Beyond Vine July 2019 (Part1) Funny Vines and Instagram Videos 2019

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check out the link I sent me I have no service right now oh she's my hotspot okay yeah no worries hey are you connected to two phones oh I'm just transferring some files yeah it'll be real quick all right cool yo did you connect your desktop to my hotspot yeah some of the files are bigger so I have to use this it'll be real quick okay well make it quick it's the way my day to work so what is this are you running a whole operation off my hotspot I'm just running a small business it'll be real quick yes you can push it you know what actually cancel it you're all fired I'm turned off my hotspot hey every Netflix and chilling tonight can we use your hotspot oh nothing just on break and you beautiful baby glowing no like for real your skin is so vibrant I swear you always have the perfect lighting yeah it's just natural light you're naturally beautiful but uh I'm gonna hit you when I get off work all right okay I'll talk to you later love you Oh my dad anyway I just want to know what's going on in her hands babe everyone needs bait you're right you're 100% right but you're a little bit you feel me a little bit and you'll never amount to anything in like oh yo you called me a [ __ ] bro I'm on the phone oh it's a bird it's a bird it's a bird oh oh I thought it was a birdie on there I thought it was a birdie on this I thought it was a bird in your nest [Laughter] [Music] [Music] I love that I don't love it why I just don't like it my hair is literally all look amazing you're the one that's pressed the button but we all want to look good look great Bost there you go why would you post bro I look terrible you guys are so insecure oh my hand was covering my face I look like the naked mole rat from kim possible you worry too much caption literally says taking a picture with my ugly friends [Music] [Music] [Music] holy Sh [Music] yeah boy it was good good to see oh nice outfit yeah it's no how no way no shoes either come on oh wait yeah the shoes are actually part of my outfit I bet you put a plastic bag over stop ball actually there's an eco-friendly household no plastic oh well I could just clean that set up up come on man if they're not brand new you're gonna track in too much mud all right take them off well I can just get my cleaning lady to mop the floor I think a sauna problem yeah well anyway we're at capacity okay so no more people Adam get in we're late no I'm just gonna get ready in the car don't worry about it okay what are you doing oh yeah I always go for that truck what are you doing right now I'm just but when you just put on my outfit real quick wait you can't do that until I like what are you doing I'm Dexter and this is my challenge is you tell me hey y'all saw was self-defense so ignorant and arrogant like I just don't even want to talk to you know what that's a good idea as a matter of fact don't talk to me ever again in your life don't talk to me don't speak this way don't let me hear your voice ever again ever hello why you're not gonna talk to me they said not to talk to you you know what you know what that's fine that's might save it since you won't listen to me today but you don't will listen to me last week about I'm following that girl you won't listen to me today that's fine don't talk to me they're like seriously this time don't talk to me don't let that voice come on again hello why talk to me I can't you told me not to talk to you you want to know what that means let me don't talk to me means fight for my love okay so you do I'm gonna talk to you yes just talk to me you're saying not to talk to you but you do want me to talk to talk to me so that's what you want yes why couldn't you say that I did by not saying don't talk to me exactly what no it's the bottle-cap challenge don't try to hit the cab this will be us Hey [Music] my friend Wow clear stop playing with me robbing from me like you pencil down on Les Brown to talk to style on your presently stop smelling like they have a haha you think that with the last time you took a shower we toast thank your mom but I'm tardy on saying I don't say showers man can I get thank you for long can we start with cheese toasted we can't do that boy nothing wrong machine we just can't do that for you Ready's way what kind of [ __ ] you want hey lettuce okay with you in about 10 years hey welcome to Subway I'm gonna help you Alice are you good yeah I'm good okay good are you finances well actually I just started budgeting my expenses like what hmm I don't need out anymore buy a lot more groceries also I don't turn on the lights until 7 p.m. what about get your cable in your Netflix oh I cut back on that I actually put simply cut out Netflix completely oh come on be honest with you bro you're fairly disrespectful Netflix I wasn't using it me selfish we've been using my Netflix this whole time oh you're gonna have been using it ever since 7:00 a.m. I thought you came here to check up on me I need to give up Network you came to my house and you logged in and I clicked remember me I have a 3:00 limit person on my account that's what mode we get kicked off every weekend your mom's down on the third season of black mirror I saw bottom you could how are you finances ah [Applause] [Music] the shower garden a great barrier it protects us from the outside and the outside from us a benevolent being easily manipulated and able to withstand the hottest and coldest of conditions but fair warning to all remain vigilant as to its whereabouts at all times while bathing for if you don't it could touch you and it is a key I trusted you what did I say about picking up your shoes okay well in a minute pick them up now come on oh my gosh okay now what watch it I picked them up now what are we out of water balls yes and go to the store what are you doing I know you're avoiding your chores get out now come on I know love the poop can I came in poo whit saying that hey turn lights off oh my god what you doing watching a video what are you watching Helene what I'm watching Jay Paul can I be excused can you be excused what please j-just be ready at the door okay did anyone talk about it that first Veronica's kids today the big day for me for you let's go come on steep balanced your teams people on your five years old you don't know how to put a seatbelt on did you guys pump up your balls you know how coach likes them nice and firm right hydrate hydrate drink some water who packed the snacks we are in charge of snacks this week oh the love of God thank you didn't cut the orange look like an irresponsible bad mom and is that what I am is that what I am which field are we even playing at field one or seven you guys picked the wrong day to mess with me I'll tell you that right now if a wishmaster came here and said I got three wishes do you know what they all would be what to be ugly for one whole day I guarantee a he's stuck on me and that's on me that's own gang what you mean but brother's cute none of that no more why don't you want to be part of that no more cuz these don't trust me like man let me be ugly for 24 hours like I never thought I'd say I'd hate me ain't cute you know yeah I really like her what should I say I wouldn't respond yeah you don't want to seem too desperate right yeah I gotta go yo who's Mike I might even say that all these ticks oh it's just some girl like Cheryl desk owner I'll just make me sure she got my message it's not like that give me that I love some of you just said one name it's a very common give you that got a trap step before a label no it's just like that - yes it's not like an often up stung Cara all right bet oh wait what no no no I I always put my phone in my left pocket what is this wait why is this in here my phone should have been in here why is this in my pocket why is everything in my pocket shaped like phones hold on how was this shake like my phone where's my wallet where's my phone where's my wallet my phone what the heck I think even still are you serious [Music]
Channel: CooL Vines
Views: 3,972,960
Rating: 4.8577466 out of 5
Keywords: Funny Vines, Vine, Vines, best vines, new vines, vines 2019, vines july 2019, july vines, Beyond Vine, Instagram Videos
Id: fHumKmqdCTY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 21sec (1101 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 12 2019
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