BETTER Quiet Time With God In 5 STEPS! with Pastor Allen Nolan

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last week I began a new miniseries entitled the importance of a quiet time now I dare say that before last week most of you had never heard of the term quiet time especially if you didn't grow up in church so I gave you a simple definition and then I explained in layman's terms what a quiet time is and hopefully you remember the definition and the explanation but if you don't don't worry about it I'm gonna remind you a quiet time is a private one-on-one time with God that you do first thing in the morning during that time you're going to pray read your Bible meditate on what you read and listen for the voice of God in fact turn to mark chapter 1 verse number 35 and I'll show you what I'm talking about since before daybreak the next morning Jesus got up and went out to an isolated place to pray in other words before Jesus started his day he went to a quiet and secluded place in order to have his one-on-one time with God now if you read through the Gospels you'll find that Jesus did this on a regular basis Jesus would get up before daybreak he'd go to a quite secluded place to spend his alone time with God that was his quiet time with God hence the name quiet time that's why we've coined that phrase as everyone with me good I also gave you three reasons why you need to have a quiet time the first reason you need to have a quiet time is because that's the only way to develop an intimate relationship with God you see you can't know God if you don't spend time with him and that's what a quiet time is all about it's all about spending time with God and listening to him as you read through the Bible or read through his word the second reason that you need to have a quiet time is to increase your knowledge of God's word Joshua chapter one verse number eight tells us study this book of instruction continually meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it only then will you prosper and succeed in all that you do now the book of instruction that Joshua is referring to is the Bible it's the Word of God now notice what Joshua told us he said study the Bible continue we meditate on it day and night make sure you obey what it says because if you do you will prosper and succeed in everything that you do did you catch that last part in everything that you do not just your spiritual life but also your personal physical life so that's the second reason that you need to have a quiet time the third reason you need to have a quiet time is because the process itself requires you to do a self-evaluation on a daily basis look at 2nd Timothy chapter 3 verses 16 and 17 and I'll show you what I'm talking about all Scripture is inspired by God in the original it says God breathed and remember when we breathe if we want to talk we have to breathe out we actually exhale and that's what this is saying all scripture is God talking that's God speaking and it's useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives it corrects us when we are wrong and it teaches us to do what is right God uses it to prepare and quip us to do every good work do you see that God's Word teaches us what's true what is truth God's Word you know today we want to become all philosophical we want to talk about truth what's true to you might not be true to me what's true to you might not be true to them people that's hogwash God's Word is truth and he teaches us what's true God's Word makes us realize what is wrong in our life in other words where we're screwing up and where we're failing it teaches us what we should be doing in order to succeed in life you want to be successful read the Word of God and God uses his work to prepare us to do the things that he wants us to so every day as I read God's Word and I meditate on it it's revealing where I'm screwing up and where I'm doing good it reveals the areas I need to prove improve in and what I need to work on plus it tells me what I should be doing to keep me from getting sidetracked on the things that really don't matter in life you know some of you are so focused on the things that really don't matter life and you won't realize that until you hit your 80s or your 90s and then you're gonna look back on your life and you're going to realize the things that you thought were so important don't matter a hill of beans but as you read the Word of God it tells you what you need to focus on it tells you what's really important in life so as you can see the whole process of reading the Bible and meditating on it and then praying about it causes us to do a self-evaluation on a daily basis so instead of doing a yearly evaluation in January and then coming up with some new year's resolutions that most of us aren't going to keep anyway instead we're doing a personal evaluation of our life every morning in our quiet time which means that we're not going to get stuck in a rut instead we're going to be moving forward we're going to be progressing not only in our spiritual life and in our physical life you know the things that have cost me to succeed in my physical life let's just step away from the spiritual the things that have caused me to prosper in my physical life came from the Word of God you want to prosper financially spend less than you make save what you don't spend invest what you what you save and you're gonna prosper how much do you say 10% you pay God first you pay yourself second you pay your bills third where did you learn that pastor Allen I learned that from the Word of God if you want to succeed in life then you need to learn the Word of God now people that's what we covered last week I explained what a quiet time is I explained why you need to do a quiet time and this morning I'm going to explain how to do a quiet time and I'm going to use myself as an example and it's not because I'm in love with myself I use myself and as an example many times and why do I do that because I know if I use use an example you're gonna get upset I'm gonna offend you so I use myself and many times I share also my failures but the reason I do that is to keep you from being offended but what I'm going to be doing is I'm gonna use my as an example and I'm gonna show you how I do my quiet time I'm going to show you how its structured and exactly what I do so let's talk about how to do a quiet time first of all you need to have a consistent time same time same place every day and ideally it needs to be the first thing in the morning and let me explain why that is first of all Jesus did his quiet time first thing in the morning again notice what mark chapter 1 verse number 35 says for very early in the morning while it was still dark for some of you that's tough well it's still dark Jesus got up left the house and went off to a solitary place where he prayed now Luke chapter 5 verse number 16 tells us that Jesus did this on a regular basis it was his habit secondly the Bible encourages to do it first thing in the morning Psalms chapter five verses one through three says Oh Lord hear me as I pray pay attention to my groaning listen to my cry for help my king and my god for I pray to no one but you listen to my voice in the morning Lord not in the afternoon in the morning Lord each morning not once in a while each morning I bring my request to you and notice this and wait expectantly wait expectantly waiting spectin t-4 what wait for god to speak to him you see our quiet time is focusing on God speaking to us so we don't just come and do all the talking when we come we come to pray we present our petitions to God we pray to God we give him all of our problems but not only that we wait expectantly for God to speak to us in fact as you read through the Bible you'll find that almost every hero of the Bible began their day with a quiet time prayer in other words they wanted to personal one-on-one time with God thirdly it's the principle of firstfruits how many of you remember what the principle of firstfruits is if you don't you should memorize it because it applies to everything yeah the principle of first fruit States by virtue of who God is he deserves the best of everything and the first of everything that's why you pay your tithes as soon as you get your paycheck why because God deserves the best of everything in the first of everything and ties his firstfruits he deserves the best of your time and the first of your time yeah so God deserves your undivided attention first thing in the morning now I can't give God my best when I first wake up because I'm not a morning person so I'll tell you in just a second what I do when I wake up so I can give God my undivided attention without falling asleep how many of you have ever woke up early in the morning thought you were gonna pray the next thing you knew you dozed off slobber was coming out the side of your mouth yeah well God doesn't just deserve the first of your day he deserves the best of your day so he deserves your undivided attention and last but not least the main reason you need to do your quiet time in the morning it's because you have less chance of something coming up or something happening that's going to keep you from doing it you see chances are if you wait to do your climb time sometime during the day something is going to come up and before you know what your day is gone and all God is going to get is your leftovers yes you have good intentions but you've heard the sang hell is paved with good intentions right yeah yeah now I'm gonna be honest with you I do not do my quiet time first thing in the morning why because I am NOT a morning person I am a night owl how many of your night house you know what I'm talking now my wife is a morning person she wakes up she's happy she's chipper and she knows not to even look at me in the morning in fact I've got an F yeah it used to come to the breakfast table Nora now if he was look at his parents they don't look at me well I kind of feel that way too because I am NOT a morning person I'm a night owl so when I get up I brush my teeth I scrape my tongue i floss and i gargle mouthwash and then I exercise now why in the world do I push my teeth before I go exercise because I use a mouth guard and nothing is worse than having morning breath and using the mouth guard in doing that so that's what I do I exercise now I know it doesn't look like I exercise and the reason it doesn't look like I exercise it's because I like to eat and Lisa hasn't cut me off yet so I keep eating but yes I do exercise I actually exercise five days a week on Monday Wednesdays and Fridays I get up at 6 o'clock on Tuesdays and Thursdays I get up at 5:20 so I brush my teeth I exercise and then when I finish exercising that's when I do my quiet time now I don't shower before I do my quiet time I shower after my quiet time and the reason for that it's because I have the tendency to want to jump on work right after the shower and so if I shower before my quiet time I know what I'm going to want to do I'm going to want to rush my quiet time so that I can get to work that's just the way I am I'm task oriented how many of you are task oriented you know what I'm talking about you know I have all these tasks that I have to get done during the day and every time God changes that something comes up and I'm not able to do that I go home and I tell Lisa I wasn't productive I didn't do anything all day and she say well what are you what did you get done and I'll say what sauce okay I did this I did that and I go through all of the things that was sounds like you come true no I didn't I didn't get my tasks done does that make sense so I know that when when I shower I'm going to want to rush my quiet time if I do it after I shower because I'm gonna want to get to work so I've learned to do my quiet time in then shower for work but people that's me you need to do what works for you but please do your quiet time first thing in the morning now if you're not a morning person you might have to do something first you might have to brew a pot of coffee you might have to drink a cup of coffee you might have to take your shower first that's what wakes you up I don't know what it is but you want to make sure that you give God the best of your time your undivided attention and the first of your time so you did the first opportunity you have where you're gonna be wide awake and be able to give him your best so when you're awake that's when you do your quiet time but make sure that you do it before you go to work it does need to be in the morning secondly before you begin you need to prepare your heart to hear God speaking to you through his word notice what David prayed before he began his quiet time in Psalms chapter 119 verse 18 in fact if you ever get a chance just read through Psalms chapter 119 it's all about the Word of God let me tell you it will turn you on to the Bible like nothing else but notice what David said this is psalm 119 verse 18 he prayed open my eyes to see the wonderful truths in your instructions now again what does he mean by your instructions he means the Bible so he's saying open my eyes God to see the wonderful truths in the Bible you think it's the Holy Spirit that illuminates the Word of God so that we can see these wonderful truths within it notice what first Corinthians chapter 2 verse number 12 says and we have received God's Spirit when we're born again when we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior not the world spirit so we can know the wonderful things that God has freely given to us what has God given to us most of you don't know you want to know why you don't know because it's revealed in the Bible and you don't know the Bible there's all of these wonderful promises and it's not hidden here God wants you to clearly see them but you need to pray that the Holy Spirit would open up God's Word so you could see the wonderful things within it so before you start your day reading the Bible you do what David did and you ask the Holy Spirit to show you the wonderful things that God is wanting to reveal to you in his word that's the proper way to prepare yourself to read the Bible now it doesn't have to be long here's normally what I do and I do this more to make sure that I understand that it's up to the Holy Spirit to show me so right before I read I'll say this God I just pray that you would open up my eyes to be able to see the wonderful things in your work God I know you want to speak to me and I know that your Bible applies to my heart and it applies to my life so god I'm just asking you to reveal these things to me give me eyes to see and ears to hear what your spirit wants to say to me thank you for that that's as simple as it is so different each day I didn't prepare what I was gonna say right then but that's what comes out of my heart because I want God to show me all the wonderful things that's in the Word of God and then and only then do you start reading the Bible now listen to me because this is very important if you don't hear anything else listen to this in your quiet time you need to read the Bible and not a devotional that is so important I'm gonna say it again in your quiet time you need to read the Bible and not a devotional you see when you read a devotional you're reading the wonderful things that God has showed someone else now I understand that sometimes it's easier and it might seem more productive to read what someone else received from reading and studying God's Word than it is to read and study God's Word for yourself but this is your alone time with God this is your personal time with God this is your time to have your eyes opened so that you can see the wonderful things that God's wanting to reveal to you in his word this is your time to hear God speak to you so don't shortchange yourself by reading about what God has showed someone else you might think that what they wrote is is really meaningful and impactful but it won't even compare to what God wants to show you personally in fact I'm gonna go off on a tangent on this do you guys mind I have a choleric personality what does that mean well I'll go a little bit further not only do I have a choleric personality when it comes to the motivational gifts my number one motivational gift is teaching my number two is prophecy I scored like 99 out of the hundreds when it came to teaching it's why when you ask me a simple question it's never quite simple lisa says because technically and then I give this teaching that's just the way I am I also second motivational process the second motivational gift of motivational gift I have is prophecy that means I see things in black and white so when God speaks to me guess what it's never and Flowery words if I read the Jesus calling I look at that and I think wow that's neat what God said to her but God doesn't speak to me like that you know how God speaks to me hey Alan get your head out what do you think you're doing good lord you're screwing up here's what you should be focused on now you get it together you know why God speaks to me like that because that's my personality I don't read it I don't want to read a devotional about how God speaks to someone else I want God to speak to me I want God to make this real to me and he's gonna speak to me differently than anyone else because God knows exactly the way I need to hear it I know when you first start reading the Bible you think well God doesn't really speak to me he will he will maybe you need to start off by praying God show me the wonderful things hidden in your work yeah yeah so choose what you're going to be reading from God's Word in your quiet time personally I like to read from the one year bible it's a range so on each day of the year you read a specific portion of scripture you read a portion from the Old Testament abortion from the New Testament a psalm and also one proverb and it's designed or geared so that every year you read through the Bible in one year but if you've never done a quiet time before I suggest that you don't do that I suggest that you only read the New Testament portion of the one year bible so that through the first year you'll read through the entire New Testament and you might want to do that for several years you might want to come in and only read the New Testament because you want to make sure that you give yourself enough time to make sure that you understand what you're reading and if you don't understand it then you're gonna have to spend some time studying it now having said that let me say this your focus should be more on reading the Bible than on studying the Bible in your quiet time yeah your focus should be more on reading the Bible than studying in the Bible in your quiet time because if you're not careful you'll get sidetracked going down rabbit trails instead of seeing the big picture you know where a lot of pastors make a mistake a lot of pastors don't even have a quiet time you want to know why they study the Bible all the time to prepare for their sermons I don't do that I mean my quiet time is my alone time with God doesn't matter what I'm teaching off doesn't matter what I'm preaching on I'm gonna read whatever the new year the one year bible says to read and God is speaking to me and he is doing it in my quiet time but I also understand if I get to studying sometimes I get sad sidetracked and I go off on rabbit trails and what I really want to do in my quiet time is I want be able to see the big picture and the key concepts of the passage of Scripture that I'm reading why because I want to be familiar with the Bible remember all the great things that the Bible does the Bible tells us what's true it tells us where we're screwing up in life and it tells us where we're doing the right thing it prepares us to do what God has showed us to do yeah so the thing that takes place is I want to learn the Word of God I want to become familiar with it so I want to read through the Bible and one of the reasons I know you know people will come and say man you just seem to know where everything is in the Bible not exactly where but just I was in the book of Deuteronomy somewhere in the first few chapters now go over there how did you know that well for years I've done a quiet time and I read through the Bible every year and every time I'm doing that I'm highlighting in it and God speaking to me and I'm meditating on it and you do that year after year and pretty soon you get pretty familiar with the Bible and God is using that Bible to change you now that's very very important because what you want to do is you want to see the big picture you want to see the key concepts now let me explain why you want to do that as any of you have has anyone ever heard of a doctrine of perspicuity perspicuity perspicuous means clearly expressed and easily understood so the doctrine of person perspicuity is the belief that the central message of the Bible is clear and understandable and as a result it can be interpreted in a normal literal sense people the Bible is meant to be interpreted literally that's why I'm not a predator list I mean no the preterist is a printer astiz someone that believes that the Bible has already been fulfilled it was kind of a for the short history thing it was fulfilled early on in the period in which it was written I don't believe that at all you know why I don't believe that because the the book of Revelation is meant to be interpreted literally I believe that when I die my my spirit will go to be with God to be absent from the body is to be present from the Lord or to be present with the Lord I believe that when I die my body will go into the ground but when Jesus returns my body will be resurrected because of what first Thessalonians chapter 4 states I believe that when Jesus comes back to this earth he's gonna reign for a thousand years literally you want to know why I believe that because I believe that the Bible is meant to be interpreted literally so I want to read the Bible because I believe that it can be clearly understood it's meant to be in stood understood so when you're reading the Bible in your quiet time you are not looking for some deep spiritual mystery that's hidden in the Word of God do I need to say that again when you're reading the Bible in your quiet time you're not looking for some deep spiritual mystery that's hidden in the Word of God you're looking for the clear meaning of the passage of Scripture that you're reading you're trying to discover what God is saying in this passage of Scripture now you might have to dig a little bit if you don't understand the historical setting or the culture or some of the words being used so you might need a few tools such as a Bible handbook a Bible Dictionary a concordance and actually a one-volume commentary I brought two one volume commentaries out here no I didn't I brought one I meant to bring two oh no I did the Baker Illustrated Bible commentary and this believers Bible commentary let me tell you why I have a one volume commentary because if you ever go into my office you're going to see all of these books and many of them are commentaries I have four volumes and one set just on the book of Acts I probably had 30 different commentaries on the book of Acts so normally I would come and say don't do one volume commentary but you need to understand all this one volume commentary is going to do it's not going to go in-depth it's just going to give you the historical setting it's going to tell you a little bit about culture and the general meaning so if you're reading through and you don't understand what this is or what this means then you might want to read that you also have a Bible handbook a Bible handbook we'll go through the Bible as you're going through it you can turn to that section and it's going to give you some of the important things you need to know in order to understand what this is talking about because we believe in the doctrine of perspicuity the Bible is meant to be clearly understood this is a Wickliffe Bible dictionary maybe you've never heard of this place in the Bible maybe you don't know what that word means so you need just a little Bible dictionary so you can turn and find out what that means now we're not doing in the dip study all we want to know is what does this passage of Scripture mean yeah now if you need some of these tools we actually have links that you can go to order these you'll find them on our app and on our website but the goal is to discover what God is saying to you in the passage of Scripture that you're reading you are looking for the clear meaning of the passage of Scripture you're asking yourself what does this passage of Scripture mean and there can only be one meaning this is important a passage of Scripture does not have several different meanings where it means one thing to one person and something entirely different to another person know God intended a passage of scripture to mean one thing now you might be able to apply that passage of Scripture that verse in many ways but it can only mean one thing how many of you are involved in groups I'm involved in groups I really like groups I think everyone needs to be involved in groups but here's the number one sin that group leaders do if you're a group leader listen to me don't ever say this after you've watched the little video or you've studied a portion of Scripture and yury diversity now let me ask you what does this verse mean to you it doesn't matter what the verse means to you it only matters what God intended that verse to mean sometimes we think that that verse can mean different things for different people what does that verse mean to you and someone says when to you what this verse means to me and they tell you what this verse means and the experts well you know what this verse means to me and you get six different answers well let me tell you what that means that means five of them are wrong and one is right or all six of them are wrong God intended one meaning when I read for all of sinned and come short of the glory of God you know what that means that means no one's perfect that means we all have a sin nature not it doesn't matter if your grandma was the saint she sinned and she's fallen short of the glory can't get to heaven on her own God's standard his glory is perfection and no one measures up because we all fall short in fact that's what the word sin means it's from the Greek word hamari it means to miss the mark now that's what that verse means I don't care what it means to you you shouldn't care what it means to me the only thing that matters is what God intended that verse to me so when you come to church here and I'm teaching on something and I say this first means this I'm telling you it means this and it doesn't matter what anyone else says unless I'm wrong well I can tell you this it only means one thing that's what's wrong with America you know what they the reason we have a constitution we have a constitution because we are a republic and that constitution sets out the values and the principles by which we're going to be governed and if we pass a law that's unconstitutional then we say that law is unconstitutional and they cannot be put into effect the problem is today we have progressives progressives think that it can mean different things to different people and evolves over time if you're a conservative like me you say no what did the original writers of the Constitution mean because if you believe if you're a progressive and you've got nine people on the Supreme Court and they're progressives but you have nine people running this country they're coming in and giving their opinion and that's not what we want we want to know what the Constitution means and based on its meaning this law is either constitutional or it's unconstitutional let me explain the reason I'm using as an explanation is because that's the way it is with the Bible every once in a while have someone come up to me and say you know pastor what that Bible verse means to me and they'll tell me something and I I go oh that's interesting because I don't want to offend them if I ever tell you it's interesting it means you are wrong and not only are you wrong you are dead wrong that is not what that Bible verse means that Bible verse means one thing now how we apply it it can vary you can apply it in several different ways but it means one thing so when you're in your quiet time and your ring to the Bible you want to know God what does this mean all right now after you discover the meaning of the passage of Scripture you're reading then you want to meditate on it you see we don't just read the Bible we meditate on it let me give you some scriptures so you'll understand the importance of meditating on the Word of God in fact let's look back at Joshua chapter 1 verse number 8 notice what it says study this book of instruction continually continually study this book you know it's kind of interesting in my quiet time this morning if you go to March 31st you know what Kings were supposed to do they were supposed to write their own copy of the Bible if you were a king of Israel and they were to read it continually to make sure that they obeyed it anyways just thought I'd throw that in for my quiet time this point so he says if you come in this he says to study this book of instruction continued meditate on it day and night so you would be sure to obey everything written in it only then will you prosper and succeed in all you psalms chapter 19 verse number 14 says may the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you O Lord my rock and my Redeemer Psalms 119 verses 15 and 16 says I will meditate on your precepts I love that because when I find out the meaning there's usually a precept there I will meditate God on your precepts I will contemplate your ways I will delight myself in your statutes I will not forget your word now what do we mean by meditation well we don't mean what most of you think of whenever you hear the word meditation most of you think of a person in the Eastern religion with the shaved head with a robe sitting with their legs crossed and their arms out concentrating on their breathing and saying [Music] mmm no no no no that's not what the Bible is talking about we're not trying to achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm state by emptying our mind let me say that again we're not trying to achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm state by emptying our mind people that's stupid most of you already have an empty mind you can't afford to empty it any more than it is you need to fill your mind with the Word of God meditation in the Bible means to engage in contemplation and reflection in other words once you know the meaning of a passage of Scripture you begin to contemplate and reflect on how the meaning applies to your life so while you're making personal application you're also doing a self-evaluation you're reflecting on what you're doing right according to the Word of God what you're doing wrong according to the Word of God where you need to change according to the Word of God and where you need to step up according to the Word of God or maybe let go according to the Word of God 2nd Timothy chapter 3 yeah verses 16 and 17 that's what we mean by meditation we find the meaning of the passage of Scripture and that we want to contemplate and reflect on how that applies to our life the meaning and then you're going to injure quiet time with prayer oh let me say something because I went off on a tangent on on groups you're thinking well I'm a group leader what do I say then well after you after you've watched the video or you've studied something and you come in and say well this verse means this how do you think it applies to your life that's the question you ask if you're in a small group this verse means this how do we apply this to our life and we contemplate and we reflect and then we share does that make sense okay and then after you've meditated on it you're going to end your quiet time with prayer now if you've ever heard me teach on prayer you know that I use the Lord's Prayer as a guide or an outline for my personal prayer time you see the Lord's Prayer semantics which simply means that it consists of different subjects that were supposed to pray about in fact the Lord's BER has seven different subjects and these subjects cover every aspect of life every facet of life so basically what I'm telling you is this the Lord's Prayer was never meant to be a vain repetitions prayer that we recite from memory instead it was meant to be an outline for us to follow in our daily prayer life now do we memorize it well I have and the reason I do is because it's the outline that I follow when I pray with people that's what I do but there's also plenty of opportunity to pray about the things that I've been contemplating and reflecting on in my quiet time so my quiet time takes me anywhere between 45 minutes to an hour to do now if you're getting started it might just take you 10 minutes you read that you meditate on it you reflect on it you pray and you prayed for everyone and their dog in three minutes because you have to learn and grow in that you've been going a while you're quite I might take 15 to 20 minutes some of you are up to 30 minutes some of you or 45 minutes to an hour maybe longer I don't know how to start off with 10 minutes 15 minutes so let me do a quick recap if you're taking notes write this down first you need to have a consistent time same place same time every day in the morning before you go to work secondly before you begin you need to prepare your heart to hear the voice of God simple prayer get your heart ready God speak to me speak to me in the way that I need to hear it thirdly you read from God's Word not a devotional this is you're a long time with God now I'm not against devotionals pastor Islands against devotionals no I'm not read your devotional before you go to bed at night yeah well God just seems to speak to this and such a meaningful and impactful way and you know God's not like that to me well that's because you need something different fourthly after you discover the meaning of the passage of Scripture you're reading you want to meditate on it you want to contemplate it you want to reflect on how it applies to your life now you don't want to come play on what does this mean to me doesn't matter what it means to you it only matters what God intended it to me what you're reflecting on what you're contemplating is how do you apply the meaning to your life and last but not least you end with prayer
Channel: Cornerstone Fellowship
Views: 3,257
Rating: 4.8350515 out of 5
Keywords: better quiet time, bible study tips, bible study tricks, Better Quiet Time With God In 5 Steps, quiet time with god, time with god, quiet time, morning quiet time routine, quiet time routine, how to study the bible, bible study tips and tricks, allen nolan, pastor allen nolan, allen nolan cornerstone, allen nolan wisdom, cornerstone fellowship pastor allen nolan, cornerstone allen nolan, cornerstone church allen nolan, allen nolan revelation, allen nolan sermon
Id: M1ESWJaK9bc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 46sec (2386 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2019
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