BG Knocc Out on DMX, Eazy-E, Suge Knight, Nate Dogg, YG, Crunchy Black, King Von (Full Interview)

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all right here we go bg knockout welcome back to vlad tv what's happening what's going on man everything good everything good on this side that's right over here too man can't complain yeah i mean you're looking healthy oh yeah appreciate it i mean especially in these hard times you know that's a big that's a big statement right there yeah definitely you know you got to take care of your health and your well-being so it's all good yeah definitely definitely well we can't really start this interview off without talking about the passing of dmx yeah man you know i just seen him like i think it was last year they had the summer time in the lbc uh big concert that went on for a whole weekend down in long beach and i had to i got to kick it with him like you know like all that weekend you know what i mean and uh he was doing good man like it's just sad to see like what happened and they trying to say that they're coming out now saying that after he got the the vaccination that you know they first put it out like it was a drug overdose and then now they're saying after he got the vaccination you know he had a massive heart attack i don't know but it's kind of like the news going around well i was in contact with the people that were actually there yeah they were at his house when the [ __ ] happened and you know if you look at you'll see that we were breaking stories along the way uh you know for example when when it was announced a few times that he had died or recovered we'd come in with a story to say no that's not actually true and so forth uh we announced the night before uh you know after i think lunell had announced that he had passed we had to do a follow-up story saying he didn't pass but his uh his organs uh were failing and you know the next morning he actually passed away um i do know that he did have covid when he got to the hospital he had coke when he got to he had coveted when he got to the hospital when he got to the hospital and that's what made the whole thing very difficult in terms of family members coming to see him is because he had coveted and there's very strict rules about who could enter a room with someone who actively has coveted and so forth so there is very limited uh visitation along the way i had seen a story about the vaccine i personally never heard that yeah i mean you know i don't like i said i don't know i don't know his personal you know the people that's that close to him or nothing like that but i was just like it's interesting you know no matter what i mean even if it's an overdose it's kind of like it's like damn you know what i mean that's his life you know at the end of the day you got kids what do you have 17 kids or something like that 17 kids yeah we broke that part of the story as well uh you know a lot of people were saying 15 it's actually 17. a lot of children from age 20 something to i think four months yeah yeah that's a big deal you know when you lose your your patriarch man it's like yeah yeah it's sad it's sad i never got to interview him uh this one time that he was at power 105 i actually recorded him while he was there and some of those flashbacks are on our youtube channel i don't think i've ever met anyone with the high level of energy that dmx had oh yeah definitely not by a long shot not by a long shot and it was one of those things where i didn't really interview him because all i did was just point the camera on press record yeah i didn't even really ask any questions because he was so entertaining and so drawn to the camera and so high energy at one point he started doing 50 push-ups just to show people that he could bro at the concert i'm telling like after the concert we was like they were staying in the same hotel with uh bone thugs and harmony you know who i was there with actually and uh bro when we got back from the venue he was outside rapping for these people like a bunch of fans broke for like two to three hours straight bro sweaty drunk a whole bottle of hennessy to the neck i was like he was like yeah he was full of energy for sure man definitely yeah uh hard drinking hard living um you know obviously we all know about the drug problems those have been going on since before he was even a rapper yeah and uh we don't really know what happened i don't know if it was a drug overdose i don't know if it was a heart attack based on something else i don't know if we really will know because it's not like he died at the at his house and suddenly there's an autopsy and there's a cause of death he stayed alive through machines for about a week yeah i heard his brain activity like they said he was brain dead uh he didn't have no brain activity for like 30 minutes and that's really detrimental i know you can't really go over like two minutes without uh you know going into that type of vegetative state yeah yeah i think for all intents and purposes he died a week before everyone else you know got the news okay at the end of the day because i was literally talking to them every single day and every day the news was not improving it was like he's at the hospital he is in a vegetative state there's very little brain activity that situation never got you know he appeared to be doing really well though like in these in these last days he was gaining a lot of weight you know what i mean like he was looking pretty healthy and good for a long time well here's the thing with that yeah he had actually uh started going through the process of getting clean okay around six months ago and you know as you may know when people you know when they're always you know doing drugs and so forth they stay really skinny right but at the point they stop all the weight starts to come back off yeah yeah and that's essentially what happened to him you started to see him start to gain weight about six months ago yeah and by the time he passed he was probably the heaviest that we've ever seen dmx and because he was getting cleaned this is why we don't know we don't know whether he was clean and just had just a random heart attack because he did have underlying conditions as well i found that out yeah which is why you know it may be coveted you know with the underlying conditions and covet hitting him that may have triggered something yeah we don't know i haven't heard the i've heard about the vaccine rumors uh i i don't know whether he's vaccinated or not uh me myself i'm vaccinated i'm fine yeah you know uh so i don't really know which one did you get did you get the fires in one or i got moderna maternity mcdurner modernity madonna yeah um i don't i don't really know the exact details but such a such a talent yeah man definitely he was in the league of his own bro like i wouldn't even compare dmx to to no one man he was just a a real brilliant talent you know what i'm saying like his music is going to live forever bro like he has he has man i watched this dude perform bro i didn't realize how many [ __ ] hits this guy got man like yeah he got a lot of damn hits bro like it's crazy well he was the first rapper to have five number one albums in a row oh wow okay and the first rapper to have two number one albums in the same year yeah i remember when he released those two one in the beginning and one at the end yeah yeah so it's like you're right in a total league of his own yeah just his whole style you know what i mean his style his energy his his vocal projection all of that man you know what i mean it's unmatched you know right uh exco give it to you party up or the hood at rough riders anthem which is my favorite yeah um [Music] you know what these [ __ ] want slipping slipping is the one for me man slipping yeah yeah like i'm sure most people like you know what i mean like that song is so heavy it brings it brings out so much emotion when you listen to it man like yeah definitely yeah i mean uh he had you know the skits in the beginning where he was talking to god and the devil at the same time uh he took beats that otherwise if you were to hear the beats by themselves yeah in their original state you would say ah these are cool you know kind of like the keyboard because remember back then keyboard beats were just now starting to be a thing everyone was still kind of sampling yeah so when swizz beats and and um you know the whole rough riders camp when they started coming out with this this was kind of new and different yeah but what he did on top of those beats was just was just crazy yeah definitely yeah uh such a loss man such a loss only 50 years old condolences to his family man and uh he definitely will be missed bro he will crazy how like how second all that happened you know we just seen we were seeing them on interviews and different things and watching him do his thing and then this [ __ ] just came like suddenly that's crazy yeah uh rest in peace uh dmx earl simmons uh one of the best to ever do it he's gonna go down as a legend uh live to only 50 years old and and whenever someone passes i feel like the people who are still around need to look at situations like this and take it as as a as a lesson because 50 years old is not very very old at all not at all at all at all but 50 years of hard living you know abusing drugs abusing alcohol and really the one thing i kept hearing from people that were around him yeah like for example michael j white yeah who did who did exit wounds with him was the drinking was very heavy yeah i mean like i said i saw that i saw that yak bottle man i don't i don't know too many people who can drink a whole fifth of hennessy man like you know what i mean like right wasn't sharing it just by himself yeah that was awesome i don't know you know you gotta be got to have some hell of a lungs but i mean hell of a liver and stuff for that [ __ ] man so yeah it wasn't he was a hard hitter you know he was he was and like i said he had underlying conditions i think all the drinking and everything over there over the decades being being a rock star yeah and and he was already you know had a set of you know vices and so forth before but then now you're a superstar and yeah it's amplified a hundred times yep yep that's what happens yeah sometimes you know like like like pock mother said in that movie sometimes you can be given you know certain things to to commit your own demise you know what i mean if you're giving too much of something and you have no self-control it's like you know fact it can be too much yeah rest in peace uh earl simmons dmx that's the piece one of the greatest ever the great greatest rappers uh greatest artists greatest poets yeah of all time well it's interesting because you and i are actually here on a sunday which is kind of rare yeah usually we're monday through friday right and the reason is because ramadan is about to start yeah absolutely ramadan is actually it's it's set to really start like tomorrow night you know so once we cite the new moon hopefully tomorrow by sunset you know or the next day but yeah it's actually right here now you yourself your family was not muslim was it no okay uh christian family yeah okay so what made you convert to islam as you know i always tell people to ask me that question you know because god actually chooses you you don't choose him you know what i mean and um so i i don't really like to say what made me convert but what happened was there was a thing there was something that happened in my life that kind of set me on a path to start investigating you know religion period and the first one that i delved into was christianity because that's the way i was raised so once i started you know going deeply into the bible asking a bunch of questions writing my mother who was like pretty religious you know and i would have her to go ask her pastor different things that i didn't understand and a lot of times she would give me answers that i wasn't satisfied with you know what i mean and it was and it kind of like set off some some sort of conflict internally inside of me you know what i mean and i just started questioning all these things that i was taught since i was a little kid because i was baptized around five six years old and so it was like at a certain point it just wasn't doing it for me you know what i mean so i would investigate buddhism i would investigate hinduism and just different religions that i heard and you know try to see what they were about and then i was like it was some stuff that was a little too far out for me you know and then i would just start asking these muslim guys questions you know when i was in prison i would see them on the yard and they were so different than all the other people in prison like you know a lot of them were lifers but i never seen them down i never seen them angry they was always smiling so i was like what is it about these guys you know what i mean so i would just watch them from afar ask some questions and things like that and they would help me understand different things and then the more and more and more that i read i had a holy quran i was reading it and it just started resonating with me you know like over time okay and how many years ago was this this was 1999 aha so 20 plus years yeah okay and like i said you're actually very serious about it so once ramadan starts you you're not doing interviews you're not i'm in the house for the most part unless i actually have to come outside i'm in the house because you know we have to fast not only with our stomachs but with our eyes and our ears so there are certain conversations we can't have there are certain things we can't see you know and things we can't talk about so yeah right so for a whole month you can't eat from sun up to sun down no no eating no water no water no juice okay you can't you can't really you can't be in a lustful state of mind so you can't really like engage with your spouse in the daytime during those hours either yeah aha how was the first year doing that it was challenging you know what i mean it was because you know like you you go your whole life eating and drinking whenever you feel like it you know what i mean and so yeah it was it was a little challenging in the beginning but the thing was is that i had so many people doing it with me i kind of like gained strength from them you know well speaking of religion yeah one of the big stories that came out recently was little nazex and he had the music video where he went down to hell and he gave satan a lap dance everything else like that yeah now i actually looked into it now in islam the word for the devil or you know what christians call satan is iblis yeah iblis is one of his names but it's shaitaan it's like satan but shaithan you know it believes iblis was his name before he was sent down yeah got it so so you yourself you believe in in this evil absolutely absolutely i do yes i do okay so so it is relatively similar to what christians believe in yeah like a lot of it is very similar bro the thing was for us is that you know some somewhere along the lines of their religion people start changing the stories you know people start adding their own input into you know what was already set and that's how like we believe they kind of went off the off the beaten path you know what i mean and so uh for us like you know they say in the bible they say things like a lot daughters got him drunk and had sex with him so they can preserve that you know had sex with him and had children by him to preserve their lineage and for us that's like something so ungodly you know what i mean david supposedly uh put one of his soldiers in the front of the line in battle so he can get killed first in order to have his wife you know things like that for us is we can't we can't agree with that we don't we don't we don't mess with things like that you know what i mean and the quran pretty much um contradicts those stories you know it speaks about them but it contradicts them the quran is called muhammad that's something that comes to correct what was put crooked come to put something straight that was something that was that was made crooked so this is what we believe you got it now did you ever watch that video at all or seen some screen capture watch that man i can't i got too much stuff in my head already i don't want to add nothing else you know what i mean so yeah i wouldn't watch that vlad at all okay but you're familiar with the whole time yeah i mean you know it was you couldn't you couldn't you could not not see it because it was on everybody's timeline you know everybody has something to say yeah what is your take on that i think it's crazy i mean you know you know it's certain things that you shouldn't delve into and you know for me that's something i wouldn't play with you know what i mean like i just wouldn't i wouldn't want my kids to do it i wouldn't want nobody kids to to do that you know what i mean because there's things in this world that do exist you know and if you don't believe it just give it time you know keep playing around and you'll see well he explained it from his point of view yeah and his point of view is you know he's he's gay and growing up people around him family members and so forth would tell him that if you continue to be gay you're going to go to hell and you're going to meet satan and you're going to burn for eternity and everything else like that so he took that concept and basically tried to flip it and say okay well y'all gonna torment me and saying that i'm going to hell well i'm going to go actually in a video to hell and give satan a lap dance essentially yeah i mean you know i think that complicit in in him going that far you know what i mean like i don't think you should actually do a person like that i don't think nobody has the right no human being unless you're a prophet or something you don't have the right to tell nobody who's going to hell and who's not how you know you're not going like you just that intimate with god that you know you you know what i mean so it's kind of it's messed up that people did him like that for sure i get that part well from my point of view he doesn't seem all that religious and doesn't seem like he believes in satan or maybe even god at the same time probably which at the end of the day is satan an actual real person you know me who who isn't religious i don't think so but someone like you you may feel differently i just you know interviewed crunchy black just the other day he said that he's met satan on a few occasions he might he probably crunches he even said he said you know he he said that little dozens got it wrong that's not what satan looks like and he started yeah it's very you know from from what people say he doesn't really appear as himself you know he always appear in the form of something else you know what i mean so i don't know man i don't want to meet him you know [Laughter] and i definitely wouldn't play with that man like you know more power to him bro you know what i mean you know it's his prerogative to do what he want man like you have you have you have free will so you know whatever you don't believe i'm sure when you when you leave from here you'll find out right and you know with the video he had the the custom satan nikes with the pentagram yeah but i heard that i heard that was did he make those or because that nike said they wasn't they didn't have nothing to do with that or something like that of course not of course i mean that was just obvious nike was not going to do a pentagram nike with human blood in it like come on this is nike the biggest sports athletic i corporation on the on right now right exactly exactly so so yeah obviously it was a custom and they basically just shut it down you know because i guess he was selling like a couple hundred of them or whatever else yeah he he got all mad like oh how they gonna do this you know people sell customs all the time it's like nah not not like that right right right right you know he was making it look like nike was really putting the putting this [ __ ] out yeah cause you know that's that's the first thing i was seeing was like it's nike is nike promoting this satanism and stuff like that i was like i never thought that yeah i mean from my point of view look i i don't know what it's like to be to grow as a gay man right in a religious household where they're telling me that my natural urges are are satanic and evil and i feel bad about myself for just being who i am so i can't judge this man to say how he's expressing himself with his art is wrong if this is how he wants to do it go ahead and do it yeah i mean people don't you know you have a right to turn it off you know what i mean like right like i said it's his prerogative you don't have to feed into it you know what i mean like i wouldn't watch it i wouldn't purposely go and and type that in and look you know what i mean like if it came across something that i was happy to be looking at i'ma turn my head like i don't want to see that bro you know but i don't care that he's doing it that's it's prerogative there you go yeah well right now the derrick chavin trial is underway the cop who killed george floyd and i actually looked into it it looks like we're nowhere near finishing it's going to go on for weeks yeah there's still a lot of ground to cover in this trial have you been following it at all not really i've seen little pieces here and there i seen uh the clerk guy i seen a piece of his testimony and then i seen a piece of the cop uh some cop guy i don't know if he was like a sergeant or whatever yeah but what he was saying that you know that they don't practice those type of policies and it was looking kind of bad the little things that i saw for him you know yeah i mean for all intents and purposes i mean even the police is turning against him his own his own co-workers oh wow are essentially saying what he did was was not what we were supposed to do they had a lung specialist come in and talk about actually break down the entire time that george floyd was being strangled you know with the knee on his neck and he even broke down that for the last two and a half minutes uh derek chavin had his knee on his neck when he was already dead damn so you have your knee on a corpse for two minutes not even paying attention that this person is not moving at all yeah yeah that's murder i mean you know ain't no other way to look at it bro i mean we saw it we saw the video thank god for videos you know what i mean i mean it was straight was it like nine minutes that he had his feet on his neck or something yeah yeah something like that like nine and a half minutes uh i mean not only i mean now that the trial's underway not only do you see the videos that we all saw you know the people filming but then you see all the body cam footage other people were taking videos they've actually compiled everything from multiple angles there's really no way around it but number one as someone that lived through the rodney king verdict of not guilty do you expect a not guilty verdict in this case man i wouldn't put it past him yo i mean the only thing that makes me think that it won't be and not guilty is from the testimony you understand what i'm saying but i wouldn't doubt if they did come up with that i wouldn't because we've seen it too many times you know what i mean we've seen it too many times bro like for so many decades you know that these they got away with stuff like this so i really wouldn't be surprised well there are black people on the jury mm-hmm oh yeah well it depends on where those black people what kind of black people they have up there too because that's not always a good thing you know not if they go get some some people that you know that come from middle class america they they kind of differ you know well here we go there is out of the 12 jurors with three alternates there is one black woman two multiracial women three white men three black men and six white women seven of them are under 40 years old it remains to be seen you know i mean hopefully hopefully you know they come from where we come from you know and they really understand what's going on well the rodney king the rodney king trial i remember it happened in was it south central los angeles where the actual beating happened no that was in semi valley that was in the valley no no no no the the trial happened in semi valley it got moved oh i thought i thought when they beat him up he was in simi valley nah that's the whole thing hold on i'm gonna look this up yeah that's what i thought uh on the foothill freeway 210 in the san fernando valley san fernando valley yeah okay yeah but hold on and see me valley is right there too you know what i mean so from what i've from what i remember it was the police were like from simi valley and i know that's like a real racist little place because flesh and blood used to live there flesh and bone went to prison from simi valley also that's where his house was yeah we used to be there quite a lot so so it said due to the extensive media coverage of the arrest the trial received a change of venue from los angeles county says his semi-valley oh yeah he wasn't going in neighboring ventura county so he was in la county so he should have been in an la courtroom right but it got moved to semi valley and what was the reason i'm saying because of just all the media attention they wanted to get it out of l.a yeah that wasn't me the jury consisted of ten whites one biracial male and one latino and one asian one asian american now if the verdict is not guilty do you expect havoc absolutely absolutely i do yep i do yeah i mean that's that's typical i mean come on man it's like people are tired man you know what i mean people are just tired of seeing the same [ __ ] over and over like like uh something i just seen too and people are saying it was from last year but it was actually a lieutenant from the army who got pulled over by these other cops in some state somewhere and they pepper sprayed him all in the car pulled them out took him down you know all this type of [ __ ] man like people are tired of seeing it so you know yeah well what's a little different about this case than the rodney king case is that there were mass riots happening before the actual trial whereas in rodney king things were tense but everything exploded after the verdict yeah now all the jurors who are sitting on this trial know the outcome of a not guilty verdict not to say that they need to make their decision based on potential rights they ultimately need to look at the whole case listen to both sides and decide for themselves what they think they shouldn't say okay i shouldn't vote because the hell might break loose because i'm pretty sure that the jurors in the rodney king trial didn't think that there was going to be a riot that happened right after the verdict they may or may not have thought that yeah i mean because it was a little bit unprecedented in terms of what happened in l.a yeah this jury they know what's gonna happen if it's not guilty yeah like you said i mean like you said that was riots already previously just from him being killed you know what i mean so but yeah i mean it should be fair it should be fair but it's like come on man it shouldn't even be a trial you know if you ask me you know what i mean there should be there should be a trial yeah but i mean there should be a trial and he's allowed to defend himself he's allowed to say his side but along with his side comes all the videotape right now if they said you can't watch any videotape and you just have to hear from what he has to say then that'd be some [ __ ] but the jury gets to see the videotape right they they get to hear from everyone involved and they're gonna hear from from derek and ultimately what what daryl chavin's defense is gonna be is that he didn't die from the foot on his neck he died from a drug overdose come on man yeah i mean you can try it all he wants but we saw the footage you know what i mean like he can say whatever he wasn't dying before he put his foot on his neck i agree and actually what's interesting is that the guy that was with him all day uh is choosing to plead the fifth and not take the stand because i guess that guy actually sold him some drugs that day oh i mean it's established that he had taken some drugs you know that's not that's not even like a conspiracy theory i mean it's established he he took something that day but what what his friend is scared of is that if he takes the stand and ultimately uh derek ends up proving that it was a drug overdose then he can get charged with murder yeah for selling him the drugs so he's choosing just not to say anything at this point because he's worried about catching a murder case himself at this point so it's it's a kind of a convoluted situation yeah and then he probably have a criminal record already and so it's not gonna look good they're gonna they're gonna pick him apart too so right yeah right well hopefully we hear a guilty plea uh from the jury and hopefully this cop actually gets a life sentence yeah he deserves that'll send a very clear message to cops all around the country yeah you know the trip part is that they haven't stopped knowing what they've been doing though like still more cases coming out with this [ __ ] going on so yeah but it seems like things are kind of decreasing a little bit it seems like with the body cameras and all the attention and everything else like that like what i've like i've heard like i've seen like stats nationwide and it seems that overall things have been kind of dipping down a little bit yeah maybe well what's interesting now is that now you're getting all the the asian the anti-asian violence that's happening and what i want to talk about is you know i think we may have mentioned this before is what led up to the rodney king riots actually started before the rodney king beating because in l.a latasha harland's was killed by a female uh korean convenience store owner over the the owner thinking she had stole like some juice or something like that yeah there's actually a netflix documentary about this yeah i kind of kind of i mean i was i lived there when that happened so um i kind of remembered the whole thing like how crazy it was in l.a you know what i mean like that [ __ ] was crazy it was so it was so like wrong that she only got probation for that yeah like you know that pissed everybody off so it was like yeah that was that was leading up to what happened with rodney king absolutely yeah yeah i mean anyone watching this you should watch it's called a love song for latasha and it's actually a nominated uh foreign oscar in the upcoming academy awards um very very unique new documentary documentary yeah okay yeah and it kind of has a lot of her like close friends and everyone like her cousins and everyone talking and it's just a very unique thing that they put together so you kind of see you in terms of what's happening now with with the the asian people getting beat up and the anti-asian sentiment we got to see that you know 30 30 something years ago in terms of what you guys kind of went through now in your neighborhood was there a level of kind of you know tenseness or animosity between like the local black residents in compton and the asian store owners there's no asians in my neighborhood uh oh at all no not not where i'm from uh um so like over there specifically no but more south central you know like towards that way yeah you know people were really upset you know what i mean because once that footage came out it was like we just seen how blatant it was you know what i mean and and how she got off and and then you know we come from we come from something like when we do something we get the worst of we get the brunt of you know getting prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law you know what i mean and then here she go because she's an asian store owner it's like you got probation for murder you know so yeah i mean it's understandable you know what i mean all that tension is understandable like we understand that anybody would be if it was the other way around if it was a black store owner and an asian kid how would they feel yeah yeah uh i mean what do you think about the you know sort of the the anti-asian thing that's happening right now i mean i haven't seen it so it's kind of like i'm just hearing about it but i don't i don't think it's cool you know what i'm saying like i don't think nobody should treat anybody that way you know what i mean so it's like i don't even know i don't understand where it's coming from first of all because that thing is you know latasha harlan is you know happened a long time ago so i can't say people are still tripping on that but whatever this new thing is i don't know what it do you know where it stemmed from well it stems from covert from covet well the whole the the asian asian flu the asian virus the wuhan flu and people kind of blaming you know china for basically messing up the whole world essentially yeah come on man so silly like that's some silly [ __ ] so if people are acting out like that i mean i don't know i haven't seen it and thank god i haven't because i i don't like to see nobody getting treated wrong you know what i mean like i took up for two asian kids when i was in juvenile hall when this guy was bullying them for their candy you know what i mean because they were they were our age but they were real small you know so they was like way smaller than us you know what i mean but i don't like to see nobody get mistreated bro like unfairly i don't no well i had michael j white on my show recently and he brought up an interesting point now when the whole black lives matter thing started to gain steam the first thing you start hearing people say is all lives matter but he pointed out that when people say stop asian hate you don't really hear white people or other minorities say stop all hate yeah right that's that's a point right there yeah that's true i mean you know and it's it's surprising that they're not saying it's surprising that nobody has jumped on that because it's like you know it seemed like that me too thing had sparked this type of mentality to where it's like you know if you guys can say this we can say that and they really unwarranted about saying all lives matter because it ain't about all lives we talking about people who has been specifically been killed by the police and the police not you know receiving no type of punishment as a result of that so you know but i'm surprised ain't nobody came out and said and said that though that that's kind of funny yeah it is uh what do you think about uh yg song uh meet the flockers did you hear how it got taken down no i'm not getting it well so essentially in the song meet the flockers it's about flocking you know which is breaking into people's homes right and he talked about how in the song he's like yeah you know he's not about targeting asian families because they keep cash at home oh okay so yeah i mean because we are we've known that it's sad you know i'm gonna just let you in on something because i come from that stuff you know what i mean but that's something that we've known for a long time even before yg's generation you know i'm i'm probably a generation before him so we've known that you know because that's how you know that's how they used to do in la you know we kind of knew that from back in the day but i ain't know nothing about the song though that's crazy yeah cause in the whole you know cancel culture thing that song started getting targeted i believe it got taken down from i think youtube they had to re-upload a censored version of that song okay okay he was just telling the truth you know what i mean i mean but i understand what all that's going on that's kind of like you know the world is so sensitive now man you can't say [ __ ] today you know what i mean that's the [ __ ] that i don't really appreciate it's like nobody has a right to speak they might no more you know what i mean you can't even just mention something that you know about whether you're involved in it or not you just can't say it that's kind of like crazy to me man like the direction we're going in with all that well you yourself back in the day were you breaking into houses no but i have people i had homies that that was never my thing like for me it was hard for me to to do something to somebody that didn't do anything to me you know what i mean so i had that was kind of a thing inside of me you know what i mean that i just couldn't do yeah okay but but your friends would do that and they would actually target asia not specifically not specifically but when they did come across because like there's not many asians that even if they have businesses in south central l.a they don't live there you understand they usually stay like in orange county on the outskirts of l.a but they come they have businesses in l.a so i have i never even knew no asians that lived around where i lived bro like you know what i mean yeah so yeah but we we knew about you know we used to hear these stories about you know what i mean like i wouldn't go away to orange county to breaking somebody's home i just right it's a little too far you know well uh since our last interview kodak black got out of prison i actually got a pardon from trump yeah i saw that and uh a few days ago he was you know moving with his entourage they went to mcdonald's and then they got followed and his car guy shot up and his security actually got shot in the leg i saw that too you heard about that now you yourself have you ever had your car shot at yeah okay did you get hit no anyone in your car get hit yeah the car got shot up yeah well anyone in the car actually get here no no it was just me and my homeboy actually we was leaving the slots and swap meet we got in tour with some bloods up there and we was trying to fight they didn't want to fight because they had guns and so once we started leaving they started chasing us shooting at us yeah oh they're on foot no that was in another car they got their own car okay yeah uh how terrifying is that being in a car when [ __ ] i mean [ __ ] it ain't it ain't fun you know what i mean it ain't fun because bullets ain't got no name you know but they were shooting they just they shot it up but they hit it probably about five times yeah really so when that happened the jews like start checking yourself like absolutely yeah cause it always you just don't know because your adrenaline is so high and sometimes you don't feel it like when i did get shot i didn't know i was shot it was a little kid who ran behind me and she just started screaming and i was like cause i'm checking on my other friend who got shot and uh he on the ground hollering and [ __ ] and then this little kid come behind me and start screaming hysterically and i'm like what's wrong she was like you're back and then i when it looked in the mirror it was like oh [ __ ] i didn't even feel it yeah the guys you got into it with when they shot up your car did you know who it was did you ever run into no clue i had no clue who they were we we knew where they said that they was from you know what i mean like we found out but i didn't know i ain't known from adam i mean how is it to deal with a situation where someone tries to assassinate you and you just have to just go about your day the next day as if nothing happened you know because you're not really you don't really know who it is you can't call the police you it's just one of those things where well you know the 90 the 90s was that type of climate to where like you know people was just on there we call it being on your tip you know people was on their their game banking bs and that's all they knew you know we was crips there was bloods and they wanted to kill us and that was that was really it they didn't have to know nothing about us you know what i mean like they just wanted to get rid of us for whatever reason but yeah i mean i i was watching this netflix movie called uh concrete cowboys okay i don't know if you i guess you haven't watched it yet what is i think i've seen it um it's set in philly with these cowboys these black cowboys who basically have stables and have horses and so forth in philly it's based on an actual true story and what what kind of struck me was they actually incorporated some of the guys from that neighborhood as actors into the film and one of the guys who was in a wheelchair they you know the main kind of star was talking to him and he's like yo how did you get in the wheelchair and he said man i was you know he's like we got into it with some dudes you know and a fight turned into gunshots next thing you know i woke up in the hospital my brother was dead and i'm paralyzed and it's all over a bunch of nothing all over uh a block that we don't that we don't even own they put a [ __ ] starbucks on that same block about a year later uh his brother's dead he's in a wheelchair i believe he actually is in a wheelchair in real life i think he's actually was talking about a real story i think i'm not totally sure so people can correct me if i'm wrong but it this guy wasn't like a known actor or anything um and it just kind of got me thinking about some of the interviews i do and it's like yo like people die end up in wheelchairs kids are gone yeah the family member is dead over what nothing no it's all ego you know at a certain point it's just a bunch of you know egomaniacs you know what i mean that have no self-control bro and it's really true like exactly what he said because you know our parents might have you know have houses and own things in those neighborhoods but the actual gang members usually don't they usually don't bro and it's just a mentality it's sad you know being a grown man looking at it now it's like [ __ ] you know what i mean like how silly are we to have taken a part in this but when you grow up in it you can't really see out of it bla and that's the that's the thing there's a sort of blindness that comes with it that you just can't you know it is what it is and it's inside of you and then once you lose people close to you that's all that's all the fuel you need to keep going in that lifestyle you understand what i'm saying well have you been watching snowfall this season i've seen it i've seen a couple of episodes but no okay well it's one of my favorite shows and this is a spoiler alert so anyone who hasn't watched it yet you could turn the video off but essentially the the storyline around this season is you know the the main guy and his crew are getting into these other dudes uh who's basically deandre bonds his crew okay that smoke in the show and a shootout happens in the beginning where everyone's just shooting you know they they pull up next to each other at a stoplight and then they just start shooting at each other and start spraying the car you know each other's cars up and in the process uh deandre's uh girlfriend you know slash baby mother uh who has her daughter who looks like about maybe five six years old ends up getting killed like in her lap and the rest of the series involves you know the girl's mother killing off all the people that are responsible for it or trying to kill him you know she ends up killing one of the guys you know this dude fat back gets killed and then you know she tortures them with a knife and then she does a drive a drive-by at the damn funeral for the guy that she just killed and you know it's one of those things um how do you know did you know people that were close to you that had their kids killed during these random drive-bys or just these various wars that were happening in compton during that time um i know one situation where when she wasn't well i guess she was a kid because she was under 18. um a little girl in my neighborhood actually got killed like that yeah yeah her and two of her friends actually all together at the same time yeah and they had nothing to do with this had nothing to do they they was kids bro they was they i think they just graduated from junior high school and their parents were all there trying to take them out to like i think a skating rink or a bowling alley i'm not sure and when they was all walking out the house this car come by and just spray just spray the whole the yard and killed her and tore her friends yeah wow yeah and you knew them absolutely they were neighbors to some of my people yeah so like how did you feel when you when you heard that i mean i was there i actually pulled up around the corner and saw her laying on the ground and it broke my heart bro like it's something i'll never forget you know what i mean could never forget it yeah yeah how did the family take it yeah they're probably still not over it man you know what i mean yeah yeah um did they ever catch the guys who did it or um i think so i actually think they did yeah i think they did catch them yeah and was these guys that your neighborhood was beefing with yep yeah i think there was kids themselves the guys who actually did it so it's like these these grown ass men over there in their area sent some more kids to come kill some other kids like it's a sad story you know yeah yeah that's horrible yeah that's horrible that these three kids didn't even get to even be 18 even become adults over some [ __ ] that didn't have another nothing to do with them that's the that's the worst thing about that [ __ ] like yeah that [ __ ] is [ __ ] up was the person they were trying to hit were they like standing next to these kids no well nobody wasn't even that's not even a place where you find people at you know what i mean they just didn't care they just you know like they was kids so it was like i guess in a kid's mind if you're trying to impress some older guys you know what i mean you're just going to i'ma go do something i'ma have something to come back and tell them i did this without even knowing the hell you doing in the first place you know what i mean so i think that's probably what they were thinking you know well since our last interview busy got shot yeah uh and that's someone who's a regular guest on my show and i mean in fact when he came in to do the interview he was still in his wheelchair and you know i mean number one he you know me i'm gonna ask just you know about the details of what happened his thing was like i was i was sleeping and i woke up and i was in the hospital yeah i kept telling the cops i don't know i didn't see nothing i don't know nothing and so forth but it's a very [ __ ] up situation because it follows the murder of moe three yeah he was out there you know mo mother is someone i've interviewed and he was out there for like the vigil hanging out on the side of town that multi was was beefing with yeah i believe oak cliff uh in the dallas area and shots you know his car just got sprayed up and he ended up getting hit in the legs uh i mean he described it how within a few weeks he started doing shows again and he said that it was so painful that he cried after his show like he was in so much pain but he was out there you know he's got a bunch of kids and he's he's still hustling so he went out and got it and it's just the the senselessness of it is just you know and it hit so close to home with me because i'm like yo i interviewed moe 3. like me and busy like he's been a regular guest every couple months for years now and it's just like yo like this is you know and and i'm not saying that the beef came from anyone but i was interviewing dudes that that moe 3 was beefing with and you know i mean and i've tried to see in my interviews whether she can get straightened out and it never can and it's it's one degree removed yep from for me and it's just sad it is man it's like you know and the thing about mo three and and these people man like they're pretty successful you know what i mean it's like why would you want to mix that with your success you know like that's that's the saddest part to me it's like a lot of people are trying to make it to leave that [ __ ] and then here y'all go bringing it with you you know what i mean and i'm guilty of it too because i was kind of doing the same thing so it's like a young mentality still it's like you don't really have nobody there to coach you and tell you hey man look man you got something going on like get away from this [ __ ] like move away sever ties with certain people that ain't trying to progress you know what i'm saying in the same way and it's just you know sometimes it'd be hard for people to to sever you know it's everywhere they came from you know what i mean right because when you got with easy eat he was beefing with death row yeah but it was that was you know it was more on the music level i mean it could have got crazy but like i said easy and sh easy and dr dre lived in the same area bro in calabasas like you could see dr dre's yard from his house so it wasn't that serious do you understand what i'm saying the the worst thing about that was the people around you know the hangar ons you know what i'm saying who who was trying to spark it up for real you know right because you guys had the brawl with dog pound yeah uh the golf course yeah and that was go ahead no go ahead well no i mean people started getting we're getting hit with like golf clubs and and stuff like that right yeah yeah that that [ __ ] could have got real serious i mean it was you know rest in peace the nate you know i didn't i hate to even say it because his kids is you know i look at them like nephews you know what i'm saying i mess with his kids man but um it was kind of like his fault you know what i'm saying he he was on a golf cart and he acted like he was trying to run me over like so he's coming at me in a golf cart to where i stopped i'm walking but i stopped and see like is this dude finna hit me and so he swooped you know what i mean so he turned but he did run over my feet and that's what initiated that you know what i mean ah but we seen each other prior to that like they walked by me they dog pound them like nutty black crib dog pound nutty black [ __ ] and it was nothing we could have fought in you see what i'm saying but i think once people start getting a little tipsy and then all like homies started coming they got pumped up you know what i'm saying like so during the whole ruthless records death row beef was there ever any shootings no shootings no no it was it got close but it didn't happen one time after you what do you mean it got close well the universal amphitheater uh we were nominated with that song for an award and i think dr dre and snoop was nominated for one of their songs so we all had to see each other so once we get there we see dr dre snoop the dlc shook they under they in the first row like right by the stage they put us like seven rows behind them then they had the dog pound behind us probably about seven or eight rows you understand what i'm saying so and this is my first time physically seeing trey or any of these dudes like face to face you know what i mean and so like during the intermission suge had came to to our role and so easy let me holler at you you know what i mean so it's only like seven of us bro like the dog pound i mean sugan was there with like not just the rappers but a bunch of their homeboys you know so we was outnumbered like a hundred to seven or something crazy you know so easy got up went out to talk to suga and they talking and then that's when i told you i think i told you before michael conception that ended up rolling through and he had like 100 og crips with him and then you know got it was a little controversy going on but it got squashed but you know shook had kind of threatened easy he was like we're gonna see what's up outside we're gonna see what's up outside and you know you can't tell you can't tell us no you're gonna see what's up outside we only 7d so we we sent the homie back to la you know what i'm saying before the show was over to grab some weapons and bring them back and give everybody a weapon and when we got outside we was like what's happening you know what i'm saying that suge was like i guess he was at that moment he was riding so high he was like man we ain't tripping on that [ __ ] and they smashed out in limbo but we stood there ready for it like you know but it just didn't happen yeah yeah well since last time the king von uh situation happened where he got killed yeah and it's interesting because i i interviewed track who's his manager who got shot in the process as well yeah in the legs and you know we kind of went through the chain of events of you know king von was there and then he saw cuando rondo and then before you know it before anyone really even realized what was happening he ran up on him start punching quando and then uh quando's little man a little tim pulled out a gun and killed and killed king von yeah and we talked about how similar it was to the tupac situation yeah not exactly because it all happened right then and there but essentially one guy pretty much the same thing a guy you know in the same way that that park ran one thing i can say that was different about uh van's situation where it was really just the head of fight because he he you know they already had words already and i think you know i think little quando rondo i think he knew that it was an issue you know what i mean and it's like okay if you know it's an issue and you know i know there's some young dudes man they both from something you know what i mean so it's like but at the same time i think vaughn just wanted to get down with him you know what i mean i think he wanted to shoot shoot it out because i think he would have been ready for that you know what i mean like if he was thinking along those terms i think he would have came ready you know what i mean so i think he was on some man [ __ ] like he just wanted to fight and you know it just got crazy that's what i think yeah yeah but the problem with that is that once you put hands on somebody then you'll people all the rules just go out the window man like there are no like okay we're just going to fight no i'm just the time no one else is going to jump in no one's going to get shot no one's going to get stabbed it's not a damn boxing ring right now in a boxing ring you don't expect anything to happen right right even though [ __ ] does happen sometimes in a boxing ring you know i mean but in general yeah i get it but that's the only thing logically that i can come up with because you know vaughn is from something man like you know what i mean he's been in jail for multiple murders that he beat so i don't think you know i ain't i don't think he was in that mind frame bro like because otherwise i don't see i i don't see it happening the way it did you know what i mean but maybe he should have been you know more prepared yeah and uh quando rondo's uh you know man is now out on uh on bail yeah he's hanging out quando just bought him a new iced out watch uh you even saw um cause i guess big you talked about how they try to call them yeah yeah begin with but that but then uh recently i actually saw a picture of big you and quando and and tim yeah i guess they met up uh for whatever reason and you know shout out to big u he's been a guest on my show you know he's got a great new documentary um you know on hulu uh but it's just such a such a sad messy unnecessary situation overall yeah it is bro because they young man they like they my kids age man like and it's like like i said y'all have y'all have success man that that so many people desire but it's like you're squandering it by living the way y'all living man it's like you know i just wish you know i hope newer the newer guys that are coming in like take lessons from it and not go down that same path you know what i mean because it just it's so unnecessary man it's stupid it's foolish and it's like all for what because your ego was hurt did nobody physically get hurt in the beginning it was just words you know what i mean like and now somebody's dead that's crazy and from what i heard it's over a girl yeah no one's even completely even claiming like that it was over a nba young boy's baby mother who there was a picture that was circulating of her in the studio with vaughn right nba young boys had like three four kids after her so it's he's not even with her like that and cuando is affiliated with with young boys so he kind of riding for his man i guess but it's just like so stupid the whole the whole thing when you just take a step back like yo this guy lost his life this other guy is facing a murder and the girl's probably with another guy right now girl girl someone else neither one of them yeah she got a whole new third guy so you know and it's just like you look at the whole situation you're just like yo this is just so so stupid on so many levels like yeah man you know and social media fuels it all because now it's like it ain't like back in the day well you'd have to do a diss record you have to go to the studio record it have the record label put it out distribute it market it now it's like i'm just gonna go yeah you can just go go on social media and even do a tweet and then boom it's on yeah man 10 000 retweets yeah i feel for the young guys man like i really really do you know what i mean because you know it's repercussions that come with [ __ ] especially when somebody die you know what i mean and and that's gonna make it you know go on forever you know what i mean i should have said yeah it's just sad yeah i hate it it probably will yeah i think busy said the same thing is that when you kill a when you kill a boss like a king bond it just kind of goes on forever that's what happens always going to be bad feelings because it's egos man people don't understand like your ego is your worst enemy you know what i mean and if your ego is is thinking you know if it's if it's outsmarting you then it's going to get the best of you you know what i mean and that's all i see with all of this stuff bro because ain't none of it over nothing real it's awesome [ __ ] everybody can walk away from and go on about their life you know what i mean so it is yeah that whole situation has no serious like like there's no source of that beef that's based on anything really serious right no nobody lost their life no one got hurt nobody lost any money it's just a bunch of men beefing with each other on social media that leads to a tragedy yeah it's unfortunate yeah you know i mean speaking of tupac i mean by 2021 i've interviewed kifidi edie from the outlaws mob james uh chris carroll the first responder all people that were there in the vicinity of of the tupac shooting and i think everyone knows at this point how tupac passed away it was not the government it was not shook putting a hit out on him uh it just is what it is yeah um now in the car it was kefi in orlando but there are two other guys uh there's terrance uh brown aka t brown who's the driver and uh deandre smith aka big dre who was in the back seat with orlando did you know either those two guys um i don't know who the other one i know dre though okay i know dre yeah now those two guys are both dead now um yeah drake drake died yeah some years was dre the one that died in the uh in the weed shop nah drake died i think uh they say like his girl poisoned him or some [ __ ] like that oh that was the story that was the story i got okay because i think i remember when i when i interviewed uh greg kating i think he mentioned that he just was not in very good shape he was just like he's always the same guy he was a big young dude like but he wasn't he wasn't like the human beatboxer no [ __ ] like when he couldn't breathe and get around you know he like he wasn't in that type of shape bro but he was a big youngster yeah oh you feel like kind of like you know like he could be a linebacker or some [ __ ] if he was to play football you know but he he can get around well like he didn't have no health issues that i knew of okay and this is interesting yeah so i guess big dre was also was actually questioned about the murder of serena williams older sister oh i ain't hip to that yeah it's in the l.a times yeah i know i know she got killed in that neighborhood though yeah it's in 1996. yeah um yeah i'm trying to see whether anything went with that um let me see uh investigators are all seeking the question on south side [ __ ] named deandre big dre smith smith was charged with 1996 murder and acquitted by a jury in recent years police have raided several crack houses allegedly ran by smith but have not charged them smith was often seen with williams at the green leaf boulevard house last summer according to law enforcement and so forth um so he was kind of tied potentially to that to that murder uh as well but you're saying that his his girlfriend poisoned him from what i heard man from what i heard you know that's that's the story that i got huh yeah that's crazy that's crazy it is uh now like i mentioned earlier in the interview i'm vaccinated myself uh are you vaccinated no sir are you going to be vaccinated it it you know it depends bro it depends on um you know i got to see more more things happening you know what i mean like i'm not just going to go and jump and sit in that seat because i've seen too much too much [ __ ] behind it bro like a lot of people some people have died as a result you know what i mean some people i've seen this one thing where this man all of his skin turned colors and all type of [ __ ] and then i seen the people with the droopy face it looked like they had down syndrome or like they they face got paralyzed on one side bells but you talk about bella's palsy which yeah which number one is is a well number one it's not tied to the vaccine and number two it's also a treatable temporary situation yeah but still permanently like that so that makes it cool like it's treatable it's temporary no i don't want my face to do that like okay well i'll say this yeah i have had three of my former guests die from covet uh tommy tiny lister aka debo from friday oh he did i didn't know uh the rapper fred the godson yeah and uh the las vegas uh gangster frank colada okay on top of that uh reggie wright jr has been an icu on a ventilator for months damn really why he's in prison no he's out oh he's uh he he was like in a halfway house and then he was you know i guess enjoying his freedom running around he ended up catching it and as you know reggie is extremely heavy yeah uh and the last i heard was that he's been on a ventilator for months like unconscious in the hospital so so hopefully he'll pull through but once you're on that ventilator you have like a 50 50 shot of getting off of it yeah one of my little homeboys uh from watts was like he was in that situation too where his i think his both of his lungs had shut down his kidneys yeah and they was like damn near that was disgusting pulling a plug on he met at one point because his mother right he's in he's in la his mother's way in chicago so they gave her time to finally make it out and they they trying to discuss all those options with her and he ended up pulling through and coming all the way out of that [ __ ] yeah yeah i mean people pull through a third of p of the people who have it end up having long term um you know problems yeah afterwards so you know what happens when you catch it yeah i mean it's like i'm saying i'm not i'm not so illogical to where i'm just like no you know i just got to see you know i got to see more things man because i have people in the medical field and they they see [ __ ] all the time you know what i mean because they're the first ones who have to take it because of their job you know what i mean so they tell me about the people that they work with that end up dying from the [ __ ] that ended up you know ending up with all these conditions and [ __ ] like that so it's [ __ ] like that that makes me wonder like i don't know man is it really safe you know i mean like maybe some people are skating by like you you know what i mean you got it you got the good dose you know what i'm saying i need to call it well it's not my doctor i mean whoever i just got i just got a shot um i mean half a billion people have been vaccinated worldwide so they said almost almost half a billion roughly six percent of the world's population in america 120 million americans have gotten at least one shot which is approaching 40 percent of the population yeah i think so much of a mutant napoleon uh yeah he got it too and out there in saudi good for him yeah good good for him i mean it's not much of an experiment anymore you're talking about you know it's approaching a billion people now yeah that have gotten it but i'm saying we're dying from it is it so like if so many people get it right if so many people get the vaccination why do everybody have to get it you understand what i'm saying like well because it only works when like 70 of the population have it otherwise it just keeps you know replicating with the people who don't have it you see what i'm saying up until the point where the majority of the people have it and you know you can look this up like for example in israel israel is the most vaccinated country in the world right now uh 60 of the population has it okay and you just while right now covert rates are actually rising worldwide you know and they're they're actually kind of even right now they've gone flat in the u.s but look at israel's charts from even 30 days ago not even the height because the height happened like around november right for most countries from 30 days ago their covert rates are down 90 and the death rate is almost nothing like maybe one or two people a day die so you get to see what happens on a smaller scale uh like i said i've taken it i also have you know uh i mean at this point california has actually opened up uh by the time this comes out everyone in california 16 and up will be eligible i'm not sure what it's like in nevada where you are yeah but it's really getting to the point where anyone who wants to get it could essentially get it now uh so like i said but it's your choice yeah it's your choice if you don't want to take it you know there probably will be some level of vaccine passports and so forth will you won't be able to do certain things if you're not vaccinated yeah that's the only thing about what's gonna you know gonna probably get me to go in there and even considering it because i make a lot of my money traveling you know what i'm saying like performing overseas so yeah if that becomes an issue then yeah i might have to consider it man yeah exactly exactly i mean that's that's how you know i mean i john sally is you know doesn't want to take the vaccine either but then he said that you know if he needs to take it in order to fly to support his family then yeah you ain't gonna have a choice he said yeah lucy said the same thing yeah if i can't fly that vaccine i'm taking the vaccine right and the story yeah and the story uh mack from no limit is getting released i i never knew who he was bro i've seen something about it but who was he was he an artist yeah yeah he was one of the known rappers on no limit and he got caught up uh he got charged with the murder that happened like i think in a nightclub where someone ends up getting killed and he was like the most famous person in the club so he ended up getting blamed for it i remember i interviewed him in prison uh maybe about seven years ago or something like that and he kind of broke down the whole story he basically said i didn't do it yeah and finally he's getting clemency after 21 years hey in prison that can't make up for them 21 years though can can he is he getting any kind of uh compensation or any well no he's not it's not like his case got reversed oh he's getting he's getting a party pretty much like okay good good yeah uh well he's is part of uh um basically getting clemency basically meaning that okay like you've served enough time we're gonna let you out now okay yeah i mean uh rallo yeah uh rallo uh he's trying to get clemency you know a bunch of uh entertainers like wrote to biden to try to get him out yeah um they actually had me sign something for him recently too oh really yeah they were centering around this little petition or whatever yeah but he's a he's a muslim yeah definitely yeah yeah and he's real serious about about his religion as well and uh since last time bobby schmurder and rowdy rebel got out yeah good luck man good luck to them man that's like man yeah i seen that man they they appear to be like you know at least for now they it seemed like it matured them a lot you know what i mean like the way they even speaking now is like way different than before but i'm happy you know for them guys man definitely yeah i mean because it's interesting in the rallo case what they're really trying to push is that uh they're really making uh weed legal everywhere uh in fact uh virginia became the first uh southern state to actually legalize marijuana okay uh new york uh is legalizing uh you smoke weed right no no no you've never smoked i have yeah i used to be i used to smoke worse than snoop you know what i mean it was years ago though i can't i can't deal with it no more no oh why'd you stop well when i when i became muslim you know that was the initial reason you know what i mean but even then i didn't think i was going to be able to stop because i was one of those type of smokers like i used to always say like you know if i ever changed my life i don't know about this part of my life but you know like god helped me he kind of took it away from me bro to where you know because i never thought i was going to be able to stop smoking weed to be honest but i did yeah i saw smoke yeah i saw you smoke but yeah exactly i still smoke every day and uh you know that that's one of the vices that uh i've basically just accepted that this is going to be part of my life and uh i don't think it's could be a lot worse yeah oh no man it's not it's not cocaine it's heroin it's not xanax right it's not perks right it's not lean all that [ __ ] that that i've seen people die from yeah i don't know anyone who's died from weeds so yeah i haven't seen it i feel like i'm okay well since our last interview uh casanova two times uh got locked up over a ricoh case and i remember for two days my name was trending on twitter because there was a fake article oh yeah i saw that my interview was the reason why he's locked up no other reason that has nothing to do with the six wiretaps or or the text messages or the the stuff they found on his icloud or his instagram posts that are tied into the whole conspiracy of what they're doing it's all it's all my fault right and even like i mean literally out my name was trending for two days yeah i saw it i saw that i saw that man i started to hit you up about it but oh yeah i mean people like quest love were tweeting like don't interview vlad essentially and stuff like that over that [ __ ] and and what happened was we have a guide on uh that does work for us who does all of like gets all the legal documents and writes like the all the legal type stories and he actually got a copy the audio copy of casanova's bail hearing and in the bail hearing we put this out they actually named nick cannon's interview with casanova as as one of the reasons why they're denying him bail yeah i saw that too yeah none of the people like like quest love or whoever else was was basically trying to rule my business apologized or went back and posted the the real [ __ ] yeah and you know for me do i think nick cannon's the feds no of course not and neither am i right but if you're gonna go ahead and and blame me for for this type of [ __ ] you you have to blame nick as well because nick is actually now in the paperwork by name yeah you know some people just some people just don't like you man and they just you know they love to magnify things when it comes to you but that's the whole thing about you know when everybody was trying to so-called cancel you before the reason why i didn't just go along with it because you know it's like bro you have to make that [ __ ] equal all the way around the board you can't just pick and choose people that you want to chew you know what i'm saying because you don't like them for whatever reason and i think a lot of people had ulterior motives dealing with you from the jump you know what i mean if you ask me you know because all of a sudden you got a podcast you got all these other things you know what i'm saying you was trying to they was trying to use your platform to get something else going you know people are strange man and crazy right all right and at the end of the day i mean in terms of his interview with nick cannon what they try to say was you know he's being tied into you know castle was being tied into this rico case because they're saying that he's affiliated with this uh gang the you know the apes the untouchable guerrilla nation and in the interview he said yeah you know no i'm not really you know i'm not really down with all that but you know i'm still ape and then they literally quoted that from the interview yeah and you know you could look at the whole thing and say well casanova's not saying he's he's an active gang remember he's just saying like yo those those are his homies and you know whatever but of course the prosecution's gonna pick it apart and use just a small part of it and say okay look look he's still saying he's he's a gang member yeah but he was pretty much almost saying like if he was an ex-ball player affiliated with a certain team that's pretty much what people are going to see for the rest of his life like okay you used to play for the lakers like you go always be an x laker in my mind right i understand what i'm saying that's pretty much what he was saying like i don't understand how i agree i agree yeah i think what the feds are doing is grimy in terms of that regard uh i think that if you look at the whole thing as a whole they can't really use it but that's the whole thing is that if you come from a certain type of life and you're still not i don't know what's really happening but i've read through the paperwork and it's it's it doesn't it doesn't look great you know what is the worst thing i mean what are the worst things that they have on him well they got him like committing crimes or what well they they essentially some of the things they have on him by and you know we actually read through the paperwork because i'm looking for my name in the damn paper so let me see if i'm actually in the paperwork essentially the kind of stuff that they have is like you know he being callie with big bags of weed that he's posting on social media which is fine because you're in cali and it's legal right but then they had text messages about him distributing that weed in places like new york and so forth so it's still not legal on that side huh no no even considering it over there well yeah i mean right now new york is is is starting to get legalized but you know are you gonna grandfather that in or or how is it gonna work yeah you see what i'm saying they also had like pictures of guns and stuff like that you know on his icloud and you know some of the guns i think he actually posted on social media you know and then all his you know co-defendants like they literally have like text messages of like the the guerrilla nation like rules and regulations that he's texting to people you know i mean like they have so much of it i mean a lot of these guys essentially all the all the stuff is right there and there's wiretaps and everything else like that i hope he gets out i mean i've interviewed him i think he's a cool guy yeah um you know we we've talked a few times after the interview we were talking about possibly doing another one at one point which ultimately never happened but you know it's one of those things where if you're rapping you really got to leave all that [ __ ] alone like cold turkey yeah especially if you're successful like a casanova yeah it don't even make sense that you would even you know what i mean so i don't know if you don't have to do it why unless you just addicted to the lifestyle or something i don't know that's kind of crazy yeah yeah like for example we had uh you know bobby luisi he's an ex uh philly mob captain okay uh that we interviewed um and i asked him i said why do why do guys join the mafia he goes well guys get addicted to dodging the feds being involved in murders and all the girls and the excitement of it all okay and i mean if you look at if you look at like you know the [ __ ] the [ __ ] side of things you think that's somewhat similar that the dudes get addicted to that type of like i think adrenaline i think you can be but i don't think that's the initial you know impetus for a person to want to [ __ ] join you know what i mean to come up in it i don't i think over time once you you know you do something for so long you could probably get addicted to it but i don't think that's the initial attraction you know what i mean so i don't you know but it could be different for different people like in my case i grew up in it you know what i mean like from a little kid you know from the time i can i can remember this is what my family's doing you know so you know it wasn't the same for me but i never never seen that but it could well uh well uh a little easy uh easy ease all the sun he has actually a new music video out yeah yeah yeah i watched it it's pretty dope yeah it's pretty good was it him and mr criminal or just him by himself uh song called it ain't over okay um i think it's just him i think it's just him uh you know and at this point easy he's been gone for 26 years yeah um how many songs did you and easy have hmm we had some songs that are unreleased so it would be hard for me to really come up with the the number but the songs that came out i believe it's four that came out actually so like that the ep that he put out its own dr dre 187 that song which is real come to city g's and then uh straight off the streets of mf and compton i think we had like three songs on there right i looked it up i mean uh you know straight straight [ __ ] geez which is of course the big one uh old school [ __ ] yeah old school [ __ ] uh sipping on a 40 which is uh you know a remake of slipping into darkness and uh gangster beat for the streets to be for the street yeah yeah but you guys had other songs yeah we had other songs that are unreleased yeah so what happened to those just you know we have to ask tonight two inch tape somewhere somewhere you know because in in the studio in donovan studio that they did all that music in um he had like a closet like man with so many damn reel-to-reels up in that closet man and in those little cases so yeah i don't know they got lost somewhere or they got it still i don't know well most times when you guys worked on music were you guys in the studio together or is it yeah always together yeah we hung out the studio was like like the spot you know what i mean like outside of being on tour like we would be in the studio either chilling or making music or just just kicking it smoking weed talking [ __ ] well easy was always known to be kind of offbeat oh what you talking about when he rap yeah when when he gets gets in the booth no i mean that was a did that did that did that improve over time yeah he was way better at it bobby yeah yeah that was some that was some [ __ ] i've never seen but i heard people talk about it yet yeah okay i mean when dre left i feel like easy never really found his like producer yeah yeah because dre you know he was the man behind that sound you know the reason why everybody love easy is is because of dre and dj yella pretty much but yellow production wasn't the same as dre's you know like yellow was more of a sampling type of person like andrei was too in the beginning but drake actually you know he he know i think dre is good at getting you know like a guitar player a person who can play the the keyboard really well and stuff like that and bringing them together from from what i hear you know i'm saying like he he's good at that because he got an ear for sound and yellow was more of a like you know a sampler you know a sampling type of producer you know what i mean right because you know cold 187 of them was still around yeah and he was producing and he's he's dope in his own right absolutely absolutely but you know when you look at like for example you know like the nwa for life album and the production on that and then you go to like the the albums that easy put out on his own afterwards yeah he was all over the place yeah you see what i mean yeah absolutely bro yeah okay and you're honest enough to admit that oh yeah definitely i didn't listen to none of that [ __ ] bro like that christmas album all that [ __ ] [ __ ] was too it was too much for me bro and then he had trench writing some of his some of his music oh really that was writing for easy yeah i think the only if you wanted song which was like the one that kind of you know it was it was cool because people adapted to it but i think tretch wrote those bars too you know what i mean and it was just it wasn't his it wasn't him you know to me yeah right because i mean let me let me just look at the timeline here uh i mean after dre left then he put out 5150 home for the sick yeah i didn't listen to that the only song that i liked that i forget i think neighborhood sniper was on there yeah i believe uh and i think it was the video that did it for me yes yeah yeah sniper was on there and then um you know it's on dr dre 187 killer yeah that's when he came back yeah that's the one that you're on yeah right um and then um i guess straight off the streets of [ __ ] compton yeah that was the last one that came out after his after he died aha yeah okay and then you showed up all over that out yeah that was supposed to be a double cd actually yeah so we were still working on it like while he when he passed away we wasn't done we were still working well at one point i actually interviewed uh be real okay who was hanging out with ice cube a lot during that time and then he was saying how he you know they ran into easy eat and it wasn't wasn't really no beef wasn't really no problem yeah man they don't that's what i'm trying to tell you man like i actually seen uh cube we actually seen cube one time at the radio station 92.3 in la and him and easy was talking like you know what i'm saying like homies and [ __ ] because i thought it was going to be some funny [ __ ] too you know what i mean but these dudes are sitting here talking laughing i was like you know a lot of that [ __ ] wasn't serious man it was business pretty much with them guys you know what i mean right because i heard that after uh after easy pass they were talking about kind of reforming the group and at one point i guess time the whole time he was alive they were talking they was trying to figure out how to do that but i think everybody had a problem with him still being affiliated with jerry heller you know the people who initially you know left because of that they was like man if we do do it he can't be involved you know what i mean and i think that was the thing that was you know kept it from actually coming to fruition you know well i mean he stayed loyal to jerry he did he did and and quite honestly who could really blame him this is the guy that helped him get to that next level yeah he'll help get him get rich yeah exactly exactly and you know you could say oh he he would have been successful anyways like nah nah there's lots of talented dudes from la that that went nowhere yeah you know or or talented dudes from la that just got to sort of like a local kind of fame you know like uh you know like i was a huge fan of egyptian lover yeah but egyptian lover never got to an easy nwa level no i mean he should have but yeah he he didn't make it for for whatever reason he didn't have a jerry heller in this corner you know or someone that said okay we're gonna okay you're dope at this we're gonna go up to here yeah you know like iced tea was someone who who managed to get real high you know in the game from la he you know yeah i believe i i believe most of his came from from tv though because like his music i don't know musically if he uh musically he had like platinum albums yeah okay yeah yeah like remember new jack hustler and you know his albums even like a hustler like i think i got put up on ice with living like a hustler and then some of the singles before that but yeah yeah yeah so so at the end of the day if he wants to stay loyal to this dude you know i i don't i don't see anything wrong with that now i guess at the end there was some sort of you know was jerry stealing from him was he not i don't i don't quite know yeah obviously you're gonna get a very different story depending on who you talk to i mean you know when i talk to people like michelle a she spoke very highly of of uh jerry heller yeah but i mean that was like personal business you know what i mean because there's no way like an outsider could really know that you know what i'm saying like right but but that was the rumor though you know back when everything started going down you know that well i think uh you know when easy was alive i mean he did make a mention of like you know they're like oh people wanted me you know wanted him to leave jerry and he goes well if i'm looking for a doctor i'm not going to go find the best black doctor i can find i'm going to go find the best doctor yeah yeah and and jerry was the best guy that i could find to do what he did i wasn't just going to find a black guy just because people were pressuring me to do that you know this is a guy that really helped him get rich i understand i just i know he had a little ego involved too you know what i mean like a lot of times man when people get to a certain tax bracket you know it's like you know you know how people act man you know what i mean like they they be a little high up in the clouds and you know iggy was easy was a man too you know he had an ego and different things like that and some of that could be part of why also you understand what i'm saying yeah but um you know it was his choice to do whatever he did you know what i mean right yeah and let's not forget bone thugs and harmony yeah was on ruthless and so now he had the superstar act that was going multi-platinum and everything else like that yeah i never fully got my credit for that either man like it's it's you know i'm a big read i'm a big part of the reason they even made it over there you know what i mean because after we initially met them the three guys that we did meet um initially i used to always question him about that because i wanted him to get them right then like they were that dope to me i was like dude and that's probably you know he was kind of grooming me easy was trying to groom me to run the label bro before he passed away he was negotiating with the label we was on which was outburst def jam right to get us back on ruthless and also he was planning on me to run the label because i was the i was pretty much the reason why bone thugs in harmony actually even got over there like the name i'm keeping the name in his head cause i'm like dude those guys like when we seen them i can see the condition that they were in when we first met them and i told him i asked them i remember asking them that day man y'all got anything to do like y'all can just get on the tour bus and come with us right now you know what i mean but easy was like nah man he just gave him his number and [ __ ] like that and then i think you know the rest of the story they ended up flying to l.a and whatever and right went through what they went through until they called one day and he and he answered the phone but uh yeah i never got my credit for that hopefully like when that movie come out or something they'll they'll there you go my name there you go and you know uh tk kirkland who's a regular on my show yeah it was around yeah i keep seeing all the old pictures with him in it yeah yep yeah i mean using the dlc video yeah he he opened up for the strata compton tour you know he was the you know did all the comic you know comedy stuff during that and he said something interesting he said that you know this is i believe our last interview he said that eze spent 5 000 on straight out of compton and made 22 million that's a beautiful thing who wouldn't want to make that kind of investment yeah that was awesome man yeah right yeah man rest in peace easy rest in peace uh one of my uh all-time all-time favorites period yeah mine too man i love that dude man just just for the fact he gave me the opportunity man like because he didn't have to you know what i mean yeah and you know for example if you go on easy e spotify page and you see his biggest songs the number one song right now is real [ __ ] g's it's actually higher than boys in the hood yeah to me is you know that's how it feels easy's most important song yeah that's that's amazing like you know i'm always amazed that i'm even a part of that man like it's crazy it's like you know what i mean and it's been all of these years and i still haven't really like got used to that idea like damn i'm on your biggest [ __ ] song of your whole career like that's crazy yeah that's great 120 million views just on spotify wow and this is i found them checking after yeah that's why i don't know you still get the oh yeah you're publishing checks yes sir don't don't uh well we're actually two years uh since nipsey hustle has died yeah uh lauren london you know ends up putting up an instagram post on a two-year anniversary um very sad situation nipsey seems like he's bigger than ever yeah man i mean it usually happens like that you know when somebody put when somebody passed it's like all the uh love dmx is getting now that he wasn't it don't seem like everybody was you know so concerned about him when he was going through his problems but now everybody's crying and you know that's what happens man when famous people pass away unfortunately yeah yeah i mean jay-z just did a song with nipsey yeah you know they have a song together where they obviously took an old nipsy verse you know big sean has a new song out new video out yeah you know i mean people are still trying to you know take that nipsy energy and mix themselves up with it yeah i see it um you know uh the trial for uh for eric holder hasn't happened yet yeah man it's a travesty yeah uh personally i think he's just gonna plead out to something to avoid the death penalty and keep it moving probably and end up doing life in prison that's what i think yeah probably and you know have to live in pc somewhere because you're not going to let that guy out in the yard yeah you know the i heard like now i heard the yards of 50 50 now so he might be on some yard with some people anyway because california they they keep they keep you know they keep changing the rules in the penal system and um i heard now that they have half of the yard as pc and half his main line and all this type of [ __ ] in a lot of the prisons in california so huh okay so that that's different than how it was before no i wasn't like that before no that used to be pc would be just totally separate totally separate yeah you can be in the same prison but a different yard so like nobody was able to be able to see a pc person because they have their own facilities you know but now i heard they're mixing them up so i don't know is that kind of dangerous for everyone in pc it could be it could it depends on how they're running it you know what i mean it depends on like if they put a gate down the middle of the [ __ ] yard or if they actually only letting certain people out at a certain time because they can do it like that because sometimes like back in the day they used to have like south siders and north daniels on the same yard but knowing that they couldn't program and they would only let these people out at this time and then let these people out at this time they can do it yeah however just interviewed uh gorilla black who was out of prison who's from compton as well yeah well yeah yeah i mean that's what he said but i don't know all right i'll leave that one alone yeah yeah yeah i know i know it ain't nothing against him but i heard he said he was from harlem or something like and i just i don't know how you get he was born well yeah he said he was uh affiliated with harlem harlem crips yeah i just don't i that i can't understand to save my life if you're from compton how you get way over there that's like deep west l.a oh isn't it oh yeah yeah yeah rolling road rolling 30s harlem crips i think yeah that's like man the harlems is way down like they pass the 60s you know what i mean like yeah they they down there damn near by the uh what's that the 10 freeway pretty much close to that area so i don't know how i don't know but that's just that's this thing yeah i'm not sure either yeah but one of the things he said in our interview is that you know because he was locked up for i think what seven seven years something like that and he basically described how in prison you could be cool with the mexicans right you could you could you know have conversations with them they'll give you books to read and you know they'll show you how to make certain food and [ __ ] like that but you can't actually eat with them oh yeah and then and then when things break out because he's been in situations where there was you know essentially racial wars in prison is that that dude that you were cool with yesterday you now you're both holding knives and you guys are trying to stab each other the next day [Music] even though y'all are cool but when that [ __ ] breaks out you know you're on the racial side of whatever you're on black mexican whatever else so this is you've seen this type of thing yeah man because you know they can't you know for them they can't really uh not show you know that they're with their people you know what i mean irregardless of how cool you are with this black dude when we see you you better be getting busy you know what i mean irregardless of who's in front of you that's kind of like their policy you know but like the ones that i know from the street you know and and we see each other in prison if a riot breaks out we would try to be away from each other just so we don't have to be going at each other you understand what i'm saying but yeah that's how we go a black man and a mexican man cannot have lunch together absolutely not and that's more on their side it's not it's not that we wouldn't do it but it's more on their side you know what i mean because that's the line they push yeah okay does that only apply to people that are gang-related it applies to everybody if they if they everybody if they yeah if you come in there and you fall up under certain rules then that applies to you whatever those rules are it applies to you whether you from a gang or not you understand what i'm saying so it's like so some a lot of you have some mexicans some puerto ricans some uh other other kind of hispanics and they don't gang bang and they'll run with the others the others like the samoans and you know the asians and things like that they'll be with them you know what i mean but if you come in there and and you say you're a south sider or you say you're a [ __ ] you say you're blood or nothing yo yeah you have to abide by whatever that is yep got it one more reason not to go to prison yeah yeah trust me man it's a waste of your life you know what i mean and the thing that i try to you know the thing that bothered me about my own situation was like yo i had to think about i had to question like if i loved my kids and my family because like why would i leave them to to come to a place like this you know and that's the thing that i try to talk to my young homies who are still in here it's like you watching your kids just grow up without you you know what i'm saying and if some what if somebody did attack your daughter or some [ __ ] and you can't do nothing about it because you were so loyal to something else you know what i mean it's like people got to snap out of it man yeah yeah well hopefully interviews like this well you know if someone's sort of trying to figure out one way or another they can watch this and say all right well here's here's an actual og talking about it who's been through it who actually lived through it and it's telling y'all what what it's really like you know 20 30 years later yeah for sure you know yeah it's just security sorry sorry go ahead no i was just saying this maturity pretty much you know what i mean i didn't get it all at first either you know what i mean but over time you know i just kind of like came up out of it you know so hopefully some people live long enough to where you know they can actually mature too yep yeah man always a pleasure and an honor uh glad you're doing well for sure uh you know i'm sure you're looking forward to the touring starting back up man i can't wait man yep like i think when i leave this time you know hopefully i'm trying to move my family out the country too so oh really yeah yeah make sure which country is on your radar the netherlands you see it's another one yeah okay yes in between saudi and the netherlands yeah oh so you might go join uh napoleon yeah yeah i would love to yeah i mean he did it and he you know has always maintained that's the best move he's ever done yeah it's really peaceful there man it's really beautiful man like it's a lot of culture there too you know yeah i've i haven't been to saudi arabia but i've been close i've been to bahrain which is kind of oh yeah bahrain is kind of open though like bahrain is kind of wild i mean yeah although the saudis go over to bahrain yes they're girls so they go back home it's definitely not bahrain by a long shot no definitely not bahrain uh you know in the netherlands you got uh amsterdam so that's what you want to no not amsterdam i'm talking about the hague is the city that i like over there ah okay yeah then hey man listen there's there's lots of it's a whole world out there and there's better standards of living outside the u.s absolutely uh there is especially for children care yeah yeah and and it's a lot safer yeah um you know there's great education systems out there don't limit yourself i mean i wasn't born in america yeah yeah i was born in the ukraine i remember going on google maps you know google earth and actually like going to street view and looking up where i used to live in the ukraine and it's [ __ ] up yeah it's just all burnt out and you know like rubble and like entire square blocks and [ __ ] like that what about the rest of the country like is it all i'm not saying that no i'm not saying the whole country's [ __ ] up i'm just saying where i used to live okay you know and i was surprised i mean i i moved when i was you know five years old so it's not like i remember it or anything but yeah yeah you know you always think like in the back of your mind like had my family decided to just stay put where how would i have ended up there would be no vlad tv there would be no like you know me waking up and pursuing my my passions the way i probably have a regular ass job you know or maybe i'd be involved in some some russian mob [ __ ] or who who the hell knows yeah end up in prison like i i don't know who the [ __ ] though you definitely don't want to go to prison in russia bro oh no oh my god i see some [ __ ] on there where like the lifers in there they can't even sit down in their cell like all day like they can't even have a seat like they literally have to stand up like i was like yo like you don't want to go to prison you don't want to go there bg knockout man until next time yeah for sure man peace peace
Channel: djvlad
Views: 129,791
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VladTV, DJ Vlad, Interview, Hip-Hop, Rap, News, Gossip, Rumors, Drama
Id: O6wXLN0sS2A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 12sec (6612 seconds)
Published: Sat May 08 2021
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