Beyond Reach: As Dark As A Mod About HOPE Can Get.

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[Music] we wanna peace where we got a punity your actions left us oh foreign hey let me tell you something Skyrim has mods for every single one of your needs you don't need a life you don't even need to touch grass when you have 4K resolution grass in a video game and what is the purpose of going outside if the outside I get to see while staying inside is better than the one I have to go outside to see but just between you and me I don't get the fascination with grass sure it's a weird looking green plant that has a valuable place in many ecosystems but I wouldn't endlessly Mod Skyrim around something which is primary faction is to get eaten by a cow no what we want is new DLCs for the game Beyond rich is one of such mods back in my younger days I played this mod and but then it felt shallow incomplete then after I posted the original video if you're by the mean of amazing Horizons expanded my horizons by telling me that the mode is no longer voice acted and has some themes that are apparently darker than vigilance impossible Blasphemous even okay I'll give it a shot I mean I have nothing better to do for the weekend might as well throw some time out of the window okay one week two playthroughs and three pages worth of notes later and yeah I think I want to talk about this mod what made me change my mind well for one this mod is now voice actor meaning you won't just hear my voice for the next three hours secondly this mod dwells into I think most of the weirder topics of Elder Scrolls lore that I have yet to cover on this channel and thirdly the mod is good Beyond mixing a lot of different subjects from Tesla it also uses a lot of different themes you see in fiction such as motherhood power struggles and most importantly hope which will be the key point of this mod story all these themes are then beautifully tied up in a gloomy dark and mysterious atmosphere which is why today I am here to Spill the tea on this mod story but before that some disclaimers this is going to be a long video about beyond the reach in which I will spoil most things about the main quest and a few things about side quests so here's your spoiler warning I will not talk about every side quest or every detail of the main story as a lot of points really don't push the modes narrative Beyond this however one of the biggest problems people have with this mod is that there is way too much dialogue and these dialogues often use very abstract terminologies so much so that they become gibberish after one point so I would also be skipping some of them when I'm able to explain them without any to have them play for 45 minutes on top of that like I said already this mod requires understanding of some of the more difficult parts of Tesla so again when we get to those points I'm gonna have to pause elaborate on what's Happening and then continue also that whole darker than Vigilant comment yeah it's true Advance at your own Peril if you thought what happened to Lemay was but there's a lot more of it here along with other acts against mankind finally I feel the need to remind people that I have never ever gotten anything wrong when it comes to scary mods emperor or Balthazar yeah he's right here look at him where best is now drags of drugs of cities I barely know her in all seriousness I am confident for about 95 of the things I will talk about in this mod there are however one or two things that I have my doubts on this mod is way less documented or explained than some of the other subjects I covered on this channel so mostly I had to piece this all together and if I had something wrong or if you want to add something that I skipped please feel free to do so in the comments and with all that out of the way let's go to Whiterun meet a blind Priestess and set a course for a path beyond the reach you what are you please take mother Mara's blessing to wash this unease away what are you talking about mother guides me to those flickering Souls who are yet to cast themselves on the fire for tomorrow's Utopia she sees in you potential potential which can avert Calamity I her most devoted servant need you to believe in the goodness of your heart in love get to the point forgive her beloved child of anatropy for all her convictions she only looks up blind to those below the clouds which she wishes to ascend there is a terror a terror of minds and ideas forming in the west a Conley age of antipathy and repressed hatred is nearing its sum go west and see open those eyes and see that which belies its Splendor beset by men Gods Kings and ideas keep a clear eye keep your head above water when you reach that ground the tides of want can drown any who venture too far from the shore foreign who can take us there the merchant hides us as his bodyguard since the last one got drunk and lost and off we go to the kingdom of Evermore there is this introduction that you can see on the screen right now and it's just Mindless foreshadowing so I'm not gonna go through it beyond the rich contains very disturbing and sensitive subjects huh I don't find this ominous at all also check it out I upgraded no longer will people make fun of me for playing on legendary edition I didn't have time to go through a lot of graphical Improvement mods but this ought to make the experience a little bit more palatable for your eyes however if you are planning to pick up this mod I ought to give you this board of advice this mod doesn't really like being around other mods I played it once without any other mods and I had only one Crush then I played it twice to record this video with other visual mods and I had about 10 crushes one complete phrase in which I had to restart the PC and a lot of visual anomalies now welcome to the reach we are here what is Evermore Evermore most of all for its colorful cast of characters deviates yo run the gamma of protonic experience in that cluster of man first settlement you'll come across considering you stay the course once you depart from a wagon as the divide the hulking bridge jutting out from its watery locale standing atop that Stony Juggernaut I'll Grant you a Vista of the reaches Myers and toads most ly arnama and if you squint hard enough Evermore itself I thought Evermore was the kingdom yeah semantics say Evermore is the city and the kingdom where the city itself beats as the heart and center of our Royal Affairs the place where the reach consolidates its Authority and well reach over the east used to be a bag water not too long ago the Eastern Hinterland Kingdom yeah recent times and spoiled the city with inordinate wealth and power power that they've used to conquer and subjugate their comparatively less civilized Neighbors now any Britain dwelling east of the Cities walls Sports their Banner you'll see it on your arrival what's going on here armina nothing Pleasant I assure you most outside damn miserable style consider it to be a stain on the kingdom with good reason most of the gods are nothing but thugs looking to shake down as humble Merchants when given the chance and they routinely terrorize those unfortunate songs they don't have the means to leave all governed by that strange character mortified Lord more defeat to be correct never call a Lord by his name our Tales of sordid acts and strange punishment disseminated upon those beneath them you were wise enough to escape the merchant tells us that there's this new breed of first one roaming the lands called The Witch man who are a lot more powerful than their scary man counterparts and wouldn't you know it but one of them just attacked the lover Tower not sure how you came out of that alive to be honest you're tougher than you look bro I am literally wearing Corner Creek what do you mean I'm tougher than I look and from here we part ways with a merchant and head over to the first settlement the divide or not the mob opens up from here the world is now a rooster on the way we see a bunch of work refugees living the rich why is this happening there's been hatred against my kind in these lands for the longest time but with that or city of suns reigning and causing their stir among the breads the retaliation from the manmer will most likely have Orcs like me in a crossfire we were assured that we'd be safier under the protection of the Empire and that our skills would be appreciated by the locals but now the Empire is weak and the britons grow angry we don't want attempt Fate by sticking around and here is the Divide so now that we made it to the first settlement I want to mention some things about the atmosphere of this game when you enter the divide the color of the city is out there talking about what is happening to the region apparently the region suffers from the rich man Orcs that are ravaging the countryside a plague that is especially deadly to manners on the elderly highlights from the iliac Bay floodings which have destroyed an entire settlement hey there any ruin name gray Balmer has a curse inside it which might spread all over the region necromancers and another settlement was destroyed right outside the Divide from mysterious reasons needless to say this region is hitting rock bottom there are three major settlements and all three of them look very off the device is a shock on a bridge armina is a shark period and everyone is guarded by a magical Bearer 24 7. even the few signs of Beauty in this region seem kind of well how should I put this oh I know have you ever passed by a beautiful neighborhood that seemed clean and neat at all but as you look closer you start to notice a few things going a bit off like every house having security cameras electric fences and the windows having Adam buzzer in front of them well that's what the rich feels when it's not a complete dump so we go to the town Shrine and we talk to a lot of the settlement Marosa a Luca Tower was sucked by which man oh a harbinger of grim news not the best first impression well thank you for telling me in advance of my own guards which was only a matter of time before this built further east I'm just a messenger pardon the introduction yet understand the need for it we can't have any wandering Yokel approach royalty like they're of the same stock it's not good for the Kingdom's image will have the guard there as soon as possible but for you are you interested in some coin we need someone to talk to us what do you need done yes well on to the matter to the east of this bridge lies the town of only Raven spring lest you run into a resident whose mind is stuck in bygone years from there she told us to go find a man named jagos in armina to ask him about any potential rumors regarding the Richmond however the really interesting part happens when you ask her about the origins of this witch man expert nor historian decide when speaking of those Savages accounts state that this new incarnation of the witch man appeared near two decades back just after the incident at monster what happened in Monster you haven't heard of it either I feel like I'll be going over the history of every blade of grass in the reach I digress monster was an abandoned Fort far to the North that has since succumbed to its frozen Locale peasants serves and other seditious Souls had made a great Exodus under the cover of night all live in their fields abandoning the Lords they were sworn to serve of course when all your labor thus wealth its constant but a moment there will be tremors so the Lords had sent men to Trail these Wayward workers all the way to monster what they saw was an ostensibly bizarre Affair but which men and peasants forming a decadent commune many turning to layabouts were engaged in Petty pleasures and shirking the labor that had made them those rich men don't look like the kind you want to live with I see you not one for absolving the finer details of a conversation this was before they had all turned feral not to say they weren't Savage before but that former identity was ultimately harmless unlike those you see now panic-stricken many lords conspired finally pushing for the siege that would be that commune's undoing cutting a food digging extensive tensive tunnels to both poison their Wells and revealing more avenues for attack lastly clear diplomacy to impart some reason into those serfs enough for them to return to civilization and abandon these naive ideals the Lords saw the beneficiaries Within monstor a gathering of hagravens who were prolonging The Siege to Impossible lengths then crumbs of discontent were found among the militia fear gripped the nobility that these ideas could spread to every surf nobility not just from Evermore but from all over High rocks sent Aid when they heard how severe the crisis was all of high Rock's seemingly United to crush this small town yet only a lotite would think so simply this was the crush an idea a canker that had undo the very world we Haven so the Lord's strength was honed into one blow throwing all their might at those walls they fell and what Mercy we would have spared upon those misguided serfs was instead replaced with conviction to Stamp Out a chaotic ideology wait you killed the serfs I know they however did to the last man woman and child of peric victory in the truest sense Evermore had lost half its surf class yet the Lords were related that the existential crisis of Revolution was averted exceptionally harsh measures were put in place for anyone that even uttered the commune's name or who dared to evoke the same rebellious sentiments and so that concludes the tale of monster how does that connect to the Richmond bear with me as what follows can drift into rumors from the nobility in that Siege reported seeing figures watching the slaughter unfold in the town neither part of the Kingdom's militia or the defendants Scouts were dispatched to see who the strange party was and upon their return the displayed strange Idols with the scouts claiming them as gifts from those Shady silhouettes though their names are identities were never disclosed most of the nobility had discarded these charms immediately a except for that wretched Morty fan who was enamored by that Hedges amulet that still Rings his filthy neck and what happened next in the years that followed the siege people had brought news of Slaughter among the witch men upon themselves not merely Civil War as such but of purging seemed not one sane Pagan was left up north and that's when communication from the posts in the land stopped silence had blanketed their profaned Realm until recently monster is gonna become very important later in the story so I thought I would let most of this talk play out and actually there are quite a few events that are important to this story that took place years before what is happening right now so we'll have to also keep that in mind the priest of this Temple also tells us that the disease was first spotted amongst the witch man and is currently unsure whether this illness was natural or of datric Origins when you try to leave the divide the Solomon gets attacked by a bunch of Undead going after the Necromancer that summoned them takes us to the ruined Village that cryo talked about finding and killing The Necromancer and his notes revealed that he was actually trying to cast a massive spell on the Salomon which malfunctioned and ended up blowing the Solomon instead it also mentions that he's part of a group and his master would be very mad if he finds out he did this hunting down this group and we found out that his master is actually a slowed I think this is a good time to mention how questing Works in this mod there are three different types of quests in this mod the main quest optional side quests that run in parallel to the main quest and essentially expand on the characters and settings of the main quest and side quests that expand on the world of The Ridge at this time the third type of quest might seem lot of days but they help slap you back into reality unlike other Adventure mods this mod for the most part isn't played on some Grand skill for the fate of the world for most of the main quests it's all about the fate of one Kingdom in a single province of Tamriel for the most part at least so it's always nice when this game throws these quests at you to remind you that there's a greater picture here a quest about a member of the blades going rogue after the white called concordat the Thelma conspiring with the Orcs to destabilize the region and necromancers in listing the help of a sload painting a wider picture to an otherwise very local affair his greatest wand was to become like the deities he worshiped but try this email no wings ever sprouted oh my dude another guy just like that damn a lot of people want to become dragons lately huh however as you will come to see if you play this mod the main quest is complete however a lot of these other activities have wider implications that are not being elaborated on because this mod is still being developed so don't expect an answer about this whole slow thing just yet maybe in a year or two anyway moving on with the main quest we find jagos in armina I was sent by someone on the bridge to see if you needed any help got ourselves a spy could find yourself at the end of a rope if you're lucky yeah I know who you're talking of tell her that a helping hand is more than welcome she'll get the gist before I forget myself as someone of meager Authority take this letter as well the seal is meant to keep Prime fingers out so she'll know if you start sticking your nose in anything else what wanna take me to dinner just make sure you get back to her safely if you ever feel your safety compromised make sure to leave no trace of that letter I saw the plot that follows will be on your hands not mine why haven't you done anything about multifane already got your blinders on plans have a tendency for being outed upon leaving your lips here we've got ears all around town you get to wear an extra setting for themselves by getting on the Lord's good side besides our hands are automatically tied through forces Beyond mortified what do you mean there's a larger fear among the royalty in this province for uppity peasants than mad tyrants we don't want to be set in any precedence with our unrolling us now and so our only allies time waiting for the Lord to pass on for a more just for all little rain that knowing the reach is a hope based in fantasy we shouldn't talk about this further a man has to be cautious if he wants to keep his head if you ask him about the rich man he tells you that the reason why there's so many of them is because a lot of people from different settlements of their age are beginning to defect and join them and how could they not multifan is a matter of who kills people who do as much as breathe their own way out on him the Divide is a shark and everyone is close to anyone who is in Rich AF we go back to Marosa and she told us to go talk to the Imperial captain in the rich for a job and the job is to push a bundle box called sons of arsenium away from their current positions this part is pretty skippable so instead of showing you a pillar Quest I want to actually explain the motives of the Orcs behind all this see the history of the Orcs can be summarized in a pretty simple cycle they build arsenium something something happens or seen in Falls something something happens they rebuild it something something happens repeat and in the fourth era or synonym was sucked Again by a combined force of bretons and red cards reasons for this vary between the empire being very weak at the time and unable to work to protect the city severe racial tensions between red guards britons and Orcs And civil unrest amongst the Orcs themselves so naturally the psycho repeat itself and this time a group of Works called the Sons of arsenium have sought to get revenge against the races that have destroyed their home and paved their way for another synonym coming back to the commander after killing the Orcs And he gives us a bounty to help most if I get back his lost amulet which she got from those Shady characters after the decision monster just two days ago my guard put to the small group of which one just outside the city walls the first time in a while they've come this close they which had all but one that left for the hills deep within the valley and by coincidence and depress of May went missing can you just get another one hearing you speak of such relics like there are common Jewels makes me sick this amulet is what keeps you in this town safe I shouldn't become road with naivety now if you go unless you forfeit the gold you desire and forgot the safety you'll have within my walls here I also want to mention another problem with this mod it is voice actor but about 15 of the voice acting is missing so I'll have to do it someday I look myself so for example if you ask motive What the witch man want with the amulet he will reply by saying they stole it for something very Sinister that I cannot dream of in my wildest nightmares there is a specter of evil glooming this town hungering for the day that this was might fall and were all feasted upon by something most ugly so we go find the amulet and we find out that the Richmond have also been uncovering all tyranny runes for some reason then upon leaving the ruins someone decides to throw some foreshadowing down our way um oh this is organize the threshold has been crossed we don't know to undergo the ceremony return this is probably the best part to talk about the actual difficulty of this mod you see unlike Vigilant where the difficulty was a bunch of big changes with badass themes the difficulty Beyond The Rage is centered around throwing a lot of enemies at you and those enemies that debuffing you with poison or weakness they can be pretty annoying at times and they can also eat through your health bar very quickly thankfully I made a new best friend recently and he was more than happy to show me a whole host of different spells for such a situation you see one fine day as I was walking outside the reach I found this weird looking door that I had never seen before and inside the door I found the most beautiful little creek and right next to that Creek there was a well inside said well I met a guy called General the black owl he said something about Chic Traders or something I don't care about poetry that much I just ignore this so I just got a bunch of spells from him give him a handshake and left huh maybe I should have asked him why he was living so close to an orphan uh where was I oh yeah bringing the amulet back to Motif a software we did like he just tells us to piss off and we go to the local piece that informs us that some of the lyrics of the hero of Evermore Academy matters have been stolen by mysterious thief and thanks to the help of a new missionary who is killed at alteration magic they were able to be located marush himself was a water of Mara that served in that father rich and his relics seemed to have some kind of divine energy in them so we go find the relics that are in Gray balmor you know that haunted place the card told us about and then this happens you are being hunted that which pursues you will not die by conventional means you must run search for your objective and Escape wait huh a monster that appears and begins hunting the player the monster is a skeleton that can teleport anywhere out of thin air but what is more interesting about her is its name it is called the Wayward brother so we retrieve the ring and we go to the thieves room to dispel the curse the thief's journal reads as follows stories about a great upset rain in my dreams a hateful Rebellion against it all not just a king or a man but the whole world any thinking will be made equal to the filth of her Dominion I will see that this will come to pass the dreaming gives me a vision a voice telling me my purpose she metering from the temples and I'm not a question why as the dream shows me what comes from the small crime the ruin is motive enough to have your every action your every trauma right before you lay upon the world this is the question of will I will spy against the idea of our enslavement I have seen the civilizations who once called the rich their own and I'm guided to another one in the north they tell me the story of every civilization hence that of thinking beings capturing the natural law will foundations for all they built Masters and slaves beyond our words on our wants it is this power not one of them can escape that law the loss for women yet for something we believe separate and divine love to spread ourselves through time in progeny yet with my small crime that Juggernaut of life and its laws will fall I will elaborate modern natives identity later but for now I just want you to keep in mind this Stephen the Wayward brother they are both very important bringing the ring back to the priest and motivate tells us that the missionary has made an important Discovery we should investigate do you need any help well before any action you should know a little about me particularly of what I do you see I'm not here just to spread the divine's wisdom I'm here because the priest requested my skills alteration to be exact anyway why is alteration so important here I'd bring this up because one technique I found is discover large tracts of land for things both significant and relevant to our interests and recently my focus has been on one such thing gauntlets belonging to the blessed and venerated warnite mados the items have vanished and no one had any answers as to where until now of course with the help of yours truly well where are they far to the North Way Beyond this Kingdom's grasp no strange is how far below the Earth my search took me to right in the depths of that dweller ruin how did they get there my abilities only go so far friend if I were able to appear into the past that most of our problems would be solved unless we deal with what we're handed yet we can rule out a number of suspects who could Hazard that Voyage starts at least no am I going on about the wise and Wares is quite the digression what we'll be talking about again what do you need me for the course well seeing as you've returned seemingly unscathed from that perilous delve would you be interested in yet another journey I also want to mention the interaction with these followers that should add outside Darwin even in the most degenerate form the slave had covered illusions that his master was good without his privilege uncertainty the slave finally for ghost thought and accepts fully what Pride suppressed bondage's Destiny all the proxies used by the master Heather do had fostered a fear in the slave greater than the torture of its servitude that uncertainty was the worst of all prospects so the master leads the torch battling against the great unseen all the while holding from his chain inside the arwindanda you can really tell that this mod doesn't like being on other graphic mods that much just look at the state of this chamber below that when we find the center of this facility and he has this to say interp playing game platform warning game compromise during hibernation warning breach occurred five neuron Cycles prior to current events gate mechanics for the portal can only be operated by myself aware of Biologicals relaying Arcane footage from Centurion biological possessed black item Discerning items function and agent's agenda items seems to be worn on the hand agents motive is unknown extremely hazardous materials will be encountered through your Expedition into subject round number one three seven so we put some levers and the century opens the portal the portal is it seems to be like one of those of dragons but the color scheme when we open the portal is different and right next to the portal there is a dead spider Harvester and merun's Dagon does not use Harvesters and indeed when we get to the portal this place really doesn't look like the deadlines but we can find marus as gauntlets here along with a corpse of something called the one thing stillborn and the last Tire of the thief which reads finally here except that the quill still draws in my mind for she has taken fingers arm head and heart but the sacred paper concludes the story riding in this belly she uses me for new contents destroying all hopes and mercy here is evil here is ugly here is the end here is home true no content now peace as we try to leave this place we find a creature called the Wayward Eagle waiting for us by the portal [Music] what are you Monaco for this transient form well you can call me Ambition I am what I feel I am compelled Liberator are you towards my once with Great Falls I desire convert among my gods love that one is power when the corpse came writing it up a span of the prince and who better to take up that Federated role than ambition Al personal ities now possible speak clearly pretend forgive my joy deliver it down becoming aware of a destiny are you written has made me kidding what is that thing behind you Liberator I wish you would kill this child with such further she has called it whisper you want me to kill something foreign out of my way I don't want to talk to you anymore join me in this group you will go from no man to nobility then then and I I will destroy the dark mother together goodness as well [Music] I know that between this the Wayward brother and the thief you probably have a lot of questions right now but don't worry all questions will be answered in due time so we get out of the portal right after that thing and the missionary seems just as shocked as we were about it bloody man I almost took a name in vain what in all the hells was that now when we get back the priest tells us to attend a meeting between Lord modify and a counselor from The Divide as motivate has been robbing and kicking tears from the region something which has impoverished both this region and the divide the presence of these gauntlets within such a remote ruin should have been reason enough to amplify concern yet nowadayja have been brought into the fall are we but unwitting Pawns in some grander scheme yes you don't say but before we get to that this is you um excuse me Garth told me I can choose a protector if I agree to come up with him to see the big bird and so I Choose You people said you're a strong fighter so you can protect us from anything that comes at us when we see Lord Griffin big birds Lord Griffin child who are these people not people silly haven't you seen the Griffin it's finally here it was gone for so long but now it's back and guard said I could be the first to see it so will you join us please so we got her career and she says that he's going to take this girl to go see the Griffin do you have any reservations with escorting I and the girl you've greeted are in need of armed company worry yourself no longer sell sword after this you'll have your fortune hear your map the little one and I will await your arrival at the cliff edge here do not dally we've not much time till the Griffin departs again he also has this to say about the Griffin the Griffin doesn't entertain itself with the fears of lowborn the Griffin is only riled through great heresy or treason the marble figure found in every city their presence felt by every loyal subject the kingdom owes its strength to them the most Divine of Marvel's creations imbued with her undying generosity this very Griffin we're yet to see hasn't graced our land for near 20 years having departed after sundering an uprising of heretical peasants wait what do you mean herodical peasants attempted a little commune together a heinous site a direct violation of divine Authority they say that even wives were shared up there eventually our most revered nobility took it upon themselves to end the madness and disseminated great Justice upon the wretches so in case this hasn't spelled SAS to you yet this is what actually happens when we escort them all the way to the Griffin I am pleased you were almost too loyal subject she is small a demure disposition that betrays her innocence yes let us gather I need to smell more for that which cleanses is not always gold however she smells of corruption then you will know my iron pilgrim I promise you are so magnificent Griffin she is pure want to kiss Griffin and someone to stroke your fur Griffin huh what do you mean I demand an answer oh thank you Amy Griffin I will certainly can help Purity sworn by his majesty himself a complete forgiveness scared for you and I will make amends more tribute um I will let you decide what they meant by the girl's Purity yourselves at this point in the study we aren't really sure whether this is the actual Griffin that protects the kingdom or just that okay material that decided to come out of nowhere but in the interest of not letting any more loose threads I'm just gonna go ahead and spill it out this is the actual Griffin who is the symbol of the realm and much like the realm itself he only looks Majestic and beautiful in reality he is a greedy selfish monster he demands human sacrifices and he helped wiped out an entire commune just because he didn't like that attitude he can't kill him right now after one point he just leaves but I'm pretty sure he'll come back eventually from there we go back to attend a meeting between the advisor and multi-fame and he calls just as well as you would have imagined please modifane consider what you're saying did I grant you the luxury to interrupt trust me with my name again and your neck will be kissing the ax yes I am sorry my Lord a new advisor I know the message to that Crone that if she dares poke her nose within anima again her bridge will fall into her current below understood I will part with your words so she can hear them what just happened exactly what I expected an attempt to squeeze blood from Stone mortar Fane in all his wisdom has deemed it fit to sever tires with our neighbors now we wait for morosa's response and be assured it will not be pretty all these years when our Lord has become even more bitter you'll never forget what happened all those years ago was it her death or is it the state of this town both maybe this is a good time forevermore to step in quiet have the sense not to call for such sabotage while I watched hmm though your proposition brings another idea and that is rumors have stirred about an important individual a descendant of mados and from what we know he resides not too far from the Kingdom's capital the Hamlet nestled to the west of us called to bandra and how is this important image my friend the armor we've maintained from mados's favorite Excursion still shows its Majestic craft after all these years okay then I'll seek him out Evermore is a very welcome change of tone from the dreary scenery here been a long while since I've made the journey there myself I hope you don't get too comfortable upon those Lush Knolls though we're pressed with an urgent concern a gathering of Richmond to the north are engaged in some communion nothing before has been quite like it and if whatever they conjure up comes marching down the valley then we'll need all our allies the journey to get terados is pretty long actually and takes us through a bunch of systems but it's not nearly as long as the important stuff radus has to tell us so let's get right to them you have to come with me have you heard about the which man who hasn't why they are ready to make a move on armina that actually sounds worthy of mados you know what you're right last thing I want is to go down in history as rados twice as tall and twice as yellow as any I'm in friend lead the way what was the rich before of this the witch man the Orcs that's simple there was no reach before that the riches and always has been its people and the rich men have it at a calm night in centuries Orcs which men Nords bretons and it's not like the britons themselves get along and I thought I left the Civil War in Skyrim you wish there's a bleeding mess of a kingdom next to ours called way rest and some 14 years ago we went to war with it King UTA also called the owl or owl I know a few owls how about three in particular UTA had some beautiful daughters you see each one from a different Queen and King Sigmund was quite fond of one of them something utter wasn't too fond of himself in the span of two weeks more than a thousand men were dead on both sides as such was the war over a princess's candy well a beautiful woman is as good of a cause as any not when she's nine years of age oh damn near cost his majesty his head during one of his visit tutor had sick men taken prisoner and his retainers banished from the kingdom did he escape hi some Weeks Later Small Wonder he wanted to see way risk Up in Flames after such humiliation I was levied three days after and a week later the Army was well on the move towards White rest the train had stopped the crime man rampers and in the following years not a corner remained in the entire realm that wasn't raided and sacked today one of the base largest cities not even worth conquering anymore and half our military has to guard the Border against those who blame Evermore what was River spring like before all this oh none so unusual there was even a joke that that's what you call a temple a sewer and a wall brought together however there was a real sense of community we were proud like the rich men should be we're older than the three Empires combined most of the world doesn't know we exist and the britons want to believe we don't back then water veins seemed like the finest Lord that plagues had ever seen strict but fair blunt but honest a terrific swordsman on top of that it's as if you're talking about two different towns well the siege of Raven Springer changed it all those two months broke some in ways healers could do nothing about the hero's death the Doom of gray Belmont the bodies mounted on the Pikes my father couldn't handle matos's demise took to the bustle and in the following years there wasn't much left of him and mortaphane had lost his wife not alone had made a man once called made of iron fearful for his life secretive cruel and soon he had the bodies on the Pikes making my turn his new motorcyane could have been made of vinyl rights so many had put to death with it there is nothing else not worthy here there are two things I want us to take away from this dialogue The Siege of waiters by the king of Evermore and they will mentally in aptitude of the king of Evermore and the siege of river string by a bunch of Orcs about 20 years ago which apparently turned modified mad with rados we then go to stop the rich man from attacking armina by attacking them first there's not much worth talking about here I guess I can turn your attention to this totem that depicts two Flames belonging to the Daedra this Richmond worship something interesting however does happen when we exit the Richmond's Lair when we exit the layer we meet jagos who has been attacking the witch run outside is there anything else contacted our friends in Evermore they're going to send these studies down to clean house if you want a primer on who these criminals turn militia are then we'll have to speak later for now make sure we haven't got some foul straggler lying and wait for their arrival no better place than a giant hole to take a leak and then the thing called whisper we saw in the danger ground comes out out of nowhere and attacks us after we kill it we have to go back to the priest and report this event along with jago's suspicion that this is increasingly looking like one of the mirror's handiworks but before we do that we can ask jagos about who the use days are and to spray the details I'm gonna summarize by saying that they use days are a special militia they played by the kingdom however more to do their handiwork and despite the fact that they get the job done they are an extremely corrupt organization made up mostly of Exiles corrupt parts of the militia and prisoners when we talk to the priest back in armina he has this to say we're not certain on which Prince is involved but we're certain that the involvement exists now we bought the sauce out which God schemes against us with nothing more than circumstantial evidence which may well fill this hole if it were written we are most probably dealing with that dark mistress are you certain there aren't many candidates that portray your influence among those Pagan tribes namira shows herself most through those hagravens I'm sure you've encountered them since your recent battle North was there something else I must also ask you something please refrain from sharing the information you're about to hear with anyone else of course you're already safe with me when you departed to that then all those days ago in pursuit of the Lord's amulet did you feel anything strange emitting from it were there any markings on the item yes the amulet had an inscription on it that said may your stomach never sour stand up protect I hope this is a coincidence and nothing more it's all weaving together now a clear tapestry none of it was random I must demand Silence from you on this matter lest we summon the blackest reaction from our Lord as mordophane may be responsible for our interactions with the witchman we've now enough reason to believe that he's in concert with namira we shall talk further we'll only waste time in the threat of treason will need to be Swift and take action convene with the arch priest of Evermore he can be found within the temple there we must hurry as our King has sent forth men to oust morphine in response to this recent chaos like a lot of things I will explain that whole may your stomach never sour thing later this is the part where we go to Evermore officially a lot of important side quests required we go over more but for the main quest this is the point where we go there officially together we have to do a quest for the guard in which we learn the motives of those who have been exiled for being ill they are demand is that the kingdom gives them some land in order to start their own commune isolated from the kingdom and until the kingdom agrees to this they are going to be hostile to it but before we get to Evermore I want to make a quick recap there are a lot of enigmas that have been raised so far in the main story but the main points are as follows we went into the atrium to pick up some gauntlets and insert realm we found something called the Wayward ego and we have no idea what it is we don't know the identity of the thief who stole the Divine armor and we don't know who the Wayward brother is or why he's a fleshless skeleton hunting the player we also don't know who talked to us after we retrieved modifies Medallion from the witch man why are the which men taking up their any ruins and finally what is namira's involvement in all this in fact now we know that modify has become a server of armina after a bunch of Works lay 60 to his City about 20 years ago and if you think I'm jumping the gun with that one then let me remind you that before the siege that city was named River spring but at some point after The Siege the city was renamed to armina and if you arrange the word armina a little bit you can kind of see what I'm getting at with this I guess as a final point I want to make before we get to Evermore is to remind you that fundamentally this is a tale of two mothers the one we've always known is Mara but the other one we just found out is namira but what exactly is the Rivalry between them and how did it begin is still unknown to us but with all that out of the way let's finally get to Evermore so when we go to Evermore we have to talk to the Archbishop of the city he says a lot of stuff so I'm gonna spit around through the part about motivation namira's plot it would be a great Folly to continue dismissing it there comes a time when the evidence transforms rumor to reality just the nature of her relation with mortaphane is a mystery what could possibly be derived from that despairing entity the priests have been worried about agework plots for some time yet most were confined to individual victims however the reports we hold on mortophane conform to a far grandest scheme a plot targeted at adamantia itself the Tower of the terrani it has many names holding its own unique value to every culture now that Tower happens to be one of the last others across Tamriel have since been destroyed or made dysfunctional compounded with awaiting liminal barrier that separates us from Oblivion itself we have a recipe for disaster it seems Morton sacrificed 200 years ago did not make certain our survival what are the towers pardon me a week of horror education would be needed to approach that subject such sheer complexity would surely distract us from this most urgent matter what you need to know is that whatever is happening in Raven's spring and Spiller Doom unseen since the beginning of our times worst comes to worst we have a strategy to prevent complete chaos descending onto this Kingdom Knowledge from the Oblivion crisis has been instilled in every priest's mind engage it may ever transpire again anything else I should know I shouldn't delay you any further horister was seen departing from Raven spring with his party they'll be convening with morosa before ousting mortar Fame from his throne I'm so happy right now we finally get to talk about the towers you might remember the story of Creation in which larkan was banished by akatosh however the events that predated this action is where the first Tower comes into play you see an event named the convention occurred in which the atro that helped create the world gathered together in the first direction of known the adamancia and it is there that they decided the laws of this new world hence why dementia translates to Divine Law and it is there they also decided to get rid of Lord Khan and after the point they also decided to live among this entirely because they had given up so much of their power to create the realm that had they stayed they would have surely punished and so they left for ethereus this is a quote from the book pocket guide to the Empire Third Edition history of course begins with creation sadly all objectivity and soil evidence will require of other events in our records must be dismissed at this early Point within each Providence each culture each religion each family that exists a different understanding of how this world came to be that said one persistent story that is accepted by many cultures is that as the word congealed into reality that God's made a great tower to discuss how to best proceed with the making of Mundus the physical temporal spiritual and Magical elements of nerd were set at this convention and the tower itself remained behind even as some of the Gods disappeared into ethereus today it is the ramanta in tower on the little island of balfira between High Rock and Hamlet Pearl in the iliac Bay that such a humanoid structure Remains the soft footprint of the edra speaks perhaps of the essentially mortal nature of our world this was the first Tower the tower zero other Towers came about as other products of this Tower such as the Red Mountain snow throat or more the limitations of the original tower like the what call Tower the Crystal Tower or the green sub of the wood elves there isn't a clear-cut definition to what constitutes a tower but they all have some similar traits which are they cannot be used to harness incredible power they all have or had some kind of stone in them like the heart of transparent law in the Crystal Tower and the zero story not Dementia or cases like the Red Mountain and white gold Tower who have lost their Stones lastly they seem to have the ability to change reality itself as the original Tower is where the laws of reality Warfare set upon the last four test games since Morrowind all have something to do with those towers and I would be shocked if the Elder Scrolls 6 decided to step away from this pattern now what did I mention all this I mentioned on this because it's gonna be coming in very handy very soon now we have to go outside where there is a meeting going on between Marosa and morave and this happens where is he priest pardon our Lord our last minute detail within the manner he'll be with us shortly the hungry as I had at last the way with the King why do you persist to harass me vulture Hollister here will see to your death if you try anything rash little Lord you have stained the kingdom of Evermore with your ill Acts your capturing of trade goods and intimidation of merchants have brought a ruin to your town and the reach your rights as royalty are now forfeit ha the audacity you can place a new ass on that seat tomorrow but the town itself belongs to no man now sick man and the rest of the reach now belong to her to who my Lord this madman has rambled long enough arrest them and bring him to trial and Evermore my stomach reels at the sight of him all of your stomachs were real when you see the lady I assure you I showed mercy upon you insects I relented when the lady demanded this town but I see the rats have bit the hand that feeds you'll be the first to taste her domain Hall bastard don't let him run SEC stand aside do you want this town to become a gauntlet for that insane Lord none lock my heart the skies what Abyssal sorcery is this what's that I see you scum you're slipping no I know you all think this is bad but I can assure you the worst is yet to come so I get to oblivional pins and it all spawns out of nowhere and the only way to strawberries to get in the Oblivion gear and remove the suture Stone Allah tests for style inside the porter wearing a mirrors Romo Oblivion the scheduling void there is this really long section about finding everyone who jumped into the portal who got sucked by it and by the end of it we rescue a lot of the towns militia priest Matthew morados and jagos and then we go in the tower to remove the central Stone there are six different floors to this Tower and the first five of them represent different main series Elder Scrolls games going in chronological order that plug on the first floor says first intervention of the interloper a pursuit of renegade the plug on the second floor says to seek 13 on death to revive the Juggernaut the third one says to seek the heart of the Rock God the fourth one says to hold the red spill to watch the dragon die and the fifth one says to stop the cycle and live better on the world eater's belly now the sixth one doesn't say anything about an Elder Scrolls game it simply says to watch the world in its reigning to watch the dream become a nightmare and when we touch the serial Stone we found out the identity of the person who made these floors who is also the person who first talked to us when we retrieve multiface Amulet the last tyranny King foreign who are you arrest Ed speak clearly betrayed descriptive words I don't what are you talking about here what do you want [Music] the deception spirit I think that a big point that a lot of people miss when we talk about the Elder Scrolls universe is that everything in this world is decaying slowly and very painfully and this DK has been observed by both Daedra Adra and Motors alike that at Mountain exploded The Amulet of Kings is shattered the last Dragonborn is born and his task is over and the Daedra specifically are scared shitless of this concept of entropy not to say that the other beings aren't but it is the narcissism of the Daedric princess along with the fact that they have never experienced Decay before that has made them extremely agitated by this concept of anchovy and so here namira is trying to gain control of the ridge to get to the Tower that determines the Divine laws and a red existence so she can preserve herself as the creator of the next kalpa this is the exception to what I said at the beginning of the video when I said that this mod dwells into local issues and not so much Cosmic ones this Quest feels like it should have been the conclusion but it is far from it and although we will never interact with the last king again this will not be the last time we will interact with the outcomes of his contract with namira now with all the deserved credit I have given this mod I think it's also attempt to give it some smack because this Quest is bro broken this one is supposed to play out in a way that involves hearing the hand of the king and breaking his shield while he teleports and attacks you I have played this battle three times and each and every time he gains back his full health after teleporting I am assuming that this is because a new model of the king comes out every time he teleports and this model doesn't keep the stats of the original one so everyone I am sorry to say but that was it that was the full story of the Dragonborn they went to namira's room in Oblivion the metalloster any King and they were locked in an eternal battle as they have infinitely power due to maxing out restoration and the last tyranny King found the greatest weapon of them all mistakes in modding or alternatively time to taste metal oh you know what whatever works I guess when we get out of there there's a talk between the priest and horister jagos however did not make it out of there and in fact he doesn't shop for the rest of this mode so I'm assuming he's gonna be part of a future update that or he might just be dead and that works too he did go in Oblivion after all before we continue on from this section I want to mention something during the boss fight with the last king we can find more of his crucified body crying under a Dietrich Altar and in his inventory there is nothing but a piece of human flesh which simply reads Belize who will unhobalizes by talking to the town's Undertaker after he tasks us with stealing a grieving spirit that has been haunting his Cemetery who is she belize's tale is out of tragedy whose story is still continues Beyond her death with Mortal vain being what remains of her Legacy despite how corrupted he's become 30 years has passed since that harrowing Siege upon the town spawn of the Orcs malice with the residents panicked in favor and locked themselves from their own produce starvation had run rampant through the town with many succumbing to their famished conditions those in the manner however fired a great deal better than the lower folk but from where The Siege occur to the dawn of a new Harvest there was little food within the walls at the time even for nobility just another secret that has yet to be uncovered so now we know that a modified sacrifice is wrapped in Amira and then ate her but where did he find the sacrificial altar there is no such date regarding the city anyway then we get United by the king of Evermore he tells us about how important this is for him and his kingdom blah blah blah who is the leader of the army then gives us a checklist of things to do and we'll become an iron Boy again to all of the three quests he gives us have nothing not worthy about them the third one however is one I want to focus on briefly if you remember during the beginning of the armina quest line I skipped over a quest that involved a bunch of Imperials regaining control the effort that was conquered by the sons of arsenium while in that Quest We rescue a woman that was forced upon by the Orcs And was left with a child because of it you you can tell why I sit this one out well that Commander tells us that that woman has now escaped and has gone on to find a mysterious witch to help you get rid of that child and the reason why I'm mentioning this Quest is specifically because of that witch first of all let's establish the most basic thing about her she's a complete liar she claims that she wants to help the woman get rid of her child so she can raise it instead and she gives us a recipe that supposedly allows the feeders to go from mother's belly to hers now there are some pretty wacky spells in the Elder Scrolls Universe however to my knowledge such a spell does not exist and even if it did exist I bet it wouldn't require two death spells two ectoplasm and an earned root death will wait by alessia's Majesty that's a damn recipe for poison so we beat the witch up and then tell the woman they're there everything's gonna be all right and then we go back to the Imperial Force however before we do that we get the option to talk to the witch about a very important topic pragmatic other civilized if you want to change in Destiny bring me flesh that would serve some utility to those who just want results yes you wish to mimic and are grafted onto your shape a new identity will be both you can change how I look physically only the flesh the mind is not of the same clay so may find itself anchored to the Past despite best intentions though the body can open rooms of the Mind where they were once locked Pleasure and Pain being the first Doris to loosen alleviating or exaggerating the carnal but your Deeper Self this will stay has anyone come to you recently asking for a body change I find humor in the desperation of the Civilized to escape their Fates one would think such a privileged lifestyle should back to facility content with your luxuries yeah the delug of souls who come from my services attest to a different world once such recent arrival was a demon of translucent red smacked of all the despairs of your Society is every fiber rebelled against the rigid hierarchy of your world and saw this cape throwing vestiges of most real flesh to my feet I went to work sewing and cheering where I needed this man willed himself into a prince and I had helped him on his path now the winds grow Fierce and the storm clouds gather monster will taste Vengeance in its waning so now the plot figures we now know that this witch was in Monster when was besieged she can give people new identities with flash magic and she has apparently done so to a demon that wished to be a prince ha I wonder if that's gonna come up son my how much you have changed in such short time and how much wider you've become the chef must have been busy the messages told of you returning with Elaine I feel like this guy might not be entirely legit but anyway what was the king talking about when he was saying something about some children oh he wants us to pick some children from armina to take them back to Evermore so she can protect them from the plague after we deliver the children to the Archbishop he tells us that we should go watch a speech given by a leader dog from diaper and so we go ahead and do just that his entire speech boils down to look we all keep killing each other how about instead of doing that we don't do that huh huh you all ever thought about that and everyone still gives him [ __ ] for it he also requested that the Orcs be allowed to make a New York City um if that or synonym is ever built it's gonna get raised and then at some point during his speech this happens until we can live side by side hold this bridge with the area come on prepare to get busy in the brothel a worker tells us that a bunch of women were mercilessly and savagely killed by an unknown entity and which is after that entity through the system and a Lloyd escaped he left behind two important things at the scene of the crime we find the eye used by the witchman and in fact we also saw this eye outside the room of the thief when we were chased by the Wayward brother secondly a Becca the system managed to have a look at the best who did this and she describes it as something big and red with blonde hair and covered in blood chegos then tells us to take the symbol of the eye we found on the tone Flash and take it to the missionary so he can use alteration magic and show us the source of this creature while we wait for the missionary to finish his spell we can go to Prince Damien to do some work the following quest to embark on is completely optional but I won't at least summarize it because you know the prince finds a way to stop and cure the cursing gay balmor you know that Hunter did any settlement that was cursed in the land you know that one and despite even the Council of the Imperial Commander we found previously Damien goes ahead and leads the Army personally to dispel the curse I think that we have well established at this point at least subliminally so that Damian is the demon we found in the duoma ruin but he is not exactly a bad guy in fact he seems to really care about the kingdom and even priest Matthew seems to view him as a figure of hope he also isn't playing with namira like motivated because he just dispelled one of her curses so what's the deal with him to find the answer to this question we need to go back to the missionary my exercise led me to the long since abandoned facility up in the mountains unfortunately bearing the recent moniker of rejects respite in light of the types of people who were brought there following that Arcane sent more closely I was brought to the bowels of that ruin never thought it to be that extensive okay now we have to go the rejects respite but before we get there I want to mention that despite the little coverage I found about this mod online the little discussions I was about to find usually throw their hands at the ad at this point there are quite a few things going on in the religious Aspire and it doesn't really help that this place isn't voice actor but don't worry I will be reading the lines and explaining everything as we go and let this section be my evidence as to why I'm not willing to cover Glenn moral and Slot until they are done and voice acted so rich accessper is an asylum where a lot of experiments took place on the human anatomy in the human soul by Dr mangrale for reference this doctor is inspired by the real life doctor of the German fascist regime Joseph Mengele which tells you all you need to know about this guy I read from his diary we must look to the past to answer questions regarding the perfect slave one contend with his servitude and gracious enough to his master yet I've seen resentment of all enslaved directions for their chains no matter the year even with the Elliot having forgotten making a slave a book to do anything other than horrify yes they had succeeded in subduing their cattle but not in the way we want I had hoped that Yorks would respond well to the most recent serum and some of them do but the rest of them go feral tearing at themselves until blood loss takes them yet we work with those who made it a sort of survivorship bias now they will be the foundation for the true slave so with the use of this experiment mangrelly was able to make two discoveries and we know this because she shows up at the end of the mode to talk about them but by that point they're not really that relevant and he's known even voice actor and also there'll be other things to talk about by then so I thought I should just mention them hearing it I'm over with firstly he manages to create an extremely deadly serum which can quote unquote pacify the witch man in the Orcs if mass produced and secondly he figured out how to examine and mutilate Souls so he can create the perfect slave and to fix the undesirables of the Kingdom such as slaves [ __ ] Beggars and other General poor people you know he could have spent his time to maybe do something else like curing the actual illness that has been plaguing the land but instead he did this what a guy this is however not the only thing that happened in the respite I will now read the three journals of the Mortal War Porter that can be found in the Asylum channel number one reads if anyone finds this then this pit has taken me it is the Pharaoh deserved for not fighting against evil here signs origin that even these rich men would really know the surgeons are slipping further into madness repeating two-step words on the chopped lips their pale skin becoming almost ghost-like see-through against the fires of the common room all of them together them as if the ceremony had checked its occupants the second Journal reads as follows you never get used to the smell worse by the day there's a source to it I know it but that area is accessed by the master surgeon and his trusted Associates if there was work outside I would live but there is nothing and if I fail to bring that coin then my family would stay within the reach within Morty fans rich just a few more weeks and I'll be off to Daggerfall but I fear that the memories left here won't be so easily left behind and finally the third journal reads I have been permitted to the lower Awards they say I'm trusted what a mistake my goodness to please was there is a scream behind the wall a whaling it doesn't stop the surgeons have left the halls and I am here to clean up the mess but I am not alone there is a screaming at the end of this Hall so I turn another corner just a few more days and I will be off to Daggerfall it is nothing I'm sure the patients must have escaped but I am supplied with salt and they are nothing but famished victims of this tyranny I feel this holes off become narrower so what happened here well to figure that out we need to read the Journal of the Mortal word search it's struggling to know that there has been one God who's reigned throughout every age of the rich other gods have made their attempts to influence Israel but this God is shift among them from the iliads to the Richmond some say her influence penetrates deeper still those who speak such rumors know nothing we do here for we know her and have seen her for our crimes we act as a bulwark against her to prevent her roots from spreading into this world there are two last notes by the surgeons of this Asylum one of them talks about the salamanders Organics that were conducted here and it's really not that important so we're gonna skip that one but the other one talks about a very peculiar patient and I'm gonna read it when we actually get to meet that patient or at least we meet what's left of him so what else was happening in this Asylum that had everyone silent every time they entered the common room well when we enter the lower level of the Asylum we are given a quest called um wait a minute Gestalt were given a quest called Gestalt immediately upon entering the ghostly operations of the patients that used to live in this facility tell us a certain free or to run away before the meat consumes us and they also advise us that should their meat come for us we should use the stuff given to us by the missionary to prevent it from eating our soul in the common room we see a parent and Insider there is a teacher card with anchovies through the Asylum and find a fragmented skull which if we bring back to the Effigy the patients tells us that the mid 60s cabin swallow the whole world and that once we release her we have to kill it and then this happens and when we kill it the source of the patients are set free before they leave they leave us the key to go even lower in the Asylum but they warn us that the meat has not been killed it has only been weakened and it is now falling asleep I understand that I keep ranting on and on about Concepts that haven't been explained yet but I cannot for the life of me explain what time it is without mentioning a few other things and to explain those things we have to keep playing so don't worry everything you saw here will be explained further below the Asylum deeper into the respite we find the same eye we found on the corpses of the woman that brought us here to begin with as well as the room that they practice sogenics and before we know it big Wayward brother comes out to play to stop him we need to go to the patient's rooms and at the end of that Corridor we need to pull the lever that opens their doors and then we pass out but not before the voice tells us to rise and forget the ugly dreams that frighten you saw the rooms of the patients themselves aren't really that important this is more or less Games version of the SCP Foundation well safe for one room that is the meat the inscription on the room of the meat simply says as follows only open if subject breaches door if growth is found Beyond Door Resort to incendiary precautions this is the meat well we obviously know this by that point but beyond these rooms a cave opens up and in it we find the answers to several of our questions this takes us to a massive Cave System inhabited by which men and in the center of it is an abandoned altar deregated in a mirror there are a lot of entry points to this place and each one represents a different party that has sought to find this place and break a deal with a Daedric prince this is the altar under which modified killed and ate his own wife a person hanged himself so he can gain Amira's favor and it is also the place the first one of the rich found which turned them into the Richmond they are today what seems to have happened here is that after they were massacred in Monster they began scaling their violence as a counter measure to the horrors inflicted onto them by their nobility and so they found this place and is here that they made a bargain with namira for more power with a blessing they created several cursed amulets one of whom was given back to Morphine so the question here becomes something like who made this elaborate alter to a Daedric prince to begin with well should I explain that when Mara herself comes down and throws some sweet Exposition down our way I will let that Queen take it away the history of Hate in Your Land traces its roots here where the seed planted by the begotten King had fermented and grown the branches tearing through the Earth and penetrating all life above which men those misguided Souls stolen from my grace were molded in the shape of this foul King's form I did not reach them in time and in turn another mother had taken my place where I had hoped to impart a will to live in them that mother had brought an antithesis praying on their fears and animosity and exaggerating these insecurities to Heights unforeseen and so the same tragedy that played the witchland binds itself repeating with you and those behind their walls busism forms between those who are wanting and those who are rich material Beauty and status I am burdened with the curse of precious prescience of tragedy and I weep you will talk with a soul who is beholden to Ultimate Misfortune I was too late to help him feel sympathy for his flight but do not let his spoiled tank or horse you to committing evil I just wish I could have saved him if only I was Stronger tell him I am sorry though I'm afraid any apologies are too late this is where the origins of namibia's influence on this land begin the last Irani King made this place and it is here that he made a pact with her and as a product of that pact the meat was created with the end goal of spreading throughout the land and eventually conquering a dementia but why wouldn't Amira just come herself Allah merun's Dagon style why would she make a pack with someone and produce an easily or at least mostly easily containable route and what is the Wayward brother and what is the purpose of the meat and who is the Wayward ego the answers to all the questions left are hidden behind the last character of this mod that has yet to be introduced which is perfect because he is also the most important character in this entire story The Wayward husk when Mara drops us we end up bugging Amira's realm of Oblivion but this time we're not alone after a quick walk we stumbled upon a large Tower and inside the tower is the Wayward husk I need to give a quick heads up this guy is about to give us a really long monologue that goes on for about 10 minutes and I am not a fan of having NPCs talk for that long but it is absolutely necessary to understand what this guy is saying as he's about to Spill the Beans per se so for this instance I'm gonna let this one play however if at any point you find his voice annoying and I'll give it to you it is not an easy voice to follow through here's a timestamp and if by the end of the dialogue you still have a bunch of question marks in your head don't worry I will explain everything [Music] was inside so it was before efficient awesome in our words foreign the original drama the first impulse thank you contradiction child of this new conflict is fun scarcity doing shortly with sister disparity [Music] for the media made a choice of the two and so young love second to confusion life has been chosen that was he compared to me Chelsea foreign [Music] ambition s was Joy that's deeper still she shall not be at all first yet transient way produced now it is where it's so easy dreams you witnessed here vehicles making sense of the night lastly take this the choice of ideas you wish to nurture it will soon be yours to make take care of it did you guys miss me I suddenly did so what was all that what that has just talked about was the legend of creation and more specifically the story of the first conflict that too many in the story is Anu and parame or as you may know him as cities and the woman was not and the child she make with Anu was nerd AKA The Elder Scrolls Universe this happened even before Lord kananakatosh became a thing this is the first Power struggle and there was the first medium the first thing that was finite yet desirable by more than one and it is in the image of this conflict that existence was made here's an excerpt from the book The inundated anwat the first ones were brothers Anu and parame they came into the void and time began as Anu and parame wanted to avoid the interplay of lead and darkness Creator nerd both Anu and parmi were amazed and delighted by her appearance but she loved only Anu and paru maybe traded from them in bitterness ner became pregnant but before she gave birth parame returned professing his love for nerd she told him that she loved only Anu and parumi beat her in rage on her return fought parame and castimate time nerd gave birth to Creation but died from her injury soon after after many ages Panama was able to return to time he saw creation and hated it he swung his sword shuddering the 12 words in that alignment Anu awoke and fought parame again the long and Furious battle ended with Anu the Victor he cast aside the body of his brother who he believed was dead and attempted to save creation by forming the remnants of The Twelve worlds into one none the world of tamrir as she was doing so Potter May struck him through the chest with one last blow Anu grappled his brother and pulled them both outside of Time Forever the blood of Padme became the Daedra the blood of Anu became the Stars the mangled blood of both of them became the Asia hence their capacity for good and evil and their creator affinity for Earthly Affairs than the Daedra who have no connection to Creation it is such an amazing way I think to rationalize what is happening now in the rich by creating this allegory with the first conflict in existence and the power struggle of the two first entities and just to make one thing clear this the reason to be taken at face value if it were then that would mean that the two first Brothers had a child together and they both fell in love with their child but the child only ended up loving one of them this study also comes into conflict with other myths of creation most strikingly it mentions that the stars were made by the blood of Anu but a lot of other stories the stars were a product of the age of 11 months before they give up too much of the power thus leaving a bunch of holes in the realm upon their departure so which story is true maybe both maybe it's a bit of one and a bit of the other maybe it's neither you are two hours Indian available do you really believe in linear storytelling or reliable narrators I don't think you do okay that's good and all but back to the mod we wake up in the Imperial camp and we learned that the Imperials are planning to leave this area due to how quieter everything seems to be ever since we pushed back the Orcs and Damian stopped the curse of gray balmor in fact I've had Sigma and Son Damien may just be the Lord that breaks the cycle we can only hope such a merciful and boisterous leader may bring those sad songs out of their depressive stupa word is he's soon to give a speech to the people in Raven spring they want to go over there and see what he has to say so we go listen to Damian's speech and uh yeah he actually cares about these people he encourages them he shows them Mercy he wants them to prosper them to be happy and he's willing to kill every single orchid in the land to do so okay so he's almost perfect I see I see a few problems regarding his foreign policy after his speech priest Matthew has something to tell us about Damian it's about what the missionaries saw when he scoured that damn facility in the mountains or rather what he's seen now that made him evoke such dread the prince Damien had entered the temple to greet us almost immediately did the missionary become capricious I thought it was fatigued from the exercise but he was extremely powered I've never seen such a drastic turn of health so quickly where is the missionary now I've sent him off to the Divide where fenug the town's priest will look after him he is Young and the events that transpired here have probably overwhelmed him hey dude how are you Chad better than what I was back there that's for sure over I feel as though my body is still in shock Damien yes what a dreadful sight I thought it was some elaborate ruse some Twisted jest yet no one was laughing no one in the temple even battered an eye at the state of Damien the priest said you collapsed after you saw Damien his veneer was torn apart like some Beast had won a suit of Flesh oh I think he's on to us now we have to go meet Damian at Aquarius post and it's endings time so outside the Outpost we can find a projection of the husk and he's willing to spill out everything to us but in the most cryptic and lengthy way anyone could possibly come up with there is easily about an hour's worth of dialogue here and I'm not going to go through all that again so I'm just going to summarize everything as best as I can so first and biggest question Wayward husk Wayward ego Wayward brother who exactly are they what the story of the husk and again this is all being said very cryptically so if I get something wrong I did my best but the story of the husk seems to be that he was once a man born from a Breton and an orc when he was young he looked just like any other Breton and he lived in their society for all of his life yet as he Grew Older he began displaying more and more orcish characteristics when the people of his Society figured out that he was a huffling they didn't like that one bit and they began humiliating him from his nature which included beating team up casting him away and washable one day a group of you stays castrated him bleeding and isolated he went to the witch that can reshaped flesh and she promised to help him if only he brings her the Flesh of his brother and he did just that and the witch did in fact help him she built him a new body of a pure Breton but with one caveat the PB stays off I love my trials trials to go beyond the flesh to be a Breton again it was not used as such was your flesh brother I lost it for your heavenly she even joined the Eustace you know the people that turned him into a eunuch yeah he ended up joining them but then the siege of waitress happened and he was sent out along with the rest of these days one thing I omitted mentioning so far is that when whereas fell it wasn't exactly pretty we haven't covered him yet he comes up after this but the leader of the use days isn't exactly a good guy or as a glimmer of foreshadowing he isn't exactly a guy at all this guy figured out that a member of the new States had no genitals and just to make fun of him he beat him almost to death and left him alone in the ruins of voy rest the witch just so happened to be passing by the ruins of the city and she fixed him once again this time for free using the many corpses around them and after his fixing he was extremely weak it was there that a group of Surgeons found him in the ruins of waitress and took him to a place called The Rejects respite I'm reading from the last part of the surgeon's Journal that I didn't read while we were there we've been saddled with four more recruits for this month's itinerary inducted by mandrella himself they are responsible for the most recent patience save one they retrieved him her from the digital wireless it seems to be made up of distinct predict tissue we have attempted to do similar in the past but the mixing of blood types has led to the immediat demise of the patients there has been discussion that this was the result of the Hedge witch the patient has not moved or written since its arrival but there is something Indescribable in the room with him whenever we observe through the door slit attempts at seeing this entry up close has failed every time the entity as it turns out is what remains of his brother who follows him around not so much hunting him more so hunting everything around him and then him thus becoming the Wayward brother in the respite they were also experimenting with the outcomes of the pact between namira and the last Irani King they saw the mirror attempted to grievanc and it is there that they realize what this thing truly was it wanted to make nerd in the image of cities which his wife has a Dietrich heart in it despite nergo and faranu the meat is namira's attempt to fit the world to her wounded father while also helping her to spread her influence to dementia and gain control of the Tower so she can preserve herself in the next kalpa games love you than the sight is consumes she sent us our souls and we are ready for the true that satisfied for the greatest Glutton out of everything in this video there are some small details about the husk story that I'm not super confident about PS he's not really the husk yet but we don't know his real name so I just keep calling him that I am not sure what were the circumstances that led to him escaping but what I am sure is that he did escape and after being there for so long he was influenced by the mirror and she told him to grab the age of artifacts of maros which were blessed by Mara and bring them to her realm of which she brings the gauntlets but he lives behind the ring he uses the gauntlets to open a long for Golden Oblivion portal to namire's room which was once used by the drummer and in that realm he tells us the wanting stillborn and his reborn is two parts the waiver ego and the Wayward husk the husk maintains some of the personality traits of the original person but the Wayward ego wants nothing to do with his past and he is blindly contrarian to it his Pastor was an orc he hates Orcs his passive hated royalty and Beauty he wants nothing more than to be of royalty and spread Beauty his past self started serving namira he hates namira will destroyed the dark mother together goodness and Beauty will prevail everything that is okay run your way the only thing he has in common with his past self is his adoration for the bretons the ego wants what the original person can never have to be a beautiful Breton and is the fact that the original person can never have that that drove it to become a disgusting monster who even went as far as to kill his own brother for it but it is important to remember that the husk and ego are still connected in some ways because it wasn't the ego who wanted the woman on the brothel to die that day rather he was the hedger of the husk that possessed him and made him kill them and what is more if one of them dies so does the other so why did a random guy go through all this well has mentions that he was chosen for this task as part of the deal struck between the last tyranny King and Amira and that even before his birth every single action he would take in life was already decided for him hence why he was called the wanting stillborn gave me destiny someone something was in control through him the king could listen here and pursue his project of invading nerd and gaining control of the tower but we stopped him getting his shoes in armina which is why we can hear the husk talking to us after we remove the Sigil Stone this was my best attempt at making heads or toes of the story of the eagle the husk and the brother I am mostly confident in it but there are some needy little greedy things that I'm still not so confident about so if you have any Beyond the Edge experts out there I want to hear your opinion in the comments as I said there isn't much written about this mod slot online so luckily I had to piece this all together so if I made any mistake please feel free to correct me now the husk advises us to go kill the ego dressed up as The Prince and the head of the you stays along with him if we refuse to do so we're taken to a conference between the prince the leader of the you stays called breadathor mangrival is the Doctor Who was leading the research in the ridge Express by it and Josiah who really isn't that important for this story here you have a few chances to deny the prince on what he stands for and if you keep going along with everything he says and letting they go faster so to speak then he tasks you with killing dog from Daggerfall that give the speech about unity and peace along with everyone who's with him if we choose to to do so we will find out that the orc was accompanied by the priest Matthew the blind Prince doesn't have bodyguard we found at the beginning of the mod and a wagon Rider and because we're feeling extra evil today we will kill all of them and take their heads off we bring those heads back to the prince and he tells us that we're a very very good boy and that he has no more work for us and yeah that was one of the trainings and notice how I'm just calling them endings and not good ending and bad ending because the second ending as we will see is both better and worse than this one in some respects if at any point during the time we meet Damian and brother thought we attack them or we reject that heroic we'll have to fight them at that time the Griffon that attacked the girl all that time ago comes back to attack the player after we killed Damien he spawns again his true form and after we finish him off along with the Griffon we have a chance to finish off brother for good however brother reviews himself as a teacher of meron's Dagon that invaded Tumblr during the Oblivion crisis and he teleports us back to his master's room for the final showdown we kill him there and then we go back to the Overworld but not before the house calls us back to namiros were on for one final shot what happens to you now where should I go time the fruit of your trials one question remains a question that captures the spirit of the story is that black rewardance if what you discover disappoints another question who benefits and now the husk is free to die after several lifetimes of misery betrayal prosecution and Daedric schemes of whom he had no influence over one thing I failed to mention when I was talking about the husk story is that there are some inconsistencies in the timeline and I think that part of the reason father is that the mod suggests that timing data Realms passes way slower that time in the real world so here for example we have been in Daedric ROMs for about 20 minutes tops yet in the Overworld it's been two full weeks in that time the death of The Prince And The Disappearance of the leader of these days have brought complete chaos to the rich and the which went along with the Orcs of smelled blood in the water and so they have become something Evermore and The Peasants finally got a chance to overthrow their PDF file King speaking about the king I should mention that we spawn behind a locked room right next to his throne in which he has a bunch of baths and the Servants of those private paths are their children We rescued from the plague bag in armina so here we have the option to either kill or team up with kegor depending on how high your speech is and then we kill the King again when we attempt to leave we get teleported to the Scarlet one last time and this time the scene is complete different the husk is dust and behind it there is a burning Effigy of the Griffon which symbolizes the rich the rich is burning to ashes but behind the Griffon we can find Mara we tried and we'll keep trying to stand the tide of Horror but the hearts of mortal agents are locked in struggle their souls tandem with fragility swaths of individuals seeking to covert their being had given rise to the terrific scenario you've seen we need to go back and Salvage what little hope there is lest the dark mother has her feast after that we leave the room and we end up packing the castle but this time there is no more Siege no now the city is getting raised we're far away out of the city and we get this weird long and I mean very long cutscene of a girl called down running away from the rich man and coming to our Vermont to seek help but instead she finds only us together with her we go back to the Divide where the defendants have set up all fortified positions and she gets reunited with her aunt in the Divide we also get to see a lot of other people we met throughout the more and they are all in a very very bad mood because they got to see an entire Kingdom fall rados decides that he is not an actual Warrior like his grandpa and decides to get drunk instead Hollister reflects upon the story of models while paying respects to the dead and the missionary realizes how helpless the people of the rich truly are even the merchant from the beginning of the more this year in one last attempt to salvage what little is left will help a bundleworks live through the Divide for new lands we then hop on the same wagon we came from and we go back to Skyrim the riches and ruins namira didn't get her way the last king didn't get his way the ego didn't get his way but so did no one else the end for me these two endings show the forms of Pope displayed by the people of the rich in one of them you committed the dysfunctional system of the land and pray that things change because you are afraid of what might happen should the kingdom fall into Karachi in disarray things might get better if you commit to the status quo but at what cost killing everyone that doesn't like you and having demons as your commanders that are completely fine with turning on you and killing you after you don't do one of their buildings in a sense the first standing is hope but is a hope deprived of freedom and self-agency in the second ending weekend box of agency and opposed around the wings of the kingdom and for that the kingdom crumbles and collapses but through this hope lives on through the children the residents that will survive and the people who will no longer have to suffer under the oppression of the kingdom of Evermore I guess one could say that this is the dawn of a new hope and that hope is that in the long term the rich will be able to rebuild itself with better loss and I don't know maybe not a demon for the prince and a PDF file for the king and this is where the mod ends it was a long one I know I hope it was worth it it certainly was alright for me this video was especially hard to make for a couple of reasons firstly this mod can be extremely unpolished sometimes especially near the end not much is voice acted and so I had to pause the recordings I was making for this video to see what they were actually saying it was also kind of difficult to decipher the background of the husk he says a lot in a very low time period and what's more is that he speaks in a very cryptic Manner and I think that the timeline I presented for this video is as good as I can think of if anyone has any objections to it or if they observe something that I missed then please let me know but anyway this mod is pretty good and you should play it I want to say that there's about 30 of this mod that I didn't cover so take out 30 and run well with it plus this mode is still getting updated so there will be more content to come I will also leave the patreon of the model that brought us this incredible mod in the description below and with all that being said video
Channel: Cotho.
Views: 47,242
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: WGSxBx96uXc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 33sec (6033 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 16 2023
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