Betweenlands (Full Showcase)

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between lens must be one of the scariest dimensions you can ever enter in your minecraft adventures but why should you go alone it's scary take some friends and with that welcome to today's sponsor server pro not only that you can play between lens with friends featuring an easy to use custom control panel with one click installations a dedicated support team helping you with a ton of video tutorials or if you have a question then you can just easily message them to summarize you can decide between the classic servers or a vps which allows you to switch between games or even host multiple game servers on one vps get your very own server with the link in the dependent comment or the description an adventure with your friends are you brave enough to challenge the demons of the betweenlands will you thrive or become one of them how to get there firstly you need to find a swamp biome there occasionally a druid circle will spawn under the altar there's a spawner that will summon dark druids they can merely attack you or fling you into the air dealing full damage each druid can drop one of the four talisman pieces if you obtain all four pieces and place them into the altar the spawner will break and all druids are killed in case somebody already used the altar or an unfortunate event happened you can recreate the spawner under the altar by placing four saplings into the altar now get to a place where there's adequate space and right click a random sapling with the talisman and the portal 3 will generate but before entering i shall give you some advice to some of the mechanics basic changes this here changes your gameplay not only does it prevent you to buff up with okay diamond not another right armor because 1.12.2 but as soon as you enter this dimension you start from scratch all of your food will transform into rotten food this upon eating will inflict hunger and poison torches when placed will not shed any light but be converted into damp torches even potions will be transformed into tainted potions it will only poison you and on top of that even if you have the best end gear equipment it won't help you as normal overworld armor and tools are ineffective in this dimension and the first tool set you want to acquire is made out of weed wood where you can find this grab some from the bottom of the tree portal here you can see all of the blocks you can craft even a boat only that this one doesn't work by pressing wii you need to steer like a row boat by pressing a and d there are quite a few more mechanics such as decay and corrosion but we will talk about that later in mechanics as you need materials you can only find in certain biomes before we start talking about each and every one of them before you try your best to survive check if the biomass bond in is suitable for your beginnings if you spawn in deep waters or sludge planes it's best to retreat and try to make a portal elsewhere a suitable biomes are coarse islands patchy islands or swarmlands for your new food situation i will state for every biome if there is food to find and what you can do with it biomes kevin before talking in particular about each biome i think a quick trip to the caves of this dimension would make sense before talking about the different mobs one can find here let's take a look at the ores and the different blocks first caverns will always have this specific blindness effect the more lower you go the less you can see the first ore is sulfur it's basically the coal of this dimension used as fuel crafted into torches or blocks the next ore is ceramorite its main purpose is to make armor and a shield and some deco blocks the shield has also a special attack if you hold down shift and right and then let go of shift the armor is equivalent to iron and the main reason i'm reviewing this before everything else is because of the shears then i needed to harvest most plants to craft various new items slimy bone ore drops slimy bones this can be converted into a full tools and armor set it's a bit weaker than iron octane oil is another set of tools and a fiery shield and a new way to ignite fire in between lines as it doesn't work with plint and steel here hold right click on moss cavemos thorns or lycan and bam you are wanted by the police with this particular ore you can as well make a purifier between stone can be made into these various blocks as well one can make a furnace and the upgrade dual furnace out of them supporting two smelting processes moss has multiple uses firstly it can create an overgrown look on blocks you can craft a moss bed out of it but it needs to be at least collected with ceramide shears all of these uses also apply on cave moss and limestone is right now only used for deco blocks later more about it lastly you can find put off chances in caverns it's like lottery and you can get some random items sometimes upon opening they can spawn in terminites quite similar to silverfish they don't drop anything now to the mobs you can find here swamp packs are quite similar to the overworld zombies just with a skeletal appearance they can drop slimy bones the white is another hostile more costly appearance they have a detection radius of 20 blocks and a health over 60. while sneaking near them they won't be alarmed and you can live on the worst part about these mobs are the position where they will circle around you and deal damage as if you didn't wear any armor this only occurs when they are at low health or in a big group so rather only attack one by one they can droop their heart it can be used to craft the animator more about it in animating they can even possess hacks which won't kill it but make it into a more powerful beast germos are bat-like monsters that like to hang from blocks before attacking a player they can drop their wings which are very important mechanics warning bugs crawling over the player infestations these mob swamps can randomly spawn and will slowly approach the player by walking all of the caves with the ultimate goal to creep up on the player slowly munching on it and to get the box overview jump sneak shake your head go into liquid or set yourself on fire the most effective method is fire as if you hit it directly there's a chance they can split apart there's a resource pack in case you feel anxious with the box link in the description the last mob found here is the boulder sprite it appears to be purely made out of stone with astounding 50 health there are taxes to roll towards you breaking blocks during this ability use a pickaxe to kill them they can droop oars stalactite or angry pebbles these can be thrown if done so creating an explosion where they hit these can also be crafted but we haven't unlocked the ingredients yet now to the two structures players can find here firstly the oasis these are dungeons with monsters bonus they can spawn swarm packs whites terminites and two new mobs leeches are quite deadly during early and middle game so avoid it rather when beginning they come in two states hungry and full the easiest strategy is to get it to eat a different mob and then kill it all that is to be killed by a different hostile they can draw balls of sap more about it in mechanics these are very important the demo that can spawn in this dungeon are blood snails they shoot blood jets at you inflicting poison other than that they are quite easy to kill they can drop various items firstly the shell and then raw flesh that can be cooked and poison glands no use for it right now the main reason these structures are very handy are to reverse decay with eg weeping blues more in mechanics and to refill on food items as here spawn blue capped mushrooms that grant you night vision and nausea can also be committed in blocks which are used as few suddenly you can find tar dungeons with a tar beast spawner this can be very difficult to conquer as the beasts even have 100 health but if you get swamp water in a bucket made eg out of wheat wood you can transform the liquid tar to solid as liquid will not only slow you down but will even kill you i suggest as well using a bow to kill guitar beast as this one will deal area of effect damage around it or use the pull attack to even force you to him after killing it don't forget to break the spawner as well dilute from this dungeon are submerged pots of chance side note if a white touches tar it transforms into a tar beast these can drop hard ribs or their heart tart drips are used to make barrels the normal and the ceramide barrel they hold liquid but can also craft the heart with it used later in animating to finish off the caverns there's another deeper variant under the normal caverns called lake caverns made purely out of pitstone converted into these blocks this new environment also generates two new ores firstly the escapist its main purpose is for corrosion later in mechanics but one can even craft some nice blocks out of it the other ore is velonide made into tools are mana shield this is probably comparable with end game gear being the same as diamond the shield again has a special attack the bashing hold down shift and right click release shift bam as well it reflects projectiles lastly it also adds the valonide great axe a slow but deadly weapon with an animation one can as well make a jukebox out of it even rarer are live crystal stalactites while the other parts of the stalactite won't drop anything the old one will give you a live crystal this is the main item used in animating and also a way to create another portal back to the overworld by combining a slimy bone a life crystal and a moss together and you have a talisman all the mobs from the normal caverns will spawn here in the lake ones you can as well find the blind cave fish no use for them and occasionally the angler they are quite dangerous at the beginning as they will even jump out of the water just to chase you down and use this to your advantage to try to get them on land whether they aren't such a challenge anymore because you know they are fish another dangerous mob spawning here are stalkers these are quite scary avoiding straight eye contact they will slowly stalk to you by climbing walls floors or ceilings a hint that one is near is when your light sources are being broken and again here you can find pots of chance underground oasis and tarpool dungeons as well as a new structure the underground ruins made out of bricks and somewhats of chance there are many different variants one more destroyed and one i even found intact mechanisms as we now covered the basic resources which will make you understand the early game more i think it's time to tell you about the different mechanics that will make your life a horrendous experience while playing in this dimension firstly decay the case the upper bar above your hunger slots decay decreases by swimming in swim water combat and other events when your decay bar decreases your maximum health will be reduced to a minimum of 3 hearts you will be inflicted with slowness up to level 3 and your skin gets a greenish look to prevent decay it's actually quite simple the main source of anti-decay asap trees currently found in this dimension break it to be granted with bowls of sap which you can eat this will restore your decay bar next to balls of sap you can as well eat weeping blue petals found in underground oasis all make a sell it out of it that one even applies the effect elixir of ripening healing decay over time corrosion the next mechanism is corrosion this only applies on your tools including slingshots bows and sickles each take you spend in this dimension tools from this dimension will have a chance their corrosion to be increased this depends on your actions such as standing in swarm water or using the tools corrosion can decrease the efficiency of normal tools up to 50 percent and slingshots slash bows up to 15. to view your corrosion press f3 and h and hover over your tools there are six stages of corrosion ranging from zero to two hundred sixty five there's one main way to remove corrosion using the purifier filled with a swarm water and use sulfur as fuel and your corrosion level can be decreased to zero once again the other way is preventing before corrosion is applied combining scuba eyes shards and the tools will be coated with this the corrosion level cannot be a crease before the coating wears off the level can again be viewed with the command f3 plus h actually there's another way but we don't have right now access to it some handy tips before moving on corrosion will only happen in your inventory if stored in external storage space this won't occur when leaving the dimension corrosion will as well stop and if you combine two used items food sickness and before getting now into the first biome food sickness not only that you cannot use your own food from other dimensions these food items here will rot this occurs when the player eats the same food item over and over again after 10 times the food will taste plain if you continue the message will pop up that the player feels sick of it after 50 times the player cannot eat it anymore if you still do it will give you one hunger bar and half of decay point not depending on the food item you can avoid this by eating different sorts of food items another way is to consume two or more wings this will decrease food sickness of all food items once consumed one can only consume it again if a food item reaches level i can't eat this this mechanism applies as well on decay food items coarse island this biome is filled with wheat wood trees for you to be able to make more equipment giant roots will stick out of the water and can be crafted into these blocks in that swamp sea you can find swamp reed that can be used to make great rope firstly you can make a shield a bow letters and a bucket out of it or climbing rope which are very handy to overcome obstacles one can as well acquire now the slingshot with it you are able to shoot between stone pebbles bubbles are just normal between stone crafted and even a useful roller pad these giant lily pads craft them into a collider it can also be cooked to gain dried swarm breed made into that or into reed donuts combined with a slimy ball and a white heart to get a gerd's donut lastly reed rope can be used to make a net an item handy to catch smaller entities this is also used to make the sickle remember the shears i told you about to acquire plants another item is the sickle made out of valonite shards and swamp reed with it you are able to harvest plants and maybe even some other items and this is a key tool in farming so more about it later in the coarse islands you can as well find sap trees that drop sap now to the mobs spawning in this biome only fungus boilings can spawn massive will drop spores they laugh another creature spawning on giant roots they root sprite they will drop root pots it can be used to grow roots with vegetation around it dragonflies are passive they can be caught with a net if killed they drop their wings combine these with angular teeth yes these as well spawn here in water these arrows don't have any special traits it's just the way how to obtain the normal arrows combining with poison glands to make them poisonous the other living being anglers hate apart from you of course are lurkers thankfully these are neutral so don't attack them most of the time lucas will kill anglers allowing you to collect their loot if you still decide to attack them or he was killed it drops lurker's skin made into armor this lets you float in water increases mining speed and you see better underwater strength is around leather armor it can also be used to make a gallery frame a painting like item but you can choose the specific painting your heart's desires you can upgrade it twice to a bigger painting the local skin pouch which can be opened with right click or by pressing g to access its storage if you shift click on a storage block with this item all of its content will be transferred to it you can upgrade it with another eight looker skin shift right click to rename the pouch and the last item currently available is the shield acts as a normal vanilla one but you can also use it as a raft shift to dismount five lights can as well be called with the net it has multiple uses but we don't know the required items just yet but you can upgrade your row boat with a lantern upgrade made from this mob geckos can as well be caught these have a special behavior where players nearby it will seek out a weed wood bush to hide in break it to catch the gecko while holding right click with a net these bushes will drop sticks or the bush itself with shears geckos itself are very handy for a specific mechanism called aspects more about it later as it's a bit more advanced frogs are one of the easiest food sources found here they come in five different variants and drop raw frog legs these can be cooked a special variant the black and yellow frog is poisonous and can drop even poisonous gland if you touch these you will be poisoned griplings randomly spawn anywhere these shiny creatures can only be found playing the music [Music] next to the already known swamp hacks whites and cheermas occasionally you can find a gribbling rider flying in the sky these are neutral and upon attacking them it will shoot you with pebbles i love the animation if your chiromaw dies the gribling then floats down with a parachute before continuing just a quick note that what else you can find in this biome out of the poles you can make blocks kelp is a good food source that can be fried in a furnace and a big deco block is mud it slows you down if walking on it and prevents you from jumping one can as well make flower pots and candle holders with it now to these structures throughout this whole biome you can very rarely find a giant weedwood tree another dungeon found here are crack rock towers large towers found uncommonly in this biome it consists out of 5 layers beware you cannot break any blocks or try to skip floors as the ceiling will be blocked off as long as hostiles are alive the first boners are terminates on the next one you'll encounter chirama the next are swarm hacks and the next mob are pirates these are fire spirits that will spit fire at you they can drop sofa and tangled roots if consumed they act as milk if killed while they are charging at you they can as well drop pirate flames with it you can multi-shoot like a pirate after that flow you will meet wights before the final challenge whites and swarm hacks watch out they don't push you off the edge after defeating every mob and leaving the top floor the power will start to crumble destroying the staircase just as a side info you can grab the wisps these soul lights which light up on the tower now to some loot one can find lower scrap this is a found in every structure it explains a little bit of the story of this dimension firstly the gem singer it's used to locate live crystals and in the middle gem ore more about that later when right clicking it will play a song and if a compatible o is near the visible echo will be shown for a few seconds indicating the location of the ore the next equipment uses the radial menu nothing really advanced press c to open it then choose the accessory to equip and click note that only one pouch two rings and one amulet can be equipped meaning it's quite limited but at least they can be equipped at once saves up a bit of inventory space the two rings that can be found in this tower are felicity ring of accent at the cost of xp one can float a few blocks above ground but make sure you don't run out of xp double press a space to activate and shift to lower next one is the ring of power at the cost of xp you will get a movement boost and as well as strength attack which is indicated by flames to recharge unequip it and right click then it will consume your precious xp now to some weapons the white spain will allow you to one-shot whites which is really dope in my opinion i hate those ghosts the critter crunch is a weapon you want especially in caves as it can one-shot bugs such as infestations fireflies germa blood snails and so on but again no way to repair it this sludge slicer is only effective against sludges and small sludges these mobs we haven't met yet but i still wanted to state it so more about them later the hack hacker hacks through all swamp packs all of these are affected by corrosion have no way to be repaired and deal minimum damage against other mobs the swift pickaxe breaks almost all blocks instantly especially stone based ones both aspects correction and not being able to repair their place on this one as well the explorer head isn't that big of a deal it's mostly only for deco and lastly one can find the forbidden fake in here it restores 20 hunger and 20 decay points but you will be cursed with weakness and blackness for one minute the variant of the coolest islands are the erased islands with the only difference it can feature small lakes and two or more matriarch nests inhabited by germa matriarchs these can be found atop and contain loot hatchlings and crippling corpses the corpses can be looted with left clicks the most common valuables are pebbles rope sticks and other natural items found in these biomes you cannot break any blocks if you don't claim the nests as you own by standing in the center then you can break the blocks giving you slime balls and sticks and as well the loot that is sticking in them be careful as the nest itself isn't solid and deals damage a secret achievement is collecting all hatchlings without standing in the center do this by using a net the hatchling can be used to hatch a tamed chirama if you want the matriarch and a hatchling respawn don't claim nest let's take a look at this enormous beast defending its nest it has 200 health points and his attacks are throwing bombs picking up the player and dropping him and launching barbs to stun him you can deflect those with a shield punch it when it's trying to fling you up and shoot it with a bow i suggest not go into this fight guns blazing but rather be prepared for the falling or use a vollard kite or a ring of ascent to not die because of fall damage it can drop an erupter that can shoot out barbs all around the player sometimes thunderstorms can occur in this dimension later more infilling events but if a lightning shall strike it's announced by sparks around that place use it to electrify your erupter this increases the damage and deals out shocks it can also draw barbs these can be shot with a weed wood bow and it stuns enemies now to the hatchlings firstly you need to find a safe place for them to hatch as they are prey to many mobs in this dimension then place them above a block of octane and let them hatch for 10 minutes after that they will be very hungry which also indicates an icon above their head here you can see the full list of the feeding items that the hatchling can want as you cannot just feed them anything but whatever they right now desire the same feeding items can be designed multiple times after being fed eight times it will grow into a tamed chiromore here i need to add some info you can again electrify the hatchling within a thunderstorm this will result into a lightning tiruma to prevent them from hatching beat them up with a net and store them it's the easiest way to do this tamed churro moss are very cute pets they will follow and teleport to you and attack any hostile mobs even shooting out barbs to hit them the lightning version will have electrified bulbs right click them and it will sit on your head giving you the ability to double jump still being able to attack other hostels though right click the ceiling and they will hang from that block heal them with raw snail you can as well capture them with a net and release them deep waters this is surely a bomb you don't want to start in it mainly consists of swim water with barely any trees around it's basically an ocean biome new things here are deep water corals that can be made into these blocks and occasionally you can find wisps these wisps will disappear though if you come to close no new mobs around here already the ones we know featuring spallings firefly scribbling riders lurkers and anglers occasionally you find here the crack rock spires which are basically islands growing out of the water nothing more welcome to this warm marshlands scattered swarm water some spare sweet wood trees but a ton of red grass and slowing down peak blocks this is actually a really handy block if moss is ignited on top of it it will catch fire which will light indefinitely occasionally you can find hollow logs in this biome break it to get dry bark a very handy item as it can be crafted into a mate paper so this also allows you to make amete paper paints which can be used to make a metal paper lanterns and square paper paints but the main use is if you combine it with middle gems what are middle gems alls you can find within the water i advise you to use loka armor or by using the gem singer manage to gain the ore and then purify it in a purifier these are quite rare and very handy as they have even more uses but later about that surround one metal gem of your choice by amete paper and you get an empty map this doesn't only show you the different biomes but as well relevant structures around you another handy plant that you already know is the weeping blue it can be found rarely here again you can encounter here wisps but they will vanish as soon as you get to new now to the new mobs you can find here the old bullies whites scribbling scribblings riders germos can be hacked here as well as fireflies and spawlings the new friends are the shallow breath and pete mummies shallow breaths are by basically living in poison clouds their attacks are to suffocate you and inflict poison so if you are unaware they could kill you easily as well these can pass through blocks so no way to out route them but at least you can go into liquid they don't drop anything the next mob is the pete mummy bloody skeletal mummy scrolling and full these are always submerged in peat or mud and only if you come too close they will come out and start crawling to you they have 100 health so be careful to not get stuck in mud especially when they roar with this attack they are able to be very quick compared to their normal sluggish movement if you now get stuck in mud it's the end for you occasionally they can spawn as a jockey with a swamp hack on top it's advised to keep your distance thus using blows they can drop shimmer stone this can be used to distract pit mummies for a tiny bit by right click to throw them it will then crawl towards it consuming this stone in the process well in this state it won't even mind attacks from the player not to these structures firstly the runes these are made out of between land stone some pots of chance in the rare variants you can also find here climbing ropes and angry between land stone the next one are shrines these are the overworld variant of dungeons here swarm hacks whites blood snails temenites or leeches can spawn with the chest you are able to get some nude lastly the big progression structure the white fortress this consists of multiple layers so let's start the first floor is at the bottom here swamp hacks or turmoils can spawn in one of the corner rims the second floor spawns with a few iron spawners the fire spirits and some possessed blocks these will summon a ghost that will knock you back quite the jump scare these unlike other blocks can be broken so yay the spawners are located at the corner rooms with some chests the next floor is quite the challenge as the floor is made out of weak blocks meaning they will break if you stand on them some chests with loot in the corners and terminates can spawn here the next one is the white's floor a few spawners in each corner watch out to not get knocked off but that's not all in the middle of the fourth floor is the armory the main key to the final boss fight in this structure the floor is made out of spiky traps so try to get as quickly as you can to the blue lights and break each and every item case after you successfully did this a sword will summon in the middle pick it up it's the shock wave sword if right clicked with this sword you create a shock wave briefly lifting any mobs into the air dealing massive knockback the fifth floor was for me quite the struggle it contains two turmoil spawners has a double chest but is made out of weak blocks meaning no solid floor plus the cherimos really do want to knock you off and lastly you will get to the portal room this can only be entered if you have the shockwave sword equipped the room barriers will break and an eye will spawn look into it and it will teleport you to the boss fight your opponent the prime ordinal malevolence it's quite the hassle as you cannot just hack and slash through this bowel but you need the right strategy firstly all damage you deal will be knocked back and you will be damaged instead you need to wait until the boss summons a few white hats if one of the heads spits out a green circle catch it with a left click on your shock wave sword and throw it back at the boss breaking one of his shields in the process do this until you got some room to attack him each time a shield breaks he will fall down then dealing out a shock wave during the battle he will also summon some weak whites so maybe equip a white spain so you don't struggle as i did another attack by him is he can place a blue energy field that will deal damage if you stand in it it can be broken with the sword the best strategy is to use a bill after he lost half of his health he will do a circle attack with a ton of heads that will only spit out blue circles thus only dealing damage avoid the attack by sprinting in circles if you get knocked off the boss battle arena you will slowly regenerate health until you're back which means you can surely lose a ton of progress the boss itself can drop two different items the amulet slots lets you temporarily add more slots to your radial menu so you can equip more amulets at once this can be used up to 5 times any maximum ambulance you can have equipped are three and the other drops is the ring of recruitment with this you are able to recruit mobs doesn't matter if passive or hostile hold right click to start recruiting in this state you are very slow and cannot defend yourself after a certain amount of seconds depending on the strength of the mob it will be linked to you right click on it to decide if it should follow stay or guard if you look at the ring's durability you can see how much recruiting power you have left thus you cannot recruit indefinitely if you can't anymore it will display a message above your hotbar if in follow mode you can right click the ground to tell your recruited mobs where to go when your mobs attack or take damage or get healed by the ring it will drain your xp if your xp runs out all mobs will and will be unrecruited meaning hostile will be hostile again if recruited you can press r to drain health from your guardians this will result in creating shields around you similar to the boss hold sneak to activate them and your opponents will get damaged if they attack you before we move on did you know about the secret rooms on the first floor there's a middle room with some stagnant water on one side the wall is made out of bricks instead of normal stone behind it there's a written room with a double chest and the next one is if you dare to swim in the stagnant water as this drains you decay bar very very quickly you can eat weeping blue petals to gain the regeneration effect for your decay bar or just play it safe and go into this room after you defeated the boss as the blocks are now breakable and you don't need to go into that nasty water be careful though as there are four spawners with terminites thermals and swarm hacks as the reward you will get blocks of the rarest oars such as fallonite a variant of the marsh biom is marsh one it has smaller land masses and more swamp water edgy islands edgy islands with its low lying islands silt beaches hard growth trees and giant bulb cape mushrooms is the next spine we will be looking at firstly the new mobs here you can find maya snails these are passive and will drop its meat upon death meaning food source yay they can as well drop their shell the next mob is hostile and spawns only on silk beaches without those beaches made out of silt a block that slows you down you can craft it into coarse swarmed dirt silk crabs are quite fast when attacking then they retreat to start another attack from a different side it can be quite annoying sometimes when there's a horde of them they can drop the claw which can be crafted into a crab stick new food even though you can eat the claw itself the stick is way more saturating then we have the already known blood snail leeches and all of your old friends whites dragonflies anglers lurkers and so on the next new mob is the ambling a fiery salamander these are actually even faster in water so watch out upon inside amber links will attack the player dealing melee damage they can as well breathe fire to ignite its opponent his drops are octane ingots and undying amber the second drop is the key to tame these beautiful creatures feed them one with the right click and bam you have a pet you can make it sit or follow heal it with octane ingots or nuggets or make it lay down on an octane block so it will slowly regen you can also use undying emblem as powerful few and lastly the next mob you can find here is the shambler these are short alien like mobs normally their jaws are shut but if prey including players come closer these open to reveal a grabbing pan that will stick to its prey forcing it into the mouth of the shambler they don't do so much damage thankfully but upon death they drop a pun with it you can make a grappling hook and you can upgrade it once with another two teeth and one punk the grappling hook is used by right clicking and then holding space plus we or s to retract or extend the hook you can even swing by pressing the normal movement keys switch to a different item to unselect it or sneak the only structure spawning here are idle heads here you can get two free octane blocks which are the eyes of the statue and in the middle of the head you will always find a chest to end this you can also use the new tree hard growth to craft these blocks swarm lands actually quite the easy place to walk through as it has the highest land to water ratio from all biomes the first task you should achieve when entering the spam is to get to a rubber tree and right click it with the bucket after some time this will be filled after this procedure you can smell the bucket to acquire rubber balls for which purpose you may ask to craft rubber buttes these allow you to walk normally on mud making your life way easier before looking at the new mops spawning here you can actually eat the mushrooms that live here especially if you combine it with nettle that can be found quite frequently throughout this dimension you get the nettle soup now to the mops it's the same normal piles like whites swarm packs thermals and so on but here it can even spawn shamblers blood snails leeches and maya snails but that's not all occasionally you can find powerfuls and guess who can spawn within these power beasts so be careful lastly the new mob spawning here is the harlequin toad a new tameable mob they are passive so no need to be afraid just feed them some dragonfly wings you can write them and sneak to this mount sometimes if you get attacked there's a chance the tote will haram into the mop dealing damage so another plus for combat not to mention it's very easy to adventure with this beast on your side don't forget though these will wander off by themselves in this bio you will also find sap trees weedwood trees and the new nibble twig tree craft them into these blocks and you can make a food source out of the logs a new food source which even gives you xp you can also find hollow tree logs and giant tree stumps the rotten bug can be made into these blocks within the spine one can find the swampland's clearing with the spirit tree the next boss battle in the middle a giant tree with a spirit's face can be seen a rounded pillars with wisps these are important as the attack and the damage of the boss bill is equivalent to how many wisps are placed one can remove and naturally spawned wisps to make it easier but note that only this can happen if the main boss is above 50 health points in exchange of easier difficulty one will gain less experience let's firstly talk about the different attacks there are small spirit faces that will spawn from time to time and spit sap at you one can one shot them with a well knight axe but still kinda annoying they can drop their faces which can be worn it has a similar overlay to a pumpkin and gives two armor points it can as well be placed on the side of box the other drop is sap spit it can be used to breed maya snails it's one of the items three or more hatchlings want to eat or you can cook it lastly sap spit can remove corrosion on your tools to the main spirit boss he appears on the side of the spirit tree his attack are root entanglement a bundle of roots below your feet that will prevent you from walking you can break it though root wave is probably the hardest to avoid and when only three waves of root spikes will be summoned around you dealing good amount of damage and lastly if you decide to immediately attack him he will hiss spitting out roots that can easily kill you some tips use an axe to deal more damage preferably octane as this one adds fire damage to it after the boss dies the spirit tree will die transforming into rotten bark the dirt will turn into sludgy dirt no small street spirits will spawn if the decay isn't isolated or prevented the iron will transform into a so-called sludge planes where mobs similar to slimes can spawn the leaves can drop spirit fruits if consumed they grant absorption and regen too the drops of the boss are firstly the large face mask it's the same as the small one you can wear it or place it down but it slows you down if worn the next item is the bach amulet it creates floating wisps above entities indicating how much health they have left this even works when the entities are hiding such as the pete mummy in pete or geckos in bushes out of the sapling the boss drops you can grow a smaller spirit tree with a friendly tree spirit which can even spit at intruders dutch planes welcome to poop land sludge plains is a hostile battleground not only there are tar pools everywhere meaning top beasts can spawn anytime everywhere is mud so the first thing you should do is to get rubber boots before entering the spiem or you will regret it to the mops sludges come in two different sizes big and small and are quite similar to overworld slimes only that they are blue brown with a skeleton inside them let's firstly look at the smaller ones they drop sludge it can be used for many purposes but the main one is you can cook them in a furnace to acquire sludge jello you can also breed maya snails with it if you combine that with bowls of sap you get sap jello which restores for hunger and full decay the difference the bigger one is that they even leave a sludge path behind where not even rubber boots can help you but you will get stuck apart from these one can encounter here gripling riders whites peat mummies germans and leeches nalty structures firstly rotten wheat wood trees already known runes with lots of chances and the dungeon shrines now to the sub-biome the sludge planes clearing this one has way more land and always you can find here as legend the last boss dungeon firstly you need to light up the beacons at the top to by throwing down moss and holding right click on the abrasions do this for all four and the beacon will light up spawning four emblem shamans these can shoot fire float above you and just do magical damage now to the next step it's quite tedious you need to move the beacon side in such manner that it then hits the entrance of the dungeon meaning a lot of walking up and down it took me around 15 minutes then when you finally open the dungeon's door you can screenshot the code at the entrance because i doubt you can memorize the pattern welcome to the first floor throughout the whole dungeon one can open the urns of chances and rarely even find chests and shelves punch them to obtain the item a powerful item you can acquire only here is the predator bow it redirects arrows to hit a hostel entity on the first level you will find tiny sludge worms and their worm holes which can be damaged thankfully to gain access to the next level this applies on all levels by the way you need to find the exit door and put in the coat that's at the entrance door the second layer welcomes again more wormholes and channelers as well broken mud tiles these will throw you into stagnant water eating your decay bar the third layer are spiked traps broken mud tiles and two new opponents these large worm sacks which will hatch into sludge worms most of the times three to four at once if you are careful enough you can pick them up with the net and the next opponent are lampreys they are like living vacuum cleaners and will try to suck you to bite on your flesh eating your decay you can eat weeping petals before trying to attack them the next level is really challenging firstly you can again find broken mud tiles here but as well the new host are sludge jet turrets they just spit at you you can only damage to them if you hit their mask by the way but now to the real challenge sometimes you can find here the exit door way too fast this could be a mimic dungeon door if you now input the right core if you now input the right code a bearish with 200 health will spawn he has two attacks screaming that will break all nearby urns this results in ash spirits to spawn these are literally vexes as they are able to go through walls upon death they can drop remains that is used to craft the inanimated angry pebbles now back to the bearish the other attack is a shockwave this will deal knockback and damage don't get cornered upon his death the way to his leia with an ancient balax and a double chest will be unlocked as well the bear she will drop after he died a ruined key door and a ring of gathering this one can unlock any dungeon door on any level though i advise you to save it as only one bearish she spawns in one sludgeon the next floor has puff shrooms their spawn indicates a greenish collar on the floor cool them with shears to obtain a delicious snack the next one is a big pink mushroom when destroyed or prey is near it it explodes into a big poison cloud that inflicts blindness and elixir of decay probably the most annoying one is the living root it spawns randomly around you even under your feet and deals damage knocking you back especially without night vision this can be a real struggle the sixth floor is again filled with living roots but as well with a new body the crypt crawler the crawlers are naked molds rarely equipped with swords or shields these are quite important as these are the only mobs that drop ancient remnant a material used to craft various handy machines also from time to time rottenback will drop on your head if you again find the dungeon door way too quick it's because it's the dungeon door crypt if the right code isn't entered crypt tunnels filled with gripped crawlers will open firstly the hallways can be filled with giant crawlers equipped with octane swords and symmeramide shields these giant mutations have 100 health don't get cornered after quite a while you will enter the tunnels these have four crawler holes cover these up by breaking the hanger above the holes so they stop spawning crawlers after you survive the four holes you will find the gripped layer with a bunch of urns and the ancient sword if you pay close attention you will find in one corner of the room behind some compacted mud a full ancient almost set [Music] now to the last level of the labyrinth this one only features puff shrooms and moving walls yes this is how to get crushed floor here it's wise to use the rune key door so you don't get crushed now we come to the pit of decay firstly a few mobs will constantly spawn here until the hole in the middle is closed featuring leeches terminites small sludges and large sludge worms that can spit out small sludges as well on the balconies there are always two such jet turrets this is time relevant if you shoot the light beam too slow the construction will be raised again and you will have to start over this has to be done around 5 times in a row if you hit the shield instead a chain grabber will be spawned under you you can free yourself with attack or the charge of a valonite shield after the contraption falls the sludge menace will spawn i highly advise you to use the shockwave sword in this as the boss will summon leeches sludge worms and sludge worm sacks just shockwave them away he has multiple attacks slamming into the ground thirsting its head into the player grabbing the player and eating his health to regen a spinning attack shooting starch that slows down the player and the summoning upon death he drops a ton of xp amulet slot in the ring of dispersion it allows you to go through walls at the cost of xp do this by sneaking after he has been defeated you can now break blocks and sludge and mobs including the moving walls are removed mortar before starting with farming a quick trip to the mortar it's made out of crack rock and sticks find it in coarse islands after you obtained that craft the pestle and we can start grinding place the pestle in the middle of the gui place the item to grind on your left and now left click it bam you are grinding most items can be grinded is the key feature and aspects more about the later there are also two handy recipes with some swamp kelp raw angler meat and ground lichen the white spots one can find throughout the world especially in caves you can make sushi grind weed wheelchair to make a special path block that speeds you up grind limestone to acquire flux place it in left slot of furnaces to increase the output of smelting oils to be noted if you place the life crystal in the upper slot this process will be automated the only reason i decided to talk about this now is to make bone meal firstly cook swim breed and then grind it to acquire ground ground dried swarm breed this is the new bone meal and with that welcome to farming farming firstly in course islands swarmlands and marsh biomes you can find giant wheatwood trees the seeded hangar found here can drop white pierced seeds these small spallings can drop spores and as spectres seeds can be found as loot so to start with our new farming adventure fishy you need compost make this with planks and simmer right left click it to open filled with any proper ingredients such as grass and close it wait a bit now you have compost now we can start with farming make farmland by using shovel on dirt or swampland and then fill it with compost and you're done and just start planting your crops you can either have a farm on grass or normal swamp dirt these have a disadvantage though if left unfilled they will revert back and also have a random chance to catch decay if you purify the dirt before planting your if you if you purify the dirt before planting these won't revert and can't catch decay purify it in a purifier you can cue decay with plant tonic that's just swarm water with bowls of sap the main crops to farm are white pears these grow into bushes if they are mature when decay the plant itself will be destroyed piers can be used to craft white pier jello and jam donuts the next one are spores these grow into yellow dotted mushrooms it can be eaten or made into the maya scramble if a yellow deters fungus the case it spawns is boiling for aspectra seeds you need a rubber wood fence above the farmland this is mainly used for aspects more about it later the other plants can be farmed by placing on a farmland harvested with the shears these will then spread in a three by three area this as well applies for underwater plants such as maya corals as a side note you can feed the friendly spirit tree compost to acquire sap spit mill gems before talking about metal gems in sludge planes you will find way more mule gems in case you are in need of them to understand this mechanic metal gems are like boosters with abilities you can add two tools and armor in total there are three variants but it works like a rock paper scissor combat system meaning one gem is stronger or weaker to another one it works like this aqua is weak against green crimson weak against aqua green weak against crimson now to special buffs aqua has a chance to apply resistance 3 and inflicts weakness 3 to the opponent crimson can damage the enemy more like thorns knock it back third and grand strength grain has a chance to heal you like absorption 2 healing 50 of damage dealt when applied on between lens armor and tools you can even see them being applied swarm hacks whites tarpies pete mummies can be equipped with middle gems the craft amulets just find an amulet socket as lewd and make an empty amulet out of it combining with the middle gem but you can even apply middle gem amulets on tamed minions such as tarminions tamed harlequin toads ambulance and the friendly spray tree you can also make blocks out of these gems they emit light animator repairing the first time opening the gui it can be a bit confusing but it's quite easy left side is for the live crystal right side of the sofa in the middle will be the item you want to animate firstly this is the way to repair tools spores can be used to make a spoiling this also applies for root put by making root sprites next recipe is the animated tree mask it can be combined with a weed wood shield it will shoot sap spit at hostile swap walking this is also the way how to use item scrolls as they get animated revealing a random item upon use and lastly you can make an animated tar beast heart this is used for two items we'll see the atar minion totem upon using it it summons a time minion that inflicts slowness and will try to kill anything that is hostile its quite vulnerable to attacks after a diet it will launch a final tar explosion and then dropping an any animated tarminion which can again be animated you can animate an unanimated angry pebble before moving on you can crush any equipment pieces you don't need in a mortar this results into loot scrap it can be combined with a m80 paper to craft fabricated scrolls which gives you again random items one of the random items can be the skull mask if you wear this mask whites cannot possess you any magic item magnet this can only be obtained this way it levitates slowly items towards you in a seven block radius another item is the voodoo doll it can as well be found as loot when holding right click it will charge and if any mobs are around you it will deal massive damage indicated by white particles kills performed this way won't drop any player drops you can animate warm sags to acquire new arrows the arrow itself will damage the opponent and summon a helper worm that will attack him as well now to the ring of gathering the ring that better she drops as you need an animator for one part firstly you can resurrect tar minions if they die while this ring is equipped they will be stored in it and you can regain the unanimated version with a right click in exchange of xp now to the other part if you want to revive normal tamed pads you need to have the earring equipped while the dies then they are stored go to an animator and for a live crystal and some sulfur your pet can be reanimated this is another use for mummy bait but you need aspects for it so let's start with that aspect and herb lore firstly you need the herb lore book with m80 paper and lurker skin then you need to catch geckos with a net and craft the gecko cage this is used to find out aspects on different items but firstly why do you need aspects aspects is an every ground item but to find out what aspect that specific ground material contains you need to test it that's the geckos for so you harvest plants in your world with your thicker grind them in your mortar and then test them on geckos upon doing so the geckos will show behavior of some sort indicating one of the 16 aspects there isn't really a guide as this happens randomly for every world the in-game chat will also reveal if it's the last aspect on this ground item or if you need to research more as a side note if you have a herb or book in your inventory while experimenting with aspects you can see that these will be noted down if you click on a ground item that was already researched so all of these struggle for what well this allows you to use infusions infusions are the equivalent of brewing potions in a brewing stand but way more complicated firstly after you found out a couple of aspects in your plants you need an infuser made with some octane ingots then light up a peat block under it so you have a fire lit indefinitely in total there are 28 potions made out of a few aspects from your world back to the infuser fill this now with swarm water each water bucket added will reduce the temperature meaning it needs again time to boil now you can start adding ingredients we will talk about these later in recipes stir the mixture with a left click if the ingredients are an invalid infusion they will mix into a purplish color if you don't stir the mixture the water will evaporate creating a shallow breath you can automate this process with a live crystal but why do you first need invalid recipes well you need to distill various aspects to gain them separately to distill these purple mixture you need an alembic for the recipe itself you need dentural thists this material can be found in giant wheat wood trees inside of them or even giant weedwood stumps found in swamplands but watchout pirates can spawn if you break blocks out of the giant wheatwood tree shots of these blocks can also be found as normal loot and dungeons they exist in green and orange can be polished made into paints and you can even make shields out of them either out of polished or the raw version these have the ability to block any splash potions thrown at you so after you crafted the alambic make some vials with shots in a rubber bowl you will need a few to extract aspects one by one fill the alembic with your invalid purple goo and wait a ton after you will be rewarded with various aspects that were separated this now allows you to make infusions side note you can place down aspects vials on the ground with sneak click and add the same aspects in it so you have a stronger version if you have more of the same aspect in an infusion you will be granted with a potion of higher potency and duration the maximum is five before continuing if you shift you will even see the sign of the specific aspect on the vial in your inventory as well ground mill gems will always contain only one aspect or core always water bearing gnas crimson fire fernellas and green earth for girl less and the plants exclusively found in this legend will contain watering or hodoris these are creamed wheat etch leaf edge moss edge room pale grass rod bulb string roots and sepsis will always contain or dennis or jun win aspects can also be used for various crafting recipes firstly you can revert any full aspects in your crafting table if you combine the aspect virginia's with rubber boots you get the boots of the marsh runner this allows you to walk on swarm water for one to two seconds before sinking another use is for the repeller it's made with a vial stick and crack rock it allows you to make a shield that will push away all hostiles not including whites and bosses as well projectiles like pirate flames or arrows will be reflected through the ripple with the aspect buyer arrays now again fill your infuser and wait until the brew starts to be darker and darker a drastic color change that is similar to the potion will indicate it's done then grab it in your wheat wood bucket and fill it in your alum wig after a while you should be presented with your potion after you can fill it in vials if you don't act quickly enough your potion will be destroyed turning into a brownish color now to eat recipes by the way the more rodenus you use the longer the potion will be the first one is strength made with isowin to make it stronger and all dennis it's the equivalent to the normal strength potion add by aries and you get the wickiness potion the next is nibble feet made with otherwise or dennis and you know gas to make it stronger it's a speed potion with biaris it makes this potion of slowness called lumbering alexia of healing regenerates health made with eowin to make it stronger and audanes with virus you get the draining elixir it drains life axial ripening will regen decay made with eowin or dennis and ionis which makes it stronger again with the corruption aspect virus you get a potion that eats decay made with esowin eowyn makes it stronger silhouette makes it longer provides the tough skin elixir which gives immunity to harmful plants such as nettle or poison ivy adding virus corrupts the alexia creating poisoning which will poison you to regenerate your hunger make the elixir of feasting with eowin or dennis and celawin which makes it stronger if you add virus you will create the galaxy of starvation which drains your hunger now to tier 2 brews here either dionys or adenis are used to make the potions longer firstly we have hunter scents with fry wing makes it stronger dionys makes it longer odennis and finally with it you can see the path mobs walked indicated with bubble particles adding virus makes the drunk yard brew that inflicts nausea the masking brew is made with direness our menace makes it stronger and virus makes it harder for mobs to see you if you leave out virus it makes it more easy for mobs to see you the swift arm brew will swing your arm automatically if the bottom is pressed down made with aziwin dionys unicus and organisms makes it longer it's a combo of autoclicker and haste adding by aries makes your arms slower literally mining fatigue deluxe and lastly the brew of cat's eye with a fry one stronger dionis makes it longer or dennis and geoligas add by aries and you have the blind man's brew and it lasts here called droughts the droid of sagittarius is made with fry win stronger diana's longer virus or dennis and arminus with it you will see where your arrow will land without buyers it makes the bow weaker the spider breed brought azuwin vergalas dionis yahirin longa and unegos allows you to climb up walls and slide them down with virus you get paralysis you can't even move your camera naturally lightweight as a win via guinness unigas stronger hearing longer and geoligars you can walk on water with it with baierus you will sink and lastly with dionys longa freywin geoliga stronger or dennis you know guys you get this drought of the unclouded it removes the fog from the player's vision with bayeris you get the fogged draught you can throw any infusions by simply sneaking and right click to aim the longer you aim the further it will be heated before moving on one will get dirty vials from the green and throw this biles purify them to make them clean again this doesn't apply for the orange ones mummy bait and this is the other use for the tar beast heart the mummy bait but to craft it you need the armanus aspect as well as a sludge bowl and shimmer stone it can be used to summon the dreadful peat mummy this can be done by dropping the mummy bait in two biomes either marsh or sludge planes marsh is highly recommended how i defeated it is by attacking it in water as the decay wasn't so bad and other pete mummies weren't quick enough to attack me as well his attacks are summoning weak beat mummies when attacking he can snatch you where he will bite you before letting you go and shooting a projectile to deal slowness 3 when he screams rule enormously increases his speed so watch out when he dies he will dig back into the ground look out that he doesn't pull you with him or you will be suffocated he drops xp amulet slot a ton of shimmer stones and the ring of summoning this ring allows you to scream by pressing r summoning mini pete mummies underneath hostiles dealing enormous amount of damage sensor aspect farming before moving on i thought this is a good moment to introduce the sensor as you may be wondering how to finally grow a spectres fruits well you need the sensor for it and your desired aspect vial for see what is the sensor it's made out of cremains mud brakes and ancient remnant the gui looks a bit confusing but it's relatively easy bottom is for sulfur and your left slot for the item you will use for a certain effect this block can be by the way automated with a helper so let's start with the various effects balls of sap and whipping blue petal will both slowly reach and decay in a large area plant tonic will prevent crops from decaying if you add any alexia you will get a weak version of it in a large area stagnant water will decrease the decay bottled fog wait how do you get it use a vial in the last two levels in this sludge this is apparently only possible if the dungeon hasn't been finished yet with it you can farm plants that normally would only grow in this legend now to the aspect if you put into the sensor an aspect vial you will start growing the aspectus fruits you have near the sensor into that aspect if you put in cremains all entities around it will be set on fire and rule drop remains upon death and lastly place a bark amulet into the sensor then fill it up with swarm water and you will see the health of mobs in a large area events these are events that will occur in your whole world the first one are auroras floating neon lights in the sky during this event the player can collect the wisps that would normally disappear the next one is the blood sky which begins with a loud roar colouring the sky to a dark shade of red during this event swamp hacks can spawn everywhere and both swamp hacks and pit mummies will spawn at an increased rate they will be faster and deal more damage as well the passive spoilings will now come with splat shrooms on their head running at players tunnel entrances will be created spawning crypt crawlers the next event is the dense fog it's quite common it decreases visibility and the longer this event endures you will see more and more silhouettes in the fog they are purely cosmetic the next one is heavy rain firstly it extinguishes sulfur torches you can use eg mushrooms or lantern as a light source so you won't be in darkness a torch can be relit with an octane ingot also cover up your crops or they will be destroyed by puddles but these can even spread so surround your plants with fences all your work was for nothing during this time tunnel entrances will generate these will spawn such worms varianting in size a sub-event in heavy rain is the thunderstorm it will create lightning that are foretold by sparks on the ground this is how the trioma and the erupter is electrified but you can even make shock arrows this way this will like a lightning turmoil a damage by emerging lightning bolts from one mob to another the next event is the rift this one can either happen on the ceiling or in the side of the world it opens a rift to the overworld that one can give light depending if it's day or night time in the overworld after it closes between lenses again dark is a cave now these seasonal events first we got spook only during halloween between october 22nd and october 31st a lot of blocks get a spooky texture the ceiling is a jack-o'-lantern phase sludges have a new texture in the ambient moths are skulls also all hostiles drop candies during the summer most blocks get a frosty look whites will look like santa the sky will be white but as well as some game changing features swarm water will turn to ice presents will randomly generate they can give you mince pie christmas pudding candy canes frosty disc or coal bubbles will spawn on trees break them for xp and all hostile mobs can drop as well men's pie as a sub event in the summer there could be snowfall which generates snow on the ground with wind chimes you can forecast events it will chime and then be surrounded by a preview of the forecast five minutes before they happen with shift clicking you can attune it to a specific event this will chime 10 minutes before it happens simulacra these are small statues spawning firstly the caverns these are the deep men simulacra then in lake caverns the lake kevin simulacra and lastly the root man simulta on giant roots under raised islands in the raised isle biome these can be decorated with mud brick candles or an offering table an offering table is a decorative block similar to a pedestal firstly here you can see all of them simulacras are statues with special abilities these don't depend on the type but are assigned randomly upon generation the first one is none meaning no special ability then random it will change periodically its ability to one of the following them will increase the spawn rate of them during dense fog say welcome to your new bodies imitation will imitate the sound of your last killed mob weakness will decrease your mining speed resurrection can resurrect the mob that died close nearby sanctuary extends a nearby repeller shield fertility will spawn maya snails during the heavy rain event attraction will attract lightning in thunderstorms wisps will generate wisps during the aurora event wisdom will spawn xp orbs that either increase or decrease your xp level and lastly blessing offer spirit fruit on a nearby offering table and you will get blessed preventing your next death but with a twist you either lose all of the exp or only a bit of it will be saved but you will be teleported to your spawn point only creative you will be able to see the effect of your simulacra and survival you have to experiment to know which one is which as only they continue with their effects if they are placed down with the shift click you can rename them men hears these are waypoints that spawn naturally throughout your whole world to activate them you need a bone way finder this can be found a salute in eg shrines or crack rock towers right click to link it and then when you want to teleport hold it and it will drain a little bit of your experience after a bit it will teleport you inflicting blindness it will as well cost one durability shift click to rename it to unlink it you can convert it in your crafting grid and you can repair it in an animator straighten now lastly a new transportation system will load up up to four can be fueled at once if you place local skin pouches in the upgrade slot you will gain extra storage you can access them from the outside the front middle slot is free the front motor slot is used for animating maps the other four slots are for upgrades if you fly around with the drayton grappling riders will attack you if you are hit by enemies or by projectiles there is a chance your drayton will spring leaks you can fix those by crafting lurker skin patches and then applying them with right clicks as well during thunderstorms lightning will be attracted to you you get a hidden achievement for it be aware that if you decide to use your team chirama they will still attack hostiles with a chance to attack each other which will end up in a frenzy now to the upgrades there are only three meaning you can still have two storage upgrades the crafting upgrade allows you to have a transportable crafting table with you the furnace allows you to smell to cook items and the anchor upgrade and put it in the middle lets you pull down an anchor that prevents the drayton to move away pull it in with a right click remaining items a food item found as loot are the pink and green marshmallows the pink one grants jump boost 2 and the green speed too you can apply tar drips on a wheat boat with a right click this prevents the boat from drifting randomly making it easier to use as well you can craft shelves a small storage and pedestal mixture one can make another portal by placing them between and sapling and clicking with a swamp talisman you don't have one you can just create one with moss a life crystal and a slimy bone as well any of the portal tree logs the porthole tree creates can be used to make a 3x4 portal ignite it with a swarm talisman and lastly let me introduce you to portal linking you can link one portal with a right click and then create another portal in a different dimension like the nether right click it again and now this portal will lead to another if this will only work if not both portals are in one dimension and if one of them is in the betweenlands [Applause] [Applause]
Channel: yorkmouseModz
Views: 152,446
Rating: 4.9629831 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mod, forge, mobs, modded, 1.16.5, 1.16.4, 1.16.3
Id: zKdd56bLZAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 25sec (4405 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 17 2021
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