The Elder Scrolls Redguard And The Question Of Yokuda.

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hello hello everyone I have heard your complaints I know your feedback I know what you all want modern Elder schulls games suck they are two by the books two mainstream and I hate the mainstream I would rather drown in unknown Waters than follow the car and everyone else is following and don't get me started on the plor of mod Test games okay R me this if this is a dragon why isn't this a drag off I want to go back to a simpler time when this game story was at its absolute Peak time machine hit that da oh oh no today we're talking about the Elder sco Adventures redard or at least that was the initial idea behind this video but a number of factors one of whom may or may not be the fact that this game is suboptimal in many ways let me to reduce the screen time of Red Guard and focus on other more pressing matters sometimes the real Elder SC Adventures redard was the mistakes we made along the way but don't take these words from me this game nearly bankrupt at bista why do you think that game was a flop one of one of the few not a dark question it was um well a lot of reasons um game game that I love and really got us going on a handcrafted world so we're coming off a dager fall mowind is sort of in design and then you know part of our development teams broke up to do different things game that did battle spire and Redguard was my game but it very much I think plays like it would have had a much better home on say Playstation or Xbox and it was the last I think it's one of the last like Doss games and a Windows world so it I think it missed kind of a technology window as well as ultimately not what people wanted from us so instead of making an elder SC red card retrospective I choose to instead talk about red card as a game and also focus on the context behind it the themes introduced it to the franchise and how these themes were later expanded upon if you think that is the black sheep of the elders SC franchise then oh boy you clearly haven't seen this beauty yet let me tell you about the struggles I faced just trying to boot up this game first I downloaded the game from Steam mistake number one then I booted up the game expecting it to run perfectly without an emulator mistake number two and then I kept boting it back up every time it crashed which was my third mistake as every time the game crashes it essentially works as a witchcraft or telling you that you should probably stop then about more than halfway through the game it broke for and I was met with the worst death any gamer could ever ask for the Eternal unending loading screen hey hey hey hey hey look at me yes make eye contact yes come closer come closer now this game is more unstable than me role playing as the black owl even when I switched to the Gog version which has seen some optimization for modern systems it still runs at eh maximum 20 FPS if it's feeling generous on any given day and although it might seem more stable at any given time E2 can also go L XT and just crash I give a lot of leeway to any game I play and I have never said this in a video so far but do not play this game take this analysis or any other review on the internet and run with it and I will explain later in more detail why that is but you might be asking this question okay voice from the abys of the internet why did you make this video then well there is a good question voices in my head representing my viewer base Red Guard to me always felt like a transition point this is the first game in which Michael kirkbride or of the channel at this point was the lead writer in fact the the elite writers for this game are him and Todd Howard you can already tell that the story behind this game is going to be an absolute trip but that is not all see I have noticed they changing the atmosphere of the franchise from this point onward when I look at trailers of Tess Arena and Daggerfall I noticed that the franchise was completely different in aesthetic back then you might notice that these games open with a book opening as if to say that these games are more akin to a fairy tale even in this game certain things you will notice ien quite there yet magic is a big one we're still at the level where magic has to happen after saying a bunch of silly words Tau by even silly looking people magic up until this point Rings less Elder Scrolls and more like um mystery of The Druids well to take care of this no problem what are you talking about another big one is races the races in this game are looking rough it's the races you know and love all right but they haven't been defined like they would in later installments so argonians are always half naked kit can mostly speak their own native language anguage even if they are quite literally on the other side of the continent and Orcs don't exist apparently we haven't spoken in 10 years there was trouble a lot of other ideas are still in their infancy like this is the first time we get to see D ruins as the D ruin we know there have always been references to them but nothing quite like this and finally some Concepts here will never again be explored in any the game like notably yakuda out of all the Forgotten continents that exist outside Tamriel yakuda has always been my favorite it is the one that we know the most about it still partly exists in some way but if you look into it it is just as mysterious as some other lost lands like atur or Alaris so Journey with me in this absolute monstrosity of a game as we talk about the Elder scor adventures redard and maybe the Elder scores online later and try to answer the real questions has there ever been a functional scor game I mean um uh what happened to you SP spoiler warning it is late in the second era a time of War as the Empire of Tyber septum sweeps through the kingdoms of Tamriel in a glorious bid for Conquest septum is opposed on all sides but never more fiercely than by hammerel The ancestral home of the Red Gods the high king of hammerl CAD II resists the Imperial invasions even as he sees other Kingdom OMS crumble until at last without warning and surprisingly devor of Court treachery death takes its full measure with its high King dead hammerel is crippled plunging into a bloody civil war between the crowns fighting for their homeland's continued sovereignty and the forbears who have finally accepted the emperor's rule the crowns led by the heir to facad Prince atur are continually Victorious spilling the blood of the fourbears across Hammer Fell's Sands from his seat of power in the port city of stros Makai Prince Ator slowly reunites his father's unraveled Kingdom feeling their impending defeat the fourbears sign a PA with the emperor allowing him to bring his armies in crush the crowns and Rule Hamel as his own Tyber septim's Army prove too much for the proud red God crowns Tyber septum sends his best commander Lord rton to stros Makai to close the grip on Prince Ator and the crowns the prince rallies his forces for One Last Stand knowing that hamel's sovereignty is at stake the crown forces match the might of the Empire meeting them in the harbor of stros Makai for the final battle the the fighting is fierce Lord rton having seen the prince's victories at Sea before decides to bring his last resource to the four the dragon thatal lagus proud Jewel of the Imperial Crown atour commands his archers to ready their weapons but is struck down himself by Ron's assassin failed by an arrow whose poison spreads too fast a to's wizard attempts to save the prince but the dragon ends his magic and the crowns hope for victory in a single fiery breath having conquered the crowns the emperor's forces claim rule over all of hammer Imperial garrisons are stationed at every city and rton himself is named provisional governor of stros maai months pass the Red Gods of hammerel both crown and forbear learn to live under the new Imperial rule antira septum extends his reach into the rest of Tamriel it is only through fate that any of this will come to concern our hero Cyrus a red guard who long ago left hammerel to wander the Borderlands of the Empire okay a lot to be said about this intro first of all the K Channel Bears no responsibility for audio issues technical difficulties frame rate drops and lack presented in this video game which was made more than two decades ago and absolutely not made for modern software okay now comments about the video itself the main reason why everything in the El SC Adventures Red Guard is happening is because of ters septum he is everywhere and although he himself never makes an appearance and as a matter of fact there is only ever one picture of him in this game everything is happening because of his expansion I'm going to talk freely about t septum because I assume that most people know how his story goes at this point this game takes place before the Battle of Elanor and before the powering of the N medium by hty wolfarth and Z Arcus time and time again throughout this game The Imperials are constantly seen searching around dmer structures for anything that could help them with a secret project of theirs I will also mention something unique that this game did Red Guard is the first test game in which the Empire is flat out the bad guys or at least the antagonistic force in Arena we're fighting for the emperor in Daggerfall we're acting on the behalf of the emperor and even in battle Spire our actions benefit the Empire more than anything else but here the Empire basically assumes that all of an opportunistic conqueror the Imperial gods don't like us the governor of sh is by all definitions a tyrant and the only real claim to power the Empire has in this region is of course power many of you might be puzzled by the dragon being here and everyone only being mildly bewildered by it first of all remember that at this time it was believed that Cil was full of dragons but thata didn't pen out so instead we have this specific Dragon who also makes an appearance in ESO although it looks 100 times better there so presumably this Dragon wandered about slept until the arrival of tab septum which takes place only shortly after ESO and then he decided to join him in his Conquest so we're presented with this scene the red guards are split between the Empire sympathizing forbearers and the Crowns who are loyal to the old dynasty of hammerfell while the Empire has complete control of hammerfell and tyers septum is Keen to spread his influence all over the continent in any way possible and on the way learn as many things about the D as possible and it is in this environment that our protagonist cus makes his way to hammerfell to find his sister who disappeared I hope this letter finds your hands friend my latest travels have brought me to Str maai and no one here has seen your sister for 3 months I feel the worst I feel obligated to stay for a few weeks I'll be at the Dragon Tale in should you return Tobias I'm going to talk about cus later but for now all you have to know is the circumstances under which he killed his sister's husband when this game came out they also released a comic with it it was the kind of comic you would find out like a rundown Corner shop and it explains this dynamic between SS and his sister a bit better it shows SS and different regions of the world doing mercenary work until it cuts the past at the time he killed his sister's husband in a drunken duel her husband was an actor at the time of the four Bears versus Crown rivalry and they made a play trying to remind both sides that they are on the same team after all the play was a success and in a party after the performance both sides were represented in equal numbers but is Zara's husband being a prominent forbearer did not like that and he started acting very violently and after he slapped isara Cyrus killed him bit of a sidun just to give you some context into the setting this game takes place in you will see that no matter what syus is always looking for Zara in this game the reason why he came here and the reason why he asks every NPC regardless of affiliation or whereabouts where his sister is is because he feels guilt about this incident so we begin with a quick ship fight in which we get the first taste of the combat in redard terrible the combat in redard is terrible the hitboxes don't work the camer angles make everything look Cluny and two playthroughs in I still don't know how to block but I don't have to because right here right now I'm going to make you all experts in um Elder SC Adventures red carard combat so you want the camera leaning at the enemy at approximately 45° then you want to jump and hit exactly as sad as Lance this confirms a heat every time and your opponent cannot hit back this is hereby all the commentary needed for the combat in this game except for boss fights which are a completely different kind of worms so we Makai and make our way to the in there where we meet our old Captain Tobias he reaffirms what he wrote in the letter to us and then he gives us a bunch of leads so to spare you the dialogue he and Argonian bartender tell us isara was an outspoken hater of the Empire a priest in the temple of AR is missing and the one priest that's left seems to be hiding something isara when missing well after the battle in which the prince died the Imperial Governor Ron is absolutely ruthless and possibly works against the commands of tber septum and finally a new underground organization has surface called the Restless League who are supposedly fighting against the Empire's influence in stros Makai however their reputation is mixed on one hand some people like them as Freedom Fighters and on the other other hand some people view them as steving Cutthroats and Pirates they also exchang pleasantries and throw out some other references which I will get later but in the end Tobias tells us that he won't be the island for long and that we should do the same just find isara and leave before we go on I want to mention one last thing about this encounter T Adventures red guard takes place before test morrowwind but at the time of its release the location of the next big Elder SC title was not yet known so here is this dialogue I've not returned to marrow wind since then who'd want to all that Ash fire those dark elves can keep their curse don't forget the bugs to you and me this is just foreshadowing dialogue but I can't help but imagine some people after this game's release are like an early internet Forum going bro Elder SC relocation Morrow win confirmed this is definitely dude from here the game opens up and we can go wherever but I will present things in what I view as a efficient sequence of events to get us through this game so right near the port there is a job contractor willing to give us a job most likely because no one else was willing to take it and that job is to go to an abandoned Island inhabited by one lonely wizard pick up an amulet from him and give it to the governor we accept the quest and make our way to the island there are a bunch of Broken Bridges we have to jump over and we have to give two coins to a skeleton to sell us across the sea and this this is the island so it seems like the contractor wasn't completely honest with us as a matter of fact the wizard is an Necromancer but not just any Necromancer but a slow Cyrus this one is nasta the Necromancer of St Maki pause SLS are one of the most mysterious and cryptic races of this franchise they are from the island of thust they are exact or agenes however unknown and they are powerful users of dark magics like necromancy plag magic and dealings with the datra as much as I like them and as much as I am glad that red got introduced them I must say nagasa is the worst SLO we ever got compared to all the other ones he's pathetically weak and it attribute this mainly to this being the first time a slot was introduced so they didn't know what they wanted to do with them yet but just to give you a clear example of an instance where the later games did it better this is nagasa you so [ __ ] precious when you smile he's a powerful Necromancer who as we will learn while we talk to him here has inhabited This Island right next to stos Makai to place a soul net over stos Makai to collect the souls of the people dying there which given the rivalries Wars and crimes committed in the island means that he's eating good this however doesn't change the fact that he's a hunchback mget looking creature who can in a combat scario at most throw lightning now let's compare this to a single load present in the Elder Scrolls Online one of the most powerful military orders in the suet a are the weler Griffon KN nights they are part of a mage Knights of the somerset aisle and they ride Griffin into battle they are probably the second strongest faction in the island SEC only to the SI order a single slow named zaja was able to possess all of them and turn them into her servants take full control of them and their base as well as the city of cloudrest possess the Griffin along the way because why not and use the L to spawn even more portals out of which came even more Shadow creatures when she dies you have to kill her again in her Shadow form because she's an OP Necromancer whose soul is not even bound to her body compared to this nagasa is a joke still he gives us the amulet we need to give to the governor and he also tells us that he has not captured our sister's soul in his soul net and in fact he doesn't know where she is which only one of those statements is correct the other one is a lie but for now we give the amulet to Ron and on the way we decide to question him about our sister he does not take too kindly to this sadus does not take too kindly to him not taking it too kindly to this and so we're thrown into a prison cell with a guy that has a mysterious key which we can use to contact the Restless League whom the governor just told us that they were in fact affiliated with our sister hey everyone do you know the plot device used by Riders who can come up with good plots coincidence alas The Prisoner does not have enough time to tell us how to contact the league he's too busy dying but before he does he tells us to go to the lighthouse in the nearby town so we escape up prison so because and I am not joking with you ke beats brick and we make it to the catacombs about the dungeons I want to quickly give another dungeon I don't view this video as a review not because it does not analyze the game but because a I want to focus more on the themes of redard and less about the game as a whole and B I don't think it's fair to criticize red card with more gaming perspectives many things red card does are bar but they were done this way in a time where Modern game design did not exist example halflife came out at the exact same year as redgard and it can be argued that the original halflife was a revelation on the Department of Game design the core motive of halflife goes fighting area puzzle solving explanation about whatever is happening and repeat this way the combat stays fresh because the player doesn't have to grind through it in Endless combat sequences the puzzles don't overstay their welcome and cause frustration and the explanation feels rewarding in Red Guard The Motif is puzzle puzzle puzzle combat combat combat cut scene puzzle combat I'm not going to lie a lot of the solutions for puzzles I just Googled there were genuinely times where after completing a puzzle I was rewarded with another puzzle to the point that at times I didn't even feel the any to interact with a puzzle after I had just solved another I just instantly wanted to Google the solution and if it wasn't for the combat trick I showed earlier I wouldn't have the stomach to finish this game not that I ever did but we will cross that bridge when we get there and don't even get me started on the content of those puzzles again using halflife who came at the exact same time as an example when you enter a puzzle area in the game there's always a hint telling you what to do none of the in redut you're expected to come up with the most ludicrous solutions to problems you didn't even know you had to progress which boils down to trial and error and this is just about the puzzles platforming sections oh let me tell you something about the platforming sections hate let me tell you how much I've come to hate platforming ever since I began playing Red Guard there are 387.4 million neurons of brain cells that fill my brain if the word hate was engraved on each and every single nanoa of my neurons it would not equal one one billionth of the hate I feel for the platforming in um Elders go adventures redard at any micro instance for I hate the platforming in this game the camera angles don't work jumping feels awkward and S of sometimes just doesn't feel like jumping grappling or even living say what you want about redard architecture but from playing this game I have understood that love on the floor and ropes for stairs are a stable and the ropes the ropes are terrible behold game play [Music] everything I am saying in this section is of course as I said due to the game's age and there is a single good puzzle in this game which is maybe a good thing I intended it to make it sound like it was a good thing but now that I'm saying it out loud um a single good puzzle in a 15h hour game sounds kind of bad anyway anyway we get out of the kacs by finding a bunch of runes and placing them in the right place on a wheel after of course we get our stuff back by expertly running past some guards because sneaking is apparently not a thing in this game and when we escape the catacombs we get this Cuts scene Governor I have news of the Red Guard which bloody red guard the one recently put into the catacomb sir the one named Cyrus he has escaped what he is nowhere to to be found sir we are combing the streets for him now but Escape is impossible from the catacombs the traps and so forth right dram I hear you thank you godsman carry on and keep me posted [Music] [Music] I underestimated the Red Guard B overestimated The Dungeons of our enemies more likely never trust another man's death traps double the guard immediately and increase the Patrols in town and along the Waterfront the red God must not find his sister from here on out the gods will automatically attack us on side and will follow us wherever we go you can leave stos makakai and go somewhere else completely and like 20 minutes later you'll see the Gods coming after you out of nowhere from here not there isn't really a particular line of events and each and every single one of the events that I will mention can happen almost independently of one another but they all have to be completed in order to initiate the finale of the game so if you remember we were brought here by Captain who seems like a really lovely guy but he isn't and he ret trayes us for money and tries to get us arrested by The Imperials so we kill him you're wanted by The Imperials you know please come below deck where we can talk in privacy we then go to the Temple of AR where we can talk to the priest about the priest that disappeared when did you last see kith I sent him to the park for Fresh mandri Route and that is probably where Ron's men were waiting Kel was against the Imperial expansion from the start though I reminded him that AR frowns on more secular interests this warning kral obviously did not take to heart when we go to the Garden we notice a waterfall and if we look closer most ly behind s waterfall there seems to be an opening so remember during the opening cinematic where it said that during the battle between crowns and Imperials Prince atur wizard tried to save the prince well that wizard was actually the arch mage of stros makai's Mage Guild Branch Arch Mage VOA he died during the battle with a dragon and he was buried secretly without the Imperials knowing about it under the city right here in this Goblin cave for some reason we don't know yet Keith andar wanted the Ring of the Mage to restore the prince though why and how we don't know the Journal of brother kith wherein he describes a search for Arch Mage voas ring in the caverns below stro maai this last part reveals much I can taste the poison in my mouth a yellow fog in the chest that clogs the vital passage or the gash in my side weeps fast which will kill me first wound or toxin damn her impatience and damn my pride to think I might find the ring here here in this nefarious Darkness on my own but she missed the rendevu and I feel we are running out of time with the arch Major's Ring We Are One Step Closer to restoring the crowns to power I am sure his body is here some trick of undercurrent in the wake of the battle the spider's milk is deep isara I pray nothing has happened to you I hear the Goblins behind the door Ula Ula OA they come for me I have failed you my love and the ring is nowhere near you must hurry the league is closing in the Empire is closing in the darkness is Clos so we Traverse through this cave I am not going to say if the process was fine or not because I have already made my opinion on that clear and we find the archim mage's body guarded by an ogre the only way to kill the ogre is by having it hit a column which collapses the roof and instantly kills it and after we kill it we can reclaim the arch M's ring which we have to take back to the priest of AR to hear his opinion about all this Cyrus I now count you as a friend kral's fate is revealed and I shall bring you into my confidence go on the body of Prince Ator is here at the temp Temple it is yes it's the only safe place for it we can't quite bear it why there is a spell of stasis upon it to preserve it and save off its Decay Arch Mage VOA Enchanted it thus just after the prince's death Arch Mage VOA is mentioned in the journal and his magical ring which both kiil and my sister were looking for voa's ring was used to enchant the prince's body so they would have used it to dispel the body's stasis field why would they do that that would only serve to send the body along to rot yes you're right it doesn't quite make sense does it it is redard custom to preserve their great leaders in stasis so that they might be looked upon Ever After in their Prime to break the stasis would be treason or hubris even no there's something we're not getting yet both isara and kro were crowns whatever they had planned for the prince would only have been for his benefit I am sure you are right obviously this is supposed to be a bombshell and because we have the ring we also get this bit of dialog with him I have Arch Mage voa's ring brother nle ah this will break the stasis field can you use it no I can't Cyrus you need a mage for this not a priest the Magics are unalike in practice so now we need to find a Mage and I kid you not the simple sentence find the Mage becomes a catalyst for the most action adventure game sequence of events anyone could possibly come up with so with adventure games and especially with the older ones things often boil down to find something for someone to give it to someone else to give something for something else so you can give someone something else so they can give you an information you need about someone else in order for that someone else to tell the player something they need to hear in order to be able to progress the main story but that someone refuses to tell us what we need to hear unless we go through this entire Crusade and get what they want so if at some point throughout the following section of the video you wondered to yourself hold up why are we doing all this here is your reason so to start our journey within a journey we have to give a donation to the local Snake Charmer who informs us about the following there used to be a family of yakans living in the city but after the Imperial occupation they killed a boy called hail and run the rest of the family of the city they are now camped alone in the edge of the island near hell's grave where his mother is trying to prevent his soul from getting caught in aasta Soul web by performing an ancient yakan ritual to it and keep it in stasis to hopefully help it pass in the afterlife however no one is willing to help them because yakans were always disliked by the rest of their recards in hell now by saying this statement I understand that I cre two CS of people camp number one are people who don't know anything about this part of theore and so they go uh-huh uh-huh fair and Camp number two are people who are early confused out of their minds right now or thinking that this is one of the pieces of red gor that was later redon I will not explain this information given to us by the Snake Charmer just yet because we are only at the beginning of the AL lishness but I will say that personally I think that nothing that the Snake Charmer has said has ever been redon so we visit the camp of yakans where we can find hail's mother and brother whom we can ask a few questions so the issue here is that for the mother to complete the ritual she has to align the stones of the circle with the star sign of her son who was born under the serpent but the serpent always changes positions so she doesn't know where it is and they need someone to find it for them thankfully for them we are someone and also thankfully for us there is a do Observatory outside stros Makai that is run by a senior elf called araso technically araso is here on behalf of the Imperials we need dmer technology for reasons but he says that he will let us use it if we can fix it it's missing an important gear which can be found in the nearby dmer dungeon you say this place is Dwarven flash that's what R said dwares do a thing or two R bring to the ruins and me here flash flash flash Contra also the whole flash flash flash thing he says is actually the secret password to contact the Restless League um but I'm getting ahead of myself for now it's important to look at what's ahead of us behind him we can see a bunch of constellations but they're represented by dmer symbols which make things look a bit off in particular there is no Ste instead we have a h a why are you here now you get back in the love letter right now at least that was my first thought and it's not wrong but there is more me to this Theory than just it stands for Lan no I mean literally m is involved did you know that Elven races view hor as a delicacy and mostly food don't believe me go to the alary Embassy right now in Sky go right now and tell me what you see on the table if this is the reason why you don't have eyes now then you should have just believed me also apparently the Orcs like them with onions so having a Ste depicted here isn't exactly in line with them I don't exactly think it represents loran more so it represents the ideals of Lan which are the ideals of showing ass and or himself how to reach amaranth there is some more evidence to support this in the D ruins along with the gear we need so let's head there right now the D ruins are the worst section of this game there I said it pretty much every problem I told you about this game and if you haven't are crapped up to 11 there to access them you have to go to the librarian of the city buy a book on D technology use it on the entrance and apparently off camera SOS is also an amateur datatex translator who can just read the language because he gets it right and the door opens I'm glad to see he has a side hustle then it's puzzle puzzle puzzle two dudes puzzle and then this I kid you not this is the worst puzzle in the entire history of gaming it is a scatter up which you have to fix by stepping on it just so it can open its fangs and close them exactly in a way which makes them pull down a rope which opens the door to progress when rotated at 90° without looking at a tutorial or anything on the internet to figure this out the only way I can imagine that you can feasibly understand that this is what you're supposed to do is by understanding that the scy uper presents loran and he's opening the door for you to progress on your journey which again isn't very well explained at this point so for the people back in the day it was just trial and error while I'm at it I just want to mention that while I was playing this puzzle I kept feeling so bad for people who played this game on release without any internet walkthroughs or instruction Pages the game does come with a manual but it is beyond useless and thus we make it to the last chamber where we have to fight a boss fight against a dma colossal behold boss fighting in the Elder schools Adventures redard [Music] [Music] magnificent we get the gear and bring it back to rasmo and for our Ingenuity we get rewarded with another puzzle after that we're allowed to use the telescope where we find out that the serpent is actually looking at the Lord if that's sentence sounds fishy to you it's because it is so we go back to the yuran camp and place the stones where the serpent is located which causes the mother of the yakan that was killed to carry his soul in the afterlife and allows her to complete the ritual she's now willing to become the Mage we need in order to complete the ritual and give rise to the prince once again but to perform the ritual we also need the princess soldum but before we can go on the journey for the princess soldum I want to talk a little bit about yuran not Yura yet that will have to once again be a different kind of worms but your K an everything here has been highly cryptic almost to the point that you would be forgiven to dis visit as nonsense WR during an old game but I think that everything here fits in line with contemporary law and if anything it just makes it better the mere mention of people coming from yakura more than 3,000 years after it sank might seem ludicrous to you but even if they aren from yakura and I do think they are yuran customs and references to the Lost homeland of the recards exist all over this game starting with the essentials religion yuran religion has a lot in common with other tamrielic religions in terms of deities and worship that is but here because the religion veled outside Tamriel and was brought to the continent the names can be very different and perceptions of people towards certain deities is also very different and no conversation about y religion can take place without knowledge of Sagal the destroyer of circles it is he who in a way gave birth to all the other divines of the yakan pantheon as according to the yakan pantheon only spirits that survive the end of one world can become divines in the next World maybe it's because I'm fresh of the seven fights of aluda but this got to me just Y aling how sakal came to be is even more interesting so the first thing that existed in the void Before Time was sadak the first serpent within the world existed nothing but him but within him came AEL the hungry stomach who made sadak so hungry that he began eating himself which eventually led to sadak biting his own heart and dying but before aul tied with him he refused to stop forever so he shed the first serpent skin creating satakal to me this sounds a lot like oral and cthis a lot of people say that all these different deities with the same personalities characteristics and abilities are all different but in my opinion they don't seem to be at least not entirely sakal is still just aling from the Yukan perspective it's just that their perspective is incredibly skewed compared to other pantheons see so far everything although slightly altered makes sense theme wise the dynamic between akel and sadak is very similar to that of cities and anuel which leads us to what I believe is the biggest deviation the yakans make compared to other pantheons so follow me here in the yakun Mythos exists the idea of the wabar which is the process of escaping the hunger of Sagal and making it to the next Circle the first Spirit to succeed in this endeavor was RKA who is always referred to as tall Papa and he's the chief de of the pantheon it is described that he is the one who placed the stars in the sky so that the other Spirits can find their way to the next Circle and thus it is he who created the walkout but with a passage of every cycle this process kept getting more and more difficult which is why he created a helper to assist him with this process he met a Helper made out of the Dead remnants of previous cycles and he called him sep I don't think to Papa stands for any of the AG we know about you could argue that he kind of resembles magn in a way but personally I think that he more so represents the idea of achieving amaranth sub however is just flat out loran he was Driven Crazy by the hunger of Sagal and he convinced some other the spirits to help him create an easier way to the walkabouts beneath the creation of taba which is the world of ner the spirits he convinced to help them then got trapped there and to Papa punished him because of it but his desire to escape saga's hunger still lingers and this is where the yakans are unlike any race of humans they are the only human race to view SE negatively he's the described as a self-saving traitor who made this world in a f of paranoia to save himself and he also tries to prevent Mortals from entering the Furs who by the way are the Red Guard afterlife Apparently after one point it became so easy for some spirits to escape the cycles that after one point they just made a spacing a the to chillaxing between cycles that place is known as the far Shores now I'll talk about some of the Lesser deities and on the way we will also talk about some of the yuran factions taaka is the god of the souls before to Papa created the walkabouts he was the god of the cosmos but with the ADV of the Walkabout he became the caretaker of Souls guing them to the fares after they're passing basically Cosmic AR Ley she's one of the children of tolaba and she's the goddess of swordsmanship in yuran society the governing class is referred to as the notu during the mara the yakans were fighting against a now extinct faction of elves called the sinistral elves the sinistral elves are a mysterious faction of elves that we know almost nothing about except the following they were once the ancient enemies of the yans and they ruled over their continent they were at work with the yans for the longest time and after they not too fought between themselves about who's going to the final charge against the sinal elves Ley intervene and introduce the art of Soul singing and with it the urant wiped out the sinal elves they also used another new weapon the orical brought to them by another di diagna diagna was essential in defining the sinal elves not only did he bring the humans of yur new weapons he was confirmed to be an actual human that fought beside them until he gained permanence he was also an avatar of something called the houding the houding isn't so much a g as much as it is a spirit that carries an idea with it and the idea is perseverance he only materializes in times of Crisis for the red guards such as the case with diagna as of the time of me making this video there have been two other avatars of the hooding frer hunting and another one which you might be able to tell by now and we'll get to both of these avatars in different sections because there's a lot going on with them okay minor R down go Tava is the goddess of the win she let the UR to Tam after the continent win bye-bye she's very much like kth Z is the god of Agriculture Mora is the fertility Gess and the main wife of to Papa he has several and finally Oni is the warrior code of the rakara what is rakara rakara translates from yakura to Warrior wave it was the order of the first Warriors who always do first into battle they F us the first line of war against the sinal elves and they were also the first wave to settle in Tamriel we will get to the sinking of yur and what happened to the soul singers and F hunting but for now I have to talk about a game now where did we live off oh yeah we need a princess Soldier we now have to gain access to a place called The Smugglers then because it is connected with the league which is connected to a sister who somehow is connected with the prince of Soul yeah that's the logic we're going with so we over here a few convers and give a guy a logger in exchange for the secret password to the den spoon spoon there will that Rara is in fact not there either but after some persuasion and by persuasion I mean saying please please pretty please we get the Insignia of the Restless League okay so now that we have the cill the lighthouse the Insignia and the password rasmo told us about and a torch which we can get from wherever we go to the lighthouse light up the house and do the thing araso told us and then a ship comes out and gives us this dialogue I'm not sure why I am even talking thing to you how do I even know you are who you say you are I'm going to need some truth we give this woman the leags Insignia and she takes us to their Hideout behold the Restless League's Hideout I can never get more than 20 frames per second Here We Now find the leader of the Restless League a man named Basel who gives us the key to our sister's old room where we find her journal which opens with our blood which we just so happen to have a sample of since prior to all this a member of the wrestless league for us and buzzle gave us a piece of cloth to wipe our blood with said piece of cloth can now conveniently be used to Opera's Journal hey do you know the technique Riders use when they can advance the plot in any good way dumb luck yes first c26 Common Era 864 this is my last entry as I'm taking leave of this maddening torper the time to act is at hand basil and the rest of his lazy blls are content to mourn out prins and hide in Shadows even while we have the very thing the governor fears most for months my love is Lane Amber while the Empire firms its hold fell will be lost forever if Prince Ator is not restored I'm decided if the league can't shake its Slumber then I will steal the soul gem as they sleep by morning I'll be in straw maai where there are others who might give me the help I need Cyrus the Gypsy Woman told me you would come to St Makai I laughed in her face of course but I leave this warning if only for respect of one's Elders if the blood lock is opened then I know it is you and I ask you to heat the next leave me my dilemma and go back to whatever Road you love best these days you've had ample practice okay guys this journal has a lot of Revelations in it and I am just as shocked as you are um we'll get through this together gypsies are now confirmed in the elders scor franchise the Balkan states have now disav this franchise with this information we go to the major Guild and press them about the nature of the Soul Gem your sister came here with the soul gy she was frantic and insistent on speaking to one of the upper cabal she was worried about being followed and needed to restore princor as soon as possible she was going to bring back the prince what do you think the soul G was for in the first place a Keepsake of her lost love look Arch Mage VOA put a tour Soul into the gemm to save him from the Empire see somehow the Restless League got their hands on it and were using it to Rally supporters to win the kingdom back anyway isara got tired of waiting around for this attack to happen so she swiped the gym and came here to get things done but but since the arch Mage was killed in the battle there was no one left with enough power to restore the prince it s was terrified then one of our members an acolyte named jodo decided he would try to help her and find another way to restore the prince did it work yeah Prince Ator is behind you right now making funny faces No it didn't work isaro was here night and day doing research with jodo pouring over Scrolls and spell books to find some clue that would help them but the Empire must have caught on a dark elf came to talk to Jag view one day and the next thing you know jto is thrown into the city ja for treason against the empire what happened to aara I don't know if she got away or she was caught along with jodo or what he's the only one who could tell you that and he's riding away in his cell not for long you're crazy if you think you're going to break into the city jail the Empire has silence Arch made just beer I was only would you have the Empire put the whole of the Guild in Chains speaking of this as strickly forbidden back off Sparkle I was just leaving I have everything I wanted to know you're not leaving until I'm sure you'll never speak a word of what you've learned and I have a perfect and most satisfying means of ensuring your discretion now we play as a Gremlin a creature that was never seen in an elder SC game before and hopefully never will again and for good reason look at it look look look look what the [ __ ] is this it looks like something I would have drawn as a child and then give it to my parents to put it on the fridge for a week before going okay shows over throw it in the bin as this creature we have to break into the prison talk to jotto solve a really stupid puzzle that makes no sense and then he gives us this information joto thinks Necromancer has isara how could that be isara asked jotto for help to use his magic to restore Prince atur from Soul Gem jotto could not and jotto knows no other at Guild can help jotto knows only one sorcerer can do this thing nasta powerful Necromancer so you sent her there no no no jotto not stupid jotto warns not us dark warn nasta powerful yes is nasta but Wicked soul stealer old and evil but isara would not listen no she is your sister you know and she loves the prince so she must try so jotto tells her jotto knows a precaution protection against Wicked nasta the precaution didn't work no poor is Zara no patience joto tells her flask of Lil all old Elvin magic here on this island but where flask is lost many many years so we search and search but few Clues so slow isara can't wait we find one thing one piece of map I think it shows where to look but just one piece so she abandoned any hopes of finding the flask and went to the necromancers anyway yes I think but jotto keeps looking and jotto finds other piece of map but before jotto can show it isara is gone then Imperial they find jotto and stick him here but jotto still has mie he hides it from guards here I show you take this fine flask then go to nasta find isara there I think you talk to much cat ah Cho find do you all know the principle by which the bad guys kill every character other than the main character lazy riding it's just lazy riding well actually he just wanted to Keep Us Alive to show him the Restless leaks Hideout which never comes up again and as a matter of fact I can think of um 10 better ways on top of my head to find The leak's Hideout and come to think about it nothing we ever did hinted to this guy that we would meet the Restless league so he essentially wasted good Imperial men and resources on a blind Gumble so we beat him up he uses his Ninjutsu I guess and we break out of the jail now we have to find a flask of lro which is somewhere in stros Makai this process is extremely tedious boring and if I'm being honest badly developed so here it is you see it it's right here and now we have to go back to nastas Island to finally maybe hopefully perhaps find our sister after another unexplainable puzzle we find isara in a zombie like State h apparently nagasa tricked her and trapped her soul but because she had nothing to do with it he lended it over to clava V like a used car salesman but for Souls Behold a boss fight with a slow one of the most feared deadly and Powerful creatures on the face of own [Applause] [Music] we have to complete another puzzle here Mom help me it doesn't stop to open a portal to clavas V's realm of Oblivion the field of rice I mean the field of regrets clavus vile is done very poorly in this game have a look well well I'm so glad you come look at him why does he have a yo-yo also don't look at barbas you might get blind so we give clav as vile the flask of lro to give us a chance to save our sister here we have the only the only good puzzle in the entire game and SOS is so buffed by this that he wages his soul on it two doors one leads to the loss of your soul the other leads to the return of aaras two Guardian one always lies one always tells the truth you can ask one of them just one question just one the game begins choose wiely even if the ODS of winning this seem to always be at 50% the game will let you progress unless you pick the right question and the only right question is which door would the other person say it's correct so to explain this a little say I ask the one who is lying this question he would always lie and say a different or than the one who always tells the truth similarly if we ask the other guy the same question he would always answer with the answer of the liar since he always tells the truth thus only leading to one door in both cases H not such a blockhead after all but I don't think you've seen the Last of Me Cyrus I've got my eye on you and so finally we get our sister so back and she immediately doesn't give a damn about us see [Music] [Music] where am I you safe aara is is it you I'm afraid so where's Naga is he dead where's the soldier is Zara I I I have to get back to the league but what have I done isara are you coming or not [Music] caught up already have you shut [Music] up is up do you plan to stay this time yes because you could run again yes it wasn't your War then and it's not your War now no and if you expect anything more than that right now you can go to hell that's just great isara don't give me that even if we still had the soldier we'd be in the same place you'd still be hiding in this cave and Ron it still be in our princess palace there's a difference between hiding from the Empire and biding our time we're losing time you lost the soul gem what now girl I know where it is yeah huh rton has the soul gem you've seen him with it I gave it to him how could I didn't know what it was The Necromancer had it fashioned into an amulet a gift for the governor he needed someone to deliver it I did thinking I could somehow get to you my heart just broke yours too a million pieces we'll just have to get it back we'll be killed as soon as we step onto the shore Cyrus is right what's the point of being condemned as rebels in arms if we never take up those arms against the empire we I tell you basil and hear me well whether you like it or not I'm in this now until the end I'm not sending my men to Str maai soul gem lost to know hammerfell Needs Us Alive what good are you Basel if you do nothing are you afraid of shedding a little blood here it comes you speak grandly of spending blood that is not your own son as for the Le we do what we can even in hiding we're Pirates man the purest form of sedition the thieves snare slip the throat unbeheld the ever resident Thorns keeping all sides of God alleviating every inertia with our own our raids Force the emperor to Garrison stros Mai and tie up ships and men here and our piracy hits rton where it counts in his gold purse if he doesn't squeeze this province for the prophet the emperor demands his head will Ru don't forget the dragon Basel because that's the thing you really fear isn't it the Battle of stros Makai hung in the balance until the governor called in his Dragon right well there's that too I'll take care of the Dragon big man can I feel your muscle rton probably has the dragon guarding the sulum in the palace treasure vaults where are they you can enter them through the catacombs but you need the key where'd you get this The Prince and your sister were good friends syus the treasure vaults were to be her Jewel reaching I've had enough of your chatter basil I'm going to find The Gem and and then I'll find somebody who'll bring the prince back when that's done should I tell him to expect your Aid or not I expect you'll have just as much success as your sister had s you can hardly do any work I'll go with you you're two weeks still look I've done well enough to this point I can finish this for you for hammerfell fine for hammerfell when I have the Soul Gem and somebody that can break its magic what should I do send us the signal and we'll meet at the temple brother n has a tour body hidden there red God when you have the prince you have his men I should help you you're too well known on the island the Imperial I can handle them and you will after the temple I won't fail you not like last time look let's get this straight you murdered my husband and ran away on one day you robbed me of the two people I loved and trusted most in the world hakan was not much of a husband but you were not and you are not fit to judge him nor am I fit to judge you you're guilty of gods know how many crimes and cruelties not the least of all what you've done to your own flesh and blood but whatever harm you've done to me I forgive you you're my blood and younger brother and I can do no less but if you trifle with the Affairs of the league and with the fate of hammerfell and her people then run away like you did last time I will will find you you are a Charming vain self-absorbed child never thinking of anyone but yourself and your own profits but if you take up this thing you will see it through to the end or I will kill you I am going to find that Soul Gem and I will get your prince back isara I I know what you think of me I'm I'm I'm not proud of what I've been but something something is happening here and I don't really I don't really know what I'm saying that a moment of self-awareness in test Adventures redard I think so now we have to get the soldum for the prince which is hidden in the treasury inside the catacombs I'm not going to bother anyone with the process of getting there nothing happens but when we do get there we meet the dragon the prince Ator try to attack I am tyer septums proud Soldier loyal vassel a jewel of the crown Behold a battle with a dragon in the Elder scores Adventures Red Guard rethinking your where are are you you are crafty you are [Music] crafty I don't have to give a comment on this this video is in a review I don't have to give a comment on this this video is in a review I don't have to give a comment on this so with the soul body rink and a powerful Mage we can now revive Prince Ator so we call the Le in the temple of AR and perform the ritual [Music] [Applause] [Music] sh sh sh sh sh [Music] the soul gem [Music] [Music] thror the ring [Music] [Music] a [Music] to train no more to train no [Music] what is it did it work I'm sorry Cyrus what happened what did you do wrong it didn't work what now Red Guard the sword his soul is in the sword mother how did this happen she doesn't know it was who cares how it happened it's over Cyrus We Can't follow a sword you failed us we are through is this how you will honor your prince then cautious I've thought you basil but never before a coward we all have waited for the prince's return now that he has returned you walk away the form is different true but his spirit is here here and isn't his Spirit the truest part of him did it occur that maybe he chose this shape and symbol as the sign of his intentions I perhaps that soul in hated the lay snared helpless in a jewel while his men hid and shered their duties his duty perhaps that Soul honed itself to this and by no mistake comes to you now and no more were fine in final form as this a sword you say you cannot follow a sword well I say that you have strayed from your own too long why are you here but to fight your prince has shown you the manner of his purest metal eye and metal itself and this true uniring Razor's message is clear beyond words but now is not the time for words but for brave hands bright swords and blood hi boys it's about blood now too long frozen in your veins nams and you'd rather yourself be rigid than follow me well if you won't then shamefully know that your Prince Will for his blood be solid too but straighten to steal and tempered in death arise alike as he as swords as we are crowns alike as he the prince is dead long live the prince [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I know this is supposed to be a hype moment but in my head I really wanted the Pirates to hit cus with a boo this guy stinks a lot of people I feel don't understand why the prince came back as a swort so here's the deal right tber septum cannot be beaten at this point if the prince were to come back as himself at most at the very most what would have happened is that he would have kicked the Imperials and killed the governor then Tyber would come himself and do the thing he does when people challenge his authority by coming back as a sword he comes back as an idea an idea picked up Asis the idea of perseverance thus making Cyrus a houding Cyrus could never gain a ssur by himself he's too much of a meat head but with the princess his ssur he can become a houding and preserve the recards through Tyber septums Empire I would show you the ending of this game but I can't see all along I have here an important piece of information for all of you this game is unplayable literally I can't play it it is a miracle that we made it this far here the game broke completely and it wouldn't allow me to finish it so instead I'm going to give you a speedrun of the ending Governor dies dark elf dies Cyrus wins isara becomes the new queen of hell and Tyber septum has to negotiate a treaty that benefits the red guards and gives them more autonomy but fundamentally they are still part of his Empire the end or at least it wasn't supposed to be they were planning to make two other games based on Cyrus's escapades depending on this game success which given that this game and battle Spire proved to be a financial catastrophe for pesta were never made so what happened to Cyrus after the end of redard we will get to that but before that we will have to talk about yakura properly there's a reason why so far I have dodged the toigo of yakura for as long as I did throughout this video and the reason is it's not an easy topic so picking up from the point where y could killed all the sinal elves and one thing that I didn't mention is the incredible size of yakura prober as it was set out to be four times greater than the Empire of Cil such a continent was always subdivided into lesser kingdoms that were more often than not at war with each other okay before I give a timeline to what I think happened to this place it's time for the moment you've been waiting for [Music] [Laughter] you love him you want to see him in test six but you don't know him see initially sword singing was just a marshal philosophy on the Mastery of swords in reality sword singers are less Warriors and more Mage Warrior Paladin types they practice anything from poetry distraction but all done under a specific code and meditation and at the center of all that was their swords their curved swords note the shenhai is not a sword imbued with magic or an advanced spell or even a sword for that matter the final goal of the sword singers was to gain Supreme Mastery and develop their own shenhai or as many of you might know it Spirit sord where is Happening Here is that the master sword singers can focus their souls so much that they can turn them into swords and sword singers with that ability earn the tle an sword Saint thus the sword is the Wilder soul and the sword singers with this ability and the title an sword Saint which brings us back to the history of yakura so you have a bunch of Waring kingdoms and ins said Waring kingdoms there is a bunch of people that can turn their souls into swords and are able to kill entire armies or even worse however given how high the body is to become an unsay they are mostly harmless and use that term mostly because not all of them go through the same process of becoming an anay some are just born lucky and others just have their Spirit sword spawn in times of distress what can I say some people are just born as animy protagonists in this climate a military R called Manel SED succeeded in uniting a large part of the continent but he was assassinated in the year 617 of the first era his successor Randon managed to unite the entirety of the continent but he understood that people's obsessions with swords is probably what is causing the wars to begin with and you know what I get her if I spent decades mastering a sword I would want to use at some point too so he created a lot P the use of Sword to anyone who is an ass sword singer or under goes the way of the sword and he persecuted all other sword owners in what would come to be referred to as torn sword hunt and it almost worked but there was always some push back to this loss push back which would come to a boil after his death in the year 737 of the first era which would lead to another civil war in the aftermath of tor's decree and death another Emperor Hira Rose to power and he had the polar opposite opinion as his predecessor he wanted to kill all saw singers and for whatever b s singing it is never exactly stated why he wanted to wipe them out maybe he just hated T's loss maybe he wanted someone to blame for the Civil Wars or the theory that I'm buing more than anything else he was afraid of the power of the ansay and his fears were 100% Justified so in the war that ensued known as The War of the singers he has forces for a way smaller Army led by freder hunting and other sword singers and after a long fight the sword singers won it is stated that freder didn't want to fight initially in fact it was his son that convinced him to resist and he also took no pride in his victory during which they killed so many yuran soldiers that they were no longer welcomed in yakura so right after the battle they left yakura for Tamriel where they landed in volenfell a land which they would later conquer and rename hammerel something I want to note is that most of these events if not all of them the persecution the war living yakura happen in the year 780 of the first era but they themselves would not reach Tamriel until the year 808 but 12 years after their departure from yakura the continent sank in the year 792 it is almost unanimously agreed that the an were the ones to to sing yakura but the details are always kind of foggy how is it universally agreed you may ask and I am so glad that you asked let me tell you about my favorite trial in the Elder Scrolls Online hell ra Citadel in this trial you and a group of 11 other Majestic people who definitely came here consensually Venture into a long seal Fortress called hell ra Citadel where you have to free the warrior constellation from the Serpent's corruption in his Madness the warrior began rising from the dead great ancient warriors of the past one of whom is the guardian of this place who has his own Shanghai which looks very cool and very intimidating and the water constellation has this to say when he wakes him up of a first rank on sakuda this Warrior shahai is beyond first rank the following quot CES throughout the botle paint the idea that they can destroy mountains with their swords the Mountain Falls BL the mountain charges so one of the theory goes that a group of an say that they not live the continent with frandar was defeated in battle in in the year 792 and to get their Revenge they used a forbidden Stone magic which sank the continent except for some smaller Islands however I have some problems with this Theory first if they have the power to blop the continent why not use that power during the battle and just win on the sport or better yet as the army of yourr comes closer to them say sto will blow up the continent and blow up a mountain to get the point across I have an alternative to the stone magic theory kesy of the Elder SCH Foundation of kulba non canolo theories um Michael kirkbride oh did you really think that we were going to go a single video without mention Shing MK before I talk about the end of yakura and the end of cus though I want to talk about a piece of document which shows a different way about how the story of yakura began it is a prominent Theory and one that I personally subscribe to that yakura is from an entirely different kalpa a while back the L Master foro released a bunch of documents basically well building a bunch of areas of the game one of them was called The Hanger of sep I quote directly from it but some there were among the people who decided that a little more of what they needed was not as much as they did want and in the aies they fell away from proper and were taken yeah body and soul with the hunger of sep and this was an ill thing for the Hunger of sep can never be hated then evil came to yakura and R war and forbidden rights were practiced and fair things were summoned that should have never been called forth it was a time of ending sakal arose from the Star deeps and yakura was pulled down beneath the waves but after every end time comes a new time and it was even so in this case there we were given a chance once again to worship the Gods in proper reverence there are two ways to interpret this document one it refers to the sinking of yakura which we just discussed or two it refers to a previous yakura from A Different World the reason why I'm closing more on the seon theory is the warning of this excerp and also it sounds cooler it says satal arose from the Star deeps and yakura was pulled down beneath the waves if it were talking about just the end of yakura why I mentioned sakal the cyle Ender and the document is called the hunger of sep and sep hungered to escape the cycle and find a different Walkabout I also want to mention that in many documents about yakura it is sometimes hinted that there was another reason for the migration to T in mysterious akavir it is stated that akavir means Dragon Land Tamriel means DA's Beauty Adora means elderwood only the Red Gods know what yakura meant and the Red Gods destroyed yakura so they could make their Journey all men and Mar know tamol as the Nexus of creation where the last war will happen where the gods unmade loran and left their adamantine Tower of Secrets to me it seems like yuran distraction was part of perhaps a greater Walkabout any way I try to interpret these statements it always falls down to speculation I'm just here to provide the sources as a final note before we talk about Lord Vic's sword meeting with cus the Restless in most common threats I found about this topic and in some pages as well it is a popular theory that your could are from a different kalpa but they only came here after the Sinister elves destroy their previous World which led them to come to this one which then made the Sinister elves chase them here and continue their conflict in this world I have a policy on this channel which goes something like this don't say stuff without knowing the source and I haven't been able to find a single original source for this so if anyone knows where this Theory comes from please tell me in the comments consistent it's a better way to make any dish taste absolutely delicious time for Lord sort meeting with cus the Restless this was published on the Year 2006 by Michael Kirk Brer on the official pesta forums first it states that mind you this story isn't necessarily true for not all of cus the Restless is true in its entire and yet that has never really mattered indeed you'll come to see that sometimes stories that aren necessarily true can still sometimes win the day then it establishes that this story takes place after the events of redgard apparently SRA the kajit from the beginning G sends on a treasure map that reviews the location of a hidden temple in an island of what's left of yakura it says that cus was joined by an entire crew and one of his crew members is coyol the yakura and we met in the game they eventually make it into the temple where they begin a search for a treasure called the glass opal of the nogu but something scared them off and they run back to the ship where they were followed by V stay back danmer s said eyeing his head I can't have you burning this boat you don't know me cus said so I'll tell you once and then VI spoke he said to Cyrus Oh I know you Raa I know that you forced an armas with the Cil which I have done though by different design I know so that even after speaking well and rendering your people free again you remained a thief at heart in the days after which I have also done and still do again in my own way and here the G of the East smiled a bit too lovingly and let it be said here that you have no idea how much I absolutely adore thieves cus for his part was cing around Vic his man watched from the deck of the ship some had brought bows and arrows but coyo moved them away with a hand Vic then tells him that he knows how Cyrus will die which Cyrus completely ignores but Vic then hits him with this death despite kinship has never been our way he said I know too how it feels to murder the husband of my sister and at this cus finally snaps and attacks Vic and he gets bored in an instant Vic then takes the Jew they were after and vanishes in the next scene cus is in a surgeon's hold recovering from his fight when coyol and a yok welder approach him and the yok welder begins to speak to him and coyo translates the young ansu drops his stance he cannot be beaten he told Cyrus we know every sword move created in history and none of them will Avail you even if you learn them from our memories in stone which we will be obliged to Lear you if you asked you killed the white king in hammerfell after all what Cyrus said the emperor I didn't kill him of course you did you were the hink no I didn't and no I wasn't the young ansu refused to listen behind his Stone for the mask he smiled in admiration you disarmed him even and would not kill him until he showed another knife that is rakar honor we do not fight the unprotected our stories have come that wasn't the emperor s said that was just of course it was that is why the hammer fell stance you were the hunding in any case Anu goet cannot be beaten he was gifted by the Barons of move like [Music] this who record sword moves from the future as well all right s site please remove yourselves from my ship will you take the memories in stone at least why cus said he tried to keep his temper you've already said that they're useless against him the Elder lifted a hand the hudin could look I'm not the houdin could read the stones and show you what is true that no move exist that will get past the anlet the look through the floor of the hold at least on now he said the houdin would show you that he will not manifest in you in this fight good cus said he would get in my way and with that he lay back down the Elder looked up from the floor and set his head to the side surun he said we are the Anu the the greatest warriors that leave in man our swords send the left-handers into the ocean whose Empire was four times the size of the white Kings when we fight our swords can kill the laws of nature itself yur as you see it because our heroing swords can cut the atomos the uncuttable and we did we are the ansu and we tell you now that you cannot beat the ansu garlet then they talk some more and sarus basically says no but really I'm going to go fight him again and then he goes to fight him again while he was sleeping though he did some meditating with the memory stones which are basically stones that can Stone memory he immediately becomes fluent in yokudan which he wasn't before and he wears armor before the fight then something something happens and then he finds via again Vic Begins by saying that he likes him a bit too much maybe and then he also admits that he's part of the reason why SOS is now stronger and then he admits that he wanted this he wanted to see sadus become stronger in part he was guiding him from the beginning satus then begins displaying that he's able to cast the Panos sort the sord technique that can shatter atoms test me no Vic said for I would like to imagine that you could it would mean that I would plead prior to the cat itself bypassing all healing more so and this is what pleases me utmost it would mean that I have indeed helped you suus had his moment then when he had maneuvered the DU from the start Pride was the answer Go's weakness mil Lord s said forgive me for my little Grace but I deny your help again indeed I turn my back to it and betray it and malign it that should be familiar to you VC paused it is he said as should this sis said moving to the Panos swort Vic paused longer and then he laughed aloud you would not but I say again test me you would destroy the home of your ancestors even more and in the fashion that they had done which is now forbidden in your hands all for an Noble which you could never thereafter spend you would be finished s said and I would be rid of the one who shamed me so why wouldn't I you shouldn't have sent your Saints to me I am not much like them at all cut the atomos and you die too what the Barons of move like this didn't teach you the kind to move to this cus said oh wait they wouldn't have the pankos S is stricken from the record VC laughed he was the lighter he said the things they say about your true red gut whether you wish to believe it or not VC bowed his head I make way he said I'll drop my sword and the Demon King did though it hovered a few inches from the ground Vic continued and thus we come to a stalemate for I am unarmed and you cannot no cus said moving his SW to V's throat you overestimated my redard horor boy different rules apply for gods and demons and M Shapers you anlet you're all three I should kiss you Vic smiled the Jew would do better S said thank you very much summon it send it to the ship and we're done this is what you R for your shame Vic said you are easily bought and then he gives him the jewel Cyrus turned to go but Vic stopped him saying and I had so wanted to see the pank sword what stopped you all advice s said and he pointed his saber to V and you're wearing it sure enough at the apex of the Temple's upper reaches SAR stand back calling to Evac well met Tribune and farewell and that's how the story goes with a duel that wasn't a duel and with a story that wasn't true sarus you see never knew how to actually use the panr sort only how to hold it a threat after all its use was forbidden and the seld in no stone at all after the fall yakura he then gets the ople and he heads back to the ship and the story ends with him at meeting that he did in fact cheat I really like the idea of the Panos sort for one simple reason it sounds cool and I have a single question to ask with all remix and remasters being made why is in this game one of them I can see potential here get to it Todd if the next ELD scoss ttle does take place in hammerfell then I assume that everything said here will be expanded upon and if not they will probably be completely redon so take this video as a detailed explanation of everything we already know next video is going to be on ESO it's going to be another biggie I'm going to go work on it thank you all so much for watching bye-bye blessed
Channel: Cotho.
Views: 3,575
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: PMS0ErHa_lM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 39sec (4719 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 02 2024
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