how to create a morning routine you'll *actually* stick to | THIS WILL MOTIVATE YOU (summer 2021)

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you know when it's the middle of the night and you're on your phone scrolling ready to go to bed and you suddenly get this burst of motivation which by the way can be explained by the ainslie ratchlin model of self-control which i'll elaborate on later but you start thinking for a bit and you think that it's a good idea to plan your day tomorrow and develop a good morning routine so you go and grab your journal and you start writing things like yeah i'm gonna wake up at 6 00 a.m i'm gonna go for a 10 kilometer run drink a green smoothie i'm gonna read five chapters of my self-help book i'm gonna save a puppy while i'm at it maybe cure cancer you feel satisfied with yourself that tomorrow is gonna be a really good and productive morning when you go to sleep peacefully ultimately feeling really satisfied and confident with the morning routine plan that you just made until your alarm starts raining at 6 00 am the next day pressing snooze once wouldn't hurt right or twice i guess this goes on until you wake up later than expected much later so what went wrong and how do we create a morning routine that we'll actually stick to write a low energy mid energy and high energy morning routine that way you'll know what to do based on your mood when you wake up in the morning when you wake up feeling really good and having a lot of energy for everything you might want to do a lot more things than when you wake up feeling in a bad mood remember someone's low energy morning routine can be my high energy one and vice versa so tailor everything depending on your own goals to motivate you and give you some examples of what to put i filmed my own morning routines also quick disclaimer i actually got this idea from a tick tock video that i watched a few months ago but i cannot find it so if anyone knows what i'm talking about i will link it down in the description box if you tag me in the video okay let's get into it so the first thing that i do that's non-negotiable for all my morning routines is to make my bed it makes my room much more clean [Music] anyways it makes my room look much more clean and it serves as the first accomplishment of the day next thing i do is brush my teeth wash my face and do my skin care as well as take a shower i think this is very self-explanatory next this is your daily reminder that social media is fake and it's totally normal to have textured skin i always try to put on sunscreen in the morning to protect you know our skin from wrinkles as for makeup it's something i enjoy doing but if i'm not up for it then i won't do it so it's part of my mid and high energy morning routines not my low one though the same thing goes with changing out of [Music] pajamas [Music] is it too late to cry i wanna talk but i can find [Music] no matter how i'm feeling in the morning i always try to eat something on my high energy days i'll probably make something more fancy and healthy but on my low energy days i couldn't care less about what i eat as long as it's edible my favorite smoothie consists of frozen mixed berries bananas and yogurt but we actually ran out of bananas so that's why i decided to just pour it in a bowl instead [Music] the next thing i love doing is going outside for a walk it just refreshes and re-energizes me but oftentimes i don't feel like going in the morning which is why this is a part of my high energy morning routine [Music] i know it's temporary sometimes i wish that [Music] after this if i'm up for it i'll start tidying my room a bit take away empty cups put away my makeup and make sure i have a clean work environment while we clean let's talk about the ainsley ratchen model of self-control and how it explains why we're more motivated at night right before we go to sleep at night smaller and larger rewards are both at an equal distance for example scrolling on tick tock is eight hours away but so is exercising at this time we're gonna go for the larger later reward which is exercising rather than the smaller sooner reward but when we wake up in the morning the smaller student reward seems more instantly gratifying and more imminent so you'll go for the easier reward which is scrolling on tick-tock and your motivation for other bigger goals decreases this is kind of a basic explanation for it but it's the gist of it and if you want to read more i've linked all my sources and some more sources in the description box below [Music] the next thing that i add to all my morning routines is to make a to-do list on my to-do list i usually separate things into smaller tasks and make two categories things that kind of are more important and things that i can do if i have time i write both large goals like finishing my homework and small goals like making my bed and going outside for a walk on my to-do list because crossing things off is so therapeutic now let's take a moment to appreciate this asmr [Music] [Music] okay so today's to-do list is finished and you know me i like to write things already done you know to make myself feel better so i'm just gonna cross those off right now the last thing that i put in my high energy morning routine is reading i love reading but sometimes i'm just not up for it anyways thank you for all the book suggestions on my last video here is a summary of my morning routine but remember my high energy morning routine might be your low energy one and vice versa so just tailor everything to your own needs once again so this is what i did for the rest of the day my new package from lou lemon came not sponsored but i wish it was i got this new sports bra i think it's pretty cute i played some tennis it was pretty fun even though i'm just a beginner [Music] i posted a few tick tocks follow me on tick tock one of them got removed for safety even though i'm over 18 so this actually happens to a lot of my videos i had a zoom meeting and of course i edited this video but i am done now it's actually the next morning but anyways i just want to say thank you so much for watching this video hopefully you'll subscribe because ninety percent of you aren't subscribed and um [Music] yeah that's all okay have a great day [Music]
Channel: Rebecca Jay
Views: 847,942
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: morning routine, morning routine 2021, summer morning routine, summer morning routine 2021, monthly reset routine, get your life together, how to get your life together, motivation, get motivated, wasted day, burnout, stop wasting time, productivity, summer reset routine
Id: k7HnasmHlEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 42sec (642 seconds)
Published: Fri May 28 2021
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