The World's Best Short Films (2020) | Omeleto

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[Music] huh [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] mm-hmm [Music] now [Music] um [Music] three [Music] oh [Music] quick [Music] um [Music] so [Music] uh [Applause] uh [Applause] [Music] oh huh yay [Music] oh yes [Music] oh [Music] [Music] so [Music] iron knobs a unique little town the people are creative ambitious [Music] easy going and proud they also wear their heart on their sleeve when mom died that sleeve crease and the heart of the town was folded away and it needed a massive shot of adrenaline and a tiny shot of starch to get its slickery little pulse beating again so huh oh get out stupid jim's supposed to be dead i will be in a minute take a look at this bike what's he doing didn't i just found him have you shot him yet he's just about to leg um other arm other legs is he dead looks like it stephanie pissed his pants he's a bigger one okay oh hit him with a stick you hit him with a stick oh wait you shot him yeah but i threw the rocks in him it's your turn come on don't poke you need him harder than that hey dinkum yeah give him a whack poke it in his hole really yeah see how far it goes in wow [Music] please say there is still no leads in the patterson kidnapping case central figure in recent gangland shootings henry hudson has allegedly kidnapped his twin brother williams it is now being revealed that the alleged kidnapping took place in this public access park where children sometimes play this all happening only days after williams agreed to testify in court williams and the homeless well he looks dead which gun did you use 38 barney that's that's work gun didn't know it was loaded you know much trouble we could get in it's the last thing he needs right now said i was sorry oh hey honey mark g'day jill how's your dad yeah not so good poor love so what's going on here then barney shot it was an accident well it's not you were aiming at him sorry were you [ __ ] and you shot at him first yeah his mouth bullets all right all right easy lads let's not play the blame game well he's not local any idea who it is i reckon he's one of those brothers that's been on the news oh yeah it's a good one not the bad one i don't know well what about the other one you've seen him jeez they look alike don't they is he dead reckon he might be i wonder how he died stabbed probably probably oh i suppose we should call the authorities we can't honey mug bunny shot him with a 38. your dad's work gun bloody kid well better call heather and brian okay mate okay okay marg yep yep boy mug who was that that was mark everything okay oh yeah fine young barney went and shot himself one of them missing brothers really silly bugger everyone okay yeah well i'll accept the follow they shot oh and his brother's dead too never mind the police there no they're not calling it in silly bugger went and used bill's work gun did he oh how is bill put love yeah he's still got a bit of a ways to go i think oh well he certainly doesn't need this extra problem on his plate now does he no no he doesn't well i'm gonna have to take the truck up there and bring it all in right why does he have to stay here because bjorn the last place people will look for a corpses in this dump right now the less you know about this the better funny his dad's work gun door what a wizard so what if he wakes up you call me straight away right if he wakes up what do you reckon dimwit all right he can stay here but the compost goes out in the garden whatever i reckon we'll have to get rid of this one for good but what if he's a good one mr catford he deserves a proper burial hey little dudes stop throwing [ __ ] at my boat especially you barnstorm you're in enough trouble [Music] i don't know maggie it's a big call i'm just not sure i can make this kind of decision oh come on pete of course you can just turn your head and walk away well that's easy to say but it's my neck on the block here oh please you know it's the right thing to do it's not like you've got anything to lose nothing to lose what about my self-esteem i mean i'm the one who's got to look at myself in the mirror i'll get your hand off at your dill you barely know a mate and let's be honest you can't always get another one you know they warned me about these russian brides but i really thought iron oscar was different they were emails they were so you know i honestly thought she loved me now look there's no doubt she's got a lovely heartbeat so do artichokes mate and there is prickly and bitter on the outside of shares so what about this situation with this fellow the barney shot and his dead brother oh margaret just do what needs to be done you're not gonna fill it in now no aim you said to leave it this way in case the other one dies that way we can just chuck them both in together reckons it's best not to separate twins what are you gonna do if he doesn't though what do you mean i mean with your dad it's his gun wasn't it they find out his 12 year old son shot an innocent man with his work gun it was his job bonnie probably bloody hell it's the last thing he needs it's the last thing any of you need we'll be right yeah i suppose still if it was me i'd be making sure of it i reckon made hungarian ghoulish you did a good job with the flowers dad are you wearing mom's perfume margaret make sure you eat something okay that hey honey mark your sister alright [Music] [Music] [Music] what's with the hose uh we didn't have any uh legal pain relief substances so i figured whatever went into john's blood went into this guys so he made this really works that doesn't mean he can't uh i'm sorry to be like smarter than you but just so you know mitch over here hasn't felt pain in nearly three years hey i need you all to leave please bjorn [Music] yes oh hey veal inside uh sorry about it uh yeah uh jill if she was inside um she could have left hey get away from me jill did i i didn't do anything i don't think he's got much longer bill with all of the events that had happened over the last 48 hours seeing dad up and about was without a doubt the most important the next day we had a funeral for the dead twin and it was so great to see everyone out of their houses and back on the street again something which hadn't happened for a long time [Music] everyone was so grateful to the wounded man for brutally murdering his brother in cold blood [Music] and giving them a reason to smile again [Music] yeah okay mate oh yeah mark i'm okay yeah it's silly really yeah it's just that there's something about funerals that make me so sad you silly bugger rydo everyone i suppose we better get things underway so someone should say something father miles rydo then suppose it's up to me margaret may i speak in russia we have a saying don't mix your tears with the lumps in your milk this man is bad he is dead save your tears for someone good the town learnt one important lesson from uranus speech to never invite her to a funeral again but it did make the town laugh something it hadn't done for a long time [Music] oh [Music] that was the first time dad had cried since mum passed away and this was the first time he'd smiled mum once told me that living in a small town is like sitting on a toilet seat that's just been used sure it has its dark and messy history [Music] but you can't help but enjoy its warmth [Music] do [Music] never in a hurry some of us look like we never seem to worry thoughts of you stay always in our heart it's just a small town problem nothing we can handle we're working [Music] it's just a small town problem nothing that we can't handle working hard we'll teach you them we're trying to see it's true the life goes on each and every day at least that's what all i made [Music] you [Music] [Music] happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear sean [Music] happy birthday to you [Music] what happened so shhh uh there was pizza and some lesbian makeout action oh perfect cake what kind oh chocolate is there any other kind not that i've heard of them you put uh lebron james to use who's lebron james bonnie wheat got it yes sir we smoked a lot right hmm like a lot another one um i mean oh yeah or do you not smoke oh no no no no i uh no i've smoked it's just well like it's been a while since like high school high school yeah wow hello you know how old are you because you told me your entire birthday story but you didn't tell me your age which is well you know it's just weed yeah i don't do drugs drugs okay anymore cigarettes my ex smoked a lot and it was not a good like i couldn't the kissing was oh no yeah no i don't i'd try smoking weed again well i'm saying that quietly like it's like a dangerous thing to do it's not that dangerous okay actually i do have some no pressure like on you no no at home okay you got some sweet friends yeah i mean they're idiots but yes i didn't make a playlist pardon i mean i didn't make like a sexy playlist uh it's been a while so that might not be a thing anymore well that's still a thing but don't worry i forgive you [Music] cheers [Music] oh my god [Music] take me with your future i can see the future [Music] what happens now back to beer sure then maybe some mr james bong yeah yeah yeah i'm gonna pee i'll be back you'll be back anything i need to know about the oh normal just the bathroom right hey hey since the accident uh anything i open i uh pretty much taste so that was an unexpected perk or whatever the opposite of perk is entrance there it is hindrance it's got to be tough though you should see the guy upstairs he's uh this [ __ ] in a wheelchair and he's got this spine thing so he's always shaking mr stumpy stoner and the retards [ __ ] no nobody i got it i got it hey hey hey leave it um i thought you didn't smoke well oh you're ever going to overcome that handcuff is a [ __ ] mystery to me don't get shy on me now excuse me where are you going i'm just i'm standing here i i tried to kiss you and you offered me a beer and so i went to the bathroom and now i'm just standing careful don't fall in love with me or else you'll be helping me out in there too sean slow down i i well first you'll get high and then everybody wins i'm not here to get home you seem pretty keen i think i can't get [ __ ] high with that yeah clearly i'm here for your medical marijuana it's impossible to obtain in 2017 in toronto yeah no i i'm actually here because i love getting yelled at over spilled beer i don't know where your [ __ ] fetishes are yeah you figured me you wouldn't be the [ __ ] first look i'm sorry that you assumed i think you're here because you feel bad for me right get out really please leave my apartment make me leave caleb leave if we're not going to bone sean i'm going to get on your grade a weed before i go caleb i swear to god you don't know a goddamn thing about me sean laughs really [ __ ] you when's the last time you did this did what add someone over kiss someone am i the first since yeah i was 20. and how old are you now 30. those things that you think i'm thinking i'm not how old are you 25. and you haven't smoked since high school you're about to get wrecked [Music] take me with your future i can see the future we are interdisciplinary cause we i can see the future take i me see the future take me with your future i can see the future this is the final call for yelp [Music] corey i'm kim i'm a friend of marlins i recognize you from photos you shared thanks for coming kim of course are you there kim what uh i just didn't expect you to be so young you came all this way yeah he was one of my best friends yeah really sure come on in thank you annie i'm kim you must be davey and george thanks for coming it would have meant a lot to him had to prove him wrong he said we'd never meet in person um feel free to pay your respects i'm sorry it's nice to finally meet you is it took me a while how do you know marlon did you meet at work oh um i bought a camera off of him through ebay and uh we're both really into film and and vintage cameras and i emailed him a couple of questions about it and we started geeking out about different lenses and things and it it just grew from there did you like message every other day or oh no way more than that and we didn't just send each other a message once during a day we spoke throughout the day a lot you're from new york new york city yeah well um queens when annie told me that he was talking to another woman i told her then and i'll tell you now i think that's [ __ ] up oh no it wasn't like that so what would you talk about now we talked about whatever it is friends talk about right so he liked you because of friendship yeah of course we were just friends okay did you talk on the phone or um no mostly through text and messenger and you never met you you didn't think that's kind of weird no i think it would have been weird had we met in person the fact that we had never met is kind of what made it so great marlon was lucky to have you for a friend i thank you is so your friend oh bannies yeah oh yeah she's very nice she certainly is your friend's time so hey hey just taking a break yeah i hear you i thought you looked like you could use one of these though thank you to marlin so you never met my brother never it's weird i almost didn't come so why did you i wanted to be here in person i didn't bother annie about it when she called to tell me that he died but was he on the phone when it happened no he was just cutting vegetables and he was helping andy make some dinner and then he just just collapsed you talk to him all the time huh almost every day you know i might get a message from him once every couple of months he always said he wished you two were closer but here you are huh some stranger none of us have ever met not even marilyn and i don't know you know him better than any of myself i don't really know how well you can know anyone what is up with all that owl stuff in there seriously who does that it is a disquieting amount of owls i had no idea he was into our paraphernalia he was a good guy and he really loved you a lot i gotta go inside it's freezing out here yeah i'm gonna stick out for a minute tables let's go for it hi i'm going to the airport hotel uh you hmm hmm hello kim it's annie i've got marilyn's phone annie i'm so sorry i didn't mean to bother you with those messages i didn't know it's okay it's okay i get it you left without saying goodbye yeah it it didn't feel like i should be there no no you did you meant a lot to him listen he said he never spoke to you about us but i was never really sure did he complain about me i mean i loved him so much but i just felt some time no he only ever said the best things about you always thank you you're welcome annie yeah um marlon sent me a message not long before he died and it seemed like he was going to send me something else but the message never came through it's still here in the typing area really do you want to know what it says please i'll send it after we hang up thank you goodbye kim what ah hello hello honeys so today i'm gonna be lip syncing it's the fantastical new song by my queen and goddess august this is for any of you who are having a bad day it will get better there is so much to smile about quick shout out to sasha valernott fierce hallie7745 and cocobean4 love you all so so much i hope i said your names right don't forget to like and subscribe and also always remember to be yourself because you are the only you there is and you are [Music] if [Music] honey have you been taking singing lessons uh marlene your speech was so good oh my goodness like i didn't even like try this looks like improv and oh my god why can't you just take the freaking couple yeah dinner coming [Music] the thing is you're not going to be able to see i'm gonna have to think oh my god i'm never gonna be able to see hello hello honey so today i'm gonna be listening to my favorite ever august don't forget to like and subscribe yeah honey have you been taking singing lessons what is wrong with you you're actually attained such a freak [Music] you're all early everything okay yes how's everyone getting along i think we'll be ready to present on friday good just remember the aim of this is just to break the ice for your actual gcse oil next year so i don't mind what topic you've actually chosen just yeah make sure you're talking about something you really love and i want some creative original engagement with it if you're talking about music for example just sing something or [Music] whatever [Music] well done that's me that was really nice well done phone away please tony sorry well you can start us off then read us the opening of what you've just written please the woman in the lake a wet dream by tony barnett what was that nothing what did you just say i said a wet dream by tony barnett right i'm not going to have that kind of behavior in my classroom wait outside in the corridor please now um sorry about that everyone where are we tony could i have a quick word look i'm going to have a word with esme we're going to stop this are you okay papi i don't want to talk about it okay well if you change your mind just let me know are you still all right to your presentation tomorrow i'm not sure i might just change a bit okay why i think it's just a bit i don't know just be yourself i'm sure i'll be fine okay so next up we have tony come on up tony do you just do the lights uh what the this one yeah that one sure okay ready hit it does my honorable and learned friend not agree that the internet is the gravest danger to face the younger generations today [Music] take a picture is [Music] [Music] though it has its positives it can also bring harassment hazards [Music] [Music] be i'm all across the spectrum wow tony thank you that was gosh not not quite the brief but very creative okay so um next up we have uh aiden aiden [Music] [Music] if it is [Music] [Music] uh um wow [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] blues [Music] rgb is i'm all across the spectrum hey we'll now pause for the angelus [Music] here mary full of grace the lord is with thee blessed rather amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb jesus holy mary mother of god pray for as soon as known as the hour of our death amen behold the handmaid of the lord be it done unto me according to my words full of grace the lord is with thee blessed art amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb jesus only may the god pray for sinners now and there are death of men and the word is made flesh and dwelt among us dwelt among us let us pray for the immigration what's the rush i told you i'm going out tonight you couldn't spare a moment for reflection no i'll reflect in the car you know i'm on call this evening what do you mean nothing i'll see you later bye and baby come to the house 8 p.m thursday and wear something easy to take off babe you oh oh s sorry i i'm sorry um i must have made a mistake no no no no no no i made a mistake i'm sorry i was looking for someone else i'm sorry terribly sorry [ __ ] that's my husband sorry love i must have left it on the latch but he was in the [ __ ] door are you okay [ __ ] his chest i'll get you a glass of water what are you doing here why what are you doing here i found a letter in your mother's bag it fell out of the bag never mind me what are you doing under the bed there you go you're welcome another productive day huh yeah oh that must be exhaust not even nine o'clock and you're ready for bed to get dressed at all today woman oh [Music] hi hello call an ambulance don't worry my dad's a doctor your dad ambulance service please for warburton tara spray i'll get it okay jesus mary and holy saint joseph don't know mom married put the letter i found anne this is marie's friend joe joe joe this is marie's mom anne peace mitch what is going on here this is joe's husband there's an ambulance on the way can you please bring joe outside flag it down when it comes right right let's go quick quick everything's going to be okay she's [ __ ] married i know you know maybe not for long sorry [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] the ambulance has arrived hey oh please [Music] mother of god [Applause] pork chops nice and thick maybe corn when it's in season and mashed potatoes with gravy now that's a proper meal food that reminds you of your childhood what my husband derek used to call a bit of all right steak i used to try and find them a nice cut when they'd asked for it figuring they deserve a little something nicer than chuck i'd do a good steak it was one of derek's favorites nothing like a steak spitting in your eyes but you want a steak when it's just off the skillet better off with something that keeps like a stew or a pot pie they don't think about that when they're ordering why should they not like they haven't got enough on the mounds already they always eat the meal you know i have the slightest idea i'm always gone by the time dudley gets back with the tray i don't think i could have an appetite know when i was about to die [Music] so so who's getting the meal tonight that boy who climbed a tree at playground and started firing killed 11 little ones three mothers and a nanny from guatemala don't beat the doe to death i remember him you know i used to take my daughter to that park until i realized that man is god's mistake but i know that's who we were cooking for i never would have come what are you doing in here they already let carla go so jeremy said i could borrow nancy from the big house for the night what's on the menu tonight miss maggie roasted chicken mashed potatoes and broccoli you ready in a little over an hour you come back then 30 years i can't believe you put up with these men for 30 years miss maggie let's not make a big deal of it please hmm i'm gonna miss you and you're cooking well good guy am i glad they're getting rid of this program yeah i'll second that now wait just a minute murderers rapists a bunch of coons and white trash eating their free government meals on my tax dollar nobody give me no free meal you watch your tongue this is still my kitchen i'm sorry i'm just trying to tell you how it is in his near you'll have to forgive him he wasn't always like that the years have taken their toll i imagine there'll be days when i'll miss deadly doesn't why are you calling it i'm counting moves slower than molasses i reckon even the stews must be cold by the time deadly dudley gets over to the death house and you can forget about them steaks hmm what do you think you're doing okay no need to make a fuss i'll get a newer one if it'll make you happy that's the last thing he's ever gonna taste use this one [Music] i hate to say it he's got a point you're cooking like it's for your own kin don't forget this man killed 15 people most of them little ones least he didn't request the governor's head on a platter i've gotten that one a few times mcdonald's was a popular one i'd have to order a head get a tax cab to bring it up they'd come in sometimes yelling ate up i doubt they ever knew who it was for i remember my first time ordering mcdonald's i wanted it to look like a nice proper meal next day dudley told me he'd thrown his food all over his cell i guess everyone has their own way of eating mcdonald's my daughter likes to dip her fries in her milkshake so the strangest request was from that lawyer who murdered his wife wait didn't you hire somebody no no he and his mistress murdered her for the insurance money asparagus fears to start two guinea fowl were wrapped in bacon and roasted buttered green beans and mashed celeriac maceleriak i'll be honest with you i had to look it up and creme brulee for dessert i wanted to go up there and tell him if he wanted fancy french food he better come down here and cook it for herself why you let those men walk all over you i beg your pardon come on creme brulee guinea fowl what is that now one last special meal ain't hurting nobody what about those i children there for them when they were done your potatoes are boiling excuse me for a minute so [Music] [Music] i am sorry miss maggie if i offended you it's just i think derek's last meal was an egg salad sandwich that's the trouble with hospitals meal orders are put in the night before so if you check in late chances are you'll get the meal of the person before you derek didn't get his room till the late afternoon he was so gray that's what i remember the most that and his breathing it's blank why are we going through all this trouble for him it's what he would have wanted what who would have wanted you're fooling yourself you know that i was like you i used to come in here and not give him two shits about who i was cooking for meal after meal death after death they are human beings waiting for their turn to die doesn't really matter anymore does it y'all still cooking that white mush over at polanski it's almost ready didn't say nothing about no pie you know as well as i do but every dinner deserves a pie and i know what you will be eating later tonight the man don't deserve you miss maggie that's just me that it may bring him comfort and peace before he goes to meet you lord in jesus name amen [Music] [Music] [Music] it's time [Music] knees crack 17. [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so i would like to dedicate this to my family i am a coda a child of deaf adults and this is my story stop maria let's see your choreography next everyone let's watch maria [Music] that's what we are striving for the truth every move lets us know her story that's it for today alex can i see you i can't tell if you're putting in the time your choreography is too safe i think you need to seriously consider if this is the right path for you no i can't understand you [Music] [Music] no you don't [Music] [Music] uh hey what can i get for you uh drag and go [Music] here you go thank you you who come here tonight in your people okay kitties what kitty guinness yeah okay hmm so okay hello uh hello is your mother her father home yeah oh well young lady maybe you could tell your bob oh [Music] ugh um so [Music] okay um [Music] it's interesting it's nothing it's it's just a warm-up quiet quickly shoes off let's go spaces faster let's begin [Music] elongate what is dance where are you dancing from there's only six weeks until your final choreography is due those who don't impress won't be back next semester [Music] someone's got to give me a break i'm just sick of hurting my mistakes i know i've got no time to waste always i'm feeling so trapped inside [Music] even if it's wrong i still feel alive [Music] just tell me why even if it's wrong [Music] alex you're out of the studio knew what happened eventually oh sorry to interrupt um [Applause] okay um um [Applause] uh liar such a wire i should have just told him [Music] [Music] foreign misery i would like to dedicate this to my family i am a coda a child of deaf adults and this is my story [Music] [Music] i'm into places now ripping me apart and somehow i am still standing on ground i've got a secret now gotta step up and show you how i'm meant to be i'm meant to be gotta know that i know gotta know who i [Music] when world's [Music] you've gotta know by now can i tell you how i never meant to cause you pain i wish i never lied but i still would wonder how my life would change my life would change [Music] [Music] [Music] don't know [Music] just [Music] me [Music] [Music] and just in time must step into the line ugh someone's got to give me a break i'm just sick of hiding my mistakes i know i've got no time to waste [Music] always [Music] just tell me why even if it's wrong i've never felt this way before you're the one that i've been waiting for i know i did you wrong the first time i never wanted to let you say [Music] i'm goodbye so trapped inside even if it's wrong i still feel alive [Music] just tell me why even if it's wrong [Music] here are your prompts and there's some contact information in the back i'll be back in just a minute to supervise are you all good yeah okay great i'm sorry about this but i'll be right back hello hello crisis support hi hi how are you today how am i pretty good i guess i like to call this number when i'm bored [ __ ] sorry that was um sorry i shouldn't say [ __ ] um why don't you tell me about why you sorry you knew right normally when someone answers they read like a little script thing on confidentiality and whatnot you mean hi i'm a volunteer here at crisis support i'd like to start myself yep that's the one sorry should i read it no no so you've called you before then a few times yeah yeah i got caller in a month last month is that a thing yeah whoever calls the most gets a little certificate in the mail with a voucher for the cheesecake shop oh that was a joke oh sorry i shouldn't laugh um you sound way too young to be working there it's usually board retirees guess i am pretty young why are you working there because i wanted to yep but what's your real job oh i don't i don't have a job i'm a student ah psychology i'm guessing um you failed an exam and they want you to get more experience sorry i i just realized we were talking about me instead of you it's all right well you're kind of right but it's not just like that i mean i i wanted to do something you know significant and this is it sorry oh this is your significance i'm not sure what that means that's life isn't it the search for significance that's the big thing some people climb mount everest you're talking to a stranger on the phone in the end well they're equally significant and insignificant aren't they everything and nothing in this life is important that's kind of uh do you really believe that i know that okay um so do you ever feel lonely or depressed you want to know what i'm doing right now what i'm sitting on the edge of my bathtub i've got three letters in my hand one is for my mom one is for my ex and one is for my landlord three letters it took me an hour now less than really now if that's not a sign to kill myself i don't know what is you're thinking about suicide thinking about it [Music] i don't really think about it it's not a conscious thought it's involuntary uh do you think you can hold on for a second i think i might have to um transfer you what transfer me to what the suicide department oh sorry i'm sorry never mind i ignore that hello hello do you have any hobbies but how did you get into psychology i like lego really i like lego too at least i used to can't save you so much anymore yeah well i'm an accountant who likes lego if that gives you the picture you know there lots of people that build with lego as a hobby i'm sure there are plenty of groups that you could join to you want me to go join a lego building group i'm virginal enough already but thanks all right oh like what poems mostly diary some songs that's great could you read me one i don't have any with me right now sorry uh well what about one of your letters you want me to read you one of my suicide letters i think so that's okay oh man sure this is the one i've written to my landlord i plan to put it under his door tonight with the key to my apartment he'll be the first to call the police because he gets home around eight my mom's letter won't get to her till tomorrow uh what's your landlord's name his name all right it's n-o-n-e yeah of your business oh sorry it's a good shot though did you you actually start writing none thought it was like noni like a greek name or something all right you're really not going to tell me your name or anything why because i don't know i want to be able to help you you don't want to help me you want to stop me don't confuse them as the same thing you still read me the letter okay it's not really a letter it's it's it's more of a poem i guess anyway i'll read it to my landlord seven years i've been demanding 24b seven years i've been paying my rent seven years i've kept my music down low and of those seven years i've spent a solid six years alone in my flight with an empty chair just for you but never the courage to tell you that so i never really needed to i always imagined myself at this age finally at peace in my mind i search for passion for beauty for meaning for rage but there's just nothing in there to find i think every minute of wasting a life of moaning and moping about has chiseled into my core with a knife and slowly has hollowed me out tears haven't got any point anymore food isn't nearly as good today is never as bright as before and night it doesn't feel like it should in this quick and invisible life i've led i accept i'm a loner two [ __ ] scared to be anything but the gay man you found dead an apartment 24b [Applause] what do you think that's um you're a good writer did you ever pursue writing no why not does it really matter now listen you're my first caller my very first i'm completely out of my depth and i'm terrified that you're gonna hang up and kill yourself at any moment i don't want that so please i can transfer you to someone else what if things get better you know what if things change you don't know me okay i don't know you you weren't working there to do something significant you're working here to feel better about yourself like you've got it all together how could you possibly genuinely care about what happens to me well for the last five minutes you've been reading off a script written for every sad second [ __ ] desperado that calls this line asking for advice on what loaner club they should join so they can kid themselves into thinking they've got friends i want you to give me a reason besides hey guy i don't know but hang in there and it just might get better to not kill myself today because i don't have any i've had eddie for a really long time and i get the feeling uh any written on your little script hair either why did you call here when i was a little kid i used to be scared of the lucky dip at the fair you know putting your hand in the box and not knowing what's inside feels a little bit like this i don't believe in god or in hell but oh no i'm not sure what will happen to me i'm terrified i'm so terrified i'm doing what i always do i wanted someone to change my mind and just for one more day i can't i can't change it myself it feels like i'm on a moving train and if i jump off now i'll be worse than ever please just tell me your name good luck with the rest of your course okay i i hope you find your significance i really do no don't hang up but um let me just you've been great you're really really great i have to go now okay uh well i think um i think um i i i think you might want to make some changes to your letter before you go it won't take long you can work on it tonight but you know you call yourself a writer you should really work on those letters polish them up what i thought your rhythm was off in parts some of the rhymes were a bit of a stretch it needs work um you're asking me to draft my suicide note yep that's really [ __ ] up you seem pretty dead set on the idea excuse the phrasing all right all right all right okay then call back again tomorrow and we'll see where it's at okay sounds like you just changed your mind sounds like i did sorry okay i'm back would you get a read-through it's weird i shouldn't be hooked up already sorry i'll be back in just one sec okay well yeah hello [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] thank you all for coming i've made up my mind what i want to do [Music] now bear with me if one is convinced as i am that the age of the earth is 4.5 billion years old then we can assume that the earth's atmosphere will be around the same age so we can say that when something is burnt it will turn into carbon dioxide and water vapor and it will be dispersed into the earth's atmosphere if something is burnt it is the purest way for the particles to become everlasting forever in the earth's atmosphere becoming infinite this is what i want to do i want my life and my memories to last forever once i'm gone you're asking for us to burn you no no mate of course not i'll leave that to the crematorium no my plan is there's five of us and there's five key things which have made my life so good love location home family and friends wolfie pick one what and obviously the last one's mine so who's got what i've got location dribble family good home friends okay leaving me with love where are you going with us yeah um what we did when i was first diagnosed as terminal you each said that you would do anything for me now i don't want to go like anywhere exotic or like skydiving what you can each do for me is to collect a single item that connects you me and the word on this piece of paper in your hand and then this week we're going to spend the evenings building a fire up in the field and on friday we're going to come back here we're going to start the fire we're going to make these memories a part of the atmosphere by burning them so you're happy to do it yeah man yeah i'm in of course i am we all are yeah i am i need to go but i'll see you later on the week to build this fire yeah all right cool wednesday evening works for me applaud we better shoot too actually yeah all right man i'll i'll see you on wednesday this is a good idea so now dude see you all right man see you wednesday uh mate you know you don't have to be like okay with all this you can be upset points that's that's allowed i know i'm dying there mate i'm not dead but besides in a few weeks if things keep heading the way they're meant to i won't be able to do any of this i just want to make the best of these moments when i still can dying doesn't seem quite real does it mean it's gonna feel a lot more real after this operation i mean i at least your hair sticking around for the long run don't don't even talk about it [Music] [Applause] [Music] so well it makes me lose my mind but i don't get it why everybody's moving so fast [Music] sometimes i still feel it's all where's the side of you come from [Music] pretty sure it's always been here assistant with everything that's gone on recently i don't see the point in holding back anymore would you think that i don't know death makes you braver i don't know i think it just makes me realize what actually matters i don't get caught up in who i want to be i just want to do what makes me happy how are you so optimistic why does this have to be a sad thing i'm okay with it so you should be too it's not as easy as that is it i mean when you're gone we're still here breathing stop it that's not fair i i understand what you're saying trust me i i think about it a lot but for now i'm asking you to do this one thing for me to turn me into a lasting memory a day that we all came together to do something special the fire this this whole ritual you'll remember this forever digs it will keep me here i'm not going anywhere [Music] but with the ashes from this fire and maybe even from my body when that day does come you can come back here and you can create something new something that will last even longer than you do you can come in with your children and family and you can say yeah that's for sid but you never met he stuck around to be a part of all of your lives too you're right i want to say to you all thank you for doing this like i knew you would but thank you mate you know we'd have done anything you'd asked yeah yeah man no matter how crazy all right i think it should be digger that we look out for now though i think he's really struggling with everything that's going on i mean listen sid it's strange for all of us knowing what's going to happen you know but it's got to be especially strange for him come here [Music] what's he done wait wait are you guys ready that's incredible [Music] all right guys so i kind of left my head a little bit late but i got a good one i noticed that one of the ceiling beams was really rotten so i throw something down us which is here it also supports the ceiling mate it's also my parents barn man if it comes down blood look mate just don't pull out being from ceilings [Music] location was a little hard i wanted something from here we've all grown up in sorry it's part of who we are so i've got this it's a map stolen from the archive that's fully illegal [Laughter] you you could have just copied it it wouldn't understand it so sid what did you get for love you all remember lily from school right not really well well i asked to meet up with her on thursday night no no not like that not like that all i got was a kiss oh that's not bad i got all of you kiss as well i thought we could all sign it as well so family i am i had to go to your parents your dad said it was your granddad's they know that he didn't leave you anything behind in the world when he passed but it's because he was waiting until he turned 25 give you this i asked them they said now is as good a time as i need to give it to me [Music] look sid make me we don't actually have to burn it if you don't want to no this is perfect [Music] thank you man thank you [Music] growing up an only child i found four brothers in one of you remember one year i got a video camera for christmas you all came over did our version of helmsd remember that we didn't know what we were doing didn't know how to edit so we just shot in chronological order standing up straight after being killed it looked ridiculous my word was friendship for me this tape has always been a keepsake of that versus a group but it seems like our group won't be the same again i can't keep everyone on this tape i don't want to keep it i want you to go [Music] right in here [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Omeleto
Views: 206,551
Rating: 4.8644476 out of 5
Keywords: the world's best short films, 2020, omeleto
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 154min 1sec (9241 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 27 2020
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