Better Call Saul Final Season Predictions & Theories | Kim's Fate, Walt & Jesse, Gene's Last Stand

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Kim is definitely showing up in the Gene timeline. In her flashback her mother’s license plates were from Nebraska. Isn’t that where Gene lives? I have always thought Kim is way out of Jimmy’s league but we’ll get a bumpy ride to a happy ending. Trying to think of ways that Jimmy and Kim are the antithesis to Walt and Skyler. Looking forward to BCS in the BrBa timeline!

I think Lalo will get Nacho and Gus/Mike will get Lalo.

Edit: there is also the idea that Kim is now “in the game.” I don’t think she’ll go to Madrigal but Gus having her on retainer would be a fun storyline. Maybe she was the one who suggested donating all that money to the APD...

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/moto_maji 📅︎︎ Jun 14 2020 🗫︎ replies
better call Saul is one of my favorite shows of all time and it's only got one season left that means it's time to talk theories and predictions for better call Saul season six five years ago the journey of better call Saul seemed simple Jimmy McGill slowly entrenches himself in the criminal underworld and becomes Saul Goodman however the show introduced layers of complexity new characters and other curveballs that make the final leg of this journey anything but straightforward we have non Breaking Bad characters like Kim nacho and Lalo whose futures are uncertain there are hints and will certainly go through those but their fates are largely unknown as we head into better call saws endgame even Jimmy's fate is uncertain the Saul Goodman personality trapped within gene was seemingly awoken in season fives opener what's next for him and even the Saul Goodman we see in Breaking Bad although we know his story to the extent it intersected with Jesse's and Walt's we know very little of his personal and private life to uncover the mysteries of what lies ahead let's first briefly look back at season fives conclusion [Music] after his near-death experience in the desert Jimmy takes Kim to a hotel where they lay low after annoying Mike Jimmy learns that Lalo's assassination is imminent so it seems Jimmy and Kim are going to be okay this time anyway Jimmy believes that although they are as far as he knows free and clear of Lalo something like this will happen again that's the world of Saul Goodman Kim insists that it is not going to happen again and instead lulls Jimmy into a romantic hotel dinner during the meal she tells Jimmy about her run-in with Howard he told her all about Jimmy's antics throughout the season bowling balls prostitutes and all this leads into a playful conversation about the many ways they can get one over on Howard they could put Nair in his shampoo bottle for example but after a romantic evening Kim gives a more serious suggestion what if they get Howard accused of misconduct this would put pressure on cliff to settle the long pending sandpiper case putting about two million dollars in saw Goodman's pocket Jimmy tells Kim that she'd never actually go through with this and that she wouldn't be okay with it slip and Kimmy replies wouldn't I and shoots Jimmy the patent hit at Saul Goodman finger pistols meanwhile a nervous nacho unlocks the back gate at Lala's compound inviting in at Gus's best assassins they failed to kill although but do slaughter all his friends and associates at the house Lalo's suspiciously eyes the glasses he shared with nacho and almost literally storms off and thus ends season five of better call Saul now let's look ahead starting with nacho and Lalo as one of the more sympathetic characters on better call Saul nacho often feels like the Jesse Pinkman of the show to me if they follow a similar trajectory things are about to get really bad for nacho and I think that's exactly what's going to happen given Lala's intelligence and athleticism it shouldn't take long for him to catch up with nacho immediately following season 5 finale also considering the way Lalo I to the glasses he shared with nacho I think it's clear he now realizes nacho was a double agent doing Gus's bidding so does Lalo immediately slay nacho in an act of revenge the moment they reunite I don't think so Lalo thinks strategically and we'll see nacho as a pawn to be used in the war against Gus meanwhile Gus should now think Lalo is dead remember Lalo forced one of Gus's henchmen to report a successful assassination so Lalo can threaten nachos father as leverage and turn nacho into a triple agent with two puppet masters Gus on one side and Lalo on the other with the faked assassination Gus won't suspect Lalo of pulling nachos strings though considering how smart Gus is we have to assume it won't take long for him to discover Lalo was alive at which point he'll likely tried to play nacho against Lalo all over again if nacho walked a tightrope last season next season he'll walk a tightrope where one end is on fire slowly catching up to him and a vat of man-eating sharks wait below squeezed in a vice between Gus and Lalo with his father's life on the line he'll be forced to take offensive action for this he'll need to turn to Mike and Saul for help who both also have a vested interest in insuring Lalo's demise so the stage is set for all-out war next season however this battle plays out it seems likely Mike in Seoul are able to facilitate nachos escape from Lalo's clutches unlike Kim we had a little fodder for speculation from breaking bad because nacho and Lalo both get mentioned by name in that series when Jesse and Walt kidnap Saul he believes Lalo is behind the kidnapping he begs for them to spare his life by yelling Ignacio is of course nachos full name this would imply that whatever offensive strategy nacho and company enact it ends with Lalo defeated but not dead otherwise Saul wouldn't jump to the conclusion that Lalo was behind the kidnapping perhaps with Saul's legal expertise they're able to get Lalo arrested it's already been established that even behind prison walls Lalo has power certainly power enough to arrange for the kidnapping of a scummy lawyer speaking of which let's talk about Saul Goodman himself we are quickly hurtling towards the point in saul goodman's career where he bumps into Walter White and things go haywire in Breaking Bad Saul seems to have let go of the moral qualms held by Jimmy McGill it's hard to imagine our Jimmy casually suggesting that Walt sent Hank Schrader on a trip to Belize in case you need a reminder that's code for assassination Hank knows that's not nothing yeah I can't exactly see him turning the other cheek of course there's always always what have you given any thought to sending him on a trip to Belize Belize yeah please you know Mike went to so I think it's safe to assume there's at least one more Fred Whelan in Sol's future one more event that wakes him up to the realities of being a friend to the cartel I imagine that in the course of his war against Lalo he'll have to make some tough choices and sacrifices that hardened him and prepare him for Breaking Bad I think that hardening and final step into criminality is most of what remains in Sol's journey I'm sure the writers have some major surprises in store for us but at this point with his trajectory leading to known territory I actually find myself much more intrigued by Kim's transformation there's been a long-standing debate over whether or not Kim will survive better call Saul it seems unlikely that she's part of Saul's life in Breaking Bad at the same time if she were to die it's hard to imagine Saul being the happy-go-lucky lawyer we know he becomes so let's talk about where Kim is heading then it will check back in with Saul during the Breaking Bad timeline and beyond to understand Kim's position heading into season six we need to consider one of better call Saul major themes coming to terms with who you are we saw this when Mike accused Gus of trying to balance the scales in the episode dedicado ah Max and no idea you financed the whole place I prefer it that way the anonymous benefactor well that must make you feel pretty good and is that supposed to balance the scales make up for everything else you do it makes up for nothing I am Gus accepts who he is more than anyone and it's no coincidence that he's one of the most successful characters on the show this conversation resonates with Mike as his character seems to lock into place by the season's end he tells his daughter-in-law Stacey that he's better now when she asks why he explains that he decided to play the cards he was dealt in other words he's no longer fighting who he is he'll work for Gus and carry out his orders even if they fall into the gray area Vince Gilligan and Peter Gould loved to explore Kim seems to struggle with defining herself more than any other character on the show who is Kim Wexler is she the up-and-coming lawyer at Mesa Verde is she the last line of defense between the system and the underprivileged or maybe she's a con artist who goes by the moniker Gisele the best example of this is in the latest season at where Kim hatches a scheme with Jimmy to save mr. ackers home and at the last minute tries to stop it she dips into the world of Saul Goodman only to change her mind and attempt to return to legitimacy by the end of season 5 has Kim figured out who she is and accepted it I think the answer is mostly yes this is what allowed her to make a major decision like quitting Schweikart and Cokely taking that kind of a risk and making big decisions are part of the gusts like superpower you gain when you come to terms with who you are after being played by Seoul kim has taken a firm grip on the reins of her life and won't let go again she is finally going to focus her efforts on helping the underserved through her pro bono work people will get representation typically reserved only for the wealthy before leaving Schweikart and Cokely for good Kim returns to her office and grabs a souvenir a stopper from the bottle of Zafiro Anejo she acquired as giselle back in season two she's accepted Kim the con artist as part of who she is meaning I don't think we'll see her flip-flop again we're in season five she wanted to stop the Kevin plan at the last second in season six I don't think she'll back down from hurting Howard even if Saleh tries to stop her that's my prediction for Kim in the final season we're done is seeing her flip-flop she's full steam ahead on taking down Howard then the question becomes so what what happens next I see a few possibilities one Kim succeeds and everything goes according to plan - Howard fights back and Kim either losses or wins but suffers greatly to do so three the plan backfires and essentially ends Kim's career the first option everything goes according to plan seems less interesting on the surface however the breaking bad better call saw universe is one where characters constantly change so if Kim and Jimmy are successful in taking down Howard Kim will somehow evolve through the process the writers caught most of us off-guard last season reminding us that Kim's moral compass isn't as functional as we thought I have a feeling they'll run with this thread and Kim's evolution will be one that takes her further into dark territory I should note I don't think Kim is becoming more evil or anything like that rather I think we're seeing something that's always been a part of her she's only now choosing to fully embrace it if you reflect back on the series Kim's objections to Jimmy's antics have often come from a place of avoiding consequences if you're going to break the rules you need to break them in a way so that you don't get caught her objections have not typically come from a place of moral concern I believe her moral compass points towards helping the less privileged if there's collateral damage like Howard Hamlin's career so be it her stated plan is to take a portion of the Sandpiper earnings to open a pro bono practice she wants to have her moral cake and eat it too unfortunately in the Breaking Bad universe consequences are real you don't get to balance the scales by doing a little evil to fund a little good my prediction is that Kim wins and Howard loses this strengthens Kim's resolve as a Robin Hood s character leading to riskier endeavors ultimately one of these endeavors comes close to ending her career or sending her on the run partnering with Saul she pulls through and survives career intact massive relief this storyline may even dip into the Breaking Bad timeline lulling us viewers into thinking wow maybe Kim makes it maybe she's around during Breaking Bad lurking between the scenes then Howard shows up and asks Jimmy have you thought about that job offer just kidding Howard shows up with either proof of what meddling Kim did to frame him or something else damaging to her career and life whatever the specifics I think it ends with Kim losing her career shortly after starting her dream job she opens the pro bono practice and things are great but ultimately they are undone by the sin that funded them many of us have assumed her downfall will be as collateral damage to Saul Goodman I think it's much more likely and more interesting that Kim's unraveling will be a consequence of taking a ride on bad choice Road at this point I think Kim leaves Jimmy and Albuquerque behind she can no longer be a lawyer or live the dream she long sought there for sticking around Saul Goodman and all his lawyerly antics would be a pretty painful reminder of what's been lost also after reflecting on who she's become and how far her moral compass has gone askew I think she'll want a fresh start that could mean moving somewhere new to hit the reset button or depending on how hard Howard presses it could mean calling ed the disappear er to avoid a prison sentence that could by the way be how II D the disappear is introduced into the show's mythology as we've yet to see him mentioned outside the Jean story Kim has always been the hardest character to predict so just for fun although another possibility out there it's safe to assume that Lalo or another villain will threaten Kim's life as leverage against Saul we've seen it happen already so I'm sure it's not a tactic Lawler will take off the table we've also seen that Kim can fend for herself and stand at toe-to-toe with Lalo maybe she becomes more involved in the war between Gus the cartel and the Salamanca's ultimately Kim is key in defeating Lalo and after a taste of cartel life she wants more kim quickly rises up the ranks surpassing even Saul Goodman to become entrenched in the broader criminal world perhaps magical needs to hire a new in-house lawyer cama moves up and away from Jimmy McGill Albuquerque and her old life maybe either way I don't think that's the end of Kim's story I tend to be an optimist and I'm holding out hope for a Kim appearance in the Jean timeline before we get to that though let's talk about what happens when better call Saul inevitably collides with the Breaking Bad a timeline first quick minder if you haven't done so already to hit that subscribe button and the Bell icon so you get notified if the next time we do a video or the next time we go live as I alluded to earlier I think there's a good chance we'll dip into the Breaking Bad timeline next season I don't think it'll just be glossed over or skipped entirely to reach the genes story in a way telling any of Saul's story and Breaking Bad seems limiting because they can only play between the cracks of what we already know however another way to look at this is it gives the writers a chance to seriously play with audience expectations for example it feels safe to assume Kim won't be around but what if she is what if nacho somehow played an unseen role in Breaking Bad the writers know what we expect to see and I don't think they'll pass on the opportunity to subvert those expectations and really interesting ways also I'll be upset if we don't get some back to the future to magic where scenes from the original are intercut with new footage smoothly combining Breaking Bad scenes with a new better call Saul footage just feels like too fun a challenge for these writers to pass up watching some of the AMC behind-the-scenes footage you can see how much joy they got in recreating Saul's office for the season for flash-forward to Saul's closing his office once they've shown us what we need to see from the Breaking Bad timeline there is an interesting filmmaking question how do we fast forward to gene for example do we see Saul and Walter White meet for the first time then fade to black and fade back in on gene or does one episode end with Saul and Kim's journey essentially wrapped up then the next episode opens in black and white since better call Saul began knowing the writers affinity for montages I've always had my money on a Breaking Bad montage that fast-forwards us to Jean I can imagine them editing together a great five or so minutes of new footage and old footage set to the perfect song summarizing Jimmy's journey from Saul to Jean this would also allow for a few tasteful Walt and Jesse cameos however we get there I feel pretty certain that we'll spend at least an episode or two with Jean as the coda to this series it's easy to do the math and say hey most better call Saul seasons are 10 episodes and this one is 13 that means we're getting three jean episodes I'm sure it doesn't work out that cleanly but I'd also bet that more Jean time played into the decision for a longer season anyway whatever filmmaking trick the writers use to fast forward into the post Breaking Bad timeline let's talk about what might happen once we're there before we get to Jean and better call Saul is grand finale though let's touch on a couple of other loose ends by the end of season 5 I feel as though mike has essentially become the Mike we know from Breaking Bad that's not to say there's no development left for his character for example he's clearly still feeling the fallout from Werner's murder and he'll likely have some tough choices to make when it comes to nacho vs. Lalo versus Gus however I think he'll serve as more of a supporting character in the final season for example in the episode bagman he played a prominent role but rather than teach us about Mike he taught us about Saul he prompted Saul to think about why he's doing all this and taught Saul the lesson that Kim is now in the game I think Gus will play a similar role better call saul has already added more layers to this fascinating character I'm hopeful we'll get more windows into his backstory next season but I think he'll largely be there as a supporting character helping to shed light on our protagonists for example his constant pushing is largely what's forced nacho to take action and further revelations on the nacho character will come from Gus's presence Peter Gould Vince Gilligan and the other writers have shown incredible restraint when it comes to Breaking Bad crossovers it would be so easy to grab the ratings bump and tell people hey Walter white shows up in the next episode given their restraint we've come to trust the writers that any Breaking Bad appearances will be tasteful and organic so entering the final season as we come closer to the Breaking Bad timeline will they finally take the plunge and give us appearances from Walt or Jessi it feels like the opportunity is too enticing to say no interviews with Peter Gould and Vince Gilligan all point to better call Saul likely being the last entry in the Breaking Bad verse at least in the foreseeable future so if they don't put Brian Cranston and Aaron Paul into the final season they might miss their last chance to work with them in these roles however I honestly have a hard time picturing how this will work I don't think they'll use better call Saul to tell us anything new about Jesse or Walt however either or both of these characters may be used in service of further developing Saul in the same way that Mike helped to further develop Saul in the bag man episode whatever the nature of the appearance ends up being I think it'll be brief for example I mentioned the possibility of blending new scenes with old footage to show some of what we didn't see from saw during Breaking Bad perhaps Brian Cranston and Aaron Paul will shoot some new footage primarily to help in this blending of worlds I'd love for them to subvert my expectations and show that there is some surprising way to use Walt or Jesse in a significant role while still feeling organic and tasteful however this feels nearly impossible even for the amazing writers behind better call Saul anyway without further ado let's talk about gene and how better call Saul may end [Music] we last left gene in a precarious position he was recognized as Saul Goodman by a taxi driver named Jeff this immediately prompts him to call Eadie the disappearo only to change his mind and pronounce that he's gonna fix it himself first question I have is how does gene intend to fix this if he were Walter White I'd guess his next steps are to figure out Jeff's favorite artificial sweetener and a lace it with ricin however I don't think assassination is what gene has on his mind Saul may be okay with crossing that line when he's suggesting or ordering a hit but I don't think he has the ability to do it himself instead he'll have to open up his saw goodman toolbox and use some good old-fashioned criminal lawyers and I'm sure he'll relish the opportunity I think Saul will follow Jeff and learn everything he can about him he'll look for either an opportunity to blackmail or if needed frame him for something either way he'll find or create leverage over Jeff something that provides the mutual assured destruction gene needs to ensure Jeff won't talk assuming gene is successful in protecting his identity he goes back to the Cinnabon and roll credits the end I'm assuming there's more to it so I find myself asking what's left in saw Goodman's journey I think the answer is reckoning coming to terms with who he was and who he is in Breaking Bad Walt had to reckon with himself by finally admitting that he didn't do it all for his family he did it for himself he was good at it and it made him feel alive one more time that you did this for the family I did it for me I liked it I was good at it and I was really I was alive I can't imagine a better call Saul ending without a similar moment of reckoning for Jimmy McGill he needs to come to terms with the choices he made and why he made them I'm not sure even as Jean he has full appreciation for the Karma of his situation does he recognize that he became in many ways a bad person from episode 1 of the series we've seen him long for his days as Saul Goodman the series opens with him pouring a drink and watching old Saul Goodman commercials similar to Walt his days as a criminal were his best days he enjoyed them the fact that he still romanticizes them and longs for them tells me he has not fully reconciled with himself similar to Walt and Skyler's tense conversation in the Breaking Bad finale I predict we'll get a conversation between Kim and Jimmy as a sort of a final statement on his character we have to talk about the flash-forward and better call Saul is a season four episode quite a ride in the flash-forward Saul and Francesca are shredding all their documents and tearing down his office before leaving Saul asks her ok where are you gonna be November 12 to 3:00 p.m. I'll be there but if it doesn't ring at 3:00 on the dot I'm gone don't worry it's gonna ring who is going to be calling at 3:00 p.m. on November 12th well November 12th is Jimmy's birthday if at this point in the series Kim is on the run or just completely out of Jimmy's life is it possible they have an annual tradition of her calling him on his birthday perhaps they are completely out of touch maybe Jimmy doesn't even know how to reach Kim but they have at least one check in each year Kim calls at 3:00 p.m. on November 12th to wish Jimmy a happy birthday even if the two are separated I think they've been it too important in each other's lives to walk away with absolutely no contact my prediction is that Jimmy has left Francesca with some piece of info to pass on to Kim the next time she calls this information will give Kim what she needs to track down Jimmy as Jean in the post Breaking Bad timeline so Jean takes one last ride as Saul Goodman to protect his identity he meets up with Kim then what there are so many ways the show can go in its finale personally I'm crossing my fingers for a happy ending Breaking Bad showed us the absolute moral and physical disintegration of Walter White I'd love for better call Saul to show us the flip side of that coin I believe Jimmy McGill is a good person who has gone astray bad circumstances taught him the wrong lessons and his talents unfortunately aligned perfectly with some awful things I'd like to thank Jean can achieve some reconciliation for himself make peace with what he's done and find some way to move on I'd love to think whatever's next for Jean Kim is a part of it but in terms of happy endings that might be a bridge too far in fact when we meet Kim in the post Breaking Bad timeline I wouldn't be shocked if there were some allusion to a post Saul Goodman husband or serious relationship she's moved on but she's happy with whatever new life she's carved out for herself perhaps she's also found a new way to help people that doesn't require her to be a lawyer and perhaps seeing Kim happy will show Jimmy that although he's left his old dreams behind he too can find some meaning in life they part ways and a Jean although alone smiles as he reflects on the new life he is about to begin maybe I'm too much of an optimist but that's the sort of bittersweet ending I'd love to see for Jimmy McGill anyway we've been on an amazing journey with these characters I can't believe it's almost at an end and although I'm sad to leave this world behind I can't wait to see it's come clusion with that I'll wrap up by asking what do you think lies ahead in better call Saul's final season do you agree with my predictions or do you have your own take did I miss anything you'd like to bring up let me know in the comments below and we'll keep the speculation going and if you enjoyed this video please go ahead and hit the like button hit the subscribe button and of course the Bell icon so you get notified the next time we release a video or the next time we go live thanks for watching and see you on the next one take by the way videos like this one take a lot of time and effort to put together if you'd like to see more like it consider showing your support by checking out 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Channel: OneTake
Views: 342,520
Rating: 4.8954058 out of 5
Keywords: better call saul, breaking bad, better call saul season 5, better call saul season 6, saul goodman, kim wexler, better call saul recap, jimmy mcgill, better call saul explained, better call saul season 6 predictions, better call saul final season predictions, better call saul final season theories, better call saul season 5 ending explained, better call saul season 5 finale explained, better call saul finale predictions, better call saul season 6 theories, walter white, onetake
Id: hOPvzORIpYk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 34sec (1954 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 10 2020
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