BFDIA 5e: The Long-lost Yoyle City

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Hey, the HPRC. It's been stolen. We have arrived in Yoyleland. Want some? Yoy! Uh, guys...'re gonna turn into... ...metal. Hey, did you say something? What are you doing? Aah! Don't scare me. I was just wondering what would happen if we put Coiny and Nickel next to each other. Should I try it? There's no point waiting. That's a good point. Are you watching? This is interesting, huh? Very! Should we go in? I don't think so. It would ruin the fun, like how you wouldn't want to see yourself in a movie. Is this normal? I don't know, but who cares? Oh my pin factory, that's so cool! [♫] Puffball, I think you took a wrong turn. What? I don't think so. I'm pretty sure... ...this is Davidland. [dun, dun, dun] How do you know this isn't a shortcut? Shortcut or not, Davidland is a very dangerous place! I would prefer you take a different route. We're almost out of here. Stop complaining. Why do I have to carry this bag? Because, Spongy, you're the only one who can. I still find it a bit odd that you just found a giant money bag on the ground. Are you sure you weren't up to any weird tricks while I was still frozen? Coiny, if I was, I'd tell you. You know that. Well, actually I want to say that- Shh, shh. Just pipe down, okay? No, no, no, undo that. You're supposed to put that leg under mine, not over. You mean like that? Yup! Now pull tight. Wow! Now try to stand up! Whoa! Aah! Oh my potatoes, seriously you guys? Gelatin, don't let go! I don't want to fall into the sea of Davids! I won't. So how do we get them back up here? I say we kick them off our team as soon as we can. Gelatin can hold onto Puffball until we're out of Davidland. Then, Puffball can lower Gelatin and Firey onto ground, and everything will be good again! But how long until we're out of Davidland? [sigh] I don't know. FreeSmarters, behold. The long-lost Yoyle City! [♫] [slap] Ow! What was that for? We, like passed a matchstick factory. It's the rules. Hey, Coiny, Nickel, and Needy all got frozen. But I thought metal couldn't freeze. Yup, metal can freeze. What made you think it couldn't? I couldn't freeze Leafy, and she was made of metal. Oh! That's because she was made of Yoyle metal. That stuff is unfreezable. Oh, I get it now. Hey, where's Yellow Face? [♫] Heh, heh. Abandoned cities always give me the creeps. Don't worry, Book. Yoyle Mountain is, like, right ahead. Okay, guys, we're here. Get out. We'd better take the HPRC with us. [strains] Uh, guys? I can't move this thing. Oh, you're too weak, huh? Let the one and only Pencil do it. Hey, wait a minute, that's glue! Uh... Snow plus gasoline equals glue! Uh, really? Are you serious? Yes. And now that the HPRC is glued to the ground, we can't move it. Ruby, way to ruin everything, like again! I wonder why the Davids aren't saying, "Aw, seriously". They only say it when you provoke them, which we are not going to do. Don't worry, I don't wanna provoke them either. We're almost out of Davidland. Yay! It's about time. Davids are the most annoying creatures I have ever laid my eyes upon. Aw, seriously? Well, there's nothing we can do about this. Let's just start climbing. Okay, but Ruby, stop making mistakes! Sorry. Yikes! [strains] Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no! I can see Team No-Name catching up! What do we do? Well, we've got the HPRC right here. If we kill Pencil and recover her, we should be good to go! Sounds good to me. Ha ha, ha ha, I'm killing Pencil! This is, like, so much fun! Match, put away your butter knife. You need to actually kill me. Sorry. So, like, how would you like to die? There are so many totally, like, cool options you can choose from! We've got death by fire. No, sounds too painful. Poison? Ew, no. Too gross. Freeze juice? That'll just freeze me, not kill me. Saw? Perfect. [gasp] It's Yellow Face! Help! I'm glued to the ground. [straining] Well, he's stuck for good. Do you think we should pull the "kill, recover" trick on him? That would work, but we need the HPRC, which was stolen. I think the FreeSmarters have it, though. It's the best thing we can do. So, Yellow Face, uh... ...die. Okie-dokie! [dying sound] Saw through me, yeah yeah yeah! Kill me quick, yeah yeah yeah! So we can win the contest, so we can win the contest. [snap] Yay! Oh no, Puffball's ahead of us now! Not for long. Yay! Hey, Ice Cube. Wha-? We're at the summit of Yoyle Mountain. Wow! Yay, we won! We won! We won, right? Yay! It looks like we place second. Not bad. At least we are not up for elimination. So, does that mean W.O.A.H. Bunch loses? And where's the Speaker Box? I thought he would be here at the finish line! I am here. [scream] And this is not the summit to Yoyle Mountain. What? No way, it definitely is! See this flag? Yes, I see it. And I see much more of it than you do. Oh my word. Ha, ha. I'll see you when you actually get to the summit of Yoyle Mountain. Everybody! Get onto Puffball again! Oh no, there's no way we can climb faster than Puffball can fly. Not if Rocky gets eaten. That's what you get for barfing on me. But that happened two years ago. No talking, Book. It's time for climbing! Fries. Ride Puffball down to the HPRC to recover Rocky. And make it snappy. We're falling more behind every second! Yeah, yeah, whatever. [♫] Yay, now we win! You do... unfortunately. Unfortunately? Excuse me? What is that supposed to mean? Whoa, hold on! Match, you need to be in the TLC right now. Oh geez, oh geez, where's my disguise? It's a bit late for that, don't you think? [scream] And Bubble, what about you? Oh, uh... I'm a tree, I'm a tree, Yes I am, I'm definitely a tree. Bubble, trees don't make those sounds. Oh, really? Um... Then what sounds do trees make? I dunno, maybe the occasional leaf rustling? Okay. Zhh! Zhh! No, it's more of a... ...shh, shh, shh. Shh. Zhh! Zhh! Bubble, I've had enough of your goofing off. I'm not goofing off. I'm a tree! Bubble! No talking! Trees make rustling sounds! Oh, right! Shh! Zhh! Zhh! I'm tired of walking. Who here can throw really well? Me! Okay, can you throw this twig 2,760 miles? I was kidding. Well, then. Bomby, you throw it. No! Coiny? You wanna give it a try? Sure. So what am I aiming for? Try to hit FreeSmart's van. I'm sure there are some buttons you can hit that will help us. Doesn't seem too difficult. Oh no! That's okay. Attempt two. Needle's magnetic. Everyone hold onto her! You've got to be kidding me. Yay! Puffball, every time your team has been up for voting, you've won the prize! Puffball, why'd you stop? We're so close! We have a 99.4% chance of winning! What are you doing? If our team loses, we'll be up for voting. And I'll win the prize, like I always do. I really love prizes! That's the most insane thing I've ever- [♫] Yay, we win. Yay! Well, technically, you placed second. We FreeSmarters, as expected, placed first. Yay! Vote on the members of Team No-Name. Please vote. You've gotta vote! I'm begging you! Also, you can vote on as many contestants as you want to, so please, vote on all of them! [♫] Uh, how are we gonna get down from here? [screams] [♫]
Channel: jacknjellify
Views: 19,867,576
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: battle, for, dream, island, again, bfdi, bfdia, cartoon, competition, yoyle city, david land, tower
Id: RZB7nTzSl3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 12sec (792 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 01 2013
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