The New Breed Of Narcissistic False Prophets

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[Music] to be in your presence I want to open our Bibles to Jeremiah chapter 23 today we want to talk about the new breed of narcissistic false prophets The Book of Jeremiah is actually talking today about we could actually say it was written for us today and I want you to see what the Lord says about prophets that prophesy in his name but it's not him and the things that they say that is not him we need to know what's going on and then we're going to look at a false prophet today and then we're going to do a statement of Christian discernment at the end we need to discern in this hour of what's going on and instead of just Oh everyone's walking in love and don't judge and no we need to know and we need to discern we need to know the truth from error we need to know our Bibles and we we need to follow the true Jesus and the real gospel not a lot of the things that have been tacked on or added on right so now Jeremiah 23 let's look at verse 21 there's so much in the these chapters that I could spend a whole time just a whole week just preaching out of this but in verse 21 he said I have not sent these prophets now these now we were in a move of super apostles and everyone's a prophet he said I have not sent these prophets yet they ran I have not spoken to them yet they prophesied but if they had stood in my counsel and had caused my people to hear my words they should have turned them from their evil ways true prophetic voices turn people back to the Lord not to themself not to follow after a man but to follow after the two Christ right and from the evil of their doings because the Bible tells us a lot do this don't do this depart from iniquity so true prophets speak true truth but he said in verse 25 I have heard what the prophets said that prophesy what what do they Rapha saying lies and now here's the catcher in my name they're lying but they're saying they're doing it or that the Lord told me God said right we're having the same problem today that prophesy lies in my name saying I have dreamed I have dreamed how long shall this be in the heart of the prophets that prophesy lies yay they are prophets of the deceit of their own heart which think to cause my people to forget my name by their dreams God never tell someone to give a dream so they forget about him and they get their eyes on the man and they follow what that man is saying but false prophets always do this there's a there's a thing about false prophets as they sound good they have a ear tickling messages but what they do is they lead people astray and verse 30 therefore behold I am against the prophets saith the Lord that steal my words we're going through a time now where people are saying the problem in the churches doctrine we need to forget doctrine because doctrine just can devise everybody that is a false teaching because he said we need to have sound doctrine what is dr. and teaching it simply means we need to have sound teachings they steal my words they're telling us now you don't really need the Bible you know they'll use the scripture but then they'll ah launch off into their dream he said behold I am against the prophets saith the Lord that used their tongues and say he saith we need to have the fear of God that when people are saying oh the Lord told me this the Lord told me that they say it so lightly no in verse as we go up here so that they have a lightness about them remember that word lightness because I'm going to talk about there's a with the false prophets it's never the fear of the Lord it's never like when the Lord really appeared to some of these guys they couldn't even talk they were amazed they were just like wow because you know the real God showed up or an angel showed up that was from heaven these false prophets it's a lightness remember that as we go into this next thing about lightness behold I'm against them that prophesy what fall dreams and do tell them and cause my people to err by their lies and by their lightness okay underline that lightness because with the false prophets it's always the Lord took him up into heaven by a train or they had a relationship and played with Jesus in a pond and today we're gonna see how so-called the Lord called this guy right in the middle of his bathtub their lightness yet I sent them not they shall not profit this people at all their non profit okay in verse 38 it says they have perverted they have perverted perverted the word of the Lord Wow now in Isaiah 30 I'm gonna quote this for you but why don't you look up Ezekiel some of you might just keep going keep going forward Ezekiel in verse 13 Ezekiel 13th Ezekiel 13 but I'm going to quote from Isaiah 39 through 10 it talks about he said this is a rebellious people children that will not hear the law and say to the seers what were the seers back then they were the prophets they were the true men of God prophesy not unto us right things prophesy smooth things what's that smooth things mean false deceit or flattery flattery tell us how good we are tell us that we need to build up our self-esteem all these things are doing what they're doing today is they're prophesying about the flesh of man and it's not causing people to get born again it's causing false converts thinking that they're saved which is really dangerous that's why we need to preach the true gospel so now we're plagued with a new breed of narcissistic false prophets in other words you have to obey them they demand respect they are very boastful they're very arrogant and they teach false doctrine they appeal to a generation in love with themselves don't tell us that we have to be persecuted if we follow tell us what we can gain tell us everything we're gonna have now in this lifetime under the name of Christianity they offer a false gospel of dominionism prosperity comfort and peace now we're going to see this in Ezekiel 13 in Ezekiel 13 he said verse 2 prophesy against the prophets of Israel God is against false prophets and if you're walking with the Lord guess what so are you we're against the false right well that's not very positive well there's a lot of things in here that aren't positive but it's truth right doesn't make it not true because it's not positive all it's so negative I don't want anything negative we've been conditioned to have our ears tickled and we have to know truth sometimes we don't like truth but it's truth can you handle the truth okay he said so prophesy against the false prophets that what do they do they prophesy out of their own hearts in verse 3 woe unto the foolish prophets that follow their own spirit and they've seen nothing verse 5 what is he he's a he's against them because they haven't went into the gaps that means they haven't prayed they haven't really spent their life praying for people for the house of Israel to stand in what in the day of battle of the Lord we're in a war and the false teachers will put you to sleep they'll tell you there is no war there tell you the world is getting better and better but the Bible says that we're in perilous times right so we're you gonna believe the false prophets or what the Bible says they believe that the don't be negative the world is getting better and better and I'll show you this through a true prophecy by one of the leading false prophets in one of these Bible schools these signs and wonders Bible schools in a minute they have seen vanity and lying divination saying the Lord sayeth and the Lord has not sent them that's why we need discernment in this hour is this a word from God or is this a word from man okay he said I therefore help saith the Lord because you have spoken vanity and lies there for behold I am against you saith the Lord in verse 10 because even they have seduced my people God does not like it when somebody's preaching in his name giving false dreams saying the Lord said and he's there being seduced and lulled to sleep because the Bible tells us we need to watch we need to pray we need to fill our vessels with oil right he said because they have seduced my people saying peace and there is no peace there was no peace now that word peace there in the Hebrew means ease this is a day of ease your next breakthrough is coming safety and rest it's a now this is still the word for peace ease safety rest prosperity happy and they don't prepare us to stand in the day of battle they tell you you'll never get sick I just heard a famous preacher just had a convention said he's never been sick never will be sick how arrogant so what does that do to all their followers makes them feel condemned and we found out a lot of these people have secrets they go to Mexico they do all you don't have to lie and pretend you're something you're not amen don't say that you're always gonna be happy there's days you you're gonna grieve one of our praise and worship leaders from my old church just died yesterday I'm grieving today it's sad it's sad because he was young but he loved the Lord but he's gone so what does that mean I mean there's a season that we're gonna grieve we're not gonna be happy we're happy that he's in heaven but there's still a point that we have to experience some grief they did it in the Old Testament and we still grieve they're better off but we're in loss we lost them so they don't prepare us to stand they don't tell you that you're going to be persecuted they don't tell you that when you stand for truth there's going to people that aren't gonna like you they're gonna they didn't tell you that there's a civil war coming in the body of Christ where it's Christian against Christian when you stand against the false prophets that they love they're not gonna like you are you prepared for that are you prepared to stand when having done all to stand and they don't like you and they've thrown your name out as evil because now you're off on some weird thing no you got to know that these things these times are happening and they're coming okay he said in verse 18 oh I like this saith unto the Lord God woe to the women now here there's women false prophets as well that's so pillows to all the armholes that represents false doctrines and he said you pollute me verse nineteen among my people four handfuls of barley today we could say four seed offerings you're polluting my people telling them that they're not going to have any trouble if you just so into that ministry that's a lie we are in this world there is a devil loose our outward man is perishing but our inward man is being renewed day by day right then he says you pollute me and verse 19 among my people for four handfuls of barley by your lying to my people that hear your lies false teaching what does God say I'm against your pillows I am against your false prophecies I'm against you're lying dreams I'm against you're lying visitation that you're taking everyone to heaven trips to heaven you're going nowhere other than your living room okay no God does not contradict himself so the best way that we can really stand in this hour is to know your Bible for yourself you've got to read your Bible the last twenty years we've been taught don't read your Bibles read the books about what these preachers say about what the word says so we've gotten our faith in men we've got to get back to men didn't save you no man saved you no book saved you no preacher saved you Jesus saved you his word is truth and beware of these new translations coming out so these whitewashed religions you're told you've told them don't watch don't discern just accept anything that comes in the name of God and these are false these are false times not only do we have fake news but we have fake preachers we have preachers preaching false doctrine and we need to know the Lord's against him so we talked a couple weeks ago about don't touch the anointed doesn't mean don't discern what they're saying it meant don't cause physical harm in the Old Testament don't kill them well I don't think any of us are get planning on killing him but we need to discern what they're saying so we have to see if God's for that person or if they're preaching in his name but not about what he's telling him then we also have to be against them right now this is from an article from rick becker again and it's from the article like jackals among ruins and i'm only going to do a part of this if you want to get that article you can rick becker like jackals among ruins but he's talking about a false prophet in one of the greatest movements right now movements of men signs and wonders movements that it's not of god but it's bringing a mixture of the occult it's bringing in the mixture of new age just like i've been teaching you for the last few years and this is his vision now i want you to see the lightness of this vision that just he just told us watch out for the lightness of these false prophets he said jesus appeared to him while i was in the bathtub no right there just doesn't that sound you know he said i heard a strange noise and i opened my eyes just in time to see jesus walked through the wall and stand in front of me i sat up in the tub with a sense of awe surging through my being like electricity and then he goes on he says you will guide though he's this what the lord told you'll guide many nations into prosperity freedom and peace now remember we said be careful when they say peace safety prosperity beware when these prophets prophesy lies in my name okay he said the vision lasted for about an hour and a half all aren't you special that you got a visit from jesus for an hour and a half as jesus told me many things that he would that would happen in my life i sat there in the tub speechless this just makes me want to cry notice that the jesus he saw was not concerned with the salvation of souls or the spreading of the gospel but rather the agenda of the New Apostolic Reformation now you need to get a heads up of the New Apostolic Reformation especially now that so many people have caught on they've taken it off their websites they've disguised it just apostles and prophets but their new apostles and prophets okay Jesus had no intention to make the kingdoms of this world his own but to redeem a people from the kingdoms of the world were saved we are not to love this world I'm just amazed at how many Christians are caught up in Hollywood Hollywood Hollywood and all this transgender stuff is happening and all this mixture is happening and they just like okay well will they they're accepting everything that the TV and the movies are showing them to accept we're being brainwashed by the Prince of the power of the air rather than what the word says a people will be hated the Bible says if they hated Jesus they're gonna hate you they don't want to they don't want you shining your light on them and telling them what their their deeds are evil you know what they'll say who or do you think you are telling me what to do they don't like it I remember when I was not saved and I had this precious little aunt and uncle and they were always you know there were Christians and I remember I wasn't born again I didn't I loved him when I was little but when I got around him old I was convicted and I didn't know what that conviction meant but I just knew I didn't feel good being around him when people aren't living right they don't want to be around you it's the spirit in them rebelling against the spirit in you it's another Kingdom the kingdoms are clashing don't take it personal don't take it personal if they hated Jesus he said they're gonna hate you but he said he's called the Redeemer people from the kingdoms of this world we are not to make this our final habitation we have a hope we have a future our future is in heaven it's a real place a people who will be hated persecuted ridiculed will endure much suffering we are like aliens and sojourners in this present world we're just passing through conditions on the earth prior to cry returned are the opposite of what these false preachers say there will be war instead of peace are you seeing war are you looking out into the headlines of the paper you're seeing wars brewing are you seeing civil war amongst people in the United States this is all part of the New World Order which I've been preaching now it's the white supremacy groups are being attacked before the blacks are attacked now they've got a cause they've got to cause this division this is part of of the New World Order they wanted to destroy the old order and bring in a new order against families everything we've been talking there will be war instead of peace apostasy what does that mean the falling away are we seeing people falling away we're people saying I don't believe in Christianity and anymore it's just like any other religion all the religions are the same we all serve the same God that's an apostasy and spiritual delusion and then they'll say there is a massive revival coming and our Bible never says there's gonna be a massive revival he says there's gonna be a massive apostasy which means a great falling away from the truth they're falling away from the truth and what are they doing they're doing just what they did in Jeremiah's day they're going after the false prophets that are prophesying in his name dreams in his name visions in his name lightness it's gonna increase nations will not experience prosperity freedom's in peace what does the Bible say Matthew 24 kingdoms shall rise against Kingdom you're gonna see more satanic stuff we've been seeing stuff on our televisions we've never dreamt Hood come on this evil satanic stuff right in plain sight but there will be a man who will claim to have the ability to bring peace on earth and it won't be Jesus the Antichrist and this is what's happening a lot of these churches now are preparing for the Antichrist they the Antichrist or the Beast will display the very things that the New Apostolic Reformation crave what is it power and Dominion remember when Jesus walked the earth he wasn't about power he was humble he healed in all this to show he was the son of God the coming of the lawless one is by the activity is Satan with all power and false signs and wonders false signs and wonders don't be chasing after signs and wonders the Bible says that signs will follow us if God wants to use them but we don't seek after them now in order to graduate from this school of ministry you have to have failed prophecy at least three times that they won't graduate you they want you to risk and fail now the but that the prophets in the Old Testament they had to be accurate or they were stoned well the false prophets don't care how far you are oh they do just missed it you're practicing we're not practicing in the name of God wrecking people's lives the coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders with all wicked deception for those who are perishing because they refuse to love the truth so what happens is going to be a strong delusion and when you try to talk to some of these people it's like they're blinded you can't get through to them they're under that delusion because they didn't love the truth that's a scary place to be so they may believe what is false in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness now these failed prophecies an example still going reading out of this article the same profit that had Jesus visit him in the bathtub for an hour and a half I'd be wrinkled and whatever after now and a half he said I went home on a high one night laying in bed and I heard the Lord laughing now here again this lightness okay with false prophets there's no fear there's no reverence of a holy God it's yeah he's my buddy he said this the Lord spoke to him and said this was a good word you gave to that to that lady at the end I started to get worried and apologizing to God for getting so caught up in the moment I went from a high to a quick low he laughed talking about God God laughed and he said oh that's okay I'll take care of it God's telling him I'll take care of your false prophecy I said how are you going to take care of it and the Lord replied God said what kind of a friend would I be if I if I only ever did what I wanted imagine that God laughing about a false prophecy no this is one of the major schools of ministry in the world right now not just in the United States but it's happening worldwide this is a worldwide prophetic movement false prophetic movement and then then the Lord says I'm gonna do something to fix it so God now is gonna fix false messages he's gonna go and fix so they're little by little letting you know it's okay if you miss God it's okay because you know why they know their prophecies are wrong they know they're lying in his name and they know they're gonna be found out so what do they do they whitewash it just cover it over dominionists believe the world will get better and this is what he said he said there's a sense of despair and hopelessness and a feeling of things are going to get worse and worse hanging over the planet we must be more than optimistic we must see the world through the eyes of God and have faith for the world to get better now the true gospel and God really visited someone listen to this someone who had to stand important before the leaders was the Apostle Paul right and when the Apostle Paul was called God described him as a chosen instrument of my name to carry my name before the Gentiles and kings and the children of Israel and acts 9:15 this calling came at a price what was that I will show him how he must suffer for the sake of my name it's not oh yay Rara there's a suffering sometimes that goes around with preaching the true gospel and having to witness before kings in these people so Paul stood in Chains before King Agrippa he made it clear that the purpose for God sending him to the people was to open their eyes from what Satan to God from darkness to light he was concerned about them being saved he was concerned about them coming out not just about the profit being famous that profits having a great ministry and it didn't matter if the prophecies failed after all gods his friend he's gonna fix it and lastly on this article in a sense this man is a prophet he's a false prophet who will probably plan and play a very active role in uniting a false church that is very sad so we need to know a true prophet versus a false prophet now there's another manifesto it's a statement of Christian discernment I love this in 2nd Timothy 4 there will come a time while they will not endure sound doctrine because now what they're telling you is sound doctrine is divisive if you listen to D the emergent preachers all these people that are very popular they're writing books are all over the place we're being infiltrated by false prophets and narcissistic at that because if you dare question them like all the letters I've been getting from these people they tell you're the rock thrower you're the hater there's something wrong with you you're coming against God no we're coming against the false prophets that God is against so this is the manifesto of Christian discernment and I'm going to read this I found this and I'm adding to it he says we will maintain a healthy skepticism towards all the big-name leaders in the church no matter how famous a Christian celebrity might be we refuse to be gullible just because someone has become a brand name just because someone's big does not mean you need to follow them right just because how did they get big who's funding them you'll be surprised when you do some of these histories on some of these so-called revivals and who's funding them where the money's coming from how come they have such a big ministry what are they peddling we're the true preachers in this hour are having a lot of a meet and secret in different countries don't think it's not coming it is coming it's here coming to America I believe and this is another thing we have to do for ourselves because the time will come when they won't endure sound doctrine but they what they turn away from the truth unto fables to some guys dream on to some guides vision under some guys prophecy we will check everything any pastor teacher says against God's Word is this in the Bible and when it comes to the most powerful multi-millionaire super pastors we will assume the worst until convinced otherwise instead of believing the best we have found out many of these super apostles are preaching false gossip that's why they have such massive crowds but the wheat and the tares go together now in acts 17 the Bereans what do they do they search the scriptures they search the scriptures get back to your studying and searching the Scriptures to see whether these things were so God is for that he's not going to say you're you're a hater he's gonna he's going to commend you for finding out some of these apostles were what liars we found out in Revelations we refused now this is our discernment we refuse to be impressed or motivated by storytelling by drama and entertainment God and his written word is the only acceptable focus of a worship service not the performances and the manipulations of men we will not tolerate idiotic stunts in order to bring the unsaved to church church is a place of worshipping God not bringing unsaved people and unsaved music in to make them happy and grieve the Holy Spirit where God's not gonna show up anyway he's so grieved because they brought the profane in they brought in the world in we're not going to tolerate being deceived whatever they say we will not tolerate claims of direct revelation from any pastor teacher any pastor teacher that claims to hear something new directly from God will be immediately disqualified we understand that you need a constant influx of new and gullible listeners but we refuse to participate once you grow up you don't take that anymore you're like I know that's not in the Bible and I know that's manipulative don't have anyone manipulate money out of your pocket into theirs God says we should be cheerful givers we should give as we purpose in our heart don't let people con you and control you and fault promise you false things that's why a lot of people backslide they would they would promise something and it never happened it got a disillusioned it was nothing that God ever promised him to begin with it was a man that promised it it was something man tacked on a pulpit and a microphone should only be used to direct attention to Christ not towards a pastor who loves the attention of an audience are you staying around a lot of preachers that said they couldn't stand to be out of the pulpit for three days they needed that attention they needed to be lifted up they needed that praise that's not why we're in the ministry we're not in it to have an audience in to promote ourselves and to put on a show right now second Timothy 3:1 it says men shall be lovers of self we're living in this hour now covetous tell me what I can gain if I get saved and what God's gonna give me I just want to know what's in it for me so these false preachers what do they do they cater to that flesh and what does it says that tickle their ears and they flatter them men shall be lovers of self coverages then they boast and when you get delivered from this your eyes are opened you see the boasting and you see the pride when we're really walking with God were humble it's only because of the grace of God right store stop telling people it's all about Jesus when you actually talk more about yourself and your ideas this is to the pastor's no narcissism is becoming huge in the pulpits today it's all about that person it's all about putting themself in scriptures that were not even written to have our names put in like Abraham called those things that be not as though they were now everybody thinks they can call those things that be not as though they were somebody I saw the other day says why are you creating are you creating that are you speaking that into existence and I wanted to slap her and say you idiot get out of that false teaching but I was in it myself that was for Abraham take the Scriptures in context stop bragging what does it mean to brag to speak with pride in exaggeration about how much you're doing for God stop bragging about how great your church is we used to go to this one church and it was just like they were so elite that you wondered even why anyone else even preach the gospel because they were it there's such a spirit of pride on that church now we should love our church but not you know I'm saying there's a difference where they're just it's just if you don't go to that church you might as well just forget it because that's the only church some of you come from there in other to the pastor's to the pastor's you're a sinner that deserves God wrath just like the rest of us Jesus took the punishment we deserve upon himself to set us free from sin and death you didn't do anything either tell us about the true gospel or we will go elsewhere this is our discernment right you're entitled you're not a rock star preacher you're a servant of Christ you are not a CEO of a business you're a servant of Jesus Christ you are not a motivational speaker just do motivational speaking sand just tack the name of Jesus on it you're a servant of Jesus Christ stop taking Bible verses out of context to support your own personal agenda stop spending so much time putting on a good show each Sunday instead you're starving your people to death start studying and giving them the Bible you guys doing okay stop emphasizing leadership skills as if you were running a large corporation you're cheapening the church and starving your sheep stop using marketing gimmicks and promotional tricks to imitate a genuine work of God up embarrassing us by trying to be cool relevant and modern just preach the word we could stop and pause there couldn't we stop thinking nobody will show up if you don't tickle people's ears to get them in the door okay you're gonna like this one stop relying on musicians to create a fake holy spirit you should be more concerned about the biblical training and the eternal fate of these musicians rather than just using them as a part of the Sunday morning show we don't use musicians to promote ourselves musicians in church are there to bring people into the presence of God and we're concerned about those musicians not just about our show I love that stop giving motivational speeches that promise success in the name of God stopping it manipulating people start serving them stop pointing people to yourself in conclusion and I've left a lot out of his article we will seek this is still our declaration our statement of discernment we will seek out the pastor who faithfully serves God and proclaims repentance and the forgiveness of sins in Jesus name God's Word alone will be our guide it will be our joy to serve faithfully under a real biblical pastor no matter what god help us all and the great name of Jesus that is our discernment that's what God wants he is against false prophets and he's for your safety and lastly in closing false teachers make you feel like you deserve a crown the true gospel leads us to a cross false gospel will never tell you of the cost of following Christ but what you will gain if you're gonna really serve the Lord in this world this world is not going the right way America is no longer going the right way many of our children are falling prey to these false churches and now they're so worldly they're doing everything the world does that they just tacked Jesus on they just tack the name of Jesus on you can't tell the difference discuss of what's happening to these in these false churches the false gospel or the false preachers boasters of their new revelation of a shift of a new move of unity and love something's just coming right around the corner your breakthrough they've lied to people and sometimes we do have breakthroughs but we're not promised it there's no scripture that says your breakthrough is coming so a twenty dollar seed $200 seed two thousand dollar seed for your breakthrough right where have we gotten this false teaching is the new normal I want to weep when I say that false teaching is the new normal so if you're gonna be a Marine if you're gonna be a true believer in this hour you need to know what the Bible says versus what the false prophets are prophesying peace prosperity like this one musician from a great church great not a great church but a very infiltrated Church wrote music for years and said I'm leaving Christianity because everything they promise is a lie what happens false prophets put false promises and they make you think you're never going to have a problem you're never if you just do this and do that it's a bunch of works you've got to keep saying it you got to repeat this you got to do this you got to have the laws maybe we talked about the laws and the forces that's metaphysical science we found out we put ourselves in works and labor and it's so hard trying to run the universe so false teaching is the new normal and now I want to close with this we need to start asking questions now you just don't go to any doctor hopefully there's doctors out there that are quacks that are just making money they're just you know doing you don't you don't just go to any lawyer you don't but we go to any preacher that looks good well they they have to be good you have to start asking yourself important questions because your soul is involved your life is involved here many of us are crawling out of false doctrines we've been taught we've given and sown years to the wrong kind of teaching so ask yourself is this a motivational message with Jesus tacked on or it's just the real gospel because they can take a couple scriptures and just you know make it sound so great a lot of churches are nothing but motivational centers with life coaches you can get that in the world go to the world business meeting go to some of these business things and it's exactly the same teachings the law of attraction why is this church accepting New Age teachings why all of a sudden is our church changing and now we have yoga for classes and now we have these different types of Prayer contemplative prayer breathing just breathe that's the new thing now just breathe we come to church to breathe really I breathe all the time I don't need to come to church to breathe but this is their new breath prayers contemplative Catholic so we're accepting New Age teachings why is this leader changed his views well I'm just progressing now I didn't used to believe that but now I'm changing into more of a worldview did he sell out did someone pay him off why is this leader changed 2nd Timothy 4:2 through 4 preached the word reprove sometimes we need a good rebuking and it makes you feel so good because you repent I have a hard heart and I needed to repent you know there's so many things that you just read the Bible and you get convicted because God speaks to you through his word so they're trying to say you don't need that anymore if you listen to the Apostles and the prophets of this hour we're gonna give you we owe you an encounter with God is what they're saying we owe you an encounter so everyone's coming to these schools new church is expecting to prophesy for $5,000 you can go to these schools and you can prophesy you can sign up on the online classes you can if you if you haven't we'll get into heaven I mean they'll give you an oil to get in these are crazy things that are being taught now in the name of God that are happening everywhere but he said reprove rebuke with all along suffering and what doctrine doctrine teaching teaching so if someone's just giving you their revelation and I used to be caught up into this I said oh that's so awesome that they got that vision room no I'm just like where was I where was I why did I'm trying to teach people now what I wish somebody would have taught me we never had mentors that would say this is what the false teaching false gospel is what's what's happening nobody wants to step out and do that preach the word reprove rebuke with all along suffering and doctrine they will not endure sound doctrine that sounds legalistic you rock thrower you hater you're a hater now if you stand on the Bible did you know that you're the hater and they heap to themselves teachers having itching ears they will turn from truth to what fables to unreal stuff to visions and dreams that have no substance well I'm gonna stand on the vision that so-and-so had really what's you got to stand on the Bible you got to stand on the word right not just some vision some revelation that some guy that Jesus visited in the bathtub for an hour and a half oh they will turn from the truth to fables so what are we supposed to do watch watch and endure afflictions you know why we have to endure afflictions we're not in heaven yet they want to tell you that Heaven's coming to earth it is not coming to earth we still have have you noticed we still have to pay our taxes that'll be heaven when we don't have to pay bills now then maybe I'd believe you hey we are in heaven no bills today hallelujah further resume there's no more IRS all that may then we'll have heaven until then it's a bunch of hogwash it's false prophets it sprawls prophesy in you're not going to bring heaven to the earth don't know what you die is if you're a born-again Christian you go to heaven and if you're not you're gonna face the judgment and you're going to go to hell they want to there's no hell either but we don't add and we don't take away we just preach what the word says and everyone said father we want you to open our eyes there's so much going on in your name this book of jeremiah is just like today we are seeing the same things today these pillow prophets they they provi fluffy lay your head here everything's wonderful you're not going to have any trouble then when crisis has come and conflicts common disease and sickness come they run away they're mad at God oh I got a they say preach no we have to forgive God forgive God he didn't do anything wrong we have been deceived by wrong teaching and we've been not prepared to stand for what's coming in this hour we are in end times the Bible says that wicked things are going to happen in the end times we are going to see violence we are seeing things rise up we're seeing different groups we're seeing a division against the purposely put rightly divide they're causing us to attack each other they're causing total confusion and division in politics it's like a big circus they're trying to fight each other and they want us to pick sides and we realize we know what's going on behind the whole thing you told us don't let any man deceive you any politician deceive you because they're not of this world we're not of this world they're of this world so father we just thank you for opening our eyes in these end times to the false prophets and the narcissistic seasons of our days that we are here on earth lovers of self everyone said we just want to thank our YouTube audience we are so glad that you're here and we just don't take it lightly that you've taken your time to visit us weekly and to watch our YouTube ministry and we just want to introduce ourselves we're just a small remnant Church we're a group of believers who wants to follow the true Jesus and the true gospel and we thank you that you're here doing that with us our online church is really a group of people that does life together and if you consider this your church we want to do life with you too so we're inviting you to join us on our private Facebook group you can search for us on Facebook its Li HPC online church fellowship please go there and request to become a member and we would be happy to connect with you online we would also really love it if you'd want to continue to follow us if you click Subscribe and make sure you ring the bell and that way you'll get notifications every week and please share this YouTube on your social media so that other people can learn more about the truth as well lastly if you would like to financially support our ministry if you consider us a part of your church experience and you would like to donate you can do that by visiting our website living in AZ presence org and just click give at the top we thank you and again we don't take it lightly we really appreciate you [Music]
Channel: Roberta Morrison
Views: 5,426
Rating: 4.8867927 out of 5
Keywords: Roberta Morrison Gilbert, Roberta Morrison, Living In His Presence Church, Bible Teachings
Id: 928tmPuO1OY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 47sec (2747 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 11 2019
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