Better Than We Expected | Outdoor Hot Water & Cabin Flashing

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foreign guys it's becoming the time of year when an outdoor faucet is going to come in very handy for us and believe it or not this house has absolutely no water outside for us so what we've been doing when we need a hose outside is we open the front door and we hook a hose directly to the pressure tank but we're gonna fix that today and up until a couple weeks ago I didn't even know that these things right here existed until we went to one of our friend's house and he had just put one of these in so what this is is an outdoor faucet that gives you cold water and hot water which is going to be absolutely awesome and it kind of just blew my mind so since we were going to be installing a cold water faucet anyways we picked one of these up we're going to be putting in a hot water and cold water faucet today we got to get one more hole drilled and then we're gonna head over the trailer and we're gonna start looking at our PEX tubing [Music] really so I have pretty limited knowledge and plumbing but one of the things I have learned is that there's two different types of pecs I believe there's only two but we have PEX type A and then there's also PEX B PEX B you just have like a metal crimp and you can just crimp it to whatever fitting you want PEX a is a little bit different so if you want this piece of PEX to fit over that you actually need to expand this you slip it over it and then over time like in a minute it slowly goes back down to size and it'll give you a nice tight seal on that and to do that you need a tool so this is the tool we bought for the project the whole entire house is plumbed with PEX a so we're going to be using this in the future and this does one inch half inch and three quarter inch we're going to start out here with some half inch and we're going to be putting some fittings on it they also make battery powered ones of these and Milwaukee makes a really nice one they're really expensive I picked this one up on Amazon for pretty cheap let's give it a try and let's see how it works so you gotta put a little grease on it okay slide it over the fitting oh no I didn't do it enough it's already sticking okay there we go perfect so that's it and in just a few seconds this is going to crimp down really tight on this fitting and I'm gonna do a few of these outside here that way we don't have to do them in the crawl space underneath the house and we're going to start the packs with half inch because we have some extra valves in there and those are all half inch and then this is going to expand it to a three-quarter inch and then that's what's going to run out to our Outdoor Faucet so we got about four of these we're gonna put together real quick it's a really cool tool so where we're going to be mounting this is where I just drilled these holes and I put it right here because our pressure tank is right there and our hot water heater is also right there so we're just going to shove this in there I've already been underneath I've taken some measurements we're pretty close to some electrical and then the next studs over is our propane but where I'm at right now it's just going to go straight through this wood and then it through some foam insulation in there so let's see if we can get this through foreign water welcome to the utility room in our bathroom and one thing pretty cool that was done when this cabin was plumbed is they actually put in two extra valves for us so we already have a cold water that's not being used and we have a hot water valve back there that's not being used those are both half inch so that's what we've got here we're going to expand these and put those on and then we're going to go to three quarter inch and we're doing that in hopes to get as much flow as we can since this is an outdoor faucet and we're going to be using it like a garden hose we want a little more pressure so we're going to expand these with some expansion sleeves on there we're going to put them on and then we're going to run our three-quarter inch PEX straight down I think I got to drill one of those holes a little bit bigger and we should be good to go I thought it shrunk down a lot faster it actually takes a little while for them to shrink down huh okay so this one's cold start with this one 10 foot so a hot one so I'm just going to push these down as far as I can get them and then when we're down there we'll we'll pull them down first all right cool this is the crawl space we're gonna head underneath and do our piping but I wanted to show you guys something we've been keeping track of the temperature and the humidity underneath the crawl space here so it has changed quite a bit since we've been living here right now it's sitting at 54 degrees Fahrenheit and 85 percent humidity it's pretty humid uh it's one thing we've noticed about this cabin compared to our other one is the humidity so this one sits directly on the ground on a foundation and it's a lot more humid in this cabin our other cabin set up off the ground on Piers and it was a lot drier in there so pretty cool nice temperatures down here it's nice and cool let's head underneath you're just a interesting pillow on the jokester baby okay you want Ugg slippers this morning I know can you see them up here that's hot water that's cold water see I had to miss this uh two by twelve right here and I also had to mix this electrical cord so we're going to connect into the faucet outside we have both of these ones labeled hot one's labeled cold this should be pretty easy so we're gonna go from half inch which that is and then we're gonna go to the three quarter inch which we just stuck down here unfortunately this is a very tight spot and I'm gonna try to put some Teflon tape on these also make sure we don't have any leaks in the winter wasn't it only 60 humidity down here 59 or something like that yeah it's because of the moisture the it's defrost there's more moisture they're gonna stop Frozen thank you it's been two months since we moved in here and we started keeping all of our food down here and as far as mice go we don't really have mice but we have something called a vole and it's it's very similar to a mouse but it has a short tail we had one vole down here and I found where it got in and the cat tank came down here and she took care of it but other than that we've been perfect we've been varmint free so let's get these screwed on we're getting there oh my gosh they're getting like an ab workout right now yeah you're gonna be sculpted by the time does that say hot or cold on it which one this one that says uh cold okay so that's cold this is a lot harder to do under here oh dang it where's my expansion sleeve oh okay so this one okay this is cold correct for sure okay gotta want to hook this on the wrong one all right let's expand it and I'm gonna go I think I'm gonna go I think I'm gonna go under those ones okay there we go I got her connected yeah this is I think this is why if you're an actual plumber and you do this like all the time they get the battery powered going because this is let's head back up and we'll uh get the connections hooked up up top and then uh we'll test her out and check for leaks we know if I'd ever seen one okay so we got some extra foreign [Music] it looks like you gotta let that PEX a sit for a little while to fully contract after you expand it for my research online when it's colder out like it is it says it's about 20 minutes so in the meantime I'm going to insulate the cold water pipe that we just put in there a few weeks ago we had problems with our pressure tank and some of our pipes sweating when we were running our water for a long time and we insulated a bunch of the pipes we put in a drip pan and we fixed the problem so it's awesome down there now we have barely any sweating and we're going to keep it that way so we're going to insulate that new cold water pipe we just put in it gets really hot like burn me so it's high put on high enough [Applause] well looks like we're all sealed up I used Ariel's blow dryer on one of the fittings up there on the cold water one I think it was just cold and it took a little longer I checked underneath there's no leaks there's only one thing left to do let's go outside and test it it's gonna be pretty cool to have hot water outside there we go cold water okay that's not very good pressure that's not that good that's oh there you go put both of them oh my gosh you could take a bath on that oh wow that is nice you know I think this cold water one I got some of that foam slammed in there you know what I mean that is hot that is hot like too hot to touch holy cow that is insane okay that is pretty amazing you might be wondering why you would want a hot water faucet on your house and the possibilities are endless so one big thing for us is we have a big outdoor laundry machine so that's gonna be really cool to use this you can wash your dogs with warm water and also clean up uh if you're cleaning up like paint brushes or anything or just want to pressure wash your truck and you want to use hot water hot water is a way better job cleaning things up we also have a concrete project coming up and we needed to have an outdoor faucet to do some cleanup so we'll be using the cold water with that but this thing is pretty cool you got this uh cold water when I shoved it in the insulation there we go there we go that's cold water that's pretty good pressure super quick too you know [Music] we're over on the east side of our house now and I was admiring some buds that are opening up we have something that we're working on now which is flashing around the base of our cabin this is a log cabin and it has an ICF foundation so it's pretty awesome but when it was put in they just didn't put any sort of flashing and it definitely needs it so we knew that it was on our priority list for this summer but it kind of got bumped up sooner because our chickens have been pecking at it I have no idea why they want to Peck foam um we've been here for about two months and the chickens have been thankfully able to free range pretty much every day that we're home which is just awesome I wasn't expecting that um and I know that may not always be the case with Predators but they have found some interest in some of the spots along the foam and they just Peck at it so we've put some wood kind of scrap wood around it to keep them from doing that and we've just got to get this done and then we don't have to worry about it again which is awesome Eric picked up the metal not too long ago from like a custom metal shop up we gave him the measurements and it's it's a really pretty color it's a brown and it's going to match the deck and look awesome with the red trim so this is it this is going to be the foundation flashing for the cabin like Errol said nice brown color to match the deck and I just went into this metal shop in Fairbanks and it was super cool place but basically bend the metal however you want it and doing custom lengths so we did uh two inches down this way then they did three inches this way at a slight angle to deflect water and kind of get it to drain we did 18 inches all the way down and then they put a little bend on the bottom so that's folded over that way you don't have like a sharp corner on the bottom this project uh I don't know how simple it's gonna be or I don't know how how hard it's going to be because we've never done it before and we have some issues going on with the cabin not everything is aligned perfectly and there's kind of some wood sticking out or it might be an issue but we're going to start on the two sides that should be the easiest the back side and then the side that Arrow was standing on let's grab our metal and we'll head over there extra what do you think bro all right heads up coming in foreign dang that looks good holy cow stubborn little man son I think every tooth is fine here goes that one this one that makes more sense than to cut it let's start saying and then you don't have to Cutter at all okay [Music] stop that they're freaking Aspen oh cause it's Sharp you could go your way a little yeah right there that's perfect yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh yeah [Applause] the one where you're at is the one I need to hold up a little bit all right so actually that wasn't too bad it took about I don't know a little over an hour to do the whole entire cabin we had one part on like the base plate on the other side of the cabin I had to shave that down a little bit it was just kind of cockeyed and sticking out a little bit too far it looks absolutely amazing I'm gonna say right now it's probably not 100 secured we're gonna have to find something to do with the bottom since we just screwed the whole top in the bottom is not screwed in so we were thinking that the top would just hold it in obviously that's not going to work I don't know if we're gonna need to do some sort of adhesive on the bottom or I think we might have enough concrete that maybe we could do like a screw that would go into concrete and we could uh fasten the bottom along the bottom like that but all in all I'm really happy the way this turned out the brown looks really good and tomorrow is going to be another big day for us we are finally going to be painting arconex there's only one dirty part look she's mad she can't Peck hey Eric there's ants all over these buds thank you I set an alarm just to come out here and show you this what time do you think it is right now the sun has yet to come up but we are at a very long daylight period as you can tell it's a very bright out here I'm gonna go back to bed for a little bit and we will be painting in the morning I guess it is the morning we'll be painting soon foreign making some sourdough English muffins and I'm really excited because I haven't ever done these with like sourdough true sourdough where I let them sit overnight um usually I just use like the discard to make them that day so these are going to be very sourdoughy English muffins and we're going to get them on the griddle because we are making eggs benedict get in there well the English muffins are turning out awesome and we're going to make a Hollandaise sauce we're starting with four egg yolks and we're gonna get these whisking with a little bit of lemon juice we're gonna try to get them to double in volume here foreign we're there we're going to use a double boiler now which is simmering water in a pan and then you want to put your pot on top of there out of the water and that's going to create like Steam and it's just going to heat it up a little bit for us because we don't want to scramble these eggs [Music] okay that's our butter we're gonna keep whisking this this is almost done and then we're going to put a little bit of cayenne and salt in there we're almost ready to eat how many you want to I want two just like not open do you know what I mean it's just like a bowl thank you there you have it eggs benedict I cut my muffins open Eric doesn't want his cut open so it's gonna be an awesome breakfast wow full Sunshine out here do you approve yours is I mean look at that so good well we're gonna be using a paint sprayer for today's project which is gonna be awesome it's gonna make this a lot easier for us paint sprayers they do cause a lot of overspray we learned that last time we used one our black tundra has now uh White Speckles all over it so we've got trucks anything we care about tractor very far away from the Conex I pressure washed the inside of the Conex I figured I'd do it while we had it all empty so it's nice and clean in there and then the whole outside not the whole outside but any part where there was bare metal or rust that has all been primed so we're all ready to go [Music] I remember being way darker than that am I just tripping I don't know so the color we picked it's called espresso beans with an S and it's a very nice brown color that Arrow picked out for us and she was kind of going for more of like blending into the forest not so much as standing out I did too very nice color so much lighter than I remember it well you never know until you actually get it on whatever you're paying I think the plan is I'm going to start off with the paint sprayer I'm gonna get the top of the Conex and the rack that we put in we're going to paint that also since it was bare metal and we just primed it and then we'll come down and we'll give Ariel a chance and she's gonna hopefully finish off the rest of the conics for us and I believe we're gonna be doing two coats today crazy but it really appears to looks like that one does it not there's no way that's that I don't think oh my God right yeah look at that compared to that yeah because when you put it it should dry the same that's how they do it sorry they put it on the card and it should dry the exactly put some on the Underground one too there's no way that's the same whoa the Judgment here right here well we didn't show them underground it's not so I don't know if you can see these but these are the three colors we were kind of like contemplating between and they're quite a bit different one's a really dark brown one's a more lighter brown and then ones like this is called underground it's a little bit more of like a Dusty color and we got the one in the middle but um when you put the paint on them even when it dries it should really blend into that card and you can see that it doesn't blend into any of those cards so I only gave them one card my guess is they didn't put the Swatch on it which I thought was a little unusual um my guess is that it's it's a custom color I don't know what it is it's a yeah maybe the machine messed up or the numbers didn't but honestly like I'm digging it and I'm sure you are too sure yeah I like it yeah it kind of seems a little more like this one and we did really like this color too so it's gonna end up being a little lighter than we were thinking but I like it I like it do you like it let's get the Painter hooked up and let's hit the roof [Music] wow that's it I'm heading up okay let's see if I got it now Slack so tell me what you think I think it looks like the underground I'm really perplexed by it because when we were at the store it took us like an hour to decide and we didn't show anyone the colors so it's not like we were working with anyone and I was about 50 50 split between that underground color and the darker one we only ever handed them the darker one never even said the name of the other paint they're both bare paints all three of them are actually like I didn't even set the other one down on the counter there's no other colors in our file like that so how it actually I'm I'm pretty sure it's the other color that we were thinking about going with which is really really weird I don't understand that at all when we got home I was even thinking like man I know that the dark brown is gonna look good but I really thought that the other tan kind of brown color looked cool too still honestly just trying to figure this out in my head how this happened but I'm pretty excited about it normally I'd probably be pretty upset if I open up the paint and it was a totally different color try that first time are you go away okay so keep going up [Music] [Music] okay this is looking really good Eric's gonna do the honors and paint the front of the Conex now yeah I can't even see through especially one layer right looks good oh my gosh it's gorgeous get that one like that we're using five gallons of paint for this project and we are we're pretty much halfway down with a really thick coat and we have just under half of the paint left so I think this should work out perfectly so we're gonna get the other side of these hinges and then we're gonna start on our second coat [Applause] oh yeah second layer went great we actually have probably at least a gallon of leftover paint and we did a really thick coat we were trying to use up that paint and our hot water faucet outside is already come in handy so we filled up these buckets with hot water to clean out our paint sprayer and this is making like a huge difference the paint is just coming right off all this stuff and we're getting everything nice and clean oh my gosh look at that come through foreign we still haven't figured out the paint mystery I think Eric was mentioning when it was mixed that some of the paint splashed so we're not certain if that possibly contributed to what's going on but I will tell you I'm I'm like so thrilled with the color I I don't think we could have picked a better mess up color at all and it is really close to this one but it's not actually spot on the Hues off just a little bit it looks awesome though Eric did a great job and I just want to show you a few things we're going to go on a little field trip laughs [Applause] so our first stop over here is some flowers Eric actually found these flowers not me he found one over there and it's this beautiful purple flower there's a bunch of them popping up right now I've never seen them before I mean I think I've seen them in a book but I looked it up and they are pasque flowers it's spelled p-a-s-q-u-e so it's a flower found in like dry Meadows which is exactly what we have here they're just kind of neat they're this beautiful velvety purple flower and I kind of like to learn about the plants of the areas that we live so we've got different plants in this area that I have to learn about it's a new friend popping up huh look at her oh my gosh he got on me did they bite I think they do yeah this is an ant hill I'm sure you've seen those before but uh we are we are finding that we have a lot of ants here it probably has a lot to do with the forest and the trees I know they like the roots and have a relationship with them so this is like a dry area where there's just a massive amount of ants I'm assuming and our chickens have been finding them and just going to town so I guess that's kind of cool for everybody so this is our bee water or watering little dish with some rocks in it Eric had mentioned this the other day because when we were cleaning off our Conex it was really hot you noticed that the bees were Landing over there like they needed water in the past we've had them in a bog so they always had water but this is a very dry property which is awesome but the drawback is the bees don't have water or they have to go pretty far to get it so since we put this little dish over here we've been spotting them drinking quite a bit of water for that looks like the bees are doing good bringing in some pollen that's going to conclude the end of our field trip so thanks for coming along foreign that thing looks great let's take the final little walk around and show you what she looks like paint sprayer worked amazing on this project I couldn't imagine doing this by like rattle can or with paint brushes I don't I just don't think it would have worked we got awesome coverage and the color just like we wanted is going to kind of blend into the forest that's where this thing's gonna go it's gonna go tucked into the woods over there it's already been a huge accomplishment for us by moving it over here getting it jacked up building the rack cleaning everything and painting it but there's still a ton more work to do with this thing and that's going to be on the next episode we're going to be moving it we're going to be cutting down some trees putting it in its final spot and we're going to be putting up the solar panels and we will see you guys on the next one which color do you like shaded or not shade both looks good it's completely different well now we got the whole rest of the day
Channel: Simple Living Alaska
Views: 301,974
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: living in alaska, homestead alaska, off grid cabin, off grid in alaska, homestead off grid, off the grid alaska, off grid cabin alaska, alaskan cabin, alaskan homestead, living off grid, homesteading alaska, building in alaska, solar panel mount, shipping container, solar in alaska, solark, homegrid, solar panels diy, solar panel array, solar panel mount diy, solar panel mounting, shipping container solar panels, shipping container solar panel mount, shipping container solar
Id: EmtUoSbpi4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 48sec (1788 seconds)
Published: Wed May 31 2023
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