Better Call Saul Season 2 Episode 1 (Switch) | Table Read

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Man, Rhea and Bob are fucking magic.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/Buckaroo_Banzai_ 📅︎︎ May 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

I literally just watched this entire thing and have no regrets, that was fucking great lol

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/Sedinery97 📅︎︎ May 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

Thanks for sharing this.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/resueman100 📅︎︎ May 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

I think you may have just sold me on the Blurays. Damn, that was great!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Scrumpilump2000 📅︎︎ May 14 2020 🗫︎ replies

!RemindMe 5 minutes

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 14 2020 🗫︎ replies
really so delighted to be back for a season two let's let's crush it and hopefully people will like it the way they like season 1 sweet ok guys read away just before I start there's been some questions the script scene descriptions been redacted a bit that's just to make this flow a little bit smoother and faster so that being said let's start guys 201 when the teaser macro closed on a familiar spiral it's frosty white cream on a big grey bun and we begin in beautiful high contrast black and white and yes that is the top of a Cinnabon bun because we were back in the cinnamons store at night we're in the food court in Omaha Nebraska in the post Breaking Bad present it's closing time there are two sentiment employees cleaning up we have macro views of old dough being scraped soapy sponges cleaning spray bottle squirting and brooms and mops sweeping hands pull out a used coffee filter and carry the filter over to a garbage pail the trash lid is lifted and we angle up from inside the garbage can revealing a sad Cinnabon manager Jean formerly Saul Goodman formerly Jimmy McGill dumping the coffee grounds right on us we go wider we stay with Jean through a few moments of his typical closing routine jeez emotions are rote bland bored except for the other two employees the place is empty Jean turns out the lights moments later Jean with the two employees at the garbage bag says goodnight night ladies get home safe see you Jean good night women pad off together the rest of the stores are also closed once Cinnabon and secure jean lugs the garbage bags the opposite direction of employees into a corridor where he passes a janitor on a riding back the to late night drones share a simple nod moments later he finds his way into a hallway and Jean passes beneath the clock that reads 1020 p.m. as he rounds the corner he pushes through a door into a dumpster room pushes the heavy door and chalks it open with a wooden wedge he walks the bags over the dumpsters you see that this room is very dirty with cigarette butts debris graffiti on the wall he lifts one bag and tosses it into the dumpster he does this the wooden wedge on the door slips and scrapes gene turns makes a huge lunge for it no no no boom door closes and locks it's not budging damn it no hey hello hey come on hello somebody he pounds on the door calling out for help but no response Jean looks back sees an emergency exit door with the push bar marked with the warning alarm will sound he steps up and considers a long beat he's too afraid he returns to the other door hello hey I'm in here can someone out Hey I'm but he's wasting his energy he backs off sits on a crate pathetic he noticed that the graffiti picks up a loose drywall screw and absently fiddles with it and off this sad little Jean we time cut did that same hallway the clock now reads 11:48 p.m. more than hours gone by that same janitor wills a bin of garbage rounds the corner into the dumpster room jeans in the same place the drywall screw hanging in his fingers until the janitor pushes the door open Jeanne drops the screw and stands quickly brushing past the janitor who wanders briefly it says whatever we stay in the dumpster rooms gene pads away while the janitor wedges the door and dumps his garbage we push in on the wall of graffiti the camera continues to approach the spot where Jean was sitting the janitor wipes past frame we hear the door closing finally we noticed something scratched into the paint carved with the tip of a drywall screw tiny letters SG was here what exactly does this mean off this tiny enigmatic rebellion we end the teaser we begin act 1 in an abstract out-of-focus world we're in color a hand drops into shot wearing a familiar pinkie ring we reveal that we are exterior the courthouse parking lot day it's Jimmy and we're in a scene at the end of episode 110 although it's the same scene from back in the day it's new shots Jimmy is considering what he should do before walking in to see Kim meet his potential new employers from the law firm of Davis and main here's all the events leading up to this moment rattling through his brain his colorful past a slippin Jimmy and now his gray future as a lawyer is this what he wants and as before Jimmy fiddles with this pinky ring except now the scene continues Jimmy marches toward the courthouse so we realized he didn't immediately turn around and drive away at the end of episode 110 what is he doing we make our way into the hallway where Kim Hamlin and the representatives from Davis and mean including Clifford main are present two younger associates stand with me and sharp gray suits Oh Jimmy right on time good to see you hello Howard Hey hi James Miguel dog with main just Jimmy it's pleasure to meet you Clifford likewise we've heard all about your work on Sandpiper well it's a group effort these folks at HHM are just knocking it out of the park well we know the case wouldn't exist without you absolutely you get him on your team and you'll see why I call him Charlie hustle Jimmy these are my associates Timothy Talbot and Aaron drill hey nice to meet you Timothy Aaron offer friendly hellos as jimmy shakes their hands guys I hate to do this but can I borrow him miss Wexler for a moment all right why I just need a second if you'll excuse us Jimmy steps away oh sorry calm down okay pardon me Jimmy moves Kim out of their earshot what's going on yeah I look here's the thing Jimmy if I take this job does that mean the two of us you and me and Jimmy makes it back and forth motion with his hands I mean what if I take the job today with Davis and main will you and me be together Jimmy I've one thing has absolutely nothing to do with the other nothing at all no of course not why would it great sorry about that listen I want to thank you sincerely for your interest in me it's an honor to be considered but it at this time at this time I'm gonna have to take myself out of the running so thank you Howard thanks Jimmy Hanlon looks to Kim who can only stand there wildered and watch Jimmy exit we cut to the parking lot the cashier booth a repeat of existing 110 footage meaning we don't shoot any of this that was quick no charge help me out here did I dream it or did I have $1,600,000 in cash on my desk when I closed my eyes I could still see it it's burned into my retinas like I stared into the Sun no one on God's green earth knew we had it we could have split it 5050 we could have gone on with $800,000 each tax-free your point being why didn't we wait what stopped us I seem to remember you saying something about doing the right thing I don't even know what that means you want to know why I didn't take the money is that what you're asking yeah that's what I'm asking mean personally I was hired to do a job I did it that's as far as it goes yeah well I know what stopped me you know what it's never stopping me again and Jimmy drives off smile creeping onto his face we're exterior nail salon the store is open inside the chatty bean to me salon workers attend to their clients Jimmy swings the esteem into a parking spot he steps out jong-kook our ladies junk ow mrs. Wynn a beautiful day out there yeah I get out of this place once a while throw a frisbee you have some fun I have a business to run nope the business is running you listen to me thank me later he moves off for his office and passes the water dispenser he grabs a cup you the water for customer only of course Jimmy respectfully returns the cup but then he squats down and opens the spigot he lets the water drain directly into his open mouth misses when the salon workers are speechless Jimmy throws a nod to mrs. Wynn basically a yeah that just happened he struts off we pick him up in the back room Jimmy unlocks his office Jimmy goes inside slams the door shut and we hang on the printout outside the door which reads James and McGill Esquire Law Corporation until Jimmy opens the door rips the printout down the blank door swings back at us we wonder what the hell is Jimmy doing we then cut to a parking garage day we're closed on a sandwich bag next to it is Mike waiting patiently he feels the low quake of a vehicle and Mike turns and watches a giant yellow Hummer red flames on the side rolling up in parking who's inside this monster and what did they want with Mike Mike picks up his brown lunch bag and coolly walks away the tinted windows lower to reveal price hey it's me Mike keeps walking price is confused he puts the Hummer him to reverse tries to keep pace with Mike but he's in danger of taking out a pillar hey hello hello oh geez it's me I got a new car you like it Mike glances around then steps closer we are not taking that to the meet well how are we gonna get there I'll Drive my car why this business requires restraint that is the opposite of restraint but I like it I'm proud of it and you can be proud of it on your own time but not with me I am not getting in that okay then don't I mean honestly I mean you don't really do anything I mean I've been paying you the salary of three people to just stand behind me you know these last few deals this nacho fellas come alone I mean he if he doesn't need backup men then I mean why do I need you I should just go alone I'm throwing away money just tossing it away in the trash look you do whatever you want but I'm advising you do not go to that meet without somebody watching your back yeah well of course you'd say that you don't want to be out of this easy-peasy job well sorry but this right here is the gravy train and it's leaving the station right now so last chance all aboard Mike stares then walks off seriously last chance I'm gonna count to say ten and then okay then your services are no longer needed and price drives off but it takes to turn to wide needs to back up an awkwardly maneuver so he doesn't hit a pillar and off this parting of ways we find ourselves in a desert meeting spot a few hours later we're close on a pair of red Air Jordan sneakers with yellow highlights anxiously shifting back and forth we reveal its price waiting next to his yellow Hummer we note that he has a giant expensive watch and his pants are hiked too high a familiar van appears being driven by nacho Price sets the cardboard box full of pills on the back bumper of a summer as nacho steps out his usual manila envelope of cash in hand hola no old guy what did he break a hip or something I know right yeah no we we parted ways saw things differently so you know how that is and nacho sizes up price then he hands over the envelope and this price moves away a little D count the cash we were no bill that not to his pissed but nacho never shows price how angry he is this is interesting yeah you like it can I take a look oh yeah get on in check it out not so climbs up on the running board Wow impressive thank you yeah get in feel the leather knots are slides in it's an h2 brand new off the line slimmer than the h1 but longer more height yeah it's a honey v8 engine 325 horsepower tri-zone climate controls can have a girl in a bikini and another in a parka and they'd both be comfortable out of prices view not so casually pops open the hummers glovebox you riding around with two girls in your SUV you'd be very comfortable though oh yeah yeah anyway I should count this yeah do you think make sure it's right the price is unaware as nacho takes out the vehicle registration and reads prices real name Daniel warm Walt and his address nacho returns a registration eases the glovebox shut steps to the ground as price approaches with the pills okey-doke we are good same as before still factory sealed as always welcome to condom I trust you okay then Thanks till next time price watches nacho drive away price climbs back in the Hummer pretty satisfied with the success and we wonder what kind of trouble he's just gotten himself into as we end act 1 begin act 2 exterior hotel pulled a blue water we're looking straight down at a large hotel swimming pool into frame drifts Jimmy and a floating lounge tear a mai tai and his cup holder life was good a muffled cell phone rings he laps lazily at the water and we reveal a cell phone floating in a ziplock bag bobbing over to within his reach hello yes no no sorry yes yes this is James McGill but I'm no longer a lawyer that's right not a lawyer by a shadow crosses over so this is what a midlife crisis looks like uh not midlife crisis clarity midlife clarity Oh clarity huh can I have some of that clearly explain to me why you just walked out on the best job opportunity of your life get in the pool and I'll tell you get in the pool come on just pop in the gift shop buy a bathing suit we can go with a one-piece nothing fancy water's perfect 82 degrees order a drinking you gotta try the crab dip it's amazing why are you acting like this I'm not acting like anything I just I finally decided to be me passing poolside waiter approaches everything okay mr. Cumpston would you like another drink no I I'm good for now Thanks waiter smiles and nods continuing on his way tell you what mr. if you really want to talk I'll be in the bar but not for long Kim walks off hey Rolando and Jimmy doesn't Universal mine 4 check please off Jimmy handling to the poolside we do a time cut and we find ourselves in a hotel bar little later it's a high-end place Jimmy scans a bar menu Kim has her own bar menu but can't help but stare at Jimmy bewildered what do you mean quit the law I quit it simple as that oh well thanks for explaining super clear now Jimmy raises hand apply capacity excuse me is this a misprint it's gotta be right $50 shot of tequila is it worth it apparently I mean kind of a personal choice thing Wow can't die without trying a 50 dollar shot of tequila so - please dose neat we can charge that to the room can we no we can't we I am paying and he will be having a shot of your well brand and I'll have a glass of your house red we have a Pinot a Cabernet whatever dealer's choice something with alcohol you got it Jenni did something happen in Cicero why did something have to happen in Cicero because when I talked to you about Davis & main you were ready to take the job but you get back and you're suddenly quitting the law cheating hotels out of expensive liquor wearing a really weird pinkie ring what are you in the Mafia now asking him did we have a future where'd that come from I don't know I just okay look it's not Cicero it's my whole life you know at least from the time Chuck made me come to Albuquerque ever since I got here all I've been doing is trying to make Chuck happy bending over backwards to please Chuck Chuck Chuck Chuck not anymore you quitting the law isn't that exactly what Chuck wants who cares right this is for me I got into the law for all the wrong reasons by trusting my instincts here my talents are better spent elsewhere we're floating in somebody else's pool do you mean you're a great lawyer I'm not just saying that Sandpiper your work with the clients you're good why give it up okay look I'm not saying that it never had its moments but the stuff I liked selling people convincing people you know got to be a lawyer to do that besides people tell me how they see me and it's not as a lawyer no way two returns with their drinks in Kim's carton here you go let me know if I can get you anything else and just as that's happening we catch the sound of a loud mouth alone at the bar bragging on his Bluetooth it's Ken wins the parking spot stealing from Breaking Bad who got his car blown up by Walter White yeah short it short it short it short it stalks useless has no legs like a circus freak - of fun Len no no no no that one's even worse put a pillow over its face till you hear the deathbed queef it's a loser see man can mostly ignore the big mouth so if you're not gonna be a lawyer then what float around and wait for your Sandpiper and money to roll in next year's Sandpiper has no bearing on what I'm doing at all then what's the plan to be open to the universe so no plan to walk the earth like Jules at the end of Pulp Fiction I was thinking more like Kwai Chang Caine from kung fu but no yes maybe I whatever the universe presents whatever opportunity arises I'm gonna take it whatever opportunity wasn't Davidson main an opportunity a great opportunity and you're walking away from it look shouldn't you at least try the job before you say no what and waste everyone's time including my own thank you for your concern Kim but I don't I don't want it it's not for me do you remember how long you studied for the bar how hard you worked I mean all that effort Hassan anyway yeah that's the sunk cost fallacy the what fallacy of sunk cost it's what gamblers do you know throwing good money after bad thinking they could turn their luck around I already invested all this time and money and whatever I got to keep going no you know there's no reward at the end of that game you're making a mistake I know you're making a mistake look I did the right thing all these years where did it get me nowhere I'm sorry I don't I don't get it I just don't well it's what's right for me and as the two goes silent Kevin seems to even get a louder and louder donkey balls dude Wall Street's for suckers New York's a syphilitic piss hole and a terrorist target I mean who needs that aggravation if the Oracle doesn't have to live there I sure as hell don't I can make a million dollar stock trade on a laptop sitting on my toilet I'm like Midas gold bricks on my throne that's why spiegel been a ditch want my business so bad I'm a golden God yeah till next time brother man flipside on it check you can win taps off as a Bluetooth pull some papers out of the satchel next time and reads Jimmy seize him seize an opportunity show exactly what he's talking about - Kim hey come with me what just go on trust me what are you gonna do you want to understand what I'm talking about follow my lead Jimmy moves smoothly for mr. after a beat against her better judgment Kim policin and at the bar we find Jimmy stepping up to Ken hey could you settle a bet for us no way I'm sorry I don't want to make it sound like I was eavesdropping but I kind of was we could hear you talk about stocks mm-hmm it's just one question if you could settle the debate between me and my sister listen I wouldn't normally do this but you do sound like an expert you know we need somebody who knows this stuff yeah go oh great here's the question when it comes to the stock market is there a financial limit a person is allowed to invest no no limit yeah see knew it yes even if it's an inheritance like with inheritance taxes and whatnot nope same god that's great that is fantastic thank you buddy see no limit right so that means we can invest at all it's it's the smart move it's silly to put it all in a bank now you can invest all your money just be sure to diversify yeah diversify yeah but what do you mean diversifying diversify you know they'll saying about not putting all your eggs in one basket right same principle yeah that makes complete sense it's is Thanks now if I knew how much money you're talking ballpark I could you know give you some examples of smart diversification oh well see we have an uncle on my father's side who passed recently and he left us somewhere in the neighborhood of a it's amazing I am NOT greedy but if we invest it but you know now smart I mean we could double it or triple it or hell even quadruple the freakin inheritance right yeah well my opinion fortune favors the bold yeah yeah if you guys are free to join me for a drink yeah I could give you a quick console oh it's alright we were gonna just kind of do it ourselves on you know an online brokerage website you pick some classic yeah what do you call it - blue chip stocks yeah yeah you can totally do it yourself shoot for the tried and true but then you know you might be putting your cash into the Hindenburg the Andrea Doria Corky Romano you know they all look rock-solid beforehand but not good yeah how do you know well that's where someone like myself comes in proven track record as a wealth manager i tec take calculated but aggressive risks because i want to catch lightning and i do practically a money-printing machine sounds good money printing machines yeah look why don't we just did grab a booth you know just talk no obligations can't hurt right yeah I guess sis you say you want to talk sis okay oh come on Electric Slide on right in here with me and we'll just wrap a little bit my name is Kim and you are Oh Victor with a K cool so Victor with a K and I'm sorry it's just so Gisele st. Claire please sit so Victor with a K and Giselle organic names another Dutch well bar to be precise but our father started families from South Africa which is where uncle Humphrey passed away Humphrey Oh South Africa they grown beautiful they're like Charlize Theron and you I've never been but I hope to visit someday well when I get through you two you might just be going there and your own private jet nice oh yeah hey we're sitting over here now wine list when you get a sec oh actually are you a tequila fan love it what do you say three tequila's have you heard of the Pharaon yaho no but I am down for whatever three whatever she just said you got it and the waiter departs to fill their order off Jimmy and Kim's sharing a look and a smile we time cut to later that at evening it's now night we have a striking bottle filling the frame this is the Zafiro Anejo the expensive tequila Gus fring used when he poisoned Don Eladio this particular bottle is poison free a female bartender officially kills it off while pouring the last three shots and the familiar waiter steps to the bar loading a serving tray they glanced at each other meaningfully holy crap what a bar tab this is gonna be the bartender uncorks the fancy stopper set sit atop the waiters tray the waiter nods and grins heading for the booth where Ken laughs with Victor inches up the waiter delivers the last round along with a stopper which he offers to Kemp compliments of the bartender she thought you might like a souvenir oh my god did we drink the entire bottle now yeah we did Cheers meet Kim and Jimmy clink glasses Kim pockets the stopper mmm I think we're ready for the check just then Kimmie without an offer document really it's it's it's a smart way to go okay so to be clear you take the money directly out of our account invested devotion diversify it and then the dividends profits and what-have-you come back into our account absolutely and you will get a detailed statement quarterly showing how much your money is growing you know the biggest Bulls of the month etc ten buddy great just just sign here Victor with a K and Giselle you're next is so exciting Miriah returns with the second folks it's been a pleasure that's mine nope nope nope can't let you do some wait can you are oh you're the greatest man thank you nope no problemo this will be the best decision you ever made I believe it oh it can we just really been great we should get out of your hair yeah ken wins tears off the yellow carbon copy hold on a sec this is yours it has my contact info on it and you know so call me anytime of questions okay sorry Wow just Ken wins finally looks at the bill what the he Flags the waiter well hey oh hello yes sure it is Ken wins looks catatonic the moments later we track Jimmy and Ken making their way out of the bar a bit buzzed they rush off they the rest of the scam is overwhelming it went perfectly Jimmy looks at the carbon copy of the deal and with the smile balls it up passing a table in he does a skyhook tosses the contract away it's so much fun tonight soon the laughing stops they both slow and they grab a take closer together and off this motionless couple leaving us to wonder if this will lead to the moment of passion it seems destined to all right act 3 it's morning we're in Kim's condo in the bathroom clothes on toothpaste as it gets squeezed into a toothbrush we find Kim brushing her teeth Jimmy t-shirt and boxes appears behind her you spent the night can I borrow that when you're done all right now that's gross wait are you kidding me are germs already intermingled you know what what are you it's my toothbrush it's different it's different how you kept gum bleed it's cold sores Jimmy come on now I need the brush I don't have an extra stop you'll fine fine Jimmy takes Kim's hand and squeeze his toothpaste on her finger shoving in his mouth to brush okay I'm fine you second I lost with and off the two having fun we cut to the bedroom a little later as Kim rushes to get ready for work Jimmy glances Kim's way noticing something it's the fancy stopper from last night's bottles if you're on yaho where kim left it when they got home kim hovers near it doing her makeup in the mirror jimmy saddles up next to her that's a keeper Thank You Viktor with a K hey it'd be great if we could do that every night but we can't yeah no of course I'm just saying if we could that would be great no we can't crap I can't be late Howard's doling out assignments today last one through the door could get stuck in dock with you you got somewhere to go huh yeah yeah sure Kim has her keys in her hand ready to lock up you good yeah oh good Jimmy awkwardly gathers his stuff and follows her out of the door we cut to a modest Street during the day we see a police car stopping in front of a middling house where a familiar yellow Hummer fills the driveway to ABQ police offers to step out silently noting the Hummer they make their way to the front door one officer pushes a doorbell we were veal price opening the door Daniel war mold I'm officer levy this is officer Saxton hi yeah please it's this way wasting no time he brings him into the living room and we reveal that the place is ransacked but price walks past it all and focuses solely on a cabinet with a busted lock see what they did here all gone all of them just what's gone I have I had a collection of baseball cards a major collection all stolen I'm sorry to hear it was that common knowledge you having baseball cards no not really nobody in particular you think might wanna wanted them no not that I know how they get in the window over there it was open when I got home I mean it was locked but it looks like they jimmied it open somehow about what time you figure this happened I left work at 8:15 came home lunch at 12:30 and called you immediately yeah what else was taken cash a fair bit of how much cash well yeah maybe not you know let's focus on what's important I mean I really only care about the baseball cards I've got a tops Mickey Mantle rookie card that is irreplaceable it's a mint 60/40 90/10 on the reverse I can go on and all my cards are in top-loaders but if they're taken out and exposed to the elements or creased god forbid you're talking a 9-point grade drop in a matter of seconds I understand the first 48 hours and matters like these are the most important so the more time passes the less chance we have of recovery so time is of the essence here guys the cops look quietly to each other something isn't sitting right well we'll try to help you as best we can mr. Rumbold thank you good yeah sure did a number on the place you think they were looking for anything else well like what I don't know just wondering your thoughts oh I assumed more baseball cards did you have more baseball cards than the ones locked in the case right here no everything was right here right well what just try to make sense of it what's to make sense of I mean isn't it as simple as I don't know the perp must have just been looking for more baseball cards or hopped up on speed or whatever and he went nuts with the vandalism yeah yeah that could be that's a pretty sweet Hummer parked out front that yours yeah that's mine it's Elise I got a very good deal very sweet you know they say Arnold Schwarzenegger the reason the Hummer exists I don't know how but that's what that's what they say no kiddin huh what kind of work do you do mr. warmup I work IT Wow computers I should have gotten into computers I'd get that same Hummer - yeah right look I'm glad you like my car but I think we're looking through the wrong end of the telescope here I mean the baseball cards are the priority of course yes now I have a detailed manifest of the whole collection and the high-ticket ones have asterisks so it's clear which one's the offense first because they're super super valuable you'll need to get the list to all the collectors and pawnshops and question anyone who's done this kind of crime before like the usual suspects can I get you the list so you can start investigating yeah why don't you get us that list okay I'll go print it god I hate Aron mint oh god my sign Derek Jeter Oh peachy Willie Mays at a nine okay gotta breathe keep breathing and as price disappears in the backroom the cops look to each other in the ransacked place okay I know right something wrong with this picture they realize that everything else in the home is turned over in askew but the sofa is right where it's supposed to be we noticed a scratch mark on the wooden floor with the silent glanced to each other they move the sofa away from the wall to find a loose section of baseboard leav he pulls the wood revealing a hidey hole he clicks on a flashlight looking inside it's empty and off the two suspicious police officers we end act 3 act 4 were back at the pool blue water and it's another lazy day in paradise for mr. Cumpston too good not to share he splashes porous bone and the floating baggie retrieves it in vials Jimmy listens to an answering machine then leaves a message hey it's me another perfect day in paradise out here I'm in the pool okay call me hangs up as a cute girl walks towards the pool she smiles at Jimmy Jimmy smiles back and he watches her walk over to a rich guy in a lounge chair he's loud money and now a to young for his age chicky babe at his side Jimmy Cooley gets back on the phone and redials yeah me again as I speak now fifty feet away from me is the mark think Thurston Howell the third if he hooked up with Mary Ann dripping in Gucci it's like I'm at the watering hole watching the slowest fattest water buffalo expose his neck to me and I'm the lioness ready two-strike come on Kim join me join the pride I say lioness cuz the females do all the hunting wanted to be species accurate irrespective my own sex it's a National Geographic thing anyway get over here okay bye Jimmy hangs up again and he's eyeing the rich guy closely he's focused but then another thought has entered his mind he looks at his phone for a long beat he considers then comes to a quiet decision he dials Santa Fe New Mexico yeah I need a number for the law firm of Davis and main yeah go ahead connect me and off this reluctant turn we cut yet again to an abstract out-of-focus world a hand drops into the shot wearing that familiar pinky ring we kept wide to reveal that Jimmy is now standing outside of Davis & main a few days later it's a beautiful adobe building in Santa Fe in impressionistic slow-motion images Jimmy walks the path towards Davis and main mean is there to welcome Jimmy to the family they shake hands and make their way into the lobby and in slow motion Jimmy soaks in the scale of the grand lobby it's actually quite nice here the associates and assistants greet Jimmy warm and friendly his Mane continues to guide him through Davis and main we find our way into the bullpen still in slow motion lawyer stepping from offices to shake his hand assistant smiling we don't hear the sound but we know that mane is proudly introducing Jimmy to the entire group and we feel applause all around as Jimmy soaks it in it's not fake it's real and Jimmy might actually be happy for himself here later we're in Jimmy's office Jimmy walks into the shot we're back in normal speed he's holding a cup of coffee life is good we noticed behind Jimmy an assistant Omar with several folders on his hand and we're catching them mid conversation there are a few options on the company cars we can arrange a test drive any time we'd like company car Wow and there's a service that will deliver it right to you wherever you want if you find you're not happy with it it's not a big deal to change it out it sounds really yeah yeah Jimmy looks around noticing a painting on the wall interesting if this isn't to your taste we have a collection of art in house you can choose from any time you're ready I can put together some samples for you to review no I I like these good well any other needs you have I'm here to help office supplies dietary needs anything special you want stocked in the fridge maybe you made a fire get kind of dry in here home all right yeah i'm pretty little maintenance sure well there's anything you need I'm right outside the door great if I think of anything good Jimmy focuses on his desk hey do you think I'm just looking at this do we get a choice of desks what were you thinking is it possible do you think we can do cocobolo cocobolo desk absolutely I will get right on it Omar leaves with purpose we stay with Jimmy who's feeling great he sits down in his Organon ik chair spins around 360 on the wall he notices a light switch with a piece of tape over it with a small hand written warning always leave on do not turn off Jimmy considers the switch a beat and gets up and approaches it he walks away looking out the window but that switch is pulled his attention back he can't help himself he's not sure why but Jimmy flips the switch he waits to see what happens nothing he clicks the switch back down reapplies the tape and walks off and based on the flip of the switch we see Jimmy is still not quite ready to live by anyone's rules but his own and off this small and subtle yet crucial revelation we end the episode [Applause] now let's go film it
Channel: Otto Al-Dahri
Views: 331,358
Rating: 4.9526448 out of 5
Id: dzaLn4RVH8k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 21sec (2421 seconds)
Published: Tue May 12 2020
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