How to create a powerful Feng Shui Vision board that works

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How to make a vision board that really  works? Use feng shui as a tool! Hi everyone,   my name is Slavomira Harcegova, I'm a Feng  Shui practitioner and a harmony designer,   and I'm here to support you on your journey to  mastering the Art of Living and create your most   amazing life. Today I'm going to show you how to  create a really powerful vision board, that will   help you manifest your dreams. You can use the  same principles as I'm using by harmonizing homes.   By the way, did you know that you can make your  apartment work as a 3d vision board? There are   so many ways how you can let Feng Shui support you  by achieving your goals. I'm going to share more   tips about it every week so consider subscribing  and now let's dive into creating a vision board.   By searching for the Feng Shui information on the  internet you can find the square chart with nine   fields and you can also find the chart with world  directions - octagonal or even circular shape.   Which one should you use? In your home, you  will use them differently by working with   your floor plan. I will explain to you  the difference in one of the next videos   but by creating a vision board, it's all the  same. You can see that in all cases you will get   nine fields with the same position  of areas of life as a result.   The square one is most practical if you want  to use your phone or your computer for creating   it so in this video I will use this one as well.  Now let's have a closer look at the fields. I will start at the center.  Place here a picture of yourself   smiling and happy and you can also put here  some keywords you'd like to focus on this year.   It could be joy, happiness, or love, financial  freedom, just whatever is your primary desire   to achieve or to experience this year. If you'd  like to achieve some career goals in your job   or start a new career, you can place here some  symbols of a status you would like to get or   you can write it in a words or you can even  create a business card with your name and the   desired position. If you are unsatisfied with  your job but you have no clue what else to do,   you can use a symbol of a compass or a lighthouse  to help you get more clarity about what direction   you can take next in your life. And if you have  no career goal at all in this period of life,   you can contemplate your life direction in  general. Where would you like to go in your   life? What's your mission here? And then you  can find a way how to express it in this field. If you study anything, you can create a degree or  write your name with the title you will get as if   you already achieved it. If you want to develop  your inner wisdom or get a better alignment with   your soul or evolve your meditation practice, here  is also a good place where you can display it.   If you'd like to start some kind of  self-improvement like losing your weight or   creating some healthy habit, you can  also put some symbols of it here.   Just find a way how you can express  it as if it's already achieved. If you have a family, place a picture of  all members here. Even if you don't have   any specific goals in this area of your life,  just keep it here as a reminder of how lucky   you are to have a family. If you want to change  something specific like to be more patient with   your children or just to improve your relationship  with one of the members, you can express it here.   You can use or words, or affirmations, pictures,  or symbols. If you want to start a family,   you can find a picture with so many members as you  wish for your family. And if you live alone, you   can find a picture of the Tree of life and put it  here as a symbol of strong roots and many branches   so you can remind yourself of a connection with  your ancestors and extended family. Even if you   don't know them or they don't live anymore,  still, you can let this awareness empower you. If you're struggling with money or you just want  to have more money, you can put your financial   goals here. You can dream big but before you  put any number on your vision board, perceive   if you can believe that it's real for you,  otherwise you would feel rather depressed   instead of inspired by looking at it. If  you have some materialistic dreams like you   want a new house or a new car or just anything,  I'd suggest putting rather these objects on   your vision board instead of just the amount of  money you need for buying it because don't forget   that the Universe can find many other ways how  to bring these things to you. But remember that   the feeling of abundance is not only about money  and material things. So you can spend some time   imagining what exactly an abundance means for you  and then you can also express it some way here. If you would like to become a celebrity,  you can create a picture with your face   on the cover of the magazine or on a tv  screen, or anywhere you would like to be   published or promoted. But even if this  is not your goal, you can place here   symbols of who would you like to become, or  what's your fulfillment, what's your purpose,   what would you like to be known for (and not  necessarily by millions, it could be local).   Again, you can use some words, or  symbols, affirmations, anything but   don't forget to formulate it in the present  like "I am", as if it's already true. If you have a relationship or you are married,  you can put here a picture of you both   happy and smiling. This can help you to keep your  relationship strong and healthy. If you need to   improve something in your relationship, you can  write it with words or express it another way   also here. If you want to find a partner, your  soul mate, try to imagine qualities you expect in   your relationship - what's important to you? How  would you like to feel in your ideal relationship?   And then express it on a vision board with some  words or symbols, be creative. And if you couldn't   find a partner for a long time or you experienced  more unhealthy relationships in a row in the past,   try to find your part in it because there's always  a reason for attracting someone into your life. If you have children, of course, put a picture  of them here to keep your relationship strong.   If you would like to have a baby, find a picture  of a baby and put it here. Also if you would like   to symbolically "give birth" to some new creative  project, you can also express it here with some   symbols. Or if you would like to have more  childlike energy in your life, like more joy,   lightness, being in a present moment, you can  express it here with some words, affirmations,   symbols, and the same if you  would like to be more relaxed   or find more time for your hobbies. Just  find a creative way how to express it here. If you'd like to find your tribe, your community  of like-minded friends, you can put here a   picture of a group of happy people, or you can  place here also a picture of your real friends   to feel this connection. But these could be  also spiritual friends, so if you'd like to   deepen your relationship with your spiritual  guides, or feel more supported by God   or the Universe, you can also express it here  in some way. And this is also a place where you   can express your travel goals, so you can put  here some pictures of your dream destinations.   Let me know in the comments what's your  biggest dream for this year and as a bonus,   I'm going to share with you three tips  on how to empower your vision board   and put more energy into manifesting your  dreams. Put it in a visible place or just keep it   handy on your phone, on your computer, anywhere,  just stay in touch. Tune into your vision on a   regular basis, daily. Visualize it, feel it. And  if you really want to make your dreams come true,   make a plan and just go and do something every  day. Another tip for staying more focused and   getting more energetical support on a journey  to your dreams is to arrange your apartment as   a 3d vision board. I will talk about it in one  of the next videos so stay tuned, and if you   want to know more about how to reach your goals  faster, subscribe to this channel so you can get   more tips every week. If you like this video,  hit the like button, share it with your friends,   and I wish you good luck by creating your most  amazing life. See you in the next video, bye.
Channel: Ars Vivendi by Slavomira
Views: 5,517
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: feng shui, vision board, feng shui vision board, law of attraction, how to make a feng shui vision board, vision board 2021, feng shui vision board 2021
Id: CbyQyPFNB7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 4sec (724 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 25 2021
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