BEYOND - sci-fi short film | Joe Penna

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Awesome! I've been watching you from the very beginning of your channel, and I think your short films are phenomenal! I love movies that make you think. I love films that make more sense with repeated viewings, and you and your crew have managed to pull that off quite well. Very well done.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 8 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/Mattimation šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Feb 06 2015 šŸ—«︎ replies

Really loved the cinematography and camera work of this, really well done!

What was your budget for this?

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 3 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/LukeImInTheGrass šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Feb 06 2015 šŸ—«︎ replies

Well, done. You know how to make a story.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 3 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/Ocounter1 šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Feb 06 2015 šŸ—«︎ replies

That was really well done! I'm definitely going to have to rewatch it to make sense complete sense of everything, but I look forward to doing so. Fantastic soundtrack as well. Any chance that there will be behind the scenes material? Knowing your other videos, I'd hope so (they're always entertaining and insightful).

My favorite moment had to be the transition of meeting his love to her death. Totally took me by surprise, and I felt a shockingly large amount of sadness for the girl as well sympathy for the main character despite having only been introduced to her less than a minute before. Awesome job at shaping the audience's (or at least my) emotions for a character in that much time!

(I clicked on the video seeing "short" film and didn't check the length. A few minutes in and there was no way I could back out!)

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 2 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/[deleted] šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Feb 06 2015 šŸ—«︎ replies

Always loved your work Joe, you've come so far since the early days of your channel! This is on another level.

I just released my (much shorter) short film yesterday. Its about a girl who reboots a piece of her past.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 2 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/jurrian šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Feb 06 2015 šŸ—«︎ replies

I've been following you for years Joe and this is exactly the kind of stuff I expected from you. Top notch filmmaking! However, I do have 1 piece of critisism: It doesn't play out as a short film. It plays as a 3 hour epic edited down to 40 minutes. I'm not sure there's much you could have done about this but that's just my 2 cents.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 2 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/DannyFilming šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Feb 06 2015 šŸ—«︎ replies

commenting so I can watch when I get home from work :) thanks for sharing!

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 2 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/yuh_dingus šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Feb 06 2015 šŸ—«︎ replies
I will never truly understand why I was chosen... and I accept that now. Perhaps that is why it had to be me. Every fiber of my strength was reduced to ash. As the pain pulsed from my eye through my body. Silent agony serving as a confirmation for my certain death. A death I would soon wish for that would never come. Counting the days quickly became a fruitless endeavor. Years wasted away into decades. Lifetimes came and went. Love and family were lost to the shadowsā€¦ and I was alone. Time had left me cold, but somehow she brought a fleeting breath of life back into my lungs. Love was an error in judgment I never made again. The desire for vengeance for this curse overflowed in my veins. I needed to find the man responsible for my torment. Come on get it together... It's a genius system, really. There is no reason why anyone should suspect... that itā€™s anything more than, you know, a simple metal ring. Thereā€™s no way to tell whatā€™s really going on. Thereā€™s also the contact display. But the truth, I probably couldnā€™t have made... any of this possible without the book. It just sort of showed up one day. The front cover has a hand-tooled rendition of a gryphon. There we go. The craftsmanship is exquisite. I canā€™t begin to imagine how long it mustā€™ve taken. I like to keep it on me, even though I've already digitized all the information. I memorized the entire thing. It's exactly 85... 84 and a half pages long. Poems, for the most part. And after having read through it so many times, I began to notice a pattern in the pages. It took me years, but I eventually learned to decode the cypher. This is going to sound crazy but this book... contains the formulas that taught me how to bend space. Eventually, I applied those principles to bend time. There were other messages within the cypher. Page 16: 500 A.D. Monte Cassino. "Wisdom in the words." Page 43: 1967. Flight C79 Los Angeles. "The Catalyst.ā€ Iā€™m still trying to figure out why the book... keeps sending me to these seemingly random places in time. The donā€™t appear to have any obvious historical significance. That last page always bothered me. It's ripped in half, right down the center. 1299 A.D. Coordinates to a little wooden house in Auvergne. I had theories about the bookā€™s origin. I figured it was a gift from a future version of myself. But I guess I was wrong... and I could finally figure out the meaning of the last page. "Avoid the wooden house." My chance to end this plague had slipped from my grasp. But all was not lost. He left behind the book. After studying it for hundreds of years I found hidden meaning in it's passages. I was sure the book would lead me to my cure. - Sorry. - Sir, can I offer you some peanuts? Ladies and gentleman of flight C79, weā€™re experiencing some slight turbulence and the captain has turned on the ā€˜fasten seatbeltā€™ sign. Please remain in your seats at this time. - Thank you. - Do you travel often? - Yes. - Is Boston your final destination? - Me too. - Iā€™m heading to a medical conference there. - What do you do? - Iā€™m a medical researcher. - Studying what? - Umm, itā€™s kind of complicated Complicated can sometimes be interesting. Ok. My company is studying different methods of isolating compounds from bone marrow, blood, different types of tissues. Whatā€™s the name of the company? Cypra. So what are you reading? Is it always this bad? At the time, I could not understand why the book had brought me here. Was it to taunt me? As the grim fate crept closer to those around me, I found myself unable to escape a poem from the book. ā€œBeyond the reach of man or heavens, mountains destined for dust," "waves decay into sand, through rise and fall, form and erosion," "the horizon remains true... eternal.ā€ The book had not brought me there to die, but rather to put me on another path. Coming... Great to see you sir. I took a look at your recommendation, and I wholeheartedly agree. Cypra shows a lot of promise. I think it will be a great addition to your portfolio. And I'd feel safe investing $500,000 during the first round of financing. Along with that I'm very excited, I got oil, I got car manufactures, - I mean it's really going to round things out. - Mr. Scott, Iā€™d like to invest everything. Everything? Imagine that. All of it? - Yes everything. - Letā€™s just slow things down a little bit. I know you inherited a large sum of money from your family and... The medical field is exciting. Believe me I looked at the numbers myself And Cypra, I have no doubt it will be very successful - but diversity is the key to any successfulā€¦ - That is my final decision, Mr. Scott. In good faith, I can't risk your assets. ok... ok ok so you would be naturally, the lead investor. I would negotiate a seat at the board and a meeting with the president. No, I would like for you to act as my proxy. That's not... I'm just a paper pusher basically. A glorified paper pusher. That's what I want Mr. Scott Thank you for your time. - yeah sure, I mean, I can go in there... - Thank you for everything, Mr. Scott. - I convey what you want. - Yes indeed, thank you goodbye. Until this moment, my entire life was an aimless search for a cure. To become human again. and I finally new that Cypra was the key. Come in. They tried to drown me but I would not drown. They tried to burn me, I would not burn. I quickly learned that discretion and anonymity were imperative. After nearly three decades Cypra had finally made the progress that I needed to see for myself. - What is your advancement on blood dissolution? - Here at Cypra weā€™ve been testing blood samples for 30 years. Intermittently, weā€™ve come across a fascinating blood compound. Itā€™s an extremely robust protein that complements the bodyā€™s response to damage and degeneration. When injected into animals with movement disorders, the compound morphs into a protein weā€™re calling Entheozyme. Weā€™re showing promising results with Parkinsonā€™s, cerebral palsy... It's going to take a while but it could someday be tested on humans. When injected into a subject that is actively bleeding, the compound adapts into a protein weā€™re calling Velox. It stops the bleeding almost instantaneously. Currently, weā€™re developing it into a first-aid auto injector. Sir, if I may speak freely this compound will dramatically change millions of peoples lives. - You can isolate the compound from blood? - Sure. Absolutely. Tell me how As the velox was filter through my blood I started to remember what is was to feel alive again. You're okay. Okay.. - Are you okay? - Iā€™m so sorry. - Leave it, leave it, leave it... - I didn't mean too. It's fine really. I can just wrap it up. No. No. No. Nonsense Now I promise you won't feel a thing. God I should've known better than to have used glass. It has never been good idea. - Why is that? - I have a condition that causes muscle spasms. - Iā€™m sorry to hear that. That seems to be doing the trick. - Thank you. - Of course. You know, Cypra is doing some clinical trials that might interest you. - Yeah? - Yes its about people regaining their motor control after spinal cord injuries and strokes. You'd be a good candidate. -Good morning. - Morning Before we get started, I might just preference by informing you about Entheozyme. This drug has gone through rigorous testing and extensive development for over three decades. Okay? - Wow. - So it is completely safe to ingest. Now if you have any more of your side effects, go head and just call the number right there on the bottom. Anything serious, I'd advise you to go to the hospital as soon as possible. Okay? Okay. - Alright good job. Do you have any questions? - What should I expect? Well we're still in the beginning stages of human trials, so your dosage will be kept low but I'd definitely expect a lower frequency and size in your spasms and the tremors, those should be substantially reduced if not completely eradicate. You know we've had terrific results with this drug so... We will set you up with an appointment in about a month to follow up. Okay? Thank you. - Good to meet you - You too Cecilia. How are you today? Cecilia? You doing alright? Uhh? You doing alright? Oh yeah. Yeah I'm pretty good. Thanks. Well according to this you've had experienced a complete loss of tremors. Haven't had an episode in 2 weeks. That's great! Yeah. It's seems like it's going really well. Are you experiencing any side effects? Anything out of the ordinary? No. That's great news. Has anybody been experiencing any other side effects? To be honest we haven't really seen much of anything. There has been a couple of limited cases with some numbness and tingling but... Why? Have you been experiencing something else? No. I was just curious. Okay. Well you are good to go. Thank you. As humanity returned to me, I was able to find peace. Until I saw the book. In an instant I was overwhelmed with clarity. The man I misconstrued as my tormenter was simply an unknowing catalyst. I knew what I must do. Weā€™re here with Silicoā€™s Lead Engineer He is the architect behind the Terminal Transportation Network, and he is here to promote his new book, ā€œImpossible Leaps, " Dr. Wade Edwards. Thank you for coming. - Thanks for having me. - Dr. Edward, your work with Silico has made it possible for people to travel around the world in a matter of seconds. - What was the inspiration behind the original discovery? - Thatā€™s a long story but what I will say that I believe TRUE inspiration must come to YOU. It is ā€œBeyond the reach of man or heavens.ā€ Thatā€™s beautiful, I take it youā€™re also a poet. Oh no. Thatā€™s just from an old book I was given when I was young. Well youā€™ve already changed the world. How do you follow that up? What I'm working on now I believe will have an even greater impact on humanity. Ok now. Those are some mighty big words now. You got to give us a little hint on whatā€™s going on there. This is how I get you to invite me back. Ok thatā€™s a good one. Stick around folks. Dr. Wade Edward is going to talk a little bit more later on... What the hell? Carter. You copy? Boss, whatā€™s going on down there? Whatā€™s up with the reader on D3? I keep getting a read error on this. Murph was actually talking about potentially reclassifying a couple of the rooms as Tier 1. Let me see. Nah, thatā€™s not it. Tier 1 wouldā€™ve given me an ā€˜Authorization Errorā€™. I think this is just a faulty reader. Could you go remote? - Boss I thought weā€¦ - Yeah, go ahead and remote this. Also, start on the report for this faulty reader Iā€™ll sign it once I finish this round. Okay copy that I will get right on it Donā€™t worry you will regain control in about 30 minutes Its going to hurt a little bit Its going to feel a little bit like pins and needles Now donā€™t lean back There you go - Hey - Cecilia. I got it. Thank you. I knew you'd come through. Of course - 100 milligrams? - 200. Itā€™ll last longer. Thank you. What time did you remove the case? 3:05 am. - Approximately? - Exactly. Thatā€™s good. Are you okay? Yes, yes I'm fine. See you soon? Yeah. Okay. Cecilia. Thank you. Wade? Who is it? For over fifteen hundred years, I would of given anything to undo what had been done to me. Now I realized that I must be the one to set the events in motion. All this time all my suffering wasnā€™t a curse. It wasnā€™t a random cosmic event. It was necessary. I was chosen. If it wasnā€™t for my pain, for the compound in my blood... humanity would be the one to suffer. My torture life was imperative for the betterment of humankind. And it took me so long to realize that... I would never truly understand why I was chosen, and I accept that now. Perhaps that is why it had to be me.
Channel: Joe Penna / MysteryGuitarMan
Views: 1,727,099
Rating: 4.9174938 out of 5
Keywords: mysteryguitarman, mystery, guitar, man, joe penna, joe, penna, jp, immortal, immortality, time travel, time-travel, time, time warp, powers, super powers, superpowers, plane, crash
Id: heCXjUIvw24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 7sec (2467 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 05 2015
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