Better Twixtor and Time Remapping in DaVinci Resolve

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hi my name is pj let me not waste your time today i'll be teaching you a newer technique on how to twixter and re-time your clips individually resolved but a fair warning this method is heavier on your pc compared to the other methods but the result will look very good all right to start off what we're going to do is change some key buttons to make things easier in order to do that we're going to go to the dimchi resolve at the top left of the screen then we are going to hit keyboard customization and this panel will pop up in the search bar on the right side we first are going to type split clip and then hover over the shortcuts already there and then i'm going to hit this plus button to add another keystroke and for this one i'm going to use h next we're going to type in new compound clip into the search bar and bind that to c lastly we're going to type open in timeline and bind this control to t putting in this key button there will be a conflict in the shortcuts and all you have to do is hit assign go to and unbind the trim mode setting and just take it off there and you should be good and you just hit save now that we have that done we can go back to our timeline and the clips that we want the twix i have them lined up here like this where the start of the clips are synced to my markers and every clip is on its own layer in our media pool i'm going to make a couple bins by right clicking here and then selecting new bin i'm going to name the first one cc for compound clips and then i'm going to make another bin named twix now i'm going to go back and open up the cc folder and select our first clip on our timeline and hit c to make a compound clip there'll be a prompt that shows up to name the clip but you can just hit okay then we're going to do this for every clip what we're doing is creating compositions for our clip so we can contain our twixing process once all the clips are put into their own compound clip then we can condense our clips to the first layer by moving them down like this now we're going to take the end of our first clip and shorten it and extend it back again until we can see these numbers pop up this will tell you how many frames the clip is once we know that we're gonna remember this number and then we're gonna go select the clip again and hit t to enter the compound clip timeline you'll see that the footage we put into the compound clip is right there next we're going to add a fusion composition by going to our effects library going down to the toolbox effects then fusion composition you wanna make this easier to grab in the future you can hit the star next to the name and it will pop up over here we're going to take this clip and put it above our footage then we're going to extend this clip to however long the number was that we just memorized and i'd like to go one frame more than that number just because this will be where we retain our clip after we are done so i'm just going to put it onto the first layer behind the footage there now i'm going to duplicate this footage that we have here by holding alt and dragging clip upwards then on the track setting on the left side we're going to disable the clip by hitting the film strip and lock the layer by hitting the lock and now we can just work with the footage in order for our tricks to look right we need to cut out all the frames that are duplicated in our footage in order to go frame by frame we're going to use the arrow keys left and right and since we binded our cut key to h we can just hit the right arrow key and h to cut out every single frame individually we're going to do this to the end of the clip it should look something like this now we're going to go back to the beginning and delete every duplicate frame like this i'm going to use the arrow keys to go frame by frame there's a clip that is duplicated i can highlight the frame by holding ctrl and then hitting the arrow key to select that frame and then hit the delete key and delete that clip and it automatically gets rid of the space in between the two frames so we can just go to the next clip now just repeat this process until the end of the clip what you want to focus on when looking at the frames is the movement driven by the focus of the clip so every time chica moves and not the background sometimes you can see a pattern between these frames so you don't have to look at every single clip the gap could be every two frames or three frames that does not need to be deleted but i just keep my eye on the viewer to see if i make any mistake once that is done you can play this back and make sure there is no duplicated frame and select all these frames make sure you have your tricks been open then compound clip these frames once we have that done we can unlock our first layer and drag our fusion clip onto the top of our clips and then enter fusion we first are going to open our media pool and grab our compound clip just drag it into our composition connect it to our media out then we're going to hit shift space type in time stretcher and add that onto our node tree your playhead is not already at the beginning you'll need to uncheck the source keyframe on your node here and then go to the beginning of the composition keyframe or source time here so the value is at zero and if we click the media in node you can look at this number right here and it will tell you how long your clip is so we're going to memorize that number put our playhead at the end of the comp and make it keyframe on our source time on the time stretcher node the value that we just saw in the media in then if we play back what we have you can see that the clip moves out through the whole timeline that we set it for and from here what we're going to do is open our slime graph and return how we want the clip to look like i usually do an ease in spline like this for my retiming but other people may like a curve like this it all depends on what look you're trying to go for something like this for this clip look the best because i think there are more frames that looks similar at the end of the clip which will make the twix look better sometimes if you don't like the first couple frames you can fast forward to where you want the twix to start i can start right here because right there is going to be a big warp i started at five frames something like that readjust my splined and something like that should look good so then we have our video retimed like this now for the newer method that we're going to use we're going to add an optical flow node and place it before the time stretcher then on the time toucher we're going to go and change the mode from blend to flow the check mark off all these boxes this check mark box makes it so that the edges don't warp and these help with sampling the footage once you have that done we're gonna go back into the edit page and play back our footage in order for it to start caching or pre-rendering the preview of the clip just wait till the red bar turns blue once that is done you will see your twix and your retime that you did and then you can go to your next clip you don't like how some of the clip warps too much you can also go back and try and keyframe on certain places where it says like a 0.5 of a frame you don't really want to use that like that one you could keep it just to 11. so it doesn't give that extra little warp that's it's okay we can give it to 10 if you want like that and this is just the ace we just get the warp so now it's just clean clean clean next clip i'm going to do is this one right here because i have this scene being synced up to multiple beats on the music and i have another trick that i want to show you so i'm just going to go through this process again we're going to do this clip let's just bring it down we got 17 we got 109 and it's at 202 17 109 202. 202 we can go into here let me just mark it up even on this clip array so let's bring this up i need 17 right there 109 and then 202 like that now i can stop memorizing those numbers and just grab my fusion clip drag it back on top here and now i'm just gonna even just mark that mark it on the fusion clip because i can just bring this back all right bring this down here we're going to look at this footage turn this off bring it down we don't even need to see all these frames like this let's cut up again open our twix holder there we go i guess like for this scene there's not a lot of movement in the scene so we don't have to let's go through all that footage we just go to where we see it the first movement that we want to tweak so just like right there that we just delete all this first movement no movement there you go like that nobody's just talking i'm not going to twist that let's do that let's do this again bring this here bring it down that's where it stops that so we have this movement that's we're going to hold the clip we're going to twix and we're just going to cut all these frames again a lot less to deal with in that whole long clip right all right got it cut out we're going to go through it we just have these clips and you can see on one of the clips like the mouth is pretty much okay it's not moving that much since so the little twix fine but one of these clips he's actually blinking so if we do that it's going to work really badly so we actually do i learned this from keaton we actually take one of these clips with the eye probably this one because it's kind of bent you kind of want to match that take it duplicate it put it on top of the other one and so let's go into fusion and we're going to actually mask out his eyes we just take a polygon that's up here just like this zoom in and then probably go around this little shadow on his eye as well go around the eye mask it out something like this would be good put it on here and i'll probably put a little bit soft edge so it can blend a little bit better with the background nothing really extruding it i'll probably increase the border with just a tad and then we can just use the viewer controls in the inspector just to line it up quickly to where it should be a little higher and just check that's not too bad a little bit of a jump i might bring it back just a little tab you don't want to even angle it a little different and that shouldn't twix too badly all right that should be good and now we can use the compound clip this in our tweak spinner like this all right let's unlock this layer let's get our clip that we have and we're gonna stretch all these seven frames throughout this whole thing so let's go into fusion let's bring our clip in i'm just gonna put our retime thing on i have a macro that actually allows me to do it really fast just like that and it puts in the spline and we get the frame that's here like that but we also want to take an account for all these markers that we have in the clip let's just actually mark this on the timeline now we're going to put these we're going to put keyframes here under these markers we could mark out the time but we also don't want to we're messing with this we don't want to interact with the markers on the spline graph so we're going to right click here and go to options and then enable marker grab is checked on we're going to mark that off i already have it off to do that and then we're just going to retime where we want his head to be during the certain times so we want his head to be just the start of the peak looking up which is around here i think it's at four frames we'll mark that out and then we'll go back to where he's looking down which is at seven frames i believe the max and then we don't have enough frames for it to go back to more frames in the footage so we can just actually go back to a different number and then it will just between it just like that something we can do and then curves i'm going to use for this actually s curves so a curve that just makes a little s shapeless like that and i'm just going to something like this but we're also going to move these keyframes so what we really want is the most vertical part of the graph to be under the marker because that's where the bead is synced so we're just going to move it like that and we're going to move this over here maybe even flatten the spline a little bit more or should bring it like this we could check it we probably bring this out a bit more check this one let's bring this in extend this even bring this up a little bit all right so now we have some light looks like this a little snappy over here i can just flatten this out it's a little bit more it'll be a little bit smoother all right that that'll look good now we're going to do the same thing we did before we're going to add an optical flow node this time time structure we're going to change it to flow clamp the edges everything like this and then back to our edit page and then just play it so we can start caching this clip i have repeat that on so it's going to end comp and then it's going to repeat and this for me i don't know why but it's helped me render stuff better so in the meantime while this is doing it it's also the setting that i got from vision that if you click these three dots i don't know if i can do it while he's playing oh yeah and then hit show all video frames it will force everything for this preview to show every single frame before moving on to the next frame i don't know why that isn't already enabled on but that's how you get like a playback in the color page in the delivery page or it's super smooth right now we have this which that looks pretty good there's not a lot of warps except maybe on the little tips of the hair but i think we control about that but that looks pretty good let's bring it back to here and sink very good yeah just basically do those methods even like replacing the eye or replacing the mouth for certain scenes you have any more questions or suggestions of what i should do in the future please let me know down below in the comment section if you'd like to join the resolved amy community discord server there will be a link in the description as well as my own server if you like to join and with that subscribe and have a good day
Channel: PeeJ ENT
Views: 59,627
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PeeJ, PeeJ ent, davinci resolve, amv, anime, davinci resolve amv, davinci resolve twixtor, twixtor davinci resolve, slow motion davinci resolve, time remapping davinci resolve, speed ramping davinci, speed ramping davinci resolve
Id: 0Jh2a-ntllA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 6sec (726 seconds)
Published: Sat May 07 2022
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