on my back so what if your child isn't rebellious but they actually have a mental illness instead of sending your child away mayo clinic recommends taking them to their doctor first from there your child's doctor may recommend that your child be evaluated by a specialist myoclinic also explains mental illness in children is commonly treated with psychotherapy and or medication if your doctor or therapist recommends your child go to a psychiatric treatment school please remember to do your own research in the digital age where information is readily available it's a good idea to check the reviews and approach things with caution for example even years before bad baby's youtube video people on reddit already shared their horrible experiences at turnabout ranch furthermore if you or someone you know has been affected by these types of ranches and emotional growth schools please check out for more information on getting the help you need overall it's important to understand all the options when it comes to your child's mental health one stay at a corrupt behavioral school can cause a lifetime of trauma for your child it's good that bad baby and other survivors have come forward to raise awareness about turnabout ranch hopefully their stories will bring positive changes to the ranch and facilities like it it seems the story is still unfolding and many are still waiting to see if dr phil will respond to bad baby's newest video what do you think about this story let me know in the comments below if you liked this video hit the like button to keep up on all the tea consider subscribing to the channel
Channel: Spill
Views: 265,343
Rating: 4.9409194 out of 5
Keywords: bhad bhabie, bad baby, dr phil, dr. Phil, bhad bhabie dr phil, bhad babie, bhad babie dr phil, danielle bregoli, danielle bregoli dr phil, dr phil responds, dr phil response, dr phil responds to bhad bhabie, dark side of dr phil, breaking code silence, code silence, bhad bhabie breaking code silence, bhad bhabie turn about ranch, bhad bhabie reaction, bhad bhabie reacts dr phil, turn about ranch, cash me outside, catch me outside
Id: rZDXtk-yhVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 2sec (1442 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 13 2021
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