Better-Than-In-N-Out (!!!) Animal Style TOTS | SAM THE COOKING GUY 4K

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What do I do if I want to make these but I don't have my own restaurant from which I can get taters from?

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Gillzer 📅︎︎ Sep 23 2019 🗫︎ replies

Definitely the next Sam recipe I try.

Only tweak I'm thinking is adding ground beef to the cheese sauce.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/HighLord_Uther 📅︎︎ Sep 24 2019 🗫︎ replies

no recipe???

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ooshawn1 📅︎︎ Dec 01 2019 🗫︎ replies
if you don't know who I am or even if you hate me today will change everything because we're making in and out animal style Tots not fries tots [Music] at my restaurant na na tacos shameless plug we have an off menu item called drive-through tots they're kind of animal style tots from in and out though in and out doesn't use tots that use fries but we add a spicy cheese sauce to them and they are I say this with as much respect for in and out as I can wait you better than theirs there I've said it they're crazy delicious there's three components there's the in and out style sauce there's the cheese sauce and there's a ton of caramelized onions now look this is not exactly like we make them at the restaurant but if you make these at home you may never get out of the house I'm not kidding this is as close to food porn and I don't mean in the looking sense I mean in the I don't even know if I can complete that sentence we're gonna start by caramelizing some wine news yellow onion basic everyday run-of-the-mill garden-variety yellow onion that we're gonna dice so we cut it in half we got two halves to each half we'll do the same thing we'll flatten out this side like this then we'll peel it getting this first outside layer off push this to the side so now we take our onion put it flat on the deck and we take our knife when we make some horizontal cuts this way just gonna help us get a beautiful little dice out of the whole thing we don't want to cut all the way through just to that back edge and then we turn it like this and we're gonna cut this way and when you're done ignore all these little pieces that are coming off right now return again and then when we cut like this we get a beautiful little dice go gorgeous that is that's what you want just like that just put that in a pan and they go can I do this one quick swoop and of course I can't over here turn up and then we'll add some of our favorite chosen foods avocado oil now these guys over the next Oh ten minutes or so we're gonna start to soften get a little color and become amazing sauce time but but but before we do two things one if you haven't seen it we did the in-and-out 4x4 burger that is honestly one of the best burgers I've ever made so delicious so delicious you should watch it and you should make it do everything I do you'll be very happy but - as I was stirring here the onions with this that we put a link to a version of this in one of the last videos we did it's a flexible spatula that I say is good for corners and stuff like that and it's high heat so it won't burn up while I was stirring I was thinking about this item that I can't find now oh did I use this one-armed Rosalie can opener that doesn't make a sharp edge that we said we'd put a link to well we can't put a link because that'll make this anymore there was another one that was available some other brand made it but it had such terrible reviews we would not put a link to it so just know if we say we're gonna put a link we will if the things available who knew at the time that this great single piece of kitchen equipment was no longer being made anyway our sauce requires just a couple simple things mayo mustard pickle a ketchup like product and sriracha you're gonna like this bowl and we do the following Mayo a little splash of mustard I said ketchup light thing I'm actually using chilli sauce because it's just got extra deliciousness in it some of this you can see there's like I don't know bits of chilies in there a little sriracha not too much and some diced pickle which will come out of here so I bought this jar the other day literally two days ago and Kelly has eaten look the entire thing not a commercial and they would never be a sponsor because it's too specific an item but if you're gonna buy Dill's these short of making them yourselves so short of making your own Dill's bubbies are the way to go and if you don't know a Bubbe is a is a is a Yiddish term for grandmother and if you don't like a Bubbe you're saying you don't like a Jewish grandmother and then maybe you got all kinds of other problems maybe you don't like me cuz I'm Jewish and I want you to like me and I want you to like everybody's Bubbe I'm just telling you those that's why Kelly ate every one of these in like a day and a half then they come from Canada Oh didn't know that excuse me we have to do this Big Finish [Music] they've all make the sauce from Canada but just dice this up really fine just a simple little dice right simple now in the restaurant this is very important because it's got to go in a squeeze bottle so it needs to be like really tiny for your purposes unless you're using a squeeze bottle what you could be you don't have to be that small and then just into your sauce there you go no max now what happens st. max we look at ah the colors like it looks like Thousand Island dressing somebody goes oh that's just [ __ ] Thousand Island dressing oh no it is not [ __ ] you just taste that I will fight the person that says that is the Thousand Island dressing it's incredible I don't know why but when I taste I always use my middle finger I guess I could use this one is that directed at me no hope just tastes better with the middle finger okay cheese sauce it's simple the easy I delicious since we're over here we can look at our amazing onions this is what you want right just like that softened a little color gorgeous so kill the heat there and it will live there beautifully now to our cheese sauce we start in this pot the couple tablespoons of butter and they go and they're gonna start to melts and when they're almost melted we add a couple tablespoons of flour and we mix a whisk is perfect for this so we're incorporating we're mixing the butter with the flour but we're also going to do this for about a minute to get rid of what would be a very raw kind of flour taste so technically this is making a roux ro UX I always say it and it's it's a it's a thickening agent just a way to turn something to fix now we'll add about a cup of milk and we mix that in nicely once the milk is in its mixed a bit now you can turn the heat up a little and you see it starts to thicken and at this point we start adding some shredded cheese we're gonna add six ounces a little at a time do we stir and this is a combination of cheddar and Monterey Jack gorgeous a little more beautiful more last bit I love seeing it all grainy and chunky right now and then wait about 20 seconds look like the world's easiest cheese sauce so two things to add one is a pinch of kosher salt and black pepper and the other is our old friend sriracha coming back for another performance everything becomes magic look at that do you know how good this is gonna be okay turn this off for now here it is Wow I think I should probably taste it there's a little hint to sriracha the cheesy right amount of salt and I wish I had I got nothing oh just a little piece of non are they're more sophisticated versions of course could you use some fancy expensive cheese absolutely knock yourself out is this gonna be insane with the onions and this animal style in and out sauce yeah it is okay only one piece is missing anybody know what that is tots yes I have an oven I could have tots in there right now but I also am very close to not not tacos so I say we go get a tots from not not tacos quick trip there and back and then read and large let's go [Music] [Music] here's how we serve them in the restaurant we put them in a classic nut not taco dish with sandpapers how handsome half my face is and then we go like this like a nice little pile of them first the cheese sauce that looks like this oh boy Mamma Mia you don't want an insignificant amount of it and that means you want a lot of it next we follow up with our in and out animal style sauce look at it just melt down over the top when it hits out hot cheese two more things the onions hello onions hello onions there's a spoon where's the spoon okay I want you to make these at home and finally last but not least and in a departure from in and out we add a little green onion and there they are look at down crispy tots Lake crispy Todd's the melty cheese the the in and out animal style sauce the gorgeously caramelized onions and this the little hint of the sharp bite of the green onion on top I know in and out doesn't do that but I don't care they do what I do I am my own man my own man who's about to eat his own thoughts his own delicious crispy onion eat cheesy saucy tots holy [ __ ] I'm okay I get the little sriracha coming through from the cheese sauce and in the animal style sauce the tots are crispy look I think these are better than fries I think these tots are better than their animal style fries I'm not kidding ma'am are they exactly the same as you would get them at my restaurant not on tacos no there's some differences in what went into them but they're delicious crazy good and you can make these at home you you right there get up off the couch what was that movie broadcast news the guy I want you to go to I want you to get off the couch go to the store buy the ingredients come back and make these anybody old enough will get that reference Howard something I want you to go to your window I'm mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it anymore is the line that I'm thinking like that here's where it gets amazing down here down underneath all the madness when you get they when they the tots soak up all of this deliciousness the cheese that guy my god I gotta stop I'll be 8000 pounds in an hour if I keep going holy crap this is why we're here we're here so you can start doing this stuff for yourself I say less fast food hmm it's pretty fast but you're not going out for it you're having it in and it's as freaking delicious so make this thanks for hanging out thanks for being here thanks for watching thanks for subscribing thanks for hitting the notification bill thanks for being part of all this nonsense and thanks for telling us what you want to see us make that's what this is all about it's an exchange you say guys can you make this we make this you're be we're happy and then I don't have to think cuz I might run out of ideas one day thank you so much so so much
Views: 948,274
Rating: 4.9230194 out of 5
Keywords: in n out, in and out, in-n-out, in n out animal style, in n out animal fries, in n out animal style fries recipe, animal style fries, animal style, fries animal style, animal fries, in-n-out animal style, in n out fries, how to make animal style fries, animal style fries recipe, tots, tater tots, fries, french fries, fries recipe, cooking fries, sam the cooking guy, best fries, how to make animal style, how to animal style fries, in n out recipe, homemade in n out fries
Id: CBDfZbPy1sA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 35sec (1115 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 23 2019
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