Between the Lions episode 33 The Good Seed

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announcer bunny here check out what's coming up here on between the lawyers another walking down the street W always make up green cuz you're the letters that they all wanna meet for makin bee's knees and PG if you think that was fun watch this hey now hey Wow here's I'll come and ring between the lion next between Leona should plug this bill earbud hey Dad what's not important what you want to see me about well son I think you're ready to take on more responsibilities laughter all someday you and your sister will be running this library is so cool me oh my brilliant yeah what do you want me to do first dad ah today I am leaving you in charge of he returns desk oh sorry turns desk me fungi help people return books me oh that's true that's right son well you did such a good job last week taking care of the file cabinet but I thought you were ready for more of a challenge oh you're welcome Lionel now now click click is here to help you yes mouse here to assist you as you try to live up to this great responsibility congratulations Lionel thanks click line on my boy will you be all right yeah he'll be a piece of steak ha ha excellent well would be some library business to attention ha ha ha so if you need me I'll be at the front desk ok dad ok oh I know he'll make me proud excuse me I have some books to return just a little more dirt Leona oh yeah that looks the butterflies really like our flowers don't they mama yes they do Leona you know this book is about flowers to hear mm-hmm it is called the empty pot and it's written and illustrated dennee shall we read it all right a long time ago in China there was a boy named pink who loved flowers anything he planted burst into bloom obtain flowers bushes and even big fruit trees as if by magic hmm everyone in the kingdom loved flowers too they planted them everywhere and the air smelled like perfume the Emperor loved birds and animals but flowers most of all and he tended his own garden every day but the Emperor was very old he needed to choose a successor to the throne assessor to the throne what's a successor to the whole successor someone who takes over from someone else is next in line see and not the kind of line you're standing horse but in line for a job is that clear oh not exactly a Wow see her oh how about this the person who will become emperor after this Emperor and stops being Emperor oh I can't it big he yeah my pleasure Leona hmm who would his successor be because the Emperor loved flowers so much he decided to let the flowers choose all the children in the land were to come to the palace there they would be given special flower seeds by the whoever can show me their best in a year's time he said will succeed me to the throne this movie had a great excitement we'll head the land children swarmed to the palace to get their flower seeds when ping received his seed from the Emperor he was the happiest child of all he was sure he could grow the most beautiful flower pink filled a flowerpot with rich soil he planted the seed in it very carefully he watered it every day he couldn't wait to see it sprout grow and boys into a beautiful flower what kind of flower do you think is gonna grow on pings pot money hmm I don't know Leona what do you think wow you know it clean yeah well it could be um Oh and now Walter and play pigeon eat seeds where's Joe there's no joke sees you actually lost that miss popping OH and now watch the reader in the vocals we go away we'd be sweet double e e sound in the word dancing you always make green make a sound so sweet see to get to keep for a strong nasty the bells I seek sweet me on my sweet to escape to keep me II beep-beep-beep-beep beep-beep-beep-beep and now the word doctor with dr. Ruth word heimer hello here's dr. Ruth something tells me it's time for another yogurt freak out Oh dr. Ruth you've gotta help me see I was invited to a costume party that studies yeah oh but but the invitation said I am supposed to dress up as a as I want oh this I can't read it not the roof it's much too long yes it's Islam but you cannot read it take a deep breath bat on the left and read one part of the word at a time okay start on the left ah ha ha Kate good now put them together Oh para Kate Oh pirate eat parakeet you have it very good oh thanks oh but there what is a parakeet it's a little bird oh oh I'm gonna dress up like a parakeet ha ha 3 tweet thank you dr. Ruth thank you you are right comma that was my treat so where do they keep the monkey pop-up theater books anyways I checked the rule out monkey pop-up theater volume 2038 monkey puck but theater volume 2039 monkey pop-up theater volume 2040 who is that yet yep I just love monkey Papa peter books I can tell thank you for turning your books in on time oh thank you for doing such a good job how can we return them someday Lionel the librarian information I'll tell you where to look I'll be there connect you to the my computer I'm gonna like wearing them someday someday lion the librarian hey click there's some email coming in rebe freebie what's your freebie I believe it is something that is free cool let's open it Lionel that may not be a good idea some emails can contain viruses that interfere with my central processing unit operation oh I'm sure it's okay request denied ah ah in the manual you have just received the freebie and you have been just wrong No what are you doing Oh oh boy maybe pingzhi will go up to be a young equation Maura go phenomena ha ha ha geranin um Leona Leona why don't we read the book and see what happens yeah let me tell me good but day after day passed but nothing grew as pond King was very worried he put new soil into a bigger pot then he transferred the seed into the rich black soil another two months he waited still nothing happened by and by the whole year past spring came and all the children put on the best clothes to greet the Emperor they rushed to the palace with their beautiful flowers eagerly hoping to be chosen King was ashamed of his empty pot he thought the other children would laugh at him because for once he couldn't get a flower to grow his clever friend ran by holding a great big plant ping he said you're not really going to the Emperor with an empty pot are you couldn't you go up great big flower like mine I've grown lots of flowers better than yours ping said it's just this seed that won't grow Ping's father overheard this and said you did your best and your pest is good enough to present to the Emperor he's going to see the Emperor and he has an empty pot I don't think Amber's gonna like that and now it's time for Queen excellent Gawain here one to get it blending field where two brave knights and armor will charge together at high speed I make a word competing today we have sir what sir we've excellent Sasuke wins word for today and this is when saying from steam in my armor huh I'll see you next time on great word great word we she ha and now a little poem in which letters change and make something very interesting happened you've all heard of Little Bo Peep who stayed up on eight counting good news to tell she replaced age with little now she's fine getting some sleep the dancing feet of mr. Bruno Kirby cease this antivirus software yes rockman to knock out virus kids by yourself just fibers don't need it yes yeah restoring library database restoring personal correspondence files restoring New Year's Eve pictures of seal with a lampshade on his the wall come on come on let's read the book and find out what's happening to ping all right Leona holding the empty pot in his hands ping went straight away to the palace the Emperor was looking at the flowers slowly one by one how beautiful all the flowers were but the Emperor was frowning and did not say a word finally he came to ping the Emperor asked him why did you bring an empty pot ping started to cry and replied I planted the seed you gave me and I watered it every day but it didn't stop I put it in a better pot with better soil but still it didn't sprout I attended it all year long but nothing cool so today I had to bring an empty pot without a flower it was the best I could do when the emperor heard these words a smile slowly spread over his face then he exclaimed to one and all I have found the one person worthy of being Emperor well you got your seeds from I do not know for the seeds I gave you had all been cooked so it was impossible for any of them to grow I admire pings great courage to appear before me with the empty truth and now I reward him and make him emperor of all the land No I guess the moral of that story is it really pays to tell the truth and that as long as you've done your best you've done enough morale what you learn from a story the important lesson you take away would you like to hear it again good every nut seizing all is in it I guess the moral of that story is it really pays to tell the truth and that as long as you've done your best you've done enough you know I could have sworn I said that before final dad daddy I mean hi hi Oh how'd it go any trouble with any of the returns uh no no trouble with any of the returns good good good uh anything else to tell me uh yeah yeah well yeah the truth is something did happen yeah it all started with this email I know I probably shouldn't have opened it oh she yeah yeah that would probably explain this oh great that's great now I'll never be a librarian Oh son look you had the courage to tell me the truth final I think you'll make a great librarian mm-hmm absolutely uh so uh what exactly happened here hmm I'm glad you asked yeah it's a really long story you know about that email and now Walter and clay pigeon need more seeds hey clay look we're out of feeds yeah hey let's go and get some yeah that's it if it is leave to get more seeds couldn't the writer think of a more clever way to end the show apparently not oh my mr. Bruno Kirby Laurie attaching spikey pants come on everyone let's show them how it's done what man it's just been guy you can do it dancing smokey bear
Channel: Dragoman666
Views: 229,403
Rating: 4.3464789 out of 5
Keywords: Between The Lions (TV Program)
Id: Yjvz1Mj6H7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 44sec (1604 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 10 2015
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