BFDIA 1: Yeah, Who? I Wanna Know

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[Music] don't you think or taking this too far don't you want three pylons yes sir I do but we don't actually have to capture leafy Dewey yes we do why because if we let Lee be escaped she'll still gmail in ten which way do we go Bauer Tenten just use a lazy detector Lizzy detector I mean why prospect when you can eat let's go do we have to hey guys [Music] [Music] why I didn't make it that's impossible for certain but I'm a wonderful book I guess people judge you by your cover hey wait hey wait hey wait hey what's this bfdi game rules give me that rule one contestants not present may not compete that's unfortunate see I knew I would make it go away I can't stand your cover so who's the host gonna be yeah [Music] yeah I think TV should be the host after all he was the closest to the announcer hey eraser any more rules cool oh yeah rule 2 eliminated contestants must be killed wait what Oh eliminating contestants must be treated with TLC let's split into teams I think one team should have the original contestants and the other should have the newbies hey or teams smaller than the other one so what sometimes you just have to deal with it what I said sometimes you just have to deal with it well sometimes you just have to deal with getting slapped well sometimes you have to deal with getting stabbed well sometimes you have to deal with being set ablaze sometimes maybe you should just calm down sometimes maybe fireese right sometimes maybe four is wrong sometimes maybe it won't be me we'll choose Oh real choose match but pencil and I have to stick together you'll pay for that donut rule three spin the wheel to choose the next contest will spin it already I'm getting impatient with it one more role before a contests players may switch teams if they want oMG I'm like going back then I'm falling match I'd rather be on the stronger team me too wait I like my screen like this see oMG pencil me too really I like my like this well I like mine like this let's all show our favorite screens [Music] stop it people I'm switching teams hey pin why don't you switch to y'all pin you really need to switch but you would not believe how much you need to switch I highly recommend that you switch just kill switch yeah pin you should switch what are you trying to explode me okay okay I quit finally [Music] [Music] did we lose yeah we lost we should have won I agree do not comment to vote instead rate these videos has this ever happened to you want to find out early is but you don't know where Luke is well do we have the solution for you by our new levy detector as soon as you possibly can to do that you ask here's why our lovely little lettuce colored locator is a level revolutionary new type of movie locator by now [Music]
Channel: jacknjellify
Views: 26,845,039
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: battle, for, dream, island, again, bfdi, bfdia, cartoon, competition, second, season, recommended, characters
Id: 26FJTtLOu2s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 30sec (450 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 29 2012
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